Defamation at Work

Defamation at work occurs when employers, customers or co-workers publish false statements of fact, without legal privilege to do so, that harm the reputation of employees. A negative employment references can prevent an employee from getting a new job, for example, and would amount to defamation if false, but employers have a "qualified privilege," or a defense to defamation claims for employment references. The qualified privilege protects employers from verdicts for false and harmful references, as long as the employer did not act with malice when it made the false reference. 

Defamation defined

Each state has its own test for proving defamation at work. Generally, though, defamation at work means: 

  1. an employer, co-worker or customer made a false and harmful (defamatory) statement,
  2. about an employee or former employee,
  3. that it published, without privilege, to a third party,
  4. with fault of at least negligence (carelessness), and 
  5. either caused actual harm to reputation, or the defamatory statement is of a nature that the law presumes it to have caused such harm.

Opinions and the Innocent Construction Rule

Defamation requires an untrue statement of fact. Opinions are not facts, so defamation claims based solely on unfavorable opinions will fail. The statement that an employee "seemed shifty" expresses an opinion, while the employee "stole from me" is a statement of fact.  

If a factual statement has two meanings, one innocent and one defamatory, courts can adopt the innocent meaning and reject the claim for workplace defamation. For example, saying that detectives are questioning an employee about a suspected theft could imply that the employee is a suspected thief, or a witness to a theft.  In that case, the court can conclude that the statement meant the employee was a witness and find that the statement is innocent.

Publication to a Third Party

Defamation at work requires publication of the false statement to a third party. As a result, supervisors do not defame employees by telling only them that they did something terrible even if, in fact, they did not. The employee is the first person, not the third. In a similar sense, if the supervisor told the Human Resources Director that the employee did something awful, when the employee did not, the supervisor still has not defamed the employee. When the supervisor and Human Resource Director talk to each other about something that falls within the scope of their respective jobs, they are both speaking as the employer, and conversation amounts, in defamation law, to the employer talking to itself.

If the supervisor tells a co-worker who has no need to know that the employee did something horrible, then the co-worker is probably a third party, and the supervisor's statement is defamatory. The employee must still prove that the statement caused damage, though.  

Employer Qualified Privilege

An employer has a qualified privilege to make statements about its employees concerning matters of their employment, especially when made in response to another employer's request for a reference. The "privilege" is a defense to a defamation claim. An employer can, for example, respond to a reference request by stating that an employee "stole from us" and avoid a finding for defamation at work, even if wrong, as long as the employer did not act out of malice. Public policy encourages a free flow of information among employers about potential employees, so the law carves an exception out of the law of workplace defamation for reference requests. If the employer knows that the employee did not steal but says so anyways, the employer probably loses the privilege.

Defamation requires Fault amounting to Negligence 

An employer may avoid a finding of defamation if it exercised reasonable care when it made the false statement. For example, an employer that informs an employee assistance program that a truck driver tested positive for heroin use is not liable for defamation if the positive test was false because the employee did not tell the drug testing lab that he was taking prescribed Vicodin. For all the employer knew, the drug test was accurate, and it had no reason to believe otherwise.

Damages in a Defamation Case

An employee must prove actual damage in a defamation case, unless the words used to defame the employee amount to defamation "per se."  Employees can prove actual damage if the defamatory statement costs them their job. However, since defamation involves harm to an individual's reputation, and because reputation is difficult to quantify, actual damage is often difficult or impossible to prove.

The law assumes, however, that some statements cause harm to reputation, by the very nature of the statement. Statements that reflect upon one's character in a manner that will cause ridicule, hatred, contempt, or injury to trade or profession, if proven, are defamation per se, and do not require proof of actual damages. Accusations of serious crimes or immoral conduct constitute defamation per se.

Slander and Libel

Slander refers to defamation when spoken, and libel means written defamation. The legal test for proving and defending libel and slander claims is the same as for defamation. 

Questions and Answers (6,156)

defamation or slander
i have been injured on the job and i am currently out on disability but my coworkers are continuously saying that i do not want to work that i am on welfare is that defamation and can i sue applies to New York  ·  1 answer


Is it defamation or harassment if I vented to facebook about a coworker without naming them at all.
I am a supervisor at a store, and have a question about workplace harassment and defamation. I vented in a private facebook group and was wondering if I posted a conversation between myself and an emp... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I was cussed out and called a "f-ing idiot by my boss in front of several people. I would think it would be harrassment or defamation of character. Do I have a legel leg to stand on? applies to West Virginia  ·  1 answer

If one of your coworkers which is a trainer on the job while training each new hirer that comes through the door she tells them that your having an affair with another coworker and sending nude pictures and it not true is can this be defamation of charact
Its been and on going thing and ignoring the problem is not working so I was just wondering could this be defamation of character? applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Not quite defamation, but........
I was recently laid off from a white-collar technical position. Immediately after, my ex-boss sent a division-wide email (several-hundred recipients) announcing my layoff and adding his "opinion" that... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Can the damages from defamation include loss of income and opportunity even though I resigned?
I was not fired. This is not a case against my employer but against a third party where I execute my duties of employment. The third party banned me from his property. There are no other locations or ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Does this qualify as defamation?
I live in Kentucky and have a coworker who made a mistake at work. She is now telling all of the client base and all other employees at the company that I screwed up and that it was my fault. I also h... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

I am a receptionist. The new clinical director stated that I was "overwhelmed with billing issues when the biller was gone and that I had to go get help from another employee because I 'could not' han... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

My supv claimed that I failed to execute on a particular machine that I help monitor on my job. Even though this is the furthest from the truth. He sent an email to a co-worker and not to me. Is this defamation or slander? To send out emails like this wit
Supv emailed unsubstantiated accusation to another employee and not me. Is this publication of slanderous/defamation when its not addressed directly to me? applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Defamation case against Cablevision.
I am looking for a lawyer to work on my case. Defamation against Cablevision. I have 18 years of an unblemished record and did what my boss asked me to and was fired. I have only a small amount of mon... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Boss called me a whiner at a management meeting, is this Defamation?
At a management meeting my boss openly talked about my work performance, and said I was nothing but a whiner. Is this defamation? And what can I do about it? applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

How can I file a defamation and do I need an attorney to file or can I file myself
I want to file a suit on my former employer because if defamation of character. applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

i have an coworker that is telling other coworkers that i am a very messy person after he and i had a argument at work . can i go to human resource and file a complaint against him and on what grounds
my coworker and our manager are good friends, he and i had an argument at work. because im no longer speaking to him, he is spreading rumors about me being very messy, that is defamation of my charact... applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

Do I have a case of defamation against a co-worker?
A co-worker filed a harassment complaint against me. I believe it was in retaliation for reporting her to our supervisor for violating work rules. Our employer ruled in my favor saying the facts did n... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

my wife boss at her present job has been making false statements about her (isnt doing her job, falsely accusing her when there are issues, accusing her of theft, etc.) to other employees and also cus... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Possible defamation
I may be the victim of defamatory statements at work. Not only do these statements have a strong impact on my co-workers, but on my managers as well. In fact management is making decisions concerning ... applies to All States  ·  2 answers

Can I sue for defamation, harassment, hostile work environment?
I contract for the US Govt under a contract they have with my Science & Technology company employer. The client has been consistently lying about my responsiveness and performance in order to attempt ... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

I live in California, and my former employer is telling people that I was fired, when in fact I resigned. Is that considered defamation?
I recently resigned from my position as Director with my former employer due to a toxic work environment caused by my direct supervisor a VP. Because of the toxic environment and feeling like I had no... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Does my statement clarify as defamation at work?
was working as a contractor, the hiring manager at the time screamed at me and another co-worker assuming that the co-worker had been called for help. The hiring manager called my staffing agency and ... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Defamation / harrassment Case potential?
I work in a large sales organization and I am at the top of my field. We reguraly attend semiannual meetings. One employee who is essentially on the cultural level of nascar and pro wrestling inferred... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

employment defamation
Can a CEO threaten to pull the contract of a group provider if they refuse to let go a contract employee working at his facility because the person was rude or disrepectful to him/her. Can the contrac... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Defamation in an unrelated court case
I read in one of your answers that it is legal for an employer to include any statements they want in a court case, and this will not count as defamation. Recently I found out that some horrific accus... applies to California  ·  1 answer

If my supervisor speaks to other employees about my personal matters in a negative way to make them upset with me is that defamation or slander?
I was off work for 3 days due to a death of someone close to me and while I knew I would not receive the company's bereavement pay, I was also told that I could take the 3 days and use my accrued pers... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Employer drug tested me based on accusations of other employees. I passed and kept my job but now everyone thinks differently of me. Do I have a case for defamation?
Myself and two other employees were accused of being part of a drug ring by other employees on a different shift. The accusers have gotten two other people fired by using HR as an outlet to get rid of... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Can i pursue a defamation lawsuit if a previous employer provides false information on my employment
I was at a job for a short time, right at 3 months. I have my offer letter with my start date and I have my resignation email sent from my work email but included my personal email as well so I would ... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

Can I sue WalMart for Defamation At Work?
I work for WalMart as a Cashier and many times I work in the area where they sell Tabacco items. WalMart has posted that if I the Cashier determines that a customer is under 41 and/or under 21 years o... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Defamation? Retaliation?
A co-worker made a false report to HR, that I am a racist and a bully. This coworker and I have history. I reported her for violating the HIPPA law. She was suspend for two weeks. Since then, I've bee... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Did I commit defamation?
I work for a small firm of about 10 people. I had a situation where the Vice President of my company took a new female employee to lunch for 3.5 hours and when they came back were completely drunk. Th... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

My manager placed a paper with me and other employees, accusing us of stealing money from ATM's we service. Is this defamation of character? Am I able to do anything about this? I have been with this company for over 11 years. Never have had this happen b
I work for an armored car company that deals with money on a daily basis. I have serviced ATM's for more than ten years. Me and other employees have been accused of stealing a small amount of money fr... applies to Idaho  ·  0 answers

I quit my Job Two months ago, and two co worker are accusing me that i was steeling from the owner and two more co worker were helping me . Do i have a case of defamation against a co-worker?
I was working in a company for more that 6 years and I quit my job, to much gossipy, now two co worker are telling the owner of the company that i was stealing from him. one of the ladies just got a 3... applies to California  ·  0 answers

False statements (defamation) used in disciplinary action
I work for a higher education institution. There were a couple coworkers that were upset with me over a schedule situation. They made false accusations against me in a situation that, in turn, caused ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Can co-worker be sue for filing false police report of slander/defamation with VA police department?
An LPN nurse within the VA dermatology clinic, where I worked also, went to VA police dept. making a report stating I had told him I hated him and wanted to kill him. Management is currently, since 5/... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

What protections and remedies as a Federal employee from retaliation, defamation, and hostile enviro
I am a Department of Defense employee with an impeccable record. I have never received any form of disciplinary action and my annual ratings are consistently outstanding. I work in an organization und... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

employer defamation: negative coding system
RE: the following article; negative reference by employer HR coding system. can we sue for defamation? we may have proof My wife recently discovered that her former employer (the business manager) pro... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Is asserting condescedinghis defamation?
applies to California  ·  0 answers

My supervisor disclosed false personal information about me to my physician. Is this defamation or a violation of privacy law?
I work for a nonprofit health care provider serving individuals with chronic diseases including substance use disorders. I am in recovery. My supervisor, who knows my substance use history, went out a... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can I sue McDonald’s for wrongful termination and defamation
I was an employee at McDonaId’s. I was accused of making sexual advancements towards other employees which, is completely untrue. I have never disrespected any female employee, let alone any of my c... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Can I sue McDonald’s for wrongful termination and defamation
I was an employee at McDonaId’s. I was accused of making sexual advancements towards other employees which, is completely untrue. I have never disrespected any female employee, let alone any of my c... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Do I have a defamation case against my General Manager?
applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Character defamation?
I have recently started a temporary work contract for a financial services company. On my official first day of employment, the HR manager called me in for a meeting and informed me that one of my pre... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Is spreading false information defamation?
I work at a large retail store and one particular girl is going around telling people that I made gun threats. applies to West Virginia  ·  0 answers

I would like to know if I have a defamation case against my boss and co-worker?
I would like to know if I have a defamation case against my boss and co-worker? I recently requested for time off due to my newborn baby not having a baby sitter. I submitted my request in writing and... applies to California  ·  0 answers

need to consult, please call 2035120709
threats from co-worker plus defamation of character. applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

Defamation At Work someone is following me around and slandering me so that I am discriminated against at several work places
I have noticed recently that I am being "shunned" by co-workers at several work places and no one tells me what is being said about me but I have a good idea of who they are but not their identities applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Can an Az employee who was fired be subject to a bad reference when attempting to get another job
defamation of character applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

I have a question regarding defamation at work
I had a coworker tell other coworkers that I said something horribly racist, which I did not say at all. It was 100% made up. These coworkers came to me because they were in shock and did not believe ... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

defamation of character?
After a month I was fired after days of workplace retaliation from my employer for calling him out on serving food that could potentially poison customers. I found a new job and everything was great, ... applies to California  ·  2 answers

defamation suite against coworkers and supervisor
I worked for almost 15 years with the MA state gov. I have a good track record of performance. I was terminated based on false technical charges. The Charge was I deleted system logs to hide who delet... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

I work in a warehouse. My employer hired a convicted pedophile taking photos of young girls 4 to 9 years old posting them on the Internet. At work we learned he was a convicted pedophile and I told my co-workers. My employer wrote me up for defamation of
I work in a warehouse. My employer hired a convicted pedophile taking photos of young girls 4 to 9 years old posting them on the Internet. At work we learned he was a convicted pedophile and I told my... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Defamation or slander or both ???
i am a self-employed truck driver. in todays troubling times it is becoming increasingly difficult to be successful in my industry. After 7 months of struggling to make ends meet working for the compa... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Wrongful termination. No miss conduct. Awarded unemployment. Escorted out in my underwear.
Do I have a case? Defamation?emotional, punitive. Everyone saw him escort me out in my skivies! applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

I need to know if a situation is slander or defamation
My boss knows about a health issue my wife is having that required the stopping of any alcoholic beverages. In support I also stopped drinking, nobody is an alcoholic and that is not what caused the i... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

I work in a family owned business and was falsely accused of having a sexual relationship with my employer's husband. Do I have legal grounds to sue for defamation creating a hastall work inviorment, ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

can you be defamation at work with paperwork
at work I was term because of someone wrong doing on there paperwork applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

Workplace Defamation; I am the General manager of a restaurant. One of my employees went on Tripadvisor pretending to be a customer and wrote a horrible review about me titled
Workplace Defamation; I am the General manager of a restaurant. One of my employees went on Tripadvisor pretending to be a customer and wrote a horrible review about me titled "Obnoxious Hostess" sayi... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

I have a lower ranking person who reports into me who is calling my superiors making false accusations about my behavior every time he does something he could get in trouble for. Defamation? He has also written a fake review and named me in a circumstance
I have a lower ranking person who reports into me who is calling my superiors making false accusations about my behavior every time he does something he could get in trouble for. Defamation? He has al... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Is this defamation or just unprofessional?
I manage a territory of distributors for a large corporation. I have had consistent challenges with one, where my female gender and younger age set me apart from the entire sales staff I deal with the... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I need to speak to someone about sexual harassment, breach of contract/estoppel, retaliation and defamation claims that I may have against my employer in New York City. ----PLEASE KEEP THIS QUESTION C... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Is asserting condescension defamation?
I manage a territory of distributors for a large corporation. I have had consistent challenges with one, where my female gender and younger age set me apart from the entire sales staff I deal with the... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Is asserting condescension defamation?
I manage a territory of distributors for a large corporation. I have had consistent challenges with one, where my female gender and younger age set me apart from the entire sales staff I deal with the... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Is asserting condescension defamation?
I manage a territory of distributors for a large corporation. I have had consistent challenges with one, where my female gender and younger age set me apart from the entire sales staff I deal with the... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I am a teacher in Texas and recently received an email from a student's mother that I attempted to have her son removed from my classroom due to him being an African American. Is there any basis for a defamation lawsuit ? I know that for libel, it has to
I am a teacher in Texas and recently received an email from a student's mother that I attempted to have her son removed from my classroom due to him being an African American. Is there any basis for a... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

A few employees are unhappy with their boss. They get together and make false accusations of inappropriate comments and get the boss fired. Is this defamation? Libel? Is the law so flimsy to allow this to happen?
A few employees are unhappy with their boss. They get together and make false accusations of inappropriate comments and get the boss fired. Is this defamation? Libel? Is the law so flimsy to allow thi... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Recently I had to call off from work due to a medical issue. I let my manager know i wasnt feeling well and wasnt gonna be able to go in. At this point she kept asking what was wrong so I let her know... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can a coworker be sued for defamation/slander
My husband was recently terminated from a job he had held for 25 years. He was one of the top earning sales people in the company. So, it would be unlikely that they would terminate him over something... applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

I had an emergency situation I had to leave work for and I was extremely distraught at the time. I briefly told my boss about the circumstances I had to leave work for and confided in him as it was very personal. I returned one hour later and I had calmed
I would like to know if my question relates to a defamation of character suit, discrimination and slander. I am emotionally distraught over this. Please help. Thank you. applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

My wife is a CNA, one of her residents daughter called her a crackhead due to a missing tooth (bad bridge) the nursing home immediately drug tested her, which she passed, but they continue to allow this abuse from the residents’ family. Please advise.
CNA defamation at work applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

i supervise an employees that is constantly filing unfounded complaints against me, the latest one with cadfeh.i am tired of being a defendant,can you help me
i would like to defend myself against these accusations and possibly sue this employee for slander and defamation of character. applies to California  ·  0 answers

right to sue fromm eeoc under vii
i have just got my letter to sue from eeoc and i think i have several issues sexual discrimination to a male by male supervisor ie pinching pulling of arm hair, on job harassing phone calls while i am... applies to California  ·  1 answer

contract / defamation of character
first i was hired as an Adm.Asst. 3 months into the job I was in a meeting w/the pres, dir, and accountant. The pres, and the accountant both said if I was given the proper the training and help I wou... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

An anonymous claim was made against me via the company provided mechanism for reporting policy violations. The claim falsely and recklessly said that I give prescription drugs to co workers, which would be a “serious crime” amounting to defamation per
An anonymous claim was made against me via the company provided mechanism for reporting policy violations. The claim falsely and recklessly said that I give prescription drugs to co workers, which wou... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

I was stopped from working for 9days, I didn't get bonus because of that nor was I paid for the 9 days. All of this was because of defamation of character where the securities even stopped me from working
Something was stolen at work, the person was caught and arrested yet the securities still had a strike to let me work because they thought that I was involved applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

Defamation? Former employer falsified medical information in letter to board of directors.
I am wondering if I am a candidate for a defamation law suit. A former employer had me terminated me based on false information from a doctor who I had never seen. This has derailed my career and caus... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Do I have a case for defamation?
Nearly two years ago, my former employer forced me to resign or be terminated after 14 years with a spotless record. I never received a performance evaluation in the 14 years I was employed, nor did I... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

I have just been suspended at work with a investigation going on currently. I believe it is a case of Defamation at work, harassment and retaliation. I was hired for a supervisor position, I was given a drug test 2 times, which came up non conclusive. The
Everything that the HR person investigating the case is hear say, no hard evidence proof is available, except my forged drug test. What should I do? applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

The company I worked for was shut down by the FDA 4 years later they won a defamation lawsuit and the company sent me a check. With it a letter attached saying they wanted to help the dedicated employees with the winning of the suit. Will I get a 1099 for
The company I worked for was shut down by the FDA 4 years later they won a defamation lawsuit and the company sent me a check. With it a letter attached saying they wanted to help the dedicated employ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Defamation and Lack of overtime pay
My husband has been working for Mineke for 2 months now, and his boss has used foul language everyday around him, the other workers, and customers. He also accused my husband for being a thief in fron... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

It's this defamation of character?
I got a new job. I passed the drug screen, the physical, and the background check. I did 3 hours of orientation and got my new schedule and left. About a half an hour later, I received a call to retur... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Do I have a case for slander or defamation per se against my CEO?
About a year ago I befriended a coworker who made a sexual harassment complaint against the CEO of the company we work for. Although my friend recorded these advancements so I know them to factual, th... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

my son has health problems and he had to leave work in the middle of his shift so later that evening one of his co workers attacked me on face book about how I shoukd teach my son some work ethic and the be a professional person for a large chain pharmacy

civil suit?
I have a lower ranking person who reports into me who is calling my superiors making false accusations about my behavior every time he does something he could get in trouble for. Defamation? He has al... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

I recently asked a question and I want to clarify a couple of things. I reside in Co. and about 1 week ago I was advised that I needed to think of at least 5 people that should be considered for layoff. I was contacted at home and was advised that I was b
Defamation of Character applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Was a wrongfully terminated? And can my exemployer really sue me?
I was fired last week my employer told me it was because no one on the crew liked me and he was tired of the drama. Also he told me I was fired because my wife was talking on Facebook about how I neve... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Human resources sent out an inaccurate email about me. Is this defamation?
I feel it was their opinion that the text was threatening. To send out a company wide email that I did this, is not accurate. I live in a small town and see many ex employees in public. People may now... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

I applied with a company for a position. Another company I do not work for told the potential employer they did not like me and it prevented me from getting the job. Is this defamation?
Non-employer to potential employer applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

I was accused of stealing from the company I've worked for for 36 years. I was informed that they had already contacted the bank that the business used ( I was able to sign checks) and had me removed from the list. They also informed a bookkeeping service
Do I have a case of defamation and harassment and maybe other recourse because of false allegations? applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

I was accused of stealing from the company I've worked for for 36 years. I was informed that they had already contacted the bank that the business used ( I was able to sign checks) and had me removed from the list. They also informed a bookkeeping service
Do I have a case of defamation and harassment and maybe other recourse because of false allegations? applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

I was accused this morning of stealing narcotics I've been a nurse for 20 years and never been accused of this is this false accusations defamation of character is this employment harassment and what rights do I have.
I've had difficulties with Edmond AMG and I need to know what rights I have applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

Is this defamation and descrimination.
Thanks in advance for letting me post and for giving me a legal answer: We have a state car in our office that was involved in a collision with another vehicle. I send the necessary estimates to the d... applies to California  ·  0 answers

An employee gives 14 calendar day notice and supervisor communicates to other members of leadership and work colleagues that proper notice was not given. Supervisor is heard criticizing employee by sarcastically stating “3 day notice was given” which
Defamation applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Does an employee have a case of tortious interference, defamation or slander?
In this situation, an employer had a layoff of union and non-union employees. A company officer stated that one of the non-union, at-will employees he laid off "would never work at the company again."... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

I have a pending maine wc injury case for 2 years and a pay under table employer after tenure was done emailed the defense lawyer and work I have case against with lies and slander. I have proof and he purely retaliated for nothing at all. Lied as well
I am being, Slandered and my pending wc case is ruined because of old boss defamation and lies to the defense attorney. applies to Maine  ·  0 answers

Defamation of Character by a former employer
What are my options in regards to my former employer giving me a very bad false reference. that does not reflect my annual employee evaluation. I have been out of work for over six months after reloca... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Running my name through the mud running me out of Town.
My old employer is going around telling cops and others in the community that I was fired for smoking pot which is completely false. Now the cops in our town our saying they will keep an eye out for m... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Defamation/Non-compete/and wrongful termination
I was recently fired for "gross misconduct" for being insubordiant to an Operations Director hired as a consultant for my company. It was never communicated to me that he was my superior or that I rep... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Yess I wasn't at work and my co workers are lying on me to my supervisor and he fired me for it they told him that I be harassing my girlfriend about another co worker and he's involved in This situation but got my co workers in the workplace thinking I'm
Defamation of character and harrassment in the workplace my co workers lied to my supervisor saying that I jumped on my girlfriend and It's not true my supervisor always bullying me and doing This too... applies to Mississippi  ·  0 answers

Is "informal" reporting false information to local police defamation?
My husband and I work for the same company. He has always been picked on, but latly it has escalated to more. He is being unfairly repremanded, which is soon going to turn into a demotion. Well, since... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I am looking for a lawyer who would work on contingency agreement. My case involves multiple cases from defamation of character, to slander, discrimination, Wrongful termination, also lying to a government official while under oath!!
I have been employed at my job for 3 1/2 years and was part of a UAW union but was wrongfully terminated over a Facebook post, which was about a football game. I'm the process of firing me the HUMAN r... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

This is a defamation of character, and what can I do?
This incident took place in August 1, another worker who's known for starting rumors, lying, and starting trouble with others in the office. She told another worker that while I was on my lunch break ... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Does this qualify for Defamation At Work?
Lubbock, TX, Hello, My girlfriend was terminated from employment at a Fast Food Restaurant after a "customer" said she was missing work because of drugs and not because she was sick. This "costumer" i... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I had an employee that did not like me make up terrible things that she told hr i said. After a supposed investigation i was fired. I am an assistant manager at lowes and need to know if i should seek a lawyer for suing for defamation ok character.??? Ple
The emoyee called hr and told them lies about things i never said and i was fired applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

What can I do if the whole office is harassing me, retailiating against me, & defamation of me?
I have Bipolar Disorder and ADHD. I am on Meds and see a Doctor. Two years ago, I became Manic. There was a lot of stressful things in my life. Even though I have a Domestic Partner, I felt alone at t... applies to California  ·  0 answers

As an employer, once an employee is let go how do we control defamation of our business?
We are a childcare center and recently had to let a teacher, employed at-will, go for the negative work environment she creates and complaints from parents, teachers, and more. Since she has been gone... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is this defamation?
I gave at least a 2 week notice of resignation in January of 2008 i resigned from a nursing home where i was employed as a Registered Nurse. I gave a 2 week written notice and my last day with them wa... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

I have a co worker that is spreading rumor that I was giving oral sex and sex to the truck drivers. The drivers came to me asking if it was true and could they get on my team. This issue was brought t... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Grounds of law suit for name defamation.
Please help, for the past year I have been labeled as a drug user by some of my senior peers. It started off from one peer and eventually got around to the rest eventually leading to my boss. This acc... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Defamation? 3rd party lie got me fired.
I am a contractor who gets paid by a staffing firm but I work on site at a client location. The owner of the staffing firm told a lie to my immediate superior at the client location which she knew wou... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Defamation in a public place
Someone at my work a training manager in front of a co worker in implied that i had a drug problem then openly at a restaurant in front of the same employee asked me how my heroin addiction was going.... applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

My girlfriend and I work for the same company. One evening we were out had a few drinks and went back home. She told me not to be easy, smack her around a bit. I know and understand its a bit unorthod... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

Defamation and Harassment After Leaving Company
I recently left employment with a company after lengthy employment. During the last 5 years with the company, I repeatedly reported a male co-worker and his wife for spreading lies about me, lying abo... applies to Wyoming  ·  0 answers

I'm in California Can I discuss the character of one of my employees with my lawyer I am especially nervous about it because my lawyer has become close friends with my employee. I'm afraid that my lawyer and employee might try and hurt me in some way My l
Is it defamation of character if I tell the lawyer all the reasons I can no longer employ this person applies to California  ·  1 answer

is this defamation
i was working for a restaraunt in nc. the party in which i was waiting on told my manager that i cursed them and told thier child that i yelled at him saying Put your hand down. i have not discussed t... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Can I sue for defamation of character after pharmacist trashed my name to every pharmacy that called our store to transfer a prescription
Worked for company for over 15 years, pharmacist told inappropriate stories and was very unfair to people of color. When I said something to him about this he turned on me and trashed my name to every... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Someone I know has a customer calling her boss daily saying terrible things, and accusing her of illegal activity. She’s very worried that this will cost her her job. She’s also threatening to contact the paper to report of her supposed illegal activi
Is this defamation or slander, and what legal grounds does this person have to stop this person from ruining her career. applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Defamation in workplace
Do I have a case against my former employer? My new employer upon verifying my employment was told by a manager that I was fired from the company. I was not fired, I resigned and worked my 2 weeks tha... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

My name on the schedule has been changed to something offensive, does this fall under defamation?
I've been employed at a local restaurant for nearly 3 years. I recently took a 2 week vacation, upon my return I found my name on our schedule had been changed to "Piece of sh**" and my hours cut by %... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

If an employee who resigned says I discriminated against him on FB, is that libel?
I am a white supervisor who had a minority employee recently resign. In the resignation letter I was accused of racial discrimination. This letter was sent to all members of the department workplace t... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Is telling clients that an employee is on sick leave, when they are not, defamation?
My clients are calling me very concerned because my employer is telling them that I'm on sick leave when I'm not. applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

I recently asked a question and I want to clarify a couple of things. I reside in Co. and about 1 week ago I was advised that I needed to think of at least 5 people that should be considered for layoff. I was contacted at home and was advised that I was b
Defamation of Character I recently asked a question and I want to clarify a couple of things. I reside in Co. and about 1 week ago I was advised that I needed to think of at least 5 people that should... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

my past employer said i was a terrible employee and was a fork lift operator. i was a mechanic, the company i have a job with might let me go due to the fact my past employer lied
defamation.. my past employer lied about the job title i held while working there applies to Delaware  ·  0 answers

Can e-mail defame when others are included?
I work in Sales. My supervisors boss sent out an e-mail that contained false accusations regarding my performance and copied in several other employyes of the company. I feel that he is entitled to hi... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

can we sue for defamation? we may have proof
My wife recently discovered that her former employer (the business manager) provided negative references about her to prospective employers which may have damaged her reputation and prevented her from... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Do I have grounds for character defamation against my former employer?
I recently contacted a company about employment. I received a text on Thursday telling me I could probably start Tuesday after my physical on Monday. I quit at my current job and went to the company w... applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

Is my former employer guilty of defamation?
I have recently discovered that my former employer has been visiting former therapy patients of mine in their homes to inquire whether I acted inappropriately and have inferred to them that it might b... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

Is my former employer guilty of defamation?
I have recently discovered that my former employer has been visiting former therapy patients of mine in their homes to inquire whether I acted inappropriately and have inferred to them that it might b... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

Is my former employer guilty of defamation?
I have recently discovered that my former employer has been visiting former therapy patients of mine in their homes to inquire whether I acted inappropriately and have inferred to them that it might b... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

Is my former employer guilty of defamation?
I have recently discovered that my former employer has been visiting former therapy patients of mine in their homes to inquire whether I acted inappropriately and have inferred to them that it might b... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

Is my former employer guilty of defamation?
I have recently discovered that my former employer has been visiting former therapy patients of mine in their homes to inquire whether I acted inappropriately and have inferred to them that it might b... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

Is my former employer guilty of defamation?
I have recently discovered that my former employer has been visiting former therapy patients of mine in their homes to inquire whether I acted inappropriately and have inferred to them that it might b... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

What are grounds for defamation and slander from my boss?
I was just let go from my job in Michigan. Before i took the job i recieved an anonymous text, leter finding out it was the boss' soon to be ex girlfriend, stating he does not like to pay his employee... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Employee slandered and has proof
I had been working as a server at a restaurant in Orlando for almost 2 years. My file was clean. I actually had good compliments on my service and attitude. I became pregnant and into my fifth month I... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

age discrimination
I am a General Manager with over 30 years of exemplary service to the company. Due to business reduction the company has informed me of my pending termination. I've requested to retain the one GM spot... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Company is providing false firing information
My husband worked as a truckdriver for a major fuel hauling corporation. He quit his position and went to work at a former company while applying to other trucking firms. He was denied employment whic... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Defamation ?
I resigned from a nationwide company because of changes they made in structure of payment , Meaning i was making less money that i had the previous yr . I filed for Pennsylvania Unemployment and when ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

hi i was wondering if it's defamation of character (libel) if my boss messaged my neighbors phone to tell me i'm going to be terminated if i miss another day or if i'm late again
My boss messaged my neighbor to relay a message to me that i'm suspended for three days an going to be terminated if i miss another day or if i'm late again. applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

I believe this may be defamation case. I was fired from my job because they stated I did not do all I could to find coverage on my shift. When I showed them the proof that I did they let me back in to work, however on the day I was fired my supervisor tol
I was fired from my job for not contacting people to cover my shift. I proved to HR that I tried to get coverage and they hired me back. My supervisor though told a co-worker and a client that I was f... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

I hired a reference check company and my ex-employer told them that I had no people skills, had taken files and not returned them, hadn't returned their keys and didnt give leave passwords for the com... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Do I have a case of defamation?
A co worker accused me of harassment the investigation took two weeks I was not found guilty and was told I can return to work, that weekend the coworker published to a third party my name stating I h... applies to New Mexico  ·  0 answers

emotionally wiped out!
I am a healthcare cna with the largest company in the U.S..I was Verbally told of new policy 10-14-03 to wear all blue uniform or be sent home.I have abided but others still wear anything.On 11-18-03,... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Defamation & Retaliation
I am a para in a school district. The mother of a former student of mine called my boss(who is the special ed.director of the district)to tell her she wanted me to teach her son again. She says the di... applies to Kansas  ·  1 answer

Would this be defamation of character? And if so what would I be able to do about this?
A manager at another store called to get a reference for me my boss told her that I have an attendance problem when I had only been late for 3rd shift which is 2 am to 9 am a few times and I always st... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Can an employee be suspended for telling a coworker about public info of another employee?
An Employee at a security company told her coworker to Google search another employee's name because there was info regarding her past arrests and criminal activity. The Employee was put on 3 days unp... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Death threats in perceived same sex gay bashing messages being left by a coworker
I begin to see these messages in my office and work area and at first thought it was just one of the guys joking with me here at work. However, as the days passed, the messages begin to increase in th... applies to Colorado  ·  1 answer

How do I find a lawyer willing to prove defamation of character, discrimination and slander destroy
I was subjected to a hostile work environment that made it impossible to do my job. My direct supervisors (The Board of Directors) board took progressive actions to undermine my authority, slandered m... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I am the passing at the we on 3/10/16 patient complaint defamation of character this happen in chap hill
On that day in the morning I have a boy boy in chap hill that sick I want to hold my boy that say no u don't look like u sleep my dug was up an I was worrying about my boy so I when to the we that tuc... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

defamation/wrongful termination
I was terminated suddenly after 6 weeks of work. I wanted a reason, and I was told they would not discuss it with me. I never had any discipliary action or warnings. Management met me in my office one... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

can I sue if my GM tells my wife via phone that I was on drugs
My GM told my wife I had a drug problem when I had only taken a pre employment drug test a year before his talking to her, I since due to us splitting up have lost my home and occurred several extra e... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

can I sue if my GM tells my wife via phone that I was on drugs
My GM told my wife I had a drug problem when I had only taken a pre employment drug test a year before his talking to her, I since due to us splitting up have lost my home and occurred several extra e... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

I want to sue my employer for my raise, and defamation of work ethics
I worked as contractor for Computer Sciences Corporation in year 2007. My performance evaluaitons ere always exceeded expectations with performance increase. I was dismissed in August 2007 and my imme... applies to District of Columbia  ·  1 answer

I’ve been reported twice to either Human Resources or management for false accusations such as sexual behavior and or man handling another employee. We have cameras in store and on both occasions I asked management to show me exactly what inappropriate
I’ve been reported twice to Management and or Human Resources about inappropriate behavior at work. On both occasions there was not any proof when I asked to run our cameras nor a specific incident ... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Defamation/slander by former employer
I recently quit my job at a spa (after being an exemplary employee of 12 years) because of my toxic boss/owner. I sent my resignation letter in stating that I didn't feel comfortable coming back becau... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Is this a Discrimination or Defamation case?
Another employee and I was up for a promotion and only one of us could get it. I fell sick and was out for a week and a half. When I came back to work I was approached by my Boss and she told me that ... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

I am a special education director. I am constantly being verbally harassed and defamed by a parent,
I am a special education director. I am constantly being verbally harassed and defamed by a parent, if I have the name calling in writing. Do I have a case for Slander and libel or defamation or both.... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I was recently terminated for a supposed error in a clients payroll! The business owner, my boss stated that I made an error that is now costing my boss over $700 out of her pocket so that the client don't have to pay for our error! I knew this to be untr
! I called the client and she confirmed that my boss was lying and that there was no error on my part and my boss most certainly did not have to pay anything! I believe my boss is going to contest my ... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Does an employer have to disclose to an employee that they were accuse of discrimination?
There was an eeoc suit filed naming a specific person in the complaint. The person accused is wrongfully accused, and is now being told that they should know nothing of the ongoing complaint. Now this... applies to Mississippi  ·  0 answers

is it legal for my boss to withhold corporate office contact information so I cant file a complaint?
Well on 3 separate occasions now, my gm/district manager has not only caused a hostile work environment, hes bad mouthed and tore me down to the entire restaurant of employees. Slander as well as defa... applies to Idaho  ·  0 answers

Making False & Disparaging Remarks to a Potential Employer/Client
I would like to see if I have a defamation case against a former employer. I worked for a Virginia-based company until January when I was fired, without any reason given. There was some friction betwe... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Terminated as Retaliation
I went to Ex. Dir. with examples and information on good work I had done, per California Labor Code 232.5. The Ex. Dir. retaliated by accusing me of Breach of Confidentiality and asked me to resign. I... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I am being retaliated against by my current employer and have recent proof. How do i protect myself?
have started a file with the EEOC regarding workers comp accommodation refusals. As well as possible whistleblower retaliation. Have on file copies of disciplinary actions taken against me by my compa... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

Ok for salary, not ok for hourly...
Myself, and four other employees of a large company were suspended without pay approximately 3 weeks ago.. pending termination. We were brought up on charges of misconduct, and violating the code of b... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Evaluations being shared with others.
I am a Computer Technician for Lorain City Schools. My supervisor tried to force me to go to a voluntary district party. I inturn reported his intimidating conduct to HR. They informed me I was not ob... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Does a negative assessment of my technical skills to a 3rd party recruiter constitute defamation?
I recently had an interview with a major financial business in NYC. The interview was conducted by an employee of the firm. The work, if hired, would be on a contract basis as an independent contracto... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Lying to the Police
I have recently applied for a police officers position, listing one of my former employers job as a reference. I had to list all previous employers for the Personal History Questionnaire, during my Ba... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Privacy/Health Information Ilegally accessed.
I am an employee at a hospital where I also recive my healthcare. One of my employees has accessed my medical records over 200 times (report provided my medical software). I also found another employe... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I was forced to quit a 22 year career position last year in October. I can go into those details if necessary. I was also attending school full time. I have now graduated and want to secure full time ... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Statute of limitations for defamation
After over 20 years of excellent reviews as a high school teacher and having just received my Colorado Principal’s Licensure, a former principal made numerous serious false allegations about me to t... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Do I have any legal recourse?
This past week I received an invite to participate in a class action lawsuit against a Senior living community. When I resigned from there in September 05 there was a management meltdown--lots of empl... applies to California  ·  0 answers

How can an employer, funded by the government get away with violating laws?
FMLA violations-usage documented on annual review Discriminate-against an employee with a disability that was stable be allowed to intentionally exposed employee to horrific working conditions that in... applies to Connecticut  ·  1 answer

A board of directors solicits internal employee questions
And many of the questions are aimed at a particular manager. The question was why does this person trash our branch on Facebook? Why is this person being paid $x amount to only do this and that? Why d... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Invasion of Privacy?
Hi, I work for a large company and I recently became very ill. I took a couple days off of work and went to the hospital a couple times. The doctors finally told me what I had and it wasn't anything r... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I am on disciplinary suspension at work while I wait for my court hearing as I have been charged (not yet convicted) of DUI. While I was off work I injured by wrist resulting in surgery. My employer has denied my short term disability benefits as they not
I am on disciplinary suspension at work while I wait for my court hearing as I have been charged (not yet convicted) of DUI. While I was off work I injured by wrist resulting in surgery. My employer h... applies to New Mexico  ·  0 answers

Has my employer committed an illegal action by telling many of my fellow employees, that I was being let go on Wednesday, even though I was not at work that day? As well as defamation of character by telling them I was dismissed for no call no show, in ac
I arrived to work on time Monday morning, after clocking in a fellow employee told me, I had been let go Wednesday for no call no show. I was unable to work that Wednesday but had contacted my immedia... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

was formally covered in mid-year assessment that I should seek help for my public display of anger, the statement in-part said
I was on phone. I hung up phone, voiced frustration with attitude and competence of the other person (a federal contractor). I was mad and openly voiced my frustrations. Another contractor told my sup... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

wrongful termination and defamation
I was terminated on the charge that I deleted logs on the server because I was connected. The charges were based on witness statements . I had an opportunity to inquire questions from the department a... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Somebody called our corporate office HR and told them I was going to shoot up the gym. I was put on leave for two weeks and this was leaked all over my place of employment. I lost all my clients and I'm ashamed and embarrassed to go back to work. I was al
A random person called corporate office of UFC gym(the company I work for) and told them I had plans of shooting up the place. I was put on leave at work for 2 weeks and of course rumors started to fl... applies to Hawaii  ·  0 answers

if it isnt stated clearly in my handbook, can I be fired for it?
If I am ASKED, meaning I am given a choice, and not ordered to complete a task, is it considered insubordination and can I be fired for this? Does swearing in front of a customer even if it is not lis... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Defamation to share disparaging survey comments with all employees
I work for the government in a union job in a senior position (with 5 others) alongside a class of ~200 employees. There was an employee that a year ago wanted one of our positions, didn’t get the j... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Is it defamation of character for my team lead to talk about my attendance and restroom habits with
On. July 19th 2017 my co worker informed that my team lead has been talking about my restroom use and attendance with my fellow co-workers. I have not read anywhere in our handbook that I am limited t... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

Is this defamation? What can I do to protect myself?
I do drug testing at my job. Recently a client at the treatment facility where I work tested negative, later that day this same client went to court and tested positive for herion, this client also ov... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Was I wrongfully terminated?
I was terminated from my employment without an explanation. I was contacted by my manager and told that I was on administrative leave due. She then explained to me that I would be contacted by the HR ... applies to New Jersey  ·  1 answer

I am based in Ohio and our administration talks to us like children. Of course theirs not much I can do about that. Though, a very recent act has hurt my pride as a hard worker and concerns me. Now they post a list of all nursing employees who were late f
Now they post a list of all nursing employees who were late for work at the time clock, for all departments to see. This is highly insulting as I feel ridiculed for being one minute late, and the 36 h... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Can I sue a former employer for giving a bad recommendation?
My friend is a doctor and she was told by her current employer that the previous hospital she worked for gave her a very bad recommendation and the only reason she was hired was because of personal re... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Employed with a company for 12 years. Received a right to sue letter in 2006. I did not follow through, however after I resigned in 2011, five years later I have discovered the company retaliated by using my FMLA against me on my separation form. The sepa
Upon applying for my previous position this year, I did not receive an interview. Requested to see personal file July 2016. Discovered the information above in the question. Yes, I did miss a lot of t... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Drug-screening, can I be told I can come back to work after I go to Urgent Care for testing?
I woke up late for work and text my boss, like I've done in the past, I said I'd be there as soon as possible (implying 10-15 minutes). I received a response that the owner (a seniel, 83-year-old man,... applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

Federal Employee
I was a Federal Employee (TSA) and after 8 months on the job, I was put on admin leave for a month then terminated. The reason was "unsuitability". They say I "falsified" a document used in the employ... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Can I sue my manager personally for creating a hostile work environment?
I live in Nevada and work in a casino as a dealer. I have filed with NERC/EEOC and my employer has been charged with discrimination due to failure to promote and is currently being investigated, the r... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

The owner of a company that emailed my GM intimating that I am homophobic. Is this defamation?
The owner of the company, Michael J. Wilson, that runs the WINTER RENDEZVOUS Jan 20-24, 2016 Gay Ski Week - Stowe, Vermont visited our hotel lobby for less than 3 minutes. There was no communication o... applies to Vermont  ·  1 answer

My director told me I was being terminated because I didn’t tell him about a case I was working on(even though I did) However he found out that was not grounds for immediate termination so he put down that I falsified employee or company records and the
My director told me I was being terminated because I didn’t tell him about a case I was working on(even though I did) However he found out that was not grounds for immediate termination so he put do... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Bullied by attorney
I recently settled on a Title VII lawsuit. THe contract between my attorney and I was 50% Contigency or hourly rate whichever was higher. Well since settlement came about I was under the assumption he... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Current Employer Calls New Employer and gives false information.
My daughter in law is a teacher and is moving out of state. She put in her notice which would have her end date 2 days prior to the end of "clean up" (school will already be over). There was no issue ... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Can be considered a defamation case under Florida Law: If the employer; represents by a department's Manager applied a corrective action, written up, with absolutely No Grounds for it. Having the employee all the factual documentation that prove that the
I received a written up correction of action with absolutely No grounds or baseless statements: for instanc, in the case, the Manager allegated that I worked Over Time without previous authorization b... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Do I have a case for defamation of charater or other things?
Recently a couple of fellow employees and I have been socializing in the parking lot at our place of employ on our breaks and lunches. Yesterday my friends supervisor threatens him and my other friend... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Did I Defamate my Boss?
My boss has a reputation around our workplace that she is a user of cocaine, many people have told me stories about her being a user. The other day I watched a fellow employee give her what appeared t... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Can my former employer really pursue a legal course of action against me?
I left the company I worked for 7 months ago to pursue a new career. Today,I received a certified letter from my former employer's Attorney. The letter states that I have been making "disbaraging comm... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

In the State of NJ, what information is your employer permitted to divulge to a lender?
I'm seeking information on behalf of a close friend... In the State of NJ, what information is your employer permitted to divulge to a lender? A week or two prior to being informed that their employer... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

What to do if my former employer is defaming about me stealing from his company?
I am in Florida and my former employer tell to Florida unemployment that he didnt fired me that I resigned when he talked to me that I was misusing company funds at my favor, he claimed that I was add... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Can a former employers current employees discuss why I was fired with random customers?
A former employer, whom I worked for for 6 weeks, now has a current employee telling random customers that I was fired. This happens if a customer asks where I am or what happened to me. I did work at... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I am currently on unemployment. My former employer appealed it, lost, asked for reconsideration and lost again. A month later I received a letter from the board of nursing with accusations made by my former employer. Is this considered a form of retaliati
I was employed by HealthEast Hospice. While employed there, I felt that they were biased against me/my nursing practice, among many other things, and was terminated. I filed for unemployment and it wa... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

I went to work for a company on a contract temp to hire position of IT Helpdesk Support. My job duties were to configure workstations and deploy, monitor network equipment, provide helpdesks support, mostly all hardware and software related issues. This w
I was hired by a company to do Helpdesk Support at a startup company. The position was contract to hire. At the end of my contract, the company decided not to hire me, but decided they needed someone ... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Do I have grounds for defamation law suit?
So I have worked for a company for about 6 months, the supervisor and I got into plenty of arguments and did not get along for most of the time. At some point when I thought things are going good, the... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Do I have defamation of character case?
I am applying with a police department who is doing a background investigation on me. A previous employer told the background investigator I quit due to a sexual harrasement issue, when the investigat... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Defamation and Retaliation
To begin I worked as an exempt HR Generealist and had to do an investigation in our department based on discrimination. The victim had sevearl complaints over a 5 to 10 month time frame and the suspec... applies to California  ·  1 answer

If a co-worker defames me using slander to customers and my employer doesn't stop it can I sue?
A co-worker accused me of theft and improper time recording to HR as part of her ultimate goal of being awarded my job. An audit ensured in which no grounds were ever discovered substantiating her cla... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

I worked for a temp service several years ago (2001) and was removed from an assignment not knowing the specific reason. I believe now that it was because a coworker told management that I was having ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I am a teacher and have a shared classroom. A co-teacher keeps plugging in an oil diffuser which triggers me to have severe asthma attacks. I have asked her not to use it anymore. After a severe asthma attack on Wednesday (today if Friday), the school nur
I am a teacher and have a shared classroom. A co-teacher keeps plugging in an oil diffuser which triggers me to have severe asthma attacks. I have asked her not to use it anymore. After a severe asthm... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

What are my rights? I was hired by a local LTC facility as a RN. During the paperwork orientation, I was told after the 3 hour break that they would not be able to hire me because I had a bad referenc... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

I have been employed for over 3-1/2 years and now Wrongfully accused of theft . I was discriminated by being the only employee SUSPENDED INDEFINITELY FOR FURTHER INVESTIGATION with NO PAY of the DISAPPEARANCE OF THE BRIDAL BOUQUET. Total time of suspensio
I have been employed for over 3-1/2 years and now Wrongfully accused of theft . I was discriminated by being the only employee SUSPENDED INDEFINITELY FOR FURTHER INVESTIGATION with NO PAY of the DISAP... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Possible defamation by former co-worker
At work, I've always had positive relationships, getting great marks professionally and personally. Recently I applied for a position at a company where many people know me and initially, they were ex... applies to California  ·  3 answers

Devito Restaurant: defamation, slander and discrimination law suit...possible?
I was approached by a superior while in the presence of other employees and told that I smelled like smoke. 3 hours later in front of other employees I was told I was being written up and sent home fo... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Devito Restaurant: defamation, slander and discrimination law suit...possible?
I was approached by a superior while in the presence of other employees and told that I smelled like smoke. 3 hours later in front of other employees I was told I was being written up and sent home fo... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Devito Restaurant: defamation, slander and discrimination law suit...possible?
I was approached by a superior while in the presence of other employees and told that I smelled like smoke. 3 hours later in front of other employees I was told I was being written up and sent home fo... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

I was recently hired for the same company I worked for the last 6 years just different location. I received and offer letter through email and signed paperwork even signed the hourly rate notice for employees trained one day and even purchased new uniform
I was recently hired for the same company I worked for the last 6 years just different location. I received and offer letter through email and signed paperwork even signed the hourly rate notice for e... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I have been accused of sexual harassment by a co-worker that was mad because I would not give her a fork lift license. H&R have found me 95% NOT guilty. Yet I lost 3 days pay and it is now on my record. A 25 year impeccable record. Can I sue them for Defa
I am an operations manager for Reddy Ice Corp, out of Springfield Mo. I have an impeccable record for the last 25 years. A new comp. had bought out Reddy Ice a year ago and the people they put in char... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

negative references, defamation, other
I worked for two retail establishments part-time in 2001 where the managers of each were related to each other. I quit at one place and then wrote a letter to the company stating why and that they sho... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Would we be wise to continue action for slander and or defamation of character?
My husband was recently fired over two events involving "hear say". He was accused of damaging a part that was welded by another employee by pouring water on it. They claim they have a witness who saw... applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

Can I negotiate a severance package if I am being forced to report to a manager who made slanderous statements about me during my leave of absence?
While I was on my leave of absence for a medical disability, my manager told my colleagues she was "suspicious" of my leave of absence since I seemed fine to her and that she felt it was due to stress... applies to California  ·  3 answers

My coworker did something wrong then blamed me
My coworker was called into the office over a mistake in in the office. Instead of just owning up to it, she stated that I actually mixed up theses sensitive documents on purpose to get her in trouble... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

A co-workers unsubstantiated opinion cost me an employment contract
A former co-worker shared his negative opinion of me with a company that had accepted me for employment. Unfortunately, his unsubstantiated opinion cost me an employment contract. I would like to know... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Demand Letter ??
I am an African-American female who worked at a large communications company as temp for 8 months. Recently I was terminated by the supervisor there for reasons which I felt were discriminatory. I was... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Help Help Help
I was wondering, I own a small employment service that I started in 1999 . At the time I hired on my stepmom and as it grew I hired on my half sister. They both signed no compete clause with me . 2 ye... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Retaliation/ Defamation/Worngful Discharge
I started with my previous employer on 05/15/10. I was hired as a Staffing Coordinator and in June of 2010 was promoted to a Payroll/Staffing Coordiantor. I received an excellent review after my 90 da... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

For starters, I recently had a court date appearance on last Wednesday at the US Courthouse here in Miami. I was issued a citation for intimidation by an VA Officer in reference to a police report filed by my supervisor. My supervisor and 3 other employee
For starters, I recently had a court date appearance on last Wednesday, 8/17/2016, at the US Courthouse here in Miami. I was issued a citation for intimidation by an VA Officer in reference to a polic... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

My pm sent out an email asking me for a letter from my doctor to make sure i was able to operate a pick up truck under current medication. this email was sent to the other PM, Site Superintendent, Payroll Manager, and Human Resource. i reply all that my C
My pm sent out an email asking me for a letter from my doctor to make sure i was able to operate a pick up truck under current medication. this email was sent to the other PM, Site Superintendent, Pay... applies to North Dakota  ·  0 answers

Employee Records?
I was employed as an assistant manager for a national company in the entertainment rental business. In September 2002, I was rather abruptly terminated from this position. I understand the concept of ... applies to Maryland  ·  1 answer

Wrongful Termination and Defamation of Character
I have worked for a company for the last seven years as a Property Manager. The owner of the company has always been volatile but I made the choice to stay because I liked my job. One of the condition... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

My fiance's former boss started a bizarre campaign of defamatory and completely fictitious lies about her, right after
My fiance's former boss started a bizarre campaign of defamatory and completely fictitious lies about her, right after leaving her employ, with whst we thought was good terms and no animosity. This wo... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Should I sue my coworkers for Defamation of Character and Slander?
As soon as my 90 day probation period ended at my new job and I was allowed to start using the personal, vacation and sick time that I accumulated. I spoke with my superior and asked if on slow days i... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

What is the standard for defamation?/False accusations to avoid paying unemployment ``
I have been working for a small co. for the past 3 yrs. and I have always been an exemplary employee. One day I made the terrible mistake of being honest with my employeer and I told him I was applyin... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

would this qualify as defamation/sex discrimination/hostile job environment?
I've been working with a company for two years and I recently became aware that during this time my employer conducted two separate investigations of alleged Sexual Harassment being filed against me. ... applies to Idaho  ·  0 answers

If a bias BM contributes to an adverse action, does the employee have a wrongful discharge case?
If a bias BM contributes to an adverse action, does the employee have a wrongful discharge case under title VII? Under UMSA bias boss contributed to infraction Is unlawful. But is it unlawful under ti... applies to North Dakota  ·  0 answers

Can I sue my manager for defamation of character, for a retaliatory performance evaluation?
My director resigned 3 days after I informed her that she was wrong for telling me that she was going to fire an employee after she informed her that she was bipolar. The director told me and other st... applies to California  ·  0 answers

How to handle a company you are contracted through with they fire you under false reasonings
The employer my spouse works for contracted him to another employer. Last week there was an incident when a fire alarm went off. He was then inform to contact the fire dept and later instructed to dis... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Was I wrongfully terminated ? I was fired for
Was I wrongfully terminated ? I worked for a company as a general manager and was excelling fast. I was told I was the next for promotions and things were great. I got a call from my boss and was ques... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Are we obligated to help
We are at loss here. Hopefully you can inform us. My husband was hired by a company in Idaho. We moved our family there and within 6 months my husband was fired. He (husband) was CFO and asked the CEO... applies to Utah  ·  1 answer

How should I advise a friend falsely accused of stealing told if she retaliates it will make things
OK so, my friend worked for CVS Pharmacy as a cashier. She always put her crappy job before most anything else, made herself available at their beck and call and always put the companies needs ahead o... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

My employer retaliated against me after I told the parents of my special education students about an option that was being voted on at the board level. I invited parents to the board meeting to delay the vote until more could be reasearched bc It involved
My employer retaliated against me after I told the parents of my special education students about an option that was being voted on at the board level. I invited parents to the board meeting to delay ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Have I Libelously Defamed?
My present employer was part owner in my previous employer's company during the time that I feel I have a strong EEOC case for pay discrimination. My present employer and my previous employer are brot... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

A coworker slandered and defamed my name by falsely accusing me of being on hard drugs which is not true I have been clean and sober for 2 years I have drug tests to prove it from my doctor because I'm in a drug program for past 5 months it caused me ment
A coworker slandered and defamed my name by falsely accusing me of being on hard drugs which is not true I have been clean and sober for 2 years I have drug tests to prove it from my doctor because I'... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Are these actions by former supervisor harassment?
I work with a program which helps seniors (I am 62) and people with barriers to employment (I have a felony conviction for a white collar crime and am on disability) gain skills that will lead to perm... applies to New Mexico  ·  0 answers

Defamation through a professional organization network
I left a position for several reasons and was offered a separation agreement, severance and three months health insurance. The situation was to be kept confidential by both parties - at least that's w... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

How can my previous employer KNOWINGLY gave false references and have "qualified privilege"?
Regarding "qualified privilege", if an employer knowingly makes false statements, in direct contradiction to statements made in writing and in my HR Personnel file to potential employers, does that ne... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Franchisee defamation actionable to national franchise?
I have a problem, perhaps you can render an opinion if it is pursuable. On May 16th I went to pick up my paycheck from Liberty Tax service, a franchise operation owned by Wesley Talcott 3675 Nameoki R... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Do I have a case for harrasment and defamation of character
I recently left an organization for several reasons voluntarily, however, due to the culture of the business I felt forced to leave. I live in CO and the organization is in MN. I was harassed by an em... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Can my employer change their referral for hire after committing to it?
I recently started at a large department store and then applied for a job at one of their stores out of state. I had expressed interest a long time ago but everything was on hold due to the economy. M... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

I was hired at an insurance company under the stipulation that I pay and take the life insurance class online, pay and take the test at a state certified testing facility and train unpaid until they deemed fit, pay for my licence ect... I paid for all and
Lower mgmt lied to upper mgmt about me. She made me out to have immoral work practices, ethics and integrity. The trainer for an insurance company took me out of town to train with her. I had already ... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Do I have legal recourse or grounds for protection?
I am a married white man, not quite 40, and work for the food industry for XYZ company. A month ago, I went to a bar, also owned by XYZ company, after work (1:45 am) to buy a coworker a birthday drink... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Strong accusations, shifting in working relationship - is this defamation or a revenge situation?
Hello. I have worked off and on for a temp agency after wrapping up a masters degree and moving cities. I do many different things, but occasionally work with labor temp agency when I am not trying to... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

I have been employed as a college Instructor since 2009. In 2010, My college transferred me to commute part time to another facility, one they did not own. Since the first day I have been abused. I was asked to start up a program with no equipment, no too
Contracts, Overtime: VP ripped my contract for Overtime up, told me I could not continue having it. It was signed by three other supervisors, only he ripped it up, and the other three supervisors did ... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

I have right to sue from Defh without any proper intake to reviewed my case can I still sue? I have all doc to support wide range of discrimination and need a lawyer who ready and understand the best option to start
32 years old Asian American us citizen and father of 3 young children; was raised by strong hard working parents who gave me foundation to do your job the right way through my work ethics but always b... applies to California  ·  0 answers

What can i do? Do i have a case for wrongful termination or defamation??
I worked for my employer for right at 2 years! Recently business got slow and they kept hiring younger lazy immature ghetto girls because they where cute according to our gm. These girls began to bull... applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

This is Deflamation of Character? How much can i recieve in a civil suit against these officials?
County Court officials and Department Of Corrections Staff told amongst each other that i am a young African American male living with HIV/AIDS. Which is defamation of character. Because of this, inma... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

My question is if I have grounds to seek compensation for wrongful discharge and defamation?
Two female co-workers that I had relations with, contrived to get me fired, and HR not only allowed it, but appears to have facilitated it. Woman (A) filed a harassment complaint as a result of woman ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Seeking Defamation Attorney for Libel, Slander, and Personal Injury from unlawful, inaccurate drug testing in relation to Workers Compensation Law as a constitutional violation of law under Eighth Amendment Search & Seizure.
Dear Sir or Madam: I am referred to you by the internet as a law firm which engages in Constitutional Law, and/or has a Pro Bono Program to help those with major constitutional issues. I have been dis... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Do I have any reprieve from a former boss falsely informing my family members that I'm doing drugs?
Do I have any reprieve from a former boss falsely informing my family members that I'm doing drugs? My former boss recently fired me after his daughter took a picture of me then approached people I wa... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

Resigning soon, are there any legal consequences I could possibly face regarding how I will resign?
Ok I don't want to get into specific details but basically had a physical harrassment issue going on with one of the manager's of my team. At first, I thought the guy was being funny/joking around but... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

defamation/harassment/sexual harassment... maybe?
I have a very strange situation at work. I am a social worker at an apartment complex. I was accussed by a coworker ( who I assisted in their termination because of buying and selling drugs from clien... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Slander and blacklisting after departure?
My question possibly involves the following areas of employment law: slander, defamation, and blacklisting by a former employer. I am interested in determining whether pursuing a case would make sense... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Can a employer call you into work even tho I'm on FMLA. She the manager told me I would have to work cause they don't pay her enough to work two shifts. I just had knee surgery
I had knee surgery and was told by the surgeon that I needed at least two weeks off to heal. I had enough vacation time so that s not the problem. The problem was I had to work that Sunday even tho I'... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Can I refused to work on a shift that I did not sign for? I'm a Per Diem staff.
The shift where I usuallly work is hard to fill with staff. Our scheduler placed me on a schedule (because they can't get anyone to work) without asking my consent first. She informed me that I'm sche... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Making team members work after saying its voluntary
This week at work my supervisor said that we had the option to work or not work the upcoming week. I decided to spend time with family and plan to go out of town, so my decision was not to work. In th... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

I just returned to work after being off from medical disability. my weekly salary was cut because I cannot work the 46 work week, is this even legal? I am only able to work 40 hours per week. Also, since I work in Sales, I will not be getting the same amo
Have a disability, came back to work. Weekly salary at 46 hours per week, but restrictions limit me to 40 hour work week. Salary was cut, and also will not be getting same potential customers as co wo... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

i had a call back date set for 3/28/2016 i went into work they extended it to 4/9/2016 3 days later they call saying they had work for 2 days. i was gone on family emergency so i wasn't able to work will i still beable to get benifits
i nd too work they happened to call at bad time and 2 days prier i had gone in to go to work they extended it the paper work was all faxed to unemployment and everything what do i do applies to Vermont  ·  0 answers

forced OT in PA?
I live and work in PA. When I work more than 40 hours a week, my employer pays me overtime, which is great. The trouble is that I don't want to work overtime; I want to have a life and spend time with... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

cant returned to work
I worked for wal-mat.I got arrested fro reson not to do with work i turned myself in wal-mart will not let me go back to work without proof that im not gulty i have ti go thew trisl still can they do ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

work related
I work in a supermarket, recently my boss told me that I havent been working hard enough, But I always finish the work im assigned to do. I have another part time job plus a ft school, and my boss is ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

i work a school distric we already went back to work this week i was wondering if i can get unemployment for the past 3 months that we were in vacation even tho we are already back to work?
i work for twin rivers unified school district as a substitute so during June 1st to august 8th i don't get pay can i still get unemployment for those month even if we are already back to work? applies to California  ·  0 answers

Forced to use FMLA?
I suffered an injury outside of work requiring surgery. The Dr. cleared me to return a week later with restrictions. Work would not allow me to return with my restrictions, so I filled out the form fo... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Can an employer make me pay for my CPR certification when I'm injured?
I'm off work due to a work related injury. Since I'm not authorized to return to work, I will miss my CPR re-authorization class through the hospital. My supervisor says I cannot come back to work unt... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Can I sue my employer for requiring me to go to work when I am sick providing a doctor's note?
I was reprimanded for calling off work because I was sick and I even provided them a doctor's note. I was told by human resource that I should have shown up for work anyways even if I was going to be ... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Can my employer force me to take flex time in lieu of overtime by readjusting a set work week?
I work for a municipality as a non exempt employee. My work week is Mon-Fri with weekends off, but my employer wants me to take one day off during my reg work schedule"flex" in order to work on the we... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Can I be fired for missing work due to mental illness?
I called out sick from work and after I disclosed that it was due to Bipolar 1 and PTSD, my supervisor stated how upset they were with me, and said they'd have to hire someone to replace me. I could o... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Can an employer tell you not to attend work without pay because of the weather?
My employer told only some of the employees not to come to work and if we wanted to get paid for those eight hours we would need to use a vacation day. We were expecting a large amount of snow. The bu... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Travel to and from work is included in my 8 hr work day could I get a shift differential?
I am a K9 Handler. My shift is 4am-12pm and they include my travel to and from work into my 8 hour work day. So basically I get 2 hrs travel and work 6hrs on site. I have to be at work by 5am and was ... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

is it legal to fire someone for working for a specific company?
I currently work for a security firm part time. the Business partners have split and there are now 2 new companies. Partner 1 has said if you work for Partner 2 then you can't work for him. However yo... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I am forced to work past my quitting time no overtime paid
Our work schedule is 7:45 am to 4:15 pm, but we have to put on our smock,hair net,wash our hands etc,( food packing Co.) after this ( 3 to 5 min) we have to clock in around 7:33 to 7:37 and rush to th... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Can my employer cut my benefits if I fall under 40 hours if they do not provide enough work?
I work for an out source company based in Florida that does contract work for hospitals all over the United States. I work as a remote coder from home and I live in Virginia. In the past few months we... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

I reside in Indiana and an older woman whom I direct at work in shipping and receiving has filed to false complaints on me at work with my work absolutely doing nothing about it. Now first time she and her husband whom work side by side every day went avi
After first incident I was demoted. After second incident in told to communicate better applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

If a holiday falls not on my scheduled work week, am i allowed to work that holiday?
I work in a union and i have the most seniority than the other workers. I usually have Friday and Saturdays off, and Christmas this year falls on Friday. My employer scheduled me to work on Christmas,... applies to California  ·  0 answers

If a holiday falls not on my scheduled work week, am i allowed to work that holiday?
I work in a union and i have the most seniority than the other workers. I usually have Friday and Saturdays off, and Christmas this year falls on Friday. My employer scheduled me to work on Christmas,... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Husband had a pace maker inserted and was out of work for one week. He returned to work and has been working for 3 weeks since the
Pacemaker installed and out of work one week. Been back at work for 3 weeks. Today (3 weeks later) Employer wants Doctor's note to return to work. Can the employer require a doctor's note after being ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer


This is for my 31 year old son he Was questioned at work if I had been drinking in the morning before work as retail manager he stated he had not been. They said i was suspened and made me take uber home which they paid for. They had colleague support tea
Has been suspended does not know if or when can go back to work nothing written only stated verbal suspened no blood work or breathalyzer applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Can your employer tell you , you can't carpool to work?
I'm without a car right now and have been getting rides to and from work through other people I work with but because of the virus going around I'm being told by my boss that I'm not allowed to use pe... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

Accomodating & allowing 2 employees to work but not a 3rd?
My fiance's place of employment won't let him come back to work right now. He broke his wrist a month ago playing softball OUTSIDE of the work place and had surgery. he now has his cast off stitches o... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers


does my employer have to hold my job open if I was involved in a non work car accident
Driving home from work and was rearended, unable to work while going thru physical therapy applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

What if my manager favors certain employees and promotes them with no reason, while some of us that had more work done and were in time never got the chance. The work that they did was not even close ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can the employer change my normal work schedule
I am currently on FMLA intermittent leave,with only being able to work 40hrs a week, my normal work schedule is from 8am to 4pm. On a Thursday I took 1.5 hrs off for a doctor's appointment. The compan... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can my job tell me I cannot work just because I’m pregnant and I’m order to work I need to provide a letter from my doctor stating I can work without restrictions? I never requested an accommodations. I am just pregnant.
I was asked to provide a letter of clearance advising that I can work without restrictions. My doctor was a little hesitant at first because she asked me if I told them I needed accommodations, I advi... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

I was laid off due to lack of work. In Ohio can I be replaced with new employee just because the supervisor does not like me?
Company could not get certified through the state. Had to close until such certification could be granted. A new supervisor was hired prior, who does not like me and wants her crew to work with her. I... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I have a couple of issues at work but I'll only address one. When I got hired, I was told that the work week would be 35 hours. I agreed that if I had to stay late to complete some work, that I would ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I work for a big corporation with severance. I am on disability from work and may be considered fit to work. The company back filled my job as they needed to have someone in the position. If there is not a position for me available at the comp-any am I en
off work on LT disability for almost 2 years. my position was backfilled. They say I can apply for a position if one is available. If one is not available then am I entitled to severence? applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Can an employer deny a shortened work day if your psychiatrist writes a letter recommending it?
My psychiatrist gave me a modified work day note after being off on medial for 2 weeks due to a severe panic attack provoked by my supervisor. My supervisor said "if you can't be here all day, then ju... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I work for a private mortage servicing company in ohio. There are about 250+ employees and they are making the dept I work in work mandatory 10 hours over-time a week unitl they tell us to stop. I att... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I have of question about pyramiding OT and holiday hours.
The way that I understood pyramiding was that if you work a holiday and also work OT on that holiday that you can not get paid both holiday and OT for that day. Which I understand. But the company tha... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Can I work 7-10 days straight without overtime?
I work for a hotel. They define their "work week" as Friday-Thursday. I work 8 hours a day at least. I managed to have the fortune of working WEEK 1: Sunday, (not monday),Tuesday-Friday (5), and WEEK ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

my mother took an fmla due to falling and breaking her hip. she recently returned to work with restrictions. after being back to work for a month her employer told her that she had to have all limitations lifted and could not return to work until done so.
my mother was forced to have all medical restrictions lifted after breaking her hip and returning to work. her job demanded so and stated she could not return to work until done so. she is 63 years ol... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

I have a doctor's excuse for work can my employer make me come in to work?
I went to the doctor about 3 weeks ago prior to my shift at work. I was told that I may have multiple sclerosis or I may have had a stroke. This information was very devastating to me. I called my emp... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can u please help me?! I work as a medical livery driver want to know if my pay and hours are legal
I work at a medical livery driver. I work 60hrs a week. I get up at 5am work til 5pm then go back out at 7pm and get home at 10pm. Then wake up at 4am for my next pickup at 5am... I'm tired and fallin... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Family work together?
I work for a bank and we have a two family members working, One is manager and a different branch and one is a teller. are they both allowed to work for the bank? if the teller tells the family member... applies to Idaho  ·  0 answers

Can an employer make you work 80 hours over 2 weeks before you get paid overtime?
I work in corrections in wv. we went from bi monthly payment to bi weekly and they changed there policy so that we don't get any overtime till we reach 80 hours because 1 week we may work 48 hours and... applies to West Virginia  ·  0 answers

trying to return to work after illness and surgery. Can my work offer a different place and less hours?
I had illness and surgery,.I can go back to work. My work said they have to much staff where i was working. They offered me a different building and a shift with less hours. is it ok for them to give ... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

If I'm a employee and have doctor restriction and Iam mmi from work comp back at work and the doctor is trying to do another surgery on my foot and still going to doctors appointment threw work comp can they mandate me to work overtime
I'm on restriction from a doctor and still going to doctor appointment threw work comp I'm mmi back to work and waiting to see if work comp approves a surgery for my foot that will put me back off wor... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

what recourse do I have if a former employer is telling clients I still work there in order to retain them as customers. when they arrive at the office for an appointment with me, that's when they find out I no longer work there.
a former employer is telling clients that I still work there, the client comes in for an appointment with me and then finds out I am not there and is steered to another employee. I want them to stop s... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

I got hurt at work since then work has shut down I'm suing the insurance company for scaring and pain and what not work gave us a severance agreement but states I won't be able to go after them for any work place injuryes. If I sign this agreement does th
Hurt plant shut down trying to figure out if I can sign it out not applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

I was demoted because apparently I was making my partners turn against each other and it wasn't a good work environment. I never agreed to that. Can you please advise
A partner at work called the hot line at work and said that it was hard to work with me. So HR started an investigation and came back to tell me about the investigation and told me what it is I needed... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Work at Haynes brand in Virginia .. worked 40 hrs already can they make me work overtime when I've worked 26 days straight
Just need to know if it's legal to force me to work applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Okay so my employer told me I can't return to work on a false accusation that I have made a false check and she is now denying me work or to return to work untill the issue is resolved and I'm found not guilty even after the bank told her it was made from
Work urgent applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

In NJ, can an employer change your position and reduce your pay so you don't get fired? I went to my boss saying I would need to work a set schedule once my kids start school. He has since hired my replacement and told me that I can stay and work part tim
I have been with the company for a year. In order to resolve a potential issue I brought this to my boss to try and work it out months before it would happen. I offered different options to continue t... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

As an employee how can I set boundaries at work that align with employment law guidelines? I feel I am being overworked and exploited by my current employer, what are my options legally?
My employers headquarters are in Maryland, I work at the client site (I work for a consulting firm) which is in DC applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Injured back at work, saw doctor, pulled out of work 5 days later, fired 2 weeks later for missing t
Is this retailiation for filing compensation? Terminated 2 weeks after doctor pulled me out of work. Was told if I would get released they would keep my job as it was. Finally won compensation case, r... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Retaliation after using FMLA
I was being trained for a supervisor position, that my manager removed me from the training after I was out of work for a week due to a disability which I have FMLA. I was also told in my yearly revie... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

I was injured at work have been on workers compensation since then my doctor released me to work 12 hrs a week I was told by my employer that I needed to open my availability to work more hrs or be demoted and take a pay cut I live in NY is legal
I work at McDonald's as a manager I got hurt at work 3 yrs ago and have been on works comp since my doctor had let me return to work for 12 hrs a week I also receive works comp still I was told by my ... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

I was injured at work have been on workers compensation since then my doctor released me to work 12 hrs a week I was told by my employer that I needed to open my availability to work more hrs or be demoted and take a pay cut I live in NY is legal
I work at McDonald's as a manager I got hurt at work 3 yrs ago and have been on works comp since my doctor had let me return to work for 12 hrs a week I also receive works comp still I was told by my ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can my job tell me I cannot work just because I’m pregnant and I’m order to work I need to provide a letter from my doctor stating I can work without restrictions? I never requested an accommodations. I am just pregnant.
I was asked to provide a letter of clearance advising that I can work without restrictions. My doctor was a little hesitant at first because she asked me if I told them I needed accommodations, I advi... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

I work for a home health care company and only work for one specific client. The client is going to drop this agency I work for and is trying to get all of the nurses to sign with the new agency she has chosen. We all signed a non compete agreement. it sa
We (the nurses) got a letter from the prospective employer stating that we have nothing to worry about and we can go to work for them and not worry about a law suit. The current company sent us a lett... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  3 answers

I was off work on a Fmla (non work related) due to major foot surgery. Returned back to work after 9 weeks off since I been back I am experiencing sever pain in my foot and up my leg. I work at a school for emotion impaired students. I had to break up a f
Bone spur surgery and reattachment of archilles tendon and Bunin repaired I have 3 screws and 4 rods in my foot applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Have restrictions on my return to work order, employer says there is no light duty work, but is expecting me to return all the same what do I do.
I slipped a disc when waking up to go to work. Had an mri done & got a spinal epidural done. Faxed over fmla papers to be off for the next 9 days. applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Can your employer make you work when you tested positive for the flu and have a doctors note for the needed time off to heal?
I was told that I needed to either find coverage for my work by a coworker or come into work fevered and with a doctor's note. 1. It is not in our employee handbook that I need to find coverage for my... applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

In Ca. If I was hurt on the job. An OSHA recordable. Can they change my shift on me while on work restrictions?
I have a torn labrum in my left shoulder that happened at work. Job care has me on work restrictions. My reg shift is 9-1730. They(work) has complely changed my shift to a 1400-2230 shift. To reasonab... applies to California  ·  1 answer

If I have an FMLA restriction to work no more than 8 hours per day and no more than 40 hours per week, can my employer change my normal work scheduled from M-F to T-S. Saturdays are not guaranteed hours as they cancel them often. Therefore, this leaves me
My new FMLA paperwork was received. My restrictions are no more than 8 hours a day and no more than 40 hours per week. Also two consecutive days off. My normal work schedule is Monday - Friday. My emp... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Discrimination for those who know
I am disappointed in the response that you gave. I said I worked two jobs but my boss never knew. I NEVER came to work tired. One of my co-workers missed over 100 days of work in a 5 month time period... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Is this a violation of FMLA
Right befor I came back to work I told my boss that my doctor had released me and I could come back to work, At this time I was advised that I had missed more than I had been there this year and they ... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

new York in on fmla for stress & anxiety with intermittent leaves where I have flare up, outburst, and erratic behavior. when I went to work as a Forman getting my work duties the previous supervisor stated that a co work on my shift was out yesterday and

Can I be laid off while on FMLA?
I have been on FMLA for 5 weeks. I received a phone call telling me I was being laid off due to work force reduction I had an off work slip to 1/16/18, the same day as Dr appointment. Dr send a revise... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Is my job retaliating against me and what can I do?
I work in Massachusetts and have given my job a 2 week notice of closing my schedule out to just weekends because I have found a better paying weekday job. I injured my neck (not at work) and was told... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Can my PTO hrs be taken to make up hrs on overtime hours missed?
My work place wants us to work 10 hr shifts 5 days a week, and 2 Saturdays with one off. Normal work week is 8 hrs 5 days, totaling 40. Can they take PTO after the 50 hrs, if we don't work the Saturda... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

If I twisted my ankle on company property before I clocked into work, was taken er after clocking in no drug test was given, was required to take drug test before returning to work a day later, did not receive workman's comp since I was not injured on the
I need to know if I was not clocked in at work and twisted my ankle would that be considered a work related injury? applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

My work week runs thurs. Through wed. I work sun. Through mon. 7 days straight and get no overtime in florida why? Jerri
My work week runs thursday through Wednesday i get paid every 2 weeks so if i work 7 days straight sunday through monday i wont get overtime why? applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

I have a part time job, 20 a week. I had surgery and cannot drive, but 3 weeks later, I had someone drive me to work 1, 2, 3, then 4 days because they said I needed to be in the office. It set my recovery back so I asked to be accommodated to work at home
After my 7 week surgical evaluation, my surgeon ordered physical therapy. I was hoping to work from home to allow me to have greater access to appointments. There was no trouble with doing that in the... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

i do not want meal time
according to what i have been reading us government does not require lunch breaks.......i have been working in an office for 3 years 8 hrs per day and work thru lunch at my desk.....the want me to pun... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Willingness to pay depends. Being out of work has strapped my funds immensely!
I need to know if the non-compete agreement my company forced me to sign will hold up now that I have been fired and am looking for work. There was no benefit from signing it other than keeping your j... applies to Wisconsin  ·  2 answers

non compete signed at 15 I didn't understand and it was explained. I am now asked not to return to work.
I was offered a job at 15 years old. I completed application and signed documents. Just learning that one doc was a non compete clause. I was asked not to return because I couldn't work two school day... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Going back to work after long term disability. what can/CAN'T hr ask me?
It's been a little over a year since I have been off of work. Luckily position is still there for me, and I am good to go back. I am very private and don't want any of my personal information out in t... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I work on a remodeling crew. We go into private residences to work. I left work yesterday because of a smoking customer. What are my rights here? Do I have to breath smoke just because of my job? Or does my employer have to provide me with a smoke free wo
My question provides all the details. I have to go into private residences for work. I'm allergic to smoke. What are my rights? What are my employers rights? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

8 months of work for a company, work siezed, no payment
I joined an IPO as a partner, working conditions have changed to negative. I am resigning. Company refuses to pay me for 8mos. of work ($20K) and has seized all of my intellectual property and is usin... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Can an employer who is also your landlord force you to work for free or evict you?
I live in FL and my boyfriend and I were on the verge of being homeless when the owner of the hotel we were staying at offered him the room in exchange for work. Without thinking he agreed. They make ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can my employer force me to work in poison oak?
I work for a city as an outdoor landscaper. I was recently assigned to work on hiking trails that are littered with poison oak. Despite doing my best to cover up, rinse with soap and water afterwards,... applies to California  ·  0 answers

can I be denied severance pay if my current clinic is closing and I do not want to accept a position that is somewhat comparable to my position now paying less wages? I no longer want to work for the company I'm with
I work for a hospital group. I was just told that the clinic I work in is closing soon. I will be offered a severance package but that if a position becomes available that they find comparable to my c... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Can my work place take my PTO for overtime weekend hours?
I work in Florida, and my place of work is requiring we work 10 hrs 5 days a week and two Saturdays in a row and next off. They stated they would take our PTO if we happen to not come in on Saturdays.... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

My hours are being changed to times I made clear I was unavailable to work. Can I be terminated?
I was poached by my employer on the basis that I was unable to commute to work outside of a 9-6 Monday-Friday schedule. My schedule has changed and now I have to work weekends starting at 9 am. Due to... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Is there a limit of hours that a salaried exempt employee is to work?
I know I have to work 40 but our company says 45. That's fine. But I'm putting in 65-80hrs. weekly. I am a co-manager at a convenience store that also sells fuel. I hire and I terminate. I've been wor... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Hostile Work Environment
I work in a hostile work environment but that is generated from a co-worker, not the employer. The co-worker admitted to the director and to me that they purposely and willfully do things to try and h... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I was written up because my husband called me out of work because i was that fair
I was out with the stomach flu and missed 2 days of work. I have a doctor excuse and everything. I missed 2 days of work and on the 2 days my husband called me out because i was throwing up. I get bac... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Alternative Work Schedule - Employee Rights
Does an employer that utilizes an alternative work schedule of 4 days 10 hours/day work week have the right to require an employee currently working this schedule to permanently change his schedule to... applies to California  ·  1 answer

My car was stolen right before i was leaving for work. I had a police report and still came to work within 2 hrs. Yet i was still fired. Do i have a legal case?
After showing up for work a little late and with proof of my vehicle being stolen i was fired. applies to California  ·  0 answers

can my employer make me stop working for a competitor per diem, if there is nothing saying you can't and other employees are working for other competitor
I work as a paramedic and work for 2 companies. Many other people in the company do this. I got a call from the owner saying I had to pick one or the other. There is nothing written saying we can't wo... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

What questions should I ask regarding a sexual harassment investigation against me at work
I was falsely accused of sexual harassment at work yesterday and suspended for 1 day for them to investigate. I go back to work today, and anticipate getting fired, what are some things I should ask t... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

i work for a major bank as a consultant. work there a 100 days a year. recently some staff person said something about me and my work. other workers have been using word behind my back and in conversation when talking with me. thinking i don't know. i wil
want to know if i can report the staff person to HR. He's been with the company for 18 years. I wouldn't mind if he used this word about my creative work.. but he said i was this word. Hard for me to ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I am still under a doctor's care and as part of my return to work I am limited to the number of hours I am able to work my employer has asked me to work more hours than my doctor allows. Do I have any rights at all?
Need help now sticky problem applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

I am still under a doctor's care and as part of my return to work I am limited to the number of hours I am able to work my employer has asked me to work more hours than my doctor allows. Do I have any rights at all?
Need help now sticky problem applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

I work prn and do I still make my own schedule even thow I am on light duty for the job
I'm going back to work on light duty before I got hurt I worked the days I could work will it still b the same way an will w orkmens comp pay me for my lost wages applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

What are my rights as a Contractor?
I am classified as a contractor through my employer, but I am being told that I am to report to the office every day to work, or there will be no work from home, plus I am not allowed to pursue other ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

When does FMLA actually begin?
Took a vacation day for own personal use but my surgery was the next day following, I work two on and two off and every other weekend so I thought my FMLA would physically take place on the day I coul... applies to South Carolina  ·  1 answer

Yes I was drug tested at my work like 6 months ago because other employees felt that i was not safe to work around and apparently some customer said also but I didn't see any paper work stating that was true but I passed but being stressed bout that and h
I don't know if I have something there the supervisor and the ASM who tested me said it would've been just us three who knew about it but how if they said they had written proof of other staff applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Can my employer force me to take a day off work before I am eligible to get the paper work to take to the doctor to get Fmla.
My employer will not give us fmla paperwork unless we report off work is this legal? applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

What can I do if my employer docks my pay for not going to work in a dangerous environment
My boss retaliated against me for not going back to work in a dangerous work environment and then when I wasnt willing to go back to dangerous work environment not only did he dock my pay but he also ... applies to Montana  ·  0 answers

Overtime for salary
When my pay was changed from hourly to salary I was verbally told it would be based on a 45 hour work week but would be paid overtime on a quarterly basis for time work over 45 hours. Over the past fe... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

At the end of my season, a manger tried to get me to sign separation paperwork. She did not tell me what it was and tried to get me to sign it even though I was i n excellent standing and not quitting, simply completing my working season.
This was at a seasonal emploment where I was expected to work 21 days. They wanted me to work additional and when I was un able to due to other work commitments they tried to get me to sign speration ... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

My supervisor has had it out for me since he thinks i did something wrong to him outside of work a week ago. So today before work my supervisor contacted me stating he had propane for me since he knows that's my only heat source in the winter. He said he
I need my job and i have the txt to prove this was planned before work. Im about to be homeless how can i get job back or rent? applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Non-Compete Question
I have a non-compete agreement in a Right To Work State (Florida). A client of mine has asked me to go work for them (a completely different industry than I am currently in), however, my contract stat... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

live in Texas, work hourly & fulltime. If I work 7:30-4:00 with a 30 minute break(do not clock out for break) how many hours am I actually working
work 7:30 -4:00 with a 30 minute break but do not clock out for break. Is this 8 hrs or more since don't clock out for the 30 minutes? Employer states that I would have to come in to work at 7:00am wi... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I work Friday, Saturday and Sunday. My work is saying that they are giving the normal Monday shift off on a federal holiday and make my shift work in their place, is this legal?
I work Friday, Saturday and Sunday. My job is giving the weekday shift Monday off for the memorial day holiday and making the weekend shift work, is this legal? applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

I was dismissed from work due to lack of work and then denied unemployment
Recently I was let go from my job due to a lack of work. At least that was what I was told by the boss. When I tried to get unemployment benefits, the boss manufactured a story that I was dismissed fo... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Overtime for salary
I was hired two years ago by my current employer. I received a letter confirming I was hired at a specified salary but I would receive overtime for any time over 46 hours. The overtime would be paid q... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

This is the only industry we know
My husband and I both have worked in the yellow page industry since 1985. We have worked for all the major companies and have just been terminated with a severance release agreement. Basically we coul... applies to Kansas  ·  1 answer

Is it legal to be laid off when returning from work after reconstructive surgery for breast cancer?
I told my employer that I was going to have surgery and would be need to be off work for 4 weeks. I was told this would be no problem. When I called to let them know that I had been released to return... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Employer holding back wages stating I owe him money for car damages
Thank you very much for your answer. Three months ago I was laid off for lack of work. I had had the job for 5 years with no problems. Two weeks after I was laid off the former employer called and ask... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

We are a at will state, however we laid someone off and the next day gave an offer to someone else for the same position. This someone else can help the department bring in her work because her mother is head of an organization. Is this legal?
The lady we laid off yesterday has been here over a year, the girl we sent an offer to today is the daughter of someone who is in charge of choosing who gets work (work we want). applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

We are a Mfgr with 80 employees. One is returning to work from vacation with a flight layover in Hong Kong. Her co-workers are concerned about SARS. May we require her to wait 10 days before returning... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Can an employee be fired while on doctors no work order
On Nov. 5th 2003 My fiancee was in an auto accident resulting in a severe neck fracture and was told he could not return to work untill he was cleared by a nuerosurgeon. We have an appointment for Thu... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Coworkers that work longer hours for free is making it difficult for my job security.
Is it legal for other contract coworkers to work in excess of 40 hours a week but only turn in (and get paid for) 40 hours a week? I ask this because I only work the hours I am supose to be paid for. ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

If I am scheduled to work until 6pm is my boss allowed to make me stay later than that even though it is written down on the schedule that I am out at 6 without any warning ahead of time?
I was scheduled to work until 6pm. I work at a Taco Bell and I was operating the register and when 6pm rolled around I was told I had to stay and count the money in the drawer. Even though I have alwa... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

When terminated can you work for a client that contacted you for employment?
I am a non-CPA accountant that has worked for a local accounting firm for three years and I was let go in April for reasons not involving work product. I do not recall ever signing a non-compete agree... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I had knee replacement and I was only supposed to be off work 3 months. but my healing has taken longer. I had release to return to work on 7/15/2016. But when I couldn't return to work in June they terminated me. they told me over the phone in June this.
please help me. am I wrong in thinking I deserve unemployment? what are my rights please should I hire an attorney? Thank You applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

By boss Threaten me If I fell out A work comp claim He will fight me Tooth & Nail He also Said to me I have nothing against you people And I'm not a racist But you would lose If you go any further with this
Inmate report 2 Corporation Nhr And nothing is being done We retaliate against me When I came back to work Took me out of one position And put me in another position Knowing I have restrictions in pla... applies to California  ·  0 answers

By boss Threaten me If I fell out A work comp claim He will fight me Tooth & Nail He also Said to me I have nothing against you people And I'm not a racist But you would lose If you go any further with this
Inmate report 2 Corporation Nhr And nothing is being done We retaliate against me When I came back to work Took me out of one position And put me in another position Knowing I have restrictions in pla... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can my employeer deduct pay from a second check?
I work full time 40 hours a week doing general office work. And I work a second job, I clean the office after hours. I recieve two separate paychecks for the different job duties. I missed a day of wo... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

I have an fmla for my own for intermittent leave serious health condition, then I aquired a work related injury workman comp authorized surgery and am off work for 6-8 weeks, beings how it's a work related injury, my company is still requiring me to take
How many fmla can you have?if more than does that mean you get 24 weeks of fmla for 2 fmlas? And if it's a covered work comp injury does your employer have the right to make you fill out fmla for job ... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

Overtime under pay
I work for a company i am salary base. but if i miss work or have to take off from work they pay me at an hourly wage. plus i have proof where i have worked 90 plus hours in a pay peroid and only got ... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

Company not paying independent contractor
I did consulting work for a company in Illinois who now has decided the work does not have enough "value" for them. The work was compiling a database of names and numbers for the company to prospect w... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I am in a union shop, we get a week off every year for the annual shutdown. They do take volunteers to clean shop but if we sign up and dont get chosen to work we are told we are unable to collect unemployment benefits for lack of work because the union v
I work for a union shop, and each year we have a 1 week shutdown and per contract if we sign up to work the shutdown and are able we can save a weeks vacation. If we dont work we have to use that one ... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Can my part-time employer restrict me from also working for another employer PRN because they may wa
I work part time for my employer. I would like to work more hours, but they are unable to offer me additional hours at this time. I am a professional and prefer the type of work that I am currently do... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

pregnancy discremination
Iam a waitress at Sagebrush Steakhouse in Mtairy.SAT.i was scheduled to work at 6:15 I called in around 3:00pm and informed the front house manager that i was going to be a few min late.(maybe)I got t... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Being penalized for not signing or being aware of a non-compete contract
I work for a physical threap clinic and am currently being bound to a non-compete contract that I did not sign nor even knew about until I turned in my letter of resignation. The company that I curren... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Company has no money to pay me
The company I work for is slowing running out of money. The board will not allow the company to file bankruptcy. I was due to be paid the 15th and the 30th of the month. I am one of two employees left... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

non-compete clause
I am a Physician Assistant working in the ER. I recently started work at a new hospital and signed a non-compete clause stating that I would not during my work there or for a period of 1 year after te... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

Am I eligible for overtime?
I work for a lobbying firm as an administrative assistant in DC. I make less than $45,000 a year and am supposed to work 8 hour days/40 hour weeks. On average I work 9-10 hours a day with 1-2 of those... applies to District of Columbia  ·  1 answer

can an employer make you come to work if on approved FMLA after a surgey
If off on approved FMLA after hand surgery can my supervisor force me to come into the office to work. ? The company policy requires us to be seen by company doctor before returning to work. I applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

can an employer force mandatory overtime for just one of three shifts
The company I work for made weekend overtime mandatory for 2nd shift and not 1st or 3rd. We are being forced to work even when machines are not scheduled to work on the weekend. applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

can they deny me fmla for having the flu?
company i work for denied my fmla paperwork because the doctor did not prescribe me any medicine. I had the flu and very bad stomach cramps. the doctor did my paper work took me off work for 3 days an... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I was terminated yesterday for not reporting to work while under doctors orders to remain off of work until Sept. 19th. My employer had the proper documentation from my doctor, as well as speaking to my doctor over the phone. I was still terminated?
I was order off of work from Sept 8 through Sept 18th by my doctor. My employer was notified, and given the proper doctors statement. Upon returning to work, i was fired for no show. Is this... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Full time job w/ benefits and a contract position simaltaneously
Can a person work full time as a marketer for an agengy with benefits and take on a contract position that is doing marketing in a different area at the same time if there is no non compete----in othe... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Blocked account and work interview
My previous employer wrote me my final paycheck and it was returned as "blocked account". Is this the same thing as NSF and can I bring this to a district attorney. Also, my first day of work he refus... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I install a/c on shuttle buses in I work for based in Pennsylvania I started there in 07 signed agreement in 08 no raise since ! I quit want to work for competor but company won't allow raise for 8 years !!!
Trans air co in Penn..I work in Indiana applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Can a freelancer be rejected work because of a previous affair? My boss just wrote me an email telling me that we couldn't work together anymore due to his wife finding out about his infidelity issues... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I am paid less than the Sheriff and not paid OT for days off I work.
I am a corrections ofc. for a private corp. and sometimes we have to pull hosp. duty. I make $9.50 hr. At my job. The marshals pay the co. $12.00 hr. When I work the hosp. The co. Only pays me $9.00 h... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I recently reported my supervisor for making racist remarks and singleing me out afterwards I have been layed off they are saying lack of work I have worked here 20 years what should I do?
An employee has made remarks remarks to me for years including me and my kids should come to his house to do yard work and sending me across the boarder, the first time I confronted him I was given le... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

I had gotten hurt at work I had carpal tunnel and ulnar nerve lesion,tennis elbow this happened on 04-08-15 I had surgery on 02-01-16 I was on workers comp and FMLA leave went back to work on restrictions hurt my elbow again bc they wasn't going by my drs
Getting fired for work injury while on WC and fmla applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Would the non compete keep me from getting a new job?
I am working in Recruitment at a Home Care company for seniors in their homes. I am looking to work at an Assisted Living as a Sales Manager. My non compete says to not work for a like company for 2 y... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

FMLA/ restoration not key employee
A week before returning to work from FMLA, my work provided me the completed form for Family and Medical Leave Act Request, this form states on the second page that I am not a key employee and that th... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Am i bound by a non compete signed between my ex company and another company
I never signed a non compete contract. It was signed between the only two companies in my town that do my line of work. I was laid off sixteen months ago and my ex company says I am bound by their agr... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I'm a non exempt employee that's on call 24/7 and work more than 80hrs per this legal?
I work aa a field service & sales tech in the oil and gas industry in west Texas. My job requires extremely long hours and I'm salary. I want to know if this is legal to have me work 80+ hours per wee... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

What is my protection under FMLA?
I am on FMLA with intermittent leave for one day a week and doctors appointments. Ever since starting my FMLA I have been being treated badly by co-workers. They are rude and act as if i am invisible.... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Disabilty return to work
I am an Certified HR professional and had heart surgery and was out 6 months. When I returned even though our policy states Employees returning to work upon the expiration of their leave will be reins... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I sign a contract to work 5 pm -10 pm and now they demand me to work 8am-4pm or they letting me go and they known I have a morning job can they do that
I'm a janitor at Wall Head Start Preschool I sign a contract to work 5pm-10pm because I have a morning job and now they demand me to work 8am-4pm or don't come in at all can they do that? applies to Mississippi  ·  0 answers

If your employer tells you that you are required to work for free do you have to?
My employer says that my my contract (offer letter) says that i am required to work extra days. However, when i asked if this was paid, i asked if it was paid and they said no, it was mandatory volunt... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can a boss have different rules for certain employees?
Can an employer pressure some employees to work hard, while allowing other employees to do little work without penalty? Isn't this a form of discrimination? For instance, our furniture store office mg... applies to New Jersey  ·  1 answer

salary or not salary ?
I am classified as a salary employee, my check stub states salary 40 hours, although I am required to work a min of 50 hours weekly. If i miss a day of work,( out sick, emergency,) I am forced to eith... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

In New York State, can my employer force me to work a new schedule under threat of being fired if I don't agree?
My wife's employer is changing her schedule to make her work weekends and until 1 am instead of Mon-Fri 9-5. One of the reasons for taking the job in the first place was was to work regular hours. Thi... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I been have alot of problems with my pregnancy and am only 15 weeks and i still been getting sick and realky bad headaches my doctor said there nithing wrong so cant fill out days off on my flma. U have already messed work where an about ti lose my job an
Get so sick throwing up and get migraines so bad where i cant work. I have had ti hsve my family pick me upnfrom work cant drive it hurts so bad applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I been have alot of problems with my pregnancy and am only 15 weeks and i still been getting sick and realky bad headaches my doctor said there nithing wrong so cant fill out days off on my flma. U have already messed work where an about ti lose my job an
Get so sick throwing up and get migraines so bad where i cant work. I have had ti hsve my family pick me upnfrom work cant drive it hurts so bad applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Can a supervisor demand an employee to work an extra 8 hour shift ?
My son was told by his supervisor that he HAD to work another 8 hour shift ion top of his regular 8 hours, and has to return to work for his regular 8 hour shift. first 8 hrs. 8:00 a.m. -4:00 p.m. Dem... applies to Connecticut  ·  2 answers

What is the max amt of hours your employer can mandate you to stay over and work? You have already w
I work in a hospital setting and due to fluctuations in staffing and patient census, we are occasionally mandated to work over past our regularly scheduled time out. We would like to know the maximum ... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

I have a doctor's prescription since 7/2/10 to be off of work due to Pneumonia
I have been under my doctor's care since then and have gotten continued prescriptions to stay out of work due to continued pneumonia. I am a full time nurse, now going into third week out of work, my ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

My unemployment Benefits were denied
I started a new job and was going to have my 90 days in by Aug 2011. I had my baby in June three months early, my job told me they could hold my postion for 3weeks only. I was denied unemployment beca... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Can companies break their own non-compete agreement?
I signed a non-compete with my former employer, and I was the only person in the company that had knowledge in the type of work that I did. Upon my departure, one of their clients contacted me and ask... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

can my boss make me work split shifts in minnesota
can my employer make me work split shifts- punch in and out just to cover the gap in work load. applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

I had a seizure in march and I am unable to drive to work for six months
Due to my seizure, I am not allowed to drive for six months. I asked my employer if I could work from home which they allow other people to work from home to save money in gas. My employer said no. I ... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

I am a salaried employee and work 45+ hours per week. I am required to work one Saturday (5 hours).v
I am a salaried employee and work 45+ hours per week. I am required to work one Saturday (5 hours) per month. I missed one Saturday since I was in the Hospital, now my employer is telling me I have to... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

retaliation from boss
I'm a car painter,my boss clearly favors the other painter.This painter does my boss's personal work for free.I get paid commision only and complained to the deelership I was'nt receiving enough work ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Are non-compete valid in the state of Montana
I am a Massage Therapist, have been offered a job with a chiropractic office, the clause says I cannot work for a "same business" for a period of 6 months after I terminate employement with him, and i... applies to Montana  ·  0 answers

Was this fair is there something I can do about this situation?
Hello I was fired from my job last night. I told the assistant manager If I could com into work at a later time which was supposed to be 7:30. I was running later and I didn't walk into work until 8. ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can my employer keep me from returning to work while on intermittent FMLA?
I've been on intermittent FMLA since January 2016. Each and every time I submit an intent to return to work or an email requesting that I want to work, HR states they have no work for me, or some othe... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Employment Agency Overtime Laws
I work for an employment agency. My work with that agency, sends me to two different businesses. I work 30 hours a week at one company and 22.5 hours a week at the other. Although I am working with tw... applies to California  ·  1 answer

3 weeks and
okay i was hired 3 weeks ago, i have showed up to work everday, the supervisor said i was doing a great job, i had the most experience out of all the workers there....the night before i was let go, i ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can your employer make you resign?
I have been at my job 9 months. It is an extremely larger work load than anticipated. I have been writtten up twice. The company has no handbook or contracts. I went to the er on tuesday June 21, 2011... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Business is Business... Leave the personal stuff at HOME!
I am in a situation where one employee has gone to HR to complain about me. Her complain is that she can not work, because she "claims" that I am engaged to her Ex husband and that my "unethical" beha... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

How do I lay-off a part-time employee / health safety concerns?
My part-time employee does a great job, but I want to scale-back my small craft business. We also work with art supplies that require wearing a respirator mask, which she's expressed a sensitivity to.... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Do employers usually drug test when returning to work from fmla due to a non work related surgery?
Recently had surgery on my wrist do to a non work injury. Do employers usually drug test upon returning to work from fmla ? applies to California  ·  0 answers

my employer wants us to work a 48 hour work week Monday through Saturday and said that if we want Saturday off we have to use our PTO time, can he do this?
it was my understanding that if a employee has a 40 hour work week that they don't have to work anymore than that, and that they definitely don't have to use PTO time to do so. applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Is it legal to pay women significantly less than men for the same work?
Even though I have more responsibility than any other team member, male or female, I am paid the least ($24k less than the lowest paid male). My boss says it's because I don't have a degree, even thou... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is The Non-Compete I Signed Enforceable?
I live and work in Atlanta GA. The company I worked for is headquartered in NYC. I had to sign a non-compete/non solicit that is based on NY labor laws. Does this non compete apply in Georgia if I go ... applies to Georgia  ·  1 answer

Can my co. (CA based) deduct from my accrued vacation hours; because they have just changed our office hours from 45-40hr. work weeks. I understand it accruing would change moving froward, but can they retroactively?
The studio I work for allows employees to accrue vacation hours. I was accruing up to 20/days a year based on a 45hr. work wk. The company just switched most employees to 40hr work wks, and because of... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Is it a valid non compete ?
I used to work for Company A which makes X and signed a non compete. I now work for company B which makes everything from A to Z and say I work on product Y which is NOT similar to product X. They als... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

What are my FMLA rights and am I being discriminated or retaliated against for using my FMLA?
I am on FMLA with intermittent leave for one day a week and doctors appointments. Ever since starting my FMLA I have been being treated badly by co-workers. They are rude and act as if i am invisible.... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Am I Considered Working The Moment I Am Driving
Am I considered Working the moment I drive my work vehicle. Background info I have a company vehicle I pay 50$ a month to use. I have no physical address for work I work out of my vehicle remote only ... applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

Can my boss send me home if my doctor put me on light duty for a week? plus I won't be getting payed for the week my boss wont let me work
I went to the doctor and he gave me a note to go to work just on light duty work for a week I did not injury myself at work and my boss sent me home and told me to come back after the week but I will ... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

I was employed as a consultant performing project-related work for my company's clients. I was benched when, after my current project ended, and no additional work was available. I was told that I would
4 + years working on 1 project/contract. Earned vacation pay but was "benched" due to a lack of work without being paid my banked "PTO" pay applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Can HR lie to get me off of FML
I was currently on FML, and I was supposed to remain on it until the 23rd of March. HR told me that my boss would not approve this so I return to work on the 2nd of March. Today (3rd) I found out that... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

An employee came into work for 30 minutes then left didn't show up for the next 2days is she terminated
Employee last Friday came into work for 30 minutes her supervisor was showing her how to do some paperwork for the end of the month she just got up and walked out. Then she was suppose to work on Satu... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I work for an event staffing company and I never signed a non compete. I work for other agencies when I'm not scheduled to work for my main company. They found out and are questioning me about working for another agency. They said the company has a non co
Didn't sign a non compete and my boss is trying to bully me for working part time with another company. applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Compensation While Waiting on Clearance Transfer
I work at a company in VA. I was working there for 6 weeks when I was called at work the Monday before Thanksgiving and told that I had to pack up and go home (after I had already been there for 5 hou... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Haven't got and answer from my employer I turn in my FMLA paper work 15 days ago .. When I contact corporate benefits they said they never received any paper work... I turn it in to hr Dept at the loc... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I was approved to work overtime doing the same body of work I currenlty just a diffrent location after working it for several day i was told by a manager that it was not allowed without prior approval. A lead manager in the build I go and my current manag
temp staff and lead staff allowed to work it. applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Work remotely. Where do I file for unemployment?
I currently work remotely for a consulting firm based in Pittsburgh, PA. The company that I do my daily work at is in North Carolina. I live in NJ. When my consulting contract ends, where would I file... applies to New Jersey  ·  1 answer

Can my work point me and take my vacation hours if i have a doctors note if they didn't do it the first time
Work applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

can i be fired for not showing up for work because im at the doctors
being taken to the er at the time of work. not answering the cell applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

Can an employer dictate who employees fraternize with outside of work?
hanging out with a supervisor outside work applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Work Schedule
When it comes to work scheduling, must the employer do so by seniority when all employees are doing the same job? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Are my travel hours included in my 40 hour work week?
I live in Oregon and work in Arizona and My Company pays to fly me to that location on a weekly basis. I work 4 X 10 hour days but my start and end times are not mandated. I am an exempt employee. My ... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

travel payments
hi and ty ... i work for a private hospice co. i travel for work place to place.. we get 50cents a mile.. but my question is now they have me starting an hour away and ending work an hour away, and i ... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

i work in a factory. I have a great work ethic everyday, but my supervisor hates me when im doing good it makes her mad so she puts me on the hardest things in the place and refuses to give me relief. she talks badly to us cussing and saying rude remarks
bullying , cussing, harassment, boss makes my work day a living hell everyday applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

I work for the state and am 8 mos pregnant I was planning to take my leave on July 31st my due date is Aug. 24th. I was told that I had to work until my due date of Aug. 24th. I have acquired FMLA but was never really explained how it works. Today I went
I had my Dr. write a note to place me on lightduty because I had a miscarriage a year ago at work and he felt I should not be lifting heavy residents on my own. At that time they put me on lightduty a... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

What options/rights do I have with continued harassment through my FMLA due to PTSD?
I was placed on FMLA by my therapist and my doctor due to PTSD related issues. It specifically stated certain tasks that I would not be able to handle in addition to limited hours. My HR department ma... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I have had surgerysevral times ffor work related job injurys the last one back in 2011 where the closing results were permanent restriction wewe no working over 40 hours per week but 1 and 1/2 years ago I worked some mandated nine our work days and they m
I was wondering is there any way I could have my surgery stay out until it fully heals and still have my reduced work restrictions mabe under ada accomadations in the past thy accomadted me without fl... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Can my employer fire me if I am out on medical leave
I work for a company that has a union and I was out of work on short term disabilty when the short term ran out I was still not well to return to work to having surgery. I was told by another worker t... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

I have had several problems with my asthma over the past year resulting in me missing some time from work now and then. I have been taken off work a couple of times by my doctor and I have given those... applies to California  ·  3 answers

Can a non-exempt employee delegate work to an unpaid intern?
I am an exempt employee living in New York City, working at a 501c3. After January 1, 2019, my salary is under the new threshold for exempt salaried employees, and I will be reclassified as "non-exemp... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My wife had her fibula bone removed from her leg because of a tumor, it has been a month since the surgery and the doctor provided her with a light duty work restriction, her employer said she can not come back to work unless she has a no restriction note
She is currently on FMLA, she went back to work and worked 2 full days and then HR manager said she can not come back unless she has a no restriction note. applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

My wife had her fibula bone removed from her leg because of a tumor, it has been a month since the surgery and the doctor provided her with a light duty work restriction, her employer said she can not come back to work unless she has a no restriction note
She is currently on FMLA, she went back to work and worked 2 full days and then HR manager said she can not come back unless she has a no restriction note. applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Can an employer stop me from working because he wants to talk to my doctor?When I have a release.
I Had surgery and a week later when I returned to work with a doctors release.he told me I can not return to Work until he has spoke with my doctor and a week later I received a letter stating that th... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Is it legal for an employer to force certain individuals in a group to change their scheduled hours?
I work in a group of approx. 50 associates, many of whom begin work between the hours of 5 and 7 AM. Recently, a new manager was hired and has decided she does not want only certain individuals (speci... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Is it legal for an employer to force certain individuals in a group to change their scheduled hours?
I work in a group of approx. 50 associates, many of whom begin work between the hours of 5 and 7 AM. Recently, a new manager was hired and has decided she does not want only certain individuals (speci... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Is it legal for an employer to force certain individuals in a group to change their scheduled hours?
I work in a group of approx. 50 associates, many of whom begin work between the hours of 5 and 7 AM. Recently, a new manager was hired and has decided she does not want only certain individuals (speci... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Can commission paid non sales employee be asked to perform misc. work when have not customers?
Hello. I am a licensed cosmetologist in the state of Ohio. I work fully on commission. If I have customers booked that day I get paid 50% of the profit minus service and supply fees, etc. If I do not ... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

I have had an approved FMLA leave since 2013 due to a critical illness. This leave has and is currently in effect. My issue is that my FMLA paper work from my Dr. states that I am to work a 40 hr. week, M-F 8 AM-5PM EST. I have consistently worked this sc
Can my company actually force me to work a different schedule from what is and been stated and approved in my approved FMLA claim since 2014? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

wrongful termination
hello, my name is Kelly P and my question is this, in Dec 2003 I was terminated (w/out just cause according to the ohio unemployment office). My situation is quite lenghty to explain,i apologize. In N... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can my employer fire me for missing work due to an injury that occurred outside of work?
I recently strained a muscle in my lower leg while stepping over a baby gate at home. Urgent Care gave me crutches and told me to stay off the leg for 3-4 days. I missed 1 night of work. The next day ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can employer reduce salary and f/t hrs from 40 to 30 hrs and salary and expect work product to be the same as 40 hrs
***There has been a reduction in my salary by 25%. Reduction in FTE from 1.0 to .75 Salaried exempt Reduction of work days from 5 days a week to 3 or possibly 3 and 1/2 days per week. Reduction of wor... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

When can a Non Compete by put in place
I work for a Firm in Virginia and live in Alabama, i have been there 3 years. my Boss recently sent me a Non Competition / Trade secrets Contract. Where i have a issue is when i went there they did 99... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

How can I get out of a non-competition agreement?
My friend was muscled into signing a non-competition agreement about a week ago at a blue-collar firm that does fire damage restoration. She has recent back problems, and this company is treating her ... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

I got hurt at work doctor put me off work I got on fmla I ran out of time they fired me what now?
I had back surgery the day I had surgery work sent a letter stating I had ran out of fmla and fired me what can I do? applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

I have been out of work for over 3 months with anxiety. I was getting short term disability, now insurance has denied any further payment due to my Dr saying I
Out of work since 2/27/17, I believe everything else is in the question box. applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

I live in Georgia I had a stroke and my employer is trying to fire me can I get help
doctor cleared me to return to work but now HR is saying that I may or may not be approved to work and make it fired applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Can't Work With Former Employees???
I'm being let go and looking for work with companies that DO NOT compete with my former employer. That said, my non-comp has a clause that states I will not "employ, assist in the employment of or OTH... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Even though I am classified as exempt, I am required to be in the office at least 40 hrs per week.
I am a computer technician working as a contractor for the Federal government. My position is considered exempt, and I receive a salary. My work involves responding to help tickets from customers in m... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

Can I be fired for missing work due to serious medical problems?
I have been working for my Employer for 7 years and I have missed alot of work for the past 2 years due to a serious medical problem. I have been out of work past the 12 week period, Now my question i... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Is a non-compete agreement valid in other states?
f I signed a non-compete agreement for company "x" and work in Nebraska, (the company is headquartered in Minnesota) can I work for company "y" in North Carolina? Both companies are in the same type o... applies to Nebraska  ·  0 answers

I am an employee of a 2 employee business I took a leave for the and my boss told me she doesn't need me back at work because I did my follow rules and regulations and that I was to be back to work in 5 weeks eve though doc hadn't released me I've been em
I was verbally granted a leave of absence to have tkr that took place Sept. 8 2015. My boss informed me that she no longer needs me because there isn't enough work now and that I hadn't followed proce... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Am I entitled to severence?
I work for a company who was just recently bought out by a larger company. We have been having layoffs due to the merger. The department that I work in, is outsouced, so if I keep my job, I will be on... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

not allowed to return to work
i am employed as a contract employee (court attendant) and recently encountered a situation with a co-worker that resulted in my asking the supervisor for a transfer from what i believed a harraring s... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Selective enforcement of non-compete
I am a consultant who left my former employer 8 months ago and began working directly for my client. While at first encouraging, my former employer later learned that my 'opportunity' was for contract... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

My boyfriend works for a company that manufactures lockers. He is a salary employee (not paid overtime) and is required to work a 50 hour week. He is supposedly the office manager but he is not in a p... applies to California  ·  1 answer

My coworkers are able to take lunch and other breaks that I am barred from taking in the same way.
I work for a hospital in Ohio as a switchboard operator. I work third shift, 11p-7a. On my shift, I am the only Operator on duty, and, because the switchboard cannot go unanswered - I call in emergenc... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

right to work when terminated?
i was terminated by my employer, a consulting company. i have decided to start my own consulting business. i signed a non-compete agreement when i was hired into a company that was acquired by a large... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

what if your working in harmful unsafe working conditions you keep stressing to your mangers and supervisors and they dont make change...instead the threatin you with your job!
Fear for my job if i say and go to higher personal other then my supervisor Ive been voicing the unsafe and unhealthy work environment i have to work in no one is listening ....I cant loose my job...b... applies to California  ·  1 answer

fired due to violation of FMLA
I was fired from my job of 14 years. They said I violated my FMLA leave. I have it for headaches. I called into work one morning and 7 hours later I felt better. I went to the bank and store. They had... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

I want to know if my non-compete is valid
I work as a contractor and signed a non-compete when i started. At first they didn't give me a copy of it, but after I asked repeatedly they gave me one. The one thing that stood out to me was that th... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can an employer ask for a doctor's note from when I was in the hospital recently, when I was not scheduled to work and therefore, did not miss any days of work?
My employer is telling me that I need to give them a doctor's note stating that I was in the hospital for a few days last week, but I was not scheduled to work and therefore, did not miss any days of ... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Can work require me to come in on my weekend off?
I just received a notification from my job that I must come to a mandatory 2 hour training on either Saturday or Sunday afternoon (it is currently 8pm on Friday, I am not scheduled to work at all this... applies to California  ·  0 answers

the use of oxycodone at work
I was wanting to know if you could help me. My arm was crushed in a machine at work its not broke but I have muscle and tissue damage. My main concern is that when I went back to work last Tuesday the... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

My employer puts money in an escrow account for days that we don’t work such as holidays and Summer break. Can I opt-out of this?
I work for a school district. applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Peace work pay and hourly
I get paid 50 a job- it takes 4 hours on each. Although, when is it against law In Nevada to not be paid for every hour I work? I'm having to do at least 10 or more jobs to even see 300 paycheck. What... applies to Nevada  ·  1 answer

Can a temp agency tell me work slowed down, but tell the unemployment office that I was terminated?
I was working for a temp agency I worked at a place for 7 months for them. the recruiter called me to tell me work had slowed down and to not report to work where I was tempting. I filed for unemploym... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can I receive unemployment for not renewing contract work?
I opened an unemployment claim in April, and only received 3 weeks benefits prior to contracting with a small firm. My current contract with them is expired, and the new one they are offering makes no... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I'm off work on medical leave pending placement. The company just announced it will be shutting down the plant permanently in November 2015. If the company pays out severance can they exclude me while I'm off on medical leave? UAW is saying nothing at thi
I work for Mitsubishi Motors North America and I am currently on medical leave I was called in on July 17, 2015 for lite duty. I was back at work for a week when the company of 1,200 workers announced... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

can my estranged wife come to my workplace without my knowledge to get my work schedule
My wife and I are seperated and have filed for divorce. She Does not belive me when I tell her my work schedule and reminds me of my court ordered time for taking my children on my days off. I Told he... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

FMLA(first its serious enough, now its not)
My FMLA paperwork was given back to me due to it being incomplete.(Sec. 5b & Sec. 7b.) When I took my paper work in to be completed, the doctor decides that he does not want to complete the paper work... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

What is my rights as an employee who works 40 hours per week 80 hours every two weeks and I'm denied Vacation by my company is that legal in the state of Wisconsin
If I'm a full-time employee do my employer have the right to deny me vacation I work for the same company but they said one company is in the union work in the city of Milwaukee, but I work in the cit... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

work environment harassment
I am having trouble with my co-workers. Recently, I was allowed to go home early. My manager made the decision. The following day when I returned to work my work vehicle was filled with office equipme... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

The Vice President of the company I work for was sending me emails that i was going to quit and go to work with a past employee . It's a false statement & I have lost sleep over this. The next day HR came in stating I resigned. I didn't resign. I have the
I have been at the company for almost 3 months. I was moved to another position and let my boss know that I didn't like the new position but I didn't quit my job. Another person whom was my boss was f... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can I sue my company for harassment while still working for them
I am harassed daily and forced to work unlimited overtime, I have to work 9-10 hours a day plus saturdays with no extra pay. applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I had to call my boss and let him know I couldn't make it to work because of a possible health issue with my daughter , I called him back to let him know I would be at work the next day
he said to me " Don't do that shit anymore " can he do that ? is there a lawsuit ? applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Can I collect overtime where I work as a cook, over 50 hours a week?
I work at a restaurant where I put in over 50 hours a week sometimes 60. I am not paid any overtime and after 40 hours they pay me in cash. Last week I found they "shorted" me over $60 in cash. So not... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

I work construction I'm a foreman. A new superintendent was it on my job, that didn't know bridge work and we started bumping heads. But my work was not effected at all. Me and my crew received a award from the the main office for my bridge. Three days la
Do I have a wrongful termination. The union did get them to change my poor performance. They couldn't warrant it. But they wanted me to apply for unemployment to receive money. I want them to compensa... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I was released back to work and my company has yet to put me back on the schedule. What can I do about this
I was released back to work 4months ago from an injury that happened outside of work. I gave my employer all my doctors notes and kept them in the loop. They have yet to put me back on the schedule. W... applies to New Hampshire  ·  0 answers

Is it considered retaliation if your supervisor makes you work harder than the rest of your team?
I complained about my boss to HR. She told my supervisor that I had complained about them. The next week at work, myself and another co-worker had to do most of the work load, while my boss sat in her... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Exempt employee and work in job non-related area
I am an exempt or salary employee. Can my company force me to work in my job non-related area? Like if I am computer guy, can they ask me to work extra hour in sat as security guard? applies to California  ·  2 answers

Can my employer deny my light duty if I was injured at work?
I was injured on the job on a Monday. I was released to work light duty the next day by the doctor. My employer denied the doctors request for light duty and asked me not to come in to work on Tuesday... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Office has a 35-hour work week. Do I get straight pay for 35 to 40 & then 1.5 over 40
Our company has a 35-hour work week. I sometimes work an extra 10 hours a week, for which my company refuses to pay overtime, saying I have to "adjust" and take time off the next week. They say we don... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

at-will employment nullified ?
I work for a Tech company in GA. - I am a foriegn national - I have a work visa (H1-B) - My company required that I sign an employment contract binding me to them for 3 years, or pay them a large sum ... applies to Georgia  ·  1 answer

Job terminated whil still on Work Comp tretment
I am a senior computer engineer. I was diagnosed with carpol tunnel injury. My company accepted this injury as work related and since then I am on work Comp insurance. I am still going through treatme... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Is this Relegious Discrimination?
My boss from Uncle Julio's has told me I cannot have Sundays off to attend chuch... Granted if this was told to me prior to being hired back then I would have hesitated in going back to work.. Now I h... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I had filed a hostile work place and age discrimination to my employers in writing my attorney is telling me I have to wait and continue to work there I do not understand why I have to work there I am under doctors care took FMLA and I cannot stand going
As for the hostile workplace my manager had pulled a nice twice in the filth in the workplace verbal and as for the age discrimination I knew they were trying to get rid of me they stop giving me the ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

If my company agrees to a LOA, but does not ask for certification, is it FMLA leave?
I had a medical condition which required my hospitalization. My employer is large enough to be covered by the FMLA. My employer agreed to let me take about one or two months off, but nothing was in wr... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Mandatory lunch break?
I am scheduled to work 40hrs per week. I work 8-4, eight hours a day. I prefer not to take the 30 min unpaid lunch that is provided by my employer. I have a coworker who says to watch out if the Dept.... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

How does seniority work ?
I know someone who has been working for a Government job building schools since 2002. Theres been other people hired after him with less time working for the company. This job works on and off due to ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

My spouse had a stroke and I had to use a little over 30 days of fmla. My supervisor is now telling me I need a Dr's excuse from his Dr stating I am able to return back to work. Is this really necessary? I've been back to work for almost a month and they
do I need a Dr's excuse stating from my spouses dr to return back to work? applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer


Layoff of a 65-year old?
I am 65,in good health, and still work on a very good full-time job. My company has had few reductions in work force by layoffs. In my case I am qualified for retirement because of my age and also the... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I work for a union and just this week I called off Tuesday felt bad had chills.. Turned out went to dr got X-rays was sick and had flu and strep throat. Called my job again that wensday to call off and stating my dr note said return back to work Saturday
Was terminated from job with a dr excuse .. I work for a union and I called off .. The termination as of now is a no call no show when I was excused for the days and I told them. applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

What are my rights against harrassment from a coworker?
I have been employed at the same hospital since 1996 and have never had any issues or disciplines until this other per who just hired in about 2 years ago came. She is constantly reporting me to manag... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Independant contractor with a non-compete that has a possible loop hole?
I am an independent contractor with a non-compete that covers the whole metro area. I am a basic worker who isn't making enough money to support my family, but can't work outside of the company in the... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I'm on intermittent FMLA and my boss is trying to change my work schedule which would make it hard for me to get to work and also wants to take away a major part of my job that I alone have done for 15 years. Can he do thiz?
I wrote 5he details above. applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

I took a day off after being up caring for my daugter until 2:00 am and had to be at work 4:30 am
my 12 year old daughter was diagnosed with (ALL) acute lymphoblastic leukemia 2-25-11. I was approved for fmla through my employer and gave them certification from Roswell Cancer Hospital in Buffalo, ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I have been with company for over 17 years. The last 9 n half I have been a manager. I had to have 2 shoulder surgeries n when I got released to return to work my boss said I was being demoted because of missing for surgery. I have pretty much perfect att
I recently had to have 2 shoulders and was off work. I have doctor statements of everything. I have been with this company over 17 years for the past 9 and a half I been a manager. Never had any issue... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I have had surgerysevral times ffor work related job injurys the last one back in 2011 where the closing results were permanent restriction wewe no working over 40 hours per week but 1 and 1/2 years ago I worked some mandated nine our work days and they m
I was wondering is there any way I could have my surgery stay out until it fully heals and still have my reduced work restrictions mabe under ada accomadations in the past thy accomadted me without fl... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Are Private universities exempt from paying overtime to salaried employees?
I work for a private University as an Adjunct Professor that is on 5/8ths salary (25 hours a week) certain weeks I work well over 40 hours. I make less than double minimum wage. Is my position exempt ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Back Pay
I am employed by a US 500 fortune company, currently overseas. While I was in NY working for the same employer I was offered a job overseas with the same employer overseas branch, which I accepted. Du... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

New York State Employment- My employer is advising that if we were to take PTO on a Friday (4/9) and they mandate OT on the Saturday (4/10), we must either work that day or take PTO as it is a mandated work time. Is this legal?
We were told that if we take PTO on a Friday and that Saturday is mandated, we are required to work even though we have taken the prior day off for a long weekend applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I work for a company, I was laied off in November 2014 for the winter. I was told thaat I would be working again in April of 2015, I have been told that the company hired on new employees and they have been put to work, i'm still waiting to get called bac
I have been waiting to get called back to work, all the new hires are working before me, can the company do that applies to Idaho  ·  0 answers

What are my rights when working with a disabled co-worker?
A co-worker is "claiming" disability and is often out of the office and I have to do her work. I work for a large company and I'm sure they're afraid she will sue for discrimination thru ADA. I don't ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Am I required to work after termination?
About 10 years ago I was awarded a patent. I signed all rights over to the company that I worked for at the time. About 6 years ago they RIFed me. Now they want to change the patent. They are telling ... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

I work in Virginia. Recently my employer gave me a promotion and called it an exempt position but from what I have read it is not exempt. I am only paid for 40 hours because I am a so called
I work 60+ hours a week and I am only paid for 40. Should I be receiving overtime or at least be getting paid for the hours I work? applies to Virginia  ·  1 answer

Is Coworker bullying considered hostile environment?
My coworker has been making fun of me because I come late. It has gotten to a point where my team members make fun of me every now and then and started calling me 1030. When I was hired, my manager an... applies to California  ·  0 answers

are construction workers that are not in a union allowed to be denied sick pay?
I asked our foreman who kept track of our sick hours that we accrued, but he said we don’t get sick pay because we are at will employees. I missed 2 days of work because of the flu and came back to ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Is this a legal tactic
I have been working for my current employer for 3 years now without a written or sighned contract. I started working for him for a set weekly rate which meant if we didn't work I didn't get payed by h... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Subcontractors getting paid by the hour not by the job. Are we entitled to overtime?
I work for a company based on Ohio State campus that rents homes to college students. On a average week we work about 50 to 55 hours a week. But during the month of September while the kids are gone w... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Can an employer use accrued PTO to fill missing space in a timesheet?
My partner's work requires timesheets be filled out recording work done for each 15 minute increment. They are implementing a policy that will use an employees PTO to fill in any time that is missing ... applies to Maine  ·  0 answers

does non-compete apply if I end contract before 1st day of work?
I signed a contract with a medical practice, but I do not start working for them till the end of the year. I have since changed my mind and do not want to work for them. Does their non-compete still a... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Can my employer have my work excuse changed and pressure my doctor to end my FMLA early?
I developed an occupational injury which led to me using FMLA for treatment and therapy. My initial doctors note called for me to be off work completely for 1 month. After 5 days on FMLA, my company h... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

nanny overtime
I have a nanny who is scheduled to work 40 hours a week, with 1 wk sick, 1 wk vaca and paid holidays to start. Our family takes more than 1 week vacation every year, but cannot afford to pay her for t... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

how to collect my money that my company never paid me
I started working for a company in april. They said that they were highering me for full time at $10 an hour. At the end of may my drivers license was suspended due to my disability. I lived 35 minute... applies to California  ·  0 answers

can i sue my employer or co worker for continued subjection to a vulgar video at work
a co worker was told not to be on you tube during work. I told my supervisor what the co worker was watching at work. a pornographic rock video that was vulgar and disgusting. the co worker was advise... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Temporary pay cuts for performance management
I work for a transcription company that pays by production and conducts monthly to quarterly audits of my work. Additionally, if a transcriptionist can't make out a word or find a term, she can leave ... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

I am on light duty at doctors orders. When I took paperwork in to supervisor, she immediately told me no lite duty available and had me complete paperwork for leave without pay. There is light duty work available for me to do. I need to work to continue t
I am able to lift up to 10 lbs intermittently, but I can lift 5 lbs. I work for UNITED STATES POSTAL service. I completed ca-2, but have not received claim or case number. applies to California  ·  0 answers

I have ptsd, bipolar, adhd add combine so psychiatrist filed out fmla for me an approved by work 6 months down the road I had a heart attack an was of work 4 months went back to work some time later needed go in treatment for mental health. When I return
I was on paid leave both times I was off. I was in treatment center 49 days and left early against medical advice because problems at home with family. I took care of things called work 6 days after l... applies to West Virginia  ·  0 answers

Is a note stating person may return to work with out restrictions for all job related functions considered acceptable certification: when the doctor has a copy of employees job discription.
My doctor gave me a note to return to work. HR then required a full release certhficate. My doctor wrote blank blank may return to work without restrictions foq all job related functions. HR said that... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

On what basis does an employeer have to pay a mimimum wage?
I work for a local IT company. We are commission only (sales) and have been told that we are 'Independent contractors'. However, we are set hours we must work and clock in at the beginning and end of ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Racial Discrimination or at will?
I work for a large insurance agency (at-will). 5 months ago a coworker refused to work for a producer any longer due to his work ethic. I also work for said producer but not with her. The co. did not ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

My wife was applying for FMLA and back in October was given a slip for a week off from work but at that time did not present the doctor's note to her employer because she needed the work. Today 11/21 was suspended for not giving them this doctors note and
Wife is ill and company has a strict attendance policy. FMLA was a way for her to get to the appointments and receive care and not have to worry about losing her job. The note was given to her by our ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

FMLA deducted hours for 40 hour disabled employees
My employer recently announced that if any employee who is diabled, and can only work a 40 hour work week, will now have their FMLA hours deducted when OVERTIME is a mandatory requirement. Basically i... applies to California  ·  1 answer

overtime pay for exempt people
I work for a food service contractor in a management capicity. I have supervisors that are paid various hourly rates. They are paid time and a half for overtime. We basically do the same work I do act... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I work 42.5 hours a week, and I only get paid for 1.5 hours of overtime. Is that okay, and if not, what should I do?
I work in a family-owned restaurant. It is my first job, so I'm not clear on the laws of overtime. I work 8.5 hours a day, on a 5 day workweek, which adds up to 42.5. My pay stub says I'm getting paid... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

I work in a warehouse in California. We have work functions that can be performed sitting down. Would my employee be required to give us chairs under the seating act
I work in a warehouse. There are multiple positions that in theory could be done sitting down. But they won't give us a seat will this fall under the California seating act? If so what can i do to get... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Feel Discriminated and now I am completely jobless do I have any rights?
I need some advise to be able to know if I have a case or not. I was hired by a company as a freelancer/full-time worker and working out of my home. I submitted an agreement and mailed it back to the ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

In order to get employees back in the office, the company has instituted a mandatory must be in the office 4 days a week and can work from home the 5th. Now they are saying that if you are not complying it will affect your evauation even if working from h
In order to get employees back in the office, the company has instituted a mandatory must be in the office 4 days a week and can work from home the 5th. Now they are saying that if you are not complyi... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Can my employer work me 12 days straight?
I work alone at a retail store in California, Weds-Sun with Monday and Tuesday off. I’m hourly, non exempt. Once every quarter my company flies me out to Texas for meetings and that work week begins... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Want to file a claim against former employeer.
I quitted work after 8 days of work because of my former employeer doesn't want to pay over time fee. My work hour supposed to be mon ~ fri and 9 am to 6 pm(8 hours a day). However, he always wanted m... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I had a car accident 4 years ago. 1 year ago I started having serious back pain and I was fired
My doctor says my back pain is directly related to what I do at work. I even have medical clearance to work as long as I go to physical therapy. However, my boss says it has nothing to do with work bu... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can they force me to work full time?
I worked for a Mental health institute for almost 7 years. When I began there, I worked 2 days a week. Shortly thereafter I accepted 3 days a week, then they wanted 5 days a week, and I explained that... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I am being layoff and my employer wants me to sign a letter which states a four week notice prior to my last day of work and the option to apply for other jobs within the agency, will this prevent me from collecting unemployment?
I work for a non-profit applies to New York  ·  0 answers

I am being layoff and my employer wants me to sign a letter which states a four week notice prior to my last day of work and the option to apply for other jobs within the agency, will this prevent me from collecting unemployment?
I work for a non-profit applies to New York  ·  0 answers

I am being layoff and my employer wants me to sign a letter which states a four week notice prior to my last day of work and the option to apply for other jobs within the agency, will this prevent me from collecting unemployment?
I work for a non-profit applies to New York  ·  0 answers

I am being layoff and my employer wants me to sign a letter which states a four week notice prior to my last day of work and the option to apply for other jobs within the agency, will this prevent me from collecting unemployment?
I work for a non-profit applies to New York  ·  0 answers

I am being layoff and my employer wants me to sign a letter which states a four week notice prior to my last day of work and the option to apply for other jobs within the agency, will this prevent me from collecting unemployment?
I work for a non-profit applies to New York  ·  0 answers

I am being layoff and my employer wants me to sign a letter which states a four week notice prior to my last day of work and the option to apply for other jobs within the agency, will this prevent me from collecting unemployment?
I work for a non-profit applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Why Hr keep denying me accommodations?
I was hit by a car while walking in crosswalk returning to my work place. The result of the accident cause me to have surgery on my LFT shoulder, and to be out of work for 6 months. My job denied my F... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

my employer is requiring everyone to work on sunday which is not a scheduled workday, and we get paid double time, the problem is I'm a christian and attend church with my family on sundays, it gets better, I have perfect attendance going on two years and
Required to work on Sunday which is not a normally scheduled work day and pays double time. My problem is i attend church on sunday which says in the bible not work on the Sabbath, Exodus 31:15. I'm a... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

12 week leave of absence covered by FMLA verses Doctors orders to be off work for 19 weeks.
I had a health issue that my Doctor had me off work for, for aprox 19 weeks. I gave my employer the letter from the Doctor explaining the reason. My employer told me I HAD to fill out FMLA forms to co... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

How long do I get off work when my child is born?
I am currently 37 weeks pregnant. I have a c-section scheduled in 2 weeks and have had the fmla paperwork completed, turned in and approved since july. I have since only used one day of fmla where my ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

A lot of hours worked, overtime not Paid!!!!!!!
I work in this cleaning company and i get paid by salary plus bonuses plus overtime. My weekly regular pay is $350, bonus $180 and weekly bonus of $105.The thing is that the minimun amount of hours th... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Employer threatening to sue employee for not fullfilling responsibilities
My duaghter is a dental hygienist who recently changed jobs and gave 2 wks. notice. although she stated that she would be available to work several weekends in the upcoming months, her new employment ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can my employer require me to change a shift although it is in my job description?
I have been on FMLA leave for nine weeks and am due to return to my job next week. I have been employed there over two years. My job discription requires my ability to work flexible shifts. I normally... applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

Do I have a claim based on job discrimination
I was singled out when asked about an accommodation Human resource requsted my doctor answer a question. When I returned the note she said the doctor didnt answer her question I was later put on a 6wk... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I work for a major hospital system in Cincinnati. My position is part time first shift. I work in a lab and my job is highly specialized. I currently work 19 miles North of my job location. Within the past year the hospital system has formed a
I work in a major healthcare company in Cincinnati. I work in the core lab in a building which will be closing in 2 months. My position is highly specialized and there are no comparable positions avai... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

is my employer required to pay overtime when I am work reduced?
I work a 10 hour alternative schedule in a hospital. When I am work reduced after working 8 hours, isn't my employer required by law to pay me time and a half for the remaining 2 hours? If so how do I... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Do 16-17 year olds have to obtain a work permit for a very temporary job?
We hire 16-17 year olds on a per day basis to file and move charts for us. I now understand that I need them to obtain a work permit, rather than just a parental note and new hire documentation. Is th... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

i was in the hospital for a week total between two different occasions and i had doctors notes for both times. When i called my boss, he told me to
I was fired after my boss advised me under text not to worrry about coming to work but to take care of my health. I did exactly what I was advised to do and provided a note to prove I was having medic... applies to California  ·  1 answer

What are the parameters for workers under 16 years of age?
I've heard that it's illigal under FLSA for a worker under 16 years old to work more than 3 hours a day on school days, to work past 7pm except for between June 1st and labor day when the time is exte... applies to Georgia  ·  1 answer

how can i file harassment charges on my former boss that keeps harassing at my new job
i quit a former job due to my former boss demeaning me and humiliating me constantly at work. over worked underpaid. now that i quit and started a new job she found out where i am working and she cont... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Can my company deny me severance if I go to work for the company to which the work was outsourced?
My current company's employee handbook states that employees who are laid off are eligible for severance pay. My current job is being outsourced so my position is being eliminated. I was told I was el... applies to Mississippi  ·  0 answers

Even though i am required to work 50 hours a week my employer only pays me 40 hours for a week vacat
my employer requires me to work a 50 hour work week but for a weeks pay vacation only pays me 40 hours is this legal. applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is refusing overtime allowed?
Upon my hiring I revealed that I required about 20 or so weekends off per year for personal reasons. He said that was fine(without putting it in writing unfortunately) as long as the hours were made u... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Texas non-compete contract
I started work 2 days ago. Today, day (3) the Dr. presented a non-compete contract. I work in the mental health field in a specialized area, program development and management. I have this experience ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I work for a company called ABM I work 40 hours a week 80 hours by week I have been with the company for more than a year and a half now when I ask for vacation they tell me that I don't receive a vacation but the people that work for the same company in
If I work 40 hours per week 80 hours every two weeks and I've been with the company for more than a year and a half in the state of Wisconsin am I entitled to a one week's vacation. applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Is applying for a new job protected conduct?
I currently work for a vendor service company where work is assigned on a daily basis. Work has been drying up lately and as such I have started to look for other employment. When I asked my manager f... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Written up for smoking on my break? Is this legal?
I was written up at work today for smoking on my break. I work at a gym, and my boss had aleady told me this was not allowed. I have been there for over a year and this "new" policy was never outlined... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

vacation time and fmla
At the beginning of this year I gave a notice to take my 2 weeks vacation from 9/8 to 9/21, returning to work on the 22nd. I am driving cross country from ohio to nevada with their pets. It will be 4.... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

I was injured at work and have to go to physical therapy, do I have to clock out or does my employer have to pay me for the time I'm at P.T.?
I injured my left foot at work and was limping due to the pain. My manager saw me and asked what happened I told her and she said I had to go to the Dr. It took 3 weeks ot arguing with the workplace c... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Docking salary pay due to doctor's note
I am a salary employee. On my paycheck stub bi-weekly it states I am paid for 80 hours (40 per week), though as salary at my job it is understood that we are to work 50 hour work weeks. I have not sig... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

My non-compete says I can do no work I did with my ex-employer anywhere in US. Is it enforceable?
My non-compete states that I cannot do any of the work that I performed for my former employer (engineering), anywhere in the United States for the period of one year. I did not quit, I was laid off. ... applies to Illinois  ·  3 answers

I had a mini stoke in Sept due to stress and my Dr. says its work elated. he took me off work until jan 12 and my employer put me on FMLA... I have the approved papers. I got a call today from my employer that they want me to come in and go over some fina
I had a mini stoke in Sept due to stress and my Dr. says its work related. he took me off work until jan 12 and my employer put me on FMLA... I have the approved papers. I got a call today from my emp... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can a restaurant take my days away while on vacation. I work Monday -Friday 5 days only to come back to find out I now only work 3 days
I went on vacation and came back to find out I only work 3 days now when I used to work 5 days applies to California  ·  0 answers

If a former client contacts me for business requests, am I allowed to assist?
I am from a small town in PA. I used to work at a computer repair shop in town and signed a non-compete clause with that shop that stated I would not attempt to steal their clients/customers or use my... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

required to work 52 hrs or be fired
A female friend of mine recently refused to work over 52 hrs a week, several other people in the finanical department are on medical leave because of heart attacks and long working hours and she feels... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

state of Texas. non- exempt position in medical clinic. 8 to 5. 1 hr lunch. 40 hour work week. if I come to work every day on time, take lunch, but Drs constantly running late so patients still need to be taken back at 5:15, 5:30 causing me to work Overti
State of Texas. non- exempt position in medical clinic. Front desk 8 to 5. 1 hr lunch. 40 hour work week. if I come to work every day on time, take lunch, but Drs constantly running late so patients s... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

My co-worker was bullying me at work. She e-mailed our supervisior stating that I was 30 minutes late to work with the intent to harm me. I have proof of the e-mail and also that I was at work on time and NOT 30 min. late( door access records) Do I have l
My co-worker was bullying me at work. She e-mailed our supervisior stating that I was 30 minutes late to work with the intent to harm me. I have proof of the e-mail and also that I was at work on time... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Need help with worked Holiday pay!
My Employer has given certain "Paid Holidays" throughout the year. If I don't work on the holiday I get paid 8 hrs at regular pay. If I work a full 8 hrs. on one of these holidays, I get paid at 1.5 t... applies to Rhode Island  ·  0 answers

I have received a furlough from my job and it is without pay. I work every other week. During the week I work I get paid, during the week I am furloughed I do not. Am I eligible for unemployment compensation for the weeks I do not work. My company is in T
I have received a furlough from my job and it is without pay. I work every other week. During the week I work I get paid, during the week I am furloughed I do not. Am I eligible for unemployment compe... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I have received a furlough from my job and it is without pay. I work every other week. During the week I work I get paid, during the week I am furloughed I do not. Am I eligible for unemployment compensation for the weeks I do not work. My company is in T
I have received a furlough from my job and it is without pay. I work every other week. During the week I work I get paid, during the week I am furloughed I do not. Am I eligible for unemployment compe... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Can our current non-profit company allow a paid employee to pick up unpaid internship or clinical hours for their college with us if they are picking up the internship hours during non-scheduled work time and if they are doing the unpaid internship just l
We have several current paid employees who are going to college and would like to complete their internship or clinical with us. The would like to do it during their time off when they are not schedul... applies to South Dakota  ·  0 answers

FMLA and hostile work environment
I was intimidated by an employee and he followed me and I locked myself in restroom. The police were called and he left. 2 days later I was in the hospital for mental health issues related to the inci... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

if a non compete was signed but my employer paid me under the table and never filed taxes on me is the non compete still valid? I want to work somewhere on the books. I've only been there for 6 months and i just found out that he's not filing taxes on me.
I work at a tattoo shop as a independent contractor so the form says. I'm not sure on that because i have set days and set hours. I've been there tattooing for 6 months. My boss has been paying me tax... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Is nepotism against the law on a county job?
two sisters work together one is the manger and the other is a baker who works in the same work place one sister is the others manger applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Is nepotism against the law on a county job?
two sisters work together one is the manger and the other is a baker who works in the same work place one sister is the others manger applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

i want to file a lawsuit but dont know how what do i do
i was sexually harassed at work and it became a hostile work environment so i had to quit i went through the steps to report it but nothing was done i dont know what to do now applies to California  ·  3 answers

Employers 3 day or prior notice FMLA Policy. Is it legal?
I recently left work early, without notifying my supervisor, due to work related stress caused by harassment I get due to a disfigurement. The harassment takes place at work and is done by my coworker... applies to Illinois  ·  3 answers

I'm 62 live in ca .My profession is housekeeping. I currently work part time been there for 8 years. My question is can I get unemployment if I take time off from work during this virus thing? My age and my health is at risk?
62 years old Work as a housekeeper Can I get unemployment if I feel my health is at risk because of the virus? applies to California  ·  0 answers

In California can they reduce my pay rate in the probation period if they feel I am not doing the best work in the position?
They told me I am getting paid $15 but they told me I am not showing the best work? applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

I was injured at work.
I was injured at work on 3 Jan 2011. I was put on Workers Comp. I was called by someone in Human Resources who informed me that I was fired. applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Hostile work environment
What situations other than sexual harrassment can signify a hositle work environment? WHAT ARE FORMS OF RETALIATION? applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

My Employer is trying to make us work overtime can they do this an is there a law to say they can,t
can a private security company force there employees to work overtime applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Suspened without cause
I work for a contracted security company at a local high school, Yesterday I was suspended at about 8pm (eastern), When i asked why the supervisor said "I dont know why someone from human rescourses w... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

My bosses boss told my co-workers that I would not be coming back to work. I had been off for some months due to physical issues. He did not tell me at all, just those I work with. Is that illegal, or just inconsiderate?
I have been off work since January 21 of this year. First due to a total knee replacement and was on FMLA for 3 months. Then I continued to be off work as pain in the opposite leg gradually got worse,... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Non-compete issue
I signed a non-compete with my employer. (Most employers in my industry require a non-compete before they hire you) I have learned no trade secrets and have no specialized knowledge of the company. My... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Sexual Harrassment and Unemployment
I work for a very small company with 4 employees. The owner of the small company I work for has been looking at porn at work. Every time I move from my desk I see awful images. He sometimes does try t... applies to Illinois  ·  4 answers

I was hospitalized for depression and now require once a week psychiatry appointments. My employer would not let me off work for these appointments and said that if I wasn't at work I would be written... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

I have an open worker's comp case against my previous employer. I have been cleared to return work and was hired thru an acquaintance at the company he works for. However, this same person has disclosed within the company confidential information of an ag
The agreement was ONLY known by my previous employer and myself. One of its owners in the attempt to lure this acquaintance to work for him exposed all details of our confidential agreement. And now, ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Returning to work from WC Disability, was told my position was filled.
I was injured at work after a hard fall in 2010. I have been off work since then and have exhausted all WC benefits (AME doctor said I was PS 10%, even though my treating doctor still recommends I be ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Hi, I was injured at work last July 2015 I waived my settlement with my company, and have left my workers comp case open. I have been tardy and am unable to work my required 9 hours a day and leave a little early when not feeling well, I still however com
/ applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Employment Question
I'm a full time exempt employee of 10 years who has been paid for 37.5 hours each week according to my paycheck. My department just issued a mandate that we must now work 40 hours a week not including... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Can I sue if my personal info was divulged to coworkers who had no "need to know this information"
I currently work as a healthcare administrative staff member which requires no licenses or certifications. I do have a professional nursing license that was placed on suspension for tax compliance iss... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Work Humiliation
Even though I work for a non-union employer, can you still have a case on humiliation? I don't want to bore you with this so if you have the time I would like to get to write more to you. Please let m... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

I was written up for an incident at work that happened 2 weeks ago but now 3 days later they said there opening an investigation and have currently suspended me from work and say I may possibly be terminated at work. Is this wrongful since I have already
I work at a retread plant and we are not allowed to turn off the computer that scans the product, only the supervisor can. The computer kept going off for false readings , which happens alot, but this... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

3 co-workers work in a community based group home for special needs. We reported to the proper boards abuse, neglect, and sexual harassment Due to this, We have had our overtime pay denied, we have our hours cut to nothing while some of us had to work ove
3 co-workers work in a community based group home for special needs. We reported to the proper boards abuse, neglect, and sexual harassment Due to this, We have had our overtime pay denied, we have ou... applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

if my boss told me i have to stay at work for 40hrs does he have to pay me 40 hrs.
I get paid by the job not hourly so if I don't have work I'm suppose to sit there without pay or I will get wrote up or let go applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Can I work and not get a paycheck?
Can I work to allow my s-corp business to rebuild capital and pay off credit cards before writing myself a paycheck (and endng unemployemnt benefits)? I am the only employee applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

I work for a subcontractor. We are building a deer camp for a land owner and staying in the old camp. After work my employer beat me up very bad starting while I was not even awake. More details are available. What can I do
We applies to Mississippi  ·  0 answers

Manager creating ill will between myself and other employees at work.
I was recently informed that a manager told an employee just before she was terminated that I was telling people at work about her personal business and disciplinary actions. The employee was eventual... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Mandatory Overtime for transcription
I work for a national Medical Transcription service and I am paid on a per line typed basis. I work a standard 40 hour week usually, but recently they have been forcing Mandatory overtime and this wee... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is it considered termination when my manager deletes my access to my work account?
I was out sick for 3 days, when I returned to work I found out that my Office Manager deleted/deactivated my access to my work account. I work in a doctors office and we use Electronic medical records... applies to California  ·  1 answer

suspended from work without any notice, what can I do about this?
Was told I was not going to be needed at the place of work by a fellow employee not a boss. Didn't get notified by phone call or in writing to know if I was suspended or terminated. applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Can I receive unemployment if i quit my job?
The company I work for has recently undergone a change in the majority of the management team. My boss was recently fired and I feel that i am being targeted due to our friendship. They have placed an... applies to Michigan  ·  1 answer

I work at a big name pet store. I hurt my shoulder. The GM kept putting me on truck. I tried to take a month off PTO. New GM came and said no id have to take leave of absence. So i came in 2 days each week for 3 weeks. I also tlod her that animals were no
On work comp and feel im being retaliated against for one reason or another. applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

Laid Off
I am writing on behalf of my son (my son has Asperger's Disorder, a high-end form of Autism). He worked part-time for CVS for 11 months. He had no disciplinary or any other problems at work. Since Jul... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

My employer accused me of smoking weeds inside the workplace can I sue them?
My employer accused me of smoking weeds inside the work place, though I am an occassional smoker i did and never smoke while I'm at work, even though I was clearly not under the influence they still r... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Out On Worker Comp, Had Vacation Time Taken the following year, Due To Unaccrued Time. Is This Legal?
I broke my leg at work. Out of work for 2 months on workers comp. A week of my vacation time was taken due to not accruing a full calendar year at work. Is this legal? applies to New York  ·  0 answers

I have damaged vocal cords and cannot be on the phones 8 hours a day. I have been doing my job since June without getting on the phones. Hr had me do a medical exception recently and they denied it and demoted me, cut my salary by $6000 a year and told me
Vocal cords damaged. Worked my job since June without phone work. Processing paper work. Resented work requested a medical exception from my dr. Work denied it. Put me in data entry and cut salary $60... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

I faked depression to get off of work on FMLA for 12 weeks so I could start my own business. I think my employer found out about the new business. I'm still on leave. What should I do?
I saw my PA and told her I was depressed and couldn't go back to work. In one visit she filled out my FMLA paperwork to take me off of work for 12 weeks. I was supposed to see a therapist once a week ... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I work from Monday to Friday every week and I called out Friday because I simply could not make it work my manager retaliated against me and suspended me just like that..... i NEVER call out EVERR and she suspends me like that makes no SENSE is this retal
none applies to California  ·  0 answers

I work from Monday to Friday every week and I called out Friday because I simply could not make it work my manager retaliated against me and suspended me just like that..... i NEVER call out EVERR and she suspends me like that makes no SENSE is this retal
none applies to California  ·  0 answers

can i get any kind of unemployment benefit or some kind of ssdi i was recently hospitalized for kidney stones and have been off work for 2 weeks need to go back to work but cannot till doc says its ok
were can i find this info or wat should i look for applies to California  ·  0 answers

I have been given a work from home accommodation from my job based on a medical issue I am having in between surgeries. All the paperwork was filled out after I returned from my medical leave of 8 weeks. The dr, the work nurse and the company that manages
applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Is it fair for an employer to say no light duty because I will need a hernia operation but then another employee pulls a muscle at work then finds light duty for them to prevent osha reportable. Happened quite a few times here.
We carry guns at work. Found out I had a double hernia. Was told I was a liability and couldn’t work the 3 weeks before operation. So had to use sick time and go on short term. Manager told OHS no p... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

I work 60-65 hours on average in a Monday to Friday work week. Can my employer legally force me to work a mandatory 9 hour overtime day on Saturday even though i have already worked 20-25 hours overtime?
I left work early for personal reasons last Saturday. I was supposed to leave at 10am. I didn't get out until 11am. I had mentioned it to my supervisor prior. He told me to do what I want. That I woul... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

my companies receivables were sold to another company but I can't work for the new company...will that affect my benefits?
Company I work for's receivables have been sold and the man who bought them is offering positions in his company. I cannot work the hours he has scheduled. Will that affect my unemployment benefits? applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

Only 6 weeks of FMLA???
I recently had a baby on 11/8/2018. I told my employer I would be using NY Paid Family Leave for the first 8 weeks and would return to work after 8 weeks. However, I decided to use another 2 weeks of ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I was hired full time by a company. If I don't meet a certain work quota. I get called on a Tuesday and I am told I cannot work more than 20 hrs for that week. This threat of 20 hrs is a weekly occurrence having to do with production the week before. Not
I was hired full time by a company. If I don't meet a certain work quota. I get called on a Tuesday and I am told I cannot work more than 20 hrs for that week. This threat of 20 hrs is a weekly occurr... applies to Rhode Island  ·  0 answers

FMLA Violation - release of medical records request
My employer asked me to sign a release of medical records authorization form. They said until I signed the release, my FMLA would be denied. I've had FMLA intermittent since Jan. 08. My doctors have s... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer


I am a Supervisor I work way more then 50 hours a week, and my employer does not pay me overtime.
I am a Supervisor I work way more then 50 hours a week, and my employer does not pay me overtime because I am salary paid. One more question, I have worked for almost 5 and a half weeks straight with ... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

I was offered a job on the spot the employer gave me a schedule to start work as well as my uniform and I filled out paperwork when I came to work he told me that his boss had hired someone else? Is this a case ?
I was offered a job than when I came to work at my scheduled shift the manager told me he hired someone else when I already filled out paperwork and received a uniform applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

The company I work for is being bought out by another company well the company I work for had me sign a retention bonus if I don't get rehired well I just got my papers last Thurs from the new company that said they aren't keeping me because my background
Can the company I work for an is being bought out not give me my retention bonus because of my background check applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can an employer force you to work when you're unavailable and make you stay past your scheduled time
A student in the state of Minnesota is being made to work past their scheduled time and is being scheduled for hours they have made it clear they can't work. It's become so much of an issue that it's ... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

I've been sick with flu for three weeks unable to work but they don't have any benefits for there fulltime employees and they wont let me come back to work till I'm fully better. What can I do my bills are do and I have no money
What can I apply for to get temporary money applies to California  ·  0 answers

I just heard my boss had a forman metting and a lot of people stated they wont work with me cause they have some personal issue with me but nothing is work related so i called a meeting with the superattendant and general forman and ask them they said the
I need aswers applies to California  ·  0 answers

I recently became ill and had to take several weeks off work (7) now. The initial dx was pneumonia. I have suffered from debilitating headaches for the past few months and was seeing a neurologist for this condition. As I was recovering from pneumonia- I
Decreasing pay upon return to work applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can my employer refuse my return to work from FMLA Leave when I provide certification to return?
I was required to take FMLA Leave due to an alcohol addiction issue. I have returned to treatment and as of 3/19/2020 was certified to return to my full duties at work by my treatment counselor. Can m... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Time payed for operating company vehicles
I work in construction and my company furnishes myself and other foremen trucks to carry their tools and materials to the jobs.They pay travel time to the job only once no matter how far or how long y... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

My black coworkers I feel we get overlooked when a white person is hired, they get the best shifts to work because they don't want to work nights, and the blacks is put on night shifts, is this discrimination and what can I legaly about it?
The white girl was put on all evening and I was put on the nights she was working because she don't want to work nights to be at home at night but what about me? applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

Can you have more than one FMLA if one is for a family member an then one is for self or combined?
I would like to find out if you can advise if you work for a company and you was taking FMLA for a sick parent and has used that time (35 days so far) and now myself have been put out because I have c... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

My daughter is made to go into work between 7:45-8:00 am and work until 4:30-5:30pm with a 30 minute lunch break. She has been forced to leave early on Fridays so her employer does not have to pay her overtime for the week. (He initially told her to take
Hourly wage paid. Work on the admin side in a dental office. Being sent home early on Fridays so my employer doesn't have to pay me overtime after making me stay late during the week to complete compu... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Employee misclassified as Independent Contractor
I was hired by a company to work as an employee in their IT department as a Web Developer. After almost 2 years of employment I was switched to independent contractor status and allowed to work from h... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Removed from the schedule even though I have a last week of work
I handed in my two weeks notice on the 1st due to getting a new job, but then on the 3rd I came in and discovered I was removed from the next week's schedule which should be my final week. All work we... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

My son has been accused at work for sexually harrassing a coworker. He has not done this. He is in a relationship with his girlfriend+they are happy. My son is very upset. He's not shared this with anyone. His employer will not allow him back to work or o
Need help directing my son who's been falsely accused of sexually harrassing a female co-worker. He has not done or said anything. His boss has told him to not come back to work until after investigat... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete Question
I signed a non-compete agreement but did not receive a copy of it? Is it still enforceable? I have only been with this Mortgage Broker for six months, received no training and work on a straight commi... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

I work at a hospital and was assaulted in the parking lot only after 30days of employment, what are my rights? do I qualify for workers' comp. If I apply can I be fired without explaination?
Assulted inside parking garage, I very afraid but still need to work. need help. applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Hello I have a question that I am interested about. It's about a issue that I saw at work unfold. I witnessed 2 employees arguing about their work load. One employee came over and made a threatening comment to the other and explained that if the employee
Wrongful termination because of false accusations. applies to California  ·  0 answers

Possible mistreatment at work.
My work recently demoted me based on the content of my personal web page. Also, they refuse to pay overtime and they will not pay any hours worked on a day that you may have been late. I'm just wonder... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

calculating overtime
Hi, I work in Ohio. It is a salary position and includes overtime. I thought anything over 8 hours per day is overtime in increments of 15 minutes minimum per day, as long as I worked full 40 hour wee... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

My Grandson got laid off his job last week due to there not being enough work to keep him. He found another job the following day... but hates it and wants to quit after just 2 days work. Can he collect unemployment from the job he got laid off from recen
Laid off of job last week. Started new job yesterday; but I cannot handle this type of work. Can I quit this new job and receive unemployment from my previous job? applies to California  ·  0 answers

Where do I stand when a boss or directors goes through a personal item while I am not at work?
There was a issue at work last week where the boss assalted a family member in the building. A doctor has now signed me off. I have a coworker who has mentioned that they have been at my desk where I ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

can my work deny me fmla if i got hurt on the job and was off 5 months?
I got hurt at work ( I work at a hospital) and was off for 5 months. They recently made me come back even though the dr they sent me to didn't think it as a good time. They threw in my face that I onl... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Can I receive unemployment if my current employer dissolves or do I have to take a job with the new?
The employer I currently work for is a medical practice that is dissolving. The 4 partners are splitting into two new medical practices. Half of our staff has been offered jobs with one business, the ... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

I work in broadcasting in Massachusetts. We have 10 posted paid Federal Holidays per year. We are told to record our shows ahead of time (which requires at least 3 -4 hours of work) in order to have the actual holiday off. But isn't that requiring extra w
radio station applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Harrassement, protected conduct maybe?
I work for Vertex Aerospace on a military installation. A foreman is more critical of my work than of any of the other employees in our section. I feel singled out because of bringing up things that a... applies to Georgia  ·  3 answers

If someone invites me to their private and used their hand to signal me to suck it and verbally said the words is this a form of sexual harrassment
I went to hr with this he also admitted to it it's on camera and nothing was done however I feel its discrimination because I was suspended for a week upon an investigation for arguing however they pa... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

I have a heart pacemaker and defibrillator. I need to start collecting medical benefits, my ability to work is lessing as I am now 59. Stress is causing black outs at work and I have passed out three times, I'm up ladders and lift heavy items I just don't
I am now 59 and having episodes of passing out applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Can family members work together at the same retail store?
My husband works as a department manager at a large home improvement store and has been with the company for 10 years. His younger, mildly mentally handicapped brother was hired almost a year ago. The... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I'm being retaliated against for doing the right thing. Is this legal?
I work for a car detail business as the manager. One of my employees is the owners son. He has stolen $800 out of my register in the past 3 months and changes his time to reflect time he didn't work. ... applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

Who's shift is it?
I asked a co-worker if he could work my shift the next day, upon his agreement, we aproached our manager for his approval(Company Policy). Unfortunately, I did not return home until late the next even... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Wrongful discharge, discrimination or just unfair?
I was fired yesterday from my position of Team Lead and given the reason of poor performance. I know that FL is an at will state but I feel this is untrue and don't want to have this on my employment ... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Do I have a case for wrongful termination?
I had been friends with a fellow manager during the duration of my employment. Recently, my husband and I split up. When this friend found out, he started to make advances both at work and off work. H... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Am I intitled to overtime?
i work for a movie theater in Iowa and they tell me I'm not in titled to over time due to it being the entertainment business. Is this correct? I tired looking up these laws online but very hard to fi... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

I work in a warehouse with 2 other people and I' am the supervisor. The company has over 500 employs. Our manager told us one of us would be layoff in 4 weeks. They will not tell us who it will be unt... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

I work in vermont. Is it illegal for my employer to record my conversations without my knowledge?
I know all of our phone calls at work are recorded, that is part of an outgoing message on the business phone. However, is it illegal for someone to record conversations not related to the work phone.... applies to Vermont  ·  0 answers

Can I be terminated because I smell like alcohol from the day before?
H R call me to the office to correct some paper work. When I came to the office the intern said that I smell like alcohol,I explan that I was drinking the night before in celebrating Father's Day with... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I work for a non-profit,my employer is talking about making us volunteer at our own food distribution sites, is that legal
I work for a non-profit org.,we send food for distribution in towns throughout Minnesota. I work in the warehouse loading the food into trailers. My employer is talking about making monthly volunteeri... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Employer does not pay personal time accrued if we don't show up to work in bad snow storms. Is this legal?
I have showed up for work during blizzards! I have a baby in daycare now and when the daycare closes, I have nobody to watch her. My employer will not pay me if I don't come to work. I have a lot of p... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Ex: Store closes at 6pm. I am scheduled to work from 12-8pm.
Can retail companies force commission only employees to work after the store has closed to help clean the store? applies to California  ·  1 answer

Unpaid expense reimbursements
I worked as independent contractor (doing work as a programmer) at a client site in Kentucky for a company located in New Jersy. The company agreed (in writing) to pay for all the CLIENT-APPROVED work... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

What do I do when my employer is asking me to find another job, but I do not want too?
I was hired in August for a PI paralegal position. In September, the firm I work for found out the PI attorney was leaving and going to another firm. This left them without a PI attorney and me withou... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

Should I just let them terminate or try to fight it?
My employer currently has me on a final for a PIP. The problem is that they're are purposely setting me up for failure. I believe they're doing this because of my protected characteristic. -They have ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

In PA. Gave 2 weeks notice. Employee handbook request is 2 weeks notice. Told me that I was not going to work my 2 weeks and not paying me. Not fired. Resigned. Typical scenario has been they let people finish 2 weeks. No bad reviews or issues with my wor
2 week notice given per employee handbook request. No contract. First example in 2 years of not letting someone work 2 weeks. No work performance issues. applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

In PA. Gave 2 weeks notice. Employee handbook request is 2 weeks notice. Told me that I was not going to work my 2 weeks and not paying me. Not fired. Resigned. Typical scenario has been they let people finish 2 weeks. No bad reviews or issues with my wor
2 week notice given per employee handbook request. No contract. First example in 2 years of not letting someone work 2 weeks. No work performance issues. applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

About to return from FMLA & my employer changed my hours of work from 9a-5p to 1p-5p. Is this legal?
I had a baby on 4/28/11. I was due to return to work from FMLA on 7/22/11 to my normal hours of 9am to 5pm. I received a letter from my employer yesterday telling me to return on 8/1/11 and to the hou... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Can i sue my employer?
I have been requested to work off the clock numerous times, and felt threatened if i did not do so. When people did not call in, my employer would show up at my house at all hours of day to request me... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I brought a note in from my doctor stating I had a spot on my lungs that needed further evaluation like a CT scan. I had missed a few days of work over a period of 3 months for pneumonia all were excused by doctors notes. I brought the note abt my lungs i
I had never been written up in nine years. This was a complete shock as my work performance was not lacking. I felt like they knew my lung condition which was made worse by conditions at the company s... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

is there a time limit on return of drug testing?
I ran into a door at work and hit my nose. I was engrossed in my cell phone. I reported it as we are required. They made me take ,a drug test which I am fine with . due to having a urinary tract infec... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Reduce hours from PTO bank for exempt employee?
Exempt employee is out of work for 4 weeks due to injury and received full weekly salary throughout. Employee did not receive prior approval to work from home during that time. Can employer deduct at ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Feel im being targeted by my employer because im an appointed union rep, and assist other employees with union questions and now I'm being taken to a company investigation for missing 1 day of work with a perfect work record in the last 15 years ive been
Question is listed above applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

I am a nurse who works prn for a local nursing home. I am not on the schedule and work when asked. I turned in my 2 week notice. Since I am prn I tentatively won't work any in those 2 weeks. Can they drop my unpaid wages to minimum wage?
See above applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Wrongful demotion.
The other day I went into work and my boss tells me that she has to demote me. The first thing that she says is that she needs me more available. I am also a full time student so the only thing that c... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

Wrongful demotion.
The other day I went into work and my boss tells me that she has to demote me. The first thing that she says is that she needs me more available. I am also a full time student so the only thing that c... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

Going to work for a client but client will still retain agency, non-compete valid?
I currently am an Account Executive for an Advertising Agency. I have an opportunity to go work for one of my clients directly in-house doing some advertising as well as some business development work... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can I retire at end of my surgical medical leave and not return to work?
Had surgery and able to return to work after 6 weeks states surgeon. Can I retire at end of medical leave and not return to work? Approved paid TDI for the 6 weeks. applies to Rhode Island  ·  0 answers

I work over 40 hours a week on a regular basis. If I don't work 8 hours my employer does not count this as a full day and will deduct pto time even though I may work 15 hours the next day. They require 5 days with at least 8 hour segments. Is this allowed
I typically work 100 hours in a two week pay period. This last pay period even though I worked 100 hours I only had 9.5 segments. A segment being 8 hours in one day. A 1/2 day PTO was deducted from my... applies to West Virginia  ·  0 answers

If I’m non compete in my state. But, I would like to work in another, is that possible?
The state I live in is Oklahoma and I use to work for Crst applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

I what to know, what happened to was Harassment or Retaliation and if there anything I can do?
I left my job after 12 years. I never got a warning until a new supervisor with only 2 months of work gave me a six-page warning without me knowing what was on, but the 5 Co-working knew it all. Soon ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can an employer dictate who employees fraternize with outside of work?
I work for a union. (Directly for the union, that is - not as a member of that particular union.) One of my superiors recently resigned, evidently as a result of internal politics and conflict with th... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I am off on a work related stress (fmla) leave. My work contacted me and gave me a deadline to answer questions to a work rule violation and gave me a deadline to return it. Now they are holding a conference and told me my answers don't match up to everyo
I was informed that I violated a rule at work. I have been harassed by my supervisor since reporting a officer committing a work rule violation. I am a sergeant and was wrote up according to my superv... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Can I be terminated for missing work if I have a doctors note for all absences?
I started my position back in 6/2011. Within the first few months I was placed under so much stress that I became ill. I had to be medicated for anxiety and then started having stomach issues which I ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can my employer use my medical test results as a requirement of employment.
I have been employed by my employer for 14 years. They new I was a diabetic when I was hired. I have had medication issues and adjustments made by my doctor and have had to see an Occupational Health ... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Non-compete Suit
I recently left a local bank where I worked for 1 1/2 years as a mortgage loan officer. I was hired to work in the Huntley branch and was told when a position became available to work in an area close... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Employee at will works to secure a longterm contract. Contract is secured and employee is let go. Any right to pursue?
Work in sales. I was asked to secure a client with a long term contract. I wrote the proposal and we won the contract. I did the work to now put the assets in place so the contract will go forward for... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Shift work.
I perform computer help desk support for a large airline catering company in Memphis. I am an exempt employee (No overtime). My regular work hours were Monday -Friday 8:30am to 5pm (7.5 hours). My sup... applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete, IL worker with MD laws
I work for a Comp A insurance company in IL and signed a non-compete clause which follows MD laws. Anyway it advises that I can't work for the same type of company who competes against them currently.... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

My branch manager made going to work horrible she would do things to make it look as if I were messing up , so I out in my notice after a bit over a year and a half of this treatment , I put in a two week notice was allowed to work out a one week notice t
The branch manager at the company I just left made going to work horrible she would make it look as if I was messing up after a year and a half of this I turned in a two week notice , I was allowed to... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

Can hours worked overtime be allocated at a 2:1 ratio as PTO?
My non-profit employer requires me to work outside of my regular 40-hour workweek for special events in exchange for PTO. However, the PTO is not allocated at a 1:1 ratio. For example, I was required ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can my boss make days of work mandatory?
I am a part time hairstylist that works on commission. My boss closes our salon the first week of January as her choice...She tell us that because she is closed from a Monday-Thursday that Friday and ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can I work for a competitor in CA if my co. Is in FL?
I signed a non-compete for a FL based company. I work in sales in WA selling to WA customers. Now I want to work for its competitor (a German based company) by selling in California to California cust... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Delayed Severance
Is a company allowed to specify that they will only pay the severance amount if no other work is obtained prior to a date 4 months later? I was laid off in 12/11 and will be paid 4/30/12 but only if I... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Delayed Severance
Is a company allowed to specify that they will only pay the severance amount if no other work is obtained prior to a date 4 months later? I was laid off in 12/11 and will be paid 4/30/12 but only if I... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

had an unemployment appeal hearing 9 weeks ago regarding my seperation of employment. the employer protest was that i voluntarily quit and was denied benifits. two shift mgrs said i quit and when i went to work the next day i was sent home and told i quit
unemployment appeal hearing regarding my job. denied unemployment because the gm said i voluntarily quit when i didn't. i went to work and was told i had to leave because the boss was told by two shif... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

I am on ADA with probable return to work on 12-26-16. I just found out last week that the company I work for sold out to another company. When I went in last week to fill out the paper work I was informed by the New company's HR person that they could not
Broke a bone in my left hand do to a fall at home last June. Do to poor health care, and a cast that was put on to tight, I now have the bone sticking up on the top of my hand, and the second knuckle ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can a employer cancel health and prescription benifits if a employee is layed off for two months due to lack of work, with the employer knowing emplyee will return in 2 months?
I work for a company who employees me as a Security Officer for a school district. We are layed off in June when school ends and return in September. My question is, can my employer cancel all my bene... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Job classes
I'm trying to find out about "job classes" within an organization. I thought there are different job classes in every company, such as office personnel, scientists, laborers, etc. I thought each class... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

if you have leave/vacation on the books & can your job tell you what you can use that for?
My boyfriend is was arrested and has not been back to work, and he has unused paid time with work that we have been calling in for him using. They are saying he cant use it if he is incarcerated. His ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I had quit a job after not passing a urinalysis and being threatened to be terminated. I was also fired in 2008 for false pretenses whereas the same employer forged my signature on written warning documents. I am not able to find work now because of the b
I was an excellent employee that was railroaded and now I can not find work. applies to New Hampshire  ·  0 answers

Does it fair for me to go back and not the other employee
Me and other employee has shoulder surgery a week apart. But the case manager from work told my doctor that they have a light duty work for me, the other employee has shoulder surgery a week before me... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Employee Misclassified as Independent Contractor
I was hired by a company to work as an employee in their IT department as a Web Developer. After one year and 10 months of employment I talked to my employer about plans to move approximately 100 mile... applies to Texas  ·  3 answers

Can I be sued for publishing a book about the industry I work in
Short and sweet. I work as a valet right now. I am also a published writer I want to write a book giving visitors tips covering things that I have seen trouble guests over my 25 years in the tourism i... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can I sue the company?
I'm a very hard worker. I have a stress, a bad lower back and a minor stroke from the company they gave me Too much work that I can not handle. I asked my supervisor for additional person to help me f... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Is it legal to pay me a base salary and require me to work 50 hours per week?
I work for a pizza franchise and I am the general manager here. I have been doing this job for almost 2 years now. When offered the position I was told that I would be paid a base salary which was gre... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

on mat leave, laid off due to lack of work?
I work for a small heating and air conditioning company approx 35 people are employed. I am on maternity leave. I delivered my son on 1/25. I was put on bed rest per the dr 1 week before delivering. I... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

Have my privacy rights been violated when I walk into work at scheduled time and 2 coworkers tell you that you were terminated via email today before I was ever notified by my employer?
I checked my online schedule before leave work yesterday. I was actively showing on the schedule for today. When I arrived at work, 2 coworkers came up and said they heard I had been terminated the pr... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

Have my privacy rights been violated when I walk into work at scheduled time and 2 coworkers tell you that you were terminated via email today before I was ever notified by my employer?
I checked my online schedule before leave work yesterday. I was actively showing on the schedule for today. When I arrived at work, 2 coworkers came up and said they heard I had been terminated the pr... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

I have a non compete at a TV station as a Sales Rep. The company I work for is being bought out by another broadcasting company. I want to leave and go work for an advertising agency. I would not be selling media....can they uphold a non compete and sue m
I work for WDTN a TV station owned by Media General who just sold to Nexstar. I just left after accepting a position at an advertising agency. My sales manager just threatened to sue me over a non com... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I work at home depot and in my store they keep hiring from one nationality which has now made the diversity in our building very difficult. Workers don't always speak or understand the English language which makes it hard to communicate with them. The man
Diversity in the work place and racism. applies to California  ·  0 answers

I was terminated from my job right after a boy went and called his mother at home and told her I threatened to kick his butt. Then him and his mom confronted me on parking lot at work. I was questioned and documented at work. Then few days later went back
I was cussed by the boy twice this same day we had disagreement applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Work place violence
My girlfriend works at corporate salon and yesterday may 15th her manager and another coworker got into a physical fight. The district manager was called in and wrote them up no one was terminated. Is... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I was suspended for 5 days. I then contacted my employer and used my vacation and days (totaling #5). I returned to work and at the end of the work day was asked to sign a negligence document taking full responsibility for an issue that involved multiple
Aren't I entitled applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Am I due backed compensation?
I currently work for a company in the construction industry obviously hurting with the current economy. My employer gathered all "salaried" employees and forced us to sign a form "volunteering" to tak... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

can my boss fire me for being sick
I am a single Mom and my boss fires any one who calls in sick even if you have to go to the hospital .I work as a caregiver alone 24 hr shifts I hae an abcessed tooth ans d swo;;en would not let e me ... applies to Oregon  ·  1 answer

Forced to work holidays when not my scheduled days
My wife works in the guard shack at a private lake community. She works first shift weekends, every weekend(she works Sat & Sun 16 hrs every week), on time never misses, she has always worked any holi... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Put My two weeks in and two days latter was let go because of bullying and cant get my PTO
I work in WI as a Advanced Maintenance Tech, I put my two weeks in and I understand that you have to work the full two weeks to get paid your PTO but I stated that I can only work one of the two do to... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Does a law set a maximum on the number of hours worked?
Is there a law stating a maximum amount of voluntary overtime an employee can work in a work week? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Am I entitled to overtime even though I am a salary employee?
I work for a manufacturing company that does not pay any of us overtime. At one point they were giving us only comp. time that had restrictions on it. I am in Quality and work with my hands all day. T... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Should we get paid for putting on the company uniform?
If an employer provides your work uniforms, and has them cleaned and delivered to a locker at your work place, do they have to allow you time to put them on and take them off on company time. If so wh... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

std disability
my husband was out on workers comp and now has to return to work so he does not loose his job. he will work two weeks and then be out again for surgery. is he eligible to apply for std disability whil... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Employee No-Hire Clause
I work for a Company A which is the one that pays me, but I am assign to a Company B which is the place where I do all the work. In my contract there is a No-Hire clause. Now the Company A lost the ou... applies to Connecticut  ·  1 answer

Non Compete
I signed a non compete with the staffing agency I work for it states that I can not work for anyone that they have done business with in the past present or future, another staffing service for 2 year... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

The company I work for sold the company to a new owner, and they changed to pto. I still had vacation days with the old company but the new company said I couldn't use them. Is that legal, I feel I am owed a check!!!
U work for a nursing home applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I signed a non-compete with a software company.
I signed a non-compete with a software company that stated I could not work for a competitor. My job was to fix computer equipment in the field for our clients. I was offered a position with another c... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Husband filed a grievance against school that I work for. Now I got demoted. Retaliation?
On June 8th I was called into the superintendents office to discuss a position in the middle school as an aide for special ed. I accepted the job and signed an acceptance letter. Recently, my husband ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Negotiating a 30 hour work week
If I approach my employeer to negotiate a 30 hour work week, are there any laws stipulating what benefits must be provided in such a case? applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

If Employee is aware of your Fmla leave & Dr Certification was turned in: how soon can you leave work?
Im a California State employee, my parent got sick & lives out of the area. Late April Early May we learned heart surgery is needed. My employer was notified at U was. We had been waiting for a surger... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Am I being bullied because of race and can I be drug tested and breathalyzer on my day off for suspi
I started a job a couple months ago in a kitchen at a children's hospital, I was the only white person everyone else wad black and related, I had heard 1 white girl worked there at another time but cl... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Demotion with no reason given
I was recently told that a Program Coordinator from another of our company offices would be replacing me (I was the Program Coordinator in my office). I was told this decision was because I was going ... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Can a company keep me from coming back to work
I had spinal surgery in November of 2016. I filled out FMLA papers a year ago due to spinal issues. The doctor released me to go back to work 4 hours a day for the first two weeks then I can transitio... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Can the owner of this franchised Ihop I work for take money out of my check everyday for food
I do not wan to eat here, it's not good and I eat healthy but the owner said money gets taken out every day no matter if I eat or not. It's atleast 50 dollars out of my check. I don't want to eat here... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

I work for Robert Half for over 5 months then was hired permanently with the assignment company I had acrued PTO in which I was told they do not pay out but if I come back I do not lose. I came back a few month later than was hired with a a conversion fee
I worked on a temp assignment last year with Robert Half for over 720 hrs and then was hired permantly. I did not use my acrued PTO. I requested to get paid they stated I cannot get paid for it but ca... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

I have signed a Liquidated Damages Agreement with an Employer I haven't started employment with. Am
I am on H1-B visa working for current employer ABC. I found a job with client XYZ, for which an employer PQRS approached me to work for the client XYZ through PQRS. I agreed to it on a condition that ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

How many employee's work for a company?
I have sent in a letter of complaint against my former employer to the EEOC. My question is how do you determine how many employee's work for the company? Is it based on just the store I worked at or ... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

What make me a salary employee ?
I work for a company and they pay me a salary and I don't get overtime . I questioned the about it and they got me buss. cards saying i was a supervisor and said they didn't have to pay it. But i am j... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

What make me a salary enployee ?
I work for a company and they pay me a salary and I don't get overtime . I questioned the about it and they got me buss. cards saying i was a supervisor and said they didn't have to pay it. But i am j... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I worked here in Texas, and my question is after the 12 weeks, I was still unable to return to work, and was asked to sign a letter because I wasn't able to return to work. Can I get my unemployment
I applied for unemployment but was denied because I hadn't been released by my Dr. applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I live in Illinois I got injured in a coal mines where I was a contractor the day after I got released from injury the company fired me I do still work for the contractor company but they have yet to place me anywhere just wondering if it’s legal
Work applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I have had an ongoing condition with my back. I had a series of surgical injections and finally had spinal fusion surgery in Dec 2009. It was not as successful as my doctor and I had hoped. Since retu... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

I have had an ongoing condition with my back. I had a series of surgical injections and finally had spinal fusion surgery in Dec 2009. It was not as successful as my doctor and I had hoped. Since retu... applies to New Jersey  ·  2 answers

I have been on medical fmla go 5 months because of my own illness. In fact just had surgery to fix part of what's made me so sick but have more test coming up . My employer just informed me that I only have 33 hours left on fmla but the surgeon has put me
Just want to know what I need to do because my insurance is through work . Also still mot able to work. Do I sign up for disability or what. applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

I was offered a voluntary severance package from my employer. The initial offer agreed upon and the final paper work have 2 different amounts. The final paper work is lower. Do I have any grounds to get the initial agreed upon offer?
I was offered a voluntary severance package from my employer. The initial offer agreed upon and the final paper work have 2 different amounts. The final paper work is lower. My employer double my bonu... applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

What do i do???
I work as a press operator at a well known gasket company 12 hrs a day. The machine that I was working on begin to have problems such as the die kept getting stuck going in and coming out. When mentio... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I had a car accident dr put me on a 20 hr work week I have to work I support my self I was a full time employee and always got 2 weeks pd vacation every yr can I still get my vacation pay and time?
Cut to a 20 hr work week by a dr after a auto accident I worked full time and got 2weeks vaca every yr pd can I still get my vaca time and pay applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

I work in Florida, what are the laws in regards to PTO payout?
I worked for a company that was going through a lot of financial issues. They reduced our work week to 4,8 hours days to save money. I have since found another job and have PTO owed to me. They are no... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Severance pay and salary: "double dipping"?
My company was recently sold, and I was laid off with no notice. However, my final check included two weeks salary that was designated as "severance pay". During the following two weeks, I continued w... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

My work provided Pizza and my boss decided that some of the whites people would not get the pepperoni pizza and she only give it to her black friends. After informing her boss of this I started receiving write ups that I did not do. I went to HR regarding
Retaliation at work. applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

can couples work under the same supervisor in different departments in the state of texas
i am trying to advance departments, however i wrote a complaint on my lead and they moved me but no wi am being told that i can not work where my boyfriend works even though there are immediate famil ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

can couples work under the same supervisor in different departments in the state of texas
i am trying to advance departments, however i wrote a complaint on my lead and they moved me but no wi am being told that i can not work where my boyfriend works even though there are immediate famil ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Does the restoration of position in fmla mean same hours, same duties or can boss change it?
Am about to return to work after maternity leave. asked to change my hours from 9:30 - 5:30 to 7 to 3. two other men in my workgroup have these hours. am the only woman in this group. was called in fo... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I have worked for my employer for 16 years no write up great work habits this month out of no where I was falsely accused of things i didn't do so my employer decided to push me to 3rd shift which I can not do since I am not at this location they are slan
My employer is pushing me out of a location I have been at for 16 years I was falsely accused they had no meeting for me to defend myself I have no write ups nor have I had a bad work record I'm being... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Is working for for the Company's Customers (direct or indirect) restrict working for a competitor?
I signed a Terms and COnditions of Employment form which states "I agree not to perform any work for any of the Company's customers (either direct or indirect) mean I cannot work for a competitor in a... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Child with disability and reduced work schedule
I have a 5 year old autistic child who does not speak, feed herself, dress herself, not toilet trained and displays destructive behavior. It is difficult for me to find someone to care for her while I... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

after calling HR i was retaliated against. what can i do?
i called the HR department of the company i work for to inform them of the abuse of our facilities equipment and the safety issue that was created by this abuse. i had originally said something to my ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

My husband was informed yesterday his FMLA was exhausted in October. His work has a point system and he has missed work for his FMLA. Is HR responsible for notifying him of it expiring?
My husband has FMLA for our daughter with some mental health issues. He misses on general about 1-2 days a week due to this. He was notified 12/11/2019 his FMLA exhausted in October 2019. His work has... applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

who and what would i be suing for?
A co worker filed for a TRO against me unrelated to work. The TRO stated that i could not go within a 100 yards from her school work or home. I couldnt go to work, thereforevI was terminated for not b... applies to Hawaii  ·  0 answers

Bench policies for consulting companies
I was living in NC when I received an offer from a consulting company in NY. Before accepting the job, I made sure to cover issues (verbally and through email) such as the 'bench' and what would happe... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I have reported sexual harassment and now I'm questioning retaliation from my boss I was told I have to accommodate the late work hours until the spot is filled and was even told I'm lucky to be able ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I work as a home care provider I asked my Human Resoure department if I'm illigable for Benefits but I worked for them for 10 year and she said no this is in Michigan
I've been off work because I had surgery.I won't to know if I'm able to receive Benefits I've worked for the company for 10 years applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

force to sign an illegal contract to return to work by union rep?
I felt harassed by supervisor who had attacked me in his office by swinging a book in my face and tell me I didn't deserve to work for the U.S Post Office. I filled a grievance with the Union Rep abou... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Hello. I work for a firm which traditionally closes early on the eve of major holidays. I work an overnight shift, so essentially they are schedule to be closed during my regular working hours. They are asking/telling me that I must remain for for four ho
My firm is closing early on the eve of the upcoming holiday. As I work overnight, they will essentially be closed during my regular shift. They are making it mandatory that I put in a 12-hour shift to... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Hi - can an employer offer benefits in exchange for work? For example my employer who I already work 40 hours for said they will provide medical benefits if I do several tasks each week
See above applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

if I only work 6 hours am I forced to take a lunch break
it was on the weekend and I came in to work . I worked 6 hours and the company took 30 minutes away saying I had to clock out for lunch applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

Work Injury and FMLA
Pleas Help! I have a work injury (carpal Tunnel syndrome) My employer made me take a FMLA and then terminated me is this possible? applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

I refused to work for a less qualified superior, can my former emplorer prevent me from accessing t
I refused to work for a new program manager who was far less qualified than me and had less experience. applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Can I apply for a job at the school where I currently work?
I work at a charter school in Indianapolis, IN which is part of a group of charter schools run by a company from Grand Rapids, MI. They have cancelled their contract with the staffing agency for which... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

If a girl wrongly accused you of sexual harassment without any proof . It was just to get you fired . What can I do ? They demoted me at work because of this . And I didn't do anything wrong . She wanted to get me and my gf fired
I was demoted at work because a girl wrongly accused me of sexual harrasment to get me and my gf fired. When the problem was just with her and my gf . She hated on her because she was in charge of the... applies to California  ·  0 answers

my contract includes severance pay if I give a 90 day notice and not fail to work for any reason through out the 90 day notice period. I want to take vacation during the 90 day period. If I do take vacation, can it be considered failure to work for any re
I signed a contract agreeing that if I failed to work for any reason during through out the 90 day notice period I will not receive severance pay. Is taking vacation considered failure to work for an ... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Can my company fire me when I was found not guilty of sexual harassment?
A month ago I was accused of same sex sexual harassment which was investigated by HR and found to be baseless. My accuser has been allowed back to work, I however have been told not to return to work.... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

do you normally get paid out of your severance when you leave a job
my company is closing the plant that i work at, I decided to leave the compamy, I was told that I would get a 60 day notice of my termination date yet I was told this past monday that my last work day... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

Can my work completely cut out my position with three weeks notice?
I am a registered vet tech at a busy 24 hour hospital that has been doing accounts receivable for the last 6 months. Today I was told they can not afford the position and I have to go back to technici... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I am currently on FMLA due to depression and anxiety brought on by mandatory overtime They do not plan on hiring more people. My Dr wants to limits hours to 40. The employer can say this creates an undue hardship. But if they let me go they will be even m
my dr has not released me to go back to work yet. Are still adjusting medications. Dr will probably limit me to 40 hrs (ADA ) Not sure when I will be able to go back to work. Thank You. applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Disagreement between HR and Doctor on definition of work week
I am trying to resolve a disagreement between HR and my doctor on how a "rolling work week" applies to my defined "regular work schedule." 1) The Eligibility paperwork That I signed for granting my in... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

Validity of non-compete agreement
I am a professional computer technician who is currently looking for work. I recently found a position with a company working as a contractor (1099). After they interviewed me they handed me the contr... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Comp time for exempt employees
I work for a local non-profit agency. All employees are considered exempt. I work some weeks everyday 8 hours or more. My job requirements are teaching classes, invoicing, scheduling community classes... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

what can I do
I signed non-compete, and work with current company as computer network administrator consultant. A year ago was sent to work for client to take care of their network system part time, now client want... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Is being on call acceptable without pay?
Hello, I work for a very large company as a part time sales associates (there are no full time sales associates). The shifts comprise of for the most part one manger and 2-3 sales associates on the fl... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Unwanted - cost of personal fuel to be withheld from my paycheck
I work at a consulting firm where the vast majority of employees are on salary, and work at temporary customer jobsites throughout each day, and have no permanent place of work provided by the employe... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Can my employer force me to split my shift ?
I work retail and in years past since black Friday can be horrendous, they have asked if anyone would volunteer for a split shift or be able to stay more than 8 hours and some have complied with the r... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Mandatory 50 hour work week for salary workers.
The big boss decided to make it manadatory for the entire engineering office to work 50 hour work weeks for the next two months. No explanation was given and no compensation was mentioned for working ... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

My grandfather passed a few weeks ago and it the policy at my job says that they give you three bereavement days thats paid for but they have not paid me what do I do
On my way to work one night I got a call from my sister when I answered the phone she told me that my grandfather had died so I continue to go to work anyway not really ready to face the reality of wh... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

My new boss has taken away all acomodations regarding my FMLA
I have been on FMLA since 2008 for acute rheumatoid arthritis. Since this time I have been allowed to work from home on sick days and make up any time in the office at my discretion. My work has never... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Slander in the office
Two employees that work for a private company which I also work at are slandering me in and out of the work place. They claim that I leaked pertinent information to a vender allowing competition into ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I was furloughed from the hospital I work for due to their reduced business. If they call me back to work, but it will put me at risk for COVID-19, will I lose my WI unemployment benefits if I refuse to go start back to work in that job?
I'm a social worker doing face to face visits at homes and the hospital. I am in my 60's, have 3 of the 5 high risk medical conditions that correlate with severe COVID symptoms and poor outcomes, i.e.... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Must work day before & after holiday to get holiday pay
The company I work for gives us certain holidays off with pay. If we don't work the day before or the day after the holiday they won't pay for that holiday. Is this legal? applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can an employer force me to take a whole day off when I only need a half day?
My wife's employer will no longer allow her to work a half day (after switching to exempt status), as in, doc her paid time off (or pay if no PTO left). For example, we have family that lives out of s... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Full time plus additional work?
I run a nonprofit organization. I have an employee who works FT in one program on salary. He wants to work in another of our programs several hours in the evening, seeing therapy clients (he is a Mast... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I work in a maximum security prison, I reported a coworker for sexual harassment after hearing him agree with an offender that him assisting the offenders by holding me down while they raped me was a good idea, now I'm receiving retaliation from superviso
No discipline for the officer, HR did not notify warden this is required, confidentiality was violated, still forced to work with him applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Fired while waiting on Covid results
I started a new job in South Carolina on 3/17/2021. The following week (3/24/2021) my boss tested positive for covid and was quarantined for 10 days. During this time, I went to work and did what I co... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

I have several factors: I got injured on the job stepping out of office due to no lighting outside missed step and fractured ankle..Doctor put me on modified work but I have been off work on Disability due to severe depression due to the loss of my spouse
Believe I was demoted wrongfully applies to California  ·  1 answer

I was injured in a car accident 6 months ago in a car accident unrelated to my job. I returned to work after treatment and re-injured my shoulder and back. On the job am I eligible for workers comp
I returned to work cleared by a dr. But now I've re- injured my back at work. Does this make me eligible for workers compensation applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Fired after six years of no warnings and great reviews
Yesterday was fired from a positon held for one year with recent "A" review and 5% increase. Been with company 6 years. All started when I copied CEO on email sent to manager concerning my take on a c... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

My job just got eliminated because of department restructuring. I am offered a severance - However, I am also on workman's comp with restrictions. What should I do?
Employed for 5 years. Never missed a day of work. I slipped & fell on ice, at work and am on work restrictions/workman's comp. Was notified that my job got eliminated due to department restructuring. ... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

I was out on FML a leave for three months. Returned on a reduced full-time work schedule of 48 hours. I was a salaried employee making $1100 a week. Six months later I was told I was getting a pay cut and being demoted Due to my doctors note stating I can
I returned from FML a leave to work six months ago. My doctor put me on a 40 hour work week full-time. Seven months later my employer informed me they were cutting my salary, taking away my managerial... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Can i sue a company for allowing miss conduct at work and having my boyfriends co worker sit on his lap and take a pic and post it on social media i was pregnant when this happend. No one ever takes work pictures like that and pist them it should be a wor
Posting mis conduct sexual behavior during work hours. He sat his co worker on his lap and took a picture and post on social media . can i sue the company for allowing it and supervisor participated k... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can I sue? I worked for USPS and quit to work for the corny I'm with right now. One of the reasons I chose to leave was bcz of the way my co-workers argued with the supervisors. They (both co-workers and) supervisors screamed loud and cursed at each other
This was a very stressful place to work at because of the way management would talk to us. applies to California  ·  2 answers

Is it legal to dock an employees time when they have workmens comp.??
My husband was hurt at work and had to leave work for a doctors appt. and then returned with doctors note. The HR lady said his hours will be docked for any missed time due to the accident. applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

Fired cause of smell of achoal no test given?
Long day ....long night as well.. Went sleep bout1am woke up felt fine .onto work at 5am. Supervisor said he smelt booze on my breath.i said idrank night be for and I'm ok to BAC GIVEN applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

Can a non-compete agreement ban a employee from working in the industry for 2 years?
Employer A sold a line of business (employee benefit administration and consulting) to Employer B. Employee C came to work from A to B. While at A, C was the primary relationship manager for A's clien... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Hostile work environment
What situations other than sexual harrassment can signify a hostile work environment? WHAT ARE FORMS OF RETALIATION? applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

if staff volunteered to pick up a shift is it not an issue with Fair Labor?
We have PT employees who can work up to but not including 30 hrs a week - our FT employees are any staff that work 30 or more hours per week. If we have PT employees that are volunteering to pick up h... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is talking about rape at work sexual harassment when it's been said you don't want to hear about it.
a new co worker very shortly after meeting her disclosed to me she had been raped 40 years ago. I nicely told her work really wasn't the place for this conversation. Few weeks later she tells me again... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Thank you for your response to my question concerning the disrimination of employees and commission. Unfortunatly I was correct that when I went into work today for confronting him that I would be ter... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I'd like to know what my rights are
I've been on L&I since 6/30/17 for breaking my knee at work. The doctor released me to modified duty on 11/13/17.  In October, I was informed by my supervisor that she was expecting me back to work e... applies to Washington  ·  1 answer

I live in Wisconsin work in MN. My non compete will not let me work in the United States in my field. I have only worked in this field all my life. Is it enforcable?
I work in produce sales. I sell onions. My non compete says I can't sell any fruits or vegetables for a period of 2 years in all of the United States. I live in Wisconsin and have an offer for a broke... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

I am a salaried employee: Can my permanent mandatory schedule be 50 hours a week?
I am a salaried employee, when I was hired I understood that meant that I would need to work as many hours as necessary to get the job done. I did have a regular schedule posted as 40 hours a week, bu... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Severance Pay Issues
I was laid off from my job. A big company bouth my company. They offer me severance pay for 6 months, but they do not want that I work for that period of time in any place. I was a manager and I under... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I am forced to be at work 25 min early to put on a uniform and I am not being paid is this legal? And the enforced that the day after we signed a paper stating we had to clock in 5 min early
I signed a paper agreeing to be at work 5 min early because I can clock out 5 min early. The next day I was told to be in my uniform and and saftey gear ready to work 20 min before the start of my shi... applies to Montana  ·  0 answers

I was told not to come to work if I dont feel safe should I still come to work monday
I filed a complaint and we are being investigated and waiting on air quality testing equipment I said I dont feel comfortable wearing a resperator if the air quality may be contaminated the told me no... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

layoff case, please help ....thank you!
Brief description: 1. On 6/30, employer told employee, “ I feel you are not willing to help me for the operation duties” Employee: could you mention any specific details? Employer answered few cas... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Hello i am a HHA (Home Health Aide)..i work 6 days a week and i am often called in to cover for other Aides. So this morning i was so tired when i woke up from work the day before being at the doctors with my client. And then catcing bus home got home lat
Am i being bullied and can i sue for wrongfull termination applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Yes, I was laid off about 2 months now and have been seeking work back in my field of IT work, I worked as a equipment operator in the oil fields for 1 year. Now former company wanting to hire back at lower pay and is threatening to have my unemployment b
Yes, I was laid off about 2 months now and have been seeking work back in my field of IT work, I worked as a equipment operator in the oil fields for 1 year. Now former company wanting to hire back at... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

My employer gave me a 30% pay cut after 3 months back at work after having a stroke. Is that legal?
The company I work for is at max 10 employees. I had a stroke and was gone for 4 months before going back to work. I'm grateful they kept my position open but now 3 months later they cut my pay of 30%... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

I went back from Maternity leave after 8 weeks. Before I went back I asked them to allow me to work on part time basis or reduction in hours just for a few weeks until childcare issues and Dr appointments were done. They denied me that with basically an a
I am salaried employee required 45 hour work week applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

I was pulled out of work from the emergency room for a week due to medical reason I called and got it extended for a few days I later called to return back to work and was told I needed a medical release before returning so I scheduled a appointment with
do I have a case if not what are my options applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Is it legal for your employer to mark you down absent if you showed up o work an hour and 40mins late but still worked the rest of your shift?
My schedule was changed twice and I was unaware because it's never happened before and as soon as the schedule is posted I mark down my days off on my time sheet. I thought I was off because that's wh... applies to Hawaii  ·  0 answers

do you normally get paid out of your severance pay when you leave a company
my company is closing the plant that i work at, I decided to leave the compamy, I was told that I would get a 60 day notice of my termination date yet I was told this past monday that my last work day... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

I was ill and out of work for 4 days. My employer paid me for those days when I didn't have the sick time accumulated to cover it. Now they are making me work those hours to make up for it. Can they do that?
I was ill and out of work for 4 days, a total of 30 hours. I am a salary employee. My employer paid me for those days when I didn't have the sick time accumulated to cover it. It was my bosses decisio... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

what is the maximum amount of hours an employee is to work?
Is there a limit on how many hours an employee can work? Was scheduled a 12 hour shift - but picked up 4 additional hours voluntarily to help cover shifts - is this permitted? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

can an employee be forced to work a shift and be on call that same day
department not H.R is asking non exempt professionls to work 8 hours shift and be on call all night to return to the premises for the next 8 hour shift applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can I report someone for saying things to my husband that offends me
I work at the same company as my husband. This certain woman makes inappropriate remarks to my husband. It doesn't bother him, he says "that's how it is when you work in a factory" Can I report it if ... applies to New Hampshire  ·  0 answers

Can I be forced to work in a toxic environment while pregnant?
I'm a Chemist in Holliston, MA and I'm also pregnant. My job requires me to come in contact with several chemicals that are known to cause birth defects. I have to climb ladders, and lift heavy loads ... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Can I use a doctor's note/excuse in lieu of my job search or will my unemployment claim be denied?
I was just laid off from my job. However, I now have a health issue that is interfering with ability to look for work and accept work. I am unable to stand, sit, drive, or walk stairs without agony. I... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

can a employer tell you have to work 12hrs or else?
Ia am employed by a company for over a year now, and benn on a 8hr shift the whole time. They told me a day and half before that I was drafted to work 12hrs. I plead my case and in the end i was force... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

can a employer tell you have to work 12hrs or else?
Ia am employed by a company for over a year now, and benn on a 8hr shift the whole time. They told me a day and half before that I was drafted to work 12hrs. I plead my case and in the end i was force... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I have worked for Company A since August 2015. I have just found out Company A may not be the successor of the a new Procurement. Company B has contacted me to continue working at the same site with a different title. The work appears to be very similar.
Non-Compete Clause is governed by the State of North Carolina. The Contract site I work and live is in Virginia. The new Company winning the contract has offered me a position but I signed a non-compe... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Do I owe income tax in AL if I work remotely from home in FL for a company in AL?
Recently relocated to Tampa, FL from Birmingham, AL for my husband's job. My employer allowed me to keep doing my job because it is able to be done remotely from my home (order handling and logistics)... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

I work for a propane company in Louisiana Ameri gas bought the company I worked for they told us we had to sign a non compete or we was fired.I want to go to work for another company but what do I need to do .Thanks Louisiana
Need answers applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

The company I work for sold one of the product lines at our factory. I was told I needed to go with that line if I want to have a job. At my company the assembly jobs are considered unskilled. So we have no choice what product line we work on. I have work
The company put all older employees on that line and sold it to another company. 9 of the 10 employees are all over 50. We have no choice what line we are put on applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

I have a confusing question. I work for a company that has 1 parent but 2 subsideries. An employee works FT for 1 company and we want him to work 10 hours for the next company from home. Would this mean overtime or not because it is 2 companies? Should he
I have a confusing question. I work for a company that has 1 parent but 2 subsideries. An employee works FT for 1 company and we want him to work 10 hours for the next company from home. Would this me... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can a Holiday policy reduce the number of Holidays for some employees while granting to most?
Company policy is 12 paid holidays, received only if scheduled to work those days. Some workers required to work weekends. New policy makes most Holidays fall on Mondays. E.G. Workers who don't work o... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Was I wrongfully discharged?
I have been working for the same company for little more than a year and was fired today for work performance and was told they are going in a different direction. Last August I was injured and did no... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Was I wrongfully discharged?
I have been working for the same company for little more than a year and was fired today for work performance and was told they are going in a different direction. Last August I was injured and did no... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

I've been fired at work, but for a reason I deem to be incorrect or false
i was fired at a privately owned retail store. I was fired because I was accused of breaking a rule that I was not aware of. I received virtually NO on job training, I was paid under the table for the... applies to New Hampshire  ·  0 answers

I normally an scheduled to WORK 10 HOURS ON THE PAID HOLIDAY, DO I GET 10 HOURS FOR THAT DAY OR 8 hours?
I am an hourly employee who normally is scheduled to work and do work 10 hours on Thursdays. The 4th of July is a paid holiday. Do I get paid in CT for 10 hours or 8 that Holiday? applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

Is there anything we can do to stop this?
I work in small notebook factory and for years they have been laying off by seniority in the company. Now they want to lay off by a point sysyem,how many machines you can operate,I don't think this is... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Unreasonable Non-Compete
I have a young friend who works for a Payday Loan company. She told me her location was robbed a gunpoint last week and that she is very fearful of working there now. She said since the company discon... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Anyone know of an employment attorney that will work on a contingency basis?
I called in sick 1 day and so did a white co-worker. Upon returning to work, I presented my manager with a doctor's note. My manager was not pleased that I missed the day and threatened "written corre... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I need information on whether a company is able to deny full-time to someone?
I live in Michigan and work for a company as a "part-time" employee. I have been putting in 43-55 hrs /week for over 3 years now which is the same or more than all the full-time employees work at this... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Working from home
I have a question....I have on several occasions work from home with my former supervisor on several occasions for different reasons and now other staff that get to do this as well. I have a new boss ... applies to District of Columbia  ·  1 answer

If you work on commission only basis, can employer require you to work 8:00 to 5:00 five days a week?
If you work on commission only basis, can employer require you to work 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. five days a week? applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Arizona - "Right to Work" State
I know Arizona is a "Right to Work" State. Does this mean an employer can terminate your employment at any time or any reason? applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Salaried hours
is it against any law to work a salaried person over 40 hours in a one week work period( california )? applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can I work at all....
My non-compete states I cannot work in my field for two years upon separation. Can a non-compete prevent me from working in my field? applies to Maryland  ·  1 answer

Why can't I collect unemployment after 12 years on the job?
I worked for a company since 1999. In Jan of 2011, I was laid off due to business being slow. At this time I was able to collect until I returned to work in May. In Jan of 2012, I was laid off again f... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Uncle had heart attack while pushing a car at work. FMLA paperwork wants to know if this was illness or accident/injury related. The waters are murky. What should he answer? He was subsequently diagnosed with a blockage he did not know he had
Heart attack while pushing car at work for work...subsequent dx of a blockage previously unknown and asymptomatic. FLMA wants to know if accident/injury related or illness. This is murky. applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

What can I do if an ex-employer stoled from me?
So I work at an automobile shop. The owner there sold his shop to a company that took over. The new owners took over, but the previous owner has keys still to the place, and he went in one night and s... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I am a salaried manager, am I exempt salaried or non-exempt salaried?
I am a store manager with Blockbuster Video. I have been told by my new boss that I must be on conference calls and text or call in numbers to her wether I am at work or not. I have been told that If ... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Do i have a potential lawsuit?
I've been working for this company as a private duty caregiver for a little over a year, working 60 hours a week. Last October I found out I was pregnant let them know, and I still was working 60 hour... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

i want to sue my administrator but not sure where to start i need help
i work for an assisted living home in carmichael, ca i was put on call back in april but not for a good reason i was called into work maybe 2times to work. Havent been called in since but she has hire... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Occupational Health requested that I be placed at an alternate work site due to my reaction to a possible air quality issue that was causing me to have symptoms. The alternate location adds 30 miles of travel a week from my regular work site. If I request
I have been employed at the same location for 18 months. I have in that time only worked at alternate locations on 5 separate occassions for coverage of employees who were off. I have complained of br... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

a must-have decor item for any cat lover! The charming wooden grouping is perfect for adding some rustic charm to your home. It's also a great way to bring some Americana flair to any space, and can be combined with other primitive or Americana decoration
I am in a union, work a four and two schedule as a Public Safety Dispatcher. We work 24/7 all year applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Fired because of lack of referals? Is that legal?
I have been told I am to be terminated because I didn't bring in enough revenue to the hospital I work for. However, I was never told I needed to refer my patients to my hospital and while I always of... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

being layoff father picking his son over me,,,
my question is i work for this company for 12 years one month two weeks.. im 50 his son is 20s we both started the same time, i was layoff along with another person i was told by the owner told it was... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

My husband's work schedule was recently changed from 2nd shift to 1st shift. He has worked 2nd shift for three years, and I currently work 1st shift at my own job. Because of this sudden schedule change, we are scrambling to find child care for our childr
Began job July 2012. Has been full-time since then with few issues. We have four children and rely on two incomes. We work split shifts to offset the cost of child care. This was all made very apparen... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Is this retaliation or discrimination?
I was recently "Laid-Off" and the company I work for said it was due to lack of work (Construction CO). I found out through co-workers that the same day they laid me off they hired a male employee at ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

How do I denfend myself against false accusations at work?
A disgruntled employee is making false accusations against me at work. I am currently being investigated by HR. She has left notes to me saying, "this is war" and "I want to be your friend, not". How ... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

I am a GA employer and an employee of ours was hurt off the job in a car accident. He has been gone 4 weeks now from work and we really need to hire another mechanic to fill his spot. If we let him go with a seperation notice will we
The employee is a mechanic and he's on crutches supposedly because his right foot is in so much pain but yet he drives up to visit at our business and hobbles around distracting others at work. applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Can I be docked for scheduled days off?
HELP! I work at a private school in Richmond, VA. My position is the Executive Assistant. I'm salaried and I receive no overtime pay. Since I work at a school, we have scheduled days off on the school... applies to Virginia  ·  1 answer

Non-compete as a sofware consultant
Hi, I work for a consulting firm as a w2 employee with zero benefits, they simply pay me for every hour I work. Basically they are a middleman between myself and my client. For every dollar I bill the... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Is it illegal if Im pregnant and was in the hospital for a week due to complications. After that week I was cleared to return to work by my doctor with a note excusing my day's missed. My job fired me. They are a Christian restaurant and I feel like I was
I was in the hospital due to compications and I had a medical excuse from my doctor for the days missed. I was cleared to return to work but still terminated for missing those days. Last year a male e... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Can I apply for a job at the school where I currently work?
I work at a charter school in Indianapolis, IN which is part of a group of charter schools run by a company from Michigan. They have cancelled their contract with the staffing agency for which I work ... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Abusive Work Environment - is there anything I can do?!
Hello, I am a full time non-exempt employee that is paid hourly. I have been working for this company in Philadelphia for almost 2 years now. Since the company has expanded and the owner brought in he... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can employee pay be adjusted to State minimum wage for time
Proposed Employee Handbook language for field techs making $30 - $35/hour for regular time. We have never used this and hope never to have to, but could it be done this way?: Call Backs Due to Work Er... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

Can my former employer enforce a non-compete if it means I can't work in this field anywhere.
I worked for a company that only offered 1 loan product to a specific group of people. I decided to leave and work for a broker where I have access to a large array of products and can service the ent... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

charge and retaliation
first off i was put off work in Nov of 2003until i got an update from my dr. on some restrictions that i have been working with for 2 1/2 years. I was off for 3 1/2 weeks with no pay. I filed a charge... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

I was terminated from my job for not meeting performance goals for the last 3 months, however, my supervisor never trained me on a portion of the work, never helped me learn the work and how to avoid errors, and never followed the action plan in place to
We have set metrics that no one understands and that are unattainable. I have been telling my supervisor since I went to her team that I was not trained on a big portion of our daily work and despite ... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

I was terminated from my job for not meeting performance goals for the last 3 months, however, my supervisor never trained me on a portion of the work, never helped me learn the work and how to avoid errors, and never followed the action plan in place to
We have set metrics that no one understands and that are unattainable. I have been telling my supervisor since I went to her team that I was not trained on a big portion of our daily work and despite ... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

When suspended from work, wether with or without pay, yet required by the suspension language to drive to the workplace for Human Resource meetings, may I request mileage reimbursement? I receive mileage rebursent as a regular part of my job.
I submitted to be reimbursed for mileage from my employer for travel between home and the workplace for mandatory HR meetings set as a condition of the paid and unpaid suspensions. My former employer ... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Employment Contract Restrictive Covenant
I work for an IT Consulting firm. The contract that I signed upon taking the position contains a Restrictive Covenant that, in turn, contains a section stating that: during my employment and for a per... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I was forced to resign and placed on Admin Leave until 10-14-15, last day of employment due to being out on FMLA and going over my 12 weeks by 16 hours, two work days. My question is why wasn't I notified of my overage until after the fact. I was under th
FMLA Aporoved for own illness. Never received notice of any FMLA used or balances. Only until I had gone over by 2 work days, exactly 15.5 hours was I notified I no longer was covered and I was forced... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Non-Compete As A Programmer
I work for a company that does contract systems programming work for commercial companies. Recently the sales people have decided to move in a different direction with systems that do not require prog... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Can a company have a non-compete with only SOME of employees in the same postions/levels ?
I have an employment agreement that seems to be very restrictive. It lists over 100 companies i can not work for. While researching this, I found 3 other people in my company, were not required to sig... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Terminated on hearsay and lies?
I worked at a large company in Houston at work today two women from HR took me aside and fired me, the reason they gave was they heard by several people I was sleeping in my car. Well I don't own a ca... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I work as a medical livery driver in Massachusetts and work 60hrs a week at 14 dollars an hour but no overtime. Is this right? I did research and i am really not a independent contractor nor sub contractor because i am supervised after every stop and told
I work as a medical livery driver in Massachusetts and according to them i am a independent contractor or a subcontractor but after reading the law o am not. They tell me where to go and who to pick u... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

My wife is taking PTO and is being told she will need to make up the missed work via OT.
My wife is taking 3 days of approved PTO (submitted over a month ago) at the beginning of next week. Her supervisor just told her that since they are understaffed, that she will need to work overtime ... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

im pregnant and they want me to sign a no will agreement in georgia
Hello, I had an offer letter a year ago almost that I will have a 90 day period to see if I would work out in the company, I have been here now for 9 months, and I'm pregnant, they want me to sign a N... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Can my employer deduct my pto if i already worked 40?
As a salary employee, my work schedule is mon - fri. Occasionally i work sat and/or sun. If i have worked over 40 by thu, and i take fri off, am i required to use 8 hrs of pto? applies to Maine  ·  0 answers

I work for a Public library, when I first started I was hired as a full-time employee for one of the branches. After I was put to work in the bookmobile and at the branch still full-time. They decided to get rid of the bookmobile and with that they also d
Benefits applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Will discrimination attorneys work on a contingency?
Age discrimination was the motivatig factor in my recent termination (age 66), Are there emloyment lawyers in the Chicago area who will work on a contingency fee basis? Thanks. applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

i've been on fmla intermitent for almost a year, to reapply do i need to do 1250 hours again?
company I work for is over 300 employees and been there for over 5 years I was told by friends that since I am already under fmla intermittent, I don't need to work 1250 hours applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I was put on bedrest the last 4 months of my pregnancy I was allowed my FMLA leave. I was out of work all together 6 months. When I returned to work I was demoted from assistant manager to just a cashier. I've been there for 8 years. Are they allowed to d
FMLA demotion applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

If i feel im forced to quit for medical reasons is there any possibility of compensation?
Hello, I have a bit of an odd question to ask. I've been battling some sleep related issues and after my most reason visit to my sleep specialist i was advised not to drive anymore. After speaking wit... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Dose my work place have to make accomadations for pregnancy restrictions?
I hve worked for the local wal-mart store for 5 years. I am 6 months pregnant and have been put on restrictions. I am allowed to work for 8 hrs. but not allowed to be on my feet for more than 4 hrs. I... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

My daughter was fired she was a technician and was a commission employee. The owner asked her if she could work a few weeks as an hourly in the office as an hourly employee while he looked for a secretary. He also told her She can work as a technician wit
Am I still entitled to benefits applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

can a liscensed public claims adjuster who wants to work for himself not be allowed by a nc?
i signed a two year non compete as a lioscensed public claims adjuster and my company gives me nothing....i just want to get out and work on my training,trade secrets,customers,lists or any... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

How long after I return to work from maternity leave does my employer need to guarantee my job?
I am returning to work after maternity leave under FMLA however, I belive that my employer will RIF me within the first day or two. Is this legal? applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

wanting to stay within my non-compete
I currently work for a company which I am under a non-compete. It states I can not work for any competors nor can I solict any business from the company for 2 years or a 50 mile radius starting on the... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Change in work hours/no change in compensation
Our company is planning to expand hours from 35 to 40 hours per week, but does not intend to compensate non-exempt employees for the additional 5 hours per week they will be required to work. Non-exem... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I have a non compete in NJ and I was wondering if I am hired by a Hong Kong company that would be direct competition to the company I work for. Do you think the company can still sue me since I am hired by a Hong Kong LTD
I work for an import company and I want to go work directly for the Factory in China/Hong Kong. If the Hong Kong company would hire me or even the Chinese factory. Do you think my non-compete would ho... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

When you take a job and they tell you originally that you have flex time, can work through lunch and if ill can work from home. Then they take it away can you quit and get unemployment.
When you take a job and they tell you originally that you have flex time, can work through lunch and if ill can work from home, Then they take it away. Can you quit and get unemployment? applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

A co-worker gave me a paper that was in the fax machine thar stated all pay aspects of my salary. She gave me the paper,but I do not know how many people saw it. also, on the same day I was cleaning up an area ( work in a dialysis clinic) and found anothe
Aren't employers obligated to keep my personal information safe at work? applies to California  ·  2 answers

In the state of Georgia if I sign a counseling statement at work and change my mind about agreeing or disagreeing can it be changed
I signed a counseling statement at work and now I would like to change it to disagree applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Several questions
My employer is under the impression that as long as she is paying you for your lunch period she can require you to work. Specifically she allows you enough time to eat a sandwich, but then expects you... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

If I work on commission. Is my employer at wrong when he does not pay me for a job that has been completed and he has been paid on it. I am a tow truck operator out of St Louis Missouri I work for Don he owes Speedy Towing. And he is telling me he does no
I have work for this man for over three months. He is telling me that he is not going to pay me for some calls that I picked up for him a commission on the calls were 40% of the two calls I am a tow t... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

monitoring employee conversations?
I work for a very small company (we are a tight knit group) a few of the staff members along with myself and another manager all had a “group chat” on Snapchat. Mostly just BS conversations casual... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

What is the best advice you can give to me given this current situation?
I've been having some problems with a new HR Director in my job. I feel since she came to work in our company she's been nothing but hostile towards me. I have viewed my complaints during our director... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Overtime Question
I am an IT engineer working for a small company in Toledo. I feel we are getting a bad deal as far as overtime is concerned. I will explain how my compensation works. I am a non exempt employee. I get... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

I work a seasonal job at a golf course. I have been getting unemployment (underemployment ( for the past u years I got a phone call today stating if I go through with this new claim I will not be asked to come back next year, is this legal in Michigan
If I go through with this claim I was just told I will not be asked to come back to work in the spring applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

In the state of Michigan can an employer lay off or terminate you for a injury that's not work related,even there's a doctor's statement stating you can?
Can I be terminated or laid off from work,even if there's a written notice from the Doctor stating I can... note has worked for approximately 1month after the notice has been turned in applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

I broke my shoulder 7 weeks ago. And haven't been able to go back to work until released by Doctor. My employer and I agreed on a layoff. Can I collect unemployment?
Cannot return to work until released by Doctors. Could be another two months. If my boss lays me off and I agree, can I collect unemployment? applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

How then am I supposed to work if a company uses ADP? The second question, since then I have been l
I sued 5 companies and 1 individual on several different counts which included, sexual harassment, whistle blowing, sexualassult and battery, wrongful termination, and more. The case was settled out o... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Mandatory Overtime
I work for a private contractor on a military base and was wondering is it legal for a company to engage mandatory overtime, esp. at a moments notice? It seemed to me they could ask you to work overti... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

I work 50 to 60 hours a week am I entitled to overtime?
I was told that I could not get overtime because my employer was not LLC but made to work 50 to 60 hours every week and I am not salary paid is this true? applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Can my former employer hold me to the noncompete I signed?
The previous employer is an indirect Sprint dealer in Lapeer, MI and the noncompete stated that we could not work for wireless for a period of 2 years. It did not stipulate a geographic range or posit... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Is it legal for a company not to honor your two week notice and ask you to leave early?
I gave my notice, in writing on July 13, stating I had found another job and that my last day of work would be July 30. On July 20 after completing my shift I was told I was no longer needed to work, ... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

if I am scheduled to have the next day off then the come to me at the time I am to go home then tell me I have to work . can they do that without any notice
how much notice are they to give me that I have to work the next day applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Can my boss make me bring my kid to work when I dont have a babysitter?
Yesterday I called my boss numerous times to tell him I couldn't find a sitter after my original sitter backed out last minute. After talking to him he said that not having a babysitter is not a good ... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

I have been employed for 2 years with my employer, no vacation, no paid holidays, no benefits at all. I also work overtime for regular pay, and RARELY take a lunch! They are now telling me I have to c... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Base rate or time and a half?
I work as a consultant for a contract firm. I am a degreed EE who designs circuits and writes low level software. In my present job, I am a W2 employee who gets a paycheck based on the hours I work. I... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

If I used sick time to cover being out,can they take vacation time away also?
I was out sick and used my earned sick time to cover the week I was wrote out of work for a torn tendon. When I came back I was told that I was losing 8 hours of vacation time along with the 40 hours ... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Fired for FMLA time related to a settled Work comp case
I worked for a local utility company as a repair technician. I was involved in a work injury in 1993. That work comp case settled in my favor awarding me lifetime medical coverage. In 1998 I had shoul... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I complained about my supervisor smoking in the office and was given more work. Is that retaliation?
My immediate supervisor has been smoking in his office which is against our company policy. The smoking is causing me to feel ill while at work. I spoke with him and asked him to stop because smoking ... applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

Can my employer force PTO pay for hours I actually completed work?
As a salaried exempt worker can my employer force use of PTO hours for time I was completing work duties. I work in healthcare and due to economic issues with COVID-19, they are only paying us for tim... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Non-Compete Agreement
Relate to Non-Compete Agreement I am employee for company A, which has placed me for company B thro a contract position. But Company B has put me for actual work at Company C who is a client of Compan... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

how can i get out of a non compete
forced to sign a non compete when hired 2 years ago. since they they over hire and I am not making a decent living. Also forced to work 47 hours a week for straight commission..meaning on a slow day I... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

My daughter was at a work fundraiser and volunteered to go in the dunk tank an was injured will workers comp cover injuries her boss is very pushy about her employees helping with activities during and after work hours?
She hurt her foot when she fell into works dunk tank at a fundraiser applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

disabled supervisor
my supervisor at work can't talk, he uses a computer typer that hangs around his neck to comunicate to his employees. would it be discrimination to ignore his typed commands? very loud machines in the... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Hostile Work Environment
Was working I an hostile work environment where the supervisor was aware and did not know the proper protocol to handle the situation. Was sent to EAP then fired a month later. The reason was due to n... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

docking pay for being late
My boss is tired of people coming in late to work. He wanted to know if he can dock hourly employees paycheck for being late to work. He wants to dock them 2 hours for each time they are late, regardl... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I was forced out by a settlement of a work comp case. my wife's business is in my name, I get no money from it. Can I file a claim?
I was forced to quit because of a settlement of a work comp case with my employer. In the settlement it says I can file for unemployment because of the nature of my termination. The problem is that my... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

How binding is a non-compete for a contracting consultant?
I coordinated the billing for a consulting assignment at Company X through a contracting company. The contracting company required that I sign a non-compete agreement ensuring that I do not work for C... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Harassment Bullying and Hostility at work
I have been harassed by my supervisors. I do my work. However since she threatened to have me fired 2.5 years ago, the Director has engaged in building up a series of warnings and unwarrented complain... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can an employer require an employee to stay over their scheduled time?
When I was hired, nothing was said about having to stay 30 minutes or more after my schedule said i was to be off. Before I was hired for this job (fast food restaurant) I informed the lady interviewi... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Can I sue if I've not been paid for work in over a month?
I worked for a company called EPI. We were the "clean up" crew at Lollapalooza on Aug 7,8 &9. We were told that we could work anywhere between 6-10 hrs & would be paid $75 for each day. I followed all... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

What day decides the first day of your FMLA
Does your employer have to give you in writing when your first day of FMLA begins? I work two on and two off and every other weekend. My surgery was scheduled for September 16, 2013 but on Sept. 13 re... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

I was hired as a Manager for a repair/maintenance construction company with techs to do the labor. My boss has been replaced by someone who is changing the job description to where I have to do the physical work as well and I have a disability (back condi
I was hired as a Manager for a repair/maintenance construction company with techs to do the labor. My boss has been replaced by someone who is changing the job description to where I have to do the ph... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I got sick @ work on 6/10/15 been off work file for disability how long should it take Titanya
I file short term disability fr 6/10/15 I haven't received a check how long should it take applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I am currently working for an IT Company in Columbus. I am moving to another state in which my employer does not do any business in that area. They say the non-compete is valid. NON-COMPETE TERMS: Can... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I was terminated because my physician filled out my FMLA and STD forms incorrectly, what can i do?
I was put off work for mental stress and anxiety at the work place from my doctor. when given the FMLA paperwork she contradicted herself and my employer fired me. Also i was denied STD pay because sh... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

My retail company has placed a major event on the Jewish Holidays and I am required to work
Am I forced to work on my holidays? When I contacted HR I got fluff. They do not understand the importance of Rosh Hashana and YoM Kippour. As well as the 10 days between them. I am also forced to use... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

if i overdosed and was admitted to the hospital in Arizona and can your company get in trouble for letting you work even if you give them a doctors clearance date
overdosed on pills and opiates was admitted a week and a half and then monitored and given a doctors release note from the ER doctor could i go back to to work the within two days applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

personal difference with affects work
Hello, I don't know where to turn. I work for a company who's H.R. department is not in the same country and they are not addressing my problem. As of March 31st a sitiuation has escillated to make my... applies to California  ·  1 answer

bullied at work
I am constantly bullied at work. Isolated/moved from my team members , no one can talk to me, constantly on disciplinary action which prevent my transferring to another department and bonuses. Discipl... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Fired for filing workers compensation claim
My husband was hired at a small company less than 8 employees. He went to the dr. and was told he had carpal tunnel. He then went back to work & told his employer he wanted to file a workers compensat... applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

Is it fair to dock work hours after filing a grievance against a manager?
My daughter, a recent college grad has worked for a well known sandwich shop for nearly 2 years. A recent new manager was very rude to her. She filed a grievance with HR corporate. Now the manager has... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Do I have grounds for a discrimination lawsuit
18 months ago my doctor gave me a 20 pound weight limit an my employer changed my job position. When I said the overhead doors where more than 20 pounds he told me I didn’t have a choice an quit bei... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Can a employer deduct from your hourly wage every time you are late for work?
My Hourly wage used to be Twenty dollars a hour, now it's Twelve dollars and forty cents. I work a split shift six days a week, so I basically go to work twelve times a week. Now my employer has alway... applies to California  ·  1 answer

because of a medical condition, I am not allowed to work nights(swingshift). I gave my doctors excuse to my employer and they said work it or your fired. What do I do?? Im in Wisconsin
because of a medical condition, I am not allowed to work nights(swingshift). I gave my doctors excuse to my employer and they said work it or your fired. What do I do?? Im in Wisconsin applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Is it illegal to work for a completing company owned by former employees of my current employer?
I would like to leave my current employer and work for a competitor. The competing company was started by my current employer's former VP and one other former employee. Both former employees lost thei... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

I was terminated from a local employer, for what was listed as poor performance. In my termination letter it states three discussions in a six week period (never happened, No documentation). Three wee... applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

so after working for a company in seasonal work I quit to take a better job now it appears im going to be laid off can I collect unemployment ??
so I quit my seasonal job to work for a better company more money....this new job is also seasonal now it appears im going to be laid off in a couple weeks....can I collect unemployment until im calle... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

Is the non compete clause enforceable to an independent contractor physician in Arizona
Hi there, I am an independent contractor (physician) for a group that contracts with a hospital in the Scottsdale AZ area and I provide hospitalist services. I have been with them for 2 years and I si... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Was I unfairly terminated and if so what are my options?
I called off work due to a medical issue. When I tried contacting my supervisor about returning to work my calls were not returned. I showed up for work and was told via phone that I needed a return t... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I am 65 and my job was eliminated. I was told in March of 2017 that why would I want to work so hard at my age. I was a manager and they decided to hire a senior manager over me. I worked 6 Days a week and 10 hour days. There was nothing in writing that m
There was nothing in writing nor did they tell me my work performance was not up to par. One day after they laid me off they hired a contractor. applies to California  ·  2 answers

1 month notice for termination of conract
I signed a contarct which says either party can terminate the contract by giving 1 month notice. It also says that I cannot work for their clients for 1 year from the date of termination. This company... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I have been taken off work by my doctor for mental health issues and want to apply for short term disability. Can my employer fire me while i am on leave by my doctor and can that effect me receiving my std? Im in California
I have been taking off work by my doctor for 4weeks, I plan on applying for sdi right away. Can i still be fired while out with a doctor note or on disability? applies to California  ·  2 answers

My Husband was out for 6 month after injuring his hand at work. (Worker Comp Claim) he was back at work for 1/2 a day and went home sick at which time he was diagnosis with Shingles and has been out for more then 3 days they are now denying him FMLA is th
My Husband was out for 6 month after injuring his hand at work. (Worker Comp Claim) he was back at work for 1/2 a day and went home sick, at which time he was diagnosis with Shingles and has been out ... applies to Delaware  ·  0 answers

I am a federal employee. I have approved FMLA for my wife. I got a call on my day off mandating me to work the next day on my day off. I told them I couldn't work because she had a doctors appointment and they're saying that it not FMLA leave on my day of
I am a federal employee. I have approved FMLA for my wife. I got a call on my day off mandating me to work the next day on my day off. I told them I couldn't work because she had a doctors appointment... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Returing to work long enough to not have to reimburse benefits paid by employer after FMLA leave.
If I decided I don't want to return to work after FMLA maternity leave, I understand that I would have to reimburse my employer for my benefits they paid while I was off. How long would I have to work... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Do we have to provide workers' compensation coverage for our ex-pats? We already pay their US withholdings and the equivalent for their residence in the UK.
We have an employee in another country and he gets paid through our local bank and it is auto deposited to his bank here as well. We pay his fed withholdings here and the equivalent of the UK SUI. We ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

can an employer force you to work in the office after working a full week at a trade show (57 hours total) and arriving home on a red eye flight that left at 1045pm and arrived at 6am?
We have a trade show in Las Vegas and work thursday through tuesday a total of 57 hours - that day the show ends at 6pm and we catch a red eye flight back to NJ - was told I must put in 6 hours of wor... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

My unemployment has been appealed, phone interview was yesterday, that's when I found out my previous employer is saying I was a no call no show for my last day worked.I ABSOLUTELY worked my last day!!!
I was scheduled to work from 11p.m. to 9 a.m. the next day. I didn't work the whole shift. I worked until 5 or 6 a.m. instead. I had texted my department manager letting her know this also. applies to California  ·  0 answers

What makes a Contract official, & how do vague statements that have to be interpreted stand legally?
Hello, I have a question about a contract that I signed with a hair salon. Our hair salon contract states that we are a "Mckay" salon meaning that we sell McKay make-up, but I have never signed anythi... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

FMLA Certification incomplete
I am a union rep .My question is for an employee of the company. He went out on FMLA and the company gave him FMLA paper work. He gave it to his doctor. The doctor completed the paper work and returne... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Hello, I am currently enrolled in FMLA at my place of employment for migraines. I broke my arm and went out on short term disability for over 2 months. When I returned to work I was told they took my fmla time to cover for my broken arm which is unrelated
I was approved for fmla for my migraine headaches and on an averag use a day per week. I had a fall a few months ago and broke my arm. I was out of work for almost 3 months for it and had a Dr note. W... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Termination while on Sick Leave
I have been off of work on approved disability/sick leave. My doctor requested an extension for leave and it was denied. We are currently appealing it - I'm still off work. A colleague said they may t... applies to Georgia  ·  1 answer

I returned to work with restrictions from my a doctor. My caseworker for my STD/FMLA claim said I had been approved to work under those restrictions. From the very first date of return my manager began asking and telling me to do something that was prohib
STD/FMLA. FMLA has not yet been exhausted. applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I’m 70 yrs old and I’m collecting PUA. My employer is a non-essential retail store. My store recently re-opened. Due to my age, I told my employer I would return to work, but I would like to work when there are no customers in the store. They said the
Can I still collect the PUA? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Regional Manager spoke to employees in break room making accusations that I was abusing drugs at wor
My regional manager told employees in the break room that he heard and felt I was participating in the use of recreational drugs at work. This man has a reputation in which people believe what he says... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

Layoff Voiding My Non-Compete
My employer may be laying me off due to lack of clients and work. My non-compete states that I will not do business in the area that might compete with my current employer. If I get layed off as state... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can my work to resign me without my sign?
My boss asked me to get a note doctor because of an accident, I got back after FMLA, so I can work with restrictions for 6 months. My boss didn't accept and forced me to resign. How? I asked my boss t... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I had a back injury at work I have been wrote up twice for missing to much work cause of my injury and other medical issues. My supervisor told me I should just quit since I can't do my job and asked me why I left my last job. The harrasment just keeps on
Back injury I have an attorney but can't do anything about it. applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

Do non-compete clauses still apply if worker's state voids such clauses?
I work as a part-time 1099 contractor for an Ohio-based company, however I work in California. When I started, I signed a non-compete document that bars me from taking any position with a competing co... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can my severance benefit be stopped if I receive another job?
I work in retail management. My store is closing, and I have been offered severance benefits. I made the decision to move to Orlando and, at least at first, will be working part time at Disney World. ... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

If I refuse to sign a "separation agreement and release" does this disqualify me from receiving UI?
On Jan 2, 2012 I was terminated but given a "Separation Agreement and Release" document that gave me the choice to work through Jan 31 to help them through this transition. If I chose to work through ... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

upon arrival for a shift can you be deemed extra and sent home without compensation?
I work for a corporate restaurant chain and upon arriving for a scheduled shift servers are told they are extras and are sent home without the chance to work and are not compensated for showing up for... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Does my employer have the right to insist I sign a release to allow them to talk with my doctor?
I had surgery in June and took one week off of work using some of my paid illness days available. I had made arrangements with my manager to work from home for the duration of my recovery. Due to some... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Can I get unemployment if I quit?
I have been at my job for 2 years and about 8 months ago I got a new boss, we started seeing each other. I was a manager and while dating him I recieved 2 raises and amazing evuals. After a few arguem... applies to Michigan  ·  1 answer

Can my old boss create a hostile work environment by bullying my current boss?
My current manager is an interim. My previous manager keeps coming back to our department and bullying my new manager and punishing employees and making them do tasks like clock back in a work more or... applies to California  ·  0 answers

i work for a county school district in florida and I want to work for the ems department in the same county, does the ems department have access to my application or any of the documentation that i submitted to work for the school district?
I was fired from a job 20+ years ago and admitted it to the school district to get that job. they wanted an explanation to which i provided. Can the EMS department that i am applying to, same county, ... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

unsafe working conditions
The building I work in has a crack in the support beam. The insurance agency has said it is unsafe and work in that building should cease until repairs are made. The owner, who is on vacation in Mexic... applies to Minnesota  ·  1 answer

My employer refused to let me go to a post sergical dr. Visit. I was out of work for 6months due to spine surgery/ LTD. I went to the dr. Appt. anyway and the dr. Kept me out 2 weeks due to a flare up i was experiencing. I have FMLA pending and I was plac
I had only been back to work 4 days when the above happened. Can I be fired or disciplined? I believe they violated FMLA law by threatening me when I requested FMLA. applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Can I be held to a noncompete contract If I was laid off?
After being on medical leave (fmla) I was laid off do to not having enough work. But after appling for another job myfromer employer is saying I'm under a noncompete contract for 12 months. Iam gettin... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

My rights if I feel the confidentiality of my personal health information compromised?
I currently work in good standing with a health insurance company. My record at work has been exceptional in my 10 years there. The reason I'm writing is to find out my rights regarding a situation th... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

how to break non compete, that is very restricting
i signed a non compete contract when i was hired by as a hyperbaric technician for a company based out of new york. i work in pennsylvania. the location i currently work at is closing and we are reloc... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Non compete HELP
I was hired by a company with whom I had to sign a non compete. They only let me see the page where the signature goes and said if I wanted to work there I had to sign it. I was recently terminated fo... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

If I have been out all week for FMLA , can my employer make me work mandatory
I have FMLA , and my employer claims I am obligated to still work the mandatory sat overtime . applies to California  ·  0 answers

If I have been out all week for FMLA , can my employer make me work mandatory
I have FMLA , and my employer claims I am obligated to still work the mandatory sat overtime . applies to California  ·  0 answers

If I have been out all week for FMLA , can my employer make me work mandatory
I have FMLA , and my employer claims I am obligated to still work the mandatory sat overtime . applies to California  ·  0 answers

I work for a manufacturing company that seems to be treating employees bad. I am the a.p./a.r. person and I was told that I am not entitled to any breaks. I work from 8a.m. until 5p.m. and have a 45 m... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

If I'm salary, can I get overtime pay?
I work in construction and am paid salary but have worked more than 40 hours in one week. My salary is specifically based on a 40 hour work week. Am I entitled for overtime after 49 hrs? applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Cancelled contract: non-compete affecting many.
I work for a company (ABC) that provides outsourced I.T. services for a client (XYZ) and working within XYZ's premises. My employer, ABC, has announced that they have placed a 90 day notice to termina... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

I was in a car accident and I've worked my company for 11 years today my boss called and told me that he will demoting me because I've been off work for less than a month on Dr.'s orders. Is there not type of act that protects my job from being demoted
I was in a car accident on February 18 hit from behind I've been off work every since by my doctor. Today my boss called to tell me and I've worked for this company for 11 years that I was getting dem... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is alright for my employer to make me stay on maternity although I am ready to go back to work?
I work for a small organization that does not have to comply with fmla. I have been working for the organization for over 2 years. And once I found I was pregnant, my employer granted me an unpaid mat... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Alleged overpayment of wages by employer/denial of three paychecks
My employer did not pay me for three recent pay periods, alleging he had overpaid me in the past. I provided him all information proving he had not overpaid me and requested paychecks. He did not pay ... applies to Hawaii  ·  0 answers

I was let go at work for “costing” too much. Can an employer clean out my desk (I bought and own) and get rid of all my documents without my permission. Also can he go through my PERSONAL email and delete all my stuff?
I was let go from work on Wednesday the 3rd Of September. I walked into my office and my whole desk was cleaned out and all my stuff placed in bins. Now keep in mind, I purchased this desk, it was not... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Work decides not to continue to pay me
I am a makeup artist at a club that pays all of the artists a shift pay and also allows us to charge a small fee for the makeup applications. I have been their makeup artist for six years now. I recen... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

How do I determine if I am non-exempt or exempt?
I am a full-time, salaried employee at a 501(c)3 organization in Florida. I do not have a supervisory role. I make 34k/year. Where can I find my classification as to whether I am an exempt or non-exem... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

In the state of an employer within their rights to
Employee's surgeon used the wording "totally disabled" and "unable to perform normal work" in describing condition after shoulder surgery on the right side only. Company doctor's assessment differed a... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Retaliation for not participating in fraud.
Recently been given new duties, I found that the company would have me engaged in fraud. I requested not to participate, now being harassed and feel i may be terminated soon. The fraud in question is ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

My employer recently approved my FML paperwork allowing me to work from home 2 days a week. Now they have came back and told me that I am no longer approved to work from home. I have only used 1/2 day of FML working at home, how is this right?
I was hospitalized for internal bleeding, with follow up testing due to crohns. My employer asked I fill out FML paperwork which my doctor did. My employer approved my paperwork for working 2-3 days f... applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

Unpaid wages
I got a contract job offer and I started working there through an consulting agency. The consulting agency signed a contract with the client for me. I had a verbal contract with the consulting agency ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

can the employer request the work equipment (lap top and cell phone) returned while the employee is on SDI?
One of my direct reports went on non-work related SDI. can the employer request the work equipment (lap top and cell phone) returned while the employee is on SDI? Wow I guess this question was just to... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can an employer search your belongings without you'r permission?
I am currently working for a fast food chain where the new manager searches our belongings (bags, coats, etc) to see if we are bringing food back home. I have told my manager many times that I do not ... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

I'm on fmla right now and i'm on a hour restriction for 2 weeks per my doctor....I have missed 2 full days of work and called in saying I was using fmla days can they terminate me if i'm on a doctor's note and called in to work using my fmla?
I had surgery on july 1st and am not able to work my full shift yet the Dr. has me on an hour restriction of 6hrs a day for 2wks my 2wks isn't up till September 13th,2016......I have 10 days left of f... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

working in collections you get all types of calls; however; do we have rights as the consumers when they feel threatened or harassed? This particular call a consumer says she is a police officer so it... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Labor on military base
I work for a pizza buisness that has franchises in wilmington, southport, jacksonville & camp lejeune. My job is cashier. My employer pays me 500.00 (I'm listed as salary) every two weeks. I am requir... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

How can I proving a wrongful termination for work injury when employer states I was never an employee and din't turn in my paperwork to the state or federal government?
Worked as an apprentice learning a new industry. My boss was getting ready to retire and looked at me to buy the business. I worked overtime and mirrored his schedule to master the business. He admire... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

I am from the State of Alabama and own a small consulting firm. I have an employee that states that she cannot work for a company that I sent her out to do work for under my company for two years afte... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

Termination of employee
Employee misses days of work, cancel appointments, collected cash on jobs and does not turn in the monies to the company, admitts himself into the hospital for alcohol or mental problems but never cal... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can they change my pay or force me to do dangerous work?
I am a office employee who is made to do several wharehouse job's and maintence work because I am a man. I am am not covered under wharehouse insurance and feel I am in danger of getting hurt. Also my... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Requirements for overtime pay
My daughter works in a jewelery company in NYC. She is classified as an exempt employee, and her salary is $28,000 per year. She is not supervising other employees and is doing routine specification w... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I work for a large alarm company and have used intermittent FMLA due to a heart condition and diabeties causing me to miss work. This year I have had several heart issues one made me go to hospital in an ambulans and 2 other hospital stays My new manager
Ask to take demotion Moved to different position without notice Unjustified write ups and accusations Continued manipulation of things I do or say applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Mandatory conference calls
I work 40 hours a week as a salon leader in a corporate company for five years. We are required to have weekly conference calls before our shift lasting about an hour. Sometimes, we’re required to b... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Non compete with global consequences?
I signed a non compete that says I can not work for a competitor for 6 months. No I will never do that again. After speaking two a few other salespeople I know they tell me the agreement is too broad ... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

termination from work
I was fired from a nursing from a nursing home for improper use of a hoyer lift, I had the resident hooked to the hoyer before the second person came in. they say there was an investigation but the pe... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

working 70 hours, never receive overtime or comp time
i am a courier/messenger for an armored service business. i usually work 13 or 14 hour days. on average i work about 70 hours weekly but i only get paid regular time.should i be getting paid overtime?... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

If on Ca UI and I take temporary work for one week, was 1099 d, should I tell UI of this
I am going to be 1099 for one week of work - how will my benefits be affected? applies to California  ·  0 answers

suspension and demotion
rent checks in a timely manner. I was never made aware of any of these financial protocols that were in place. I also informed them that I was behind in my work due to the fact I was the only manager ... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

compressed work week
We are a Non Profit organization located in New York who employs both exempt and non exempt employees that are paid on a bi-weekly pay cycle. We are looking into a compressed 9 80 work week and would ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Former client contacted me.
I recently left an organization AZ which was bought out by a new company. The new company cut base salaries and there would be no exceptions. Since I left, I have had 2 former clients contact me wanti... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

daily check writing fees
I work through a temporary staffing company that promotes "daily work...daily pay" but charge me a $4 per day "check writing fee" for the daily paycheck to be issued. Is this allowed? applies to Kentucky  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete Clause
I worked for a company who has an employment clause that states after you leave their employment, you cannot work for any of their clients for 2 years. If this client is no longer their client but it ... applies to Georgia  ·  1 answer

Does the NYC contract allow for senoirty to bump someone from a shift because the staff with senority prefers that shift
I work for HHC and I have been told it is practice that someone with senority can bump me from my shift just off the basis that they want to work n my shift not due to lay offs applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Help! I work for an Ohio based company in Indiana. I had to sign a non-competition agreement. If this company loses their Indiana contract and is replaced by another similar company, can I not work fo... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Can they demote me for not having an open avialability when I havent had it for months
I am an ASM at dollar general when offered the position I did not have an open availability and for months I have been working the night shift which is what I can work. Just recently we got a new stor... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Pregnant and dismissed because of need for light duty work
I am 4 months pregnant and due to some pregnancy complications, my physician wrote a note to my employer requesting "light duty". I work as a nursing assistant in a children's hopital that has granted... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I am a registered nurse and am ill, my employer is forcing me to come in even though I called in sick because of no coverage. How is that safe when I don't feel good and I work on an acute psyche unit. My job treats us like crap and no one wants to work a
My job is very unfair and unethical. Most staff don't want to come in on days off for coverage because of how we are treated. I Called in sick because my throat hurts and I'm losing my voice, no cover... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can i be demoted due to me not being able to work certain days out the week because having a newborn baby? Or can an employer give an employee my position after coming back from maternity leave?
Im an assistant manager at a small office of less than 50 employees. Im not sure on how maternity leave work and neither does my general manager knows when i ask him. From my understanding is that if ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

witholding pay
I was at work 15 min. april 19 2004,hurt my back and went home,was taken off work until may 17,2004 my employer refuses to pay me until my next pay june 2,2004 and then only show as other on my pay I ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Can an employer spread false rumors in email to my colleagues?
My employer sent an email out to my colleagues at work accusing me of creating a hostile work environment. She got her information from other employees & apparently went through my personnel files fro... applies to Hawaii  ·  0 answers

Arizona's - "Right to Work" vs "Non-Compete"
Non-Compete question: I'm an employee working from my home in Phoenix, AZ. My employer is in St. Louis MO. and they would like for me to sign a non-compete after 3yrs of being employed.. they say that... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

i suffer from drpression and my attendance at work is suffering. will FMLA help with this?
I suffer from depression and my work attendence is suffering as a result. can the FMLA help? applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Do I qualify for unemployment?
Hi, I am in a leadership development program at work, which lasts 2 years. Last Nov, I was approved for FLMA and was told that when I come back, I will need to repeat the second rotation, when I chall... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Can I be fired because employees openly mock me, turn me away from jobs I am required to do, and then make up lies about me so they get their way?
Ok, so I work for AMC theaters as a busser. My job is to simply clean theaters and run trays. Recently, I am having problems with my coworkers because they do not want to work with me. They have lied ... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

i work for a non profit company when i was offered my job i signed a non compete
At time of hire they offered me a base salary as well as a per bin bonus (I'm a site finder/territory manager for a non profit that collects clothes and shoes. They also ogreed to pay me $.30 per mile... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Working with no-pay because of changing from exempt to non-exempt
I work in Pennsylvania in a very large corporation. The department I work in consists of 23 employees with different titles. All employess are exempt. However, the coroporation has change policy and 2... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

ee worked 28 hrs, 8 hrs holiday pay & 8 hrs vaca pay = 44 hrs pay OT?
I need to be able to give my employer proof that in order for this employee who ended up having a 44 hr work week is not entitled to OT pay due to the fact that he did not actually work over 40 hours.... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can an employer terminate a person because they say they have lack of work yet hire someone New at less wage to fill your spot?
I am an older person,55 and was let go. I was told because of lack of work lost contracts ANF hourly wage Yet another person was hired for my position at less wage. Is this legal? applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Falsely accused at work
I was written up a work and falsely accused of something that was not true. I gathered my info and witnesses and went to HR. Hr investigated and cleared me of the accusation. Bonus time just came and ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Am I a victim of age discrimination?
I am 52 years old and work as a teacher for a private school, and have been with the school for three years. During that time, I have seen several incidences of young mothers receiving better schedule... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Need first/next step to take when they have constructed termination due to retaliation.
I need to know next steps to take, Placed on PIP, being retaliated against, I'm on partial FMLA, which I had to set up to get time off for Dr's. appointments. What do I need to do now so that I won't ... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Is my non-compete valid if client no longer contracts with my employer?
My non-competition agreement states that I cannot work for a client of my employer (we'll call it Client A) if I performed work for that client in the 12 months prior. If I leave my company, and Clien... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

What is the maximum number of days, a employer can mandate an hourly employee to work in a row?
We are down to three hourly employee's, and one salary employee to run a store 24/7/365 days a year. Our boss is trying to force the hourly employees to work every single day. applies to New Hampshire  ·  0 answers

please let me know if this is okay for them to do.
I work at church day care center. We recieve our checks twice a week. Is Okay for them to pay a three week check the week prior or the correct week or a week later at their own descression. We are als... applies to Arkansas  ·  1 answer

I am employed in North Carolina and my employer is sending me to a training class. I normally work 8 hour days, but the required training class is only 6 hours, and I have been told that I will have to use PTO to cover the remaining time for my work day t
I am scheduled by my employer to attend four training class's, and I normally work 8 hour days, but the class is only 6 hours. I have been told that I will need to use my PTO to cover the remaining 2 ... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

I work for a non profit in California. I don't get overtime or breaks or lunch breaks. I work 32+ hrs a week. Is this legal
I work for a non profit in California. I don't get overtime or breaks or lunch breaks. I work 32+ hrs a week. Is this legal? applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can an employer force a non-exempt employee to work over their shift and flex off another?
I am police officer with non-exempt status who works a set 12 hour a day, 84 hour bi-weekly schedule. Our schedule is known for the entire year. However, our employer forces us to take off 4 of those ... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

I was forced to resign or get fired...
I was faced with signing resignation paper or getting fired..I am a single parent of a 20 month old. Due to daycare hours (6am-6pm)I was hired to work 9-5.. When my son is ill he is not allowed to go ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

not offered family leave and fired for missing too many days.
my husband had stroke. missed time from work. became sick in hospital for one week my self. fired told due to work performance. now denies my unemployment. never offered family leave act is this a vio... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Work 24--Paid for 20
I am a Paramedic working for a private ambulance company. Although we work 24-hour shifts, we are only paid for 20 hours per shift. We are allowed to sleep during the shift but MUST respond if a call ... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Can employer ask me to waive right to future claims in exchange for OK on unemployment benefits
My former employer failed to pay semimonthly three times in 2008, nine times in 2009 and all four times due in 2010 before separation. I left my employer after nine years when workers were told their ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

did not know of non-compete until first day of work
I went to work for a company with a salry agreed upon with no mention of any typoe of contract or non-compete. The first day I show up and a contract is put in front of me to sign. In it is a non-comp... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Asthma developed on the job
I work at an allergy source materials plant in Idaho and am getting allergy shots paid for by the company. The doctor has diagnosed me with asthma due to the work environment and suggested i been remo... applies to Idaho  ·  0 answers

My rights to reinstatement after leave of absence
I was off work for six months recovering from having cancer and some surrounding muscle removed from my leg I was released by my Doctor to return to work but was told they didnt have anything for me a... applies to Ohio  ·  3 answers

I was cleared by my doctor to return to work after almost 4 weeks disability leave. The Doctor faxed Physicians Clearance Letter to both my employer as well as the insurance company. Once I returned to office I was told to go back home since the employer
Employer hold me off from work even if I am 100 % cleared by my Doctor applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Am I being treated fairly on FMLA
I use FMLA for fibromyalgia. My limitations are such that sometimes I cannot work at all, other times I can work a few hours, etc. Three weeks ago, I went on FMLA leave to have breast reduction surger... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

Unemployment is investigating me at my on call job. It has angered my employer and may cost me myjob
I was first investigated when I was laid off from my full time job. I have been on countless interviews and filled out hundreds of applications for full time work. To show unemployment I am making an ... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Involves FLSA.
Dear M.E.L. I am an non-exempt hourly worker employed as a maintainance technician. I work for a apartment management company in Evansville Indiana. They have apartments all over the United States. I ... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete, Contract Employment
I work as an IT contractor, and recently my contract was nearing expiration. The client for whom I worked (a federal agency) re-evaluated its needs and set out a new, similar statement of work as my o... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

How Can I dispute a false accusation and get it removed from my record?
I was accused of saying that I wanted the world to end and that I wanted to hit people over the head by a coworker where I currently am a Temp worker. The first, while close to what I said, was not qu... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

What are my options for pursuing legal action against my employer for FMLA violaction?
I am a field researcher for a commercial real estate database company. I live in Tennessee and we work on the road most of the time in new markets out of state. It is a private company with over 100 e... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Is this a case of gender/pregnancy discrimination?
I am a Correction Officer at a Prison. The contract between our union and the employer states that: "The employer will make a good faith effort to provide alternative, comparable work and equal pay to... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

What are the guidelines or laws concerning working a 2nd part time job, while having FMLA ?
I was approved for FMLA at the hospital I work. My health issues were steadily getting worse due to all the walking and bending required to that job. I changed my work statis at the hospital to 20 hrs... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Is a non-competition contract enforcable for a PRN employee
I am a PRN employee in the medical field. I work for a small business. I was told I had to sign a non-comptete agreement in order to obtain employement. As this is a PRN job and thus I am not promised... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

legal to refuse an employee work for off the job injury? dr note saying i can work
My job refuses to let me work even after I produced a Dr note saying I can return. Was told I could return when sprained shoulder is at one hundred percent or sign contract a saying I can't take meds ... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

I have an employee that has anxiety attacks. she gave me a doctors note dated 2018 about her attacks. She is absent from work at least once a week. It's usually a Saturday and a Monday. As an employer can I write her up?
I have an employee who gets anxiety attacks. I requested a doctors note that she gave me dated 2018. We are in 2021. She is constantly calling off work. As an employer, what are my rights? Can I write... applies to Colorado  ·  1 answer

assault in the work place by a department head
What legally can be done when an employee is physically assaulted by a department head in the work place? The employee is suffering from depression and anger and it will not shake off. applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

I accidentally entered hours for a week I did not work.
I accidentally entered hours for a week I did not work. 2 months after I was laid off they emailed me. Am I allowed a reasonable time frame to repay? applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

My son was terminated from his job for a probation violation he is in jail they refused work release
my son was terminated from work for a probation violation he signed a last chance agreement from his emplyer he needs help applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

How do I keep my job without the company I work for get in trouble for being bias and discriminating against me for being a women working a
My sister and I have worked at this company for a year and some months now and we're the only two females that work here and always get picked on at the sites we patrol. I need help getting justice fo... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Shortening, non compete
I signed a non compete, but was not allowed to read the entire thing. It was explained briefly to me and if I wanted the job I had to sign it right then. It is for 2 years, I was let go by the company... applies to Indiana  ·  2 answers

I have been off work since 1/29/18 I have been going through all these test to find out what is wrong with my shoulders , I seen my doctor and he gave me anti inflammatory medication he had me go on FMLA after he wanted to do ex - rays but it felt like so
So what am I supposed to do ? They said my a FMLA was expired a as of 4/18 and just got a a letter from them Friday and my HR never told me I could of filed for STD a long time ago and I wouldn't be s... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Can absences be counted against me for taking my wife to the doctor under FMLA intermittent leave?
I have applied and been approved for intermittent leaves for taking my wife to her regular Psychiatrist & Psychologist and to the OB-GYN. My Human Resource Manager recently gave me a warning due to fo... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

Can I provide clinical supervision to someone working as a 1099 independent contractor?
I am currently serving as a "Qualified Supervisor" for a "Registered Clinical Social Work Intern" (a pre-licensed therapist) in Florida. Can I hire her to offer therapy to clients as a 1099 independen... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Collecting Unemployment under a resignation for unethical behavior?
I'm curious if I'm capable of being granted unemployment given I have just put in my formal resignation at my job. I was the Director of Marketing at a consulting firm that was owned by one person who... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

I have been back to work for two weeks from a loa. I did not get paid on pay day and received two letters in the mail from my company. One said I would be terminated in 15 days if I did not return to work. And the other said my insurance was cancelled bec
Can I sue my company for causing me to lose my insurance and the stress it is causing because my son is on my insurance and he has a life threatening condition. Until they get it straightened out, he ... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Can i be terminated from my job for suspition of being high and was refused givin a drug test
I am a epileptic and have real bad migrains i took my medicine before work and it make me kind of off balance my boss let me work 4 hours then pulled me to the side and fired me for suspecting i was h... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

Employment Lawyers in Muncie, Indiana
I am inquiring on behalf of my brother who is a federal employee 59 years of age. He had open heart surgery in July, was out for 4 months on medical leave. Employer accommodated telework, however, tra... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Was my position eliminated do to retaliation?
I was employed with a health facility for more than 5 years. After several incidents reported from possible theft, schedule changes, manager harassment/hostile work environment, COO issues, FMLA from ... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

I have a question .. 1 st missed day of work was Sept 8 th 2014 I used Eib time n then went on a Fmla my surgery for me was female stuff .. Dr didn't have an opening Untill Dec 8 th but had a cancel and got me in on Oct 20 th 2014 put me off work for 8 fu
I have a question .. 1 st missed day of work was Sept 8 th 2014 I used Eib time n then went on a Fmla my surgery for me was female stuff .. Dr didn't have an opening Untill Dec 8 th but had a cancel a... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Do I have a decent lawsuit or would I just be wasting my time trying to make something out of this
I meet this guy i was homeless he picked me up from the streets and put me to work on the hill helping him grow weed under the table, after about a week he started to be one hell of an asshole and jus... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Treated unfair for falling asleep at work.
if i work for procter & gamble and have been the only one out of the shift work force in my dept who has been confronted for falling asleep.and have a diag of sleep apnea. also have been told by team ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I’m an older bus driver. I can and work hard everyday. But working more then 40-45 hours a week is nearly impossible. I can not work the same hours that I did 5, 10, or 15 years ago. I simply don’t have the same stamina. Can I refuse overtime based on
I’m an older bus driver. I can and work hard everyday. But working more then 40-45 hours a week is nearly impossible. I can not work the same hours that I did 5, 10, or 15 years ago. I simply don’... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

discrimination based on a perceived disabilty
I work for a major airline and I am an insulin dependent diabetic. Over the past year I have been working with my doctors to go on insulin pump therapy. After going on the pump I had a few low glucose... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I have a question I work for a maid service and ten years ago I had a arrest for a misdemeanor and the company knew that and you know allowed me to work well money come up missing and I go on my crew and I got fired for it and they took money out of my ch
I was brought into the office that morning for work and accused of stealing the money and without any kind of proof they wanted me to sign a paper that pretty much admitted my guilt to stealing the mo... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

My boss went through my personal cell phone, read my texts and tried to use them against me.
I left my cell phone in the office overnight. When I came into work the next day I asked if it was there. My boss said are you clocked in yet? I said yes than she said come to the office. When in the ... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

I was laid off in December for lack of work. My trade is commercial roofing so it's not really that my company doesn't have work, rather Ohio weather prevents us from performing it. Last year at our drug free workplace meeting, the head of our HR told is
Files claim, claim denied, employer filed appeal, appeal still denied. Going to appeal again but not sure how to proceed applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

What actions can be taken to get unpaid commission?
I am no longer with this company. It was standard practice that when anyone else left they were paid their commission up to 6 months after their departure. I went to work for a competitor. I did not h... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

salaried but paid hourly?
I am a manager at a call center with 5-10 employees underneath me. My employer classifies me as salaried non exempt on my pay stub. I am required to work 40 hours a week, and 2 extra Saturdays each mo... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

While out on maternity leave my leave was extended per doctor for health issues making me unable to work about 4 more weeks. It was denied by our insurance company. I returned to work after the 4 weeks unpaid. I appealed the insurance companies decision.
While out on maternity leave my leave was extended per doctor for health issues making me unable to work about 4 more weeks. It was denied by our insurance company. I returned to work after the 4 week... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

on workers comp for 7 mnths. been back to work 7 months. can my employer deny me vacation time after I return to work. worked there for 4 years
can employer discontinue vacation time when return to work after being on workers comp. Off 7 months. back 7 months. been there 4years. does my vacation time go back to when I first started since I wa... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I filed an unanimous report but everyone said it was not true . A coworker recorded a resident at the nursing home which a nurse (lvn) and cna new about it. Everyone denied it and now I got suspended for leaving work since I left work after my supervisor
I filed an unanimous report but everyone said it was not true . A coworker recorded a resident at the nursing home which a nurse (lvn) and cna new about it. Everyone denied it and now I got suspended ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can my non-compete be enforced in the US if Im hired by a direct explicit competitor in Europe?
I work for and am being recruited by large retailers that are direct competitors in the US and globally. My non-compete states that the restricted region is the US and territories. I work in the US wi... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I am a salary exempt employee my employer states hours will be deducted from my salary for days miss
My 30 day notice was given on 2/9/17 my last day of employment will be 3/10/17. I left work early on 2/20/27 sick. promptly went to the doctor on 2/21/17 and returned to work Friday 2/23/17. I am stil... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

My position @ work has changed to per diem, company wanting me to sign a volunteer resignation letter if I do not accept the position. Please advise
Company is a medical company and per HR the volume of business is down and a full time position for my job is not warranted based on volume. I will loose all benefits and I work with Covid environment... applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

Which state do I file my unpaid wage claim?
I did some freelance design work for a client located in Indiana. I want to file unpaid wages, since the client is ignoring payment demands. I am located in Illinois, where the work was performed. Do ... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I am a marketing director and salaried employee. My employer was very flexible in the past 2 years regarding allowing me to work from home when need be and not micromanaging hours. in this new year, my employer is trying to make sure I work 40 hours every
treating a salaried employee as an hourly non exemp employee applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

What are my options other than FMLA if there are under 15 employees where I work?
Had to have extensive surgery on my wrist and will be out of work for 6-8 weeks. We have less than 15 employees so I don't qualify for FMLA. Can they fire me or lay me off? What other options do I hav... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer


Can an employer give your scheduled days away without notifying you and can they do that before the payperiod is over?
I work in a salon as a massage therapist and as I was looking over the schedule I seen that my boss hired a new therapist and that she had reduced my normal work days and give them away to this new th... applies to Hawaii  ·  0 answers

I work for a home health agency. My employer states that I am not eintilted to over time pay. I work 110 to 132 hrs a pay period
I work for a home health agency and my employer states that I am not eintilted to over time pay. I work 110 to 132 hrs a pay period. applies to Virginia  ·  1 answer

Is it legal to not have employees document their time at work?
I worked at a store that did not have the employees document when they got to work and when they left. We would only be paid for the time that we were scheduled for which did not include the time that... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

In Florida, can I work during severance payout period without affecting my ability to collect?
In Florida, I am getting a lump sum severance payment that covers 3.5 months. I understand that I cannot collect unemployment until that period ends. But will I be penalized if I work during that peri... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Non payment, 1099 work
I am a handyman in Nh. I do apartment turnovers. For the past two years I have been submitting my invoices and when I get paid the total due is not the same as what I submitted. They are deducting mon... applies to New Hampshire  ·  1 answer

Sudden Demotion, pay cut, and being told to take it or leave. Help?
I work for a Verizon call center where I am (was) a QA Auditor. Recently, I've been told that they no longer have "part time" so they will be demoting me to the sales floor (cold calls - which is wher... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I work at a bank in a non-banker position and I am hourly. Management has told all employees to solicit loan referrals off the clock at any opportunity. This has been made abundantly clear that it is not optional. Is this legal?
Management has been increasingly aggressive about forcing participation and have been told that some employees have been threatened with discipline for non compliance. I realize they have no way to kn... applies to New Hampshire  ·  0 answers

Is it illegal to write in your hours?
I work part time at a Dr's office 6 days a week. Most weekends I stay late as I have a lot of work to finish since I only work part time. I have forgotten to clock out a couple times but remembered th... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I've noticed a few papers lying around, my job is proposing to eliminate my job position. I work for private HOA company doing security. I'm a great employee, I been with this company almost 10 years! Would I be able to collect unemployment under lack of
If job is eliminated, what are my options, can I receive unemployment under lack of work? applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

see above
At a union workplace, certain workers are scheduled 10 days in a row and no overtime is paid. The company says they do not have to pay overtime if the work weeks carry over into two different pay peri... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Can my company's doctor prevent me from returning to work after my own surgeon has released me?
I had knee surgery and my doctors released me back to my normal duties, I am a Pipefitter, but the company doctor does not want me back at work, can a company do this. I am better than ever health wis... applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

Can my employer require me to change my PRN status to part time if I work more than 24 hours a week?
I'm a PRN physical therapist at a nationwide workman's comp company, a year or so ago, they tried to make PRN staff take a full time or part time job status, making less per hour, if working more than... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Home depot on a regular basis has employees work 6 to 10 days in a row,they do this by giving employees off at beginning of the first week and at end of the this how they get away without paying OT?is it legal..its very demanding and their shoul
Just wondering how they get away with doing this on regular basis...if yuou work over 40 per week you get time and a half...but when doing it this way you worj 80hrs straight and get no OT...its burni... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Salaried or not?
I am an RN who was hired to do the required government paper work in a long term care facility. I was hired at an hourly rate. After about a year and a half as an hourly employee, our company suddenly... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can a non-compete be enforced if too broad?
I was let go from a FL-only homeowners insurance company. During the exit process, I was told I could not work for a "direct competitor." I just got a copy of the non-compete and it says it is for 1 y... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

denial of long term disability benefits because fired
I have an accepted worker's comp claim. My physician took me off work. I was paid total temporary disability payments through comp. The company has a benefits program that pays 100% of salary for 8 we... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I am facing being asked to resign. If I refuse and am terminated, can I still get unemployment?
Hi there! I am facing being asked to resign because I am unwilling to transfer to another store (which would be a 2+ hour commute plus tolls for a part time job). I've been employed with this company ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I feel I was laid off because I contacted H.R about my manager.
A fellow employee we're suspended from work for a minor incident that happened at work. The other employees suspension was lifted after a few days. Me on the other hand was off for 10 days. 3 days aft... applies to California  ·  0 answers

non-solicitation agreement
Hi, I'm employed with company "A" in florida on a non-solicitation contract. I work for end client "C" in kansas having a vendor company "B" in between A and C.(basically its a C2C business) "C" is a ... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

Non Compete Clause
I recently got fired from an insurance sales job and went to work for the competitor 1 week later. The job is exactly the same job. I did not take any existing clients with me. Now my former boss is c... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Overtime at different sites?
Hello. I am employed at a Gas Station, as well as my sister. She works at a store owned and managed by the same individual as where I work. Apart from these two stores he manages a third store. My sis... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I was scheduled to return to work on July 17, I broke my foot on July 4 unable to return to work I was given extension till August 1. I had to have surgery on July 25. Was put in a cast on August 9 and will be in a cast until September 20 and depending on
See above applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Unpaid wages and employer threatening
Hi sir, I would like to know whether I could claim my wages from employer, who made me work when I was in the process of transition from an f-1 visa to an h-1 visa, I started the work after getting a ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can an employer threaten to fire you, if you don't reschedule a surgery?
Asking on behalf of bf. He needs to get surgery for a hernia 11-23. We gave his managers 2 weeks notice (as soon as we left DR's office). We told them he will only need 1-2 weeks off. One of his manag... applies to Idaho  ·  0 answers

clocking out for lunch
I work for a corp, (LLC)that has several branches in several states. The headquarters, or corp. offices are in TN. There are only 2 employees in each office. We work M-S, alternating weekends and 1 da... applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

I met with a counselor through my work's Employee Assistance Program (EAP) because of COVID anxiety and he felt a work from home accommodation was appropriate due to it effecting my ability to work, s... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

I met with a counselor through my work's Employee Assistance Program (EAP) because of COVID anxiety and he felt a work from home accommodation was appropriate due to it effecting my ability to work, s... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

can you sue for hostile work environment?
ive been workers for the same company two years and yesterday they told me my pay is going down because my spot has been filled, it was already filled when I started two years ago, the whole time work... applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

Is there any way out of a non-compete when employer purposely hires employees and spreads out work?
I teach private music lessons & am paid per student. I was told when I stated my job that I would have to sign a non-compete for a five mile radius. I thought this was ok, so I agreed. When time came ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I have intermittent FMLA to care for my husbands chronic medical conditions. My husband is disabled. Do the disability harassment laws extend to me because of his disability. I have been getting a lot of attitude and harassment lately at work for using my
My husband is disabled and has severely herniated discs and significant nerve damage. He has "episodes" where he cannot talk, walk, or even lift his harms/hands. When he has these episodes I have to d... applies to New Hampshire  ·  0 answers

RE: recovering health ins. premiums, what is considered "back" w/reduced schedule?
With two previous pregnancies, my employer has agreed to an adjusted FMLA wherein I take 2-3 weeks off entirely, then work part-time from home for a further 4-6 weeks before returning to work full-tim... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Discrimation-Termination of employment
I was terminated from my employer with no reason for termination given when contacted via answering machine from company vp of operations. i have since filed a claim with eeoc because of the firing, i... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

im in NJ and i work for a large pharma company thru an agency located in MA. the agency was paid and he kept my money and did not pay me almost 9K. What can i do as i am 1099 and the dept of labor cannot help me
i am 1099 and the agency i work for invoiced and received pay for my services i performed (IT Auditor). the agency, refuses to speak with me, blcoked me from all communications and he owes me for the ... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

shouldn't I receive a severance pay
Co. moved to another state , gave help and sev pkgs to all employees losing jobs. I was given a paper-my job was not affected. laid off, rtnd to work to do a different job, less work & OT. Made consid... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can I sue someone for a sexual assault that happened in 2002 at work? I was fired months later.
I was fired months later after I filed a sexual assault case on my assistant. Nothing was done to him, but I was targeted and was made to do things out of my job description, but i knew that they were... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Non-Solicitation Employment Question
Hello. I'm currently a consultant working for a sizable technology firm. I wish to purse an opportunity with a client that the firm has previously (5 months ago) done business with. However, I was not... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

see details
I got my last check from employerX and it has my vacation payout and last week of work pay on it. I immediately noticed that it looked less than what i anticipated. They got the vacation pay right, bu... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Company is selling part of business that I work for - do I have to transfer for less money to new
I work for Caterpillar in Morton, Illinois. The part of the company that I work for is being sold to an external entity. They are moving us to a new location in July and the sale is to be final by end... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Injured at work but BOSS AND UNION REP are telling others in meetings and in crew room that I'm faking and/or
Husband was injured at work last November. His shoulder tore out of socket when he fell in a man hole. The shoulder went back into place but ripped created divits in bone the doctor had to fill as wel... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

I went on maternity leave in April of 2018 upon returning to work on June 28 with a work release my employer told me that my position had been eliminated and she had no position for me. I’m from Texas and understand that it is an at-will state but am I
There was no mention on my position elimination before I went on leave. I was on leave for 2 months. I understand I’m an at-will employee but to come back thinking I still had my pay and position th... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Do I have to request time off f for appointments outside of my work schedule?
I work 6:30am-2:30pm. Therefore, I schedule all appointments, doctors and such, for 3:00pm or later. My employer said that I still have to request time off for those late afternoon appointments so she... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

If I work in Maryland but live in Pennsylvania, does my company (whom has ceased business) have to pay out my vacation?
Company shut down, they are only paying out vacation to 6 states, (PA being one of them). I work in MD but live and file taxes in PA, will I get my vacation pay out? applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Can an employer add new documents of misconduct to an appeal after a determination?
I was admitted to the hospital in the evening. I had a friend call my employment and notify them of my absence and my intent to return to work. Over the weekend I was transferred to a psychiatric faci... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

i work for a company in Florida but they use an employment agency to handle their payroll so my W2 says I work for the Alabama company, not my Florida company where I report to work. What state do I file unemployment in?
I work for a Florida company that uses an Alabama based employment services company which is what appears on my W2 and in the employee handbook as my employer. I went to my employer in December as the... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

salary owed prior to termination
I have recently been laid off of work from the pest control industry and feel that I am owed more pay than they are agreeing to pay. I am a salaried employee and I was terminated 2 days into a new pay... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Can I collect UI from another state from contract work, but quit a local seasonal job?
Specifically, I quit my job and moved from the Midwest to Washington state, and I was not employed for about five months. Then I worked a contract job for five months based out of Colorado, made reall... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

while on FMLA Intermitent, employer quit paying me and told me 'no work for you on non-fmla days'
As a manager, my co-manager was actively trying to replace me after I announced that I had cancer. He told me that I would cost the company too much money, even if I died. He started interviewing peop... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

my vehicle broke and couldn't find a ride back and forth to work so had to quit my job 30 minutes away,could I get unemployment..i live in louisiana
my car recently broke and I work 30 min away so with no ride I had no choice but to quit a job I loved,could I get unemployment by any chance applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

I've only been paid for one pay period since the end of September 2016 but I've continued to go into work. What are my options, if any in terms of unemployment if laid off? Or do I have any additional rights if I continue to work and not get paid?
I've only been paid for one pay period since the end of September 2016 but I've continued to go into work. What are my options, if any in terms of unemployment if laid off? Or do I have any additional... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Is this type of demotion legal?
I was just told I am being demoted from assitant manager to cashier. There is no reason work wide. My performance is satisfactory, no write ups or complaints. The only reason is that the owner of the ... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Serverance pay - Relase terms unreasonable. Not to take up similar work in the future
I am concerened with a release articles and non compete articles in a severance agreement. 1 - The release article states - that I agree not to take up similar work in the furture. 2 - Not to sue fore... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Is it legal in Indiana to "trade shifts" with co-workers.
Hypothetically, we work 12 hr swing shifts. Could i come in and work a co-workers shift, he would be "on the clock" and get paid, then he would pay me back by working a day for me, where i get paid. T... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

If I was hired to work in an office that belong to a larger company, and my office closes. Can my former employer enforce my non compete?
I have worked for a company for 5 months in one of their offices. They are closing the office where I work and my contract is specific for that particular office. The other offices in other cities wil... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Does my employer have to save my job?
I'm currently out of work on disablity incurance The incurance is a benefit i pay for through work.I am out due to a mental health issue. I am allowed 26 weeks of paid leave. does my employer have to ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

sold business & wife went to work at another shop
my wife & i sold a florist & signed a no compete then she went to work for a shop across town & the new owners are up set the no compete says we cant conduct a retail florist establishment, 10 years &... applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

I went to my PR staff about my supervisor not wanting to pay me for a job on 2/28/2019. Now I am being starved out and work and not making any pay since then. This is not the first time this has happened. I feel as though I am being retaliated against. Do
After going to my PR personally with a complaint about a supervisor I am being starved at work not making any money. I feel this is retaliation. Do I have a case?? applies to Wyoming  ·  0 answers

What are the consequences if I don't accept a per diem position in collecting Unemployment
I was notified by my employer that as of 1/30/10 I will no longer have my F/T, Benefitted, Hopice Social Work position. First I was informed that my work was not acceptable and that I made mistakes on... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Am I REALLY salaried?
I have been employed for a CPA firm for the last 2 years, as an accountant on a salary basis. My checks are twice a month the same amount, regardless of hours worked. However, if I work overtime, I ge... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

Is this a 'hostile work environment'?
I work for an admitted 'born-again' christian, and I've got no problem with that. However, I've got a problem with some of the things he has said and done over the last few months. quick list: 1. when... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can my unemployment be denied due to having to take child to an appt with a specialest?
on3-4-11 i was unable to work as a sun aid due to my daughter being diagnosed with a disease and she had to be seen by a specialiest i had no one else to take her. they said it would be denied untill ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Loss of benefits
I was in a car accident and as a result took an extended medical leave of absence from work. I was just told after being back in my old position for 3 weeks that the day I came back to work was my fir... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

holding paycheck for not cleaning vehical
My husband works for an electrical company who is holding his paycheck until he cleans out his work van, it is company issued. Is this legal? and for how long can he hold the check. Technically he was... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Do I have a case for constructive discharge?
I have been working at a medical office for 6 years as an administrative assistant and my employer recently told me that I would have to start working in the clinical part of the office. I do not have... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Am I in violation of the fmla law
I'm a sworn peace officer and injured my left hand. I'm currently on fmla but had some unfinished administrative work that needed to be completed. I went to my job on my time to get the work done. I d... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Slander and hostile work enviroment
I'm an RN in Michigan I started a new job and one of my co-workers accused me of smelling like marjuaina I was escorted for a drug test and breathlyzer than driven home. I of course passed the drug sc... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Hi, I was hired and a relocation bonus was paid in order for me to work in Atlanta, a person at the office has mental issues and she has being disrespectful, overwriting my work, talking bad about me, she has the manager and director support, she cries if
Hi, I was hired and a relocation bonus was paid in order for me to work in Atlanta, a person at the office has mental issues and she has being disrespectful, overwriting my work, talking bad about me,... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

My husbands boss ....
I am asking for him, as he is at work right now. My husband requested our son's birthday off on April 15th(his birthday is May 30th). His boss approved the day off, and everything seemed fine. Today h... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

I work for a staffing agency in Dalton, GA. The company i am working for through them is hiring me in two weeks but the plant is closed all week for Christmas. Can i claim a week of unemployment for this?
Work for staffing agency. Dalton, GA. Company i work for through the staffing agency is hiring me in 2 weeks. But the plant is closed December 23 to January 3. Can i draw a week of unemployment? applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

my employer is Head quartered in New Jersey They have placed me to work for their client on a contract basis in California. I wanted to be a permanent employee of my employer, when I informed this to my employer they said they can employ me only if I acce
I am a H1b status person with a principal employer in New Jersey. I got a contract job on my own thru a vendor and their placement company, the company is also Head quartered in New Jersey They have p... applies to California  ·  0 answers

New job responsibility imposed by Employer
I work as a Sr. Telecommunications Specialist in the IT dept. where I was hired to do a specific job relating to the company's voice systems and devices, (I'm paid salary, not hourly). In an effort to... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Can an employee's pay rate be adjusted to State minimum wage for time it takes for employee to correct previous egregious error as determined by management?
Proposed Employee Handbook language for field techs making $30 - $35/hour for regular time. We have never used this and hope never to have to, but could it be done this way?: Call Backs Due to Work Er... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

On June 28, 2017 , I got really sick at work , went to the dr and returned back to work on July 3 2017 with a note and worked 4 hours , then I got really sick again and went home. My dr said I had heat exhaustion and severe dehydration he recommended I st
On June 28, 2017 , I got really sick at work , went to the dr and returned back to work on July 3 2017 with a note and worked 4 hours , then I got really sick again and went home. My dr said I had hea... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

On June 28, 2017 , I got really sick at work , went to the dr and returned back to work on July 3 2017 with a note and worked 4 hours , then I got really sick again and went home. My dr said I had heat exhaustion and severe dehydration he recommended I st
On June 28, 2017 , I got really sick at work , went to the dr and returned back to work on July 3 2017 with a note and worked 4 hours , then I got really sick again and went home. My dr said I had hea... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

If I don't turn in paper work for a personal leave of absence while I am out on workers comp can I be fired. Indiana
I was injured at work and the workers comp insurance company seems to be paying everyone but me and now my boss wants me to take a personal leave of absence. applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Can a non Compete Agreement be enforced if your current employer has been purchased by a compeititor
I currently work for a Tire Distributor and we have been informed that we have been purchased by our biggest competitor. I signed a non compete agreement with the current employer... is it still valid... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

If I don't turn in paper work for a personal leave of absence while I am out on workers comp can I be fired. Indiana
I was injured at work and the workers comp insurance company seems to be paying everyone but me and now my boss wants me to take a personal leave of absence. applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

If I don't turn in paper work for a personal leave of absence while I am out on workers comp can I be fired. Indiana
I was injured at work and the workers comp insurance company seems to be paying everyone but me and now my boss wants me to take a personal leave of absence. applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

unused vacation hours
I currently work as an executive chef in a kitchen that is contracted out by the company I work for, the contract is up as of feb 29th and a new company is coming in I am under the understanding that ... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Abusive Boss
I work for a small security company. The security company is responsible for security of the gated community that I live in. I have been employed there for six months. I have had several problems with... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is their a minimun number of hours in a shift?
I am curious if their is a minimum number of hours an employee must work before they are sent home to save labor costs? Sometimes I send people home as early as 45 mins. Thinking, if I were them,I wou... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Is it legal for a company to pay straight commission in a non-sales job i.e collections
I work for a company that pays straight commission and requires a minimum of a 42.5 hour work week (actual hours worked). There is no draw. The commission is paid at a certain percent of the overall d... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Can my employer tell you an hour before your shift is over that there is manditory overtime?
On a regular basis we finish our work at least and hour before our scheduled quiting time. They make us leave so they save money but on certain days they'll walk around an hour before quiting time and... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Vacation Accural--Manditory Overtime
I was hired 6 months ago as a salaried employee in AZ. I was told by the VP, the required hours per week would be anywhere from 40-50 hours a week. My personnel profile states I am required to work 40... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Can my employer ask for all medical records from all my doctors since my accident
I am a City Firefighter involved in a MVA while on vacation that was not my fault but resulted in several traumatic injuries that required me to be off work for 6 months. My employer put me on FMLA im... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

This is my answer to questions regarding my initial question.
Answer to retaliation return question. The office manager for my Dr.s office applied on 3/19/01 for disability. My Dr. made the update call on 4/10/01. I never received denial to the claim. My Dr. pul... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Do we have to work hours to earn vacation time
They are telling us we have to work 40 hours a week at 52 weeks a year to earn the same amount of vacation that we were getting. Which is impossible due to them only giving us 37.5 hours a week and ou... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Upon being hired to work for a audio visual company i was made to sign a non-compete. I live in New York and work in New Jersey.(approx 55 miles away)the non-compete specifies a radius of 30 miles and... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Who can help me get justice
Dismissed due to a lie based on a false record from a mental health client I worked with, and 2 lies built onto the false record. I Used fair work for unfair dismissal, and awarded 4,000 compensation.... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

is this sexual harassment?
My husband started to work about 6 motnths ago to this new job. He is now being accused of sexual harrassment because this lady complained that he was always in her areas of work and that he did not h... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Can an employer force you to be on call for 24 to 48 hours at a time?
I work in an emergency veterinary clinic that is open 24/7. Our new manager wants to make employees sign up for on call shifts (24-48 hours of being on call). Is this legal? What about the employees w... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I have intermittent FMLA for my heart, I get up to six months at a time but my employer keeps sending me paper work to have filled out by my doctor every three months. My doctor is getting upset at the frequency he has to fill out this paper work. Would t
I have intermittent FMLA for my heart, I get up to six months at a time but my employer keeps sending me paper work to have filled out by my doctor every three months. My doctor is getting upset at th... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Are there recourses I can take as I seek employment.
U recently accepted the fact I was bullied by my employer for years. The staff was nasty towards me, I was ne er given an office to work with my co- workers I was just at work and it was one hurt afte... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

i signed a non compete agreement with the company i currently work for but ive been offered a new job with a different company doing the same line of home health nursing care, however the nurse that interviewed me was a former employer from my current com
I'm trying to get a second nursing job but the employer that interviewed me used to work for the company im currently employeed with and we both signed non compete agreements but his agreement states ... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

signed contract to be an employee 1 month ago, but a certification board wont let us work?
Its a fiberglass company and i am suppose to be paid 1700$ per pool and 500$ per spa, but even though i am contracted as an employee we have not even been approved to leave for work in over 1 month. I... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

My employer is paying OT for Labor day only. when I complete this week, I will have over 50hrs, but only will have OT for one day. is this legal?
currently it is said, holiday's are separate from normal business days. if I work more than 40hrs this week, I will have to "make up" 10hrs before I begin to receive OT pay. by the end of this week, i... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

My current company has a new holiday pay policy, where supervisors will now be paid our salary by hour rate when we are supervisors on-call. The new policy also states that if you resign before the holiday, but still work it, you will not be eligible for
Planning on resigning this Friday and want to know my rights to get new pay rate when I work Christmas. I will give the mandatory 2 weeks notice. applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Can I be fired for this?
I was employed at a resteraunt and the owners other resteraunt . They were cutting back hours, so I found another job. The owner, when he found out that I was going to weekends only, stated "If he is ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can a compnay change a commision structure after the quarter is complete and the work is done?
Can a compnay change a commision structure after the quarter is complete and the work is done? I have signed and returned a compensation agreement to my employer, including a commission payout structu... applies to Maryland  ·  2 answers

Operating Agreement Non-compete clause
Greetings, I need HELP! I work for the devil and I need to get out...last week my boss actually fired me for a whole 20 minutes before he asked me to get back to work. I am very tired of the verbal ab... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

hostile work enviorment
My girlfriend has been battling cancer for over two years. She also is prone to seizures due to her condition. She works at an adult day care center. The first year she worked there the management was... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Fired for attendance issues when employer was extremely aware of the health issues that required missing work. I made up all time. I was given very positive performance reviews. Told my clients loved me and my work was exceptional. But that my personal he
Fired for attendance issues when employer was extremely aware of the health issues that required missing work. I made up all time. I was given very positive performance reviews. Told my clients loved ... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Fired for attendance issues when employer was extremely aware of the health issues that required missing work. I made up all time. I was given very positive performance reviews. Told my clients loved me and my work was exceptional. But that my personal he
Fired for attendance issues when employer was extremely aware of the health issues that required missing work. I made up all time. I was given very positive performance reviews. Told my clients loved ... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

When am I entitled to pay?
I work for a firm in Memphis Tn. In my job responsibilities I have to drive a company vehicle to my work site which located 1.5 miles away from where the vehicle and keys are kept off the clock. The k... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

The company I work for has an odd policy that I believe may not be legal. For example, this week we get holiday pay for July 4th and the office is closed on Friday the 5th, but we have to work 3 10 hour days and make up the other 2 hours or they dock our
For example, this week we get holiday pay for July 4th and the office is closed on Friday the 5th, but we have to work 3 10 hour days and make up the other 2 hours or they dock our PTO. That just does... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Accused of smelling like alcohol - never give test as stated in handbook - from prior evening
Over this past holiday I was celebrating with my family and having cocktails. I had to work at 7:00am the next day and went to bed around 11:30pm. I had several drinks with my family and apparently ha... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

If an employee is reguarly asked to work 40 hours in a week ( a 4 day 10 hour work week) and they ask for a total of 10 days off, to include 2 weekends, a friday and a monday... do you charge the 40 hours? Sh eis asking for 32 and we have nothing in polic
This employee is saying that she wants 32 hours charged, not 40. If she askes for an entire week and is full time, I think she should be charged 40. Please advise. applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I was sick and called in the day before i was scheduled to work letting my boss know i was going to the hospital and was admitted for 2 days contacted her after i was released telling her i was still really sick and need more time at least 24 hrs before t
Was sick for 7 days made sure i let my boss know a day before every shift i was to work had dr note and was put on 90 day probation before ever being verbally or written warning applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

not being able to take off work for dr.s appt.
I was informed at work that I take to many hours out of my schedule for mental health doctor appts for myself and my daughter. I have bi-polar, anxiety, addictive behaviors. My daughter has ADD & OCD.... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Can an empoyer change your work schedule when you have FMLA?
I was hired to work 6 12 hour shifts and one 8 hour shift for 80 hours a payperiod. I got FMLA after 14 months of employment. which allows use for one 12 hours of fmla a week which I do not do. Now My... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Is a non compete enforceable if it is sent via email, but never signed or agreed to via email?
I work as a 1099 contractor with a staffing agency and signed a work agreement a couple years ago that renews yearly that had a non-compete that I would not go work directly or indirectly with the cli... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

do i have to pay back my bonus
I put I. A two weeks notice and my boss asked me to stay for the next two months for $500. I countered for $800 He agreed and issued the check. Two days later I broke my foot and I maybe off work for ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

My employer has less than 50 employees what are my options as far as a Leave of Absence goes?
My employer has 5 employees, I work 30 hours a week with no benefits. I am stressed to the point I can't perform my job properly. I don't want to get fired for poor performance so I was thinking about... applies to California  ·  1 answer

My job wants me to sign a letter of them decreasing my salary and stretching my hours to 50 a week.
Which means I wont be eligible for overtime unless I work over 50 hours. I was brought on with the intentions I would be working 40 hours a week at my certain salary. Now, they decreased my pay and st... applies to New Jersey  ·  1 answer

Can my supervisor tell my co-workers that she took discipinary action on me without my permission?
I had missed a few weeks of work due to exposure (fumes)to floor stripping chemicals being used in my office during regular work hours. I filed a workman's comp claim with a physician's letter stating... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

What can I do when my boss has threatened me with illegal action?
Hello, I work at a gas station as a gas attendant. I had one day been short on my register because of a simple mistake of me handing out too much change during a rush (I work my entire shift alone) an... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Intellectual property/confidentiality/Non-solicitation Agreement
I work as a chemist in a niche industry. When I signed it, I did not read or understand it enough due to inexperience. The non-compete is understandable, but the intellectual property seems as though ... applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

Can Management refuse to properly document or pay a federal employee that has work at a higher grade
I have been promised several times by management that I would receive a temporary promotion and or possibly be hired permanently full time. From 2007-2010 I have work at a higher grade and haven't rec... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

I work as a sub for Kelly Services. A secretary at one school is telling HR that she does not want me working at 3 of the schools, without a good reason. She is slandering me. I have taught in Ct for 40 years and am retired with excellent references. What
This woman is a secretary and was not employed in the school district before I retired two years ago. She spreads rumors and false information about means has gone as far as going to the HR person in ... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

Pay for waiting to clock in
My teenage daughter works in a food establishment and is required to be at work on time, however, if business is slow the manager doesn't have her clock in. Basically, she waits at work until they nee... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

On 10/27/17 I tore a tendon in my foot walking down the steps in the parking garage at work, It took until mid December to be determined that Workman's Comp would cover this. During this time I had applied for FMLA, during this time all of my PTO was exha
Can I be required to pay back PTO if I receive payment from workman's comp weeks after I have exhausted all of my PTO when I sustained an injury at work? applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

Non Compete statement
Mel...My employer made me sign a non-compete about 4 months after I started to work for them. I received nothing in consideration. I have been in Construction sales for 15years and it is all I can do.... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Accused of theft at work by a coworker, no evidence. Employment terminated.
I work in security and was recently fired because one of my coworkers falsely accused me of stealing something from the building management office without a shred of proof. She went to our Account Man... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Do i have to answer my employer's questions,
I have been out of work on disability leave for a mental health issue. My employer, a church/ child care, knows exactly why I was out even though i didn't tell them, i feel that my mother in law, who ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

I was sent home from work because someone next to me tested positive for covid I normally work till 3:30 I left at 1:30 are they supposed to pay me till 3:30
I was sent home early because a co worker tested positive for coronavirus, do they have to pay me for the entire shift? applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

I was sent home from work because someone next to me tested positive for covid I normally work till 3:30 I left at 1:30 are they supposed to pay me till 3:30
I was sent home early because a co worker tested positive for coronavirus, do they have to pay me for the entire shift? applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

I work for Goodwill in WA state . I unexpectedly need time off to relocate an immediate family member in a domestic violence situation will I be able to return to my job in 2 weeks wen I can return to work, I am still in my 90 day probation period?
I work for Goodwill in the state of WA. I'm in a 90 day probation period and I have to take 2 weeks off to relocate an immediate family member in a domestic violence situation. Can they fire me? applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Im hired to work 37.5 hours, can I be scheduled to work 40 hours?
When I was hired amd for the last 2 years, I have beem scheduled for 37.5 hours a week. With recent changes in my office, we are now scheduled for 40 hours but our company is still saying we are 37.5 ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Hi Mel: I'm currently employed in a health care facility as an RT. Our staffing has dipped to critically low levels,( we've lost 30% of our therapists) we frequently work alone. I would like to know in advance if we can be mandated to work 24 hrs straight
There are laws in place that govern mandatory overtime for RN.s in a particular state, but the governing bodies that establish clinical practice guidelines for RT's essentially sold out and have allow... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

What rights does a employee have that has been placed on medical leave for anger management. His employer told him was fired, than after a meeting told him needed medical theropy for his issues and plaved him on medical leave. if he does not return to emp
My husband has had several accounts of anger issues at his work. The company he works for has no HR department and is a sawmill. All employees use harssing words toward each other and fits of anger ar... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

I was hired as a CDL driver and my employer wants me to do ware house as well, can he force me to do this?
there was an ad on craigslist for a cdl driver. I applied and was given the job. after being there for over 2 years my boss now want me to work in the warehouse part time or I will be terminated. phys... applies to California  ·  0 answers

What can part-time indep contractors offer in terms of language to replace a non-competer clause?
I am being offered a temporary work assignment for 2 1/2 months as an independent contractor. I have worked for the company for 3 months via a staffing agency. The company now wants to make me a 1099 ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I took 2 vacation days off, when I came back to work I got demoted. Can that happen? I work in Tennessee
I took 2 days off, when I came back I was demoted. applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Do I have alternatives for relocation agreement payback and payback amount?
I am employed by a company and have been for exactly one year. Relocating to the new location has not been good. My wife has been unable to find work and my son started college. The net effect is that... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

My unemployment benefits have been pending for 5 weeks
I am just wanting to check all avenues. I was terminated for interviewing with another law firm on my own time after work hours (how they found out I do not know), but the policy manual states seeking... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Company was bought out. Received an offer to work for this new company but might not want to take it
The owner of the business I work for is retiring and has sold his company to a competitor looking to absorb the employees, machines, and clients from our current boss. Tomorrow is our last day, our cu... applies to California  ·  1 answer

After FMLA
I was out on FMLA for 5 weeks. The second day I was back my manager with HR person told me that while I was out my work was gone (there were 3 people working on the project each doing specific part). ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My boss kept a spreadsheet of my appointments etc on his desktop without my knowledge, legal?
While looking for a contract in a shared administration folder, I found that my boss was keeping a spreadsheet of my appointments (both work comp related and personal) on his desktop computer. A copy ... applies to Maine  ·  0 answers

I live in Las Vegas I signed a non compete clause 2-3 days after starting work 7 years ago. I am not in management. I want to change companies I work for still doing home hospice. As I am not management have no intell on how business is done etc. I am not
home hospice non compete clause for non management staff applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Newly Pregnant
I am newly pregnant and HR keeps asking me to revise my work restriction doctor note to their liking. I was even asked by HR if they could be on the phone with my doctor and I to inform the doctor wha... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

Can I claim for 101/2 years worked? I'm just take in the period of time ,3 weeks(one por year) I work as manager , i a salary worked, and forced for quit. Thank you!
I worked as Manager ( salary worker)must of the time work 10 to 12 hours a day in six days a week. I'm forced to auit my jib applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I work for a hospital my hrs are 8am- 4pm . I'm doing a mantatory system change from 8am-3pm and there taking a hr of my PTO to make up the extra hr. Legally is this right
I work as a therapist at a hospital from 8am until 4 pm . My job has a manatorty training from 8 am - 3pm. So I will me short 1 hr pay so they took it upon them self's to pay a hr of my PTO is that le... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

to start i had a surgery when i was 38 and I'm 54 on my c5 c6 fusion on my vertebrae and failed.. and when i went back to work they screwed me over 2003 for falling asleep at work and i was taking medically prescribed drugs and they fired me under miscond
to start i had a surgery when i was 38 and I'm 54 on my c5 c6 fusion on my vertebrae and failed.. and when i went back to work they screwed me over 2003 for falling asleep at work and i was taking med... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

My right to choose where to park my car.
I was legally parked on a public street about a half a block away from my work. Does my employer have the right to suspend me two days w/o pay for parking there? - There reasoning: " It's in the polic... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I have been on FMLA for almost 6 weeks getting ready to return to work the manager called me last Friday to inform me my job was given to another supervisor.I work for Lowe’s corporate do I have a case?
I have worked hard to get to the position that I had. It was a less stressful job.I feel I have been punished for being sick. I worked hard to get a team that was pros and now they are putting me back... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

can you be fired for asking for safe working conditions and your pay stub
i work in Ky. I am the production lead for our company. I was approached my the employees on the floor about unsafe work conditions and not receiving any record at all for 3 months or more for our pay... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Unfair Overpayment
Hello I currently work for a security company that sends you to different sites to work. On January 11, 2018 I was apparently overpaid, I was notified that someone made a mistake and put hours for me ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Temporary Employer Stalking Me
I was hired and the employer and I agreed on a certain shift. I attended two meetings for which I was paid and one day of work. On starting the first day of work I was told that I had to accept a diff... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

What does it take to prove Constructive Discharge
I've been subjected to constant harassment by my boss all year. He made me the project leader at the start of the year on several large projects (everyone else had hardly anything close), then pressur... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

renege on pan plan after task accomplished
I have worked for my company for many years and have worked in many departments. In late 2006, I accepted a position in the sales dept signing an agreement of salary and commissions to be paid. After ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I have been off work since june 15th.
I have been off work since june 15th with a severe partial acl tear. I am dealing with sedgwick, who handles my company's short term disability. I needed to have supporting evidence faxed by my doctor... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

new York in on fmla for stress & anxiety with intermittent leaves where I have flare up, outburst, and erratic behavior. when I went to work as a Forman getting my work duties the previous supervisor stated that a co work on my shift was out yesterday and
new York in on fmla for stress & anxiety with intermittent leaves where I have flare up, outburst, and erratic behavior. when I went to work as a Forman getting my work duties the previous supervisor ... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

My husband signed a non compete on a Tuesday and decided he did not want to work for that company and chose a different company to work for, he notified them in less than 24 hours. Is the non compete still valid? In consideration they offered him money
The money was not taken. He started working with another company and only made it through half the day before the former company had contacted the new company about the non compete. Needless to say he... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

I think I may be let go for being out of work for medical reason 4 days.
My employer posted a job opening for my job while I was out sick for 4 days and have medical documentation to prove it. I found out about the posting from my colleges job site the same day they posted... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I was falsely accused and now I am constantly being harassed about it. What can I/my employer do?
I was accused of sexual assault, but my employer found that the incident was not sexual assault based on video surveillance. I had asked the accuser to move because she was in the way of me finishing ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I was falsely accused and now I am constantly being harassed about it. What can I/my employer do?
I was accused of sexual assault, but my employer found that the incident was not sexual assault based on video surveillance. I had asked the accuser to move because she was in the way of me finishing ... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

I am self employed and tried to collect unemployment and have been denied
I cannot afford to pay myself and was denied unemoyment. I work a few hours each day just to bring in enough money to pay the rent. I was denied because I work those two hours each day even though I a... applies to Maine  ·  0 answers

Is this Legal??
Recently I have been going thru a rough time at home due to my father being very sick. (and other things but that mainly) my boss pulled me in his office weeks ago and ridiculoud me for not caring abo... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

One of our employees had a stroke mid-October and has yet to be cleared by his Dr to return to work. He has exhausted his FMLA leave. Does ADA kick in at this point even though he hasn't been cleared by Dr to return to work?
One of our employees had a stroke mid-October and has yet to be cleared by his Dr to return to work. He has exhausted his FMLA leave. Does ADA kick in at this point even though he hasn't been cleared ... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

I was hired to work 40 hours per week. I work for a small kinda Triple A company. My employer expects me to have my laptop and company cell phone with me at all times on my time off. If I receive a call on my cell phone and complete a dispatch to a tow tr
Work M-F 40 hours M-F 8:30 am - 5:00 pm, paid hourly. Work for a company similar to a Triple A roadside business. Expected to answer cell phone calls from customers and carry laptop at all times durin... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

private contractor pay purposely withheld in California
I have my own company contracting my services, my company was hired to work at a company in silicon valley, I left the company after 45 days because their handeling of my payments. After leaving they ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Do I have a right to products I have developed?
I work in a restaurant and during my employment I undertook steps to create in-house vinegars. This includes creating and caring for living bacteria, raising them generation to generation, feeding the... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Can an employer repremand an employee for missing work for an illness when they have a doctors excuse.
I called into work and went to the er where I was given an excuse to be off for that day and the day following. In that time my place of employment failed a corporate inspection. Because I am a shift ... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

My supervisor of 1 month told my trainer that they were taking me off my desk at work and putting me on another desk with fewer responsibilities because I got headaches and because I have anxieties, she felt I could not do the work I was hired for.
While I did have a couple of headaches during my first month of training, I have never been diagnosed with anxieties. In fact, most people would describe me as easy going. Since they have moved me, I ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Unemployment Benefits NJ
I live in NJ and my last day of work was 7/31/2015 I was laid off as my position was eliminated. My severance package states that I will paid 1 week salary which ended 8/7/2015. I am trying to file my... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

what is my next step
I work at a charter school. I sent an "ANONYMOUS" email to my H.R. director at my school concerning behavior of two other staff members. I just left my Principal's office and he was asking specific qu... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

What can i do if im being spyed on in the bathrokm
My supervisor asked me if I was on the phone in the bathroom and I said no, only reason he asked that because supposedly I was in the bathroom for 45 mins which I wasn’t . And also told me someone s... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Can my employer terminate me if not back by the end of the 12 weeks?
I have been on FMLA since 7/19/10 due to a serious illness. I used my 10 sick days from the start. My employer is using those days as my FMLA. Can they do that? I have been under the care of several s... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Being out on medical leave and returning can they not honor your availability you were hired with?
i was out on medical leave for twelve weeks getting paid by myh companies insurer. i gave them notes from my doctor every time i received one. i had two surgeries once i was cleared i gave them the cl... applies to Connecticut  ·  1 answer

Exempt employee and making up missed time
I am an exempt employee for a municipality. One morning I had car trouble and was an hour late for work. I did call work and explain the situation. Later the same day, my supervisor told me to just wo... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

How do I keep from owing?
AnonymousJune 30, 2018 at 1:57 PM I am on FMLA (12 wks job security) and STD (50% average pay for 12 wks). STD is set at 6mo. While this is not work comp (although I did file a security report which w... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

FMLA question
My husband has worked for a local auto dealer for 32 years, he's 53 years old. He has held key management positions for approx 20 years. February 5, 2008 he stayed home from work, which was rare, thou... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I work at a restaurant that normally closes at midnight except for the weekends they're open 24 hours I'm a server and my employer hired me to work the 3 p.m. to midnight shift. My employer has had me in training of which I am now complete that he had me
I got hired at a restaurant back in November 2015. When I accepted the job it was for a shift from 3 p.m. to 11 pm. They advised me that while in training I may be required to work a few overnight shi... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Falsely accused drinking at work but did smell from night before.
Came to work still buzzed from the day before. Did my inventory counts spoke to both my bosses and the day went on until about 3 hours later when it was almost opening time. They both came back random... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Can I be denied a benefit offered by my employer due to my disability
My employer offers tuition assistance, available to all employees who have been with the company for 6 months, the employee is in active status and is in good employment standing which I do qualify fo... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

I have a full time position with my company for more than 20 years. Recently another facility approximately 50 miles away has had some staffing issues. It has been requested from my employer that I work at the other facility for one month until they can f
1. I have worked at my currently location for 20 years 2. another location 50 miles away is short on staff and I am being asked to work there for one month until adequate staff is hired 3. they will c... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Do I have any recourse if an employee in management is being retaliatory and harassing me. He has defamed me can called me names, he has went to HR and told them he hates me, & hr denies my promotion. This has been going on for over a year and he is still
It's been going on since about 2018. This person is the CIO of the Cook County Bureau of Technology. I work for the Telecommunications department of that bureau. My supervisor and director had to go t... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Is this legal to change the paid time off around the holidays after vacation days were approved?
My employer had a holiday policy that gave the following days paid - 12/23, 12/26 and 1/2. I requested three days paid vacation 12/27-12/29 and a floating holiday 12/30. We only have 5 vacation days a... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

The company knows I am disabled. Is this against the ADA?
I went out of work in 2013 for 2 weeks because a workmans comp injury. Six weeks later, I went out for another illness and ended up on LTD. I am in the process of a WC settlement from 2013. I was told... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Is the non-compete agreement still valid after the sale of the company?
As part of being employed by the company I currently work for I had to sign a non-compete agreement on my first day, which included a miles restriction and a 1 year term. If I did not sign the agreeme... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

I was wrongful terminated by my boss who was intoxicated
My boss showed up to the work site drunk to bully and intimate me. I stay on site and put up with his attitude. I left the site with all my tasks complete AND hand delivered the samples to the lab. He... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

About no call to work for 10 days and no answer california
I got a job in downtown oakland and i start working hard but the owner after 36 hours working 4 days a week he didnt call me for no reason so i called him and he said he will call me back next day for... applies to California  ·  0 answers

What should I do? Can I get unemployment?
My boss pulled me into the office Thursday to discuss my position as well as if there standards were being met. We talked for an hour at least. I realized in this time I needed to tell him that I have... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

I left my job as a medical assistant after 11 years and 9 months. After the assistant manager come to me (I start my shift at 8:30am), at 10am and told me:
I left my job as a medical assistant after 11 years and 9 months. After the assistant manager come to me (I start my shift at 8:30am), at 10am and told me: "at 11am some body else will take over and y... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Surgeon is clearing return to work with a modified in office schedule after being on long term disability Can employer refuse a work modification?
I had a significant emergency surgery in July and went on short term disability. Within weeks of the surgery i devolped a complication and was back in the hospital. A month later a follow up ct showed... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Can my supervisor retaliate against me for applying for another job within the company?
Hi, I recently applied for another job within the non-profit company that I work for. I notified my current supervisor of my interest in the new position and indicated on my work google calendar when ... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Fired because of injury.
I was fired 2 days after having major knee surgery. I was scheduled to go back to work the next day. They stated I missed too many days, I only missed 3 total days for this, 2 of which I was in hospit... applies to Colorado  ·  1 answer

My employer made a typo in my non-compete contract. They listed the wrong city (City B) for the non-compete radius. They made the same mistake in the last 4 annual contracts. Are they bound by their mistake if I choose to work for a competitor in my curre
As above, my contract has a non-compete clause for a radius of 5 miles of City B, for a period of 1 year. I work in City A, and have never worked in City B. The company does have an office in City B, ... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

What are the normal measures taken for yelling at a fellow employee and throwing paper the table?
My mom was working for Daktronics for about 4 years now and she's recently been fired from data entry position. She's the ONLY minority working in her department, and she has been harassed several tim... applies to South Dakota  ·  0 answers

I've been working for this company for 12 years as a manager if I change my position to cashier can they take my pay
Managing a company with no assistance the company volume is high,I don't get a break lifting heavy liquor work from 8 am to 7 pm Monday Thursday off Friday and work every Saturday I'm black but the wh... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Please Help!!!
I work for a construction subcontractor in Va and my boss makes slanderous, sexuall, and raciall statements towards me constantly. This is seriouslly distracting and makes me feal unworthy and low at ... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

I recently started working for a company and was told my shift would be 9:30 am to 6:00 pm. I am on disability due to mental diagnosis exacerbated by substance abuse, I have been clean and sober for 5 years. My employer now wants me to work a different sh
I disclosed to my employer during the interview that I had a disability. She did not ask what it was for. My psychiatrist is willing to write a letter, but I am worried that even if they accommodate m... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Hi, I work for a small town restaurant that’s been in our area for over 20 years and I thought the owners were pretty good people because most in our community had good things to say, but I was wrong. For almost 2 years now I have been dealing with a lo
My employer and co workers go thru my purse/wallet and my state ID, old health insurance cards, even a weeks pay plus other cash has been stolen from my purse while working with owners son. My parents... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Fired because new boss doesn't like my style?
I work as a RN coordinator (supervisor)in Phila. PA. My job descreption reads as a assistent manager,my staff of 80 generaly loves the work that I do for them. A new Manager was hired to be my boss an... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Is a manager required to do something if an employee has their belongings and money stolen from them
I work as a waitress and when I walked into work I had put my purse with my keys and wallet in our breakroom where I always put it. A couple hours into my shift, I noticed it was gone and no where to ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

8-12 informed manager I filed for intermittent fmla because I'm being harassed to work my days off (fri/sat/sun). I work 4 10-hour days M-Th. Fmla approved on 8/31 that I'm a caretaker for my mother and unavailable Fri,Sat,Sun. On 9/6 I'm informed my hour
8-12 informed manager I filed for intermittent fmla because I'm being harassed to work my days off (fri/sat/sun). I work 4 10-hour days M-Th. Fmla approved on 8/31 that I'm a caretaker for my mother a... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

time fraud /Retaliation
I work as a computer professional in a big investment banking. My position was classified as exempt. In 2015, the director sent email that there will be no overtime pay but only comp-off time. Manager... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I sign an employment contract stating that I would work on a rotational bases . I am an aircraft mechanic and I would work overseas for a extended period of time ,and then be off for the same time in this case they told me a (3 months) rotation. which was
I sign an employment contract stating that I would work on a rotational bases . I am an aircraft mechanic and I would work overseas for a extended period of time ,and then be off for the same time in ... applies to New Mexico  ·  0 answers

Are they subcontractors or employees?
I am a contractor hired to find individuals to unload shipping containers in various warehouses. Pay is based on number of containers emptied, and there is no set work hours although the warehouse ope... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Very scared to go to work sometimes, and always stressed out when i do what should i do?
I have had multiple issues since i started my job May 2, 2016. I just want to know when enough is enough. It's too the point that sometimes I'm scared to walk into work because the threats that have b... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

My 5 year work anniversary falls on December 12th and I should receive around 120 hour of vacation. However, I am planning on giving my two week notice on December 5th. Will I still be entitled to my vacation hours even though it falls during my two weeks
Two week notice will be submitted 12/5/2016. Work anniversary 12/12/2016 (should receive 120 hours) Last day of work 12/16/2016 Will I still be entitled to my vacation hours even though it falls durin... applies to California  ·  0 answers

My employer will deny my FMLA and temporary disability if I do not sign a medical records release. Can they do this?
I have a back injury, not workers comp, I have filed my FMLA paper work as has my doctor. They will not process my paper work if I do not sign the medical records release. This seems a lot like coerci... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

I been out on fmla. Go back cause dr released me. Have a episode of my sickness due to while I was out on fmla. My work tells me after my dr cleared me I can’t come back to work until I’m better
Go complain at hr for a ongoing problem. She turns on me cause I have been sick since my dr released me. Tells me I can’t come back until I’m better applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

If I'm a contractor that works for another contractor and I get paid by the hour and I'm told what time to work and what time to leave are they still supposed to pay me overtime for any time I work over 40 hrs in the state of texas.
Just want to know if they have to pay overtime any hours over 40 hours applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Missed time from work means I HAVE to use my vacation?
My employer said I have to use the last day because my flight was delayed causing me to miss work on Monday.I just got back from a 5 day vacation and have one day left to use. Do I really have to appl... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Corporate sent me a letter stating that I voluntarily resigned as unable to return to work due to foot injury. I did not resign.
Scheduled to return to work on July 17 from FMLA. Unable to do as broke foot before returning. Company states I voluntarily resigned. I did not. I have worked with company 10 yrs and 10 months. applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Must we pay a one-day employee who we terminated for no-call/no-show?
Our new salaried employee reported for work the first day and never returned. We called and left messages for him. No Response. We emailed him. No response. We then notified him that his employment wa... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Can my supervisor send me emails requesting me to work from home while out FMLA?
I have several emails from my supervisor requesting me to work from home 2 days after surgery. Because I felt harassed, I resigned without notice and they are refusing to use my PTO time for week 2 of... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Fired wrongfull?
I believe I was wrongfully fired from a job. Other co-workers and I have been complaining about a person at work. This person and I got into it after work hours one day and the next day I was fired an... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

Can my supervisor require me to attend after work social events, ie dinner or drinks?
I work for a large company and my particular department supervisor has required our team to attend social events outside of work. Usually dinner and/drinks or something along those lines. We were forc... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

large company demanding unpaid labor from employees; possible class action
I work for a large test-prep company teaching classes for high school students. I am paid as an hourly employee. I took an assignment to proctor an exam for four hours at $10/hr. After accepting the j... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can City of Detroit Tax Severance if I don't work there
I was released from an employer in 2009. I worked in city of detroit. My employer continued to deduct city taxes from my severance even though I was no longer an employee, did not work in Detroit, and... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Do I have a right to display my work and list sponsors?
The owner of the company, where I worked as a graphic designer and creative director for the past 13 years, closed the business in October 2009 -- we no longer had enough contracts to afford to pay th... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

I was being paid under the table and my boss stopped paying me and still owes me a weeks pay
I recently went back to work for an old emmployer. I was in a "Re-hab" and it was about time for me to leave so I needed a job desperetly. She told me she could only pay me "under the table". Needing ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

do I have a case??
over qualified, but hired with job description. management deligates all work load to me then go's shopping online. management was found out then terminated. Replaced by unqualified individual with no... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I am an exempt employee but need to fill-out a weekly time card. The company demands the time card prior to the end of the work week and states they will charge my time to PTO if my card is not in by a certain day (Wednesday). So basically they dock you a
I work in Texas but my company is out of New York and pays from NY. Texas law should apply as I earn the wage in Texas applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

What happens when ur friend gets u a job and then ur friend loses his job b cause of lawful action. But I still keep mine but when friend loses job and get his pay he said s that I am his employer and takes my pay check and tells owner he will pay me but
Illiagle actions with pay ment to employer . Owener of business giving checks under someone else’s name to wrong employer leading to person stealing money from them and not giving rightful informati... applies to District of Columbia  ·  1 answer

Can HR get involved if a co-worker threatens to have you fired out of work hours?
I received an instant message over the weekend, from a co-worker that accused me of gossiping about her to an ex-employee. She threatened to report me to HR and have me fired for gossiping about her. ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can HR get involved if a co-worker threatens me off work hours, to have me fired?
I received an instant message over the weekend, from a co-worker that accused me of gossiping about her to an ex-employee. She threatened to report me to HR and have me fired for gossiping about her. ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Unfair time off
I work for company in Maryland, however, my work is overseas in Colombia, SA on a DOD contract. We have 3 sections; pilots, mission commanders, and maintenance. Our contract states 4 weeks on duty, an... applies to West Virginia  ·  1 answer

Job Abandonment in FLORIDA.
If an employee in FLORIDA is scheduled to work until 5pm but clocks out and walks off the property at 3pm with no notice, no authorization, and no attempt to contact a member of management and has not... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

FMLA and overtime
I have a chronic medical condition and have been approved for intermittent FMLA. Last I utilized three days of FMLA; my employer was shorthanded for the weekend and I agree to work two shifts. There w... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

After 27 yrs with my employer, I have accrued 3 wks. vacation. Nov. of last year I was laid off and was called back to work in Feb. of this year. Now at the end of June I am informed that 2 weeks of my vacation have been taken away and if I work the rest
I missed 8 weeks last year, 3 of that was vacation due to surgery. Then I got laid off in Nov. applies to West Virginia  ·  0 answers

Discriminatory Layoof
I am an Indian on H1-B Visa and have been recently laid off. Earlier in Sept 2003 I had given a complain against my Manager to the VP of HR for intimidation, personal comments on my beard and appearan... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I work for a City, and was asked to sign a memorandum stating that I was under investigation and that I needed to meet with an outside investigator on a certain date. The City I work for state that because I am a public employee and the investigation is o
I am being accused of possible misconduct, and required to meet with an outside investigator. The City is refusing to tell me what I am being accused of because it is an ongoing investigation. applies to California  ·  0 answers

I was re-classified to a lower pay scale ,but I am still doing the exact same job as before.
HR called me into the office to tell me that due to a reorganization in the company due to lack of work I would be reclasifeid to a lower clasification ( From Material Handler A to Material Handler B)... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Is it illegal for my daughter to use anybody else's card that gives her permission to on her 30% discount from employment on her non working time
My daughter was at work 2 months ago she use my card to buy yourself some oil she is there discount today she's at work and her co-worker supposedly quit knowing she owed her money she let her use her... applies to West Virginia  ·  0 answers

I quit,my boss owes me 10k in wages, I met him after repeated attempts where he snatched my gift phone( received in Xmas as alternative to vacation) said he give it back that day and he didn't . he said he wiped it and I'm contacting clients which is not
He threatened me about contacting customers, before I quit I told a customer I was scheduled to work with' I've quit and can't do the job unless you and boss figure a way to hire me without the co.( m... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

I was asked if I was to drunk to show up to work. I was also asked if I smoke to much and my alway out side. I was also asked if I swear at employees. If I was a cycle toward other employees. And how I feel about how my disiabty affect my ability to work?
I was at an interview on Wednesday of this week and ask these question and feel these question where out of line for a job interview I'm wondering if I can take action against the company that did the... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

worker's comp and severance pay
I have a current worker's comp claim. I went back to work on a trial basis but have found I cannot continue and my Dr. is taking me back out of work. My office has offered me one week of severance pay... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can I be fired 3 days after handing in a "temporary full disability note" from my doctor?
On May 17th, 2011 I handed into my employer a note from my doctor placing me on temporary full disability. On May 19th. 2011 I received a work email with the following: Jeremy I am assuming at this po... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can I be terminated because I missed too much work and got behind?
I was in a car accident July 16th, I have missed 6 days of work due to a neck injury and have gotten behind in my job duties. My boss wrote me up friday and told me I have 2 weeks to do everything plu... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Am I being retaliated against by my employer for taking FMLA leave to care for a sick parent?
Not sure if I am being retaliated against by my employer. I took 6 weeks approved FMLA leave to care for my mother after a traumatic brain injury and emergency surgery that left her in a coma for 2 we... applies to New Jersey  ·  2 answers

Breach or try to get fired?
I work at a automotive company for over a year now and I of course signed a Non Competition agreement under the job description of a File Clerk, but now I work in Accounts Receivables and I am also a ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Forced to sit next to extemely contaigous coworker.
I work in a call center environment. I was forced to sit next to a person who had just come back from long term disability suffering from some kind of horrible respiratory illness. She was out for thr... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

reclaim Unemployment benefits
I was fired from my job for missing work because I was arrested and was in jail for 14 days before I could post bond to get out since then my charges against me have been dismiss for a crime someone e... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Does a non-compete agreement signed in WA state apply if the employee moves to Oregon state?
I signed a non-compete agreement with my current employer in Washington state. I am moving to Oregon. The field that I work in is very narrow and I am wondering if I work for another company if it wil... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Loss of job due to inability to work with a hostile employee
I was recently released from my position in customer service. I had not quite been with the company for a year. My direct supervisor had made for a "hostile" work environment. The owner was very aware... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can an employer lay off someone for no reason and then hire someone else?
I recently got laid off from my job. The reason is times were tough and the owner couldn't make the numbers work in order to keep me, yet after a week of me being gone, he hired someone else for 50 ce... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Can u quit your job and collect unemployment benefits for hostile work environment by the boss or owner
My work place. Of 20 yrs is becoming increasingly hostile. During pandemic we were made to just about beg them to file partial unemployment and had a meeting where they blew up about it. There's been ... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

My job was eliminated (Office Manager) and I was offered another position at 1/2 my salary. I took it and was able to get side work which I told a partner at my office about (who had no problem with i... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can i be fired for my doctor putting me on a 2 and a half week leave of absense?
My doctor put me on a leave of absence at work for head trauma. He said i could go back to work in a week or 5 business days. After the week was up I went back to work and was overwhelmed by how much ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Am I entitled to overtime after 40 hours or 55?
I work at a trucking company and I move trailers around all day for roughly 8 hours, I then go onto the dock and work there for another 3-4 hours or so then go home. At this company overtime is set at... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Can a full time employee in NJ be asked to leave due to low census after coming in to work and only
If we are currently full time employees can we be forced to take day off or leave early from work due to low census? Or is it volunteer basis only? applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

seeking damages for unsafe working enviroment
I work for a very large union. I am a maintenance worker for them. The building I help maintain is constantly in need of remodeling and repairs. None of which permits are pulled to do this extensive w... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

commissions owed/non compete valid
i went to work for an insurance agency owned by my brother. i signed a three year non-compete contract that also spelled out my salary,commission and benefits. i left a good job in an unrelated field ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Salaried Exempt? Maximum hours required to work?
My husband is a Quality Assurance Engineer for a company that creates software. When he was hired on six months ago, he asked about overtime in the interview and was told that it was not the norm. Sin... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Is this non compete legal? N.C
I work for a company full time basically. I signed a agreement which included a non compete clause. Thing is - they recently updated how they pay us. We work in renovating homes. They have taken us fr... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Can an employer hire you making $15 an hour for a 42 hour work week but pay you $14 per hour for part of that time?
I use a healthcare facility that provides 2 CNA’s who help me care for my mother. These ladies rotate weeks working 12 hour shifts (8AM to 8PM)from Friday to Wednesday. On Thursday’s they work 6 h... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

Can a Texas employer reduce your hourly pay by one third after 10 months of employment without ever informing you that your work is lacking? No evaluation or complaint. This is the agreed upon holy age. This only happens on the day after I return from a 7
I work for a small company family owned. I was hired for $30 per hr with the agreement that I needed training in certain areas. But I was hired as the electrician/safety coordinator. After numerous at... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Can the 90 day probationary period start over if one missed an approved day of work?
Before I accepted the job I informed my employer that I have proir reservations that will require me to miss 2 days of work during the first 90 days. Is it legal to start the 90 day period over again ... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

Can an employer cut my hours if i go on an interview?
Recently i came into work dressed up after meeting with a recruiter and since this incident my hours have been cut sometimes a low as 8 hours a week from a normal 40 hours. I was told by my shift lead... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Forcing on another shift a temp taking my old job
I was given 1 days notice that I was to change shifts permenently or I could quit. I do not feel as though I was being treated fair. Is this illegal for a company to give you such short notice and MAK... applies to Michigan  ·  1 answer

I signed a contract in Indiana stating that I would work for the company for a year. I was very unhappy with the situation and have decided to move to another job. The employer in question has stated that they have the right to charge me for the cost of f
The contract is "construed" in California, but the work and my state residency are in Indiana. I have accepted another job offer, but I'm afraid that they will back out even though I signed the offer ... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Unemployment in Texas
I have been working full time as an Administrative Assistant for 2 years at the same company. I have only worked during the day from 7 am to 3:30 pm Monday thru Friday. I was informed that due the the... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

NJ Non-Compete clause
NJ Non-Compete: (all business names and employee names are fake, just used as an example) Snappers has a 1-year non-compete with Chris, and Chris can't own, invest, or work for any business in a 25 mi... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Overtime for Salaried Employees
I am a salaried exepmt employee. I am forced to work a lot of overtime. No less than 65 hours a week and up to 80 hours on a regular basis. I have kept track of all of my hours on a spreadsheet since ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I believe my uncle has been discriminated against at work
My is a mechanic and was let go from work yesterday. His supervisor said that he had to let him go because he was not "steping it up" at work. When my uncle asked for and explaination and permission t... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Retaliation for embarrasing the company president.
I work for a local company in the computer department. The Director of MIS and I performed a check of Internet access log files. The files show all the Internet addresses that have been visited by tho... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can my old employer get me fired bc of me suing them?
I work in Pa and recently quit my job to get a new one after 11 years. I was mandated to work overtime but was only paid straight time. I am thinking of starting a class action law suit against my for... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete contract in Ohio under duress?
I am concerned about a non-compete contract that I was forced into signing. I have been reading the site scrupulously and I have not found particular information from Ohio law. I have read about cases... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I am being harassed by my one of my employees because of my health condition. What can I do?
I have an employee who I am currently working with HR for a disciplinary issue. He is now saying that my LUPUS is affecting how I manage him and that because of my illness my write-ups are emotionally... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Can i work for a client indirectly through agency
I have been working for a third party logistics company for almost 4 years. My first account I worked for 2 years. these last two years I'm working on a different account. I informed my employer that ... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

In was fired from my job at McDonald's after working there almost 5 years total because I had a seizure. It's the 3rd seizure I've had at work. I didn't know you could be fired for a medical condition. Is there anything I can do?
I had a seizure at work and was shown the footage before they fired me. They said because I didn't drop to the floor like my first seizure that it wasn't a seizure. But it was. I was spared out and st... applies to West Virginia  ·  0 answers

If being worked too hard is there a way out of a relocation repayment contract
Looking to see if I’ll be responsible for relocation expenses, even though I’m being forced to work through breaks, receive messages and calls after hours, work 65+ hours a week and being punched ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Holiday and Overtime in same week
I am classified as "salaried with overtime" so when I reach 41 hours, I am paid at 1/2 time. That stinks enough. My question is: During a holiday week for which I am paid for the holiday (as the compa... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

my job has a handbook that states that if a employe falls asleep on the job than it is termation but all I got was a writeup is this a law suit
our job handbook states that if we fall asleep at work than we are fired and all I got is a writeup be4 all this a guy was fired from work bout 3 yrs ago for same thing in state of tennenness applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Unfair Severance Package Offered to Me
If I work at a Company for 15 plus years and go on maternity leave and get a part-time position there and work 7 months part-time and get laid off and the Company offers me a package based on my part-... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can One Work Two Jobs Part Time At The Same Time, One As An Independent Contracter and one As An Employee? Doing the same job?
I presenty work as a Nurse practitioner, part time, as an independent contractor. I recently got another job to supplement income, doing the same duties but as an employee with taxes taken out weekly.... applies to Delaware  ·  0 answers

in the state of Missouri can my employer change our work week from five on two off to ten on four off, just to not have to pay us overtime
we have to work ten days on and four days off just so my employer doesn't have to pay us overtime applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

If I got laid off from full time job but still work on call for different employer am I disqualified
I got laid off from my 40-hour week job. Simultaneously, i am an on-call worker for a retail store. I still work there but have been told that my on-call status with the retail (as opposed to part tim... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Do California non-compete statutes apply to stock options?
I live and work in California but my company is based on the east coast. I am eligible to retire from my company, which would allow me to keep my stock options; they would vest on their normal schedul... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I work in Florida and my employer is telling me I cannot take unpaid vacation. Is this allowed?
I work as an hourly employee where I accrue PTO at a rate of 1.5 hours a week. I want to accrue vacation to be able to have enough for a trip next year, 80 hours. I want to take two days unpaid now so... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Clock in time, and garnishment for non-payers
My employer requests us to be at work at a specific time, however, we are not allowed to clock in until we are needed. We cannot leave, due to the employer not knowing when we will be needed, yet are ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

So I put my new weeks in at work so I can give them time to replace me so I have vacation I wanted to use some of my time and they are refusing anybody vacation an sick days I have 94 hours vacation and 16 hours vacation what do I do about all that time I
I work fargo assembly of pa Got new job gonna start August 9th put my 2 weeks in on March 26 my last day would be April 6th applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

Can a company fire US citizen after they find cheap foreign worker without any work auth?
I am US citizen. I was employed as technology consultant initially for 3 months contract. During the middle of the contract they liked my work and told me they would extend my contract to 2 more month... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

California's Alternative Workweek Schedule
This question is for the state of California. We would like to request that our employees work 3/12 shifts? (3 days a week, 12 hours a day) Can this be considered an Alternative Workweek Schedule? Wha... applies to California  ·  1 answer

How long does a company have to hold your job when you are out on disability?
My wife was diagnosed with cancer in December 2016, she had FMLA,short term disability then long term disability. She has now been released to go back to work (Sept 2017). She talked to HR and they to... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Do I have a case
I am disabled. I was hired about 3 years ago when shortly therafter, the manager I was to work for was moved aside for what later became my last manager. I was just laid off. The origional mananger di... applies to West Virginia  ·  0 answers

Can I take legal action if I'm getting bullyed and my HR/Supervisors don't do anything??
I would like to sue my company. I used to love going to work always excited and always early! Now I am getting bullyed and don't want to get out of bed my anxiety depression and panic attacks are hitt... applies to Washington  ·  2 answers

Can a employer lower your bonus due to a health issue that came up.
My company moved our store to a different location. I am the assistant store manager. I had some anxiety issues pop up during this time. My boss had me do basically nothing thinking I would have a hea... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

I was let go over age . I was given a severance pay & not documents involved. Just told me the check would be in my account next day . I am also not being paid for my last week & a half of work . Can they do this ?
I was hired with intentions of a successful position in a dental practice. After working for 4 weeks I was asked how old I was . He assumed I was younger . Instead of continuing to train me (I have 15... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Iam a 47 year old single mom of 2 . My oldest is 17 . I have been falsly accused if sexyal harrasment by a 23 year old boy at work. He said i said something a year a go . This has already dammaged my repuation . I believe it is because he and his supervis
Conversation 1 uear ago I said i needed help with my TV in my bedroom i could not get nextflix to work He said i asked him to hang my tv in my bedroom . He was fixing my computer so i thought he would... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Was I wrongfully dismissed?
I was attacked in a home invasion in June. My attacker beat me for over 3 hours before I was able to get away and lock myself in the washroom. Well I was locked in the washroom my attacker stabbed him... applies to California  ·  0 answers

is small claims a way to collect wages ?
I am a over the raod truck driver. I had worked for a small company this year located in illinois. In march last year I went without getting paid a full month,This employer was contracting through a b... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

is small claims a way to collect wages ?
I am a over the raod truck driver. I had worked for a small company this year located in illinois. In march last year I went without getting paid a full month,This employer was contracting through a b... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

severence pay
I recently got terminated for poor work performance after 24 1/2 years with the company, the poor work performance was due to mental impairment due to a family bereavement within 1 month previously, a... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

NYC Non-Compete Agreements
Hi, I am currently being sued by my former employer for going to work for a competitor. I am doing a completely different role currently. There is no information that I feel was considered confidentia... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can I do work for a former employers customer?
I am in Ohio and have started a Electronic Security Company. I have a non compete with a former employer. One of their customers contacted me and said they are no longer using my former company for el... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I was hired at a hospital In ohio on Feb 6th 9 days into my orientation I got really sick and had to miss 4 days of work. My boss told me not to come back until I was better and would have to have a doctor's excuse. The doctor released me to go back to wo
I was hired on Feb 6th at a hospital in marietta ohio. 9 days into orientation I got really sick. I had gone to the doctor 3 times in that week trying to get better. I had talked with the nurse superv... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I am on FMLA due to mental stress because of a hostile work environment. I reported it to HR but all I was told was if I couldn’t handle it I should take a leave and if I wanted HR would assist me in finding a more suitable job for me. I asked if my med
I am on FMLA due to mental stress because of a hostile work environment. I reported it to HR but all I was told was if I couldn’t handle it I should take a leave and if I wanted HR would assist me i... applies to South Dakota  ·  0 answers

i was work bullied by my manager last year and etremly over worked and now im sick and depresd all the thim iv ben their for 13 years do i hav a case
i was manager bullied and very over wored extrem overbearing supervision at one point was taken to the office and yeld at infront of the store direcor witch he did nothing about and i still dont no wh... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Is this discrimination?
I have been employed at my job for 2+ years, The entire time of employment, I've not had teeth, due to factors outside of work. Tonight, there was a mandatory staff meeting, which I attended. Out of 5... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

On Monday I was denied unemployment because I waited to long according to the interviewer.
On Monday I was denied unemployment because I had been deemed to have voluntarily quit. I sent a 5 page written synopsis as to the events leading me to quit which covered a 4 month period. I also prov... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Questions about pregnancy disability leave
The hospital that I work for only allows for 4 months of pregnancy disability leave and I started bleeding when I was 13 weeks pregnant. I am now 26 weeks and my doctor still does not want me to go ba... applies to California  ·  1 answer

is it legal to ask an employee what he was doing after he left work ny
is it legal or do I have to answer employee questions about what I did after I left work ny applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I was slander in my work place about being caught having sex with an employee
Caught having sex with employee at work applies to California  ·  0 answers

new claim new pending issues unemployment?
I live in Missouri and have put in several quarters at different jobs. I was claiming my unemployment until my benefit year to date and it had only been claiming unemployment for about three months. S... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

My supervisor told me that a customer complained to the corporate office of my employer. I was suspended at the beginning of last week and terminated at the end of the week. What my supervisor said didn't happen because 1.I never said anything rude to the
Everything was going fine at work until one morning, when I reported to work, I was called into the store manager's office. Her claim that I insulted a customer came as a surprise as no one approached... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Can my employer force me to have a surgery that I don't need?
was diagnosis with bilateral inguinal hernia. But surgeon said not no where near sever enough to have surgery, released me to return to work with no restrictions. My employer will not let me return to... applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

Relocation and Unsafe Work Conditions
I recently resigned from my position 5 months shy of my 2 years, doing so, I must pay back my relocation of $4000 because I didn't stay the full two years. Though, I ended up leaving because of variou... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Personal Time Off for Exempt employee
My wife is an exempt employee and works for a company that has a Personal Time Off (PTO) policy. She accures PTO every pay period, and can use that time for vacation or sick days. Every other company ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I'm on FMLA due to multiple conditions. I'm lucky if I can work 3 days for a few hours. Company requires employees to work minimum number of hours to get their insurance. If my FMLA is for less hours than required can my employer terminate my insurance wi
I'm on FMLA due to multiple conditions. I'm lucky if I can work 3 days for a few hours. Company requires employees to work minimum number of hours to get their insurance. If my FMLA is for less hours ... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Work place security camera spying
I live in Iowa and at the work place there are visible security camera’s because it is a quick service restaurant, so the camera’s are located in strategic places. How ever with the New GM in the ... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

Boss clocked me out two hours before shift was over and did not tell me until the end of the shift.
I work at a sandwich shop and I was forced to work a double shift that gave me a total of 40 hrs. for the week. Two hours before the second shift was up the owner clocked me out without telling me unt... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Are employers entitled to accomodate pregnant employees?
I am a cna who works 12 hour shifts at a hospital, I was 8 months pregnant and started having contractions. I had contacted my supervisor about cutting my work hours until i return from my maternity l... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

I work two jobs, one job cut my hrs to 32. The other a resturant job shut down due to stay at home order. How do I complete IDES form to qualify for partial unemployment? IF I still work one of the two jobs still loosing half of my income?
IDES form does not allow to claim for partial unemployment if still working one of two jobs. Can't go to an office for help, can't call for assistance just get recorded messages? applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

termination or not
I have taken a short term disability leave for depression/anxiety. Have been off work for 3 months now. Was cleared to return on the 3oth of this month. When I went into my work, my supervisor said sh... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete after being RIF'd
I was let go by my previous employer about 3 months ago stating no further need for my services. Today, I was contacted by a customer of said previous employer. They are looking for someone to do cont... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Is my boss required to investigatie domestic violence claims outside of work?
I recently lost my job after a coworker I was dating made accusations to my boss I was violent with her during an incident that occurred outside work, and that I was continuing to stalk/cyberstalk her... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

can my employer discharge me even when I provided a Doctor excuss?
I am a bargaining union employee at my company and my supervisor discharged me because my doctor excuse did not state that I was unable to work on that day, but it stated that I was excuse from work f... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

What if I get hired at a job. The day that I start another employee tells a manager a lie that I did some thing and then the manager comes to me and says I cannot work at that location I have to go somewhere else because of another employees false accusat
I was hired at a restaurant. I started the next day when I walked in the door another employee made a false explanation to the manager. At that point the manager came up to me and said I could no long... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Can an employer force you into a negative PTO balance without your permission and during FMLA?
I work for a major health system. I recently had to take unexpected FMLA for a week prior to a scheduled vacation. I was off on FMLA for 1 week and returned to work for 1 days prior to my vacation. I ... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Am i getting cheated?
I am a store manager for a farm parts retail store I was put on salary income, and i only get paid for 80 hours every two weeks regardless if i work 100 hours, but if i work less lets say 60 hours i a... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Is my non-compete valid if I only worked at a company for less than a month?
I worked at a healthcare office for less than 4 weeks. I was fired because they felt that I was not working at their standards. Their office goes through new employees every week. I have another job o... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Disparage in work assignments for the same job title
I work for a company based out of another state. I was forced to give up my part time administrative assistant last year based on sales being down. My sales this year are above my goals for the entire... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Can I cap how many hours my employee works?
I work as a therapist and recently hired a w2 therapist. I pay them one rate for clinical (seeing clients for therapy), and one rate for other work they provide (emails, to-do tasks, etc). For any non... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Active Duty solider working part time is it ilegal to be deframed for being called to duty?
I'm an Active Duty solider and work part time at a corporate and wanted to know if it was illegal for an employer to defamed my reputation to another manager about my work due to being called to duty,... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Retaliation due to me quitting
My husband and I worked at the same adult group home, when being left short staffed and doing the work of two people, I put my notice in to terminate my employment. Still being under my probationary p... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

School district making employees go into homes during covid.
I was furloughed from my job as a paraprofessional at my school district. There was over 100 of us. After it was voted on because the administration said there was no work for us, because our school w... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

I am working 60-70 hours a week getting paid straight time pay NO overtime, is that wrong
I am working between 50-70 hours a week. I am on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week....unless I tell them weeks in advance that I cannot do it. I am the ONLY employee that seems to ever want to work so... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

My employer calls or texts me every day I am scheduled to work asking if I will be attending my scheduled shift, is this legal? 80%of the time it is when I am sleeping....
I work 3rd shift & get calls or texts while sleeping to verify my attendance for upcoming shift, is it legal in Ohio? applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Can you get unemployment if your employer (untruly) states you were PRN an unavailable to work?
Hi..I have been working at my job for the last two years. Recently I applied for school and was accepted to attend full time. I advised my job that I would start school full time in January and asked ... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

does my employer have to hold my job, can i be fired?
I'm currently out of work on disablity incurance The incurance is a benefit i pay for through work.I am out due to a mental health issue. I am allowed 26 weeks of paid leave. does my employer have to ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Non-compete problem
My company has been taken over and they are closing the New York office and moving select employees to Chicago. I am a VP of sales, but cannot go to Chicago because of elderly parents I must assist to... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Is there anything my wife and her fellow co-workers can do to have this abuser fired?
My wife works as a kitchen aid for a nursing home and there is one women who mentally abuses and talks crap about everyone in the kitchen (not just my wife). She pushes off her work on to the others a... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Can an employer demote me after I've had medical leave and now on dialysis?
I was admitted to the hospital after suffering a heart attack. They also found I'm having kidney failure, which means I'll need dialysis, 3 times a week. I informed my employer about what was going on... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

epilepsy issue, not promoted to F/T
I work as a Millworks specialist at Home Depot P/T. Been here 11 Mo.s, had an epileptic seizure a couple months ago at work. Went to ER, etc. Being an "official Millwork Specialist" with an opening fo... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Boss told me if I want to have my Union representation present when he speaks he will put me on notice and I will be written up immediately and if I use my FMLA today or any other day he knows for a fact I will be missing a part on my job every single day
I ended up staying at work even though I didn't want to but I was too scared I get fired if I use my FMLA to leave and I went into work last night because I'm just been too scared and I want to get fi... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Is my 1 year non-compete enforceable
I work for a staffing agency and have a non-compete that says I’m restricted from working in the US in competition with my current employer for a period of 12 months. I’m based in New York and in ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My employer is asking for s Drs note from two weeks ago, can they do this and I never recieved the Notice of rights and responsibilities.
My 46 year old sister, who happens to be a single mother just had a c-section and a tubal 4 weeks a go, 2 weeks ago I missed two days of work to help her because she could barely get around and under ... applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

I recently had all my hours cut from work. I'm the only person to have all hours cut, and I am the only asian person in my workplace is this considered discrimination?
I am a 48 year old women. I'm asian. Recently had all my hours cut at work. And the only person. They offered me lower paying positions, and i did decline. I know the company is going through financia... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

fired after telling hr I feel discriminated against and am seeking legal counsel! can they legally
recently I expressed to my employer that I felt discriminated against and that I was seeking legal counsel...I was forced not to work(by employer -I was okayed to work by a physician).I received a let... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

should a vet working for va pay higher health premiums
A vet working for the VA as part-time, but has worked 40 hours since day one pay more for health benefits, because they are officially scheduled fro SAT. and Sun., so it does not matter they work the ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

FMLA - coercion
I was out on FMLA from my job of 2+ years at an NGO while my terminally ill brother was in the hospital and when I returned to work after 9 weeks they had hired a new director in my sub-dept. We do no... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can you collect unemployment after being on LTD?
A hostile work environment contributed to a need to take a medical leave which turned into a long-term disability. When given medical approval to return to work I was informed I no longer had a job an... applies to New Hampshire  ·  0 answers

can you recieve write up for injuring yourself on job with theats of termination if injured again
after ijuring my back on the job7-28-09, i came back to a write up for injuring myself withthreats termination if any more injurys occur. today 8-10-09 when i retuned to work is the first time i was t... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

Hi Mel, I resigned without notice due to a hostile work environment that I complained about verbally and email for over a year. we had a meeting about it finally and the next day, it was worse. I took 2 days off and then emailed my resignation. I plan on
I have the emails on what im claiming. no action was ever tsken until this last week. in my resignation letter I stated that it was no longer ok for my well being to stay in this hostile work environm... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Employer refusing to pay for overtime wages earned
My employer has bounced back and forth on whether she's going to pay me overtime on a project she made me work on at home. I was hired on an hourly basis, then changed to salaried exempt, and that's w... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can I receive unemployment benefits if I was off work due to getting hurt and was denied my workman'
I have been off work going on 5 weeks now but no income due to getting hurt on the job and my workman comp claim was denied can I claim unemployment applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Are the details of my non compete clause too restrictive to be enforceable
I work as a Physician Assitant. I have signed a non compete clause that limits my ability to practice within a 40 mile radius for 5 years after I leave my current employer. The contract does not speci... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

how t file a discrimination lawsuit when emplyer writes some people for missing work and some they do not
how to file a discrimination lawsuit when my employer writes some employees up for missing work and some they do not applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Will a non compete stand up if I signed it and the no one from the company signed the paperwork?
I started with my company as the assistant to the CEO. I signed the non compete then and he didn't sign the paperwork. I have been with the company for almost 5 years now and have worked my way up to ... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

In a drug program had took my medication wrong and was going through a drug withdraw was unable to work due the symptoms and my job terminated me do I have a case
When hired my employer knew I was part of a drug program and was on medication and recently they changed my medication and I had a bad reaction and my body went through withdrawals and was unable to w... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Company is based in OH & I take a job in GA, noncompete is judged by OH or GA laws?
I work for a Software as a Service (SAAS)company that offers only users on their system media buying and placement. I provide consultations and media and buying services. My noncompete says that for 1... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

is a new employer liable to be sued by former employer in a non compete?
Left former employer, thought the non compete was void due to old employer shook hands, wished me well, and knew I was going to work for small competitor. 6 months later, old employer sent new employe... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

because I have a electrical background from Tennessee I would tell him no .. we should permit work
I am not sure what to do I want to file a lawsuit against him I was made to feel horrible about myself for going to the doctor's even though it was the pressures he put on us at work . He would always... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Are there laws in place to protect the caregivers of diabetics?
My seven-year old child has Type 1 diabetes. My employer wrote me up for missing work to care for her. My husband and I are the only ones who know how to care for her when she is well, much less when ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Back surgery
I fell off a work stand and had bck surgery in August of 2001. I ws laid-off from my job this May of 2003. I can not due the job I have done for over 36 years due to the pain and the limited movement ... applies to Georgia  ·  1 answer

In regards to a Non-Compete Contract does the following mean 12 months, or 12 months after working.
Here is the beginning of the non compete. I am wondering if it is for 12 months only, or 12 months after I would leave the company in anyway, (fired, or just want to work for a different company). I a... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Once FMLA runs out and an employer fires you, can you still continue to receive STD benefits?
My daughter suffers from chronic migraines and stress related panic attacks. Her employer started recording her missed time under FMLA, and last year her doctor put her on Short Term Disability leave.... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

My line of business in Iowa is closing. We were told on 10/31/17, my last date of actual work is 11/30/17 and effective date of employment terminating is 12/31/17. The entire Iowa division is done. The company still exists and has other companies in other
My line of business in Iowa is closing. We were told on 10/31/17, my last date of actual work is 11/30/17 and effective date of employment terminating is 12/31/17. The entire Iowa division is done. Th... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

What can I do about being written up when there is no dress code?
My place of employment has no dress code that I am aware of (my supervisor is also not aware of any dress code) -- yet I was written up for wearing jeans to work. I have been wearing jeans to work eve... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

College neglected withhold mandatory OBRA
I recently started to work part time at a public school and they are required to withhold OBRA. I also work part time at a community college and just realized that they have not been withholding the m... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Non-Compete - Same Industry, different location/customer base
I work in the staffing industry. I had to sign a non-compete agreement in order to be hired at a small private firm to sell our services to companies seeking office/admin. assistance. The agreement st... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Can you please clarify what "formal written negotiations" means?
I signed a contract to do sub contract work for a company. Before I had done any work for them, I terminated the contract (it was at-will employment) There is wording in the solicitation restrictions ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Can they retaliate against me by increasing my hours?
I worked for a Mental health institute for almost 7 years. Three years ago I fell on the ice behind the building and broke my kneecap. I was back to work in 1 month after surgery. But last year I file... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Fired for accusation of being involve in stealing at work.
I work at a warehouse where we sell restaurants supplies. on July 17, 2012 myself and other co workers were brought up to the boss office for questioning. I was told that there has been people stealin... applies to California  ·  1 answer

If I work in AZ for a company based in TX, what does that mean in regards to FMLA, ADA and unemploym
I work in AZ for a private company headquartered in TX. The AZ office has 10 employees and the TX office has 55-60+ employees. 1) If FMLA applies to companies with 50 or more employees within a 75-mil... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

If I work in AZ for a company based in TX, what does that mean in regards to FMLA, ADA and unemploym
I work in AZ for a private company headquartered in TX. The AZ office has 10 employees and the TX office has 55-60+ employees. 1) If FMLA applies to companies with 50 or more employees within a 75-mil... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

non complete valid??
I currently sold my salon business to an individ. and we had an attorney complete the transaction however, the buyer did not want to pay an attorney for a non compete so she requested me to sign a doc... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Hired by company contracted by new company. Still get severance from previous company?
The company (A) I work for was bought out. Employees were told they would receive a severance payment for each year they had been employed (by the way there was no written agreement, just verbal). The... applies to Nebraska  ·  0 answers

I recently divorced a supervisor, whom I have children with. After our divorce, she began to date a supervisor in my section. Since I had also injured myself at work, I became seriously depressed abou... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I had brought (explicit)reading material to work, and left it behind by accident. Today I was fired for Sexual harrasment. I showed this material to no one.
I apparently left behind some explicit materials at my work, and someone forwarded then to Human resources and I today was fired for sexual harrasment. applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Do I have to release an employee's entire file to WC Insurance company?
I have an employee that has been out of work on a WC injury for over a year, she cannot return to work, they are currently asking for her entire employee file, which does not contain anything about he... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Simply my supervisors wait a day before we go on our break,Christmas break to put me on leave for being tardy see I'm a bus driver for Beaumont Independent School District and have been one for 10yrs I driven so many places and came back year after year d
Okay I've had a problem with being late I can say that but the problem is so has everyone on this job I mean even when I first started in 2008 tardiness was norm because you could report to work 15 mi... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Simply my supervisors wait a day before we go on our break,Christmas break to put me on leave for being tardy see I'm a bus driver for Beaumont Independent School District and have been one for 10yrs I driven so many places and came back year after year d
Okay I've had a problem with being late I can say that but the problem is so has everyone on this job I mean even when I first started in 2008 tardiness was norm because you could report to work 15 mi... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

My sister was out of work after workin for walmart almost ten years and was a team leader when had to take a leave for medical surgery on kneck now after all she's Ben threw she is returning back to work to 3 days a week and a total cut in pay plus part t
Was out for sergury but drew temp disability until released from Dr followed all was suppose to be done but when released she has Ben made to take pay cut plus a different position and totally differe... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Simply my supervisors wait a day before we go on our break,Christmas break to put me on leave for being tardy see I'm a bus driver for Beaumont Independent School District and have been one for 10yrs I driven so many places and came back year after year d
Okay I've had a problem with being late I can say that but the problem is so has everyone on this job I mean even when I first started in 2008 tardiness was norm because you could report to work 15 mi... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Simply my supervisors wait a day before we go on our break,Christmas break to put me on leave for being tardy see I'm a bus driver for Beaumont Independent School District and have been one for 10yrs I driven so many places and came back year after year d
Okay I've had a problem with being late I can say that but the problem is so has everyone on this job I mean even when I first started in 2008 tardiness was norm because you could report to work 15 mi... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I am a CNA. I am 6 months pregnant with twins my doctor has placed me on light duty and given me a written letter stating I can not lift more than 20lbs. My job took me off the schedule the day I turned my paper work in. Human resources gave me a list of
I'm a CNA Been working and performing all job duties while pregnant even worked double shifts (16hr) throughout my pregnancy. Been placed on light duty by my doctor and now my job won't allow me to wo... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

laid-off and then fired
I volunteered for a permanent layoff around August 16,2002. My job was to pay me 26 weeks of sub-pay and I also would receive unemployment pay. My last day of work was to be Sept. 13. I called into wo... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Employment Restrictions
I currently work as a contract employee at Caterpillar Inc. I am a purchasing analyst and have been offered a position with a supplier to Caterpillar. Upon giving my notice, I was told by my Caterpill... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

12 year employee
I have worked for a major corporation since February 1997. Since June of 2006 I have been a Sunday employee. I transferred to an Antioch location February of 2007 as a Sunday only employee. As of Marc... applies to California  ·  1 answer

My employer charge me 100% medical premium even though I worked 1 week out of that month.
We pay $25 of our health care premium. I left on maternity leave April 8, 2011 was my last day. I returned to work on June 1. During this time they made me pay for April premium. I understand I would ... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Hi my name is Amancio Jimenez, maintenance supervisor, 9 years, 4 years no raise, 5 personal days removed also one sick day. New board members removed my housing allowance for on 24 hrs. Call. Expect me to work for same hourly rate. What can I do? 773-297
Sudden demoted salary. No advance notification , expect to work for same hourly rate for emergency 24 hrs. On call. applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Unfairly denied unemployment benefits. Appeal hearing Tuesday, need advice.
I left my employer of 7 years in August. There is confusion determining if I was fired or if I quit. I feel like the term "Involuntary Resignation" may apply to my circumstance. My boss accused me of ... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

can my employer retaliate because I asked for FMLA?
Four weeks ago I was diagnosed with severe bronchitis and was told by my doctor to stay home to get rest and take a course of treatment. I had no more time to take off for the year but the doctor told... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Medical Privacy at Work
My employer is shopping health insurance and has asked each employee to complete a thorough medical history questionnaire. I understand that an insurance company would require this for underwriting, h... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Can employer (a government entity) change rate of pay and still require my daughter to do same work?
My daughter and a couple of her friends were hired by the mayor of a local village at $8 per hour. At the March meeting, the Village Board decided to raise the pay to $15/hour effective May 1. This is... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I had emergency life threatning surgery, then I was forced to come back to work or be terminated. Since I am back I have been given a failing annual evaluation. I have been employed there for 9 years and have always been above standards in my work. What c
I have been there for 9 years. I asked to use a power chair to get from the parking garage to my office, my doctor filled out all the ADA paperwork, but they denied me using it stating that there is o... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

PC Help Desk Overtime
I was hired with a company with "full-time salaried employment status" back in June 2006 to work as a computer help desk tech. It was always commonplace to work overtime, it came with the job. I have ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Are freelancers able to file a claim with the NY DOL for unpaid wages?
I am a freelance editor who has not been paid by a media company for work done on their magazine in January 2011. I have signed contracts from them regarding the terms of delivery and rate of payment ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

can a multi-party claim be filed in a different state from the defendants, if the plaintiffs (us) are subcontractors doing work in Philadelphia PA but the defendant (Company headquarters) is in Virginia?
We are subcontractors working under an independent contractor, who has not been paid, therefore, we also have not been paid for labor performed. We wish to file a multi-party (3-6 workers) claim in th... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

If I'm paid commision at my salon in MA, can they force me to stay at work when I don't have clients
Hi, I have worked at a salon in Mass for 5 years now, and since I have been on commision, for 3 years, I have set my own schedule and could come and go as long as I had no clients. The owners now want... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

can a multi-party claim be filed in a different state from the defendants, if the plaintiffs (us) are subcontractors doing work in Philadelphia PA but the defendant (Company headquarters) is in Virginia?
We are subcontractors working under an independent contractor, who has not been paid, therefore, we also have not been paid for labor performed. We wish to file a multi-party (3-6 workers) claim in th... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

can a multi-party claim be filed in a different state from the defendants, if the plaintiffs (us) are subcontractors doing work in Philadelphia PA but the defendant (Company headquarters) is in Virginia?
We are subcontractors working under an independent contractor, who has not been paid, therefore, we also have not been paid for labor performed. We wish to file a multi-party (3-6 workers) claim in th... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

If I'm paid commision at my salon in MA, can they force me to stay at work when I don't have clients
Hi, I have worked at a salon in Mass for 5 years now, and since I have been on commision, for 3 years, I have set my own schedule and could come and go as long as I had no clients. The owners now want... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

What unemployment benefits am I qualified for I'm being "forced to resign"?
I recently moved form San Jose to Los Angeles due to my husband's work. I was able to work remotely for 6 months and was hoping to continue this arrangement. My employer said they wanted somebody onsi... applies to California  ·  3 answers

I am an independant contractor. The company I have been working for is not getting payment from the client they contracted me to work with. If they end my contract early do they have to buy it out?
I am contracted for a company that does work for clients. The client has not paid the company, and because of this they have to downsize the entire staff (not just this project) Since I am a contracto... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Does this forced resignation qualify for unemployment?
I filed a two week notice with my work to leave for another job. A few days into the new job, I was told I would not be getting taxes taken out so I chose to refuse the position. My current workplace ... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

As a physical therapist in MA, can a non-compete agreement be enforced against me?
I am a physical therapist who works for a contract company/staffing agency (a company that I am an employee of that provides different temporary work sites). I am paid by this company and am a full ti... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Non Compete
My question is on a non compete agreement i signed 6 months after I was hired. I work for a subcontractor in the glazing industry where there are open bids to get work with General contractors and the... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Transferring contractor's from one agency to another?
The company that I currently work for is submitting a RFP for a State Contract, and in the RFP the state wants to know how we will handle the contractors that currently work through other Staffing Age... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

It was a long time ago, but I was wondering if it was legal back around 2002/2003 for a company to take me off of a project for filing a complaint about a co-worker, who they kept on that project.
I worked for a large corporation and followed their guidelines for complaining about a co-worker that made comments at work about how the Nazi's would measure the size of Jew's skulls...etc...addition... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

What if as a nurse I signed a non-compete agreement with an out of state employer but they have never given me any work. Im going on week 3 now and nothing. Would I still be obligated to abide by the non compete?
I have signed a non-compete agreement with an out of state employer. Its been 3 weeks and they have not assigned me any clients the agreement still in force or can I resign and work for anot... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

no compete convenant
i worked for a house cleaning co. for 3 years, recently new ownership took over and i lost my health benefits, i had to sign a non compete agreement or they would have let me go, i made it clear that ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Longer hours requested, no more money for it ...
I work in a small private company as a manager and supervise 5 -6 employees. Our working week is 35 hours, but company has a right to extend it to 40 hours when needed. Such extensions happen and all ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I signed a non compete in hydraulic industry and now I am laid off, can I get a job in this field?
After 2 years working in the hydraulic field I was laid off. This was explained by my boss was due to lack of work. Now, I am having trouble finding work in another field. I am just wondering legally ... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

I had an open claim with a construction company that started January 15th 2017. It was seasonal work so we had lack of work in the winter. I took a new job in August 2017 working for a demolition company. Due to cold temperatures we had to get laid off on
I was laid off from my new job that I worked from August to December. Can I use an old claim from January 2017 that I had with my previous employer or do I need to start a new one? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

On medical leave and won't allow me to return to work.
Worked for 20 years for big 3 company. On disability for depression/anxiety from work at the company and put into supervisor role and not trained nor paid for that duty. Put on medical leave by compan... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete for Software developers.
I am a software developer and was hired by Company A to work as a contractor for a client in the Bellevue area. Since Company A did not do H1B visas, they referred me to company B. So I am an empoyee ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I'm on FMLA due to multiple conditions. I'm lucky if I can work 3 days for a few hours. Company requires employees to work minimum number of hours to get their insurance. If my FMLA is for less hours than required can my employer terminate my insurance wi
I'm on FMLA due to multiple conditions. I'm lucky if I can work 3 days for a few hours. Company requires employees to work minimum number of hours to get their insurance. If my FMLA is for less hours ... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Hello, I had just graduated and had 10 months w very light experience w a very low level of responsibility at one client. I was an intern to entry level employee. I signed a non-compete for only one month’s compensation and could not (even more so now)
-Near entry level (intern) -Laid off early Covid -Low responsibility -Narrow scope of work -Information technology -Non-compete states I cannot compete for a job with any of their employees or competi... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Is the non-compete I signed enforceable?
I recently joined an IT company (still in my 90 day probationary period), and I wish to go to work as a full-time employee for one of my company's customers. Reasons: My current company has recently c... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

State of Ohio.
Put in two weeks notice at former place of employment. Was required to leave immediately since I was on the tech team. Signed paper work that was a copy of my two weeks notice and received pay for the... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I was fired 5 years ago for untrue reasons. I had no way to defend myself because the people who could help me were afraid of getting fired. The area was closed and the people on that shift can defend me now as they do not work for the company. Can I stil
they said I was sleeping on the job but it was not true. I was the manager and I was always working on the floor. One picture showed me sitting back looking down, I was waiting for a batch to be keyed... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

My wife does not get breaks at work. can she sue them? can she quit and get unemployment? 8-9 straight hours is killing her and being her husband, I am making her quit!
My wife is a cook at a nursing home and she never gets breaks! not even a lunch break! She has to clock out and go back to work and come back in 30min and clock back in. Smokers get several breaks to ... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

Can my husband be terminated during surgery leave?
My husband had hernia surgery on Jan 18th 2013. He gave his employer notice and informed of being out for 6 weeks. His HR person told him to go through FMLA, which he did. They denied him protection d... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

I work for a company that has a 36 hours work week. Any hours over 40 are considered OT but if I have already worked 42 hours by Friday (which r half day) and I request to take that Friday off (4 hours) then they withdraw Friday's hours from my PTO, even
I feel like if I have already worked over the required weekly hours i should not be penalized by being forced to use PTO hours that I have earned so at the end of the pay period i would have 48 hours ... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Working in NH. Started a job for one position and after 8 months i was doing more thatn i was hired to do, alot more. My supervisor during my first review promised a substantial raise for extra extra work i was doing. After 4 years, 4 reviews, and taking
Working in NH. Started a job for one position and after 8 months i was doing more than i was hired to do, a lot more. My supervisor during my first review promised a substantial raise for extra extra ... applies to New Hampshire  ·  0 answers

Can a non competition agreement be enforced if signed in the USA but I will work in Europe?
I gave in April my company notice of my resignation effective end of August. My company then told me that I get paid two more weeks and they enforce my non-competition until end of August. Until the e... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Do I have to fulfill the 90-day resignation agreement?
The company I work for lost their agreement with the hospital I work for and I will be out of a job at the end of the year (I am a nurse practitioner). I have found another job and have turned in my n... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

I work at a place where the owner had in previous months sexually assaulted me and asked me out. Now I'm having problems with the other staff members since losing our general manager due to them harassing her. Now the HR manager has falsely told the owner
I work at a place where the owner had in previous months sexually assaulted me and asked me out. Now I'm having problems with the other staff members since losing our general manager due to them haras... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Previous company threatening arbitration when new job has nothing to do with previous job
My husband has been working for a company, Florida Pest Control, for over two years. A contract was signed saying he is an at-will employee, and that if he goes to another company that he cannot give ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Previous company threatening arbitration when new job has nothing to do with previous job
To elaborate on the jobs, the previous job is pest control. I spray outside the residence for weeds, moss treatments, irrigation, and control outside pests. The new job is just a lawn company that cut... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

My employer wants to discipline me for providing them with a sexual in nature email
My supervisor sent a sexual in nature email to another employee during work hours. The email was printed off from another employee who gave it to me to use in my sexual harassment complaint against th... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Do to all the privacy laws I am wondering if a school support staff contract can be public knowledge
I served as the Elementary Secretary for approximately 9 years. During this time I was diagnosed with breast cancer and took a leave of absence. I had no problem after my treatments and was able to re... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

Letter stating I will not return to work.
I have been on medical leave for 10 weeks. My doctor extened me another 5 weeks. When I informed my employer of my extension, they reminded me that after 12 weeks they can no longer hold my job. Then ... applies to California  ·  2 answers

I am a Shop Stewert for a large company. I had a violation and was treated harsher then others with the same violation. Is this retaliation?
I am a Shop Stewart for a large company. I had a violation and was treated harsher then others with the same violation. Is this retaliation? We have a new boss for a year and a half who has created a ... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

If you're fired from a job within your first 90 days because you were sick and and had a dr. Excuse but they wouldn't accept it and they tried to force you to work your weekend off to make it up but you couldn't and tried to explain but they refused to li
I missed 3 consecutive days that I had severe migraine, vomiting and abdominal pain And BP thru the roof. I had dr. Excuse but they said they didn't accept dr. Excuse and said if I didn't work the Sat... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

Reverse Sex Discrimination at Work
I have a male friend who has worked seasonally for a very large and very well-known company for 5 years. He has been patiently waiting to get in permanently but they have already passed him up once to... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

Can I get back on unemployment with the following occurrence of "just cause"?
I took a job while I was collecting unemployment after about 2 and a half months. The new job did not work out and I quit after an employee I had to work in close proximity with was hostile and did no... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

My PTO and sick leave is exhausted at work due to needing to use it for maternity leave and now pumping breaks at work. Is there any reason that I shouldn't be able to take off personal or sick days, unpaid? I'm having trouble understanding why this would
I'm trying to take 2 days off for a family reunion that is out of state and have no available PTO/Sick leave. My employer is telling me that I cannot take the time off if I don't have time saved. What... applies to California  ·  0 answers

how do I protect myself - employer accused me of illegal activity
I work for a sales co. The company allows and promotes state agency employees to use specified funds for one purpose to be used for other non-specified items . For example- use software funds - to pur... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

My husband became hospitalized end of jan this year due to gangrene in foot he cobt to have medical issues with diabetes hyper tension and his treatment for gangrene (trying to save leg) is daily he is supposed to be non weight bearing causing need for fu
I work at mcdonalds recently promoted to dept manager we dont have exact time line off recovery just estimate of 3 to 6 months more i need to work since its only income at this time but i cant meet th... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

I work at a and last month I was told by a member to my face what was wrong with me I walk around with my Dam nose stuck in the air and whom do I think I am I responded to the member that the coversation was over an walked away the member di
I work at a Y and last month I was told by a member to my face what was wrong with me I walk around with my Dam nose stuck in the air and whom do I think I am I responded to the member that the covers... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

A employee accuses a co worker of stealing prescription drugs from her purse and then quits because I didn't reprimand the accused employee and now ex employee wants unemployment benefits
Would a employee be able to receive unemployment benefits because I did not reprimand their co worker that they accused of stealing prescription drugs from her purse in her office. The accuser quit be... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

My employer is trying to move my monthly pay day from the 15th of every month to the 28th but won't pay us 6 weeks on the first payment even though we will have worked 6 weeks without pay.
We usually get paid on the 15th of every month for the months before work. They now want to pay us in the 28th for the months before work but aren't paying us the 2 weeks difference applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Hi, I was on medical leave for a few months and returned to work this week. However, before I returned I was informed by the new manager of our department that my position was being eliminated and that they distributed my duties to other personelle and th
Hi, I was on medical leave for a few months and returned to work this week. However, before I returned I was informed by the new manager of our department that my position was being eliminated and tha... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Hi, I was on medical leave for a few months and returned to work this week. However, before I returned I was informed by the new manager of our department that my position was being eliminated and that they distributed my duties to other personelle and th
Hi, I was on medical leave for a few months and returned to work this week. However, before I returned I was informed by the new manager of our department that my position was being eliminated and tha... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Hi, I was on medical leave for a few months and returned to work this week. However, before I returned I was informed by the new manager of our department that my position was being eliminated and that they distributed my duties to other personelle and th
Hi, I was on medical leave for a few months and returned to work this week. However, before I returned I was informed by the new manager of our department that my position was being eliminated and tha... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Hi, I was on medical leave for a few months and returned to work this week. However, before I returned I was informed by the new manager of our department that my position was being eliminated and that they distributed my duties to other personelle and th
Hi, I was on medical leave for a few months and returned to work this week. However, before I returned I was informed by the new manager of our department that my position was being eliminated and tha... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Hi, I was on medical leave for a few months and returned to work this week. However, before I returned I was informed by the new manager of our department that my position was being eliminated and that they distributed my duties to other personelle and th
Hi, I was on medical leave for a few months and returned to work this week. However, before I returned I was informed by the new manager of our department that my position was being eliminated and tha... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Hi, I was on medical leave for a few months and returned to work this week. However, before I returned I was informed by the new manager of our department that my position was being eliminated and that they distributed my duties to other personelle and th
Hi, I was on medical leave for a few months and returned to work this week. However, before I returned I was informed by the new manager of our department that my position was being eliminated and tha... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Hi, I was on medical leave for a few months and returned to work this week. However, before I returned I was informed by the new manager of our department that my position was being eliminated and that they distributed my duties to other personelle and th
Hi, I was on medical leave for a few months and returned to work this week. However, before I returned I was informed by the new manager of our department that my position was being eliminated and tha... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Hi, I was on medical leave for a few months and returned to work this week. However, before I returned I was informed by the new manager of our department that my position was being eliminated and that they distributed my duties to other personelle and th
Hi, I was on medical leave for a few months and returned to work this week. However, before I returned I was informed by the new manager of our department that my position was being eliminated and tha... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Compensation for missed meal breaks.
My job requires that I, and all others in my department, work through their lunch breaks. It's an 8 hour shift with no breaks. I understand that CA Assembly Bill AB 2509 requires an employer to pay 1 ... applies to California  ·  4 answers

Non-Compete as an independent distributor
Will non-compete hold up, if I did not sign anything regarding the bonus program? I signed an independent distributor agreement in California with a Company from Cleveland, Ohio 23 years ago. It says ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can a restrictive convenant prevent me from accepting any work at a customer site?
My employer laid me off. A customer of my former employer wanted to engage in consulting services with me. My former employer said I could not engage in the consulting services because of a non-compet... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  3 answers

Are full-time, salaried employees who work from home required to purchase their own equipment to perform their job?
My wife is a full-time, salaried employee of a company. She works remotely from home, as do all employees of this company. She was recently told that she would have to purchase new equipment for work ... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

OT when you've not yet acquired 40 hours & unpaid drive time
I work for a company that is contracted by a major electrical company & I am scheduled to work a 10 - 4 work schedule Mon.- Thurs. On Wednesday I had a doctors appointment so I left an hour early. The... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Do I have any recourse to stop my potential termination?
From October 2008 to June 2009 my performance and work was "above average" according to my manager. This was reported verbally; was an outcome of my 2009 mid-year review; and was further evidenced by ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Can I work and volunteer at a church without the State or Labor dept penalizing the church?
I plan on working at a church part time as an admin assistant. About 20 hrs a week. I also play the guitar on Sunday and weekly services outside my part time job with the church. I work and volunteer ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Can an employer force you to punch out for a break even though you can't leave the premises.
I work for a major retailer who has instituted a new policy that if a store manager works more than 5 hours in a shift they are required to take a 30 minute break. The problem is that if there is not ... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

I live in nc but i work in sc my employer is taking sc taxes out my check instead of nc taxes I make 875 before taxes after taxes my check is no more than 620 is it because of the taxes being messed up
I work in sc but I live in nc they are taking sc taxes out my check could that affect my money applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Is it discrimination if a mgr makes 1 sales person come to the office while others work from home.
Sales rep 23 yrs with company 0 salary,0 medical,profit sharing,0 stock purchase. Worked from home last 3.5 yrs with no behavior or performance issues. New mgr is demanding attendence in office to som... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My husband was demoted on the spot after being told he was doing good on the job. they told him to manage with kindness, but when he was demoted it was on the grounds that he was not hard. then they tell him he can work in the same department that he supe
My husband works at a assented living place as a DSM and now he has to work as a cook. with the people he supervised, Before they demoted him they were all telling him he was doing a good job. they ne... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

what do I do about unfair pay for a company I have worked for almost 5 years?
I have been working for this company for almost 5 and have only received 3 raises with in that time period. I am a full-time stock management employee, paid hourly and receiving about 3 dollars less t... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Afraid of Losting Unemployment benefits please read details pane. Thank you.
I started recieving unemployment a couple of months ago. I've been looking for work but recently my gradma has become ill. She needs my help for which I am a home care provider but she lives in anothe... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Potential salary reduction and accrued vacation payout
I have been on furlough and my company is recalling me back to work next month but with a large salary reduction. If I refuse to come back to work and instead resign my position, is my accrued vacatio... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can I still receive unemployment benefits, etc?
Can I Receive Unemployment For Not Renewing Contract Work? I live in CA, and we were acquired by a company from the east coast in May of this year. The company addressed that they would be closing our... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I've been cleaning my unemployment my year to date ended I put it in new claim now I have two pending issues will I still get my unemployment
I live in Missouri and have put in several quarters at different jobs. I was claiming my unemployment until my benefit year to date and it had only been claiming unemployment for about three months. S... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Does noncompete agreement consider the official address of new employer or building I work in
I am a physician assistant in a small town and was working for Urgent Care number 1; went to work for Urgent Care number 2 who made me sign a non-compete. I am very unhappy in the new job and want to ... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Yes, I was recently suspended from work. It happened on a Saturday a day after we had a meeting on issues and conditions that the company management didn't want to have continuing on. So, that Friday was the meeting before my shift started. I took the mes
I work in the mining industry as a section foreman. I was suspended Saturday afternoon for the shift on Friday . Because I shutdown production at the start of the shift to fix a safety hazard that was... applies to West Virginia  ·  0 answers

Can I file for "Tortious Interference" for coertion and intimidation by my employer against my union
My questions revolves around discrimination and a hostile work environment at my workplace. I already received my right to sue letters from the EEOC and have already filed a timely complaint. I am now... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Fmla also Ada
Im a CNA and im confused my employer said I didn't qualify for FMLA I was 16 hours. But did give me a medical leave of absence which isn't that kind of the same thing I had to have knee surgery from a... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

Ret. Behavior, Harassment/Hostile Work Envmt, Age Discrim?
I have recently complained to me boss (also an owner of the company) that I am being harrassed with ongoing abusive verbal treatment from another employee. I have been informed that this behavior has ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

My husband is going to receive a sizeable severance package at the end of Nov. He wants to take a seasonal job with another company before his final date in the contract. It would be in the afternoon when his work is finished. Will this void his contract?
Severance contract is it possible to make it void by taking on a job after your work is finished before the employment end date in the contract? applies to California  ·  0 answers

I took a doctors note to my employer that stated I need 4 weeks off work due to anxiety. I later found out my manager told several other employees. Do I hav any rights to sue them?
I have been suffering from anxiety attacks and my Therapist gave me a note for work to take 4 weeks off. I went in to get something to eat there and a employee at the counter ask if I was okay. I ask ... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

In NC can I use my intermittent fmla to take my T1D child to & from school each day?
Have intermittent fmla for my 11 yo T1D daughter, she was diagnosed 10/5/16. I have been working at my current job for 10 years. She will start at a new school this upcoming year & the start & end tim... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Can one go on a vacation while on FMLA and unable to work?
My mother put in for vacation time to go out of the country for 3 weeks several months prior to needing a leave of absence. In an unanticipated circumstance, she went to the doctor where they found lu... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Hi if you work for New York State government and are terminated or given a lay off can you collect unemployment
Hi if you work at a job for New York State government and are laid off from job can you claim unemployment benefits? Reason I ask is I am not sure working for the government entitles you to claim unem... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Hostile work enviroment
I wokr for a manufacturing faclity and I am the only female quality control inspector. On many occasions I feel I have been singled out for harrassment. I have 4 supervisors and when you get your revi... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Am I liable for non-compete
I have accepted a position with a direct competitor of my company, however this new company has other clients that I will be working for during the duration of my non-compete agreement. My old company... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Previous employer states I violated a non-compete agreement
Previous employer stating I attempted to solicit a Caregiver. I did not know caregiver works at previous employer. Caregiver also works at other facilities and there are caregivers that work at both m... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can my employer deny me coming back to work while on FMLA ?
My fiance was injured OFF the job on March 18th 2013. He broke his wrist, was in the hospital until the 20th. He ended up going back to the hospitalMarch 29th 2013 and had surgery and was released Mar... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Can I be forced to work overtime without pay?
As a college instructor, I have been asked to do many jobs which no other instructor has been asked to do. Not only have I had to do these extra jobs, but I have done them with no extra pay or compens... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

Can I get unemployment check after making a mistake in saying that I get lay off than fired!?
I was afraid go say in my unemployment application fired so I made a mistake by saying laid off instead of fired. Does that mean I will be rejected meaning I won't get unemployment checks? I was fired... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can you force comission employees to work OT?
I work for a debt consolidation agency where I was originally hired as a " comission only " employee. Due to the fact that some weeks, there are some employees that DO NOT acquire any deals the employ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I’ve been cleared to return to work but my boss is barely scheduling me.
I’ve been cleared to return to work after being on fmla. My boss put me on the schedule for 8 hours this week, and nothing so far on the future schedules. I’m a ft employee with 18 years at this c... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I have an employee that made the comment I need to get laid and was suggestive towards me. Should I report it?
Was talking to an associate about work. She brought up a boy she was seeing and was talking to me about it. She was telling me how they met and what they talked about. I really didn't want to talk to ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Covid work from home forced to return
I have been Working from home since roughly March now my employer is asking me to come back in to the office without being vaccinated. I’ve been working from home due to severe asthma because I’m ... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Ohio Non-Compete Enforceable in New York?
I signed a non-compete for a company in Ohio that manages properties in Ohio, New York and Pennsylvania. My employment contract expired, and for personal reasons I would like to move back to and take ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

DO I have a case worth looking into?
I was recently fired from my job at Startek Inc. for allegations of Domestic Battery that were false,the person that accused me of these charges no longer works for the company, she was fired because ... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Can client withhold final pay from contractor
I have a client that I have done work for for a year. Last week he learned that I was going to take on another client to work from home. He called me and stated, if you go into this meeting it will co... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

My boss is harassing me and demoted me for using my intermitten FMLA
I have been an office day nurse in a facility for 4.5 years and I have chronic migraines and fibromyalgia so I have FMLA in place for my absence's however my boss has tried to fire me for missing work... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Can my boss ask my co-workers if they want me removed from a general work task because of my FMLA?
I have an intermittent FMLA for my personal serious health condition. My boss at work wants to remove me as the lead on one of my daily tasks. I'm on a team of 5, we each are a lead on a daily task. E... applies to Nebraska  ·  0 answers

wage payment
My employer has just told me that I have not lived up to his expectations after 8 years of employment. The company also has no employee handbook and no job descriptions and no set days for vacation or... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

If I sign a severance package - is it binding if they sell this site?
I work for a telecommunications company with 17 employees at this site - 5 of us have been told we are going to be laid off - but we haven't seen the official paperwork. The main company is trying to ... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

I live in California but am starting a new job in the state of Washington. Can I double dip by taking a week's vacation from the California job (earned days) so I can start the new job on the dare the new employer wants me to start?
I have worked for the present company nearly 12 years. By staying thru the end of the month, I will get my bonus check. However, my new employer in the Seattle wants me to start Sept 26. I would like ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

The company i work recently got sold . New owners new managemebt the normsl ok nonproblem but the new manager did not hace a place to live in the area so i helpef her with absolutly no luck do to her bad credit sn backround check nonone innour county woul
The company i work recently got sold . New owners new managemebt the normsl ok nonproblem but the new manager did not hace a place to live in the area so i helpef her with absolutly no luck do to her ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Are there any rights to those employees who are laid off?
Are there any rights to those employees who are laid off? For instance, we just had another layoff, making it #5 for the year. Our company employs over 500 employees in our Dallas location. I work in ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Can I apply for work as a LPN if I signed a non compete as a Community Relations Specialist
I signed a non compete after I took a job with a nationwide hospice provider as a CRS(sales manager) Three months later I fear dismissal because I am unable to bring in enough referrals. My non compet... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Dismissed for conflict in personalities
Can I be terminated due to a conflict of personalities? Yesterday I was dismissed by my employer. I was told that my work was good. He even offered to write me a letter or recommendation. He said his ... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Discriminated for terminal illness (HIV)
I was recently layed off from a large telecommunications company. My manager told me that it was last in first out basis for layoffs. The problem here is that I was not last in - I was a tech for 12 y... applies to Utah  ·  1 answer

I had a mental breakdown due to stress and anxiety from work. The more I tried to do wht was asked the more I was told I was wrong and written up. The treatment I received enhanced my mental state to the point of
wanting to end my own life. And that was told to my employer. The last day I was in the office I was repremanded as usual and advised them that my doctor felt I should be in a hospital program and tha... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

I am a fulltime therapist. I get only 4 hrs/day when I am supposed to work 10 hrs/day. I work Sundays well. The thing is, my boss uses 4-5 PRN therapists a week and gives them more hours than me! I only get my 10 hours when we need an Evaluating therapist
I am a fulltime therapist. I get only 4 hrs/day when I am supposed to work 10 hrs/day. I work Sundays well. The thing is, my boss uses 4-5 PRN therapists a week and gives them more hours than me! I on... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Can a non compete apply to select employees even if they hold the same position as others not asked
I work at a medical practice that was staffed with 2 doctors. One doctor is setting up a new practice and several employees will likely be going to work with him. The doctor that is staying presented ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Retailiation incidents
Recently I was questioned by the EEOC/Affirmative Action office of where I am employed. The situation was due to an employee who walked out of her job due to sexual and racial slurs by her co-worker. ... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

I have a fellow employee who harassed me for months and when I finally stood up to him, because my employer does nothing, I was written up. The gentleman has gotten into arguments with multiple staff members. Many of which have come to me seeing if anythi
I work at a hospital where employee safety should be just as important as patient safety and it is not. I did contact HR and they were useless, same with the hotline. I have a video of the man coming ... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Is non-compete clause legal
I worked at a military base as a physician through two successive contractors in the same clinic the past 6 1/2 years. The civilian contractor cancelled the contract because they were having trouble f... applies to All States  ·  1 answer

Can I file for unemployment if employer was planning to lay me off and lead me to resign instead?
My company was going through a reorganization and my position was on the chopping block to be dissolved. Work was being taken away from me and employees were not speaking to me. It was miserable for 8... applies to Kansas  ·  1 answer

Can an employer choose to pay a w2 employee via 1099 for work that has already been completed?
Can my employer choose to pay me via 1099 for work that had already been completed prior to leaving the company if I had been paid under w2 while still with the company? Also, what is the time frame f... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Are non competes valid when the business terminates the relationship with the customer
1099 contractor hired under a non compete agreement to do work for a specific client. The business terminates relationship with the client effectively putting the contractor out of work. The client of... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Is it legal for full-time off hours shifts to be excluded from a benefit (telecommuting) just because we don’t work the typical 9-5?
I work a full time weekend shift that has been fully remote for the last 15 months due to COVID-19. Recently, our office has begun the reopening process. Telecommuting has worked well and the day shif... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Is it legal for full-time off hours shifts to be excluded from a benefit (telecommuting) just because we don’t work the typical 9-5?
I work a full time weekend shift that has been fully remote for the last 15 months due to COVID-19. Recently, our office has begun the reopening process. Telecommuting has worked well and the day shif... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

My work schedule is 39.5 hours per week . I work 9.5 hours a day for 4 days a week . I had acruded 40 hours vacation time. when I took my vacation I was only paid for 32 hours as my boss said I can only be paid 8 hrs per day causing me to lose 7.5 hours o
Have worked for Christmas tree shops for 12 years. I am an overnight supervisor and have suspected that i have shorted on sick and vacation pay for the past 2 years since our personall manager ,who ha... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can I sue? Is this legal?
I was recently hired (filled out tax forms and personal file forms) for a bartending position. I was trained/"shadowed" for 2 partial shifts. During my second training/"shadow shift, the lady doing th... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Employer used FMLA for other than described
I was granted FMLA by my employer for my back problem. My DR. filled out my paper work stating that my back problems could be possible lifetime. I never used any of the FMLA. February 2010 a month or ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Company has changed my working hours. I told them I CANNOT work the hours you want. I would try to get transfer to another store or leave. I cannot get transfer. Do I quit, ask for a layoff or wait to get fired?
My work hours have been changed. I cannot work the hours so I told the mgr that I would try to get a transfer to another store or I would have to leave. I could not get transfer. Do I quit, ask for a ... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

No compete clause limitations?
I currently work in human resources for a security company in Dallas. I am not management. I do not have access to privleged or confidential company information. I was approached by another security c... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Can i take do anything more
The owner would say "you did not have kids when I hired you". I had to miss 3 days of work while my supervisor had missed two of those same days to go with her husband to take his father to have a col... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Is it lawful for an employer to deduct wages for non work reasons?
Hi. My ex-employer deducted wages in the amount of $275 from my last paycheck. The deduction was made without my consent for a transaction with a coworker that had nothing to do with work. The transac... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Isn't this illegal for the employers to do this anywhere in the US?
I just got a phone call on Saturday from my employer and told me that according to their surveillance cam, I was on google map reviewing traffic before the end of work day. And they have decided to te... applies to California  ·  0 answers

To increase the odds of securing unemployment, is it best resign or wait for co. to fire me?
I filed hostile work environment (sexual harassment) claim with my employer. The company said they investigated, found no evidence (I.e., no other eyewitnesses, I assume) and have closed the case. I a... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Can a nurse of Nursing assistant be charged with job abandonment or patient abandonment if the come to work but don't clock in and find out they are going to have and assignment they don't wont so they leave.
Nurse of Nursing assistant show up to work but doesn't clock in until finding out were they are going to be working and see that they are floated to a different floor due to call offs. They don't wont... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Can an employer dock or not pay exempt salaried employees when the company does mandatory shut downs
Salaried employees must use their personal and sick time for company mandatory shutdown due to holidays or lack of work company has. They are docking hours if predetermined exempt employees do not hav... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

"termination" caused by transferring to another daughter company within the same mother company
Hi, we work for a subsidiary company under a larger mother company, and the mother company is now transferring us to another subsidiary company. We need to first get terminated and then re-hired by th... applies to California  ·  0 answers

found recording in the boss's desk
My supervisor taped a recording of a conversation he had with my co worker. We don't trust our supervisor, and when he left work today, I snooped around his desk and found the audio recorder in the to... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

How to collect against non-payment of invoices from work performed
I worked as an Independent Contractor for a company in Silicon Valley from end of November until end of April. The last month of April they have not paid me for the work performed and agree that I sho... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Off work due to a medical issue and employer has asked me to sign a 'change in relationship' form
My doctor signed me off work from 3/11-4/2 for carpal tunnel, pending surgery. My employer just sent me a 'change in relationship' form with that time frame noted as 'Leave of Absence'. Admittedly ign... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Sign on bonus
I got a sign on bonus when I started working for my job. I was to work for two years. I worked for one year put in my two week notice and offered to stay prn and work occasionally over the next year f... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

employee declines light duty job offer - can they be terminated
offered employee a light duty position in order to get them back to work - but they declined - do they keep their position until released back to work? Do they continue to receive any money if they de... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Need help to navigate through this workplace negativity
Hello there, I am here with some hope for the relief from the stress. I will be very thankful for your help and time. I have a very strange competition going within me. Should I fight for the truth or... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Can this be a case?
I worked for a company which was unionized. After 4 yrs and 9 months of working I along with others were laid off stating lack of work. Went on unemployment and then found another job 2 months later. ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Is the following a form of discrimination?
I work for a 5* resort in Phoenix. I recently thought of braiding my hair.(I am a black female) I came to work one day and another coworker had her hair braided (she is white). Lets just say she lookd... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Can my former employer require me to pay back vacation time at end of my employment?
I live and work in Missouri. I recently accepted a new job, but have roughly 4 weeks of vacation time in my current job. I asked my boss about it when I gave him 2 weeks notice and he said that the on... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

How long do I have to work after returning from Maternity based FMLA/STD?
I live in Ohio and I have worked for this company for 2 years. This is a large company with 1000's of employees. The company pays the monthly premiums for STD/LTD through a 3rd party (liberty mutual).... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I am 6 months pregnant and I was fired from my job. My employer claimed that I stole $30 . I wasn't given an explanation or evidence. I am now jobless and don't know what to do.
I was falsely accused of stealing 30 dollars at work while 6 months pregnant. The day after I was accused of taking the money I tried talking to my employer to ask him for an explanation of why he acc... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Is what my manager doing illegal ?
I got hired at a retail store, I worked for 2 hours the day they made me sign my papers. I go into the store to buy something and my main manager said that she would call me on Monday to tell me when ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I work for a company in california who is an at will employer. I am giving a 2 week notice tomorrow but have heard they terminate people on the day they resign. Do they have to pay me for my 2 weeks?
I work for a company based in california. They are an at will employer. In the employee handbook it states that a 2 week written resignation is preferred but not required. I am resigning with a 2 week... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

As an exempt employee in California can I be forced to stay at the facility after I've completed my
I am a licensed therapist I work at an addiction treatment facility. My responsibilities are to have a set number of individual sessions with assigned clients and to lead a set number of therapy group... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Bonus payment question
My employer has a bonus program that it pays out at the end of every year to reward employees for hard work during the previous year. My employer processed my bonus and it was posted on our payroll si... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Employee Non-Compete agreement
I signed non-compete agreement with my employer A when i started as an employee in the year 2005. I work as contractor at the client C through Vendor B. My employer A works with Vendor B and he doesn'... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

good case against big company
i was out for 6 months with a work related shoulder problem(ended up having surgery) when i came back to work my old sales job was gone and they had me unloading trailers. i was on light duty with wei... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I feel as if I wasn’t terminated in the right way. What do you think?
I’ve this company half of my life. And worked my way from the bottom to the top. I had excellent work history. No write ups. Always hit the numbers asked of me. Sacrificed so many things in my perso... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

when i was hired i was given a offer letter that stated they would provide me with a work vehicle
offer letter states, we will provide you with a laptop, a wireless modem with data plan, a phone with data service, a vehicle to use for business purposes(including all maintenance and fuel for vehicl... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

I work as a temp. Lately my check is short on the hours I work. I have implemented every precautionary measure. I even started taking pictures of the time clock. When my check is short I have to wait another week. Sometimes more. I'm owed over 30 hours ri
What are my legal rights? I'm not the only one she does this too. 1. On payday my hours,are short 2. I have all required paperwork. 3. I have to wait weeks to get my money. 4. My federal taxes aren't ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

OT - Multiple Rates
In a day, our crews usually work multiple job sites and may work in different capacities. My question is "Do we have to pay a 'weighted' average when time runs over into the overtime hours and there h... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Does the employer have the last say in what are reasonable accommodations? I'm returning from ADA leave of 6 months(HR policy allows for up to 2 years), but requesting accommodations before I return. I gave many options for time flexibility (psychologist
I have requested several accommodations for a mental health & other related disorder for my return from an extended leave (falling within my employer's leave policy-past FMLA). Because I had so much m... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

ee using company computer to check personal email - what are we able to check/view?
What are the limitations of the employer with the employee that was found to not only be sending personal email from her work email account - but also checking and sending personal email on the compan... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Unequal pay at work+Government facility
I work at the VA in Oklahoma City. Earlier this year they were hired with the promise that their pay would be adjusted to be more competitive with the civilian sector. They all have e-mails from highe... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

I have been on FMLA since 11/15/16. My job has no short term so my Vacation and sick days ran out a long time ago. I have no money coming in. Is their anything I can do.
I had strep throat, double ear infection, and sinusitis. Went to the Doctor to be treated he put me on an antibiotic and a weeks bed rest. I finished the medication went bak to work but was sent home ... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Is my information being mishandled? And can i do anything for slander?
My employer asked me to go to school for an accounting position. I have been in school for 3 years now and i'm almost done. Last semester i found out that my HR person was in one of my classes. She ha... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Slandering my work ethics after notice
I recently worked for a large company that had a management issue, i consistently received glowing reccomendations. not once did i get any type of written or verbal dicapline and was talked to about a... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Can recertified FMLA be dennied if a required class is taken during the time specified ?
I had an ruptured diviticuli which resulted in abdominal abcess and two hospilizations with surgery. I obtained the required paperwork from MD and submitted and was on FMLA leave from july 10th to the... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I was denied benefits because I said there was lack of work and my employer said i quit
Il request to appeal the decision made regarding the denial of my unemployment compensation benefits from the State of New York the letter sent, dated May 11, 2016, states that I was not eligible for... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

If you have a note from your health care provider that you are fit to return to work after FMLA can your employer question it and have you seen by their own physician (in this case employing company is a hospital)
employer is a hospital - wants employee to have exam at the hospital when returning back from fmla even though employee has OK to return to work from their own health care provider applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Can you sue your former employer for accessing a personal computer he provided that was located in t
I came to work for a friend in illinois, I moved from florida to come work for him. He provided a small apartment and a personal computer and internet service. 6 months later we had a falling out. Aft... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I was told i smelled of alcohol and was terminated! I was not drinking nor was I drunk at work! I am a bartender! It could have been spillage from the day! I wasn't breathalyzed or anything! Can I fight this? I have never been wrote up either!
I was taken into the office my my two bosses who claimed I smelled of alcohol. I am a bartender! I wasn't drinking nor was I drunk! I explained I had a few drinks the night before! My boss the said it... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

I dont know what to do...
I've been with my employer for 4 years this October. Not long after I started my postion in the company which was customer service. I became very ill and had to be off of work due to my illnesses. I f... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Does offer letter for part time position not including guarantee hours okay?
I have been offer a letter that states I will be working part time and my manager will be the one to decide what hours I work with. However I am concern because it does not include guarantee hours I w... applies to California  ·  0 answers

We have furlouged a number of employees due to lack of work caused by COVID-19. We have no reeived PPP funding and are preparing to call them back to work. If the employee declines to return have they in essence
As mentioned in the question, we are preparing to call back a number of our employees from furloughs because we received a Payroll Protection Program loan. If an employee does not want to return when ... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

Not eligible for FMLA, being forced to pay company paid insurance premiumS
I am 8 months pregnant and have recently been informed since I will be taking unpaid maternity leave and will be taking off one full month that I would be responsible for paying the $400 insurance pre... applies to Kansas  ·  1 answer

I work for the Burger King corporation for over a year and when I first started I was told that managers didn't get breaks even though they work 10 to 12 hour shifts, which didn't make any concern to me cuz I wasnt a manager now for the past 3 months I ha
When I became a manager I realize that the Tennessee state law state stats any Tennessee worker is allowed a 30 minute meal break and since I did this I have been demoted for calling in sick for 2 day... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Retaliated and Harrassed for taking med leave of absence.
I was terminated from my employment (just recently) based upon false allegations submitted into HR by my supervisor. I rebutted to each of the false allegations. Somehow my rebuttal was omitted from m... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I resigned from a position due to stress caused by Hostile work environment do I have recourse
I was employed by the Comm. of Mass/DDS for four years. I was a Residential Supervisor 2, I managed two group homes for individuals with MR. After working my first year successfully, I notice, as did ... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

I am falsely accused of sexual harrassment, what are my legal options?
After a break of four days i returned to work, only to find my entry card deactivated. After gaining entry to the office, i was escorted by four corporate security guards to an office where my manager... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Could I get unemployment benefits if I choose to leave my job?
I am manager of a small business and gave birth to my son a year ago. My son was born with many health problems and I was not able to go to back to work on a full time schedule. President of the compa... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers


Is the Non-Solicitation of Clients agreement I signed enforceable?
I was under a Non-Solicitation contract with Sub Contractor (A) to do work for Company (B). Sub-Contractor (A) lost its contract to Company (B) at no fault of mine. I was approached by Sub Contractor ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Is minor offense a ground to fire an employee?
Dear Sirs, I have a question. My friend had a minor offense in May and he pled guilty. He filled out his application to his employer before that and he said no to all criminal related questions. He st... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Regarding unpaid overtime compensation for done
Mr. Meltonburger, Sir I am contacting you for your advice. I worked for Choice Hotels here in San Antonio as a maintenance man for two years. I work 6 days a week 10 to 12 hours a day sometimes 9 but ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

They refuse to pay me overtime
I have worked for this company for about 2 months. They refuse to pay me my overtime because she said I didn’t get it approved first. She also stated that it is company policy that they DO NOT issue... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

I all most cut my finger off an my boss wouldn't take me to hospital so next day I went on my own an doctor said it was to late to stitch it up an was badly infected can they drug test me 24 hours after the injury
I was pulling steel threw my di.e. an steel cut threw my glove an hit the top of my index finger it hit the bone an shift was almost over instead of him taking me to hospital he bandage it up. Well ne... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

I work for a company in Irving Tx and I took most of my vacation in December, I have 7 hours left which was approved. I was offered another job. Will I still get paid for the vacation I took? If so will I also still be able to use the last 7 hours left?
I requested 3 days of vacation for December, back in September. On Thursday, December 17 I received a call for a job interview. Friday, December 18 went to the interview. December, 21st Monday evening... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

My employer recently asked coworkers to report potential FMLA abuse. Can this be considered work place retaliation and potentially create a hostile workplace for those with legit FMLA status.
Recent section of a memo from my employer. "Moreover, employees who misuse FMLA are hurting their coworkers. Misuse of FMLA forces other employees to work additional hours and/or on days that they wer... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Wage Payment
I work in the Boston office of a major high tech company based out of NY. My company recently said they feel myself (and 32 others salesreps) would earn too much money for 2001 if they paid us our fin... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Salaried Employee docked pay for 1 day off.
I am an exempt salaried employee. My duties include supervisory, administrative and I am also on call 24 hours a day for emergency situations. I work in a Customer Service Help Desk. This year I was i... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

victim of accident at the work place
I am a school bus driver of 19 years. As a victim of school bus verses a pedestrian at the work place, no action was taken. I have notified my local union and employer in writing and verbally on numer... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

What if I didn't disclose my mental illness but I am being exploited from a relative at work?
I work at the same place as my mom. I haven't told anyone about my mental illness but my has told someone and now a lot of people know. They continue to mess with my perception. they can here me speak... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Do i have rights to refile using being let go before my notice was carried out?
I live in Ohio working for a personal injury law firm. After several years of doing the work for my boss along with my own and the jobs of those they did not replace ( admin went from 7 to 3) I decide... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Can companies monitor the personal computers of independent contractors that work from home offices?
I work from home as an independent contractor, using my own personal computer and my home internet connection, that I pay for. (In other words, the company that pays me provided neither the computer n... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Can pharmacist's assistant be held accountable for telling my coworkers the medication I take?
I work in a Costco warehouse where I have insurance and the insurance requires your medication to be filled at the Costco pharmacy. I take medication for addiction treatment ever since I have had my m... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Would NOT accepting job offer w/Non-compete prevent me from collecting current unemployment benefits
The position I accepted did not include, nor was there any mention of a non-compete agreement until I was ready to fill out the employment papers. The previous employee in this position told me that h... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I still work for my employer I've been working for them full time for 6 months, now all of a sudden my employer tell me one day he needs to make changes to the schedule and to call him next week Wednesday to see about my schedule I called he said we don't
I still work for my employer I've been working for them full time for 6 months, now all of a sudden my employer tell me one day he needs to make changes to the schedule and to call him next week Wedne... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

I am a waitress and my employer has taken away one of my main shifts. I have worked the same schedule and have had the same availability for the past 4 years. There reason for taking my shift was to give it to another employee who works more hours and wan
I am a waitress and my employer has taken away one of my main shifts. I have worked the same schedule and have had the same availability for the past 4 years. There reason for taking my shift was to g... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Former Manager sharing detailed information about termination with buddies.
I was fired from a position offshore recently. I was told that I was warned ahead of time about issue that I was having at work but I was never counceled or warned. The person in charge would tell eve... applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

How to handle unpaid wages
In my job I get paid wages and mileage. For the past 8 weeks my check has been shorted both mileage and wages (I get paid 2 times a month) my boss has cut hours including over time and miles out of my... applies to California  ·  0 answers

neneed urgent answer re FMLA , etc. before April 11, 2001, please!
Please help! I was attacked by a fellow crewmember on a ship and required major spine surgery December 8, 2000, and have been on leave since then (16 weeks more or less) receiving 60% of my salary thr... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Have I been Racially discriminated against?
I have been working at my place of employment for almost 6 yrs. I have been a supervisor for 1 1/2 yrs. One of the qualifications to become a supervisor is, u must have a flexible schedule & work full... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

Greetings: I work in the IT field and in the past year, my job duties have been reassigned to another employee (recently hired). My concern is that my supervisor is setting things up to dismiss me and has made the work environment hostile (in my opinion).
Supervisor is a director of an extended campus and director of another department. Supervisor is hostile towards me (in my opinion) and has turned over much of my perceived job duties to another perso... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Salary Half Time
I am an Administrative Assistant for a seasonal manufacturing company. We are required to work overtime as dictated by our corporate headquarters. However, I was hired in as "Salary Half Time". This m... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is it illegal for an employer to only give some employees the opportunity to join a union when we have different job titles but do the same work? We are all clerical and none of us are management.
We have clerical assistants, Legal Clerks, Administrative Technicians, but only certain employees were given the opportunity to join the union. We all do the same work. Is this legal that my employer ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can I refuse to turn over work materials over until after I receive my final paycheck?
I recently resigned from my current position working for a small business. I resigned because my employer was consistently late paying me. After turning in my resignation, my employer has requested th... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

was I wrongfully terminated
I was terminated they say for sexual harassment, by a student who claimed I tired to grab her and kiss her, the director of my department state it was base on pass history, but I never had any inciden... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

EEOC Discrimination Disability/Retaliating
Off 5 months for work injury/Disability. EEOC sent charge of discrimination of disability and retaliation just based of the termination letter I was given. After 3 days back to work I “ voluntary re... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

i am transgendered and my direct supervisor constantly miss genderes me in front of other employees?
I am transgendered female to male and my direct supervisor constantly miss genders me in front of other co-workers and the public. she does it when i am there and also when I am not present. I complai... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

can my boss fire me because i reported another employee threatened me with physical violence
the office manager threatened me with physical violence. i report this to the owner of the company he took no action i felt very unconfortable and state to my supervisor if i needed to have the policy... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Does age discrimination apply in this case?
We are three per-diem seasoned employees, ages 56-61 and are being told that we are not being called in to work (given a large amount of lack of work over the last six months)because our new manager i... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Reimbursement of paid benefits?
I have been employed for a company for close to two years. After Christmas break I did not return to work because of medical issues. They kept me on the hook until today, 3/18/19. I sent a letter of r... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Can I help clients I used to assist when working for my former employer?
This is sort of a follow-up concerning my last question: I signed a non-compete agreement with a former employer. No where in the agreement does it say I cannot start my own company. First paragraph s... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

do I have a case for wrongful firing
I am a F&B supervisor who has been working 10-13 hours a day and doing work above my title, in the last month I was asked to join corporate weekly meetings. they hired a new gm. I went to work yesterd... applies to Nevada  ·  2 answers

I asked for 4 hours off in the morning of my work day and was forced to take 8 hours and use my PTO. Is this legal
I work for a small dental office that the owner just bought into a LLC as a partner of 128 other offices. We now are getting paid PTO. I asked for 4 hours of PTO and was forced to take off a full 8 an... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Reporting issues to management
Is it lawful for my boss to send me home from work when she had already left from work and was not available for me to report the issue to?. So I reported the issue to another manager of a temporary s... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Possible wrongful termination?
My boss is retiring actually going on short term disability then long term disability. My HR department told me my job was being eliminated. I work for my boss in our office and remotely for another m... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Employer knew about complaints with employee sexualy harrasment and wont do anything about it
I have had an employee ask me to go to his house on his day off when he wife was gone and then the next day ask why i didnt come over. Then he asked me if my new hair due did have have better sex .He ... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

As an hourly employee in Texas am i required to attend mandatory off hour mtgs without pay?
I am an hourly employee at a pizza franchise. We have many off hours mandatory meetings for which I have said we should be clocked in for and the owner has said no. Today a regional owner was in and I... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Federal EEO (US Postal Service) attorney who can take a case in Utah on contingency?
Unfortunately I'm finding it very difficult to find an attorney who handles federal at all. I developed a spine condition and reported it to my supervisor with my doctors notes, and filed for FMLA. I ... applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

Being targeted because of fibormyalgia
I have question a about being targeted at work because of fibromyalgia, I am asking for my girlfriend since she needs to be careful of what she says and does. She has worked at the same company for cl... applies to California  ·  1 answer

FL co. terminated me after FMLA, stating "unable to reasonably accommodate me w/my MD restrictions.
I am a Florida RN. Have been employed with my company for 6 years. Had Total knee replacement and took FMLA starting Sept 21, I have Lupus also. Company dragged their feet in accommodating me with my ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can bullying an employee be considered as discrimination?
I feel like my previous manager bullied me out of my job because I stood up for myself and didnt allow him to disrepect me. The manager had displayed disrespect and sarcaism in a meeting in front of o... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Fired and filing with MCHR
I was fired from a library after 16 years or work there. Two year prior to being fired I reported my supervisor to the HR for making disparaging comments about my country, language and performance ( I... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

I am a staffing coordinator, im asked to change my position to a mental health tech. they wanted to demote my pay even though i had 8 years experience in teching. Can they take away your pay even though as a staffing coordinator i sometimes did tech work?
i have worked in medical field 2011. I started as a ER tech, and moved up. i just got hired at a company for a staffing coordinator i often was placed doing tech work while being short staffed. I now ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Isn't my job protected when on disability?
I live in northeast Ohio. I used up my FMLA time during the summer, some of that time was approved short term disability. I returned to work for a month and my doctor has put me back on disability whi... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Can my employer deny my return to work? Doctor did a fit for duty certifcate saying I could return.
Employer states the doctor was unclear and she needed more info. and as a result, I couldn't return. The doctor stated I can do light duty,(meaning no strenouous activity). My job doesn't entail doing... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Career assassination?
I have worked at financial services company for the past 3 1/2 years. Each year I've been there, I have received the highest rating during the annual evaluation. My work requires that I pass judgement... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Do I qualify for overtime pay?
If I work on a Monday (10 hours) which is a holiday I get paid time and a half plus 10 extra vacation hours for working a holiday. Then I work Tuesday-Friday (4 10's). Should I get overtime for Friday... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

I have not been fired, but my employer hasn't given me any hours said she would call and tell me when I work again. I have called several times to see if I am on schedule. Before this happened employees treated me unfairly. I have plenty references on the
I have always prided myself in the area of work. I have never been discharged for previous jobs in the past, and told if I ever changed my mind I will always have a place with them (with most my previ... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Can home care agencies simply refuse service to avoid paying overtime if staff are willing to work?
I have a client who works for a home care agency in MN. The agency is contracted to provide 24 hour nursing care for a child. They can't find staff, but instead of paying overtime to those willing to ... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

My husband works for his dad as a satellite installer.
My husband works for his dad as a satellite installer, his "boss" had him working in the rain, on a roof, and he slipped and fell. on March 12th he has a compressed vertebrae in his back, and the Dr o... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I got approved benefits from one Job but denied from 2 other jobs can I still receive benefits from the job that approved me
I've work 3 jobs the first one was for 2 years before they closed down the second one was for one month and the 3rd one was through a temp service which I currently work for if they have any job assig... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

Can they use a "use it or lose it" policy when
I currently work for an at will employer and put my two weeks notice in. I was told I would not be paid for the two weeks of vacation that I have earned. They state they have a "use it or lose it" pol... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Diagnos. with cancer worked thru chemo took a 2mo. disability w/radtion hours & benefits cut
Would it be considered medical discrimination if: My daughter returned to work after a 2 month disability absence only to find that the office had cut her hours from a full 8 hr. day 5 days a week to ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I need help please?
to start i had a surgery when i was 38 and I'm 54 on my c5 c6 fusion on my vertebrae and failed.. and when i went back to work they screwed me over 2003 for falling asleep at work and i was taking med... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Can my company deduct my medical leave of absence from my Time of service time?
I am an administrative assistant in California. I recently went out of work unexpectedly in November 2016 and on my return to work I was informed that my medical leave of absence was going to be deduc... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Severance package accepted,am I required to continue working for the company paying me the severance
My company downsized and offered a severance package effective April 1. I took the package and now they are demanding I come back into the office, after the effective date, to do work, and are refusin... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Would I be breaking my non compete if I went to work for the state?
I signed a non compete for my job not knowing what one was. I do in home care for elderly. My clients are state clients, meaning the state pays my company for me to take care of them. What I would lik... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Does emotional distress settlement have to be reported as income if the case stems from work injury?
An employee was injured at work and lost his job after he was determined to be "permanent and stationary" and unable to physically perform his job duties. He was informed that his position was filled,... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Non-Compete Question
I moved to PA a little over two years ago and was hired by a company that is in distribution. One of the conditions of hire was to sign a non-compete agreement. I had lived in another state for the pr... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Gerrymandered schedule denies benefit of company holidays, due to policies.
I realize that companies don't have to give their employees paid vacation days. But if they do give them, shouldn't they have to treat non-exempt employees the same? I already know that our company do... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I've out on medical leave and the company I work out announced they terminated me. They have not contacted me directly or provided me a letter documenting the termination. Are they allowed to notify the whole company that I am terminated even though they
I am out sick on medical leave. The company announced I was fired to other employees but did not contact me or provide me a letter of termination. I found out I am fired but other employees that work ... applies to New Jersey  ·  1 answer

Does my winter break count towards my 12 weeks of FMLA time?
I am a teacher due at the beginning of December. We get two weeks of time off at Christmas. My employer recently told me that the two weeks at Christmas are not counted towards my 12 weeks of FMLA tim... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Can my employer cut my residual income form commissions if I am absent due to illness/vacation ect
I am a salaried employee who gets commission on top of a small base. Recently my employer started to deduct my residuals by the days I am absent/late ect. (I am 8 months pregnant, going on leave tomor... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Is it legal to demote employee without notice when FMLA has expired?
I was in an auto accident and was put on leave by my doctor because I could not perform my regular duties. As FMLA came close to expiring I was not informed at all, but received a letter from HR three... applies to California  ·  1 answer

We have a point system at work. Is it legal to get points for using a paid sick day with I doctor note. And I'm never sick, so I don't abuse it
I work at capstone nursing home. Are point system changes on a daily basis. 12 puts is termination. Each sick day is 1 pt. If you clock in a second late or early you get a half a point each time. They... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can I sue my employer for false accusation for smelling alcohol at work where's I did not even drink even a night before?
Can I sue my employer for false accusation for smelling alcohol at work where's I did not even drink a night before and I offered to take a breathlyser and results are negative I'm clean. applies to South Dakota  ·  0 answers

Can a hospital prevent an occupational therapist from working for another hospital in a non-compete?
I accepted an offer for employment in another state via phone conversation. I quit my job, sold my house and was in process of moving to Illinois. I was then told I had to sign a non-compete or the jo... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

My employer said hes changing the work week starting today and he's holding a week so next week we only get paid for today. Is this ok?
my boss came to me today and said that he was changing the work week, we will still get paid on the same day which is Friday so I don't understand.. he is also holding a week's pay which means that ne... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Partial pay for initial pay period
I am salaried, I normally work M-F, I very rarely work weekends. My employer pays semi-monthly. My start date was two days after the start of the pay period so I missed working two workdays that month... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Can I still work for an existing client if I leave my present employer?
I sold an Indiana company over ten years ago in which I had a non compete if I left the new company within a two year period of the sale. This has since expired. I am now an employee in the same compa... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Is it illegal to threaten termination for speaking with a co-worker about wage
My boss threatened to fire me for talking about salary with a co-worker. The co-worker approached me at work and asked. We are not prohibited in any way from speaking about non work topics while worki... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

What do I do about reduction of hours?
I work for a small dental practice. I have been there for almost 6 years and I have never called off. The only days I have missed were approved vacation days. I was was hired as a full time employee. ... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Is my employer liable for this matter or my co-worker?
I used to be a rehab director in a nursing home and stepped down and worked part time at the same location to pursue higher education; however, another company took over and I was forced to join their... applies to California  ·  0 answers

My boss misclassified me, I am an employee for sure. He pays me under minimum wage, etc..I had to take the day off because of situation for my son, he wants a doctors note. Can he do that even though he is the one breaking the law. What can I do about thi
I am a hair stylist.I am an employee but my boss 1099 me. He pays me under minimum wage, etc. I am looking for another job, but in the mean time I need to work. He is breaking many rules. I had to tak... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Will I still receive benefits?
I was injured on the job on Feb 4th, 2011. I have not yet reached MMI and have been out of work since that date. I broke my right fibula and cannot drive. I have no means of transportation to and from... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Can I get the company to pay my last five years of my pension in my settlement?
I was assaulted at work, suspended for two days while company investigated it. Called me back to work and told me they found no fault in the physical activities on my part. Then proceed to say but we ... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Im a LPN in Colorado, I recently was included as a codefendant in an arrest warrant r/t Felony charges of possession or cultivation of marijuana, I work for a medical staffing company whom stated that until or unless Im cleared of all drug related charges
LPN, unable to work and taken off shifts until crimes I was recently arrested & charged with 12/9/14 rt to Marijuana and Marijuana concentrate, and addition pariphenella and possession of my own legal... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

I recently told my employer that I will have to have a surgery soon that will have me off of work, per dr's orders, for a min. of 4 weeks. They have asked me to sign a form that states that I understand that my job / my position may or may not be availabl
I recently told my employer that I will have to have a surgery soon that will have me off of work, per dr's orders, for a min. of 4 weeks. They have asked me to sign a form that states that I understa... applies to Mississippi  ·  0 answers

Since this is NOT the position I interviewed for and accepted, must i payback the relocation?
I work in a specialized technical field. When I accepted my present position I signed a relocation payback agreement. Now, because there isn't enough work in the position I accepted, my manager is mov... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Can my employer advertise my position at work while I am on Disability Leave?
Hello, I was out on a month long disabiltiy leave due to a biopsy that has proven a diagnosed disease. During the time I was home, I noticed on my work blackberry that my position was being advertised... applies to California  ·  2 answers

I am a manager. My Director ordered an administrative person to use 8 hours of my pto however I was at work from 7am until 11:30. She and I did not see eye to eye on a decision I made before ordering the use of my PTO. In my view this was retaliatory, unw
I am a manager. My Director ordered an administrative person to use 8 hours of my pto however I was at work from 7am until 11:30. She and I did not see eye to eye on a decision I made before ordering ... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Non Payment of Wages Under 1099 Agreement
I signed a 1099 contract for consulting work, but the employer never returned a signed copy. It states that as a 1099 - I am obligated to work a min of 4 weeks to be paid. I worked 59 hours and had a ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I was hired as a key holder but the store manager forgot to have me go take UA. Month later she told me to go get it done so she could put me in system as key holder. And said as soon as it came back I would get .50 raise Went and had UA done, which took
District manager insisting I have to take another UA less then a month after passing one already for the position I was hired for. The lab takes me hour there and hour home and missing work to do it. ... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

Am I entitled to residual commission after I resign?
I work as the only outside sales employee for a tech company in CO. I am planning on resigning, but I am worried that I will not be paid accordingly. I am a salaried, plus commission employee, with th... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Was accused of stealing by a customer and my employer (comcast)suspended me for 2 weeks. So i filled out a statement. Gave the police my statement and now im back to work but not going to get paid for the 2 weeks i was off..not only was i falsly accused i
Was accused of stealing a customers meds when in fact i found them for her right in front of her. Was suspended for 2 weeks for investigation. Gave my statement to my job and police .now back to work ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

can employer take employees pto if he or she does not work overtime?
Can employer take pto hours if employees do not work overtime? applies to California  ·  0 answers

Do I have ANY recourse against the owner of the company for forcing me to give his grandson my job?
The grandson is 21 and has already been fired once by our production manager for attitude, tardiness and absenteeism,last August. The owner brought him back just a couple months ago, WITH a pay increa... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

i signed a non-complete paper but it was not notarize is the paper legal?
i signed a non-complete paper when i was hired at company A the paper was not notarized so is it legal?now 72 days after i left company A and i work for company B even tho the companys are in the same... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is it legal for a company to have employees work overtime while other employees are furloughed?
The company has furloughed employees due to the pandemic. Management has previously told us it was not legal to work overtime while people are furloughed. Now while people are still furloughed we are ... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

I had surgery 5 weeks ago. My doctor has signed my paperwork stating I cannot return to work until next week but my employer is trying to deny my claim for the full amount of time Is this legal
I had surgery 5 weeks ago. My doctor wrote me out of work for 6 weeks but my employer is only approving 4 weeks. Is this legal? Should the full 6 weeks be covered since my doctor has that on the FMLA ... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

went on fmla dr. note, out off work. disability for i year. does the employer have right too terminate you?
question? at the top. employee have a right too come back employer. approved by a drs note. disability . state off tn. assurant disability, .does the emploer have a right too terminate you. could not ... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Do I have a good enough case to appeal my denial?
Ok so back in June I had hernia surgery due to an injury at work, I then had to take 8 weeks off and ended up returning to work pregnant. Ever since then my boss was treating me so much different than... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

If I work 10 hours a day am I entitled to 2 hours of overtime for that day?
Normally we work 8 hours a day 5 days a week, but recently we have been working 10 hours days. During the memorial day period we had a paid holiday. The boss said we will not be paid OT for the ten ho... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I was receiving workers comp when covid19 broke out and they closed all surgery centers.
I was right about the middle of receiving workers compensation when covid 19 broke out and they closed all surgery centers. By the time they reopened them my work comp ran out, so I asked my WRK/ CMP ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can I ask an employee to sign an agreement that they continue to work at their own risk?
We have a full-time employee that works in part in our warehouse, but is pregnant and her doctor has said her pregnancy is high-risk. She has had a series of sick days related to the pregnancy, and ha... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I live in Colorado and my employer came up with A new attendance policy. If you are a min late they will deduct 30 mins from your personal or floating worked, is it legal for them to deduct that ? I am not a salary employee and work 10 hrs a day 40 hrs a
Employer deducting 30 mins from personal or fh time if you are a min late. I work 10 hrs a day 40 hrs a week. Not salary applies to Colorado  ·  1 answer

Can my employer deduct this time from FMLA?
I am a manager at a large retail company and am currently 8 weeks pregnant. I had slight complications and had to take time off of work for 2 weeks. I was already owed 4 vacations days and a holiday t... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I was laid off and offered another job with a different company. If I accept that job and it doesn't work out, can I still file for unemployment on my previous employer?
I worked for a company in the oil field for 9 1/2 years full time. I was just recently laid off. I have a job offer working for a different company doing something completely different than what I'm u... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I work for the city of forest an I was accused of saying I was gone blow up McDonald’s kill the manger the police was called an I was banned from McDonald’s after the manger found out it was not me
I was standing outside of McDonald’s getting out the rain I work for the city an we were on the paper crew the manager of McDonald’s call the cops on me said I texted him I have never seen this ma... applies to Mississippi  ·  0 answers

is there anything i can do?
i have been working for acompany for almost a year now they are based out sd but i work for them in a shop in ia. i am always being degraded and never given a chance to learn my job. my boss and his f... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

Boss says that I quit, and I never quit! Can I get unemployment? Help please!
Hello! I was employed at my previous job for almost 8 years. The past few months have been difficult due to co-worker confrontations and such which I brought to my boss' attention, and as far as I kno... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can you be fired for a pending charge if it is not a felony?
I recently have a pending misdemeanor charge which is going to be completely erased after a year. After I received this pending charge I applied for a job and it asked if I have ever been convicted of... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Can I be sued for going to work for a competitor after I was told that "no action will be taken"
I worked with EDS for two years. I signed a non-compete with EDS however, worked for EHRO (Relocation Company) with EDS being the largest shareholder. When HP bought EDS, HP bought all shares of EHRO.... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Can i be fired for excessive absenteeism when i ha e a doctors note every time and im a diabetic and im missing work due to my diabetes not being under control and employer knows i have medical problems.
Im a diabetic and the last six months i cant keep my sugar under control. I go to doctors all the time for this. My doctor gives me a note every time for missing work. My employer knows about problem.... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

WARN act violation
Hello, I got a conclusion of emplyment letter (WARN) from my employer. However, the same job I do now (I am still showing for work for this employer) is posted as available in our internal job posting... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Is this non-compete still valid?
I started with my company as a computer consultant in 1999. I was verbally told there wasn't a non-compete to sign the day I was hired. A year later I was asked to sign one in consideration of a salar... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I was fired for a co worker making a false statement to our supervisor saying I pushed him. I have texts from later that day where he admits he lied. Do I have a case
Conflict at work between a co - worker and I. He was provoking me about taking his bander for half the day so when I tried to walk away the final time I walked by and bumped his shoulder with mine on ... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

I was fired for a co worker making a false statement to our supervisor saying I pushed him. I have texts from later that day where he admits he lied. Do I have a case
Conflict at work between a co - worker and I. He was provoking me about taking his bander for half the day so when I tried to walk away the final time I walked by and bumped his shoulder with mine on ... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

Should I pursue my case with the Texas Workforce Commission or Small Claims Court?
I worked as a dentist for a practice in, Texas and my pay is based off of collections/commissions. I gave the proper notice to the employer. During my final week at the office, the EMPLOYER decided to... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Is non-comp agreement enforcible (manual labor)...
I work for company "X" that has contracts to provide assembly services for several retail establishments. You, as a retail customer would purchase an item, then either you or the retail store would co... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Gave my 2 week notice was terminated by a false lie 4 days before my last day. when I asked who made accusation they said that is confidential. When I asked about my two days I had worked and my vaction pay I was told when you are fired you get nothing!Th
worked for a hospital hired full time has been there almost a year and hardly ever got a full week. I had to call every night to see if I can go to work. 3 weeks ago I did not get to work all week! I ... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

Is my employer required to back pay me for time lost?
I work as a direct support provider in the field of developmental disabilities in ohio. I was put on unpaid leave because a frivolous complaint was made against me and I was investigated for a major u... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

If the contract I was hired to work on has ended, can my employer enforce a non-compete?
I am a government contractor in the State of MD. My company's current contract with the government is ending and the re-compete with the government has not been awarded. Since the contract I was hired... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Didn’t get Holiday pay for Memorial Day, should I fight this.
My wife was exposed to someone with Covid-19, when I told my company they told me to not come in to work for 14 days starting the day after Memorial Day. They didn’t pay me the holiday pay saying th... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Staffing Service Non-Compete Sales to Operations
I work in a sales role for a staffing service in Philadelphia, and signed a non-compete stating that I would not work for, own, or manage a competing staffing firm within 60 miles. I am being consider... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

can I take legal action against my proir employer
I had foot surgery and was to be out for 8 weeks. My previous employer had me come back one week after surgery even though I provided a doctors note not releasing me from my doctors care. While at wor... applies to California  ·  1 answer

can my previous employer deny me severance pay after stating i would receive it?
i was part of a mass layoff empployees were told they would be paid a severence package approx 390 were paid i was not i was told because i took a job with another milk company i was being denied i fo... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

If I get paid based on production (per line) am I still entitled to overtime pay?
I have worked for my company for over 2 years and have never gotten paid overtime for working over 40 hours in a week. I always thought this was because I was paid by the line but I have since realize... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Question about racial slurs in the workplace
My question involves other employees' use of racial slurs in the work place. I work at a widely known bank who, I'm sure has policies against this type of behaviour. Yesterday, employee A, says someth... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

non compete and last pay check
I put a month notice to the pet store I worked for. After my boss made it impossible to work the whole month I left a few days short. One question I have is about the non compete contract. I signed on... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I have been with my company for 23 years and have written policy and there was a presedensce of former employees receiving severance. Our policy states that we receive one weeks pay for each year work if I retire, quit with at least 2 week notice, laid of
I work for a union office collecting members dues and was promised this severance package and also have it in writing in our policy. There is only myself and another employee left that were hired unde... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Discrimination & loss of confidentiality in the work place
Synopsis: Person A was called to go in for an interview about 45mins prior to the interview. She went, had the intervie and left. The next day her co-worker Person B went to apply at the same place. D... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Harassed because using intermittent FMLA
I have a recently disabled son who at times needs my assistance. I applied for and received intermittent FMLA, allowing me to take a few hours off 3 or 4 days a month to help him, using a maximum of 1... applies to Illinois  ·  3 answers

Former company forced 1099 Contarctor to sign a Non-Compete in order to get paid once he found out about a new company starting and me possibly leaving to go to the new company? Is this enforceable with me being an 1099 Independent Contractor in the state
Former employer is threatening law suit for me leaving him and going to work for a competitor travel baseball organization. I was forced to sign the contract in order for me to get paid my last payche... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Former company forced 1099 Contarctor to sign a Non-Compete in order to get paid once he found out about a new company starting and me possibly leaving to go to the new company? Is this enforceable with me being an 1099 Independent Contractor in the state
Former employer is threatening law suit for me leaving him and going to work for a competitor travel baseball organization. I was forced to sign the contract in order for me to get paid my last payche... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

I have a Sexual Harassment ?
I quit my job a few months ago because of the work environment. I was in classes at the time to become a manager with better pay.I ended up working for another emplyoyer I'm in disputes with over wage... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

I have been working for my employer for over four years. I have been on FMLA for three. Toward the end my supervisor started harassing me telling me if I did not do my paper work in isle 19 he would write me up. I work in a warehouse for a manufacturing c
I am was always being questioned. What I was doing for 35 min. We all wear a head set and hard hat. A lot of people have been complaining about the system. But when I mentioned it to our Manager he sa... applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

I have an employee that was demoted to another position due to performance. He didn't work his shift after the demotion. A letter was sent letting him know that he was expected to report to his shift the next day. He still didn't show or call. A letter wa
I have an employee that was demoted to another position due to performance. He didn't work his shift after the demotion. A letter was sent letting him know that he was expected to report to his shift ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Is my non compete still in effect?
I work as a salesman for a company with a 2 year non compete contract. 20 months ago I resigned with 2 weeks notice, was ask to leave that same day. 2 day's later they called and wanted to counter off... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Can an employer lay you off and call you back for partime?
My husband was with company for 6 years. He was out for 3 weeks with an eye injury not job related. The company layed off supervisors and other employees that 3rd week. When returned to work on Monday... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

can how dock me holiday pay for being 8 min late
i am a salaried employee. Our handbook states the employee must work the day before and the day after the holiday in order to receive holiday pay. i was 8 min late the day befor chrismas eve to work a... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

Can my employer switch my pay from salary (exempt) from one pay period to hourly the next period if I didn't work a full 40hrs then switch back to salary the next pay period?
f I'm supposed to be paid salary and I'm Exempt if I work less than 40hrs for a week because I went home sick 2days do they still have to pay me my regular salary pay? I'm being told that because I'm ... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Recently I contacted the GM of the company I work for on behalf of other employees. The Office Manager in our office as well as another member of managemnt had been making derogatory comments about so... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I am on FMLA and have been accused of abusing FMLA for vacations and personal use by my supervisor
Hello, I have been on intermediate fmla since May of this year for my knee when I have flare ups that require me to miss work. I recently have had more flare ups than usual and was called into a meeti... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

work place retaliation
My boss was yelling and swearing at us and was being very rude and belitleing us I addressed this with HR put was blown off also addressed it with higher up supervision and also was blown off. I work ... applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

"overpaid" wages are being taken back without any notice
I used work for my employer for 25 hours a week. I then cut my hours down to 10 hours a week due to other obligations. They pay two weeks in advance, so if you didnt work the scheduled hours, the next... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

My employer is about to terminate me because the doctor placed unknown as a return to work date. If I am terminated, can I receive unemployment benefits?
I received the forms and had the doctor fill up the forms. On the question about what date I will return to work, the doctor responded with unknown. I received an email from HR stating that my FMLA ap... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Docked pay due to use of FMLA
I am on approved intermittent FMLA due to my son's disability. Both my supervisor and HR director dislike FMLA and have made working very difficult. Since I am salaried and also exempt from receiving ... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

Can an employer reduce salary a contracted salary 20% if so can they enforce a non compete clause?
I Signed a contract to make a certain salary and a non compete clause is also in the contract and I’m wondering If an employer reduce all salary employees 20%. They blame Covid but they’ve never s... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

If I was asked to leave work because my employer thought I was exposed to covid and was not. should they pay me through covid sick leave
my aunt was exposed and because we work together they asked me to leave. I did not test since I wasn't exposed. Once my aunt test negative they asked us both to return. They paid my aunt through covid... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can my company make me use the restroom during my rest/break time?
Company in California with over 1000 employees. I work 8 hours a day and 40 hours a week. Our policy states we get two rest period of at least 10 minutes and no more than 15 minutes if we work over 6 ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Insubordinate staffing-defemation
I am a male supervisor of a team of 5 female employees. On Thursday, I was sitting in the cubicle of a co-worker and overheard in the next cubicle two junior members of my team, Stacey and Jaime and a... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Hostile work enviroment
My question concerns eligibilty for unemployment benefits. My wife has worked for a privately owned company for the past 4 years. She has been extremely successful with her sales, but was recently sev... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is my employer required to hold my job while I am on maternity leave?
I am currently on maternity leave. I have 3 1/2 more weeks left for my maternity leave. I found out my employer posted part of my job online. I work at 2 different nursing homes run by the same owners... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

A coworker and I had a conflict in which she stepped at me put her finger in my face and said “you don’t wanna mess with me!” Then gossiped about the incident and then another coworker a company trainer was being rude to me rolling her eyes and micr
The incident fully made me not want to go to work because I felt humiliated and unappreciated. I was having personal issues at home with an ex stalking and damaging my car in the middle of the night a... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Am I required to give a percentage to the owner of my salon for out of salon work?
I work at a commission based salon (%50 %50). I've been doing weddings for some of my clients through my salon. Am I required to give a percentage of my earnings to my employer? Some of these jobs req... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I told a co worker come out the closet he joked back with me 3rd party wrote it up. I get investigation put on me i admitted i said this.. Then they asked if i was putting threatining letters and nudity picks being sent to his phone from work phone told i
Investigator i had nothing to do with that. I go on vacation a month later i get a call 4 days in of a 10 day vacation that i needed to come see warden.I told them im on vacation till monday ill come ... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Can you work more than 40 hours, but less than 80 at the same location for two different employers.
I work for a hospital as an NP full time (37.5 hours) during the week. A group of doctors at the hospital wants to hire me to make rounds for them on the weekends at the hospital which is a related bu... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Can human resources ask me if I take prescription medication and if so what color my pills are ?
Specifically asked so what about Adderall ? A co worker went to HR and told them I get special treatment from my boss also stated we trade prescription medication all of this is untrue and there was a... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Non competes in Maryland for massage therapists
I work in Maryland and need to know if a non compete as a massage therapist or esthetician is enforceable. My company wants me to sign within a 15 mile radius I can not provide same services when I al... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

I was laid off due to lack of work 1 month ago. This week ex-coworker says they are working overtime
I was laid off due to lack of work 1 month ago. This week my ex-coworker says they are working overtime including saturdays. I suspect that I was retaliated against because of an compliant I made to m... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

If fired by a company, then offered a job back, is the Non-compete still in effect from the first co
I worked with a nightclub company and was a top earner in the year 2009. The first week of 2010, I was let go for no just reason. I waited 2 months before asking for a release from my non-compete clau... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

I have been with company X, a large financial services provider, for 10 years. I was always considered a high potential and even recently put into a retention program. About a year ago I was asked to ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

hostile workplace, some sexual harrassment-date, time, witnesses recorded.
My workplace seems to me like a very hostile place to work in. Here are a few reasons why I think so: 1. There is a sign that says � Do something or I�ll kick your ass again.� There was a � Do... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Does the insurance agency for whom I work as an independent agent own my book of business?
I have worked as an independent agent for an insurance agency for 8 years. Recently, two other independent agents who also work in the agency bought it from the agent who started the agency. I do not ... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

An employee is refusing to work on LGBTQ tasks and cites religion as a reason. The tasks involve mailing out information or printing mailing labels. What can I do?
The employee refuses to perform any tasks that involve LGBTQ initiatives. Tasks involve printing, mailing or stuffing envelops. The employee is stating religious beliefs as a reason. A major focus of ... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

My company, that I owned and operated solely, had a no compete clause put into place by the investor. I have closed the business, but he claims I can not work for a company, as an employee that does the same thing. Is this correct?
I was the owner. I closed the company completely. The investor and I signed a no compete clause at the beginning of the business. However, there is no longer a business to compete with. The investor s... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

can I claim my holiday and end of the year bonus.?
I recently got let go because I was out sick for 3 days with Dr's note. I went back to work on a Monday worked Tuesday all day and at the end of the day I was called in the office and waa told NICELY,... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Got injured in 2011 reinjured in 2012 and company lied about attendance to get me fired
Injured my pectoral muscle in Aug. 2011 was out of work with no pay for 3 months. Returned and work a year and 2 months and reinjured my shoulder. Told the supervisor he told me I was a liability. Was... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Not getting paid for on-call emergency overtime from Employer
I work for a Home Medical Company or DME company. All service technicians are required to work after hours emergency on-call if a patient or doctor's office call us with a emergency. We were getting o... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Rules for Salary employees regarding overtime
Dear Mel, A couple of questions: 1. If I have a business meeting in the middle of the day can my employer deduct the travel time from my hours worked? 2. I work for a nonprofit agency as an exempt emp... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Company asking for a new resignation letter
After being on Short term disability for almost five months I was released back to work. Upon handing in my release note from the doctor I also gave my written two weeks notice of resignation. Since a... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Overtime vs Docked pay for a non-exempt Salaried Employee
I'm on salary, but my boss says that any overtime worked is "voluntary" and we need pre-approval before earning overtime pay (although its never been approved in the 2 years I've been here). She said ... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Overtime drawing
I am a computer programmer. The company I work for has always paid straight pay for any hours over 45. About 18 months ago the company eliminated overtime pay and incorperated a contest. The rules of ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Questionable new requirement from employer for hourly reporting while on intermittent FMLA?
I am on intermittent FMLA indefinitely due to my medical condition. I work from home (accommodated by my employer) due to my condition. I am a salaried employee. Over the past 9 months of working from... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can I get compensation for my employer telling my family I'm a drug addict
I was suspended from work for 2 1/2 weeks. I had to pay back some money but I was told I wont be coming back to work till its paid. How can I pay if I dont have a job? Well after 3 weeks my boss pulls... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

I was laid off from a temp agency and no work was available. Will my non-compete still hold up?
I worked for Job "A" in Tamaqua, a staffing agency of which I signed a non-compete policy which stated I could not work for another staffing agency for up and until a year had transpired after my term... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can I be demoted after a FMLA absence?
I have been on intermittent FMLA for 18 months due to chronic staph infections. I recently missed 1 hour of work due to issues with a staph infection. Within 30 minutes of my return to work I was demo... applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

In Ohio can an employer strip away vacation days that have allready been earned for displineray action?
I missed a scheduled day of work and my employer took away 3 of my vacation days that were allready earned for the year. Is this legal?? I miss a scheduled work day so in return he takes 3 vacation da... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I work remotely from Colorado for a company based in Florida. Which state's vacation policy applies to me?
I work from home in Colorado Springs for a company that is based in Gainesville, FL. The company's vacation policy states that an employee will lose accrued vacation time if that time is not taken pri... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

I'm a full time employee and my employer wants me to leave early during the week so I won't get my 40 hours in and then make me work on Saturday so they don't have to pay me overtime. I have a set schedule Mon-Fr from 2:30 to 11:00 pm.
Can an employer ask a full time employee to leave early during the week so as not to get their 40 hours in and then make them work on the weekend and not pay them time and a half for it? applies to Michigan  ·  1 answer

Forced to resign or be fired without cause, I resigned, but now being held to non-compete
I signed a non-compete as a standard part of my offer of employment. I found myself in a situation after one year of employment where I was to either resign or be terminated without cause. I chose to ... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

please help me-ada violations-harassament-work related discrimation
i been employed at a company that has over 600 employees in over 10 states. as of late and after I placed a reasonable acomadation on file with this co. I have been harassed. They have insulted me, cu... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

My daughter signed a will not compete contract with a home healthcare agency the agency has not answered phone calls from her or ever answered her text messages she was working for one family as an RN and they would work her 60 hours a week Would never gi
Daughter is working for a home healthcare agency who is treated her awful from the start she has been working with one family since the end of January 60 hours a week with no relief from the company t... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

can a company refuse to pay overtime because you didn’t get pre-approval?
I have worked for this company for about 2 months. They refuse to pay me my overtime because she said I didn’t get it approved first. She also stated that it is company policy that they DO NOT issue... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Absurd activist judge? Employee acknowledges he signed non-compete - but the reasons...
He admits he signed non-compete. (A vary narrowly defined non compete - only applies to client(s) he was assigned to support.) The client was not paying his employer, so his employer issued stop work.... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Office Privacy/ Work requirements/ Harassment/ Pumping/ ADHD
Hello there, I work in a cubical environment on sensitive work; I recently moved to an office (closer to my home) as a reasonable accommodation because my newborn son has medical needs that require me... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

current poolicy - FT employee is working over 30 hrs could this be changed to 36 hours just for 1 de
non-profit residential facility for developmentally disabled - we have state mandated ratios to be met to care for our individuals. Current policy states a PT employee can work up to 29 hrs each week ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

company keeping my bonus
Hello, I have worked for a company for 12 years as a store manager. As a manager we receive a bonus every year based on our sales performance. I have given my notice and tomorrow is my last day to wor... applies to Vermont  ·  2 answers

Company withdrawed job offer and caused me to lose my job
A company offered me a job to work in it's California plant as the Human Resource representative of that plant. Two weeks after accepting that job and after having to resign my job with my company, th... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can an employer use PDO without employees' consent to give a full 40 hr/wk paycheck?
I work for a company that will use accrued PDO to give a full paycheck if you miss a day. So, if I only work 24 hours, they will take 16 of accrued PDO to give a full 40 hr/wk paycheck. This is the on... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

I was harassed at my workplace last year and eventually quit due to more harassment by co- workers u
Is there a time frame in which to file a claim. I was sexually harassed at my workplace last year by a co-worker, He was fired but when others found out I reported him they all treated me badly. I eve... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

I was harassed at my workplace last year and eventually quit due to more harassment by co- workers u
Is there a time frame in which to file a claim. I was sexually harassed at my workplace last year by a co-worker, He was fired but when others found out I reported him they all treated me badly. I eve... applies to Iowa  ·  1 answer

I work applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Is it illegal for a supervisor to knowingly allow a staff member to create a volatile work environment towards another employee after the employee turned in the staff for unprofessional behavior?
I reported my supervisor and the secretary a couple years ago for unprofessional behavior. Since then the secretary has made my work place volatile to the point I finally put in my resignation. I had ... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I worked 14hrs on Tuesday, which is my total hours for the work week, do I get paid overtime?
I worked 14hrs total one day out of a (7) day work week, do I get paid overtime? applies to California  ·  0 answers

My employer is using my PTO while coronavirus lockdown is in place in Florida, but expected to work from home. Is that legitimate?
Employer using my pto while expected to work from home during coronavirus lockdown. Is that legitimate? applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Will cashing in a 401k, early with penalty, will it effect unemployment.
I was on short term disability 8/9 - 11/11 (surgery lumbar issue)released to return to work but couldn't go back (copd, emphysema, asthma)as I had VERY shortness of breath. I work in a factory, fast p... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

can an employee be fired for wearing his cross necklace?
My boyfriend just started a new job a few months ago and has never had a problem with fellow associates or managers until recently when one of his managers told him to tuck his cross away. My boyfrien... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

do i have a case?????
I am a road driver for YRC in cincinnati oh. i was refused work/ fired for walking out on the job (per employer) the following is my statement ...On 9-10-11 I was called for work at 4:21 pm Derrick, a... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I am new in a small town and am working as a chef. I quit a position at a different restaurant that was paying $55k and accepted a position closer to home that was an offer of Chef and $45k. Upon accepting the new position and starting, the restaurant GM
I am new in a small town and am working as a chef. I quit a position at a different restaurant that was paying $55k and accepted a position closer to home that was an offer of Chef and $45k. Upon acce... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

Can dentist A sue dentist B if I an office worker went to work for dentist B
My wife works for a dentist A who has employed another dentist B who signed a non compete contract. The dentist B will be starting her own practice. I have not signed a non compete contract since I am... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Overtime 'under the table'
this question is actually in regards to a problem a friend of mine is having. it should be noted she is not in any supervisor role, and is eligible for overtime. she is contracted for 40 hours a week,... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

What are my rights regarding unfair wages in the public sector?
I work for a public school district. The District is unionized, I however am not a member therefore I cannot seek representation from it. Our District is somewhat of an anomale since it is the product... applies to California  ·  0 answers

What are my rights regarding unfair wages in the public sector?
I work for a public school district. The District is unionized, I however am not a member therefore I cannot seek representation from it. Our District is somewhat of an anomale since it is the product... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Hourly Bonus pay dispute
I work as an RN in the healthcare field. Since RN's are in short supply, the network I am working for frequently offers a small hourly bonus past your required time commitment. I currently and commite... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete applies to the new company?
I'm an employee of a consultanting company. I've assigned and worked for the same client as a contractor for more than a year. Now, my employer is being acquired by a competitor. I do not like the com... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can an employer give some employees severance pay and not others?
My husband is being terminated from his position with a company he has worked 28 years for. The entire shop is being terminated and they are outsourcing the work to another company that they have talk... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

out on medical job eliminated
I have worked as a manager at a tavern for a year and a half. In July I hurt my back and ended up in the emergency room. From there on I followed their diagnosis and treatment but didnt get better. In... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

medical leave of absence (financial ressource while on med. leave)
I am a table game dealer around xmas time they open a new pit with new tables (table layout placed further away then normal( been dealing over 20 yrs with no medical issues ever happen) i was to deal ... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Is this hassassment by retailation?
I work for Bureau of Prisons for 2 and a half years, as a nurse. In July 2017 I was charged with disobeying a direct order. In November 2017 the charges were dropped. When my supervisor found out that... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Why pay severance to low performing employees and not to performing employees
Low performing employees were offered a severance package, normally a volunteer package has been offered to all employees. Some of the low performing employees have been offered a job to work as contr... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

My coworker cussed me out and made a lot of accusations while 2 managers watched and allowed it to happen. How is this legal? Is it legal?
Common scenario. I work in sales. A coworker doesn't like me. Instead of talking to me about her problem with me, she lets it fester, and build, and grow until she finally erupts like a volcano. At wh... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

What is Gross Violation? And I believe I was set up to be fired- what can I do?
I had been with a big pharmacy for a little over 5 years and recently in February transferred to the store I just got fired from on December 19, 2010. Previous to this, I had been written up for takin... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Changing employment
Hi : I informed my company sometime in middle of oct 2003 that i will not work for them from nov 15th ..Then they stopped my oct 2003 salary which was due on Nov 1st and also they never added my new b... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I want to know if I was wrongfully terminated?
I worked for the same company for over 2 years. I was recently admitted to the hospital & it ended in me having a condition that I have flare ups that would prevent me from working coupled with the me... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Should I be non exempt or exempt employee and am I entitled to overtime for my contract position.
I work in MN as a full time 40 hr a week data entry specialist for a non profit program and also hired as a contractor position for 10 hrs a week as an alumni coordinator that i do all the work in the... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

to start i had a surgery when i was 38 and I'm 54 on my c5 c6 fusion on my vertebrae and failed.. an
to start i had a surgery when i was 38 and I'm 54 on my c5 c6 fusion on my vertebrae and failed.. and when i went back to work they screwed me over 2003 for falling asleep at work and i was taking med... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

I was terminated and accused of stealing from my ex employer. I proved through invoices and direct contact with clients that I did not steal from my ex employer who did no leg work to find out if what he had heard was true. Do these circumstances negate a
While I was out of work for injury another diver was standing in for me. My ex employer told me no matter how long I was out he would hold my position. At some point because of things said to this oth... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

My supervisor degrades and yells at me and threatens to fire me.
I work for a large resort company in Naples seasonally and my direct supervisor or multiple occasions has left me under staffed, yelled at me , insluted me, placed wrongful blame on me and has threate... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Unpaid wages, overtime and expenses as independant contractor.
I worked as an independant contractor as a physisian with a Locum company based in Florida. The actual work "client"- hospital was in Columbus, OH. Prior to assignement I was promised a daily rate of ... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Upon returning from a requested FMLA, my Dr, requested I work 2nd shift as opposed to 3rd shift
Can my Dr request me to return from a FMLA on 2nd shift(in which I worked when I left) instead of 3rd shift, as this was part of my leave initially. I needed to be off as I was exhausted and anxious, ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I was told by my employer a day ago to look for a new employment for no call no show and I asked employer if I was fired and was told once again to look for a new employment and not understanding if I was being terminated for no call no show I felt confus
Was being told to look for a new employment,embarrassing me in front of other employees with an aggressive tone of voice and felt disrespected and humiliated and completed my work sheet duties and for... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I was told by my employer a day ago to look for a new employment for no call no show and I asked employer if I was fired and was told once again to look for a new employment and not understanding if I was being terminated for no call no show I felt confus
Was being told to look for a new employment,embarrassing me in front of other employees with an aggressive tone of voice and felt disrespected and humiliated and completed my work sheet duties and for... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I was told by my employer a day ago to look for a new employment for no call no show and I asked employer if I was fired and was told once again to look for a new employment and not understanding if I was being terminated for no call no show I felt confus
Was being told to look for a new employment,embarrassing me in front of other employees with an aggressive tone of voice and felt disrespected and humiliated and completed my work sheet duties and for... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

How can I get hard evidence that my employer did not rehire me, because I had filed an ADA discrimin
From 2004- 2009, I had worked for a trash company. I never had any write ups and I was always at work. In Feb. 2009, I had stomach problems which lead to me having to have my third ventral hernia surg... applies to Wyoming  ·  0 answers

Can an employer tell an associate to hide their cross on their neck?
My boyfriend just started a new job a few months ago and has never had a problem with fellow associates or managers until recently when one of his managers told him to tuck his cross away. My boyfrien... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Can a company offer severance and then take the offer back?
I work for a company in New York(an at will state) that has restructured. They changed my job spec but said they would retain me in the new structure. Unfortunately the rest of the team was told they ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I was fired for attendance in which I explained my tardiness was due to I take care of my mother who lives in canada 4 days a week right after work. Sometimes i will get sent into customs, other times a line up at customs in which I explained this to my b
I was fired for attendance in which I explained my tardiness was due to I take care of my mother who lives in canada 4 days a week right after work. Sometimes i will get sent into customs, other times... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

What if earned vacation is changed from work in the prior year to work in the current year?
I worked for a company for 44 years. For 40 years, the vacation that you took in the current year was for the time you worked the prior year. You did not get vacation the first year of employment. The... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Can my employer give permission to my coworker to inspect my time cards and payroll sheets?
I have a colleague who is stalking me during work hours and keeping a diary of what I do, when I eat, who I speak with, etc. to try and get me fired. He has convinced my boss that I am guilty of trans... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

I am currently an employee for the United States Postal Service and my boss called the police on me and claimed I was a former employee who was trespassing on postal property. Would this be considered a form of harrassment?
On 3/18, A week prior to the incident I had a roll away accident and my driving privileges were suspended for 2 weeks. I recieved a phone call from a supervisor on 3/24 telling me to report to work on... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

90 day probation period and workers comp.
I was working for a company for about 3 months. (Since May 15th 2006) On August 15th, 2006 I hurt my back at work. I notified my employer right away, but they still wanted me to work. When I told them... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Not receiving pay for work performed
Hello, I was working as an at-home call center rep from 1-8-2008 through 2-1-2008. I quit the job on 2-3-2008 for reasons I can explain later...they were justifiable. Two pay periods went by and I nev... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Work outside of job responsibilities
applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

I know that my company will be laying me off in the middle of January, but I received a job offer with a new company to start the first week of January. What are the legal repercussions if I work my new job for a week and wait for the layoff verse resigni
I know my division will be laid off Jan 15th, however I just landed a job and they need me to start Jan 9th. Can I work my new job for a week, use vacation at my current job and wait for the layoff? I... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

I was released from my job after I had submitted complaints of unsafe work area.
After I reported this I had 2 other employees fill complaints saying I had threatened violence against them. At the end of my work day I was asked to go to front office where I was questioned by head ... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

what nullifies no-compete
I work as an appt setter from my home. I am paid hourly by a company that also reimburses me for my phone bill. The company I work for is adamant that I am an independent contractor. I signed a no-com... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

What are my rights when I'm being treated as an employed but I'm really an independent contractor?
I work in a salon and I pay rent, do my own taxes (1099). But in the last two years it has been made mandatory by the owner to go to staff meeting (one a month) and be apart of salon events. The event... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Walk until you bleed, or find another job
Can an employer arbitrarily expand the scope of work to such an extent that it causes physical pain and injury to the workers (specifically expand watch routes so much that people are walking so much ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Recruited from outside
I am 60 years old, and I was recruited from outside as a coding trainee for an Indianapolis Hospital and was promised that if I came to work for them that I would receive a $2000.00 sign on bonus and ... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Can my government employer fire me for consensual verbal flirting?
A lady at work began a consensual flirting verbal affair. She announced I was her "boyfriend" and I heard her say on the phone "my biggest fan is here". Without saying a word to me, she suddenly repor... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

can I lose my severance package if I'll start working as a contractor for another company?
Hi Mel, I have been working with my company for 11 years. on 152017 I had to sign a contract that I will work there only till 12312017 and than i will be lail off and getting my severance package. my ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Is it worth fighting an emplyer for unemployment when they lie about the circumstances?
I was employed at a chain grocery store and had to call off sick one day from work. My company handbook states that if you need to call out the procedure for calling off is to call the manager at leas... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Can the company I work for pay me less an hour than what it shows on my pay rate
Can the company I work for pay me less an hour than what it shows on my check stub pay rate? applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Non-Compete: Breach of Contract
Hello, I used to work for a software consulting company 'X', and consulting for a client 'Y' through another consulting company 'Z'. Now I joined the 'Y' as a full time employee, but my non-compete cl... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

I work in San Diego, the new minimum wage starts on January 1st. If I start working at 1130 pm on 12/31 do I get the new minimum wage for the other 7 and half hours that I will work on January 1st?
San Diego new minimum wage starts on January 1st 2017 applies to California  ·  1 answer

Do the unemployment rules in Georgia qualify my case for constructive dismissal?
This is a brief description of what I would bring to the unemployment office in Atlanta, GA to press for a constructive dismissal and I wanted to find out if you felt I had a strong case. In short, em... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Company refusing to pay severance what are my options?
I am based in CA and went to work for a company based in MO and I worked in TX. I started work on 1/17/11 and was terminated on 4/1/11 (yes April Fools day). At termination I was told I would receive ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Am I being retaliated for filing for FMLA?
I recently filed for intermittent FMLA due to missing work because of severe migraines. I missed work this passed Wednesday due to this. My FMLA paperwork has not been approved yet as I have not recei... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

What are my rights at work
I recently was called by my boss and told i was suspended from work until she came back from vacation and the investigation was finished. She said she would meet up with me in a week when she came bac... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

Assault by employee bad enough for IIED?
I work in a bar and had to cut off an off-duty security employee from drinking. He was under the obvious influence of narcotics and his liquor consumption was high enough to put his BAC above .10 Upon... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

"Hourly, temporary contract employee" exempt status in California
I work for an agency, on a year long contract with a large company in San Diego. I am a software engineer, and earn over the threshold for overtime exemption. I am on a W-2 employee, and eligible for ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

My employer did not terminate me after 90 days long term disability. If I try to go back now, can they refuse?
My employers are high profile nationwide worldwide company. I know I am legally still their employee, because sometimes I receive a bonus in my direct deposit bank account, also, I still have the comp... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Wrongful termination?
What exactly qualifies "wrongful termination"? In August, I left my job of nearly two years to work for my father's company. Two weeks after I began working for my father, he left the house - and walk... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete regarding staffing services in AZ
I recently resigned as VP of Recruiting for an AZ-based recruiting firm that specialized in medical and technology staffing. About 4 months prior to resigning an old family friend asked me to do some ... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Do I have an opportunity for litigation in this matter.
I was tramatized at work after an abusive co-worker threatened me while I was working my shift. I missed one week of work after seeking medical attention as recommended by my employer. Three days afte... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I was robbed by my boss' son.
Hi, I was recently robbed by my boss' son(who is a former employee) who broke into my apartment and stole all my prized possessions and then sold it to buy heroin. As a result, he was arrested and cha... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Is it legal in Florida to put someone on leave who is under a doctor's care. I have been put on leave because someone overheard I was taking pain medication prescribed by my surgeon
I was told that I am on administrative leave last Thursday because someone called my corporate office in Iowa and told them they overheard me say I'm taking pain medication prescribed by my surgeon. I... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can I Sue Old Employer for damages to Income?
Hi, My question is based on a non-compete injunction that is coming to keep me from working for a new employer. You need a little history to understand the complex issues of this case. Three years ago... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

What can be done when employer fails to correct issues?
A person is not cooperative with any of the others in a work environment. This person has seniority, but is not a supervisor. He mistreats his peers, but is an angel with his customers. He often hogs ... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Purposely misclassified as independent contractor and then constructive termination?!
I think I was purposefully misclassified as an independent contractor. I had a verbal agreement to work 40 hours a week. The business was doing so poorly that they could barely offer me 8 hours a week... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

salary holiday pay and time clocks
the company i work for is a salary and hourly based employer. for our holidays they require us to work the day before and the day after to be paid for the holiday. i understand the hourly employees, b... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Please Help
I lived in Oklahoma and signed a non-compete to come to Pennsylvania to work. I work in the natural gas and oil field. The terms of the non-compete is very broad and states it is valid for 3 years. Al... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

I was given a release to my non-compete. I chose to go work for a direct competitor, and now my former company is rescinding the release and claiming they didn't sign it. What rights do I have to fight it?
I worked for a company in IA for two years in a variety of sales positions, ending as VP of Sales. Due to hostile work conditions, I asked for my release from my non-compete. It was granted, and inclu... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I signed a non-compete with a company and then was let go within 8 weeks. Is that enforceable?
I am an outside sales rep. who has worked a specific industry for many years. I also worked for other industries on occasion in a similar capacity as the economy challenged my ability to earn. Recentl... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Asked to work while off the clock
I work for a relatively new company who requires it's employees to do their own "marketing" or advertising. This is done thru handing out materials and flyers to area businesses and placing flyers on ... applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

Validity of non-compete?
I signed a non-compete agreement after 10 months or so with a company I worked at previously (the first time I left I did not have a non-compete agreement and did compete). I was given $500.00 as cons... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Am I exempt from overtime requirements?
I will be working for an Illinois seven attorney law firm as a law clerk this summer. I will be paid hourly, based on the number of hours I work each week, no set weekly or monthly salary. I was surpr... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I resigned from my job in November. I received my final paycheck(December) and was apparently overpaid an additional 40 hours of vacation pay. The employer is requesting that the money be paid back. If I refuse, is their only recourse to take me to court?
I resigned from the job. Received the final paycheck in December. Company contacted me about their mistake & requested payback so they could "adjust your W-2" . At first I believed that I was being pa... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

I work at a company that handles sewage and mold mitigation, is hazard pay required?
I work at a water mitigation company that deals with sewage losses and mold mitigation. I used to get double pay for handling these hazardous materials at a competing company. Now, even though they ch... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

I'm waiting on the state of IL. To renew my nursing lic. They are 4-6 weeks behind on renewals. I can not work without my renewal. Could I receive unemployment while I wait?
Waiting on renewal for my nursing lic. The state of IL is 4-6 behind. I can not work with out my renewal. Could I receive unemployment while I wait? applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Constructive discharge due to hostile work place
I resign from my job last week. To be more realistic I feel as though i was forced to quit on my own. I felt oppressed,and intimated in many different ways . Under my old supervisor management five gi... applies to California  ·  2 answers

In california, can my employer use my vacation time to complete 8 hours of work in a day? If i am 30 minutes late or leave 30 minutes early, she will take 30 minutes from my accrued vacation to make up the full 8 hours. Is this allowed?
If i'm late and do not complete 8 work hours in a day, can my employer deduct the time from my accrued vacation? applies to California  ·  0 answers

Minimum employment tenure & medical insurance contribution
Hi, I work in NY state office. My employer had contract with me saying that I should work for atleast 18 months. The reason for that is he said that the project is 18 months and so he has to make sure... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Do I have any legal grounds against my company for not protecting me from workplace violence?
I was being threatened by a coworker in November/December of 2011. This coworker was being moved to another division within the company. She didn't want to be moved and wanted my position to avoid hav... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Denied overtime while on light duty
Background: -Work 12 hour shifts--consequently, one day every two weeks I have an 8 hour day in order to work 80 hours every two weeks -Was injured on duty -Was denied regular overtime on my last 8 ho... applies to Nevada  ·  1 answer

Breaking a non-compete, non-disclosure employment service contract
My employer is a Philadelphia based company. It does not have an office space and allows the employees to work from home. I was hired in November 2009 and was made to sign a non-compete, non-disclosur... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Workers Comp Filed and then Blackballed
Hi, I work as a property manager, managing homeowner associations, and was in a car accident on my way home from a meeting one night. I immediatly called my supervisor and left a message on her voice ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I have a 50 mile 2 year non-compete as a chiropractor in Central Illinois. Will it hold at 43 miles
Non Compete Question: My clause states that I may not practice chiropractic or work as an agent of another chiropractor within 50 miles of Bloomington-Normal, IL. (from memory but, if I’m correct, v... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

FMLA violation - return to work to "detail"- not same duties/responsibility
I am an OHR Division Chief supervising 10 staff. I was out on approved FMLA leave. Upon my return, I was notified that I was being "detailed" to a new assignment for one year. The duties, responsibili... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Can I go back to work after I was fired because I was stolen
Can I go back to work after I was fired because I was stolen applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Is it legal to work when you have a doctors note
Is it legal to work with a doctors note applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Need law
Work no overtime out 3 years applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

If. You. Get. Fired. Can. The. company not. Let. You. Work. For. The. Contractor. For. That. Company
Can. The. Company. Not. Let. You. Work. For. Contractor for. That. Company applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Promised Benefits
Despite the year long posting of our holiday payment schedule (we are only paid for Independence day, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's), my boss has decided not to pay for Christmas or New Year'... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I gave my two weeks notice to job and asked about my unused vacation time and they said if I don't use it I lose it. I wasn't able to take it because they needed me to work the full two weeks after I gave notice and now they will not pay me for it. Is thi
My employer will not pay me for my unused vacation even though I gave my two weeks notice and wasn't allowed to use it because I was needed to work the full last two weeks. applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Terminated from position of 7 years. Boss said that he was unable to contact me during my suspension from work. (I had received a written warning due to incomplete work. Final written warning is last thing before termination) Told boss I hadn’t received
Terminated from position of 7 years. Boss said that he was unable to contact me during my suspension from work. (I had received a written warning due to incomplete work. Final written warning is last ... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

I had work for this employer for 6 yrs in the state of Texas and had signed a non-compete contract.
I had work for this employer for 6 yrs in the state of Texas and had signed a non-compete contract. After the 6yrs of hardship with this company basically they had work me like a dog and I was under p... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Is Non-Compete agreement from my current employer too broad?
I signed a non-compete agreement when I got hired. Now when I review it, I think it's very strict but could be too broad. Currently when I read it, I feel like it blocks any opportunity which needs my... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Verbal Employment Agreement
My stepfather had a verbal agreement with a friend to work for him at the local County Fair in Massachusetts for 3 weeks (9am-8pm, 7 days a week). The man agreed to pay my stepfather $1000/wk, and the... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Verbal Employment Agreement
My stepfather had a verbal agreement with a friend to work for him at the local County Fair in Massachusetts for 3 weeks (9am-8pm, 7 days a week). The man agreed to pay my stepfather $1000/wk, and the... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I need help with being terminated while on workman's comp
My job emailed me stating they received my request to extend my leave of absence. I'm on workman's comp/disability. It was stated that employees are not permitted to extend leaves of absence without s... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I am paid X amount on the books but more in cash and i think im going to be fired soon?
I have worked for my employer for well over 15 years. There was a dispute in the company between owners. The majority owner the one that runs the day to day operations thinks that i gave information t... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can I be fired from a job because I refused a drug test at a previous job
I worked at a previous job for 8 months and I refuse to drug test because I had things to do and couldn't wait for the lady to do another drug test soul the company that I work for at that time let me... applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

loss of wages
Hi I was working for this security guard company and the owner of the company would not give me overtime...he suggested I also work for this other company he owned and get more guard work there..I had... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Non-compete in NY
Hi, I previously worked without a non-compete for Company A which filed for bankruptcy. An employee of this company secretly informed all the consultants that Company A was going out of business and a... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Medical Privacy
I have read the questions and answers in your blog and still need help. I am a scientist and injured my arm at work. I was hesitant to file a worker's comp. claim because my boss and her supervisor ar... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can an employer change your schedule without notice while your on fmla
I have been off work with my company since September 2018 with the schedule of 6-3pm. My fmla will end in about two weeks and I have not been contacted by my job regarding any schedule change. I recen... applies to California  ·  0 answers

can you be fired as retaliation for filing partial unemployment?
My husband works in the construction field. He was being told there's no work and to stay home, so he filed for partial unemployment. After being told to report to work on Monday (after Thanksgiving) ... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

I recently started a new job as an Assistant Manager in a department that employs 15 female food service workers. Recently, it was brought to my attention that one of the employees, who had breast augmentation and a tummy tuck, has been showing her cowork
I recently started a new job as an Assistant Manager in a department that employs 15 female food service workers. Recently, it was brought to my attention that one of the employees, who had breast aug... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Hostile work environment
I am being blackballed by the company I currently work for. Even though they are in the process of hiring new personnel for 7 new locations they are opening, I've been told they have no job listings a... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Is this legal for my employer to do this?
I am wondering if i have a good case? I have been in upper management for 2 years. Me and my husband both work at the same place. He worked mornings and i worked nights. Well he ended up with 3 hernia... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I have been confronted 3 times at my whits end
I was laid off in 2009 by an employer. They cliamed that the economy was bad. In march of this year I was asked to come back to help out. 3 days into my employment I was asked to give statments about ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

my company is in washington but i live and work in oregon am i entitled to sick leave?
I work and live in oregon, but my company is based in washington. Am i entitled to sick leave? applies to Oregon  ·  1 answer

I have recently been accused of sexual harassment at work. I admit to having sexual conversations with my co worker but they were not one sided and in fact I was not the one to start the conversation. I was never told directly or given any reason to belie
A female co worker started a conversation about not being able to find a good match on tinder. I then started to converse with her that I was interested if she was interested in having sexual relation... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

I signed an non compete clause when I join a trucking company for them to train me and get my cdl. Before my training was completed I was let go due to not passing there road test. Anyways I have been unemployed for 30 days with a cdl i cant use cause I'm
I was let go from a trucking company who also train me to pass the dot road to get my cdl. Before completeing my training to become a company driver I was let go. Since I sign a contract with them I a... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

Can my employee hold my final paycheck because they are angry that I am leaving?
I took an hourly position with a company and on my 3rd day we were told that hourly wasnt working and we were officially all commission only going forward. I never signed new paperwork but from that p... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

FMLA - being refused vacation time unless it is FMLA related - is this legal & what do I do?
I have FMLA for a medical issue. Whenever I have to miss work for a doctor appointment, or a sick day the company uses my vacation time. This is fine as I do not want a loss in pay. I currently have p... applies to California  ·  1 answer

On STD but no paycheck for 7 weeks
My husband has chronic back pain/sciatica. His employer started having "morning stretching & exercising" for employees before starting their shift. It had already been voiced to his supervisors and be... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

retaliated and destroyed for calling osha
i work for a major national freight trucking co.i have complained to my boss about severe safety violations to no avail.i contacted osha several boss told me he was going to build a file agai... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

What recourse do I have against an ex-employer who refuses to pay profit sharing after termination?i
Upon being hired I was informed of the company's profit sharing policy, which said an employee must work 1000 hours in a season (I managed a golf course) to become vested. I worked 3 years and was ter... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Do I have a case?
I was being accused of taking something that was lost by a customer. I was asked to come to the office to few security footage and to discuss the issue. First, there were other employees and vendors i... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Re-employement disability law?
Hello: I will try to make my question brief so you won't delete me.:) I am a 46 hearing impaired woman who resigned from Citibank in 1996 due to what I considered harassment from a new female executiv... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can an employee go back to work without a Dr release following a serious injury?
applies to California  ·  2 answers

what kind of questions are acceptable here?
In regards to being harassed at work. applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Legal options for forced relocation
I work in an office position in a construction company. Recently my boss informed me I needed go work at a job site for a month. Company policy states that a relocation is considered a temporary reloc... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

FMLA return
I have been employeed with my company for 8 years now. I took a leave of absence 12/09 . My return to work date was 030110. When I return I was informed that the attendance policy had change 0101109. ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

My husband just strated a new job, and was given a packet of papers to fill out. In this packet was a contract giving his employer the ability to charge him 25 dollars for up to one hour late or early and 75 dollars for a missed day, is this even legal???
In the packet he was given, there is a contract requiring him to pay 25 dollars each time he is up to one hour late, or leaves early- both of which his employer ENCOURAGES to happen, and 75 dollars if... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Is it legal for my employer to keep me from receiving copies for my certificate form my employment f
About a week ago, I started seeking different employment opportunities; I have been working with my current employer for 6 years, and started looking for something else due to need of more money. I wo... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Do I have a case with the below information?
I am a certified medical assistant and was employed at Physicians Clinc of Spokane and was fired last Wednesday. They dismissed me stating that I was not fast enough and that I for stuff and my work r... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

I signed a non compete contract will i be able to break it
When I started at my salon my boss hired me in to temporarly reception an advanced to a stylist. He made it seem like it was amazing money. Fresh out of school and eager to do hair i agreed. Two month... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Non-compete and withheld severance
I was laid off from an IT consulting company yesterday. Management said the revenue numbers were forcing them to lay off a consultant. This has happened several times where I worked. Yesterday was als... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Do I have any rights as being accused of Harassment?
I am a male over 40 years old and I work with primarily women. I have known the accuser for about 8 months. I see her at school and work. She would come up to me and touch me on the back say Hi and I ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

If a male supervisor tells a female employee to
I am a union employee and the equipment I was issued to drive was not working. I notified my immediate supervisor and told him about the issue and that the maintanance dept told me there wasn't any ot... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

I recently started a new job and didn't disclose that I was 35 weeks pregnant when hired. I had my first day of work yesterday and upon being given their
I recently started a new job and didn't disclose that I was 35 weeks pregnant when hired. I had my first day of work yesterday and upon being given their "personnel manual" they stated that you had to... applies to Ohio  ·  3 answers

Why is my employer against me getting unemployment benefits?
I have been working for a Dr. in Nassau County for 6 years. I am a surgical assistant.I am under the suspician he is doing things he shouldn't be doing to his employees. I get paid by the surgery. Usu... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Wrongful Termination Without Cause
I was terminated from my job a few days ago after 2 1/2 years of service. The reason that my employer gave me was that my skill set did not match the direction in which their IT Department was headed.... applies to District of Columbia  ·  1 answer

My former employer is accusing me of
My former employer is accusing me of "theft"( laptop) I left this job on Monday September 17th. (I gave my two weeks notice, which he accepted on Thursday September 13th however he recanted that and e... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Vague contract for piecework, scared to sign
I've been asked to sign a contract to obtain work as an independent contractor writing content for online college courses. The contract has no termination date, and it says "neither party shall withdr... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Ive been demoted thus said my personal life but my newborn son has been in the hospital since his birth in june an my wife has been in an out as well but I came to work on days I wasnt with my wife an my son was having surgery was I wrongfully demoted
I took off to see my son born but their were unseen complication my son rushed to another hospital my wife on life support .keep my employer informed on everything going on it was fine then I came bac... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

Hi My job forced me to resign because of problem to lift heavy things. So, they only told me same day that I was going to work like everydays. I didn't agree, now I have a letter that my resignation is accept. I never sign the resignation. I think is a fi
I had an accident car, I asked for FMLA, so, I was trying to get back work, but they told me that my insurance medical was cut , only 2 days before due!! And , my last paycheck was 16 march. Insurance... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Unemployment benefits for day to day layoffs???
The company which I work for has been rather slow for the last few months. To compensate for our lack of sales a 12 hour shift was eliminated. I was on this 12 hour shift and have lost a great deal of... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

My employer gave my hours away out of spite, is this bad ethics and should I file for unemployment?
I quit my job in May. My employer asked me at 9:15pm after I was done my shift, to work the next day at 1:45pm. I told her my daughter had a doctors appointment at 3:00pm and I could come in when done... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

hostile work environment?
For almost 8 months now I have made several oral and written complaints to management of the company I work for about another employee (african american) that has been disrespectful to her boss and ot... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

My husband has ptsd, recen his medication was changed and it did not agree with him. he had a melt down and had to tlybe taken to the hospital for evaluation, Of course he missed work and his boss would not talk to him for a week after the insident. He fi
My husband has ptsd, recently his medication was changed and it did not agree with him. he had a melt down and had to be taken to the hospital for evaluation, Of course he missed work and his boss wou... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

FMLA Entitlement Denied by Manager
I've worked 9 years for a company that's aware of my family health conditions. My wife and I have used FMLA. In an unforeseeable situation in which my health was aggrivated (I have a bladder contition... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Does a 28/28 rotational schedule qualify me as partially unemployed for the 28 days I am not working
A lot of people at my company filed for unemployment in Texas. We work a 28/28 day rotation. We received unemployment for the time we were not working or being paid for the 28 days off. The company ap... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Does a 28/28 rotational schedule qualify me as partially unemployed for the 28 days I am not working
A lot of people at my company filed for unemployment in Texas. We work a 28/28 day rotation. We received unemployment for the time we were not working or being paid for the 28 days off. The company ap... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Docked hours for a salaried or exempt employee
I am a salaried "exempt" employee. We do not get paid for over-time and most recently had management changes who have instructed us that working from home has to be approved, this happens on a case by... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

Can a resigning FTE claim Unemployment Insurance if her self-determined 90-day notice is shortened
A salaried FTE resigned and offered to work another 60-90 day period of transition which the company appreciated and thought would be helpful. As we approach the 60 day mark, we are noticing that ther... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

I work for the federal government. I applied for another federal job with another agency. This position requires an extensive background check. My current supervisor was interviewed for my background check where he made false statements such as, I believe
My supervisor has made many false statements to an investigator for a background check being performed for another federal job I applied for. Saying the thought I had mental issues. That he believes I... applies to New Mexico  ·  0 answers

I need a couple weeks family leave and the company is too small for FMLA, what rights do I have?
I have been employeed here for 24 years. I rarely am off work except for doctors and scheduled vacation. I have a family crisis and need a few weeks off, not only for my own health but to help my son ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

If my Executive Director states in his Board Report to our Board of Directors, Those assuming increased responsibilities will be compensated commensurate with the added duties.” and then my duties increase by an average of 165%, is he obligated to compe
Due to COVID, the Agency I work for did some restructuring. We went from 4 Managers to two Managers, increasing my work load substantially. The Executive Director wrote in his BOD Report that "Those a... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

I have been experiencing discrimination in the workplace. I called Subway corporate and they said they will not get involved. I was hired on about 1 month ago. When I was hired on I was given the impr... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I have been on FMLA due to health issues. My FMLA time ends the end of this week however my doctor wants me to take 2 more weeks off. Well I be fired for this? My employer certainly has made it sound that way
I developed pneumonia and the flu which which has compromised my lung function. I was on oxygen for a month-and-a-half and still have to use it at night with the C PAP. My FMLA time ends this Friday o... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Do I have a case for being harassed over a non compete?
At my last job I signed a non compete. I left because the company did not give me the position they promised. When I left it was on good terms. and I finished all my projects. When I started with the ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Discrimination based on perceived disability
A few weeks ago I had my first seizure ever and was admitted to the hospital. When I returned to work the following week a company owner came to my office and went into a story about how he had a fami... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Age Discrimination -- jobs outsourced to India
My law firm has just announced that it plans to "outsource to India" the jobs in the Word Processing and Proofreading depts. There are 25 affected employees; all (100%!) are over 40 and making higher ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

maternity leave info needed for ohio and michigan
i have been on intermintent fmla (reduced hours due to complications with pregnancy) for almost two months. i am due october 24th. what happens if i use up my fmla weeks before i can go back to work? ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Have a non compete agreement issue, can you help?
I worked at a Baseball/Softball training facility for 3 years. I had to sign a non compete. The form stated that if after quitting or fired I can not do the same style of work for 1 year or 18m in a 5... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I have been working for the same company for 8 years. After being hired, on my first day they had me sign a non-compete agreement. The agreement has many flaws that would make the agreement invalid. A... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

i asked my employer to excuse me for work for just one day because of health issues and they denied me so i decided to call out instead because i needed to see my doctor and i asked my doctor for an excuse note so i can give it to my employer and now my e
i asked my employer for the day off and they said no because they have no one to cover me and i explain to them that its because of my health and that they needed to do some lab test and so on but the... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I live in Oregon but am employed remotely by a company in North Carolina, am I eligible for FMLA?
I work full-time for a company that is based in North Carolina. I live in Oregon full time and work remotely. I am about to adopt a child. I would like to take some time as FMLA on top of what my vaca... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Threat in the workplace and ADA
My sister encountered an interesting situation at work. She worked for a manager who tormented his employees in fact when she joined the team two members of the team left to pursue other opportunities... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Me and my husband work for the same companie and one of there benefits is they offer health insurance payout and we got health insurance outside the company and now they will only give the payout benefit to my husband not me because we are married. Can th
Me and my husband work at the same company and they will only give one of us insurance payout for not using there insurance just because we are married. applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Doctor took me off work for five days due to post surgery complications. My boss never took me off the schedule forcing me to “call off” every single day. Can they do that?
I had hip surgery in September and there were some complications during and post surgery. Recently, my hip had swelled and was extremely painful. My doctor took me off work for five days, for resting ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I am a 52 yr old nurse who is on modified duty. I was suspended for expired BLS. Can I get my pay?
What I mean is that I feel since I was on modified duty, why did I have to renew my BLS which requires I get on my knees to perform the compression. My director originally told me Thursday 2/1/18. I t... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Is my demotion unjust?
I work at a job in which it is only one person on the clock at a time. (I've been here for a little over a month now.) I had a terrible nose bleed that caused me to almost pass out. I called my manage... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

reasonable accommodate
I have lupus & fell & broke my hip at work last August 2003. The fall has exacerbated the illness & my doctor does not want me to work full time any longer. I have inquired about part time, flexible h... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Enforcement of non compete
Can an employer do selective non compete I'm an employee for a consulting company and provided programming service for the client on project A. My company moved me out of town to another project. Now ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

What are my legal rights if I am the victim of an assault at work, and am terminated? applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

What can i do if i don't not have a year of previous work with my employer because of a layoff i was
applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Is my employer creating a hostile work environment, or our they discriminating against me?
applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

After 2 years of silence my former company is now collecting relo expenses. Do I have options?
I was a manufacturing engineer in the pharmaceutical industry and was with the company for over 2.5 years. The relocation expenses are for failing to complete 2-years of work after I was relocated to ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

teminated for points , one while in hospital other while workmans comp
I have just found out my hashimoto's endocrine disorder is considered a disability. I was terminated with point system. I was given 1 point for a hospitalization they said wasn't covered and 1 point w... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Is it legal for my boss to talk to my father about my job when I am a 40 year old woman?
My boss and my father has been calling each other about my job. Every time I don't answer when my boss calls to make sure I'm ready for work he calls my father to make sure I'm up. Just the other day ... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Is it legal in OK for and employer to call and employee weekly while on LTD?
I've been on FMLA and receiving STD, my STD has end and I'm now on LTD. My employer calls me weekly asking for a return date. I have provided them with the Attending Physician Report. My employer is n... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

NC non-compete laws for hairstylists
I am a booth renter/independent contractor hair stylist in North Carolina. I had started work with a salon that the owner tried to call a barber shop, I signed a non-compete clause that said I couldn'... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

I went to a staffing place to get a job at belk distribution center and I pasted the drug test and started work. After being there 3 days my lead and supervisor pulled me to the side and told me they liked how I worked and asked me have I ever been a lead
I went to a staffing place to get a job at belk distribution center and I pasted the drug test and started work. After being there 3 days my lead and supervisor pulled me to the side and told me they ... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

Fired after an ATV collision
I was recently released from an 8-month employment as a scheduler in the OR at a local hospital. I am a single mother of 2 boys, ages 7 and 9 years. I had previously been written up for missing too ma... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

RIF and pregnancy discrimination is this right?
In February of this year the job that I was hired for went down and was “supposedly” going to start back up in April of 2020. I asked my manager if I could take an voluntary layoff (I had just fou... applies to Georgia  ·  1 answer

Can the 180-day non compete clause be enforced that we all signed, no trade secrets involved.
A home health care agency in NJ has 6 nurses that attend to a pediatric case that is federally funded. The mother and father choose to leave this agency and go to another one where 2 of her 6 nurses a... applies to New Jersey  ·  1 answer

My legal rights using sick/FMLA time
I have been using sick time and FMLA from a large corporation for treatment of severe depression and anxiety for the last 2 months. My doctor has filled out ample forms requested and recently was aske... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Employee with Chronic illnesses losing job because of attendance
After missing a week of work due to the flu, I was told I was being replaced because my boss "is used to having someone who is there all the time". The HR Director brought up all my sick days (for whi... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete Employer leaving area
I currently work for a contract company that provides ultrasound services to a local hospital. We were recently informed that the hospital will not be renewing the contract in Feb and we will be w/o a... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

What should i do?
I have been working for Weis Markets for six months now. I was originally working for the local Wendy’s in town until a good friend of mine asked me if I would be interested in working at Weis as an... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

assaulted then fired
While replacing a broken exit sign as my supervisor instructed me to do I was physically assaulted and battered by another employee by throwing me from a 4' plywood cabnet I was standing on to the con... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

What if I make up the time during the same week, can that be counted against my FMLA 12 weeks?
So the company I work for allows us to make up time if we leave for an illness/appointment or if you arrive late for illness/appointment. If I do this should those hours I was gone be counted against ... applies to Nebraska  ·  0 answers

Retalation? Hospital Work Release = 0 Hours.
I work a corporate job as a line cook, wont name it but its a big one. Simple Short Version - My six month pregnant girlfriend and myself both work here supposedly full time for about six months now a... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

Can i sue my place of employment if an employer retaliated against me?
I have reason to believe that an employee that works in the same department has retaliated against me and now i am on a weeks leave of pay waiting to see if i am terminated. About a month ago an emplo... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Can I be fired after coming back from a FMLA and the boss say things that are not true?
I recently came back from a FMLA and my third week back I was called into the office with two other employees. I carpool with one employee and three hours before the shift was over he was asked to sta... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

I got a pay raise with the position I was doing at work. I took it upon myself to step down from position and go back to normal worker. Can they take the pay raise back
I took a position at work that gave me a pay raise. I decided to step down from the position. Can they take the raise back applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

Separation agreement
I worked for a company that was bought by an investment firm. A competitor company is owned by the same investment firm. When I resigned from the company, they offered me a severance package if I woul... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Video surveillance
My employer performed a “video audit” of my day at work. I’m a psychiatric nurse practitioner in an outpatient mental health clinic and the company with which I work has two different locations.... applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

hostile work environment
I have worked for a contractor for the government for 5 years now. My immediate boss is rather difficult to work for and has been worse over the past 3 years once I became management. I was promoted t... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Boss is retiring in April. How can I ask for severance pacakge?
My boss - CIO of a major financial company in Midtown Manhattan is retiring. His last day is April 1st. I am his assistant. I only work with him. HR approached and informed me they will do their best ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Have non-compete for software sales and interface to other vendors.
I work for a software company that sells to home care, hospice and public health. This software is designed to be used on laptop computers for nursing home visits. I have an opportunity to work for a ... applies to Minnesota  ·  1 answer

Did my employer violate FMLA?
I had called off from (i believe) 9-15 june, 2011; this was a total of four working days. I cited severe depression and anxiety attacks as the reason, but was not informed that the leave fell under FM... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Is it ok to get demoted based on where you live?
My husband is a consumer lender at a bank. He has been with them for 4 years about to be 5 years. He initially started as a teller and was promoted after two years to work in a town 15 mins away from ... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

Is it against MD law for an employer to only pay out 50% of my earned PTO time?
I recently switched to a Government position and my contract company has only paid out 50% on my PTO. Additionally there was a contract issue two weeks prior to leaving the company and I was sent home... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

I have been employed by a company for three years and have just now been asked to sign a non compete agreement with a 5 year post severance of employment and 250 mile radius restriction. I work in WV and the contract states that litigation shall be in WV.
Non-compete agreement in WV, 250 mile radius, for 5 years. Does remote work, assuming the new company is farther away than the mile limitation, break the non-compete agreement? I live in a neighboring... applies to West Virginia  ·  0 answers

if fired for claiming time fraud but not true .employer kept all moneys due at paytime and said they wont say nothing as long as i dont ? also employer wasnt even paying minimum wage ? i have entire paper trail of all wages for entire 3 year work history
only defense is cameras moniter all work completed on daily basis . employer required last year and half a minimum of 3 hours per day of work .paying us 60 dollars per day on bi_ weekly checks . they ... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

What can my boss actually say to me? Written up for fraternization with fellow employee. Policies are vague at best.
I was written up for fraternization after dating someone in a different department. Neither of us is a supervisor and our jobs are unrelated. The policy is vague, I have now seen two different version... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I am a disabled veteran who work for the VA since 1990 and has been refused at least 18 jobs promoti
applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Does the insurance agency for whom I work as an independent agent own my book of business?
applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Can an employer work us for 9 hours straight with only one fifteen minute break?
applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Is it legal for a boss to ask you to return to work full time even if your surgeon says no?
applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

Any Unlawful Behavior in the workplace?
My Mother has recently been put in a situation at work where her and another female coworker have been demoted and offered a new job. At her work she described the upper management as being good frien... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Can they deny benefits to "freelance" employees?
First, thank you for providing the opportunity to make the following queries: I am employed at a large law firm in NY. I am considered a freelance employee of the firm in the proofreading department... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Abusive Boss / Harrasment / Humiliation / Age Discrimination?
HELP! I have worked for a company as an Administrative Specialist for 3 1/2 years now. I don't know if I have any recourse against what is happening to me, but my co-workers have been urging me to get... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I am being fired for a clerical error on FMLA, what do I do?
I work for a large company. I've worked here for 5 and a half years. This past year I came into a super debilitating medical issue that was difficult to figure out. Upon figuring it out, I needed to t... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

IT sub-contractor ,unknown contract, noncompete?
I signed as a consultant for CT company (A) to work for another contractor (B) for a NY State agency (C)in Aug 2000. I had a non-compete with company A, and company A told me that B had clause to hire... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can an employer accomodite 2 employees sched. for childcare & deny 1 who has child w/diabetes?
I was working second shift & was asked by my employer to switch spots w/another employee & work mornings, now 3 months later the other employee wants mornings back for childcare reasons so they moved ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Does two people being treated differently with medical problems be considered discrimination?
Hi I work a fulltime job I have been there for 18 years, I recently was on medical leave I had 2 surgeries and was off work for 2 1/2 months. when I got back I see a note posted that if anyone could s... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

Fair Labor/Harrassment
In general-am employee of the state--with all perks that go with position as well as being "political" I have a very stressful position dealing with finance and budgets---question I believe has been a... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

How can your job terminate you for not being able to return 2 work & do your job duties when u cant
I'm from darlington sc. my doctor took me out of work on sept 26, 2016. I was approved for fmla and short term disability. My job told me that I needed to return to work on January 12, 2017 or they wo... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

Does my company have to keep a copy of a sexual harassment charge on file.
approximately 1 year ago I made a complaint to my HR department about my boss making repeated sexual advances to me,even after asking and telling him to stop, he still persisted. Witnesses (coworkers)... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I have not been able to transfer to any other citywhile there are many openeings
I work for a very large corporation. I am well educated and do a very good job at my existing position. I wanted to move back to South Eastern part of the country because that is where is came here in... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I was awarded unemployment, then I found employment (I'm an RN of 21 yrs experience). I only worked 4 days as that employer did not meet the written job descrpiton given to me as an RN, they had me doing clerical tasks, even though I kept going to HR aski
I was awarded unemployment State of Ohio. I diligently sought work. I was offered and accepted a job with the written description of what RN duties I would be performing. I've been an RN 21 years. Upo... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Falsely Accused
A girl I work with has falsely accused me a sexual harassment. Any contact between us was always intiated by her, I have many witness's that she was always asking me for a hug. She was interested in d... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Calling in sick, unexcused absence?
I called in sick an hour and a half in advance for work. I've been feeling sick from my allergies all day, with a terrible migraine, bad enough where I can barely get out of bed for the bathroom. My e... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

On Friday, August 7th, I had a conversation with my immediate supervisor regarding FMLA. There were going to be several people gone from the office on Monday, Aug 10th. . This was going to be a busy d... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

My boss told me last paycheck i recieved that i was going to get moved up to 10 hr now vecause i had a death in my family n had to take a day off work i got fired and tge raise taken off my check and still havent gotten paid what can i do what rights do i
I been working at prometrix testing center for three months now i started at 9hr i get paid once a month but when i recieved my last paycheck my boss told me i will get a dollar raise on my next paych... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Ovetime, demanded stays without overtime and sexual harrasement
Hi Mel, I have a couple of questions for you any answers would help. First, I was required by my employer to stay after the usual 8 hour work day to satisfy the owner of the company and prove that I w... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

sister died asked employer emergency leave to plan funeral for sister refuse request left friday sister died monday returned and told your fired can employer do that under those circumstances
Sister not expected to live ask employer could i use vacation time to travel to Arkansas on short notice employer said no have the time coming not enough notice left work Friday went to ark Monday sis... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Do I have to sign separation agreement to get the previously promised 6 weeks of severance pay?
I was employed by a company in Arlington, TX for 1 year and 2 months. I received notification that I would be terminated as part of a restructure. However, after I was notified of the termination, I a... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I have been employed as an LVN at a Skilled nursing facility for about 7 years, I act as a Med nurse and a treatment nurse and am required of completing my duties in an 8 hour period, which is virtually impossible. I have been written up for clocking out
I have been employed as an LVN at a Skilled nursing facility for about 7 years, I act as a Med nurse and a treatment nurse and am required of completing my duties in an 8 hour period, which is virtual... applies to California  ·  0 answers

can employer suspend employee at 4 am in morning for what their opinion is of the employees third and final allowable write- up
Ive been on intermittent FMLA for 4 years now and have severe IBS that has worsened throughout a horrible home buying experience. and as changes in human resources evolved to changes in how I am to in... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

can my daughter be asked to resign her job and then go on maternity leave?
My daughter recently secured full-time employment (3months ago) She has found out that she is pregnant. She understands that she will not be covered under the Family Medical Leave Act but her employer... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

2yr NCA with Company A and working for a client thru a mid-client Company B
I signed a 2yr NCA with Company A and I work for a client thru a mid-client Company B. Can I transfer to another Company C and work directly to the client? Will I violate the NCA with Company A and th... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Hello, I was accused by one of my staff, in a two paged letter because I wanted to decipline the staff for some unacceptable work behavior. The agency sent me home for 1 week (paid) and called me letter to inform me that the complaint were unfounded. So m
I was accused by a staff I supervise in a two page email because I tried to give her a warning based on a violation . 24 hours after she sent the email filled with accusations. I was sent home( with p... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Demoted for a younger less experienced male.
Out company has created a new position called agency partner. This doesn't require this man to produce sales, help the phones, he can come and go as he pleases and doesn't have to work Saturday's. I w... applies to New Mexico  ·  0 answers

Do I have a good basis for suing my employer for a manager who demeans me and not my peers?
1) New manager (and old manager) dislikes me and nitpicks my performance for actions common with 2 peers similarly situated 2) Pleas to owner have been delayed because of owner's health 3) New manager... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

If I have a primary job and my part-time job is mandating that we are tested for COVID every 2 weeks but wants me to be late for the primary job is this legal when it can actually jeopardize my primary job?
I have tried my best to work with my part-time job regarding COVID-19 testing, but they are making it mandatory testing every 2 weeks which is a conflict with my primary job because if I come in late ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

What can be done when your supervisor retatiates against yoy for asking for reasonable accommodation
State employee with 20yr seniority I am 47 yrs old with type 2 diabetes wearing an insulin pump. In November of 2011 we ordered new uniforms and I asked for a uniform that properly fit due to my pump ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Hi Mel, I had a surgery and took some PTO but i also mentioned to them that while i am out i would work from home. Now since i worked from home at least 4 days out of 10 should they only put 6 towards my PTO and 4 regular pay? is that fair if they refuse?
I had a surgery and took some PTO but i also mentioned to them that while i am out i would work from home. Now since i worked from home at least 4 days out of 10 should they only put 6 towards my PTO ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can your employer withold your earnings because of a
I work online. The website company takes about 45-60% commission out of every online chat/email session that I do for a client. However, one client from that website contacted me, and I gave them my p... applies to Rhode Island  ·  0 answers

If my employer asks why I was late to work, do I have to disclose my medical condition was the cause
Hi, I am a teacher at a high school in CT. By contract I must be into work at 7:10 am. I have a medical condition that sometimes prevents me from getting to my job by 7:10. I was late perhaps 4-6 time... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

7 months AFTER accepting employment?
I have been working for a tool and die shop for the last 7 months. I am the information technology administrator and provide strictly computer and IT support. When I accepted the position, there was n... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

STD/FMLA situation. refused to accommodate and FMLA lapsed. ODJS D/c without just cause.
I had a massive blood clot in right leg and was on STD/FMLA. My lovely boss would not agree to hold my RN educator job (desk)so my physician cleared me to return to work. I was using cane. Restriction... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Can my employer keep my vacation pay if i take my vacation, then upon returning to work give my 2 week notice, which at that point they tell me i dont have to wait 2 weeks i can go ahead and leave as they do to all employees who have given thier 2 week no
I want to take my vacation then the first day back to work after my vacation give my 2 week notice. All employees who have given thier 2 week notice have been let go the same day the give thier notice... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

employees resigned to work for home health previous worked LTC
I was employed by a Long Term care company, I accepted a position with a Home Health Agency, employees who worked with me at a LTC company resigned and want to work for me at the Home Health Care Comp... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Will my non-compete hold even though my position was reduced to part time
My position was recently reduced to part time as needed. I have a non-compete with this company and a portion of it states: "For a period of 1 year after termination of employment for any reason whats... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

wage payment
My husband owns a computer software consulting firm in Texas. He has a contractor at a profitable company in Dallas. This client has not paid his consulting company in 4 months, therefore, the contrac... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

legality and fairness of bosses guidelines of travel time wages
My Question concerns travel time. My Job requires me to travel long distences from our shop to go to work. my boss doesn't feel he should pay us for our time to make the trip for him. Here is his guid... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

dogwalking drama Illinois
i currently work for a small 1 person dog walking company in chicago that is selling it client listing to another company. when all is said and done the company that i work for now is going to stop se... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Can a non-compete prohibit providing non-competitive services to a former client
I was formerly part of a Big 4 firm as a Manager in the IT Audit Practice. I left on rough terms 10 months ago. My non-compete states that I cannot perform ANY work for a former client for one (1) yea... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can a non-compete prohibit providing non-competitive services to a former client
I was formerly part of a Big 4 firm as a Manager in the IT Audit Practice. I left on rough terms 10 months ago. My non-compete states that I cannot perform ANY work for a former client for one (1) yea... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Would there be any legal consequences if I do work for 2 competitors at the same time ?
I do not work with confidential information, I do not have any relation with account management, clients or suppliers or any other case that would affect any of the 2 companies business but I have sig... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

I need a workmans comp lawyer because the one i had prior never did anything this whole time. Also they are trying anything they can to fire me....what can i do
Been off work since 2016 applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I'm about to resign from work can I go to pick up my uif or how do I go about getting my provident fund paid to me
Leatitia applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

If the employer I work for retires, I am left without a job, can I get unemployment benefits? In Colorado.
If the employer I work for retires, I am left without a job, can I get unemployment benefits? In Colorado. applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Following my stroke I returned to work but my employer thretened to cut my pay. Is this legal??
applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Can an employer force an employee to work and stay out of town under threat of termination?
applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

COVID Layoff, then a lump sum payment (likely PPP loan related)...should I be claiming unemployment?
COVID-related: I was given a lump sum intended to equal my pay from May 31 until July 31. Some posts on here advise I do not qualify for unemployment benefits until after July 31, others suggest the d... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

"Forced" to "volunteer"
My husband's company put him on "forced vacation" for 4-6 weeks. He was then told that if he wished to "volunteer" his time during that 4-6 weeks, he would be looked upon favorably for re-hire. If he ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

If I filed a harassment charge against my supervisor, can I ask for a copy of the file and report after the investigation is over? I am in Colorado.
I recently filed harassment and hostile work environment on my supervisor. During the investigation he was telling other co workers to tell him if I say anything about him. I had witnesses that heard ... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Can I be suspended from work after a guest signed a credit card receipt for their bill including gratuity then complained about the gratuity? My employer took the money out of my check and suspended me without pay
I work in a restaurant and I presented the guest with their check which included gratuity. The guests signed the check and left. 3 days later the guest complained about the gratuity saying they didn... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

What type of work ethics is this???
Recently I have been having some problems at work and I had a few questions I would really like answered. Ive been working for this company 3 years now. When I started working I was in our Tokyo offic... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I don't receive a pay stub with my check. How can I determine if I was paid the correct wage?
I started at $14/hr and in a couple months increased to $17/hr. I've been at that rate for the past 4 years. It's a small company and we don't always work 40 hour weeks. I've tried to record my wages ... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

what can you do when your employer fires one person and not another person for the same thing?
what can you do when your employer fires one person and not another person for the same thing? I was expected to do another persons job since she did not want to do it herself, when i told her that sh... applies to New Hampshire  ·  0 answers

I work for the state of Indiana as a correctional officer and have over 200 hours of vacation time. If I give my two weeks notice when will I receive my vacation pay?
I work for the state of Indiana as a correctional officer and I have over 200 hours of vacation time. When will I receive payment for this after I have given my two weeks notice? applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Is this retaliation?
My fiance and I have worked at a company for 5 years now. I have been a shift runner for 4 years and 10 months he has been a GM for about 2 1/2 years, a couple days ago they demoted him for no reason ... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Filing for Unemployment as remote-based employee of non-Ohio company?
I recently was let go (severance separation due to company downsizing) from a remote-based consulting position with a company based outside of Ohio. I have been seeing conflicting and incomplete infor... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

FMLA in a scheduled 50 hour work week
I am an “exempt” retail manager required to work 50 hours per week. I need to apply for FMLA due to my father’s Alzheimer’s diagnosis. My question is this: If I really only need the FMLA so th... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

FMLA in a scheduled 50 hour work week
I am an “exempt” retail manager required to work 50 hours per week. I need to apply for FMLA due to my father’s Alzheimer’s diagnosis. My question is this: If I really only need the FMLA so th... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Employer Denies paying Overtime Hours already worked at End Client Location.
Hi there, My employer contracts with other staffing companies, to place his employees at work. My situation: End Client (where i worked as IT sub-contractor) --> Prime Agent Company --> Secondary Agen... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I was never told that i was terminated by call no letter. Denied unemployment but was not called to show up for anything. Text messages i have saved prove the assistant general and distrist knew the reasons i couldnt works. What do i do. I hav
Had no babysitter so i cpuldnt go to work suffer from social anxiety. Watched my boss n crew member verbally fighting infront of everyone and customer. That caused me an attack every 5 minutes crying ... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Questionable Employer Ethics and Compensation Questions
Hi, I've been working at a company for over 10 years and have noticed several areas of questionable discrimination, although I don't know whether that term can be applied legally to these situations: ... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Is my employer creating a hostile work environment, or our they discriminating against me?
I have worked for a small company (around 20 employees) for 11 years. I found out i was pregnant 2 months ago and informed them that when time comes i won't be able to perform some of my job( which th... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

I Was hired 8yrs ago by a very well-know healthcare system in revenue COLLECTIONS my hiring work hours were 7:00am to 3:30pm. A new Vice president CHANGED entire DEPT hours 8:00am to 4:30pm & only gave 2months notice. I live 16miles away which now means I
I live in ENFIELD CT and work in Newington CT. Because I was told to get a doctor's note which I did and last yr 2014 was told at daylight savings MY HRS would be 7:30am to 4:00pm. This yr I was told ... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

Im in louisiana and am working for a contractor small buisness in a food refinery. Hes never copied my drivers license or given me a w2 or 1099 and i work 2 months usually without a day off i get no benefits or overtime there's no health insurance nothing
Sorry my question was so long this is my first time posting a question i didn't know about the details box anyway. I've worked for this man for 5 years and ive watched and had to work with a physical ... applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

Im in louisiana and am working for a contractor small buisness in a food refinery. Hes never copied my drivers license or given me a w2 or 1099 and i work 2 months usually without a day off i get no benefits or overtime there's no health insurance nothing
Sorry my question was so long this is my first time posting a question i didn't know about the details box anyway. I've worked for this man for 5 years and ive watched and had to work with a physical ... applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

Im in louisiana and am working for a contractor small buisness in a food refinery. Hes never copied my drivers license or given me a w2 or 1099 and i work 2 months usually without a day off i get no benefits or overtime there's no health insurance nothing
Sorry my question was so long this is my first time posting a question i didn't know about the details box anyway. I've worked for this man for 5 years and ive watched and had to work with a physical ... applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

if there was a noncompete in the begining and the original company i was hired under was altered
I was employed and to this date cant recall signing a non compete but when i was hired it was under another company which i signed all paperwork for etc. Years went by and then there was a company tha... applies to Georgia  ·  1 answer

What kind of proof do you need for discrimination lawsuits and how do you proceed?
i work the midnight to eight am shift. for the second time i was told i was going to be a supervisor on night shift and recieve a pay raise. during my 2 month time as a supervisor i did not recieve a ... applies to Nebraska  ·  0 answers

Processes employers use for shift bid process
I work for a company that just instituted shift bid process. Have been through shift bid previously. We just started a new system at work so recent stats were not used. Was advised that stats from 07/... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

The company handbook states that no PTO may be taken once an employee resigns. I'm not resigning and they will not fire me. I have 50 days of PTO of which they will only pay out 10 (in accordance with the company handbook). They will not allow me to take
My employer (Hudson, NY, private company) and I have agreed to not extend my work L1-A work visa which ends in mid September. The new CEO has denied me a job in the part of the company I came from (De... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Demotion and then months later might get pay reduction
I work for a state agency and was working in a management role. The department had 3 supervisors managing the same department, so there were issues with how the department was running. One of the mana... applies to North Dakota  ·  0 answers

Write up caused by poor working condtions not stated in job description
I received a write up for poor performance after working for a company for one month. In the one month that I have worked there, the first two weeks training was occasionally provided in an office env... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

I work for a Texas non profit, my resignation date is for Dec. 14, but they do not want to pay me holiday hours I thought I had earned the whole year. Can they do that?
I work for a Texas non profit, my resignation date is for Dec. 14, but they do not want to pay me holiday hours I thought I had earned the whole year. 7year employee earned me 13 monthly holiday hrs. ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

How to go about getting my seniority back after being let go while on sick leave for cancer
How do I go bout getting my seniority back After my company so called outsourced my position after 11months into my job! I was diagnosed with Largyneal cancer and my doctors put me on sick leave my co... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

The company I work for is being sold. Can the company that is taking over ownership cash out our PTO?
The company I work for is being sold. Our ownership is being transferred from one large company to another. Can the company that is taking over ownership cash out our PTO? applies to California  ·  0 answers

i work for a tribe in colorado and there is three employees that harrass me and verbally abuse me. My boss is not aware of it and when reported does nothing about it. I want to record conversations on the phone and in person. I would like to hide it but d
Abuse of power in positions that are subordinate to mine. When boss is gone the women verbally try taking over my position and threaten me with write ups and becoming my supervisor. My supervisor did ... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

At my job, we work for tips.
At my job, we work for tips. One week we expected to be much busier than usual, so people were scheduled overtime. Sunday through Thursday, tips are okay. Friday and Saturday, they’re great. We have... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Severance For Other Employees But Not Me
I work for an LLC in Georgia. Our corporate office is in Virginia. A few weeks ago, corporate notified us that they were closing our office in Lawrenceville (metro-Atlanta). They indicated we would ge... applies to Georgia  ·  1 answer

Can a salaried employee be docked holiday pay?
I am a salaried employee. Our handbook states the employee must work the day before and the day after the holiday in order to receive holiday pay. I was out sick the day after a holiday. I have PTO ti... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can senior people who do not like you change a review with no observable behaviors?
At my work my direct supervisor and then his supervisor who oversee's our department tried to present my year end review with objective observable behaviors. The Vice President refused to acknowledge ... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

My employer has falsely accused me, fired me and won't pay me
My story is very complex. I am employed by a company who classifies me as an independent contractor. The first four years I did not need my own business entity but this last current year they required... applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

Entiltled to Holiday pay or paid time off as stated in employee handbook?
I am a full time employee at Citigroup (40 hours per week). In the employee handbook it states: "Citi provides 10 paid holidays to eligible employees. Some paid holiday time may be granted as a floati... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I work for this company and paycheck are no good do I have a case
Our employment check say insufficient funds applies to Mississippi  ·  0 answers

My supervisor didn't recognize a medical emergency & let me work all day & drive home what can I do
applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

can they make me go back to the job i had
what if my fce says clearly this patient does not meet the requirements for return to work applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can i collect unemployment if im still employed but my employer isnt giving me any work
My company has not sent me out on a job since 12/14/17 . applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Payroll "mistake"
HR department for the company i work for gave my commission wages to a different employee, applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Is having a co worker sit on lap a rule of code of conduct
And is inmapropriate behavior at work applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can an employee on FMLA work side jobs?
Can they attend training and get paid while on leave? applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Can an employer install hidden cameras in general work areas to monitor employees?
applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

preapproved ot
I often work 45 to 55 hours a week, but my employer says that overtime must be pre-approved. Is this correct. applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

i took a check from out of town and it bounced, can my employer make me pay for that?
i work at a gas station applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

I was layed off for 32 hours as punishment, there were no formal warnings or write ups beforehand
The president, one of the vice presidents, HR rep, and executive manager had a meeting and came to the decision of layoffs. No reasoning was given to us or our department manager as to why, it was the... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

In Nevada can an employer reduce an employees pay without notice
In Nevada can an employee reduce an employees pay without notice such as the only notification the employee receives is seeing the reduction in their paycheck Example I was receiving ten dollars an ho... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Is the non-compete clause in the contract I signed valid and enforceable
I work form home in a full-time salaried position for a research company. They also hire some peers on a project basis. They are moving into an office late this year. My husband moved out of state for... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

I had lived in Northport Alabama for 12 years and the pandemic come around and I had family up north where I'm from and therein Pennsylvania and Maryland and so I went and stayed with them to try and work and we working for the carnivals and stuff and the
My part of my family is in Alabama where I stayed and the work got slow so I went up North I'm from Maryland and went to stay with family in Pennsylvania and I was working in the carnivals and stuff w... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

told can not take time for health appts.
I was informed at work that I take to many hours out of my schedule for mental health doctor appts for myself and my daughter. I have bi-polar, anxiety, addictive behaviors. My daughter has ADD & OCD.... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Is this just?
Got injured on the job which required surgery. It was to my left arm which is also the arm I write with. Two months after surgery my boss wanted to know why I was not working. Tried to go into work wi... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Been employed by same employer for 25 years no past bad record of any kind. Turned in Forman through union for changing label on asbestos. Then about a month later was called to HR stating 4 women had accused me of sexual harassment. I did not day anythin
I was told to work in an area I found it labeled 2016 asbestos. I reported to foreman. I was later sent there again and found it had been labeled safe. It has not been removed. So I call health and sa... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

How do I fight my previous employer for not paying me my 2 weeks notice like they said they would?
I gave my previous employer a written 2 weeks notice last week, stating my last day would be October 9th. When I turned in my notice, my manager told me to go ahead and turn in my stuff and go home. H... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Is an employer required to give an employee restroom breaks, when the privilege is being abused?
At my workplace there is an employee who takes the "average" restroom breaks that any one else does, but also takes 3-4 additional breaks a day that are an extended period. The employee will come into... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Please help with assault , workplace violence, & bullying by management
Hello, I need some guidance and possibly representation on a workplace violence, harrassment, bullying, and assault issue. My daughter was physically assaulted at work by a member of the management te... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Harassed for not being a team player
I am the only female and age 54, working with an IT Team of all young men. Whenever I discuss anything with my boss, I refer to them as "The Guys", which they all are, and my boss said that we have te... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Hi. I have been dealing with kidney stone issues since March. In mid April I had a procedure done to bust up the stone, and a few days later had to go to the hospital again as it was found that a chilunk got wedged in my tube. They put a stent in me. I ha
I have been dealing with kidney stone issues since March. In mid April I had a procedure done to bust up the stone, and a few days later had to go to the hospital again as it was found that a chilunk ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

is this discrimination, harassment, and retaliation? Do i have some kind of case?
This is long and can be very detailed but I will attempt to cut it short. I am a woman that was hired as an electrical apprentice working on construction sites. I was only one of two women working for... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I was laid off after 6+ years of employment by a man who's construction business was in trouble when I was hired. I helped him increase sales from $1M+ to $3M+ in the first two years. I was always giv... applies to Colorado  ·  1 answer

My potential employer want me to give up all my IP rights. Can they?
I have been an in house, full time 'contractor' for 3 years with a $50 million online Education company in Tucson. Their parent company is based out of Dallas. Realizing that they are abusing the cont... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Discrimination because of ADHD and # of Children?
I am currently 32 weeks pg. I was laid of yesterday 6/28/05. It was stated that there was a lay-off in many departments and I was chosen as I had no completed training. I have ADHD and my previous bos... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I am being discriminated at work... I am a not a smoker, the other employees are
I work in a fast food resturant... My boss, and the rest of the mangement crew are smokers. They leave me to do thier jobs, watch over other employees,while they are outside smokeing sometimes as much... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Overtime -- exempt status determination for IT employees
Regarding overtime pay, I would like to determine if I should be considered exempt or non-exempt. I work for an IT consulting firm, and am out in the field, working at clients in a desktop support cap... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Hello, I have recently received a bad performance review at work. The person that filed the review was not on site until after I was gone to the next job. They never saw me. Several scores were low that should not have been. The most key was timeliness in
Hello, I have recently received a bad performance review at work. The person that filed the review was not on site until after I was gone to the next job. They never saw me. Several scores were low th... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

How to work around a non compete clause
Hi, I'm currently employed by Company A (Indian entity of a US based company) and in the US on a H1 visa (state IL) and I have a non compete clause in my employment letter which goes as below. During ... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

My daughter filed a sexual harassment complaint to her GM and HR. Of course the harasser (a Supervisor) denied his inappropriate behavior and the company is telling my daughter she will HAVE to work with him even though she has told them it would be uncom
My daughter filed a sexual harassment complaint to her GM and HR after a Supervisor tried to kiss her and picked her up still trying to kiss her and telling her not to tell anyone and that it would be... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Relationship with boss, FMLA pregnancy leave, retaliation?
I had a relationship with my boss, and became pregnant. He told me he was in the midst of a divorce. In August, he went on FMLA leave after finding out he had testicular cancer that spread. In late Se... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

I signed a noncompete with my company when I was a full time employee. I then resigned. I did work a few shifts as a PRN employee over the course of the next year. I did not sign a new contract. Is my noncompete still valid?
I initially signed on as a full time physician at a local practice. When I signed on I signed a non-compete clause for a time period of one year post termination. I resigned over a year ago. However, ... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

My work place says one thing and insurance company says different. Fmla problems..
employed at Wal-Mart. All criteria was met to qualify for fmla leave. HR never attempted to get in touch with me regarding the leave until a month after it had begun. Wal-Mart HR tells me one thing Se... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

I had a medical problem and lost my job i was on disability my doctor released me from disability so i signed up for ui it looks like i may lose ui because i am unable to pass a physical because of range of movement and repetitive motion i have an appoint
I am 61 and can draw ssi at 62 until then i need to survive. I had a medical problem that caused me to lose my job. I was on disability until i was well my doctor cleared me to work so i signed up for... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Is employers actions enough?
I work for a medical device company. My position requires that I frequent many out of state conventions with my supervisor and other co-workers. On a number of these trips my supervisor made unprofess... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

As a college instructor, I have been asked to do many jobs which no other instructor has been asked to do. Not only have I had to do these extra jobs, but I have done them with no extra pay or compensation of any kind. Again, no other instructor has been
As a college instructor, I have been asked to do many jobs which no other instructor has been asked to do. Not only have I had to do these extra jobs, but I have done them with no extra pay or compens... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

Terminated while on FMLA
I was terminated from work while on FMLA. I submitted the paperwork that the doctor filled out. They said it was not filled out correctly and needed the doctor to redo it. They said they mailed the fo... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

I was laid off of my job 2 weeks ago due to budget cuts or that is what I was told. I was given a letter agreement to sign saying that I would receive 2 weeks of severance pay & if I signed the letter I would receive an additional 2 weeks
Severance package letter was signed & I sent it certified. I have already filed for unemployment. They laid me off 2 days before I was going to take my PTO which I had 10 days but do not get paid for ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Can I be entitled to Unemployment Benefits due to Hostile Work Environment?
I feel that based on the description of a "Hostile Work Environment" I should be entitled to Unemployment benefits if I quit my job. I truly feel I have no other option. I am the only woman that works... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Can I be entitled to Unemployment Benefits due to Hostile Work Environment?
I feel that based on the description of a "Hostile Work Environment" I should be entitled to Unemployment benefits if I quit my job. I truly feel I have no other option. I am the only woman that works... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

something stinks in Indiana
My employer is breaking a lot of rules, don't know where to start... 1. Our corporate safety director told me they would fix one of the safety issues "when somebody gets hit". We have a blind spot tha... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Can my employer suspend me for a week for being late without warning?
I thought I was suppose to come in at 5:30p.m. but in reality I should of been there at 4:30p.m. and my boss told me to go home and later sent me a text suspending me for a week. Is that legal? I am l... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

terminated vs lay off (benefits still paid.)
I was layed off from my job due to work cut back. I was a full time contractor in the computer Industry. My company confirmed my lay off with the unemployment office when I filed stating that I was NO... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Can I be charged FMLA time for refusing mandatory overtime?
I work a job where mandatory overtime is usually required up to 3 times a week... up to 16 hours a day. My regular full time shift is 8 hours a day 5 days a week. I am currently pregnant and will prob... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

I work for a "big" company. I turned in a deposit which is a daily routine for my job and left for the weekend. When I returned to work my boss told me the deposit was short and I had to pay the money... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

I received a text message from the owner of my company telling me that he's worth millions, has companies in 4 states & would I feel if my buddies wife knew I was screwing him. ( The buddy..Is my work friend..) & he sent the same text to my friends phone
I work for minimum wage at an airport. My company failed to pay any of us on payday. So I couldn't afford to put gas in my car. I texted my boss, I can't afford to come in I haven't got any money for ... applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

My employer cut my holiday pay in half without giving me any notice stating I didn't work enough hours that pay period, I have been a full time employee here for 1year 6month.
My employer cut my holiday pay without giving me any notice stating I didn't work enough hours in the pay period. I been employed 1 year 6 months. Holiday pay as in Christmas. Our office was closed on... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

unfair for for my employer to end my employment and expect me to be committed to future employment
Can one organization/employer commit you to working for another party that is not involved in the contract? Can you have a contract that commits an individual to work in the future but with no commitm... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My CDL was suspended. I offered to work in another department until I could get it back. My employer never responded and Texas Unemployment Insurance found that I was let go for misconduct for my license being suspended and denied my unemployment benefits
CDL suspended / I offered to work as swamper until I got Licensed back/ employer never responded / Texas Unemployment Commission found in favor of employer and denied me benefits on the grounds of mis... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I had to call off work because my step father was admitted to the hospy mother neeeded me there with her...My employer wants a letter of admittance from my step fathers doctor saying he was in the hospital...Is my employer legally allowed to ask for that
I had to call off work because my step father was admitted to the hospital and my mother needed me there with her...My employer wants a letter of admittance from my step fathers doctor saying he was i... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I was called a thief repeatedly at work, with no proof behind it, (otherswise, I would be in jail, not asking this question) where the LPM kept trying to get me to confess, saying he
I was called a thief repeatedly at work, with no proof behind it, (otherswise, I would be in jail, not asking this question) where the LPM kept trying to get me to confess, saying he applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Can you get laid off on your last day on short term disability? With no notice until you go back to work on a new schedule week?
Can you get laid off on your last day on short term disability? With no notice until you go back to work on a new schedule week? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

If I am out out on maternity leave can I attend my work Christmas party? Supervisor emailed me and said I was not allowed to come.
Asking for a friend. applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Can the company lay me off first without a reason?
I'am 65 year old and the other workers are in their 40's. I have the best work record of anybody. Do I have a good case to take to the EEOC. Thank you applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

we have to bring in our own fans to work if want something to cool down. we were told if we forget to turn then off they will cut the cord on the fan
we have to bring in our own fans to work if want something to cool down. we were told if we forget to turn then off they will cut the cord on the fan applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I'm a RN and was falsly accused of being intoxiated at work Friday and I have not heard anything yey. I am on suspension
I cannot get a lawyer to represent me applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

hi i work for a comp for 5 year i'm in Florida i left because i have another opportunity i have 2 weeks vacantion i need to know if lost my vacation
yes applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

If I am out out on maternity leave can I attend my work Christmas party? Supervisor emailed me and said I was not allowed to come.
Asking for a friend. applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Is this a reason to file a lawsuit i need help
I was completely honest about my past already had a background ran on me and they still promoted me 2 years ago but only now it seems it’s an issue but if that is the case then shouldn’t everyone ... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

what are my options with a hostile work environment?
I work for a resort that moved me to another facility with a different job that pays more money but did not get the raise. I am constantly being written up for things that they cannot prove that I did... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Truth in hiring Steak N Shake Brunswick, GA
My son was hired for full-time employment. It is an hour away and he had to buy uniforms and attend unpaid training. They gave him less than 10 hours per week andwere doing this to other employees. He... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

What should you do if your employer won't sign a standard independent contractor contract?
What should you do if your employer won't sign a standard independent contractor contract, demands that you perform out-of-scope work per your "offer letter" that was "to stand in lieu of a formal con... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Is there an estimated $ amount that i can win through court working with kansas human rights commission(KHRC) for disability discrimination, workplace retaliation at least 5-6 scenarios of it,workplace discrimination, hostile work enviroment, employer is
for disability discrimination, workplace retaliation,- at least 5-6 scenarios, workplace discrimination, hostile work enviroment, employer is neglient of maintaining a safe work enviroment. The cowork... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

Is there an estimated $ amount that i can win through court working with kansas human rights commission(KHRC) for disability discrimination, workplace retaliation at least 5-6 scenarios of it,workplace discrimination, hostile work enviroment, employer is
for disability discrimination, workplace retaliation,- at least 5-6 scenarios, workplace discrimination, hostile work enviroment, employer is neglient of maintaining a safe work enviroment. The cowork... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

Change Required Hours per Week for Salary Employees
I have worked for an Ohio company in a salary position for the past five years. I do not have an employment contract with this employer. I was recently informed that the hours I was required to work d... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer


Can an employer withold a discretionary bonus b/c you were on maternity when the bonus was awarded?
My employer has a discretionary bonus program that when we work there for 18 months we enter a pool and receive a bonus at the end of each quarter if the company is doing well. This program is not in ... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

Can a job refuse to give me PTO that was pre approved?
I requested vacation for August 6-8, three weeks prior to that date as per my company's policy. However due to extenuating circumstances, I had to send a resignation letter on August 7th that my last ... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Are employers required to inform its employees when they do not withhold state income tax when the state does not have a reciprocal agreement?
I work for a Pa employer who uses ADP for its payroll. ADP has told them they do not withhold Delaware state tax for their employees that work in pa and live in Delaware. I understand there is no reci... applies to Delaware  ·  0 answers

Can my boss require a Drs. note for an apt. after the apt. to approve sick day
My boss informed me after my Drs. Apt. that I would need a Drs. note to receive a paid sick day & a Drs. note for any future sick days taken because I had been sick too many days although there is no ... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Is a fixed hourly rate (with no guarantee of work) sufficient consideration to enforce a non compete clause as an independent contractor?
While unemployed, I was approached by a custom software development shop, and offered an opportunity to consult for one of their clients. Initially, they led me to believe I would be an employee. Afte... applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

I live in Tennessee, and have a couple of issues going on. I was at my previous employer for 2 years ( I did have a non-compete)but, left the position because I didnt agree with some of the ways they ... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Am I owed wages for the duration of my 90-day probationary period when I was let go after a month?
I left an existing job to take a new job with another company. Although there was no employment contract, I was told that my employment was subject to a 90-day probationary period. My supervisor was v... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Govt contract - did not have a teaming agreement and the "partner" stole it, any relief?
I found the "perfect" contract - my first one to bid on for the Fed. A company that I had talked to for about quite some time - with no experience in the type of work/skills was supposed to be HELPING... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Relocation repayment/hostile work environment
I was promoted and transferred with a company on Feb. 28th, 2018. I signed an agreement to repay relocation expenses if I left or was terminated for cause within 1 year. After 3 months I was accused o... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Can my employer hold my first check of every year paying it in december?
I work for an Oregon employer who pays every Friday. When I started working for them they held my first paycheck like is usual. I started working for them January of 2016 and did not receive that "wai... applies to Oregon  ·  1 answer

Can I work for another contract rehab agency & be placed at the same location as my current agency?
I am currently working for a Contract Rehab Services agency that is based in MA as a Contract PT. They placed me in a facility in E. Providence. Originally I was supposed to be doing Early interventio... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Can I be denied Severance if I accepted to evaluate relocation but decided I cannot relocate?
My company moved their office and offered relocation to all employees in 2015. Employees either agreed to relocate or separated from the company and were offered a severance package. Later in 2016 the... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

If I had fmla paper filled out and was approve how far can I go back on my attendance but paper work wasn't filled out right to go back and cover those days . Was let go and then my doctor refilled out for those days for my mental health issues
My attendance was bad bcs of a mental health issues I have I missed to many days and then I found out abt fmla from other people and ask my employer for some for Doctor to fill out but didn't get all ... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

Medical Information Privacy in the Workplace
I work at a small non-profit organization (40 employees) and recently advised my supervisor that I would be requiring some time off work to have an operation for kidney stones. Not seemingly a privacy... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

I have been working for this company for almost six years. Last year, I was promoted into management and was sent to Illinois Upon my arrival, it was clear that things were not going to work out.I hav... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I feel as though I was wrongfully suspended, so I contacted the EEOC. My employer is now requiring me to sign a contract waiving my right to contact the EEOC to end my suspension in order to return to work.
My employer suspended me for violating a policy that is not in the handbook nor have I ever seen before. Prior to this incident multiple employees violated policies that are in the handbook, but nobod... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

What can I do when I feel I'm being targeted at work?
I have worked for this employer for nearly 14 years. Recently our ED was replaced and things have changed considerably. I was falsely accused of bullying and harassment by a relatively new employee. A... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

This question is for the state of CA. I am a power plant operator working rotating 12 hour shifts : 36 hours one week and 42 the next also know as a DuPont schedule. Our employer pays us straight time for the first 8 hours and overtime for the last 4 hour
This question is for the state of CA. I am a power plant operator working rotating 12 hour shifts : 36 hours one week and 42 the next also know as a DuPont schedule. Our employer pays us straight time... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Wrongful Demotion
When I started at my company a year and a half ago, I was hired as a Director to manage operations and relationship managers for one part of the business and the parent company had a separate Director... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can I be demoted without being given any reason?
I am the lone female management person at my place of employment. The state requires someone in my position to have a bachelor's degree. My position is the only one with this requirement, and I am the... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I have a non compete but work in a hostile enviornment. How can I get out of it?
I've been working for a search and staffing firm for almost eight years. The small firm was owned by a husband and wife. They went through a messy breakup and I was left working for the wife but was h... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

I am a salaried Convenience store Manager. I work mandatory 48 hours a week sometimes more but my payroll check says 40. Is this legal and why?
Salaried Convenience Store Manager mandatory 48 hours a week but my payroll check says I work 40. Why would they do that and is it legal? applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

Where I work they are closing my department they have offered a another job at less pay. It is almost half of what I make now and it is not in my skill set can they do that
Just wondering applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

work (demotion)
If you are a assitant manger(hourly) and you step down from that position is your employee allowed to cut your pay? applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

I’ve been charged with verbal abuse now what
Had a bad day but also suffer from adhd where can I work and can I be fired because the hdhd was the case applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

I’ve been charged with verbal abuse now what
Had a bad day but also suffer from adhd where can I work and can I be fired because the hdhd was the case applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

I had quit by job in September 2017, because she kept calling me off work for her own personal reasons and was effecting my pay and hours. applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Confusion about overtime pay...
I recently accepted a job position with the title of assistant manager for a local chain of speciality retail shops. I was told that I would recieve a salary of XX, XXX per year, but that also anythin... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Fired for a bad back...
A little over a year ago, I was involved in an auto accident that left me with a lower back injury. I got a job in a factory as what they term a "secondary." Basically, I am supposed to learn all of t... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

A former employee was fired from the non profit organization that i work for because he was convicted of felony child pornography. The president of our company continually lets him in our building now that he is out of jail and is telling me that I need t
A former employee was fired from the non profit organization that i work for because he was convicted of felony child pornography. The president of our company continually lets him in our building now... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

My kids mother has been requested to go to NY to help with COVID-19 relief. I informed my employer that I will have to keep my kids for the month of June and would need to work from home Monday's and Wednesdays for the month of June. I was denied that and
My kids mother has been requested to go to NY to help with COVID-19 relief. I informed my employer that I will have to keep my kids for the month of June and would need to work from home Monday's and ... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

I work a 12 hour shift (7p - 7a). We are given a shift differential for working nights. Can my employer withhold any of this differential if I clock out before 7am? For instance, I clock in at 6:45 pm. Once my shift is over I clock out at 6:50 am. Can my
My employer wants to withhold four hours of differential pay if we clock out before 7 am. For instance, if we clock out before 7 am (e.g. 6:45 am), they want to withhold the four hours of differential... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

retlation by removing pay increase.
I'm a govt employee and last May the other program manager left for another job. In the interim I have been doing both positions. A few months into doing so mgmt. brought up giving me a pay raise. Thi... applies to New Mexico  ·  0 answers

I work for a tax office providing income tax service, we do not provide you your 1040 once we complete your taxes, we save them for you and charge you $20 for doing so. You are supposed to be able to ask for them and receive them when ever you want. How e
I work for a tax office providing income tax service, we do not provide you your 1040 once we complete your taxes, we save them for you and charge you $20 for doing so. You are supposed to be able to ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Can an employer force me to provide the name of my private insurance information to their group ins
My employer is forcing me to provide my private insurance information to their group health insurance is this legal? He is threatening to fire me....I am a Iraq Combat Veteran, I am insured I guess th... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I was asked to leave a good paying job to work for another company and have it in writing that they would match my salary then after 6 months they decided to cut my pay by $20K. What am I entitlted to if I pursue legal action?
I was very happy at my former job making $70K when I was persuaded to leave and go work for another company with the promise that they would match my salary. I made the owner put it in writing. Now af... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Demoted and was forced to quit my job
Last week I was force to quit my job because my boss said to me that my clients was not happy with my work and they do not wish to work with me and that's why he had no choice but to demote me to be a... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

5 year-50 mile radius service non-competence clause
I owned a service business for the past 20 years, last April I sold this business and received 100% of the money at closing. At closing I was under contract to work with the new owners for 6 months to... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Back wages
I have been employed by a professional group since January 2003. A final contract was never signed. We (employer and employee) had the same lawyer. (Don't you think this was a conflict of interest on ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Unfair Labor Practices
In April of 2002 myself and a friend, as well as some others, were laid off from SBC Ameritech. We were told at the time that we were going to be on a waiting list to be re-hired back on within two ye... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

accused of something i didn't do
I just got fired today. i worked in a fueling company as a driver. i started working there about 6months ago. Worked hard and did everything i was suppose todo i got along with my other co- workers an... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Documented No Show
I work for Hallmark and straighten up card isles. My last manager resigned and got a new one recently. She scheduled a meeting with me on my off day in which I told her I couldn't attend. I have been ... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Unusual case of reversed discrimination or bad management? do i have a case?
Work has always been difficult, for several of us actually, no matter what I do -nothing is ever good enough. I want to quit, however cannot afford it. its stressful beyond belief and it effects me at... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Unusual case of reversed discrimination or bad management? do i have a case?
Work has always been difficult, for several of us actually, no matter what I do -nothing is ever good enough. I want to quit, however cannot afford it. its stressful beyond belief and it effects me at... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can I be sued for breach of non-compete?
In late 2002, I began working for a not-for-profit company that publishes websites for various clients, including "Client X". Nearly a year later, I was asked by my employer to sign a Confidentiality ... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

Can a county office terminate me due to "excessive absences during a probationary period?
Was sent a termination letter stating terminated due to "excessive absences during my probationary period" and was quoted a section in the county employee manual which I never received. I was also nev... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I have been offered my first psychotherapist fee for service position in a private practice in New York City. They require that I sign a contract that includes a non-compete clauses. Do you have any advice over things I should be wary of?
The most confusing item seems like it is missing a verb to me. "(e) During the time that Employee is under the employment of -----(proprietor --- LCSW, ---business name-- all paid and unpaid employmen... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I was asked to resign after taking 2 sick days off with the required jobs time off.
I called in sick to work on a Wednesday morning roughly a month after the death of my roommate of 9.5 years.I also told the job that I would not be in on the next day. I did have a doctors note and si... applies to Maine  ·  0 answers

Merger/Buyout/Spin-Off: Is a non-compete transferable? Assignable?
I live in Philadelphia & work in a satellite office of my (New Jersey-based) employer. I signed a non-compete when I was hired. My company has 2 different divisions: market research and sales force ef... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Bully for a boss with no help from HR
I need some advice/help with a bully for a boss. She rules by intimidation and fear, constantly subjects her employees to condescension, sarcasm, belittlement and smugness. Her direction to her employ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I am in Michigan, my employer is selling and the new owners gave me an offer but it came with a bunch of strings attached. It would be polar opposite of how I am treated now. I don't want to work for them, I would rather search for a new career meaning ce
I am in Michigan, my employer is selling and the new owners gave me an offer but it came with a bunch of strings attached. It would be polar opposite of how I am treated now. I don't want to work for ... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Asked/told to resign while on intermittent FMLA
I was told/asked to resign from my position. I worked for the company for 14+ years. A little less than 2 years ago a got a new manager. Prior to the new manager I never had any problems leaving work ... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Will the non-compete clause be enforceable in my situation?
Four years ago, I signed an employment contract with a non-compete clause with Company A. Company A is mainly in the business of training and contracting trained consultants out to larger consulting f... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

I work in NYC for a company based in CA. They are deducting from my paycheck (bi-MOnthly) the following CA deductions: CA W/H CA DT EE Why? Is this an error on their part?
Should be clear in the question above. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I'm in Florida. I am an inside sales consultant. My employer states I cannot work from home because I have to be an hourly paid associate. Is this true?
I'm in Florida. I am an inside sales consultant. My employer states I cannot work from home because I have to be an hourly paid associate. Is this true? applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

wage payment
I work straight commission. Can my employer start penalizing me for late paying customers? He started this 11/01/02. applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Do I have a case?
I just heard that a coworker is telling others that I'm a pedophile at work. I am not, and this is an extremely damaging statement. How do I prove my claim against this person? applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

the president of the company i work for made a smart remark(im a guy and he asked if im on my period) to me if i leave do i qualify for unemployment?
the president of the company i work for made a smart remark(im a guy and he asked if im on my period) to me if i leave do i qualify for unemployment? applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

I relocated to another state with my company but it didn't work out for personal reasons so I relocated back, my current position was not available here so they temporarily put me in a lower position and cut my salary, can they legally do that?
I relocated to another state for family with my current company and current position. It did not work out so I came back home. My company did not have my current position available so they have tempor... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

Unsure of Non-Compete requirements
I signed a non-compete agreement when I was first hired by my former company as a sales rep. I have been recently terminated due poor performance in sales. I signed the agreement on Sept. 19, 2001, bu... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I live in Ohio. I gave my employer a 2 week notice. I had to call in sick during the last week and went to the doctor. Now employer wants to just let me go. Do I still get reimbursed for acrued vacation days? Do I still get my sick day pay the day I calle
I am a nurse. I gave 2 week notice. The last week of my 2 week notice, my kids got sick and I got laryngitis so could not speak very loud which is an issue with my job. I took the kids to doctor and c... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

maternity leave and vacation
Good Day, I am a citizen of US and work for a non-profit organization. I am 7.5 months pregnant and I was informed today that my last day of work will be december 2, 2005 and that my position is elimi... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Confidentiality and No Solicitation Agreement in CA
I worked at a company for three years as a sales rep. I signed a "confidentiality and no solicitation agreement" when I started working there along with my compensation contract, etc. After three year... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Denied Employability
I worked for a technology consulting company. While going through financial difficulty, the owner/president decreed that all staff, effect the payroll lady, would now be on straight commission. I star... applies to Alabama  ·  1 answer

Discrimination during pregnany: wages, forced maternity leave.
At the beginning of 2009, my employer cut everyone's wages 20% and management 10%. Managers had to work a full schedule on the 10% cut, while the rest of the staff was permitted to take a day off per ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

What can I do??
On May 3, 2017 I was given a cooking position at carters Supermarket Springfiled La. A worker by the name Angie decides she no longer wants to work at carters and finds a better job at TNT seafood. My... applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

Fmla violation?
Hello. I have an ADA confirmed disability that I have asked my employer for the last 2 years to accommodate, until recently they would not. Since my employer never gave me the option of an accommodati... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Help! I think I've been blacklisted. . .
I was terminated from a past employer under dubious circumstances. To make a long story as short as possible, it was necessary for me to utilize a sick day to visit a hospital -- I was having severe c... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Hello I work for the VA and felt deceived. our quality standards have changed, I was offered a position (unofficially)for a GS position equal to mine however, due to the quality standards changing it should have been a higher GS position. I refused and th
grading scale for VA heath care systems Hello I work for the VA and felt deceived. our quality standards have changed, I was offered a position (unofficially)for a GS position equal to mine however, d... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

What recourse do I have when my unstable ex from 10 years ago files a hr complaint against me at my job of 11 years claiming to be a fellow peer. He filed it anonymously but i was given the details of who it was after my
Divorced for 10 years. Ex attained free legal plan through an ex employer that he ported to keep. I have primary placement of kids and always have. For 4 years ex and his lawyer would send letters and... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Being run out of my job for discrimination AND am filed as "exempt" and don't think I should be
I am an exempt employee for a travel firm which plans meetings and requires me to travel at least once per 6 weeks for about 10 days. When I was hired in April 2004, I was told I would receive payme... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Is it valid if you quit on your second day?
I signed an offer of employment letter, started a job, and quit on the 1st half of my second day. I got an offer for a better job, the new job was as a sales manager and what I left to go do was Opera... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Unfair demotion?
Unfair demotion? Wednesday November 5th 2014 I was supposed to go into work hourly manager at 12pm I called the restaurant while in the waiting room of the ER around 10am to let my supervisor who was ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I was hired for the position of a General Manager in a Gentlemen Club in Phoenix. I was there for 5 months. Their is drugs and prostitution going on in there and according to the owners has been for 30 years. I told the owners that I can’t keep working
I was hired 5 months ago to be a General Manager at a Gentlemen Club in Phoenix. The club has a bad reputation and history of prostitution and drugs. I kept telling the owners that it has I be cleaned... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

If I refuse to sign a non-compete contract and get fired can I still collect unemployment benefits?
I have been employed at my current company for over a year. I work in fine jewelry sales as a sales associate in a privately owned jewelry store. My company recently decided to draft and force us to s... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

any laws in Georgia about Harassment and undo stress caused by boss when totally uncalled for?
for about a year my boss was pretty much a non show owner. but when she did come in she always screamed and yelled at her employees. during most of that time she left me alone since I was office manag... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Is a state government employee covered under United States Federal Whistleblower protections?
I have a question regarding health and safety conditions at my place of work, for the state of california in a safety sensitive position. I made a complaint about safety devices that were malfunctione... applies to California  ·  0 answers

While on short term disabilty for rotor cuff surgery my employer threatened my employment if i didnt "get the job done" so i didnt get terminated i began helping the replacement custodian while still ... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Demoted and Pressured to Quit after insisting on receiving Promised Sales Commissions
I work for a major corporation in the Los Angeles area. In my job as a service technician we have opportunties to receive small commissions for sales referrrals (commissions are generally in the $50-$... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Broken-Footed Worker being pressured to stay home
I work for a contract company, within a school district. Ten days ago I broke my foot at home. I immediately told my employer and the personell school district I work in. No one was sent to help me. I... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can I sue for wrongful termination?
had to go in to work on an unscheduled day it was a Sunday. I have worked for this company for a total of almost ten years. That Sunday I went in to help get wastewater caught up do we didn’t flood ... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

Where do I find my abandoned 401K in retirement plan after a company has been sold
Due to being ignorant and not understanding what a 401k was or about. I was told. It would be wise to invest. So I invested 6 years in the top tier and the lowest tier. Unfortunately I had to quit my ... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Should I be concerned with being fired and what should I do?
I pulled my boss aside the other day at work. I asked her why i haven't been on a register at work. She responded with "I was waiting for you to ask. The district manager believes someone is stealing ... applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

May an Employer reneig on a signed, executed and paid severance agreement?
My employer (based in Michigan) made the decision to close the plant where I work. they put together a spread sheet with proposed severance agreement and stay on bonus dollars. My last day of work was... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

wrongfull termination, descrimination, wage payment.
I was recently terminated for absenteeism/tardiness, this was the company's reason. My wife had major surgery and I needed to have time off to be home with the children. I had vacation time(7 days), s... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Rights under an employee agreement.
On October 12, 2001, I was terminated after nearly seven years of service from my management position at a medium-sized special machine builder in nearby Michigan. Approximately two years earlier I ha... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Medical discrimination? Also fear of retaliation?
I have recently been put on a new medication for depression and it has left me unable to drive for about four weeks so my husband drives me to work. My employer has known of my medical issues for the ... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

I have a question. If I signed a non-compete (i'm a logistics broker) with a territory which covers the entire US, is it enforceable if my new brokerage is based out of California, yet I still reside in Tennessee and work remotely from home. Can I solicit
I have a question. If I signed a non-compete (i'm a logistics broker/sales) with a territory which covers the entire US, is it enforceable if I leave my company and my new brokerage is based out of Ca... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

i am barber in a barbershop does a non-disclosure affect me if i'm a 1099 and not an actual employee
i have recently left the shop and will be starting work somewhere else soon and want to know what affects me applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

Split FMLA time?
Me and my wife both work for the state of Oklahoma and our HR is telling us that we can't both take 12 weeks, but that we have to share it. I have searched every law I can find and nothing says that s... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

I am an employee at a local hospital. There has been talk about sending one of our team members to
another location to work. Can my boss just pick anybody to transfer or does this have to done by seniority? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

My employer asks for our personal bank account info. Is this legal and do I have to provide it?
I live and work in Pennsylvania for an investment firm. applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

I work in construction, due to bad weather lately I've not worked a 40 hr week. can i collect unemployment?
I'm a laborer in moisture and conditioning. Excavating. applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I recently went to the drs and got a note excuseing me from fridays work due to stress annxiety and depression. My employer says its not I valid and not approved what can i do?
I need help applies to California  ·  0 answers

Recently been terminated after 7 months of work and believe this termination was unjust. My question is can I collect unemployment and sue the company in the state of New York?
Recently been terminated after 7 months of work and believe this termination was unjust. My question is can I collect unemployment and sue the company in the state of New York? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

What do you do when an employee is arrested for having a unlicenced firearm and he hasn't reported to work for more than two months and his supervisor just gave us a report now after two month
Please answer me I need to do something as soon as possible applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

i have a 6 month non-compete. if i hate my job, then isn't this to my advantage to just quit?
that way, i can emjoy 6 months paid and not have to work and just take soem time off. thanks! applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My boss treated me like pig and because i don't want that the fire me after 8 years of hard work Please i need your help Can you ?
Help me please i beg you My phone number is 347 586 18 11 applies to New York  ·  0 answers

What can i do?
I was falsely accused of something at the work place by 2 coworkers they used hearsay of the two people to end my job. what actions could i take for them ruining my character and credibility? applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Can i fight a layoff with arbitration and is this a form of harassment?
I have a long story. I just came back from maternity leave. Upon doing so my administrator calls me in for a meeting to tell me if the budget doesnt pass i will be laid off and i should start looking ... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

I need to know if I have been wrongfully terminated and what my options are.
I have been recently terminated from my job. They wrote dishonesty as the reason. I had used gift cards for purchases for work which usually they have a company card but there was not one available. A... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I have been with a company in a contract position for six months. The contract is expiring. I received an offer of employment from another company in our same office , who does the same type work. We’re all contractors and subcontractors in the same ind
I have been with a company in a contract position for six months. The contract is expiring. I received an offer of employment from another company in our same office , who does the same type work. We... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

My current EAD ends on January 18th 2020. My EAD renewal is in processing. Can I work as a volunteer for my current company while I wait for my new EAD card?
I am currently working as a data analyst. My current EAD ends on January 18th 2020. My EAD renewal is in processing and I will not be able to get my new EAD card before (best case scenario) February 1... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

I work for a company that has 2 departments in one warehouse. The other department makes trouble all the time. At our annual meeting I voiced my concerns and was laughed away. Later a CONFIDENTIAL survey was given to me via email. I voiced the same concer
I work for a company that has 2 departments in one warehouse. The other department makes trouble all the time. At our annual meeting I voiced my concerns and was laughed away. Later a CONFIDENTIAL sur... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

I want to start my own business and may have signed a no-compete clause, will it hold up in court?
I've worked for a sign shop for 9 of it's 11 years and have been instrumental in the growth of the company. Last year during a slow time my boss asked to meet with me and told me that nothing (employm... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Do I have a case? If so of what exactly?
Do I have a case? If so of what exactly? A foreman which is not over me falsely accused me of being in the rack in a unit of the chemical plant with a man and also said I refuse to come down after. Fo... applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

Do I have a legitimate workplace discrimination case?
I work, worked for the State of Pennsylvania. My job consisted of working with court appointed juvenile delinquents. I was just fired after being suspended for 3 months pending an investigation. In Se... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

no follow through on a verbal promise of promotion and pay increase
I work for a Fortune 500 company and late last year was verbally promised a promotion and increase in pay of more than $10,000 per year. This was to be effective no more than four months after relocat... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can I be forced to sign a Non-compete / confidentiality agreement?
I am paid as and considered a 1099 contractor by the company I am working for. They do not withhold any federal taxes or provide any benefits. Other than the way I am paid, they treat me as an "employ... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

My boss was angry and wrongfully discharged me. I was granted unemployment benefits and told I was let go for no misconduct related to my job. The same day I was granted benefits my boss called me back to work I reluctantly excepted because I did not want
I was let go from a job of 10+ years Because my boss flew off the handle and fired me for no reason I was capable of doing every job in the company and had done so at one or another and consider mysel... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I live in NYC I work as a waiter. I was short on my bank $44. The manager tells me to pay the $44 out of my tips while he investigates the situation. I know I'm not supposed to pay for shortages in your bank but I gave him the money anyway trusting he wou
I live in NYC I work as a waiter. I was short on my bank $44. The manager tells me to pay the $44 out of my tips while he investigates the situation. I know I'm not supposed to pay for shortages in yo... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Hospital offered a sign on bonus with clause to work there for 2 years, however failed to disclose a signed Letter of Intent/Merger with a larger hospital when they hired me, does this effect sign on bonus repayment?
Was hired in January 2018, DeKalb Medical Center in Georgia. Sign on bonus agreement was signed for $2500 with clause to be employed for 2 years. DMC had signed a Letter of Intent to merge with Emory ... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

Relocation contract
I have recently taken a position where the last manager was promoted. I signed a 12 month relocation contract where I am responsible for part of my relocation if I resign prior to a year of service. I... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Current company being purchased / possible hire/ being harassed at current job
If I am offered a job by passing the physical and drug screen - and I don't accept the job -- could I still apply for EDD benefits? I have two chronic conditions that make hard to be to work on time -... applies to California  ·  0 answers

As a 1099 employee after a year I am being asked to sign a non-compete
After just over a year of working with a company as a 1099, they are now asking for me to sign a non-compete agreement. The company is a marketing agency that currently is exclusive to the hospitality... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Cutting hours after not taking salary offer
My wife has worked at this resturant for 5 yrs. She started out out at $5 hr. With in less than a year she was up to $9hr due to her hard work ethic. The resturant was sold and she was hired on at $10... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Disciplined for FMLA excuse
I am currently on approved intermittent FMLA leave for an immediate family member. My immediate supervisor is very much against any leave of any sort. Since I am a salaried employee who is not eligibl... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

Is a printed job offer a binding contract? Is it illegal to change the offer with the first check?
I just started a new job. Over the phone they made me an offer of $36,000 a year and I accepted it. On my second day I was handed an offer letter which laid out in detail the additional expectations f... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

What actions could I take for mistreatment at a private club, an american legion?
Hello, I would first like to thank you for taking the time to listen to my story. I worked at an American Legion (a private club) for about a year, until I recently quit. My boss had 3 of her children... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

my small team of 4 was quietly replaced by 4 new hires in a city in another state
Hello, My small team of 4 (in a very large IT company) was quietly replaced by 4 new hires in a city in another state. We have been given 60 day notices of lay-off. The new team will be performing exa... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

i had an affair with a co-worker We are both field based and dont interact in a office environment We texted a lot of consensual sexually explicit content not during work hours. On occasions she would text me while she was having sex with her husband aski
i had an affair with a co-worker We are both field based and dont interact in a office environment We texted a lot of consensual sexually explicit content not during work hours. On occasions she would... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

short term disability question...
Can you help me..or at least point me in the right direction? I work for a well known insurance company. I had to leave work, on short term disability, to remedy problems with my right shoulder, carpa... applies to Oklahoma  ·  1 answer

I told my boss as we was walking down to take the test that I couldn't pass drugtest
he asked how long ago of smokeing I said two hours be4 work applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

small business (7 employees)
Can we as employers dictate professional dress (including make-up/hair/good grooming, etc) at work? If so, how can we do this legally? Please help! applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

my employer hasnt officially terminated my full time job in writing to me but has stopped paying my salary and has requested that i still work. is this legal?
my employer hasnt officially terminated my full time job in writing to me but has stopped paying my salary and has requested that i still work. is this legal? applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

im currently getting unemployment i have ony received 2 checks i was offed a job that i have experience at if it doesn't work out can i return getting benifits
receiving benefits again after employment applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

my doctor has not released me to return back to work
my employer says that my FMLA has ended and that my job will be terminated, what can I do. Am I eligible to receive unemployment compensation? applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

My manager where I work is paying me cash under the table and he still takes 10% off what a hell I know I'm not a citizen I was just raced here anyways what can I do I need my job but I can't let this... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

On light duty for work injury but also 7 months pregnant. Can employer ask me not to come back when I give notice to leave for my pregnancy.
Not eligible for FMLA applies to Idaho  ·  0 answers

I live and work in Illinois. I gave my employer a two week notice 9 days ago. I had a
I do not have a copy of the employee handbook and I'm not sure if it addresses this issue applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Are there any employment and labor lawyers that offer free consultations?
My boyfriend needs an employment and labor lawyer. Because of the situation I quickly outlined in the question I asked on April 8 "Can An Employer Who Is Also Your Landlord Force You To Work For Free ... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Are there any employment and labor lawyers that offer free consultations?
My boyfriend needs an employment and labor lawyer. Because of the situation I quickly outlined in the question I asked on April 8 "Can An Employer Who Is Also Your Landlord Force You To Work For Free ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Retaliation claim
I was diagnosed with cancer and went out on medical leave in January, 2007 I worked from home on occasion as I felt better. I returned to work full timeon May 1, 2007. My job responsibilites were sign... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

i am considered a 1099 employee for credit card processing company. I work off of commissions. my employer put out a contract last year that says if you dont bring in a certain volume of new accounts they will deduct the difference from my pay check. Can
I started for the company in 2008 as a regular w2 employee and moved out of state in 2013 and became a 1099 employee for the same company. I work from home calling businesses to switch them over to ou... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Hi, my current Executive Assistant has always been locally remote, however I my husband passed away and my 4yr old Daughter and I have to start over, and I went to my HRBP requesting to work remote from Memphis, Tennessee, until I get settled for at least
Hi, my current Executive Assistant role has always been physically in the office and locally remote, however my husband passed away and my 4yr old Daughter and I have to start over. I went to my HRBP ... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Hello, My manager is a good person but a couple months in within my promotion to supervisor she changed and wasnt as happy as she use to be (she is a hard worker).. one day she called me to her office and staryed to say that my associates i manage dont tr
Hello, My manager is a good person but a couple months in within my promotion to supervisor she changed and wasnt as happy as she use to be (she is a hard worker).. one day she called me to her office... applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

Can I ask for shorter notice period than specified in non-compete agreement if not competing?
I was asked to sign a non-compete agreement with my current employer. It requires 3 months notice period with possibly another 3 months before I can work for an competitor. The scope is related to any... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

fmla v sick leave and disciplinary actions on abuse of leave
my mom had a scheduled surgery and i requested time off and it was approved. a week before the surgery i became sick and had to miss a week of work with which i provided a doctors note for every day. ... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

Billable time & required time in the office?
My boyfriend recently took a job doing ITS, website management, and website design work. He was told he would be paid $10 an hour for the ITS/website managment stuff and $20 and hour for any of the de... applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

My employers disability co UNUM denied my disability before it became long term. My dr says I am. .
I am disabled and my medical records and a letter from my doctor went to my employers disability insurance UNUM. UNUM denied me now twice saying the records don't change their mind. I was on short-ter... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

My husband had the position of Plumber at work. He was demoted over a year ago to General Maintenance Worker. He was deducted $1 an hour for the demotion. The reason was because he didn't have a Plumbers license. He is still practicing the same duties wit
My husband had the position of Plumber at work for 8 years with good performance. He was demoted over a year ago to General Maintenance Worker. He was deducted $1 an hour for the demotion. The reason ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Because of changes to FLSA, I am going from salary exempt to hourly non-exempt. I was told that because of my job title and rate, that I will not be allowed to sign up for overtime in other departments. If it is determined that additional overtime is nece
FSLA changes base salary amount. My job responsibilities stay the same but, I am going from salary exempt to hourly non-exempt because it was determined that it would cost the company too much to rais... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

Can an employer remove me from my current position on the presumption I could be injured?
Have worked for a company for fourteen years. Have injured myself on 4 occasions. All accidents. Have returned to work as promptly as possible and never been accused of malingering. Recently suffered ... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

My previous employer has called my part time employer making threats about contacting clients
I am a Managing Esthetician. I began working for a dentist who wanted to offer skin care in his practise. I was hired around the 10th of November, 2009. I had a following that I brought with me. I hav... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Can another worker move my things?
I received an email from a coworker (not a manager, just a coworker) who said that either another coworker or myself had to swap desks with a new employee- as it is logical to have him sit next to tho... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I was terminated with an employment contract, no reprimands in file, possible in an at will state?
If I have a signed employment contract with office can they still just fire you willy nilly? I worked for a dental office for 11 months and was terminated yesterday for, as the Dr. put it "not being a... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

I work in an apt community, I had a resident tell me that my manager said I as rude to residents and the she had to give me a verbal warning! This was said to a resident so this particular resident wouldn’t talk to me because she thought I was rude acco
I work in an apt community, I had a resident tell me that my manager said I as rude to residents and the she had to give me a verbal warning! This was said to a resident so this particular resident wo... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Can a "copy-and-paste" haphazard non-compete be legal?
Last November, my ex-employer got to a point where he threatened me, after over a year of verbal abuse, harrassment, suspicious discrimination and general mistreatment. When I complained to HR, they s... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I have been on medical leave since July 22, 2017 due to two issues. One: 4 bulging discs in lumbar spine, stenosis and severe facet joint disease. Two: diagnosis of PTSD that had symptoms triggered by repeated behaviors by boss at work (previously undiagn
currently on leave for medical and mental issues. 4 bulging discs in lumbar spine, severe stenosis and severe facet disease on both sides of spine. In addition, was diagnosed after I went out on medic... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Hello, Background: I had to sign a Non-Compete Agreement in order to work at my previous company. I had told the owner that I was uncomfortable signing it, but he said it was just part of the "new hir... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Do I have a strong case against my employer for breach of confidentiality?
My employer gave me 4 days to decide if I would resign or be terminated due to the fact that I do not have certification needed for the position I have been in for nearly a decade. I turned in my forc... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

The dealer group I work for was sold to another dealergroup, and now the new group is not paying me
My car dealership was recently sold from one owner to another. The new owner has not paid my commissions, and while I have not yet spoken to my gm, I think he will refuse to pay and will do so because... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

Work place fairness
Sorry but I have a few question that I'm unclear about from the statutes read so far. I work for a car dealership as a mechanic. We have standard time for each job we perform. I've been told we are co... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Verbal agreement/non-compete enforcable?
I have been working for a consulting company for about three years now, and have been dealing with multiple issues since year one. I was hired for a position at what I believed was a good wage, until ... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Unlawful practices or ??
I have currently been employed at the same establishment for nearly 8 years. About three years ago new management took over and they have found every way to make my time at work miserable. It clear st... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Harassment/Retaliation/Discrimination-Forced to stay on job
As a news reporter under contract I find myself in a situation where I'm being retaliated, harrassed and discriminted against at work. I would just leave--- BUT here's the twist- my company WON'T let ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

hello, I am on H1B work visa, currently on Short term disability leave. My FMLA leave is till Jan 8th 2016 and STD got approved till Jan 30th 2016. As per my knowledge my employer can not terminate me while I am in FMLA leave. Since my FMLA ends by Jan 8t
hello, I am on H1B work visa, currently on Short term disability leave. My FMLA leave is till Jan 8th 2016 and STD got approved till Jan 30th 2016. As per my knowledge my employer can not terminate me... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Can a person still be eligible for UI in CA after terminated b/c random drug screen misunderstanding
If an an employer does a random drug screening and the employee was asked to give another sample at the clinic due to temperature issues, and the employee quickly went to the car to get cell phone and... applies to California  ·  1 answer

what are my options with an employer who has not given me final pay
on the 28th of february, my wife attempted to cash four of my paychecks. there was only enough money in my employers payroll account to cash two of them. my boss had left for the day so I tried to cal... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Merger related job change / elimination - Employer won't agree to severance.
I am a long-time employee of a major financial institution, which recently went through a merger. As a direct result of the merger, my position, as I have known it for the past 5 years has completely ... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

I called legal aid and was given a name of a lawyer in hendersonville. It seems there are not many employment related lawyers out here. Well, I met with this lawyer and told him my story about being f... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

DISALLOWED unemployment
I was DISALLOWED my unemployment I was collecting for a few months and the year was up from the first claim and had to reapply. I did that and now I was informed I was DISALLOWED. I went back to work ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I am an exempt salary paid employee in the state of Oregon. I have worked at the same company for almost a year. Yesterday the company elected to keep our stores closed for the day due to hazerdous driving and weather conditions. I am also a Mon-Fri emplo
In Portland Oregon, I have been with the same company since Feb of 2016, I am an exempt salary employee, the sole carebprovider and single parent to a 16 month old child, my work schedule is Mon- Fri ... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

My husband quit his job 8 days ago because of a hostile work environment . He still has not received
My husband quit his job due to a hostile work environment. It was noted and documented. After 2 and a half years of it. His boss threatened him again, and he had to quit. He gave the owner of the comp... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

(Typed it in question box as bove) applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Texas - My employer is now implementing a new rule, they are requiring us to use PTO if we do not want to work on weekends. Can they do this?
For frame of reference I am a full time employee for a marketing firm. applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I'm the only light duty worker denied overtime and holiday work at my department.
I'm not surprise I'm the first person with a question like this. It's the worst kind of discrimination. It's unfounded. applies to California  ·  0 answers

Hi i got fired for missing work to attend court and interviews with police and investigators. Reason given to me for letting me go was had to much going on in my life. But my boss knew about my sitaution since day one. Is there anything I can do ??
Hi i got fired for missing work to attend court and interviews with police and investigators. Reason given to me for letting me go was had to much going on in my life. But my boss knew about my sitaut... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Laid off (not fired) in CA; am I entitled to the accrued & credited Sick Leave hours?
Employer terminated the account @ which I was working & had no other accounts for which I was qualified to work. applies to California  ·  0 answers

I work in property management and my complex went on the market and were being offered a
Is it a "bonus" to foolishly get those to sign it but really something with a fluffy name that misguides the employee and therefore will make them in eligible for unployment? applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I am a non-union civil service employee of a BOCES in NY State. In my recent performance evaluation my manager wrote that I was seen on a certain date and time someplace other than my work place. I was working in a school district and my boss claimed some
I am a non-union civil service employee of a BOCES in NY State. In my recent performance evaluation my manager wrote that I was seen on a certain date and time someplace other than my work place. I wa... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

The company i work for says my paystubs are under investigation. Can i get in trouble for this?
i worked for this private owned company and at first i though this company was a scam. I applied to the position then they emailed me saying they need my cover letter, which i then provided then said ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

was terminated from a company that I was with for 13 years. Was providing me a severance pay for 13 weeks. However there was a non-compete for 2 years could not work for another company in the same industry. Never worked for another company in same indust
was terminated from a company that I was with for 13 years. Was providing me a severance pay for 13 weeks. However there was a non-compete for 2 years could not work for another company in the same in... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Holiday Pay During Two week notice?
So I put my two week notice in with one additional day so I would get my Holiday Pay. My company came back and said they are terminating me the day before the holiday. Is this legal? (I am willing to ... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

"Can my employer use my paid vacation hours without my consent" 2.0
"Can my employer use my paid vacation hours without my consent" Is a question I have that your answer doesn't seem to cover the scenario. I'm salary and I have a set number of hours to work a month, b... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Do I have grounds to stand on to get my job back?
I had a two alcohol drinks during lunch a few hours before work, evidently someone told on me and when I arrived to work I was escorted to the medical facility for tests. 1 test was negative and the o... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Non-compete invoked by one subcontractor against another
I'm currently under contract to a subcontractor, who pays my salary, and 1/2 health benefits, to provide tech support for a company (heretofore referred as the client.) The client is moving operations... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I work in a public institution. I am a manger. An employee has accused me of discrimination. HR heard the case and found no wrong doing on my part. The employee took the complaint to the next level. Again no wrong doing found. the employee then sued the i
I work in a public institution. I am a manger. An employee has accused me of discrimination. HR heard the case and found no wrong doing on my part. The employee took the complaint to the next level. A... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

can i be demoted and my work schedule changed after returning to work after fmla maternity leave
Prior to leaving on maternity leave I asked my boss if I was not being hired full time due to me being pregnant. I asked because I have been with this department for many years, and people with only m... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Is my supervisor wrong?
I am a school bus attendant and my driver was having in appropriate conversations with me on the bus while children were on the bus about religion and abortions and that at one point when he first got... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

The place i used to work at did a background check on me before i started working there they hired me a couple weeks later fired me because of my background. Was I wrongfully terminated?
The place i used to work at did a background check on me before i started working there they hired me a couple weeks later fired me because of my background. Was I wrongfully terminated? applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

I have an employee that was working for my company for 5 years. She left during her day work and never came back. Now she is asking for her PTO. What is the law in Florida? do i have to pay her the PTO or no?
I have an employee that was working for my company for 5 years. She left during her day work and never came back. Now she is asking for her PTO. What is the law in Florida? do i have to pay her the PT... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can an employer request a light duty note for a PRN employee?
Is an employer allowed to require a no restrictions return to work note for a PRN/part time employee after personal scheduled time off? I'm having a breast augmentation and have scheduled time off wit... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Can an employer force me to sign a Non Compete agreeement after I have been let go in order to receive my final check?
Was Project Manager for construction company. No contracts/paperwork signed before or during employment. Owner/Boss quits Project/Company that we are working for in Alabama and brings us back to Oklah... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

Can a company that has federal contracts fire you for your doctor not releasing you back to work
During the winter when the weather dipped to below freezing, I developed bronchitis that was borderline pneumonia. The doctor refused to release me to work due to continued exposure and I had a prior ... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

My non-compete does Not designate a distance
The company I work for is based in Seattle, WA. My office is located in my home. The company is a national referral service for senior housing and senior care. Paragraph 9 of the Proprietary Informati... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

I am a resident of Tennessee, but work in Mississippi. I am receiving a severance payout equal to 9 months of my pay. Do I still have to pay state taxes to Mississippi since this money isn't earned there?
I am a resident of Tennessee, but work in Mississippi. I am receiving a severance payout equal to 9 months of my pay. Do I still have to pay state taxes to Mississippi since this money isn't earned th... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

I have held the same job for 2 years doing the same work, I was told that my position was eliminated and that I had 2 days to choice a severence packet of 8 weeks or a non salary position. I chose the job, however when meeting my boss a few weeks later I
I have held the same job for 2 years doing the same work, I was told that my position was eliminated and that I had 2 days to choice a severence packet of 8 weeks or a non salary position. I chose the... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Can a potential employer obtain my employee record from my current employer?
I am currently working at a job and am looking for employment near home. My potential new employer has initiated a background check through an outside company with my permission. I see that they verif... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I am 65,can an employer demote your position because they think it would be easier on you?
I was hired as an electrician 1 year and 3 months ago. I have no bad points on my record. I am retired from a school district as their lead IT man, I am 65 years old. (It has been hard to find a job a... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Does my employer have the right to deny schedule adj w/ other coworkers due to being angry w/ me?
I work as a State Tested Nursing Assistant in a Nursing Home. Our company has a "call-off" policy and all are aware that you will be written up if you call off after 3 times, then written up after 2, ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I worked 50hours already in 4 day period I am sick on my scheduled 5 day work week if I call in sick will I be paid 8hr sick pay still or is it legal to Deny that pay due to amount of hours worked already in the week and if I’m supposed to get those 8hr
Is it legal to deny 8hr sick pay if I have over 40hrs worked in 4 day period on a regular 5 day scheduled work week, and what rate is that 8hrs paid on example OVERTIME RATE OR REGULAR PAY RATE applies to California  ·  0 answers

A former employee has went to EEOC for wrongful termination due to her having a disability. The employee provided a doctors note that stated she had ADHD, but it did not describe the diagnosis as severely impacting a major life activity (work) and she did
A former employee has went to EEOC for wrongful termination due to her having a disability. The employee provided a doctors note that stated she had ADHD three months after she was employed, but it di... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

breach of contract in the midst of a buyout
My husband was just involved in a buyout at a local University. He was a contract employee (3 yrs. - only 8 months of which has been worked). He was terminated based on "restructuring" verbally stated... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Is a non-compete this broad actually enforceable?
I work for a petcare company as a dog walker. When I joined the company, I was asked to sign a non-compete, despite the fact that it had not been mentioned until I came in for my training. I have been... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

yes my work is deeming them selves an essential business during this crisis which wtih me and all of my coworkes dont agree with that statment. On top of that statement there is no really action be taken to ensure the safety of us, they are pushing the bi
thats about all i got applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I'm being accused of sexual harassment at my work by my coworker and may lose my job. Is there someone I speak with with no cost to help advise me?
It's a long story but I'd like to tell it if I can so I can be properly advised. Takes about 20-30 minutes. applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

My boss lied to HR and said I was creating a negative work environment )she never spoke to me about it). The head of HR came to my office and basically harrassed me because I didn’t say hi to her when she wakes in and insisted I must have a problem at w
See question applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Can i get paid for timee of suspension
Was suspending for sexual harrassment. Never interviewed. Was off work 2 weeks no pay. Moved to anothet store and have counseling letter. Never investigated applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

under what circumstance is a non compete in vialed
non payment of commission fighting to get paid .. every month.. then catching my bosses wife having an affair making my work place uncomfortable for me.. applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

My employer laid me off for reduction in work force. They offered me severance, I signed it and turned it in, then they sent me a letter 4 days later saying they are not proceeding with it. Can they do that?
They said since I am working for a competitor now they will not pay. I have no non complete applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Can my boss fire me because i confronted him that his drug use and distributing at work was causing a terrible environment.
Paid cash under table $40. As office sec. At welding shop applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

I need to make an appointment with a doctor which will require me to take a sick day from work. My boss would not approve of this unless I found a co-worker who would cover for me in my absence. Is this legal?
I am a private person. applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

At-Will? Wrongful Termination?
I live in San Jose, Ca. California currently abides by "at-will" employment laws, supposedly allowing an employer to terminate an employee's position for any reason. But. . . . I work(ed) in an auto d... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I was accused of inappropriate conduct. No contact. keep in mind the setting is a dance floor and I'm attending w/my work colleagues venue.
I was accused of inappropriate conduct. No contact. I have no problem admitting what I said; keep in mind the setting is a dance floor and I'm attending w/ 60% of my work colleagues including my Direc... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Getting copy of non-compete agreement after being fired.
I have recently been fired. I did sign a non-compete agreement as was required in order to retain my position at that time, but I never received a copy of that contract from the employer. After being ... applies to Maryland  ·  1 answer

Is it legal for an employer to request mandatory overtime from non-exempt (hourly) employees over the weekend and make it policy that if the employees cannot do the OT they must use their accrued PTO time? State is Florida.
Is it legal for an employer to request mandatory overtime from non-exempt (hourly) employees over the weekend and make it policy that if the employees cannot do the OT they must use their accrued PTO ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can a company alter the terms of a 90 day without cause termination agreement?
I recently relocated from florida to new york for a job. My employer verbally promised the job was secure. My employer is based out of california but has a contract with a different company in ny. I s... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Does this constitute a constructive discharge?
My husband worked for a small trucking company, he worked for this company for almost 4 years. For the last 3 1/2 years he has had one specific coal haul that he did. The only time that he did not hau... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

how do I deal with a rude contract officer (GS) trying to get me trouble?I have witnesses to events
I support an active duty Marine for the technical aspects of a demonstration contract. The contract has been let and the contracting officer is trying to run the demonstration and has been corrected n... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

I was hired by a hospital in MI and had not begun work, Instead, I declined the position after accepting The hospital listed me as a
See above applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

We have a employee that has return to work with restrictions. Her doctor no longer takes her insurance. Are we able to accept the new doctor's note from the new doctor?
We have a employee that has return to work with restrictions. Her doctor no longer takes her insurance. Are we able to accept the new doctor's note from the new doctor? applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

On call pay
Am I entitled to compensation if I have to call a telephone number to see if I am required to work for each day. applies to California  ·  1 answer

We currently do work offsite at another facility and they have started screening our employees upon departure from their building - is this legal? applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

holding 1st paycheck
if your work somewhere over 36 yrs and they held your 1st check can you get it and enterest if your still working applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

From reading up top. There’s nothing I can do for unfair treatment at work from management???
I have management picking with me every chance they get. applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

I was an employee of a company for over a year. Even before starting this job I had small lower back issues. I never reported any new injuries I just kept showing up and doing my work as I wasn't required to do a lot of manual labor. 3 Months ago I injure
I was an employee of a company for over a year. Even before starting this job I had small lower back issues, it's honestly never been said why I have issues with my lower back. I never reported anynew... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Employer Refuse To Pay For Earned Vacation Time For A Previous Contract
I work for a government contractor. I recently found out that I should have been getting paid some vacation time for continual service that I wasn't paid for. When I brought it to my employer attentio... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

Is an offer letter considered a contract?
I have an Amendment to Offer of Employment, signed by a Human Resources Manager that reads, in part, "Based on the employment negotiations for your position, you have been credited with nine years of ... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

i quit and hours cut from 5.97 to 5.15 is this legal
i quit my jobs because of difficulties with my manger. she didnt accept my notice of only 9 days. she would only take the full 14. she told me she was cutting my pay to 5.15 if i gave the notice. i co... applies to Georgia  ·  2 answers

When I ask the employer since records show I was terminated nineteen days for policy action no-call no-show, and now HR admits wrongdoing and attempt to rectify the situation by offering employment, demotion of pay and position and relocation? Also HR sta
I didn't receive any oral or written warning. I followed correct actions according to policy handbook. I called correct personnel prior to schedule work shift to cover my responsibility. I also report... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

what are your suggestions on what I should do...
I was on FMLA several reasons, spouse medical situation, birth of a daughter and personal mental health, I was suggested by management to take some time off to reconnect with my self since I was not p... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

On a CBA. Can a company that has just won a government contract demote employees for no reason?
I work in a government facility, ran by Sub contractors. My current company LB&B has just lost the contract to a different company called fidelity. The company under bided the contract by 30% without ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Is it possible to file a class action suit against a job elimination on the grounds they should prove it was for saving money? In other words, exactly how much do they need to prove that the money was worth it? I work for a university and there are basica
Is it possible to file a class action suit against a job elimination on the grounds they should prove it was for saving money? In other words, exactly how much do they need to prove that the money was... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

does my employer should give me some money after i work for him for 16 years without benefits?
have been working for a construction company for 16 years, I'm 42 right now and I just quit cause applies to California  ·  0 answers

at will- right to work state
In lay mans term can you explain what an "at will" state means and what are the employees rights under this law? applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

if i can be fired for not working mandatory ot can i take vacation time on the over time day
we work every weekend and get writen up for not coming in applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Is it required to get a pay raise after your 90 day probation
Work raise applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

220 title given to someone who never did work in that title
roofer provisonal position applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My company's remote work policy states
Questioning policy applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Exempt Salary Manager that worked 21 paid days, yet employer only paid for 18 and refuses to pay out
I am a salary exempt manager for a food service company. The month of August was a 21 day pay month (meaning I would need to work a minimum of 21 days to receive my salary. I am new to the company and... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can my employer convert all stff to Exempt to cut out our overtime?
Hello, I am an employee of a small Houston based oilfield company. I have read all about FSLA and still have questions. My employer is switching all office staff over to Exempt from Non Exempt status.... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

I was recently shorted hrs on my check because the co deducted for breaks never taken
I recently contacted HR to inquire on hrs owed to me which were not documented with a clock in because I had not been given a number to clock in and out with, however the manager scheduled me to work ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Is it libel?
I texted my boss I was sick due to lack of sleep on Monday morning. This has happened before, txt permitted instead of phone call. My boss txted back and was upset "On clean up day!!!" I LOL'd and sai... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

i was terminated filed eeoc charges and given a computer. I had forwarded some work emails to my computer to save the information as evidence in case they deleted it. Is that illegal?
i was terminated filed eeoc charges and given a computer. I had forwarded some work emails to my computer to save the information as evidence in case they deleted it. Is that illegal? applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

I worked for a company and never signed a non compete agreement. I recently quit because and have started my own business in the same field. The owner of the company I used to work for has stated to me that he is going to sue me. I am not sure for what???
I worked for a company and never signed a non compete agreement. I recently quit because and have started my own business in the same field. The owner of the company I used to work for has stated to m... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Pay scale changed after inquiry into overtime
Have been working for 3 years at 2 different rates. I travel a lot for this job and the travel is required. Every week I travel overtime from 4-12 hours but I have been refused overtime pay since I ea... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

FMLA Issue regarding Attendence.
I requested Intermittent FMLA for a life long medical issue I have back in September, 6 2009. I found out just 3 days ago, July 22, 2010 that my original request for FMLA was denied. The reason giving... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

The independent school where I work requires weekly COVID tests.
The testing period begins one and a half hours after my shift ends. Am I entitled to additional compensation? applies to California  ·  0 answers

Harrasment before last day.
I believe I was harrased at work, because they already knew I was leaving. And then that manager fired me over nothing? I believe he is doing it to other employees should I pursue any legal action to ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I am being laid off by my employer. I have been given a future date of separation, and have also been working to qualify for an
Full-time college instructor Additional retention compensation is to ensure I work through the semester. applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Company I work for offers FMLA after a full calendar year, I have only been there 10-11 months and don't qualify. I take a few weeks off when baby is born and when I return in told my job is gone... Can they do this?
I am in Dallas, Tx applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Hello, I’m in Florida and have been made aware by my Residential Supervisor that I’m not allowed to report to work until an investigation is completed about a complaint. I then asked what was going on and he told me he didn’t know he would get back
Curious of Rights applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

I have been offered a new job in WASHINGTON, I am currently in CALIFORNIA working remotely for 5 years to a company that has headquarters in MICHIGAN. I wanted to work for the new company in WASHINGTON but I have a non-compete agreement with my current em
I have been offered a new job in WASHINGTON, I am currently in CALIFORNIA working remotely for 5 years to a company that has headquarters in MICHIGAN. I wanted to work for the new company in WASHINGTO... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Hello, I would like to know about the required time frame between taking Short Term Disability for an operation and quitting my current position. I am also on SSDI. I was previously on leave for two years due to a serious injury, When I came back to work
Hello, I would like to know about the required time frame between taking Short Term Disability for an operation and quitting my current position. I am also on SSDI. I was previously on leave for two y... applies to New Hampshire  ·  0 answers

Intermittent FMLA should required office hours be different than team and should overtime go unpaid?
I'm a salaried employee working 40/hr work weeks. My team is expected to be in the office from 10-2. But I am required to be in the office from 7-4 or must submit FMLA hours. Also, some weeks I've wor... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

I am aware it is passed the deadline to file a tort claim, but can I sue an individual.
I worked for a state agency as a traffic officer. in 2013 I was terminated for dishonesty after finding drug paraphernalia in my vehicle on my way to work. I, instead of turning it over kept it and wa... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Do i have a retaliation lawsuit?
I got to work tuesday morning and upon my arrival i was told not to clock in. I was called into my supervisors office, and in her office was the HR supervisor also. To make a long story short, one of ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

My wife and I work for the same company. I want to resign because of a better job opportunity. We are concerned the employer may be retaliatory and fire my wife. Is this legal?
applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Change of job title and pay v/s Non-compete
I work For one of the local television Station in Evansville Indiana. When I first hired in I was paid a salary plus instant commission for Non-Traditional Revenue (NTR) sales. I sold Internet based p... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

I do not wish to use my FMLA time but my employer is forcing me to
I work for Albetsons Inc. I am on disability for stress unrelated to work. I turned in a doctors note to notify my company as such. I am collecting State disability. My employer had me fill out a form... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can my daughter file a defermation suit against a employees family member?
My daughter works for a retail store as a tech. She works with a girl who is lazy, calls in sick and always complaining. The store called my daughter to come in and fill in for a few hours to help out... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I am on light duty for a shoulder injury. Now my back is hurting. Do I report this? And to whom?
I am a bedside registered nurse on a busy cardiac floor in an acute care hospital. I sustained shoulder injury 2014. Long story short, Oct 2015 I had a flare up and was unable to return to full duty. ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

i had half of my alprazolam prescription stolen out of my locker at work. the only two people besides me who could access my locker is my boss and his newly appointed lead and cousin. i left a message with HR but they did nothing. my prescription is a con
I was at work on Feb 29, 2016 and due to my mental health conditions i usually kept all my prescriptions in my bag in my locker with is locked by key card access or a security code or employee number ... applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

Doctor previously worked for called and offered me a front office manager position. Accepted job and quit my present job. When I went to work for him the position I was hired for was not available. The person decided to stay. So he put me in a surgical as
My previous employer called an offered a front office Mgr position. When I went to work the position was not available. The person in the position decided not to leave. So they put me in a surgical po... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Pregnancy discrimination?
I have worked for my employer for 17 1/2 years. After being hit by a car I was put on temporary disability. I was told two weeks later I was getting a 10% pay cut due to the economy even though no one... applies to California  ·  2 answers

I had foot surgery on Oct 1st 2015 and just returned to work on Monday Jan 18th only 3 days a week. in the meantime they hired someone else full time about 1 month after my Oct 1st surgery and now they fired me today saying we have too many people and not
I had surgery on my right foot on Oct 1st 2015 and was hoping to be out only 6 weeks, but that 6 weeks turned into 15 weeks. I heard shortly after I left around the end of Oct they hired someone full ... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I have had poor attendance the past year and a half. I had to leave early on Monday may 8th to take my wife to the emergency room for a sprained foot, Went to work the next day and they gave me an ultimatum to go from full time to 29 hours and lost all my
I have had poor attendance the past year and a half. I had to leave early on Monday may 8th to take my wife to the emergency room for a sprained foot, Went to work the next day and they gave me an ult... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Employer verbally waived their non-compete at a meeting with several attendie and is now retracting.
I am a nurse who brought several patients to my now former employer. During a meeting several nurses called due to having bounced paychecks and wondering if the company was in danger, we asked if we c... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

What can I do?
First I would like to say, I live in PA and work in DE as an RN. I have just been faced with a difficult situation. I was asked to leave with the option of resigning. I worked there for a little over ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Our company sold the apartment community I work at December 1 2016. My boss call the HR department beginning of January and they told us our policy was still in effect and they get to it whenever they canceled it. I just called the insurance company and f
I work for an apartment community whose company owns a construction company also. They built three apartment communities and I'm one of the maintenance supervisors that managed The fountains of Meadow... applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

Wrongful Discharge Force to Sign Document
My spouse was recently terminated after working for her current employer for over a year for driving under suspension back in 1996. She had two tickets back then which she has paid all fines and court... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can a employer make Saturday mandatory after a 40 hour work week ?
Does this mandatory also affect people working through a temp service? applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

I was suspended when i coworker over heard me saying im going to kill somebody
Im the lead of this coworker and she was mad at me because I told her earlier to please focus on her work and stop talking applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Can my boss call me names and not pay me at all?
I work as a server.. But i don't get paid at all. He calls me bad names. He has offered himself and a co worker to me.. applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Part time
I will like to know was is legally the max hour my company can make me work as a part timer? And if they go past that what can I do? I live in chicago. Thanks applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Every sense I started fmla I have been treated differently at work
Like been called in office to get wrote up few time. Never been in trouble 2 years before fmla applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

Can a employer make Saturday mandatory after a 40 hour work week ?
Does this mandatory also affect people working through a temp service? applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

can my employer cut my salary for not performing a duty that he has not trained me yet to do?
hello, i am not sure who to turn to and i am hoping you can atleast help me determine whether I have a leg to stand on. I recently became injured no at work but on my way to work by a 3rd party. My ba... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Wrongful termination
I worked as a director for large services company and reported directly to the CEO. The business year of 2002 and 2003 was very successful for my department, and I was awarded as The best PS director... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I am on FMLA for care of my Mom, I usually only take 1 day a week plus my scheduled day off. I submit 3971's for both days since my boss likes to try to make me work my sdo. He returned my 3971's along with a letter that said he was changing my day off an
I am on FMLA for care of my Mom, I usually only take 1 day a week plus my scheduled day off. I submit 3971's for both days since my boss likes to try to make me work my sdo. He returned my 3971's alon... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

I recently was hired as a independent contractor for a firm in Columbus Ohio, I flew out and signed a two month working agreement. At that meeting they hand me a confidential/ non solicitation/non compete intellectual property agreement.
I Recently Was Hired As A Independent Contractor For A Firm In Columbus Ohio, I Flew Out And Signed A Two Month Working Agreement. At That Meeting They Hand Me A Confidential/ Non Solicitation/Non Com... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Unstable employee
I am a supervisor in a call center enviorment. I have an employee who has become very mental unstable in the past year.. He is taking several medications and has been known to call other employess aft... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

USPS Emoplyee Terminated Prior to 90 Day Probation. Worked less than 40 hrs a week.
I was hired by USPS on April 27 as a Mail Handler Assistant and "released" on June 29 on midnight. I was taken to the backroom and told I was fired after an evaluation where they rushed the meeting an... applies to California  ·  0 answers

My Supervisor has the employees submit for Vacation days 90 days in advance. 90-95% of the time we are denied so we never get to take our vacations. What's the law on this matter ? We work in a high stressful environment that requires some time off freque
My Supervisor has the employees submit for Vacation days 90 days in advance. 90-95% of the time we are denied so we never get to take our vacations. What's the law on this matter ? We work in a high s... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

can the demote me and cut my pay for using sick time?
This manager had already wrongfully suspended me because he was angry his mom had to work a little harder in our department. He is doing everything in his power to let me go, there was an incident las... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Wrongful termination and denial of vacation pay
This is a family business. I was terminated for alleged poor performance recently. I worked there for 10-1/2 months. I am 46 years old and was replaced by their 30 year old daughter, who just had a ba... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I was fired for an error on the phones part because they didn't receive my call and fired ?
i just worked 90 plus hours and i was told by a coordinator that there would be a job the next day i told him stop work because i had to 24 out since i was out of my cdl hours and he said that i would... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I received a call from the owner of the company with accusations of making other employees uncomfortable with my attitude. I find these allegations false and unfounded. However I still feel like my job is in jeopardy because of these so called allegations
I received a call from the owner of the company with accusations of making other employees uncomfortable with my attitude. I find these allegations false and unfounded. However I still feel like my jo... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

I started with this company thirteen years ago with the job title Technical Support Manager (Grade 21 - exempt employee). Since then, I have been promoted to Grade 22. Three years ago I was transferre... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

I am an independent contractor that works for work for a small cleaning agency. After working for several months with the agency and servicing my personal clients, I offered to help the owner (about to give bitrth) to help out in the office to learn more
I am an independent contractor that works for work for a small cleaning agency. After working for several months with the agency and servicing my personal clients, I offered to help the owner (about t... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can I be "laid off" when returning from medical leave at the same time 4 new nurses being hired?
I have been with this company for 6 months. I am a full-time 3rd shift nurse. I had to go on medical leave due to a fall which resulted in a broken bone and needed surgery. I was off initially for 4 w... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

In Florida, how does unemployment work after receiving lump sum of severance?
I am in Florida. I was laid off and given a severance package for 3 months to be paid out biweekly. It has been paid out bi-weekly until 1/15 when the company decided that it would pay out the remaini... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

I have attendance issues and have FMLA. I don't know what I can do.
I have been sick with different illnesses related to my current serious health diagnosis. I applied for and was approved for FMLA. Prior to this, I have had difficulties at work. One minute it was my ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can my employer reduce my hours for just any reason?
My GM recently tried to fire me over a 'voluntary" three page statement that was turned in to him by a customer. I believed the statement to be false and got the owner of the establishment involved. I... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Enforcing a No Compete Clause / Unpaid Bonus
I was offered and accepted a position in which I was given a signed agreement letter that promised me a set salary and benefits package. In return, 9 days later I agreed to sign a "Covenant Not to Com... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I was working full time when i was forced to take a medical leave. My doctor has will not write off on allowing me to return to work just yet, am i eligable for unemployment? thank you applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I work for city furniture everyday you have a different parker you got out with so they got yo parker putting a sofa on the truck that's not for him on vedio but not with me in it I didn't no about it until they show me that so I can I tell if I ready don
yes applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

I have a non compete contract with --- and i resigned and went to work for a diffrent firm eveyone i speak to tells me that since i didnot get anything when i signed that it is not enforceable what is... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

wage payment
I work straight commission. After 9 years, can my employer change the way he pays? It was based on sales, now it's based on receivables. Thank you, Janie applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

is this lawful
My boss found out I was gay yesterday and the schedule that came out today shows I have no hours at all this has never happened before I always work from 25-40 hours I am part time though is there any... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

can my employer force me to go to work after emergency surgery
I was at home and just took pain pills and my employer said i don't have a choice come in or your fired then got into a car accident. what can i do applies to Idaho  ·  0 answers

what are legal or other ways to properly deduct wages
Hello - I own a small business, As you know with any small business in the past few years margins are tight. which is why this is a big deal. I have been having problems with lost and neglected tools ... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I worked from Jan2016 till March 17th Collected unemployment for 26 weeks . went back to work in October and will be laid off March 31st 2017 Can I get NY State unemployment
I worked from Jan 2016 till March 17th 2016 Collected unemployment for 26 weeks . went back to work in October 2016 and will be laid off March 31st 2017 Can I get NY State unemployment applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Do I have a wrongful dismissal suite against my former employer
I was fired for sexual harassment on Friday October 22, 2010. I was asked to come into work on my scheduled day off to help out at an office I had managed until the earlier that week. I had recently s... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Is this non-compete valid?
My employer, for whom I have worked for over 2 years, just today presented me with an employment agreement to sign. Most of the terms are fine, but in the section on non-competition, I have some conce... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Loss Of Vacation And Holiday Time From Employer I had previously earned 2 weeks paid vacation + 3 paid holidays from my employer. The office I work in was was assigned a new Director and they now have a HR person. They are saying that because our fical ye
Loss Of Vacation And Holiday Time From Employer I had previously earned 2 weeks paid vacation + 3 paid holidays from my employer. The office I work in was was assigned a new Director and they now have... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

My employer does not want to honor my hourly rate
Hi, I am a consultant and work for a contract house, I get paid hourly for my work. During my first year working for my employer, they deducted $Y every hour worked. The deduction was due to the fact ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Last paycheck bounced, terminated with no pay.
I recently quit a job that I had for 9 months to work with a co-worker in a startup business that he owned. 3 months pass and I think everything is good until I see the financial papers. We lost most ... applies to Kansas  ·  1 answer

Hostile work environment based on race
My sister was recently terminated from her job of 22 years. She suffers from clinically diagnosed depression, this was diagnosed 7 years ago. She transferred to a new job, where she was the only cauca... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I am a saleried employee in Alabama that makes the same amount every check bi weekly reguardless od how much I work over 40 hours. Because of the holiday this year we were closed on a day that we would have normally been open shorting the week by one day.
I am a saleried employee in Alabama that makes the same amount every check bi weekly reguardless od how much I work over 40 hours. Because of the holiday this year we were closed on a day that we woul... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

Can my salary be docked?
I started to work for small company in January 2010 as a temp. I was hired in May 2010 as a permanent employee. At the time I was told that I would be salary exempt and if I worked overtime I would no... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Hostile work environment when returning from a medical leave of absence
Approximately 3 months ago I went on a doctor & company approved medical leave of absence. Prior to leaving I was working anywhere from 60 to 90 hour work weeks. Not uncommon for our global company. I... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I have been laid off but have an open medical portion of a worker's comp claim. I am collecting unemployment. I just had surgery on my hand due to the WC claim - should I now be collecting state disability rather than unemployment since I can't work for a
I have been laid off but have an open medical portion of a worker's comp claim. I am collecting unemployment. I just had surgery on my hand due to the WC claim - should I now be collecting state disab... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can I sue former coworker for false allegations leading to an investigation
A former coworker accused me of making a video of her son who was also an employee at the time. She called my work,11 weeks later this past monday,and said she is "out for blood and wants me fired". I... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Can They Do This To Me? Is This Even Legal?
I've been with this company for a little over 6 years. I recently came back from FMLA leave as I went to care for my father in Las Vegas who had terminal cancer and only had 6 months to live as I was ... applies to Hawaii  ·  2 answers

I was laid of in April 2016. I never applied for unemployment, because I didn't know I had it available. Can I still get it today in July of 2018?
I worked at Technip USA from Jan 2007 until March of 2010. I then worked for Bayer from March of 2010 until February of 2011. I then worked for Technip USA from February of 2011 until April of 2016. I... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Is this non-compete clause applicable to my case
My case Company X used to hold my H1B visa is a consulting Co I got a project through A which presented me to B as his employee, then B presented me to C as his employee,C is prefered vendor to client... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

Can my boss make me work in an unappropriate and uncomfortable environment
I am a female massage therapist and I had a male client that ejaculated on the table linens-if not during the massage (which I don't know if that can be possible without touching "it") then after I ha... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

I worked for a company and was written up for being late but I and 2 other employees all walked in late together and they never were wrote up and one was on there final write up. The same person wrote me up multiple times for being 10-15 minutes late whil
I worked for Aramark at Chillicothe Correctional Institution. I was always harassed due to the fact I didn’t want to de-humanize the inmates. Everyone comes in late and they never get wrote up and I... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I work in Illinois and received a letter on 12/10 that I am being laid off on 12/21.
246 people are included in this lay off with 40 people remaining at this facility. There are other facilities in Iowa and Utah. applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

overtime & lay-offs
Can an employer require their employees to work 12 hours days, every day, every other week, if the employer has a portion of the workforce laid-off? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I work in Illinois and received a letter on 12/10 that I am being laid off on 12/21.
246 people are included in this lay off with 40 people remaining at this facility. There are other facilities in Iowa and Utah. applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

salary cuts
The school I work for is cutting all employee salaries by 6% starting next month. We all have written agreements which state our salary for the year. Is this legal? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

My 'professional service agreement' states $500 fee for giving less than 60 days notice.
I work only about 4 hr/month with this company but they are threatening me with this fine now that I've given notice. applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I work in Illinois and received a letter on 12/10 that I am being laid off on 12/21.
246 people are included in this lay off with 40 people remaining at this facility. There are other facilities in Iowa and Utah. applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I have a question about being fired
My boss said he was firing me on my last day of my 90 day probation period because he said he has asked me to be more engaged at my work I want to know if this makes me able to be approved for unemplo... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

My name is Harold and I work for an ambulance company in Michigan. I have been accused of sexual harassment and the president of my company sat me down and told me about it and wrote me up. He would not tell me any specifics or anything. What soud i do
applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

I work for Publix in Florida, I'm going on FMLA for knee surgery, can they make me take my sick days and vacation time for my FMLA to kick in
Need to know if it's a law, or up to the company applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Mandatory unpaid meetings
I work as a cabler and we get paid per job in Florida. I have two hour long meetings weekly and I wanted to know if they were ripping us off by not paying us. applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

What should I do?
I received a text message from my boss stating that the department I work for was ceasing operations at this particular store. So I would no longer be needed. Then I was asked to write a resignation l... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

can you apply for unemployment while on severance pay weekly or in a lump sum?
The company I work for is releasing all of their employees due for closing the plant and moving the equiment to other locations outside New York state. applies to New York  ·  0 answers

my husband is a pending asylum case and has authorization to work in the US and is registered with Homeland Security, If he is receiving unemployment due to COVID-19, will he also receive the additional $600 as stated in the Cares Act?
my husband is a pending asylum case and has authorization to work in the US and is registered with Homeland Security, If he is receiving unemployment due to COVID-19, will he also receive the addition... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

pleas e maile me soon
i got a phone call from work yesterday morning telling me that i was fired because i asked a woman who was not supposed to be parked in our lot to please move her car for the guest and she complained ... applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

Is there a violation in of a law?
I work in a volunteer Fire Department as a captain and my job duties intail ordering supplies and processing Purchase Order to the clerk for payment. A few months ago I got a phone call about a approv... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I sold a company, but unlawfully told my payroll company that I was still doing consulting for the new owner, and it was easier if they continued to pay me as before I sold. (I wasn't doing any work for them) I wanted to purchase a house, and wanted to ha
I sold a company, but unlawfully told my payroll company that I was still consulting for the new owner, and it was easier if they continued to pay me as before I sold. (Although I wasn't doing any wor... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

I was being paid a set draw amount, or loan, assuming I would have commission being earned at a later date. I am a w-2 employee and pay taxes on that loan as well. In the end my commissions earned are much less than what I was loaned and I owe money. Howe
Im a public adjuster snd for 5 months my job was to drive out of state everyday, meet at homeowners properties, and try to convince insurance adjusters to buy these above said homeowners' roofs and/or... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I have been harassed and discriminated against for 3 years
I have done the appropriate things that my handbook told me to do and nothing has been done. After taking a 6 month long disability for mental stress, clinical depression and panick attacks from the w... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

i have been harassed and discriminated at work for two years and now assaulted
one man has been harassing me because i am male. i have been reporting and nothing is done they said he is there friend. he has told me to shove things up my ass. went into money im responsible for i ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

what would like to received information on what type of EEOC to file
I am a disable veteran with 30 percent I started working for VA in 1990 as an Electronic Mechanic I presently have 25 years I have several work performance awards I have never received any disciplinar... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

Can my employer deduct vacation pay from my last paycheck after he had already paid it to me earlier
I took a vacation in early July with about 3 days of vacation time I had left that my former employer had stated that I had left. About a month later, I gave my 2 weeks notice because I had received a... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Termination for Inquiry of Unemployment Rights
I recently was terminated from a small mom and pop company for bringing to the work place information concerning unemployment benefits. The company is a fundraising company that works with the local s... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Negligent Retention, Hostile Work Environment,
Can an employer be sued for negligent retention if the outcome was a hostile work environment where an employee was allowed to be continually yelled at in the workplace? This did not result in sexual ... applies to Montana  ·  0 answers

An employee is off due to a balance/vertigo type condition that makes him unable to drive or ride in a vehicle. He is an outside salesman and does not want to apply for FMLA but rather work from home. Short term, let's say a week I could agree, but this i
An employee is off due to a balance/vertigo type condition that makes him unable to drive or ride in a vehicle. He is an outside salesman and does not want to apply for FMLA but rather work from home.... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I left my former employer a little over a month ago. I received a certified letter in the mail today from their attorneys office telling me that since I am still friends with one of my former cutomer's employees (The named the customer and employee by nam
My former employer is saying that I signed a Confidentiality agreement, I may have but I have never been provided a copy. I got a letter in the mail from my former employers attorney, stating that the... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

im confused my employer said I didn't qualify for FMLA I was $16 short what did give me a medical leave of absence which isn't that kind of the same thing I had to have knee surgery from an ACL and meniscus tear that I believe it hurt at work but did not
im confused my employer said I didn't qualify for FMLA I was $16 short what did give me a medical leave of absence which isn't that kind of the same thing I had to have knee surgery from an ACL and me... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

Police contacted my employer after a false report in which no complaint towards me was filed, yet found the need to contact my employer and send them digging through personal things outside of work and forced me to resign. Is this legal?
Police contacted my employer after a false report in which no complaint towards me was filed, yet found the need to contact my employer and send them digging through personal things outside of work an... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I believe I was discriminated against at work, what do I need to prove this?
I filed a complaint against a co worker in September, it was during my 90 day probation. A meeting was set up between my manager, the other employees manager, myself and the VP of member services. I r... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

I work in a hospital as an x-ray tech.During my employment at this hospital, I had some communication problems so I decided to start looking for another Job.While I was on this job, I was interview, s... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I was hired to be weekend supervisor, but due to another job commitment I would need every 3rd weekend off. This was agreed to. After 2 weeks into the position, Manager was let go and an interim Manager came, well 2 of them, they would work alternate 2 we
hired as the weekend supervisor with every 3rd off. now the new manager is stating I am not meeting commitment. I feel they have already offered my position to another co-worker which was denied my po... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

Massachusetts employment on FMLA and ADA. Do I have any legal action?
Hi - I live and work in Massachusetts. I’m on FMLA and my Doc also filled out ADA paperwork for my employer. My employer has over 50k employees globally. I have worked for this company for three yea... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

What can i do to stop suspected retaliation after i voiced safety concerns?
I work at a public school. Safety concerns were about lifting procedures for students (in our severe/profound ID classroom) and pattern of injuries inflicted on employees by students. Retaliatory acti... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Should I sign a non-compete when I am bringing skills to the job to create new function there?
I am interviewing for a sales job. I have very specific skills in a specific sales area. I am interviewing for a new division that I would create and run at the company. My prospective employer wants ... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

prospective new job is not a direct competitor
I have a possible opportunity to work for a company that is in the same generic industry however does not, nor would not compete with any customers of my current employer. Would this still violate my ... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I settle a discrimination claim and the company took taxes out like I worked so many hours is this legal
We had an agreement for certain amount without going to court and they agreed then cut me a check like I work so many hours applies to Mississippi  ·  0 answers

Am i being blackmailed at my job?
I work at a nightclub in wichita kansas. There are 2 owners. One owner texted me saying that i have been removed from one of my shifts and being replaced saying that if i go to the other owner about t... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

Is it considered discrimination if 2 females both work at the same job same position both are not that great telemarketers both have poor attendance but one has been there longer and gets fired for her being sick but the other one gets offered a different
Discrimination in the workplace applies to California  ·  0 answers

County Agency wrongful denial of FMLA
The county agency I work for has a habit of denying FMLA (it appears for people they don't like) for good reasons. One person was forced out because he had diabities. His FMLA was denied for this. The... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Any recourse for under the table employee and breach of contract, unpaid wages?
I have voice mails and text messages from my boss attesting to my great performance at work. I was paid off the books, and under the table by her for over six months. I have evidence as to the contrac... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Should I allow my employer to pursue liquidated damages?
Employee is currently under 1 year contract to work for employer. After four years of employment with this company and signing four seperate one year agreements, employee has finally found another job... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Two questions regarding pay.
I have two questions regarding pay where I work. My first question is: At one point, any hourly employee working over 40 hours was paid overtime (time and a half) for any time over 40 hours. In an eff... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Do i need to find legal representation? Time card questions and total time billed discrepancies
I work in a hospital (direct patient care) was at an exempt full time status (no clocking In or out with An assumed 40 hr week x4 years) once i gave notice dt preparing to move to another state, my st... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

I am an independent contractor, treated like an employee. Had a stroke and returned to work at a doctors office. Now, All my business is being given to doctors own staff and they have told all patients I had a stroke. What are my rights?
I am an independent contractor, treated like an employee. Had a stroke and returned to work at a doctors office. Now, All my business is being given to doctors own staff and they have told all patient... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I am an independent contractor, treated like an employee. Had a stroke and returned to work at a doctors office. Now, All my business is being given to doctors own staff and they have told all patients I had a stroke. What are my rights?
I am an independent contractor, treated like an employee. Had a stroke and returned to work at a doctors office. Now, All my business is being given to doctors own staff and they have told all patient... applies to California  ·  0 answers

docking pay for late clock in
Dear MEL, I have two questions. I am employed by a small company (employing approximately 30 people) and they have recently enacted a new late policy. The policy is as follows; If an employee is one m... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is an unemployment appeal worth it for havimg weeks disqualified due to being out of town?
I left my job in December to take care of my mother. I had no idea at the time how long I’d be, but did try to work things out with my employer. They were very understanding and as how distressing t... applies to California  ·  0 answers

will i quilify for unemployment benefits if i quit my job based on retaliation in oklahoma?
My husband filed a claim with the labor board against the company I currently work for, I helped him with his claim (of course) the company was ordered to pay him, since that time I feel I have been a... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

What is considered fair geographical coverage
Small flooring company <2000000 demanding lack of competition in Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana when they only work in Florence Ky area and Lexington, Cincinnati Oh and Indianapolis IN applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

I was employed on May 3, 2017, and during my time of employment i was required to go by ambulllance to the hospital because of bllood pressure problems. There were a couple of other times i had to leave work for the same reason. A few weeks later there wa
Do i have a wrongful termination and deflamation case applies to West Virginia  ·  0 answers

There is a woman I work with that's constantly hateful. And disrespectful but management allow this behavior. What can I do legally but I love my job but don't like being talked to abusive!
She is African American and does what she wants. She's been written up but the warden throws it out for fear of a lawsuit. applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

All during the interview process I the employer kept asking me my dob when I told him he started saying that he was not sure I could do the job cause he thought I was to old and there were stairs to climb and he had to make sure I could walk up them .so h
I work in house keeping and I am extremely healthy .there is no reason for him to be so focused on my age I am 61 yes applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Management is making our workplace unbearable by restrictions and policies of convienience.
Where can I find a definition and examples of Hostile work environment in reguards to hear say phone conversations without documentation between supervisors and subordinates? applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I was woking for a nursing home where I worked alot of overtime but my check was always short so I put in for a vacation a month went by I started thinking about moving to connecticut week later I went into work I picked up my paycheck across from the job
Please help me applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

My employer say they accidentally terminated me and that what I was told after they hired me again and I started asking them why I didn't never get my last check I was with out work for 6 months
Still employed with the company sill trying to get my pay right some one went into their system and changed it the building manager said at ups Lathrop CA applies to California  ·  0 answers

My employer as of January 2 is requiring us (some of us) to park at a church 2 miles. farther from the building we work at due to poor planning and inability to accommodate the amount of patients seen. We have to be driven by another employee in a company
Lori applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

I was planning a trip to China, but my employer stated that I would not be allowed to return to work for 8-10 days after I got back due to the SARS scare, and they would take that time out of my sick ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Restaurant Scheduling
After being out ill for a week my employer requested that I bring in a doctor's note clearing me to work, which was done. Now I have not been put back on the schedule since. How long do I wait until I... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I was of work on std 7 mo. After surgery. I have been back a yr now but not accruing vacation time.
Had been with the company several years before going on short term disabilty my boss told me corporate has me listed as a new hire and I am now eligible for insurance again. What are my rights ? applies to California  ·  1 answer

I work for a company as an independent contractor (mobile salon) since covid they have really been nickel and diming us cutting back all reimbursements, products, tools, and education. The system is set up with 60% commission plus tips for employees. The
See above applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can I be reprimanded in Indiana for leaving work due to not receiving a paycheck for previous time worked?
I did not receive a check for the last pay period today and nobody seems to know where it is. I'm highly frustrated and unable to focus on my duties. applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

I work for a company as an independent contractor (mobile salon) since covid they have really been nickel and diming us cutting back all reimbursements, products, tools, and education. The system is set up with 60% commission plus tips for employees. The
See above applies to California  ·  0 answers

Possible retaliation when HR demands intermittent fmla use?
I've been with my current employer for 3.5 years. My current boss hired on 9/2015. At that time my hours were 6:30-3:30 am. With those hours I could continue chiropractic care on a weekly basis after ... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

FMLA - job elimination
I was on FMLA leave for back surgery, and call my boss to tell him of my release from doctors to go back to work the following week. Two days later I was told by my boss that he "eliminated" my positi... applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

I was told by another attorney that my husband would not be eligible for the additional $600 unemployment compensation under the Cares Act because he does not have a green card and based on Substantial Presence Test. He is authorized to work in the US, he
I was told by another attorney that my husband would not be eligible for the additional $600 unemployment compensation under the Cares Act because he does not have a green card and based on Substantia... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

my Sister slipped on ice at work and was on short term disability. She has a concussion and is having memory issues, sleep issues and mental health issues due to the injury. She was receiving 67 % of her wages but now that short term disability has expire
my Sister slipped on ice at work and was on short term disability. She has a concussion and is having memory issues, sleep issues and mental health issues due to the injury. She was receiving 67 % of ... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Can a company just stop giving me paychecks and write me off?
I work for a Company that company owns several clothing brands. I work exclusively on one brand. The license between Company and brand is being terminated. The brand told the company that they would b... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My employer of over 9 years informed me after 5 months of being furloughed that my position was no longer available and gave me the choice between accepting a different lower paying seasonal position or resigning. I felt coerced into resigning so that I w
I worked as a salesperson at a Nordstrom location in Los Angeles and was in contact with my manager during the period of furloughment during the pandemic. We were led to believe we would be asked to c... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Not employed long enough
Started as temp-hire august 1, 2011 during first 4 weeks was asked about forklift history, and asked if I would be interested, which I said yes. and proceeded to tell me its basics . was trained in sh... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I was out 5 consecutive days from work for FMLA. My employer has me schedule my vacation time out a year in advance. My FMLA has used up all my accrued vacation time and my employer is now canceling my scheduled vacation a week and a half before I am supp
I was out 5 consecutive days from work for FMLA. My employer has me schedule my vacation time out a year in advance. My FMLA has used up all my accrued vacation time and my employer is now canceling m... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can Department Head take adverse action for a verbal agreement with a immediate supervisor?
I'm a Federal employee working for the US Navy. Department Head is threatening to take disciplinary actions against me for leaving the office early claiming that I was defrauding the government. I exp... applies to Hawaii  ·  0 answers

my secretary was fired after reporting a coworker for leaving work without signing out
In short - my secretary was fired after she reported her coworker to administration for repeatedly signing in for work, then leaving for hours at a time, leaving my sec to cover her phone and duties. ... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Five weeks after starting a new teaching job i became chronically ill. I'm not eligible for FMLA. Now my employer is asking me to voluntarily resign. What are my options?
My doctor says that i will not be able to return to work indefinitely. What are my options? applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I live and work in Illinois. My company is headquartered in Illinois as well. They recently sent out a mandatory arbitration agreement to all employees. If I don't sign, can they fire me?
I have been an employee here for 2.5 years, am over age 40. applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

Training replacement after being laid off
My company is relocating the accounting dept and we are all losing our jobs. However 80% of my job is now going to be kept here in the office I now work in but they asking me to train someone else her... applies to All States  ·  1 answer

How can I prove retaliation?
I filed an Ombuds claim at work and two weeks was fired. My employer said it was due to performance but was not given any details or examples. I had no progressive discipline and was not on a performa... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

The business I work for is the process of selling, the owners are telling us we will all lose our pto. Our company policy states Pto will be paid out at termination. Are they legal required to pay us out?
.. applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

I hurt me knee and my dr gave me a note not to work for a few days. My boss said if I can't get someone to cover my shift I have to go in or I will lose my job. Can they do that?
Im a bar tender/ waitress. Im on crutches and in a knee brace. applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Downsized and training my replacement.
My company is relocating the accounting dept and we are all loosing our jobs. However 80% of my job is now going to be kept here in the office I now work in but they asking me to train someone else he... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I was offered a job w non competition
It states that I may not work in any field that could be considered a competitor for 6 mos. regardless of the reason of separation. This would make me unemployable in my field. Would I be eligible for... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

how does accrued vacation and sick time effect UI
I was "eliminated" as of 6/30, after 15 yrs with a non-profit prek-12 special needs educational institution. I was a salary exempt professional - my employer verbally said I was outsourced, but the do... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

Denied a position without reason.
My fiance has been seeking employment at a large discount retail store where I work. He put in his application and was called in for an interview. He made it through 2 interviews (I was put through 3)... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Today I was scheduled from 5 am untill 1245 pm but do to me having overtime my boss told me instead of taking a half hour break I have to take a 1 hour break and work a split shift is the against the law
Today I was scheduled from 5 am untill 1245 pm but do to me having overtime my boss told me instead of taking a half hour break I have to take a 1 hour break and work a split shift is the against the ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Today I was scheduled from 5 am untill 1245 pm but do to me having overtime my boss told me instead of taking a half hour break I have to take a 1 hour break and work a split shift is the against the law
Today I was scheduled from 5 am untill 1245 pm but do to me having overtime my boss told me instead of taking a half hour break I have to take a 1 hour break and work a split shift is the against the ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Jurisdiction Ohio Resident working weekdays in Arkansas
I'm an Ohio resident (8 years, own property, return home each weekend) working in Arkansas 6.5 days per week. I'm a W2 employee of a company that is Headquartered in VA. I was hired and am managed by ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

wrongfully terminated
hi my name is john Mendez and I work in NYC for a company called watermatic coolers. today I went to work and I was terminated .I asked why and they gave a lame excuse that I wasn't productive enough ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I work for a billion dollar company we are paid hourly. The company I work for has a few different contracts (departments) like a beauty dept, a cell phone dept. within the same building. There were 4... applies to Iowa  ·  1 answer

I have a full time job and I work 6:15 to 3:15 and I have a part time job that starts at 4:30 my boss at my full time job needs to me stay late even though I need to get to my other job. I was wondering is she allowed to do that?
I have a full time job, I work 6:15 to 3:15 and I have a part time job that starts at 4:30. My boss at my full time job needs to me stay late even though I need to get to my other job and she knows th... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

My job tile was eliminated and my pay was cut, but I still do the exact same job and have documents that show the company I work for still referring to me by my old job tile? Is this legal?
My job tile was eliminated and my pay was cut, but I still do the exact same job and have documents that show the company I work for still referring to me by my old job tile? Is this legal? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Hello, here to ask a question.... I work at a dealership, I had some brand new wheels and tires stored inside the body shop while I was working in the body shop side, I transferred over to the mechanic side(different managers, same company) the body shop
Hello, here to ask a question.... I work at a dealership, I had some brand new wheels and tires stored inside the body shop while I was working in the body shop side, I transferred over to the mechani... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

do i have a case if i was terminated for saying to my boss Im going to ask as to my rights at DLSE?
My "supervisor/foreman" came to me showing a picture of my task i completed 2 days prior, and yelling at me in front of every employee, asking why i didn't do what i was instructed to do and why i jus... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can my employer take away accrued sick time?
My employer is global but based out of the USA. I work in Nevada. We accrue paid sick time. Sick time is NOT frontloaded. I accure 4 hrs per month. On my last pay stub of 2018 it showed I had accrued ... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

New Sales Job changed how pay scale works
I recently was hired for a sales position. For two weeks I was told that I would be given a base pay if I worked 6 days or did 14 demos a week. I was to be payed weekly. Now I am being told that I wil... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

I was recently given a written warning that my productivity at a Texas Pawnshop is not up to par...Management stated that they thought one of the reasons for my so called drop in my work performance w... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

how do i find attorney been out of work going on 4 weeks now unemployment still undecided. so really have no income
was let go cause employer missplaced fmla paperwork i turned in. i do have dr copy and appointment summary. but the are claiming they never recieved it do i have right to have my union stedard to revi... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Hello. I am currently pregnant ( I will be 30 weeks in tomorrow) I started bleeding and having complications as well as am considered high risk due to findings on my 20 week ultrasound. My obgyn and fetal medicine have pulled me from work for now as I kep
Maternity fmla applies to New Hampshire  ·  0 answers

20 years ago i was terminated by a company I just reapply to there sister store and got hired filled out paper work goy an emplyee number and now going to start in a week. can the 20 catch up and then relize I mwas fired.. can they let me go
rehire applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

I hadknee replacement on Nov. 23 my fmla ran out on Fe. 24I have been on std until Feb 24 when Sedwick told me that I wasn't elegable for it since the pain I am having doesn't count as a disability even tho the Dr. Has not released me to return to work. I
Still under Dr s care applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I was liad off for 8 weeks this past January and Febuary. I have been back to work for the same company now for 5 weeks. Am I able to file unemployment for those weeks I was laid off?
Answers applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I work for a small company in Kansas. My supervisor recently shared a personal health problem I shared with her to other people in the company. After reporting this to HR, the supervisor and other employee in question said they did not do this/did not hav
I work for a small company in Kansas. My supervisor recently shared a personal health problem I shared with her to other people in the company. After reporting this to HR, the supervisor and other emp... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

I have been accused of sleeping at my desk and using profane and racist language. Both are not true and not opinions. As a result of these accusations I have been demoted and feel that my job is now threatened. Is there anything I can do that would restor
I have worked in my current job for over 4.5 years. I manage a staff of 8 people. I work as a government contractor. Recently (with in the last 8 months) I have hired 2 new employees. The government a... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Disability and retaliation
I work in a specialty level sales job for a large company. In May of 2009 I took the first of a series of FMLA and company approved short term medical leaves for a chronic disease and resulting disabi... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Is my boss taking my FMLA illegally?
If I am injured at work and I am on workmans comp, my employer says he can exhaust all my FMLA for the year if I am off for 3 months,wheather I like it or not! Is he correct or is he just bulling me a... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Hidden knowledge of noncompete
If an employer denies having an employment agreement, and does not give you a copy of one after being hired, but tries to sue you after you work for a competitor. What liability do you have if you hav... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

if I am terminated for performance will I receive severance?
I feel the performance termination was not favorable, meaning metrics are inaccurate, and goals are unattainable given our work load and number of accounts we support applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

The company I work for has a policy in place that will not compensate you for a holday unless you average 35 hours a week during the 4 months prior to the holiday. This contnues throughout the year. I... applies to California  ·  1 answer

workers comp
I was injured on the job and now are getting ready to return to work, I am concerned that my manager might try to fire me because of my injury. Is this legal? All the doctors I have been to confirm th... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Hello, I have recently received a bad performance review at work. The person that filed the review was not on site until after I was gone to the next job. They never saw me. Several scores were low that should not have been. The most key was timeliness in
please read initial question applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

non compete?
I am a salon owner. I have spent thousands of dollars promoting stylists. Recently one of them went across the street to work on her own. My fear is that other employees will follow. If I do not a non... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Small business in New York City_ conversion contractor to employees status
Hello How long can a independent contractor work at the same place/providing same services? It the litmus test 18 months? Thank you applies to New York  ·  0 answers

unpaid contract wages
I worked as a contractor for an indepentent oil company. The company closed and they owe me thousands of dollars for my last 1 1/2 months work. Can I file any kind of claim applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

After finding out about a 20yr old non work related knee injury my employer made me pay for a fit for duty physical and said if I passed I would continue to have a job. After passing the physical I was laid off do I have any legal options
After finding out about a 20yr old non work related knee injury my employer made me pay for a fit for duty physical and said if I passed I would continue to have a job. After passing the physical I wa... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I live in Virginia and am listed as an exempt salaried employee by my company. I am required to work certain hours and can have my pay docked if I do not, even if I'm out sick. My concern is that I have an hourly rate on my paycheck. How can I be consider
I live in Virginia and am listed as an exempt salaried employee by my company. I am required to work certain hours and can have my pay docked if I do not, even if I'm out sick. My concern is that I ha... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Discharge Question
I was told over the Christmas holiday that my job was being eliminated because of organizational changes. I was an Admin Asst, and whenever I would ask for a job description I was told to refer to the... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Am I being taken advantage by being labeled as a private contractor ?
I was a recent graduate wanting to get working experience. I started volunteering and everything was going great. The person in charge decides to give me an offer as a private contractor. Basically th... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Am I being taken advantage by being labeled as a private contractor ?
I was a recent graduate wanting to get working experience. I started volunteering and everything was going great. The person in charge decides to give me an offer as a private contractor. Basically th... applies to California  ·  2 answers

SKELLY I am facing termination. My Skelly hearing was 13 months ago. I have been called back twice to clarify issues regarding the charge. Is there a time limit for management to respond after a Skelly hearing. The only proposal made was to retire and iss
I am a long term worker for a govt agency. I was charged w/ falysfying a document. The section I work has no manual and does policy changes with emails etc. I had a Skelly Hearing a year ago. The only... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Is a posistion considered equivalent if they transfer me to 9 stores in 6 months?
I am an MGT(manager trainee) at a large company and have been since 1997 and was typically transfered once every couple of years, I had to have my spine fused and went on leave for the surgery. Upon r... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

I was employed with as a home health aid from 2014-2019, I no longer work for the company. No taxes were ever taken out of my checks. I worked 140 hours in a biweekly pay period. Am I entitled to overtime? If so, what is the process and turn around time t
I was employed with as a home health aid from 2014-2019, I no longer work for the company. No taxes were ever taken out of my checks. I worked 140 hours in a biweekly pay period. Am I entitled to over... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Does my son, a barber, have a case against his employer for firing him.
My son works as a barber in a small barber shop in Cleveland, OH. He is under no contract. He has worked there for about 3 years. He pays $150 per week, which is $600 monthly for the use of his chair ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Current Employer Blocked Me From New Job
I have been working as a department lead for a grocery store for four months. One of my distributors changed routes, leaving his sales rep job open. I interviewed for the position, and was told that m... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

My Employer in Violation of FMLA Laws?
I have a chronic condition in which I was approved for intermittent FMLA leave for time off for doctor appointments, physical therapy and time off in the condition is exasperated. My physician wrote t... applies to Michigan  ·  1 answer

I am a CA non-exempt employee. I normally work a 7:30am - 4:00pm shift. On a particular day I worked from 7:00am to 3:30pm and my employer paid me 30 minutes of OT from 7:00am - 7:30am and then took away 30 minutes of my PTO for 3:30pm - 4:00pm. I only wo
I am a CA non-exempt employee. I normally work a 7:30am - 4:00pm shift. On a particular day I worked from 7:00am to 3:30pm and my employer paid me 30 minutes of OT from 7:00am - 7:30am and then took a... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can my employer terminate my Medical Benefits while I'm on Short Term Disability?
I was hospitalized from 2/25/11 - 3/31/11 for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. I was put into a medically induced coma for 10 days & lost most of my muscles. I was incapacitated & sent to inpatien... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

A company I used to work for called me and told me they were creating a new team and wanted to know if I would come back as the Office Manager, I left another job and was excited to take that position. I have worked their now for almost 7 months. About a
A company I used to work for called me and told me they were creating a new team and wanted to know if I wanted to be a part of it and wondered if I would come back as the Office Manager, I left anoth... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

What can I do about a co-worker that has extreme absences, filed an FMLA and is now pregnant?
3 union employees doing the same job (a sit down clerical position). The subject employee has had absenteeism problems for years and blows through her vacation time early in the year then just calls o... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Mel. I work in va for Saks Fitch ave I just resigned from employment with them and I have 52 unused PTO Time showing on the books I was informed by management that they will Not reimburse or forward payment of those accrued earned hours Any suggestion
Please advise applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

If my wife took a long pre-arranged leave of absence for our wedding and honeymoon, and then went back to work for a week and then they told her that she was unfit for her position and lacked leadership capabilities, are their legal options? Other employe
I think I put all that currently needs to be said in the question itself.. applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

I work for a trucking company that was recently bought out from my family. I have never signed a non-compete and purchased 3 trucks that my husband was going to dispatch and manage as well as place an advertisement for drivers. It in no way affects my abi
I am being asked to quit or be fired. Do they have a case applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

My husband is a union heavy equipment operator and every winter he gets laid off due to cold weather. We've had a horrible year as far as work for him (I am disabled) the one job he had during summer/fall got shut down by osha for safety violations. He st
What to do about claiming UE applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

I was approved for unemployment in Ky I found a job during that time in which only lasted 3 weeks. I was terminated today because I couldn't do job way they wanted and no experience in the field of work. So I will call in another claim on Sunday. That bei
See,above applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

I had surgery and have been on STD for 6 weeks, I have been released to return to work with no restrictions. My company is requiring me to see their doctor and give all the details and surgical reports to him. I am not comfortable with that, he is not an
A physical is not required for my position, I am not sure why I have to see the company Dr. applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Ive worked at my job almost 12yrs doing hoisekeeping i have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia im able to return but with restrictions my job is saying they have no work to accommodate me and is trying to force me into resigning they havent offered any seve
Trying to find a solution applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

I work in GA as a hourly 911 employee. Because I have the most seniority in the center I make more per hour then anyone else. I would like to take advantage of a supervisor position that has opened but the county has informed me that this promotion will i
I am being asked to take a promotion with a pay cut applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Can salaried sales emp'ee get overtime? I am expected to work weekends in addition to the rest of the week. Salary 90k annually.
My supervisor calls me at home at all hours 7 days a week. applies to California  ·  2 answers

Can It be a law suit for being done wrong from employer
I started working for a Transportation company in March of 2016 taking people to and from dr appointments etc. they supply the company car that we keep at our residence every day 4 and half months of ... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Can I be denied a promotion due to Intermittent LOA under FMLA?
I have been with the same company for 2 years and watched numerous people promoted around me since I began. My statistics are always in the "Exceptional" range. I have applied for and been contacted b... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Yes my name is Randy Kelly I have currently signed a two-year contract to travel on the road to remodel credit unions this was set at a rate of $960 per week $175 per week per diem and hotels being taken care of as well as vehicles the employer now has ha
I was hired into remodel Credit Unions across the United States this was for a two-year contract it's a salary of $960 a week with a per diem of $175 to eat on with vehicles and hotels paid for my wor... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

WARN letter clarification
this is a copy of my warn letter dated july 7 2004 Due to the non renewal of a major contract we are forced to reduce our workforce..This letter is to provide you with a 60 day displacement notice. Yo... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

My employer gave out discretionary bonuses, my bonus was half of that of a co worker with half the amount of work, and same level performance, and they have been there less years than I have. Is it legal to give discretionary bonuses with no actual bases,
My employer gave out discretionary bonuses, my bonus was half of that of a co worker with half the amount of work, and same level performance, and they have been there less years than I have. Is it le... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

We believe that our company has violated the Warn Act. They sold the marketing division of the company, and are laying off everyone else except for about 20 people who will work in NJ. There is about 200 people in the company. In Feb a group of us was tol
We believe that our company has violated the Warn Act. They sold the marketing division of the company, and are laying off everyone else except for about 20 people who will work in NJ. There is about ... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

I was cashing out a customer and the customer was about to leave and turn around and said here this is for you. And handed me 4 dollars. after customer leaves manager tell me that's not yours that belongs to the server, don't do that. You did nothing for
I was cashing out a customer and the customer was about to leave and turn around and said here this is for you. And handed me 4 dollars. after customer leaves manager tell me that's not yours that bel... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I was on the payroll for a week, is my non-compete enforceable?
Last Tuesday, the 21st, I went to work for company in my field of work. I was hired as a sales manager for a manufacturer and left a job doing the same work but for a different manufacturer. When I wa... applies to Idaho  ·  0 answers

I have a non-compete signed and I can't work for any entity or business that competes with the Business, how can I know which business competes with them?
I have a non-compete signed and I can't work for any entity or business that competes with the Business, how can I know which business competes with them? applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Would these actions fit the definition of retaliation?
I work for a federal agency. In 2006, while on educational leave, I filed a grievance through our employee grievance process alleging an unfair hiring practice by my supervisor. He arranged to promote... applies to Alaska  ·  0 answers

can I sue my employer for consequenceing me for abiding by the same Union policy they failed to obse
Last week I was sent for a drug test on a Saturday because they couldn't give me a definitive answer as to why they were sending me first answer they gave me what is it I'd violated some safety protoc... applies to Mississippi  ·  0 answers

If a company is selling one of their locations.
If at the beginning or the store closing your dm assured you not to worry and that he would have a position for you. Well that was two months ago. Since then I've never missed a day I've been one of t... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Is My Employer in Breach of Contract
From December 2008 until January 2012, I worked for Paul Mitchell the School-Jacksonville, a Beauty School. After having worked for them for over two years I was forced to sign a non compete agreement... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I went into work on Tuesday, a normal work day. The GM asked me to his office sat me down with the president of the board and said another employee said that I said he and another were stealing from the company. I said absolutely not, I didn't say that. t
When in to work today, 04/26/20016, just a regular business day. Was called by my G.M. to come to his office. When I went into his office the president of the board was there (normal, today is payday ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

discrimination, unequal pay, unsafe work conditions etc
An incident happened to me at work on sept 21st that was reported to the manager and area manager. A poster was put up depicting 2 Gay people (one was elton john the other unknown) and a coworker told... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I was laid off for 90 days due to COVID and then notified it was permanent on July 1st--but now my employer is offering severance as
I'm in NJ and was laid off temporarily from Apr-Jul (layoffs due to COVID); the layoff was made permanent on July 1st. I was collecting unemployment during the temporary layoff, but now they are offer... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

I feel wrongfully demoted?
My boss has recently hired his friend to get my position. Never was i informed about new positions available, he is getting a hire pay i have senority, we work full time no benefits and feel like it's... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

there has been some physical attacks & verbal threats
What can one do about a hostile environment at work? Where some co-workers have to have control and are immature in their behavior by making fun of others or making loud exessive noise to distract to ... applies to Arkansas  ·  1 answer

Can my employer make me work off the clock to calculate and distribute all staff tips?
This is for a job at a restaurant. This can take 30 minutes or more and I prefer that I, and other employees get paid to do these calculations. For some reason we are being asked to do it off the cloc... applies to California  ·  0 answers


I don't feel safe at work , a Coe worker has on several occasions been very angry toward me . I have been to hr, management who made us have 2 sit downs thus only provoking him even more . I have repeatedly told them this is a hostile environment , I don'
Please read above , I think I need a lawyer. applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I have a 8 hour restriction per my dr. Today my boss called and told me that I was being mandated and that I had no choice but to stay and work and that I would be fired if I didn't for abandoning my residents. I'm a cna in Wisconsin and a union member. I
Cna question applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

A co-worker constantly makes up lies an tells other co-workers, my boss, an human resources. Ive been called to the office numerous times, other co- workers have come to my defense in saying that i did not say the things she said i have said . There is ab
Hostile work place applies to West Virginia  ·  0 answers

Is this harrassment or just a bad HR Dept?
**Long post, just trying to be thorough** A few years ago, I began using FMLA leave to cover days off I needed because of complications with my bi-polar disorder and some troubles my wife has with her... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Non-compete clause validity for a subcontractor
I worked for a consulting firm with no maternity leave policy. The firm only offered to hold the job for 90 days. I started working in August 1999 and at the end of my maternity leave (Nov 2002) i was... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Can retaliation take place over time? I settled my complaint 3yrs ago...
3yrs ago I filed complaint and settled out of court. Since then I have been denied all promotions I applied for, even lateral positions. My performance is excellent the best in state I meet and exceed... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

A hug between two friends is sexual harassment?
I am female and I was recently written up because a male employee at the same company I work at gave me a hug (he happens to be my best friend) and a third employee (female) claimed she was offended. ... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I live in NJ and work as a manager at a grocery store. I was dating someone who I met there and he was fired some time ago. He's controlling and because I wanted to end the relationship,he sent a letter to my employer stating I was stealing. I've since be
My suspension is pending termination as they conduct and investigation. applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

I need an attorney. The government facility I work has breeched union contract, unfair practice labor act, employment breech, and harrassed me. They have withheld my earned salary for extended periods of time over the last 2 years. I have evidence includi
see above applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

I work in NJ, we have a new CFO our old CFO was terminated in 2015. Our new CFO went over all the
Please refer to my question applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

The FMLA provides longer service employees of larger employers the right to take up to 12 weeks from work without losing their job. Is that 12 weeks a year or 12 weeks for the rest of your life????
For different personal health issues... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Does my manager have to follow written documentation when determining discipline?
I work in Illinois. Attendance policy is 5 occurrences per calendar year before disciplinary action is taken, managers decided what is excused v unexcused. At 6 you are given a verbal warning, 7 writt... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I was an at will employee at a large corporation. There was a reduction on work force and we were told there would be no severance package. We had to re apply and re interview for the same job. This job went from 6 positions to 3 positions, in addition th
I was an at will employee at a large corporation. There was a reduction on work force and we were told there would be no severance package. We had to re apply and re interview for the same job. This j... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can city make changes to notice of suspension and change to dismissal?
Im a citygov employee as a transit operator. I had an incident last aug2016 and had a meeting with my superintendent and union rep, outcome was a proposal for a 3day suspension. I was released back to... applies to California  ·  1 answer

What can I do if my boss is telling customers I'm high and am not I was an addict but have been in treatment and have not used
I work at a tanning salon one of my customers approached me and said I was high and that is untrue applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

This was done during an investigation of a training session.
Is it legal for a representative of a company to ask an employee if they have a personal relationship with another employee outside of work? There is no company policy against this. Thanks. applies to Texas  ·  3 answers


non-exempt pay
non-exempt employees only get paid overtime if they have worked 40 hours in one week. Does it matter how many hours they work in a day? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Failed settlement clauses, discrimination, retailiation
This question will be somewhat lengthy because I read over many of your sample complaints and noticed a constant appeal to more information =). I'm a hearing impaired individual and wear two hearing a... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I work 8 to 5 (9 hours) I get 2 15 minute breaks and a 30 minute lunch but only get paid for 8 hours. In Colorado, shouldn't I be getting paid for 8.5 hours?
I work 8 to 5 (9 hours) with 2 15 minute breaks and a 30 minute lunch but only get paid for 8 hours. Shouldn't I be getting paid breaks =8.5 hours? applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Required Overtime
Is there a limit to the amount of over time an employer can require from and employee without penalizing the employee for refusing to work excessive overtime. applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

permanent disability
if my doctor has listed my condition as permanent and unable to work I wouldn't qualify for fmla or short term disability would I? applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Can i be fired for an asthma attack
I was recently let go from work due to me having an asthma attack at the job was forced to go to the hospital and when i tried to return was told i could not an was consider a liability applies to New York  ·  1 answer

MA or NY
I signed a non compete with my employer situated in MA. My client in NY hired me. Will non compete be governed by MA or NY law. I live in CT but work for the client in NY. I implement the system. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

is this legal
I work at McDonalds. My owner wants to deduct a dollar from our pay checks each time our drive through time goes over 200 seconds. is this legal applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

non-compete distance
I signed a non-compete agreement that stated I could not work at a competing company within 20 miles. What is the best way to get an accurate measure of the distance from one business to another? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Overtime for exempt and repayment of overpayment
I worked for a company as an exempt employee. My title was Technology Architect. I worked a lot of overtime - which did not bother me all that much at the time. From the week of April 2 (1999) to the ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Hi...can an employer legally limit hours to less than 30/week?
Our company needs to cut expenses and has asked all to not work more than 30 hours/week. applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

I missed work due to car trouble and was told i cant use pto even though i have the hours
My supervisor told me she wasn't going to use PTO just because she said so. applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

violation of personal property/ failure of employer to have e mployee complete paperwork
I am a highly skilled and experienced Paralegal. I have been voluntarily out of work for about 6 months. I recently decided to go back to work and accepted a job with a small firm who was eager to hav... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Bonus Eligibility at the end of a temporary assignment.
I joined a disability law firm in Cherry Hill, NJ on 8/29/11. I joined the firm as the TEMPORARY HR Manager, while the regular HR Manager would be out on FMLA through the middle of January 2012. Part ... applies to New Jersey  ·  1 answer

Harrasement /discrimination angry whats next
i havge been working at my job for three years now and i have had this specific boss now for almost one year. at first he was really nice and fair but over the year he has changed very much. in septem... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I work full-time for a very large solar vendor in Southern California, wrongful termination case?
Firstly, the work I do for the company is technically illegal. By law, they should have a license or be paying a contractor to do what I do for the company. They could get in serious trouble with the ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Spouse wasnt paid for 10 hours,complained, then hours cut.
Went to work on a saturday morning as scheduled for the early morning freight shift, and her store manager did NOT open the register for her to clock in, saying that he would do it after the store ope... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

What can happen if I was accused of sexual harassment at work by a customer but quit before any action was taken
Can legal action be taken outside of my former employer? Can my former employer release any personal info? applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I need to know the amount of breaks that are to be given in an 8 hour workday.
How many breaks are required by law for a fast food worker that is working an eight hour work day that is not a minor? applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Can your pay be taken down 22% after you demote yourself from General Manager back to Asstiant.
I work for Tim Hortons with a private owner. I have worked for Tim Hortons since 2014 until now. applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

What can happen if I was accused of sexual harassment at work by a customer but quit before any action was taken
Can legal action be taken outside of my former employer? Can my former employer release any personal info? applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

If I receive a severance check for 8 weeks and work a minimum wage job then quit after severance from previous job ran out could I still apply for unemployment?
N/A applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

What can happen if I was accused of sexual harassment at work by a customer but quit before any action was taken
Can legal action be taken outside of my former employer? Can my former employer release any personal info? applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

i tok early retirement from my coal co. i returned to work at another coal co ., now my pension has been stopped. i earned that pension with 25 years of service. is this legal? applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Hello, I am a resident of Texas, working as a consultant for a Minnesota firm. I was previously engaged on a project in Raleigh, NC. I would like to go work for this company in NC, However, due to a n... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

how do i go about being fired
i asked my service manager if i could leave early due to family matter she got mad an asked me to go outside so i did she then started to cuss me and putting her finger at me saying also that i am out... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

Can my employer make a contract that waives our OT hours for straight base pay always. Im confused and havent been collecting OT for months now and i work 2 10 hour days a week 40+ hours.
Do i have to sign or is this even a real legal thing? applies to California  ·  0 answers

Father on maternity leave
I work at a small company that only employs about 30 people. Is there a law that covers a father for taking time off to be with his wife and new born child? I was told that we don't fall under the FML... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can my small business owner make me sign a contract waiving my overtime all together? He is expecting me to work 10 hr shifts not payed time and a half for the extra 2 hrs worked of overtime. I live in california.
Hmmm? applies to California  ·  4 answers

PA question. My employer just told us of a new policy. If we call out of work and when we return and we do not have a doctor's note, they will dock our pay $50 for a week day and $75 for a weekend day. We are hourly employees making $8 or $9 per hour
Can my expo year do this applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

How to keep termination letter out of my personnel file
• I work for. A county office of education and al A union member I was sent a notice of termination while on disability leave . r a skelly how employees can contest and correct erroneous information... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I was recently fired after putting in a grievance that could have affected the amount Overtime that my lead guys were getting. Soon after I was suspended “indefinitely” after a supervisor of our company chest bumped me. The supervisor that did this ha
I have been out of work since a couple days before Thanksgiving 2019. applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

What protections against discrimination (religious and medical)? I work for a small business with less than 5 employees in California. I believe I was wrongfully terminated, but the EEOC and DFEH only handle businesses with 5 or more employees. Why would
I am figuring out how to pursue my employer for wrongful termination. applies to California  ·  0 answers

I work for a trucking company in an industrial warehouse area and we have an employee who has not gone home or showered in two weeks is that legal and she makes me very uncomfortable with her attitude because she is not sleeping and snaps on me
An employee living in the office not getting proper hygiene applies to California  ·  0 answers

Wrongful termination
I am the only english speaker I work with all Spanish. Recently i was accused of harrasment and another incident that I swore in front of customers i found out a few of my coworkers wrote false statem... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Employer Holding final pay check
I terminate from my employer on 1 Oct, he still owes me for about 207 hours ($8000) for work that I performed for him. I have called him and sent him email, but he still hasn't sent my paycheck. How l... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I was fired on my first day of work
I was fired only because I ask for a letter from the company stating that I was now they employee the receptionist already had type the lettter but they refuse to sign it and they made a remark saying... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Part time worker not picking up extra shifts, implied termination
Hello, I had a question about my wife's part time job. She is currently a nurse in an assisted living facility. She works a position called the Baylor shift. She works saturday and sunday 7 pm to 7 am... applies to New Hampshire  ·  0 answers

I need an attorney in Fairfax, VA who will work on contingency against a large firm who is black balling me
A large firm in Falls Church, VA hired me in August 2015. The supervisor who got me wanted to hire an ex-employee but she got me. From the 2nd day in that company for almost a year I went through her ... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

I work at a nursing home & my position is a
I'm a nurse in a nursing home & feel like my residents are going to be lacking care applies to Mississippi  ·  0 answers

hi i filed a grievance on 2/1/21 and now im being retatilated on with false breech of hippa
im being retaliated on cause i filed a grievance at my work place applies to Maine  ·  0 answers

I work at a nursing home & my position is a
I'm a nurse in a nursing home & feel like my residents are going to be lacking care applies to Mississippi  ·  0 answers

Afte 15.1 of FMLA/STD I was told return to your job or resign. Ay 12 weeks- no job. Now resign?
I was off 15 weeks FMLA/STD. I was told at 12.1 weeks to apply for any job at the hospital because mine would not be held. I did apply for another job. I lapsed my ACLS/BLS while off. The first RTW da... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Prime Contractor Refusing to Pay 1099 (sub)
A pseudo-govt client instructed me (my small business) that I would have to work through one of their approved prime contractors. We did through them on prior projects and I was brought back for a sec... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

travel expense reimbursement for a W2 employee
I had interviewed for, and subsequently received an offer for W2 subcontract employment from a contracting company in NY state for work in NY state. I am a resident of Florida. Both during the talks w... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Terminated for no significant improvement in attitude
I was terminated for having no significant improvement in attitude with written and verbal warnings in mid 2015. However, not even a week before my termination my manager texted me saying he could not... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

sexual discrimination
i am getting written up for things and i see that other employees are doing pretty much the same, ie swearing. Also, i am not being utilized because i am certified and i see that work im certified in ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I have a truck that belongs to my former employer, no storage fees have been paid to me
What is my legal right to work truck owned by my former employer whom I have filed a wage claim against, that has been in my possesion for 11 months. applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Layoff and wife been pregnancy.
Dear Lawyer, May I ask the question for about my right. My wife just got pregnancy. And I am the only one person work in the family. Are I protected by any law if the employer going to lay off. Best R... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I have been with a company for 10years and now they ask me to sign a non-compete agreement which i have not yet signed. It is a private company. on this non-compete it is saying I cannot apply within my profession 60 miles from the location I work within
what kind of details do you need applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Well i work every postion at my job and did well in all this weekend dryerdoor fell on foot and the manager in charge didnt know how to do incident report so i tried calling and texting gm no response till a week later then i was told we have no workmans
I cant get corporate number and when looked it up iy comes back to our store applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

South Carolina - Is it legal to take away previously approved vacation time and require mandatory work three weekends in a row. Also to note once vacation time was approved we invested in game tickets and hotel rooms in the $1600 range for those weekends
South Carolina - Is it legal to take away previously approved vacation time and require mandatory work three weekends in a row. Also to note once vacation time was approved we invested in game tickets... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

My husband has developed a chronic illness and cannot be left alone. In addition, my employer has stepped up pressure on me related to my job. I am having a very difficult time with all this and have begun seeing a psychiatrist at CCF for treatment of dep
This is in Ohio. I have been with the company slightly less than 2 years. No one else does what I do, nor would they have a use for me anywhere else, so I can't really ask for less stressful work. applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I have been harrassed,bullied and am facing false accusations filed wih the state of TN for client neglect, sleeping at work. Situation = A month + prior, I asked my employer and coworkers for information /instructions to for care of a disabled clients co
What can I do? What should I have done differently? applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

I have worked less than one year with an ongoing illness. They have threatened to fire me if I miss any time in a 90 day probation period. They said they would work with me. They do not offer FMLA. Can they legally do this?
I have reoccurring UTI's and suffer from extreme anemia and have frequent kidney stone attacks. applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Hello i was injured at work back in June and badly damaged my knee, it still isn't right. My employer cut off my workman's comp benefits and started burning my sick leave and vacation until i was able to be released by the doctor (that they paid good mone
What's my recourse. applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Job offered and accepted, then someone else was hired...
I recently applied for a vendor (based in NY) rep position at a department store in Ohio. After faxing in my resume, I received a call right away that I was "approved for the job", discussed and agree... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can a company forbid you from going to work for another company without a signed non compete?
Hi, my husband applied for a sales job with the sister company (company M) of his current employee (company S.) He was offered the position with Company M and signed the offer letter. Flights and hote... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

I currently work in IN and when I was hired, vacation time was earned from hire date. They have since changed policy (2 yrs ago)to vacation time being earned from start of the year, Jan 1st. We do not get the option of vacation pay vs vacation time, we ne
I currently work in IN, and when I was hired, vacation time was earned after 1 year from hire date. They have since changed policy (2 yrs ago)to vacation time being earned from start of the year, Jan ... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Severance Pay
I currently work for a laboratory that is owned by the parent Engineering firm. The Engineering firm will be selling us very soon to another laboratory (we are being bought out). Part of the sale agre... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I had a mini stroke on Oct. 3, 01. I informed my employer and my doctor wrote a note explaining that I would be out of work for an undetermined amount of time. He wasn't sure what was wrong with me. H... applies to Louisiana  ·  1 answer

Hi I work in private sector in Florida. My bosses decided to have all employees currently employed pay back negative PTO (they had already paid them) They looked at the past year, and unilaterally decided they were going to deduct the time in increments f
I work in private sector. We have a handbook that clearly states how much time everyone has for PTO. Company policy states that you notify your supervisor and boss to request time off. They approve th... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

I am an exempt employee. I hold a director position and I usually work 45-50 hours a week. 6 months ago my supervisor asked to take an additional responsibility to manage a totally different department, because there was an emergency in that departent and
I am an exempt employee. I hold a director position and I usually work 45-50 hours a week. 6 months ago my supervisor asked to take an additional responsibility to manage a totally different departmen... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

I work medical records at a small facility. The owner is wanting to open another facility that is in really bad shape. He wants me to go to this facility and clean, move furniture and try to get it opened up. My Administrator which is my boss tells me no,
Please help, I am stressed out. applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

if i report sexual harassment could i go from 40hrs to 32hrs
i reported sexual harassment to the board of directors and was told it would stop but thereafter i have been harassed since and subjected to hostile work enviroment applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Are state job interviewers allowed to tell other employees who they are interviewing for a position?
I was a candidate being interviewed at the college I work at when one of the people doing the interviewing told his employees that I took the day off to go to the interview. applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

My contract says I will be paid pro rata compensation through last day worked. If we earn summer pay thru work during the school year, do I get that compensation?
Can I be denied pay after earning it? applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

can someone tell you to start looking for a new job if u turn down over time?
I was threatened that i would lose my job, after i explained that i couldnt work over time because my wife works nights, that we dont have a babysitter, and that we are down to one vehicle. applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

can someone tell you to start looking for a new job if u turn down over time?
I was threatened that i would lose my job, after i explained that i couldnt work over time because my wife works nights, that we dont have a babysitter, and that we are down to one vehicle. applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

can someone tell you to start looking for a new job if u turn down over time?
I was threatened that i would lose my job, after i explained that i couldnt work over time because my wife works nights, that we dont have a babysitter, and that we are down to one vehicle. applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Employer threatening to fire
If you have a workmans comp claim and the employer did not offer fmla but is threatening termination if you do not come back to work but your doctor says your not ready, what are your rights as an emp... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

lunch breaks
i just started to in a big retail chain in ohio i would like to know if there is any 0hio law that lunch breaks not given to me if i work more than 8 hours i ask and they said did not have people to c... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

my employer gives us a lunch break between 12:30-1:00... with the work I do my busiest time is between take a luch break for me is just a waste of time cause when you get back, everything will be piled up and twice as hard to get done in reguired
Boss stealing money..? applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Can employer count suspension as no call, no show and terminate your position?
I was placed on a 2 day unpaid suspension from work. Upon my return the following week, I was terminated for “no call, no shows” applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

I filled out my severance paper work on 12/19/2018 when should I start getting payment nothing as of todays date 3 checks worth.
last day was 12/8/2018 how long should it take until i get a payment almost been 21 days without a paycheck. applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Unfair mandatory overtime
There are two shifts at my job. Can they make one shift work more mandatory overtime than the other? applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

$18,000 in unpaid wages and reimbursements - how to pursue
I'm looking to see if I have a case or legal options in recovering unpaid wages and reimbursements from a past employer. About two years ago I started working for a IT services company in Aurora, Ohio... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can I sue sonic
I already suffer from depression PTSD bipolar and at work my managers are calling people stupid retarded my boss at went to her two times she did nothing about it then she gives me assistant manager n... applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

If was pregnant with twins on November 2015 when I began to have complications so the doctor took me off work. I was due May 22, but I had my twins in April by c section. I took my 8 weeks off and while I was on maternity leave they replaced me. Am I lega
I have a hearing scheduled for September 1st, 2016. Please help. applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

I am an outside salesman. I recieve my leads via CRM. The company provides me with computer, work vehicle. My manager got upset with me a few weeks ago. She has stop providing me with leads in an effort to provoke my to quit. I have no issue leaving but I
I am Hispanic if that helps with anything. applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Texas law. I came back to work after almost 2 weeks due to a med procedure. Boss says what's wrong and I explained. He said this ain't about that but gotta cut your hr rate of $30 down to $20. I tested into and also verbal tested w owner when I was hired.
Please answer if that is legal.... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I have an employee that started on Jan 11, 2016 as full time. She had already taken her 40 hours of sick/vacation time since we thought she was going to be a permanent full time employee. Yesterday she decided she didn't want to work full time anymore, an
She was hired on Jan 11, 2016 Was hired as full time employee for 40-55 hours weekly per her request. Yesterday on May 23, 2016 she decided she didn't want to work these hours anymore and decided to g... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

I worked the whole week of my schedule and was scheduled to be at work on Monday morning at 9 a.m. My DM was waiting on me along with another DM I’ve never seen before. I was read a script and terminated in lieu of notice without having any discipline w
I worked the whole week of my schedule and was scheduled to be at work on Monday morning at 9 a.m. My DM was waiting on me along with another DM I’ve never seen before. I was read a script and termi... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Should I reply to "non-compete violation" letter myself or hire an attorney?
I was an employee of a software consulting firm A and was placed as a consultant on firm B for a few months. I was subsequently taken out of B and placed at another client C due to a better rate. Afte... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I was injured at an explosive plant in KY , because the mgr intentionally had me pulled from my job and failed to verify that the tick infestation, Leah , the producer reported to John , mgr and David , MQE, “ near miss hazard” The hazard is reported
if mgt lies and the judge rules for them , CAN I pursue personal injury in KY? They can save my life or when I die .. it will be on the company - can the w/c dr interrogate ? Mine WHAT did you do when... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

I was just informed yesterday that I was receiving a 20% pay cut from my employer. No reduction in hours. A drastic reduction in commissions. I work at a call center and was told the campaign I was working on is no longer active. I was called into my mana
I was just informed yesterday that I was receiving a 20% pay cut from my employer. No reduction in hours. A drastic reduction in commissions. I work at a call center and was told the campaign I was wo... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Will I be able to escape the Non-Compete agreement if I change my area of work?
I have happened to enter into a Non-Compete agreement with my employer when I started off my job as a Software Developer. The Non-Compete Clause states that "the employee cannot perform the same or si... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Can I be fired for going to HR?
I contacted my HR department regarding my superintendent several months back, and they simply quoted policy as a response. My superintendent cracked down on my entire work group and said, "This is bec... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

if your employer asks for a drug test and tells you to stay home until the result come back. Do they have to pay your wages for time not at work even if the results are good?
random drug test applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I went to work for a company a year and half ago, and my daughter came with me to be my assistant, I was hired as the manager. The first day the supervisor started texting my daughter and only communicating to her even though I am the manager, he said I w
employment privacy applies to California  ·  0 answers

I was arrested and have not been convicted.. I have just moved to this state and had a job.. I was released and a co-worker picked me up and told me I was fired no manager called or texted me.. The co-worker is not a manager.. When I walked into work to g
What are my rights?? applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

dont understand my rights
I got a call from HR today and he stated that I no longer have a position. That I am not terminated but when I come back to work they will try to find me something to do. While I still out do my benef... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Non Compete
If I signed a non-compete agreement and started a business for myself; and my previous employers customers start calling me (through advertising); would this be construed as me soliciting the customer... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

The company I work for Olive Garden will be going 100% smoke free as of the new year, yes I am a smoker and that's fine, but they are trying to tell me that when I am off the clock on my own time, i can not smoke on the property. if I am seen on the prope
how can my employer control what I do on my off time? applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

NO JOBS COMING IN TO PAY MY TECHNICIANS applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

I don't work for any of the companies involved, but was at a professional tax representation/ technology conference as a guest of an owner (my boyfriend who was launching a new product) and talking about software he created. A great presentation.... he ha
I gave them in my original question. Should I be worried? I can't sleep at night. applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Appears to be overly restrictive non-compete, trying to understand the legal limitations
The company is a computer solutions company that provides computer stuff -- software, hardware, networks, and consultants. This non-compete appears to restrict: * Working for any company that performs... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

I was told by HR i could keep my insurance working part-time 24hours weekly & did so for approximately 6 months. Then received a letter in oct, which regretably has been lost, that i would lose my insurance as of dec 31 since i did not work the required 3
Without insurance for myself & family applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

I had a mental breakdown due to stress and anxiety from work. The more I tried to do what was asked, the more I was told I was wrong and written up. The treatment I received enhanced my mental state to the point of wanting to end my life. During my mental
all are in my question applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I sent an email to my company's CEO telling him my supervisor has made sexual remarks to me behind closed doors and it has caused me depression at work and at home. I was just handed another corrective action memo by this supervisor for time card fraud of
I sent an email to my company's CEO telling him my supervisor has made sexual remarks to me behind closed doors and it has caused me depression at work and at home. I was just handed another correctiv... applies to California  ·  0 answers

About my wage!!!
Hello!!! I have a question. Please help me. I have come here in U.S.A.(from Romania) for this summer, to work. I have come 3 weeks a go. The problem is that i have a contract signed with the employer,... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

I am a food service worker who has perfect attendance in washington state. Can i be fired as no call no show when i call in sick before my shift
And when said sicness involves vomiting and a fever which by the stats health code means i am unable to work. applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Indiana 1099 employment
My ex employer and I had a mutual employment termination agreement, due to his breach of my contract. Is unwilling to pay me in a timely manner on commissions owed to me for work I've completed months... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Our employee handbook states that in order to receive our PTO after giving our notice, we must work the entire time prior to leaving our job. Our employer is now telling employees that attempt to give notice that they can
Listed in full as a question. applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

I work for a school system. We see some children in their homes because they are medically unable come to school. There are some areas which have high crime rates as per report from police department. Employee handbook states in home therapy will be in a
NothInfo more to add unless you have questions. applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

I filed an injury report at work. I hurt my shoulder. Since then I have been treated poorly, written up with no thought out process, or even examples. I also was not given my bonus. they responded by saying there was a clause because of my write up which
Just wondering if I have a case to pursue my bonus - Which is about 12-13% of my salary. I have been with the organization for over 20 years applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

If I am a salaried manager. Is it legal to work 6 days a week during training for the agreed upon salary?
I was hired by a restaurant and sent out of state to train. I was working 6 days a week, 12 hours a day for 7 weeks. applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

I applied for a management position on line. Was called to an interview and got the job. I am manager certified. I am new to the company so i was told I had to do training at a different location. After 3 weeks of work on the line. No other training i con
How is this legal? What can I do applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Work place battery and discrimination
Can you referr to me the top lawyer in Employment issues in the Kansas City metro area. I need someone that is licensed in Kansas, to file a battery and discrimition case. applies to Kansas  ·  1 answer

Discrimination and retaliation
I have been insulted repeatedly by superiors and coworkers, due to asking for promotion and new assignments. Also I was older than 90% of coworkers. After my filing with EEOC the retaliation was steep... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

My previous employer told my future employer during a reference check that I was taking bi-polar medications & may not be stable to work around children. False statement completely, my previous employer is upset that I quit & turnt her in for the illegal
I worked for a preschool that was not filing DCF & early childhood coalition laws. I finally got fed up and decided to quit the job. Upon quitting I gave a 3 1/2 page report I had been making with eac... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

I work for a Florida company. I receive PTO and vacation days. It is accrued and posted on my paycheck. My paycheck stub showed PTO available. I took the PTO with the written permission of my direct manager. Now the company HR says I used too much and ter
My company posts the PTO and vacation hours earned on your paycheck stub. My stub showed PTO hours available. I would take an hour here or there but with the written permission of my manager first. Th... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

My Supervisor has told me that I am not meeting the expectations of my role, but doesn't really give me specific criteria about the expectations I am not meeting. I am getting the work done, she just doesn't seem to like the way I do things. I am an engin
I am a male engineer, 49 years old working for a Beverage Manufacturer in Cincinnati, OH. My Female Boss is trying to get rid of me so that she can hire a friend that she worked with at her previous p... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Can I file FMLA for your child over the age of 18, for a serious health condition?
My daughter went to the emergency room on Nov. 14th, the E.R. doctor didn't do a culture test to determine what it was...but diagnosed her with strep-throat and wrote her a perscription for penicillin... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

terminated- elimination for position, cover up for disability?
Husband was terminated due to job being eliminated, however a posting went up the day after with similar job responsibilities, just a different job title. He belives he was actually fired because of h... applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

Salary employee but treated as an hourly employee
I worked for this firm for three years. When I started working I was paid by the hour then in February 2000 I received a raise and I was told I will be a salary employee and I will not be paid overtim... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Salary vs. Hourly
Two and a half months ago I accepted a position with a company offering me salary vs. hourly. I've been putting in anywhere from 9-11 hours a day, five days a week and was recently told with the upcom... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Is this a disablity discrimnation case?
I was just wondering if anyone could enlighten me and elaborate on a situation that I’m experiencing. The situation is I was working about a year ago and encountered an off the job illness, which I ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I was a no call no show at work the day I didn't come in my manager texted and was cursing at me then told another employee I brought them up in our conversation so she private messaged me Called ng me names is there anything I can do about this?
I have it all in text messaging what was said from manager and assistant manager. Was curious if anything can be done? applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I had twin babies 6 weeks ago. I had them prematurely so I was not anticipating that I would have them so soon and was waiting for my doctor to give me my induction date to go ahead and start talking about my leave. They all knew I was pregnant and knew w
I had twin babies 6 weeks ago. I had them prematurely so I was not anticipating that I would have them so soon and was waiting for my doctor to give me my induction date to go ahead and start talking ... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

I turned in my two week notice on Monday, and, in it, stated that the distrust of employees by management in my division had created a toxic work environment. Today, I received my final paperwork from my HR dept. I saw that “not eligible for rehire” w
I am currently employed with the State of Nebraska through August 31st. applies to Nebraska  ·  0 answers

wrongful termination
I was fired the day I was to return back to work from a valid workers compensattion claim. The reason they gave me was that they had me on video working while i was off. I never did and i know it was ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I was hired in one state to travel and work 5 hours away in another state and have my company pay my hotel expenses. My company refuses to pay for the travel time back and forth. Is that legal? Also they require me to be out of state 24 hours prior to my
I was hired in one state to travel and work 5 hours away in another state and have my company pay my hotel expenses. My company refuses to pay for the travel time back and forth. Is that legal? Also t... applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers


non compete out of state
My question is wehter my company headquartered in RI can enforce a noon compete while I reside and work in Florida. Specifically they state for one year in North America or Europe I cannot go to anyon... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

So many great questions! So few answers :( .....
My company is lying telling me there is no work for me on my non "intermittent" fmla days. I don't receive a paycheck and cannot receive unemployment because the company has me listed as an active emp... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

if i report sexual harassment could i go from 40hrs to 32hrs
i reported sexual harassment to the board of directors and was told it would stop but thereafter i have been harassed since and subjected to hostile work enviroment and i feel like this is constructiv... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

I was just let go from a company that corporates office is in Texas and they claim it is their policy to withhold PTO time earned - is this legal in the state of Pennsylvania where I work
i have 140 hours of earned PTO and was salaried can they with hold it applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Hi, I am an instructional assistant. I work at saddleback valley unified school district El Toro High school is my sight. I have extra duty to be on the bus they pay me for 7 hours and the extra time I use to put on time card. Starting today the administr
Hi, I am an instructional assistant. I work at saddleback valley unified school district El Toro High school is my sight. I have extra duty to be on the bus they pay me for 7 hours and the extra time ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Full Time Offer at Consulting Client
I am a consultant of company A (based in CA) working for a client. I have worked for the client in IN through another consulting company B (based in CA). Client doesn't know about A. After that projec... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I was Laid off on good terms and also received unemployment benefits. 10 yrs later i re apply at the same job and they told me i was fired. Can i use my unemployment documentation that i received back then as evidence that i was at no fault and that the e
I was laid off after the district manager was laying off most of the employees. To my knowledge i left on good terms. I accepted the lay off and was offered references to get another job. I applied fo... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Can I be written up for having to leave during an asthma attack?
I am a Front End Manager (Team Lead) at Walmart and have severe asthma. Last Friday, I had an asthma attack while at work. Because of this, I informed my co-workers that I needed to immediately leave,... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

I was accused and fired for workers comp fraud falsifying a work note and faxing it in as my own No investigation or nothing When it turns out the doctor faxed it in and put my name on it
My coworker and I was injured taking care of a client we went to the doctor at the same time she returned to work the next day on time I came later she turned her doctors note in Hr begin to question ... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

I was off work for knee replacement surgery. My supervisor postion was eleminated but picked up by another supervisor. i was offered a different job postion but lost my paid insurance. Is it legal to make a job offer with less benefits while begin off for
I was off work for knee replacement surgery. My supervisor postion was eleminated but picked up by another supervisor. i was offered a different job postion but lost my paid insurance. Is it legal to ... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Non-Compete agreement in California
I signed an employment agreement with my previous employer, a consulting company, which has the non-compete clause in there. The clause states that I can not work for a period of 2 years for any of ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I was hired it work a 20 hour a week position, my medical benefit cost was based on that position. 4 months age my hours were increased to 32 hours a week. This is considered a full time position, my medical benefit costs should have been decreased signif
Hired June 2015 to work a 20 hour a week position. Approached spring 2016, either increase your hours in September to 32 hours a week or you will no longer have a position. I contacted the benefits de... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Can I sue my employer???
I broke my fibula on the job 11-9-17. I broke it walking back to the office from my vehicle on a rainy/ hailing day, ( mind you I work at a gas station ), I had in my hand a small bouncy ball I had fo... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Two hotels sold by Loews Corp. to New Hampshire and Resorts/the buyer paid Severance to some people
In Dec. 1999 I used to work for a hotel that was sold, my coworkers received SEVERANCE. I did not, why ? Some of them stayed with the company because they needed them like me . Help help help. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

on Saturday I had a accident at work, I been with this company 41 years and I drive a tow mow and she walk behind be as I was backing up and it hit her. my drug test was negative. Monday they told me I was suspended off the tow mow for 2 week. Now they te
same as the question applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

I started employment in 1981 and was told I could retire after 80 points 50yrs age and 30 work time , sometime in the years it was said that was no longer , is that breach since I started with all these forms to fill out ,one may have been that and never
Michael c . employed for 32 years but no retirement to get just a severance applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Wrong Termination on Temp. Worker From A Lie Told To Human Resources
I understand temp can be fired and anytime and NY is an "at-will". I also understand that temps are at the bottom of the chain and most people can care less but its not fair to have a supervisor make ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Veteran Blackballed by the Veterans Administation
What about the Veterans Administration blackballing me / my company because I speak the truth about how they treat Veterans so they refuse to work with me or fund my company? applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Company vehicles
I live in PA. I am a salary employee with a written contract that states the company is to supply a work vehicle. They are trying to take away the vehicle and have me use my personal vehicle. Is this ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

back pay in il
My name is Eric i work for a video store. I was told by my supervisor that i can not get retroactive pay. The company does not do that. I was wondering if that was legal or not to refuse back pay. applies to Illinois  ·  3 answers

Can my employer, suspend me for five days when I have a folate in place?
I have a fmla in place and I was out of work for three days for related diagnostics. I was given five consecutive days of the next schedule. I went from 30 hours to 12, is this legal? applies to Florida  ·  0 answers


expiration date and change in terms
I am in sales for a local roofing company. I signed a no-compete agreement to continue working for the company. I have since become unhappy with the work environment and want to look for another job b... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

non-compete hair salon agreement
I obtained employment at a local hair salon chain in 2007. When I first began employment, I had to sign an employment contract that included a non-compete clause stating I could not work within 7 air ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Contract say I can complete but must repay % of previous billed revenue?
I am an IT consultant who has recently left my employer after 5 and a half years due to an unhealthy work environment (working 6+ days a week, 12+ hours a day). I have been working in the industry for... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

I am a veterinarian who was employed by another veterinarian. I signed a non-compete clause at the beginning of employment...due to a decrease in revenue he let me go. Is the non-compete invalid becau... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

I read that it is KY state law for an employer to pay an employee for their unused vacation time (with pto being considered vacation time) when that employee is terminated. But when I speak to HR about it they say that they do not give pto payouts to term
I read that it is KY state law for an employer to pay an employee for their unused vacation time (with pto being considered vacation time) when that employee is terminated. But when I speak to HR abou... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

Can My Employer Request A 30 Day Notice Before I Leave To Another Job in Ohio?
i was inquiring about how to give my 2 weeks notice but HR said i had to work out a 30 day notice applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Does the FFCRA apply to an employer that has 5-8 employees?
Does the law apply to employer that have 5-10 employee? I work in construction company. My employer is telling me they are not going to pay me. applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Is it possible for 2 co-plaintiffs to bring a single action against a common former employer? My co-worker friend was fired, and I was overloaded with work while being told I would never get help,(I'm... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

verbal abuse and disrespect do we have to put up with it ?????
is intentional infliction of emotional distress a fancy way of sayin a rude disrespectful verbally abusive supervisor ? and is it a proper term to file suit in NY ? if so and he has done this to many ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I know I live in California but I was hopeing for some wise advice. Im stuck! My supervisor held two private meetings with my other coworkers and discussed my work errors and mental disorder and medic... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I am a housekeeper at a Senior Assisted Living facility. A resident pulled out his catheter and bled everywhere, I was told to clean it up, with out being provided with proper protective gear. Then was ordered to go work serving in the dining room. Is thi
I cleaned up and then went directly into the kitchen to serve meals to residents. applies to California  ·  0 answers

Is my doctor's return from LOA request unreasonable for my employer?
I am having an employment related issue at one of America’s largest companies. I am a manager at the company and a victim of overt gender discrimination from a district level manager. The situation ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

my employer is deferring payment of commissions because it's untenable to pay cash for commissions at this time because it will put the company at risk. I am not in agreement with his opinion. commissions were due in december and I've been getting the run
Commission plan was just in email from my boss. No signed agreement. Agreed to pay in December, but kept deflecting through March until I spoke with the owner who yet again deferred payment. I want to... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Voluntary Quit vs Termination: Does a termination letter override a job abandonment claim?
03/10/20 Full time driver at Domino's 10/24/20 Verbal permission was granted for a 28 day leave Leave was for job training with Amazon 11/16/20 Resigned from Amazon training because job was too physic... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

A co worker and I had eliminated position they offered her an equal position but not me
I work in cosmetics,my position was eliminated the other girls line was removed , I have higher sales than her and was there longer. Can my company hire her instead of me? applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

I requested FMLA, prior to requesting it, I was signed up for STD. Since being out on leave, I noticed that my STD was deleted. Is this leagal and apart of the process. Mind you I work as an HR Coordinator?
Employer deleted my STD applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Is it legal for an employee to receive severance pay and wages for work performed at the same time? The employee was terminated and subsequently rehired as temporary, short term employee. applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete Opposite of Usual
I do extensive work for my employer with respect to Workers' Compensation and Union issues in a heavily regulated industry. I would like my employee to compensate me in exchange for a non-compete clau... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I was working for a non profit I asked for a week off due to medical reasons she denied then said if I had doctor statement was ok then I was terminated and accused of falsifying my time we do not clock in so its up to our discrwation that when we get to
I work st a non profit this boss is just not in order she promises clients that programs will be implemented but does not provide us with what we need applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I work in a civil service job where my supervisor appointed leads. Well the female lead did not get along with a male coworker so they transferred her to my shift where she treats me the same way, cussed at me, lies to the supervisor telling him that I wo
Do I file a complaint with EEOC? I feel that I am being harassed and discriminated against. What is my recourse? applies to Georgia  ·  1 answer

Abusive Work Environment, Taped Conversation
I recently quit my job because of an abusive shift manager. This shift manager would bump into me. Yell at the top of his lungs at me, intentionally pretend not to hear me, and skip me when it was my ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Do i have recourse?
I didn't know which category to put this in - I'm not sure I have anything that qualifies for anything since its basically just bullying. I've been working for the same company (a very small grocery/d... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

i have a cdl and i refused to blow for dui in my personel vehical and i got it thrown out in court can i still lose my job
i work in St. Louis but i got my dui in Illinois in my personnel vehicle and my lawyer got everything thrown out but my boss says dot won't let me come back is that right applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

on the job auto accident
Involved in a roll-over on the job do to a blow out, CHP, sites a faulty right rear tire on my work truck as the cause of the accident. I just wanted to know my rights & what type of lawyer do I conta... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Does the Dr release to return to work have to be from the Dr that put you on FMLA?
I am on FMLA for back issues and have had physical therapy and doing much better and no pain. I went to get a clearance on the weight limit to be raised from 5# to 25# and was told it's conflicting wi... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

I was at work and injured myslf I fractured my pinky toe I dropped a case of alcoholic beverages on my foot I told my doctor on my last visit tht I was still in pain he said there was nothing else he could do for me or my pain and tht my job would get bac
Has my rights been violated? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Worked in 2007 after that had to take care of father and sister who both were battling cancer. Since then I've been a stay at home home to my disabled daughter. Now she's in school I've been pursuing work can I receive unemployment from last job over 10 y
Issues with unemployment insurance or claim applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

I work for a home care agency in MI. I was rehired full-time. I have 90 day probation before I will get full benefits. My 90 days is up and due to my client being hospitalized two different weeks I only worked 12hrs one week and 24 the next week. And one
Details in question applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

employer stealing from my paycheck
my father has been working for as a auto mechanic for 6 years. he earns 50 % percent of all the work that he does at this shop. he gets paid every seven days but gets deducted 20 dollars for absolutel... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Is it true that Ohio residents over 65 and terrified of a high risk job (dentistry) do not have to return to work and can stay on unemployment. For how long.
Dental hygiene— high risk of contracting disease due to aerosol spray applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I work at a hospital and we are required to have a tuberculosis blood test once a year. We recently found out that our blood was also tested for hemoglobin A1C, cholesterol, and nicotine without our knowledge or consent. Is this legal? The explanation the
Working in a community hospital applies to California  ·  0 answers

what if you are terminated/fired from an employer. Does the non-compete still work?
Non-compete after being fired in Kentucky applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

So I dislocated my arm at work and fell from like 5 feet onto my shoulder blade, my shoulder blade is shifted I need surgery on my shoulder and always have pain, although i did dislocate it like a year before this but nothing major and I went to the docto
Wondering what exactly can I do and do I have a settlement applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

can I email competitors employees (directly to their work email address) with job offers from my companies email address?
i am helping my boss recruit. He wants me to send this emails. I am not sure if the corporation or myself can get in trouble for it applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Is it illegal to hold someone back from promotions or transfer within a goverment agency.
I work for the State as a CPS worker for 6 years. Recently there have been a lot of management problems in our office. About 1 year ago they brought in a new Program Manager. She was verbally abusive ... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Errant Email Exposes Job Search
My current boss accidentally received an email I sent via gmail to a previous boss at the same company. She was my mentor and I was asking for advice re: an upcoming promotion I wanted to propose to m... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

do i have any rights
I was haired by manpower to work for Hitachi I did a great job when my night shift management found out I was Arabic every thing changed I was the last one to take a break I worked 12 hours a night my... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I work as a technical contractor through an agency, for a financial institution. I have been given my two week notice and informed that October 2nd will be my last day. My contract agency indicates that they won't pay me my final check until the next pay
I work as a technical contractor through an agency, for a financial institution. I have been given my two week notice and informed that October 2nd will be my last day. My contract agency indicates th... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I work for a nursing facility in Ohio. Everyone on my job who works 2nd shift receives a shift differential. I've worked 2 yrs for the same company on 2nd shift but never received it.
I'm wondering can I can get back pay? applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Can HR deny me a verification letter unless I tell them what it is for
HR denied me a letter verifying my date or hire, that I am out on worker's comp, and my return date based on work excuse. They refuse to release the letter unleslss I indicate why I want it. Are they ... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Can a non compete be enforced in another state?
Looking for an attorney in Michigan to get out of a non compete clause. The clause is for 2 years and 50 this reasonable? Signed in WI but I work in MI at a chiropractic office (chain). Th... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

official time
currently preparing to represent myself in EEO hearing. work for US Postal Sevice requested time to prepare what is reasonable officail time? Have requested in mtion to compel Judge rule. applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

resignation under contract
I am under contract until 10-09-18,Under a hostile work environment, I would like to resign with a normal 2 weeks notice, but in the contract it states I need to give 60 days written. Is this enforcea... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

I am required to pay back my relocation bonus in 2 years. The company I work for has sold since, and the letterhead and company name on the relocation paperwork is different. Is it still legally binding?
Company is based out of Chicago but the job is in Oregon. applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Can your Work removed hours without your consent?
I been with the company for 6 years, I don’t take PTO and I get audited every other year to make sure I am not lying and I’m actually not taking any time off. I had over 400 hours and they took 20... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I have been on short term disability due to some paralysis and severe pain. After many tests I found out I had several bulging discs. During my time out of the office staff was discussing my medical issues and they said that they didn't believe me and I w
I am going to give notice because they've made it impossible for me to work there and I feel they should compensate me at least 3 months until I can find a new job applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

is this harassment?
I work in Radiology, my 2nd in command boss retired two years ago, 6 people tried for her job..including myself. A lady (Deborah) got her job only b/c she is over the radiology school; therefore, they... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Was sexually harassed by my boss for 2 yrs.... He no longer works for this company.. Can I still sue the company?
Phone texts , grabbing at my breast , constantly talking dirty to me....graphic nature... I work for a hotel and he actually used his master key to get in what he thought was my room but belonged to m... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Didn't get a paycheck
The company I work for just recently closed due to the leaseholders selling their land. I was an independant contractor providing a service at the facility. Our paychecks are issued on the 10th of the... applies to Maryland  ·  1 answer

Can they tell me no to unemployment
I was in a hurry and entered wrong information in a computer and got fried for it. My boss is suoppose to go to work three stores in front of everyonr and dose not and so I send a e-mail telling him t... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Can a noncompete be enforced if a company lay's an employee off?Would being on uneployement be a good argument (against public interest)?
I was layed-off from my company and had a non-compete.I had certifications prior to my employment with this co.Also being on unemployment i am required by the state to search for work in my trade.If i... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I have a non-compete for 1 yr. with my former employer.
I appear to be the only employee to have one as many others have left the company and accepted positions with competitors. I am the only woman that was in outside sales (there was another who left sho... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

We have a controller who is a contract employee By her contract she was required to give 60 days notice She did that. Could we now end working with her prior to that date? She made the date for over the weekend and wants to be paid for the Saturday and Su
She has worked for us for nearly 5 years and has always been difficult to work with often refusing to do what I have asked of her applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Do I need to give 2weeks notice? if I did not signe anything.
I am a Chief Technologhy Officer. For 6 years now. I work in almost all the department. Software,network, graphic,development and few more. If I want to resign. IN 1 week. They are saying no they need... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

How may I file a retaliation complaint with the NYS Dept of Labor? Is there a cause of action?
Received written warning and after I handed in my written response with the signed copy, I've been mistreated in the work place. I believe this rises to the level of retaliation and harassment. Please... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

I am 65 and my job was eliminated. I was told in March of 2017 that why would I want to work so hard at my age. I was a manager and they decided to hire a senior manager over me. I worked 6 Days a week and 10 hour days. There was nothing in writing that m
One day after they laid me off this hired a contractor. applies to California  ·  0 answers

Non-Disclosure/Non-Compete Contract
I have been working for a company in Ohio for over 8 years. Recently, they have told all of us we must sign a non-disclosure agreement but it includes not being able to work for customers, suppliers, ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can I use my fmla to refuse mandatory overtime ?
I came into work at 3:45pm and at that time I informed my sergeant that I cannot stay for mandatory overtime. He came to me at 6:15pm and mandated me stating he didn’t have anyone. I have a mother w... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

fired for false accusation
i was accused of using racial language at work by a "customer" who reported it to the company. i was immediately suspended, then fired about 2 weeks later. The claims are untrue, and the investigation... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can I use my fmla to refuse mandatory overtime ?
I came into work at 3:45pm and at that time I informed my sergeant that I cannot stay for mandatory overtime. He came to me at 6:15pm and mandated me stating he didn’t have anyone. I have a mother w... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

what are the rules regarding death of 2 family members 9 days apart
back in aug of 2010 my older brother (by older brother i mean he has lived with us my whole life but he's not related by blood)vehicle was hit by a train and he died a few hrs later from his injuries.... applies to Idaho  ·  0 answers

My employer say they pay their employees holiday pay. Example: Thanksgiving day we are closed but if you work the day before and the day after you get holiday pay. The
My employer say they pay their employees holiday pay. Example: Thanksgiving day we are closed but if you work the day before and the day after you get holiday pay. The applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

My employer say they pay their employees holiday pay. Example: Thanksgiving day we are closed but if you work the day before and the day after you get holiday pay. The
My employer say they pay their employees holiday pay. Example: Thanksgiving day we are closed but if you work the day before and the day after you get holiday pay. The applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

harasssment abuse
i had been contacted by a temp agency saying they found a great job for me. they offered full time employment and a lot of money. at my first day on the job, the building was disgusting,dirty inadequa... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Non-compete still valid after all these factors?
I am being actively pursued for an outside sales position by a direct competitor of the company I now work for. I am currently an Inside Sales/Customer Service person and would be calling on many of t... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Should the supervisor consult an attorney.
A male employee (straight) accuses a male supervisor (straight) of sexual harassment. The 2 have worked together for 8+ years, with in the last year the accused has been made supervisor of the accuser... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Can I sue my employer for for putting me into severe debt?
I sure you're asking yourself how did his employer put this guy into debt? The answer right off the bat I'm sure is no. But if you consider the individual circumstance. I work for a financial firm her... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

So my job ,closed on December 13 of this year, I was offended a servance package, I did sign the paper work, I was explain about a severance package, but how long do I have to wait for it to get deposited ,into my account
Information on a servance package, in Amsterdam ny. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

A physician appears to be having a relationship with an employee working at a clinic that I supervise along with several other clinics, that employee has committed several infractions at this clinic, however, when I try to correct this employee, the physi
What options do I have, if being falsely accused of retaliation in my work place? applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

Can an individual paid as a contractor now ask to be paid as if she was a W2?
She was already paid a gross amount for 4 months of work, cashed the checks, and now wants taxes on that pay withheld. She would like all of her pay recalculated to include withholding. The employer i... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Can I quit with a contract?
I have signed a contract to work for a specified time (July 2001-June 2002) for a specific salary, otherwise the contract was very brief and non-specific(one page). Does New York at-will override this... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

i work in a major dept store a person was fired last week for stealing they were told that they had cameras in the restrooms(this is where they took the item they stole )is it legal to have cameras in... applies to West Virginia  ·  1 answer

Re: Mandatory overtime
Let me rectify the mandatory overtime question...upon trying to negotiate with the supervisor about the overtime, (stating that I could not do it due to a lot of off work obligations this week)I was t... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Desperately need advice, please read detail section!
I have been a household mover since the age of 16, and I am now 41. However I am on the tail end of an l and i injury and excepted the return to work job offer but after almost a month now and am only... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Pending Termination
I work as the H.R. Manager for a family owned business with 250 employees. We have no employee handbook and few company policies. Basically there are different rules for everyone, depending on who who... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I was attacked on the job at 6 months pregnant and my employer misinformed me of my rights under WC?
I was at work 6 months pregnant and under the care of my OB/GYN for my pregnancy. While at work a transit came in my office and physically attacked me, she tried to hit me in my belly and told me she ... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Fired with no reason and given negative employment reference.
My husband was a maintenance person for a large rental property. About a month ago, out of the blue, he was called to the rental office, where he was greeted by an attorney and given a "Notice of Term... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I work in Virginia at a non-profit and I was suspended without pay for a week with no prior warnings and no specific instances of misconduct were provided to me, is that allowed?
I have worked for this org for 2 years and 3 months. I had an exception record and have been promoted twice in that time. Recently,we have been going through a great deal of change with new leadership... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Somebody was arrested at my house for Bank Robbery that I had no part in or knew about. I'm not getting charged or indicted for it. I'm on suspension until the case is over. I fully cooperated with De... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

i have worked for my employer since 2017. i applied for FMLA to care for my mother 96. i was denied. I have provided more than 1250 work hours for this company. I also have other labor law issues with this company and I feel they are retaliated against me
They are denying my request for FML. And I have worked for them for 3 years. applies to California  ·  1 answer

Wrongful Termination
I was recently fired from a company. I was doing nothing of the sort. The reason they said this is because I have a rash on my arm from work. I know exactly why I have that. I have an allergy to the s... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Hi, I work at a retirement facility for assisted living, previously I worked in an independent living as a supervisor for the dining room. My manager who happens to manage the dining and kitchen staff in both building had sent me a text in regards to demo
Not giving me hours Forcing me to quit applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

exempt employee: not allowed to make doctor appointments. Is it legal?
I work on salary and commission. Have insurance I pay for. Dr. ordered 4 test. E.D. said you cannot go at the end of the year it is crunch time. It is also when my deductable has been met. Have seriou... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

After I complaint with HR about management, can the company lower my pay wage?
I complaint with HR about management and they get upset. Is this Retaliation, mistreated forcing me to work!!! And working double shifts and no breaks. Now HR gave me a verbal notice of lowering my ho... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I was laid off 6 years ago and claimed unemployment.
I did work for my former boss but, I was not paid. Now unemployment is garnishing my check. I think my former employer claimed they paid me wages. How can I fight this? applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

Boss has prostitute on payroll. How does that work? Or does it?
The owner of a business has a prostitute on the payroll. She shows up on paydays for a few days, then leaves. Isn't this misrepresentation of business expenses? applies to California  ·  1 answer

can you deduct pay from an exempt employee?
I'm a new exempt employee and not yet eligible for paid time off. I left work early and was docked 4 hours pay for it. Is this legal? applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

How do i cash a payroll check thats going bounce?
The owners of the diner where I work sold the business and payroll checks have been bouncing and nobody will cash my check because it's drawn off the old accoun applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

Must Give 90 Days but it is a hostile work enviroment. I found a new job, must I stay the full 90?
Working for a medical provider as a nurse practitioner and I must give 90 days notice to terminate my contract. I became very unhappy, was made promises that were not fulfilled and was treated as a co... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

if an ex sends a dirty photo to my place of work after repeatedly documented threats to do so can I have her arrested?
an ex had a explicit photo of me from several years ago....when we split up she harassed me thru texts and started threatening to send the photo to my job. if she does can I have her arrested applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

I was demoted without a write-up or anything. I came to work and was demoted two weeks after my probationary period.
A 56 year old co worker dropped product on the floor. He picked it up and threw it on dump tank. Line lead was there as well as me. But I got demoted and I didn't know he dropped anything how is this ... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

I am a consultant with a government agency. After 3 years of working here, I have a new supervisor who saying that even though I work 8hour days, I am not entitled to a 15 minute break because I am a consultant. Is this true in New York State/City??
Government Consultant for 3yrs. Housing Authority. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Job restructuring during maternity leave
I work as a supervisor. I will be taking maternity leave in May. Can the company restructure my dept. in my absence? So that upon my return I only have responsibility for half of the dept? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can an employer not pay me for partial hours worked when I need to stay late due to my relief help being late?
I work until 11, my relief helper gets there at 11:07. Should I be paid for those 7 minutes I stay extra? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

obligated after lay-off?
I was recently notified that a dozen of us will be laid off with severance pay at the end of June. I am a supervisor with extensive knowledge of the company and how it works. My work nickname is 411. ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I was terminated due to the color of my skin, and the fact that I am not one of the favorites, or a
I was recently terminated from a position with an insurance company for what they called being involved in an arguement inside the work place. I have witnessed many employees who have been in louder, ... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

I work at a men’s salon in California and my employer keeps discounting clients. I have not approved this action. This is affecting my commission significantly.
The owners say it’s a “marketing tool” but I’ve been a licensed cosmetologist for almost a decade and I know that this lowers my commission so that they do not have to pay the highest amount. ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Unemployment questions
Dear MEL: i recently quit my job working for an egg ranch.I have filed 4 weeks strait and havent recieved a dime.Is this fair i pay there wages and when i need help i take it and dont get squat.Is it ... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Michigan. I'm a BSN. I was told if I do give 4 weeks notice I lose three weeks pay to minimun wage.
I tried to work three 12's or four 10' but my company won't hear of it. After two years of 60+ hours including weekends, and being shoved on carts until late in the day, unable to complete my manageme... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Late Pay and Covenent Not to Compete
My employer is more then two months late in giving me my last paycheck before my layoff. They don't dispute that they owe me the money they just need "some more time". I would prefer to open my own bu... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Is there a very affordable lawyer that I can be referred to? For I need legal advice.
So my job tried to release me while on medical leave but it seems they were trying to find loop holes into letting me go. I understand the business expect of things for they said they were releasing m... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Is there a very affordable lawyer that I can be referred to? For I need legal advice.
So my job tried to release me while on medical leave but it seems they were trying to find loop holes into letting me go. I understand the business expect of things for they said they were releasing m... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Employee Handing Out Performance Survey at Workplace
Assuming there is no prohibition in the written policies of the company I work for, is it otherwise legal for me to hand out a questionnaire to my fellow employees asking them to rate and comment on m... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

terminated for taking a lunch break
i worked for usps as a temp. letter carrier. On 8/18/2009, i was carrying a 6hr route. i took an 1/2hour lunch break. It was a hot and humid day. my start time at 10am and end time at 4:30pm. The next... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

can a supv discuss private medical things about their employees to other employees?
I've been a reliable employee for 4yrs and have always been told I'm an asset to the company even though this company lies to it's employees constantly. I've stayed because I needed a job and tried to... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Dispute 12month return rule due to medical emergency that lasted 14 weeks
worked for publix, had a medical emergency could not keep in contact, have to wait 12 months to work again can I dispute this? applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I was denied a temp to perm position
What would you do? I was hired for a temp to perm position. Went through all the necessary procedures for employment. I was to start work in two days and like a blow from the sky, I was called saying ... applies to All States  ·  1 answer

I had a job last June for a month. I damaged their van and didn't say anything.I got fired. but, I didn't know it was damaged. now I'm penalized for 20 weeks for unemployment. Also I had a job before this pandemic and was token out of work due to Covid. I
Yes applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

Wrongful termination
I have been with this private healthcare facility for almost 2 years. I was gonna move to a different area, and my administrator was hounding me for a two week notice. During this period I had changed... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Is there a law regarding favortism in the office?
Is there a law regarding favortism in the office? Can it be stopped if it is being done in a professional work environment wherein the person who is being "favored" has no qualifications to fill the j... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Can a company force you to use your PTO if you can’t work mandatory overtime?
I’m in Arizona. My company is requiring mandatory OT on saturdays. If you cannot do it you have to use PTO to cover it. Is that legal? applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Is the no-compete clause valid in California?
There is no-compete clause in my severance package by my employer, and it states that I would have to abide by laws of other state, even though I work in California. applies to California  ·  4 answers

I went into work for a meeting and was fired, am I intitled to pay for that day. I live in Massachusetts
I was sent an email saying to report to my boss instead of my office and I was let go. Am I intitled to pay for that day applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers


overtime and docked pay
I work in an assisted living community as a leasing coordinator. I am on salary. am i entitled to overtime and can my pay be docked in i am hospitalized applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Demoted upon return from FMLA
Went to Rehab and returned to work. When I returned I was demoted to a differant level and total pay. I don't believe this can happen since I was on FMLA. applies to California  ·  1 answer

Is "Truth as an absolute defence" go both ways? And if so, what can I do?
Hi, my name is Sabrina and I was fired from my job of 18 months of service on hearsay for a theft I didn't commit, and also had money taken out of my final check to pay back the money. The owner negli... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Could this be considered and implied contract?
~I was arrested in 2016 and convicted of a felony drug possession crime. ~ I was performing really well at work and was selected to help lead the start up of a new department. I had worked for the com... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Wrongly Classified 1099: IRS Determination in my Favor: Need Help Suing and Recovering Lost Benefits
I was wrongly classified as 1099 and sent in my SS-8 to the IRS in 2010. I have just received my IRS determination letter siding with me that I was in fact wrongly classified and was not a 1099 IC but... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I was hired at a company and comw to find out my wifes ex husband works there. He told the company that i had a restraining order against him. Therefore they said they can't let me come to work. I do not have a restraining order against him. And i wasn't
I give two weeks notice and have no job now applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

Is it justifiable termination if you notified supervision prior to events and ogot a response of
Did not return to work after lunch period on two, three, or so occasions. Supervision was notified prior to leaving and supposedly we're okay with absences. applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

employer false accuasations
what kind of action would be wise to take if your employer is accusing you of stealing money from your place of work and is also threating to run you out of town and publically embarrass you, and the ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

In Florida, how does unemployment work after receiving lump sum of severance?
My last day is Sept 30th and I will receive lump sum severance in October for 40 weeks. What is the current answer for 2019. applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

I was transferred to Mexico after 2 years of working in California. My boss is the general manager for both plants Tecate Mexico and in California . My boss and I got along great I requested a personal loan and was placed on Mexican Payroll because accord
I was transferred to Mexico after 2 years of working in California. My boss is the general manager for both plants Tecate Mexico and in California . My boss and I got along great I requested a persona... applies to California  ·  0 answers

cancer screening
I recently requested FMLA (at my HR reps recommendation specifically)to get my 6 month cancer screening which was at that point 2 months overdo because of a mandated overtime program we have at work w... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My question, can I be compensated my reduced hours that fell below the minimum 35 hours, along with
I had to resign. I stated in my letter why and that I'm leaving under a constructive dismissal. I've documented many conversations and can provide nothing was ever done to accommodate medical work res... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Wife Is Being Harassed At Work; What Can I Do?
My wife got a job as a salaried office manager back in March of '08. At the time of her employment, she works in the same office as the company's sales representative. Numerous times she has found the... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I went to work for a company a year and half ago, and my daughter came with me to be my assistant, I was hired as the manager. The first day the supervisor started texting my daughter and only communicating to her even though I am the manager, he said I w
I went to work for a company a year and half ago, and my daughter came with me to be my assistant, I was hired as the manager. The first day the supervisor started texting my daughter and only communi... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can someone in prison or jail claim unemployment? Don't they have to be able to work to qualify?
A terminated employee is filing for unemployment. It's our understanding that they are currently in jail or prison. applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Situation is very detailed.
Is there anything that can be done when you have a situation where 1 employee threatens another & assaults her during break but not on employer property and it is reported to mgmnt and case closed say... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is this a case of Retaliation?
I reported my manager to the Executive Director for what I felt were unethical payroll issues. Since that time my job has changed dramitically. It is getting to be what I feel is unbearable. The thing... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

can a boss tell you noone wanrs you working with you and repimend you in front of all your coworkers
my boss said none of my coworkers wanted to work with then he saidhe was going toget written statements this is nt the first time i cryed for 8 hourz i ait is very hirtful wat he sez to me and what he... applies to North Dakota  ·  0 answers

Is it my responsibility to check with my supervisor if I'm working overtime?
There is overtime every day at my work and sometimes I'm exhausted, but she gets angry when I leave on time even though she never tells me to stay. Can she discipline me for this? She has stated that ... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Can I receive unemployment because I had to quit my job of 7 yrs cause my employer could not make pay roll
My employer couldn't pay payroll today then offered to pay one week of the two that's owed for us to continue to work I felt that it was prolonging the situation applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

Contractor w/out NON-compete still sued?
I performed contract (10-99) work for an Ohio based company. We did not have a NON-compete, NON-solicit, or NON-discloser agreement. I quit to start my own practice in the same field. He is now suing ... applies to Minnesota  ·  1 answer

I have 2 Texas based non compete agreements with different companies but the same corporation. One of these has a 5yr term the other a 2 yr term. They both have very broad definitions as to where and whom I can possibly go to work for. I reside in SC and
Both contracts state: refrain from working, owning in any capacity for any of the company's competitors or other competitors, similar industry. applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

What can be done about a co-worker who falsely accused you something you didn't do
I work in HR. A coworker stated I gave out her salary information to a another coworker. Upon doing an investigation it was found not to be true. Her salary proposal was on one of the drives that can ... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Can an agency dock my pay for any reason as an independent contractor in the state of PA?
The agency i work for had us sign new contracts this year. They have our documentation on a sliding fee scale, down to $0 per hour if the documentation is more than 6 days from the point of service. I... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

My husband was suspended from work for responding to an email that offended another dept.
He stated that a certain department was useless and didn't understand how they had jobs. Is that cause for suspension? The department mentioned made "motivational" posters quoting my husband along wit... applies to Montana  ·  0 answers

Are companies required to have an employee handbook?
i work for a small (5 person) engineering firm which does not have an employee handbook. the owner kind of makes up rules regard vac, sick time, etc. is this legal? do they need to be written? should ... applies to New Hampshire  ·  0 answers

I was made to quit. Singed paper saying so. But now when someone calls my old job they say bad thing about me. I quit because what they said. Was untrue but within let the supervisor letting it out to others what they were saying it was going to make it h
Giving bad reference after having employee sign separation papers instead of being terminated because of making work situation hard applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

How do we collect money owed for hours worked?
The company went out of business owing us 3 weeks worth of work performed. The owner of the company is leaving the state. How do we lawfully collect what he owes us? Payday should've been over a week ... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Am I supposed to repay the relocation assistance if I left because of my boss's abusive behavior?
I emptied out my office and walked out because my boss was behaving in a violent and abusive (swearing) manner. Later on someone told me that he is suffering from ADHD. The google search revealed he h... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Extremely abusive boss
My boyfriend and I were employed at a restaurant as servers. I had worked there for two years when there was a verbal confrontation between the owner and some of the employees, including myself. The o... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Is it legal to put a perdiem employee on paid investigative leave and then pay them only for shifts they were assigned to and then leave them off work without ability to pick up more shifts, so they don't receive any pay while investigation lags
applies to California  ·  0 answers

Job elimination three days after receiving a raise.
My friend was just laid off from work after working there for 29 1/2 years. She was told her job was being eliminated. Just three days before she received a good performance review and a raise. Can a ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I work for a Temp Agency, they placed me on a assignment in a warehouse, a week later i was offered a forklift position, the temp agency told the job where i was working at that i got into a accident at another warehouse but it wasnt my fault, is the ille
is this legal applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

If I give a two week notice and my employer says I don't need to work those two weeks can I collect unemployment?
I gave my boss my letter of resignation stating my last day would be two weeks from today. She told me it was not necessary and that I could go now. Can I collect unemployment? applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

I consulted for a NC company for just under six years. In 2014 they asked me to become a full time employee. I was 70 at the time. I signed numerous documents thinking that this would be my last job anyway. One of the documents was an Employment Agreement
Can I continue to work for the new company? applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can an employer garnish my wages for a broken laptop?
Simply put I spilled my drink on a work computer and it needed to be replaced. Is it legal for them to hold me liable for that laptop and garnish my wages for the cost of a new one? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

How is that legal to do. When we have worked a 40 hr workweek with 10 hrs of overtime already?
I live in Florida. How can that be legal to take my PTO, threaten to write me up, or fire me for not showing up on mandatory overtime on Saturdays, when I have already worked a 40 hour work week. applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete After Transfer to New Company
I signed this agreement when I began work with Company "A". After six months as a salaried employee I moved to doing freelance (i.e., 1099) work for them. I worked for them consistently under that cap... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

What if your are a permanent federal worker and your supervisor excludes you from the duties you were hired, and qualified to perform and did in a specific program; gives some of those duties to a newly hired worker, for a different program (line of work)
What if your are a permanent federal worker and your supervisor excludes you from the duties you were hired, and qualified to perform and did in a specific program; gives some of those duties to a new... applies to District of Columbia  ·  0 answers

Are they terminating me?, Unemployment with LTD or do I have wait until terminated? What can I do?
I been working at a big box store for 10 years I when out for surgery Dec 7 2012. I came back t o work March 7 2013 my manager approved my release from my dr. When my GM came back from a trip he told ... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

I recently was disciplined for driving to fast. I was asked to take a drug test and my employer would not let me come back to work unless I provided them with an official record of all the medications that I have ever been on. They also asked me for a rec
I was asked to go to the pharmacy and have them print out my records after I came up positive for amphetamines due to my prescribed adderal that i take for a learning disability. applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Is Non Compete Enforcable when laid off
I was laid off from a shoftware Company in December and have a non compete agreement signed in Feb 2001. As I was laid off is the non compete enforceable as I have since been contacted by a previous c... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

If I DID sign a non-compete and my employer didn't mention it when I quit… is it relevant?
I worked for a very small local company for 6 years. In December 2010, I told my employer that I had interviewed at another company and was considering an offer (I was in a key role and wanted to give... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Non payment of work accomplished as a 1099 contractor
I have some outstanding invoices that the company accounts payable person says is in the mail and it never arrives. They owe me over 2000 and their false statements regarding payments are frustrating.... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Is this considered retaliation and can I report it/be covered by the EEOC?
Is this considered retaliation. I applied for an interoffice transfer to a different position. I am currently in a position for a public agency and applied for a less stressful position within the com... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I have been working as a manager at mcdonalds and I have seen and heard and witnessed my gm creating a very hostile environment with her intimation, employees fear her and she calls names humilates and embrasses her employees She had one manager relocate
Hostile work enivironment applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

Severance pay if you work in one state and live in another
Good Morning, I worked for a company for the past 10 years, I recently got let go and got a severance and I was wondering; If live in New York City and worked in New Jersey. How much tax would be take... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

can my employer not accept my Doctors return to full duty?
I was off work for four weeks due to an illness. My doctor released my for full duty, no restrictions. My employer will not allow me to come back until I have a functional capacity test. Is this withi... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Been with my company for 22 years they decided to rename my position and decrease my pay but still expected to do the same work that was always required. I only recieved 50 cents more an hour to take the position the rest was earned raises i worked hard f
Pay decrease applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

I'm in AZ and worked for a place for about 6 years then was let go and I collected unemployment for 6 month until it ran out. The same company has offered me my old job back but say I have to sign a letter stating
Like I said they say in order for me to come back to work there I have to sign a resignation letter for the future applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

can I take legal action against my proir employer
I had foot surgery and was to be out for 8 weeks. My previous employer had me come back one week after surgery even though I provided a doctors note. While at work my foot bone broke again and now I h... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Is it legal for the manager to force me to use my vacation time?
I told my lead man that I was going to be out of work on a Wednesday and he didn’t mark it down that I will be absent. The manager texted me and told me to used my vacation days because he thought I... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Equal Pay for Equal Work
I am one of four VP's in my company charged with identical responsibilities and duties: Q: Is it legal for each of us to have a different base pay and one of the four of us to have a seperate bonus st... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

time off for medical appointments
what are my rights to get time off the job for medical / dental appointments during work hours? Thanks so much for your response : ) laurie applies to California  ·  1 answer

what can be done about a supervisor saying you have H.I.V as a joke in front of co workers
went to work sick and supervisor said i should have took my HIV medication this morning in front of everyone. i dont have HIV applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

My Manager is the Human Resource Managers Husband!
After 5 years of working as a Technician with this company, I have witnessed unsafe and unlawful behaviors. The concerns I have had and the processes that were unfair and unsafe were mentioned to Huma... applies to Georgia  ·  1 answer

If I think I have been misclassified as an independent contractor, what's the best way to proceed?
I am an Ohio resident, and I have worked with a company headquarted in Ohio to provide security services for natural gas wells at locations in Pennsylvania since 9/21 of 2010. As of 8/20/2011, I was c... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I do home health, and the agency I work for has rolled my pay day over at least 3 to 4 times, stating that they won't be paid until the following Monday, how is this possible, my client has been with this agency for over a year and there's always a proble
this is not the 1st time nor is it the 3rd, there's always a problem every 2-3 months when it comes to my pay? and I know that the agency gets their money. applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Is it a wrongful demotion due to hear say?
I was involved with another employee for over five years, which my company does not have a coworker dating policy. After we broke up he has made it hard for me at work now he's spreading lies on me wh... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

I work full time for a company in sales. I currently get a salary + commission but they want to change me to commission only. That’s not enough money to live on. I might be able to convince them to lay me off. To complicate matters, I have a part time L
Can I use my LLC as a contractor for the commission and not jeopardize my unemployment benefits? applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

I am 70 years old. I currently am employed part-time for a non-essential retail store. Due to the Covid-19, my store closed and I had to file for PUA. Recently, my store re-opened and my boss contacted me about returning to work. I told her I wanted to co
Can I still collect my PUA? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

I am 70 years old. I currently am employed part-time for a non-essential retail store. Due to the Covid-19, my store closed and I had to file for PUA. Recently, my store re-opened and my boss contacted me about returning to work. I told her I wanted to co
Can I still collect my PUA? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

I do home health, and the agency I work for has rolled my pay day over at least 3 to 4 times, stating that they won't be paid until the following Monday, how is this possible, my client has been with this agency for over a year and there's always a proble
this is not the 1st time nor is it the 3rd, there's always a problem every 2-3 months when it comes to my pay? and I know that the agency gets their money. applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

I am 70 years old. I currently am employed part-time for a non-essential retail store. Due to the Covid-19, my store closed and I had to file for PUA. Recently, my store re-opened and my boss contacted me about returning to work. I told her I wanted to co
Can I still collect my PUA? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

My HR Office at my place of employment did not tell me that I would be charged 7 days of personal time prior to my FMLA starting back in January 2017 and no documents that I signed stated I would be charged these days either. Can my HR office legally char
On the 19th of Jan 2017 I went out on FMLA for 12 weeks because I had ACL Reconstruction surgery in my left knee. I am a salaried worker so my 12 weeks off was paid for by my company. I returned to wo... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Compensation for unjustified lay-off
I had an employment agreement as an assistant in a day care. However, my employer made be work as a teacher instead of an assistant, i.e. I was in charge alone of the children. For this I had no quali... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

My manager is threatening punishment or termination for something my supervisor under him authorized me to do while he was employed with us. Does this hold any weight?
I work in a call center, an agent from another department asked me to assist a customer with changes to their account they werent able to make themselves. I did so without speaking with the customer, ... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

May15 th had heart attack ,had stint put in ,two mths later had heart cath,had to have triple bypass ,Fula all used up vacation time gone released to work with restrictions employer says no must be full release what is next they didn't state I was fired y
Don't know what to do I don't quit that's not an option applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I work in health care, have a chronic illness. When a Doctor left he gifted me three days of Vacation. HR called and said the transfer went through but I could only use this time as EIB. Fast forward three years and I needed to take an extended leave. The
MA working for the same company for 12 years with chronic autoimmune disease. applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Hi, at my current job I am kind of being obligated to step down from a lead position because policy says I can not have a significant other under my supervision. When I was actually hired as a lead my manager was aware of my relationship and now a year la
I am not happy the way things are being handled at my work place due to the irregularities coming from my manager and supervisor! applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

A temp agency didn't pay part of my wage
I worked only four days and they sent me a paycheck which covers only two days. It has been almost two months and I emailed/called them several times. Accordingly they don't have my records of work, b... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I work for a small business. When I originally was hired, I was the office manager, I did the AR/AP, benefits, basically everything to run the office smoothly. The owners terminated the salesmen in 2007. Since their termination, I took on doing sales as w
I work for a small business. When I originally was hired, I was the office manager, I did the AR/AP, benefits, basically everything to run the office smoothly. The owners terminated the salesmen in 20... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I have been on disability for a year and an unable to go back to work i have a week of unused vacation prior to disability plus 5 weeks for the year of disability and 6 floating holiday from that year and am in a union am I entitled to all my pay ?
am I eligible for these ite.s ? applies to California  ·  0 answers

Whose responsibility is it work to properly package up the equipment to return to a former employer
I am returning computer equipment and marketing stuff to m andThe company sent a shipping label by email. Fedex and UPS only pick up between hours of 8 am and 8pm so I might have to wait all day, Give... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

I work at a nursing home & my position is a
I'm a nurse in a nursing home applies to Mississippi  ·  0 answers

Verbal & Physical Abuse On Job Site
I work for a new car dealership in NY State. I am in the position where I have authority over the mechanics in the repair shop, but no actual title as manager, etc. I am the dispatcher/service advisor... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

stress related illness due to job situation
I am the only Female At-will Supervisor for Airborne Express Inc. in Pittsburgh Pa. I work with a Hostile Union enviroment that has cause a stress related illness. I have been denied Workman's Comp. W... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Coersion?? & Suspension without pay
I would like to know if it is legal for a supervisor to demand that an employee write a resignation letter but not accept what is written amd being forced to stay at work to write it. Is it legal to b... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

My employer who has not given me any work for the past two years is threatening to sue me and my current employer relative to working for someone else. hes threatened me in an aggressive mann through the phone and text. i am seriously stressed out. do i h
An investigation company is threatening to sue me because i have worked for someone else. applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Time of Discovery?
If I have copies of emails from work that prove my claims of harassment from my supervisor, and have offered these emails to corporate officers ( proof of that also) who have stated no interest in vie... applies to California  ·  2 answers

What can I do if I feel I'm being harassed by my supervisor because of depression and anxiety?
I have suffered from mild depression and anxiety for several years. I have worked for my employer for 8 years and during that time I have seen counselors and have gone on and off anxiety medication. I... applies to Colorado  ·  1 answer

My employment just sent me an email stating I have to repay the sign-on bonus.
I was fired because of a workers comp injury, which required me to go to the hospital. When I arrived at the hospital, the hospital ER doctor requested a urinalysis, and it tested positive for CBD. By... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Toxic members
First case: Few members in the institute I work for have been working hard to defame me and spread rumors about me amongst people of my community, those rumors are very toxic rumors & the reason is th... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Has this elevated itself to retalitation where I have a claim?
Over the past few months, I have raised concerns with my supervisor, with my "counselor", and with management, over behaviors he is engaging in that create a negative atmosphere (to the extent we have... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

i currently have an employment contract with non-compete that is about to expire in NJ. My employer has stated if i refuse to sign i cannot work for him. If he does terminate me for not signing can I collect unemployment? I have no intention of going to w
I am Director of Operations in name only. Basically I have become a salesman. My non-compete only covers his commercial business and I am allowed to try and take the military piece I brought on board ... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

I work for a large coporate company I am demeaned singled out treated like an outcast I have emails and documentation I've also spoken to higher up nothings been done do I have a case there is sooo much to this
She has said o look u can add she has told me I'm not smart enough to do things she has recently after a complaint I made wrote me up for things she doesnt follow thru with she lies about me to other ... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Am I entitled to being paid for excessive break downs?
Truck breaks down every trip without normally the one to try to get it running..since I do not hear from him again. Is his time valuable to where mine time is not? In 26 years of driving I ha... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I didn't sign a non-compete but my co. is considering sueing....
My brother and I work in a very specialzed field and there are not many individuals in our specific profession. We have never signed a non-compete with our current employer. We have decided to form ou... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

In the state of Virginia, can a business change from paying weekly to biweekly without notice?
The company I work for usually gets paid on Tuesdays. Well we were paid on Friday this week and we asked our store manager and he said on you all are getting paid biweekly now and said our next pay ch... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

I'm Fom NH Our company are Union but I had been discriminated for the past 4 years now and I just got unfaithful fired form work I had work for this company for 9 years and our sop Stuard Is more and the fence of the company then the employees he puts mor
I'm Fom Argentina been married for 19 year we have tow daughters & one has Epilepsy It took me 4 month to get the FMLA., the first time I asked them I been told that I don't meet the hs required so I ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can I be fired for refusing to travel?
I have a young child at home in which I am the caresgiver. I work overtnight shift and my employee as asked me to travel to cover staff shortage in Maryland 2 hour away. Can I be fired for refusing to... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can I be terminated from a company I worked at for 3 years for taking a second job
I am a single mother and I was not making enough money to support my family so I took a second job at another restaurant right down the road. I am being terminated for working for the competition even... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

I have been on a medical leave for 3 months. I returned to work for 3 days. I had to extend my lea
I was still sick and had to extend my medical leave 7 weeks. I got a letter from my employer stating I voluntarily quit and am no longer employed. Do I have a wrongful termination case? applies to California  ·  2 answers

A person has to be off first for seven days before work comp pays. Do you get paid those days
I am having surgery and I was told that you have to be off for seven days before they pay. Do you get paid for those days? applies to South Dakota  ·  0 answers

I have fmla for a disabled child. It states i cannot work weekends. My shift was 7_3 mon. Thru fri. They changed it to eow. They still schedule me on weekends and give me days ods during the week. I am forced to use what little pto i have or gor without p
Can they force me to burn up my pto or can i request they put me back on m thru f applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Question about the confidentiality of my personal health information
I have a question regarding the confidentiality of my personal health records and information within the workplace.  I currently work for a health insurance company and have been here for over 10 yea... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Can salaried employees be docked pay for not signing a write up?
I submitted a letter of complaint to my boss/owner about the improper use of the N-word in the office as well as a complaint that I was singled out and punished for using my cell phone when my child c... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

Business Already Existed On The Side
I work in the construction industry, specifically in concrete. Several months ago, I began to manufacture my own line of decorative concrete tables and vases that I have created on my own time using m... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Yes,I was pulled off the line. My supervisor said I smelled like alcohol. I was tested right then ,the Hr lady asked to smell me and said she didn't smell anything. Yes I drink something the night before but nothing the day of work. I took the test and pa
Accused of smelling like alcohol on job. Very embarrassing. Took test on spot and passed. Is anything that can be done? applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

My work week is Wednesday through Tuesday, I punch in on a time clock unless I'm running emergency service calls in which case I get paid from the time I leave my house to the time I get back. If by Friday I have 28 hours on my time card but another 13 fr
I am an hourly service technician applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

My work week is Wednesday through Tuesday, I punch in on a time clock unless I'm running emergency service calls in which case I get paid from the time I leave my house to the time I get back. If by Friday I have 28 hours on my time card but another 13 fr
I am an hourly service technician applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

My supervisor is always calling me on days off and outside work hours to discuss things about another employee whom worked for the same company and was my best friend....she calls me when my friend has left, not doing her job etc It gets very annoying for
Aren't I supposed to enjoy and relax on my days off instead of your supervisor blowing your phone up applies to New Mexico  ·  0 answers

I was scheduled for 6 days in a row and worked a cumulative of about 45 hours. My workweek split this time worked about 50/50 so I didn't get paid overtime. Should I be getting overtime or is it limited to 45 hours in a WORK week?
Retail employee, pharmacy technician, hourly wage. applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

victim of workplace violence
I was a victim of assult at work. The companey took three weeks to do an investigation. They told me I have no legal right to know what actions were taken against the agresser. They have not set up a ... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Maternity Leave and FMLA
I work for a large, reputable telecommunication company as a software engineer (Im also management employee). I received a severance package the day after my maternity leave ends and while on FMLA. I... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

being fired for being 20 weeks pregnant
I'm 20 weeks pregnant, as soon as my bosses found out I was pregnant last week they told me I have 2 weeks left to work then I have to leave. Today, they took one of my three shifts away. They are slo... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Hi I work in a place where we discussed an hourly rate and then all of a sudden my employer without discussing it with me turned it into a salary but I don’t even know my salary and started making up reasons why she deducted money. She owes me 1000 doll
I am a teacher in a small daycare and I took the job because the enployer told me it would be 40 per hour and my paycheck doesn’t reflect that. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Do I need to sue for my benefits or discrimination?
I have worked for this company for 8yrs at various studios in the area. In Aug 2005, I returned to my home studio where I was the studio manager. The 1st company got aquisition by another company whos... applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

Do I have a wrongful demotion case?
I’ve work at my current company for almost 5 years as an at will employee. I was working in a position during year 4 and than was promotion to another position where I’ve been working for about a ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

If I am a salaried employee and work over the 44 hours I am suppose to can I get overtime?
I am on salary and it is set at 44 hours per week. I average anywhere from 50-60 hours per week and it is documented through a time clock. Am I eligible for overtime pay? applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

I worked for a company for 3 years the last 3 months of my employment at the company all employees were given a non compete form to sign because several employees whom were terminated went to work at another company in the same field so the form was given
I have posted the details all under the question applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Overtime claim against an employer
I have worked for c contractor for two years that refused to pay to his hourly employees overtime on hours worked over 40 in a work week. Do I have any recourse to collect on the loss of overtime pay ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

On what grounds can a hospital in MI list you as a Do Not Rehire?
I was hired by a hospital but had not begun any shifts and turned down the job after accepting it. The hospital listed me as a Do Not Rehire in my employee file. Can an employer do this even if you ha... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

I just left a pest company and signed a non compete but another pest company wants to hire me. It better for me and my family financially. If I just work and don't talk about the other company will I get sued? 18 months will cause a hardship on my family.
Oregon is an at will state but applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

I work in the Texas. I asked my immediate boss for FMLA time off and was denied to handle a few personal problems related to my father's death. I drafted a two weeks notice and gave it to my employer. They told me that I did not have any other option, but
Additionally, I complained of numerous situations while employed with this company and was always accused of being at fault. I only want my severance pay and to move on with my life. applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

my boss was fired, i was considered her 'pet', now employer is coming after me by demoting me. what can i do
recent changes occurred at work, including the firing of my boss. This led to a sea change of who was in charge. Disgruntled employees who hated the former boss began to point to me as part of the tro... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

What are my rights while under doctors care and receivung long term disability?
I was on STD/FMLA and now I'm on LTD, the human resource office at my employment is not satisfied with my return date because there's not one at this time. I'm currently going for physical therapy and... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

Hi, I was fired by Wells Fargo after complaining about sexual harassment.
I work for a temp agency and my "contract was terminated" by Wells Fargo after I complained of someone who was assigned to be "training me"( they weren't a trainer) sexually harassing me.I called thei... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

My doctor has advised me not to drive because I've been having dizzy spells and blackouts.
Most of the questions I've seen are in regards to companies refusal or disregard for FMLA. My question involves my neurologist's refusal to complete FLMA paperwork that my company has supplied to them... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Harrasment in the work place
I was hired by the city in Feb 2002 in a specialized feild in which i have 18 years of expereince for a better quality of life 300 miles from my hometown. After my probationary period in which i recei... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Fired for alleged theft. Showing staff and all was a set up. No evidence won claim
Hi! My question is re accusations of a crime not proved on my friend. Video sevaliance revealed he was not a part of the alleged crime nor did he see another person that was accused do so. There are n... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

My company is closing we were told we will receive a severance pay. We recently found out a new company will be taking over the business. We will still have jobs under the new owners. Will our present... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can earned pto be taken away when an employee receives a promotion in the same company?
I recieved a promotion from assistant manager to manager and i was told that the two weeks of pto I had not used was no longer available because I changed positions. Now I have to work another year to... applies to Nebraska  ·  0 answers

Changing Non-Competes
Quick question about Non-Compete Agreements. I work for a company that requires a non-compete agreement to be signed. There was a problem with the original agreement so a second agreement is being wri... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I was given a 10 day paid suspension without union reprensentation and was told I was under investigation regarding false accusations and allegations that were told to HR while I was absent from work due to FMLA related issues. I contacted my union whom t
Should I wait for my union rep to return back from her weekend or, should I proceed with EEOC? applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

How do I find out if my job laid me offf without notification?
I had to go to the hospital for a heart catheterization I called then to let them know what was going on, When I got out of the hospital my doctor gave me a return to work letter, My manager told me t... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Im new to Las Vegas , Is it legal for an employer to withhold taxes on a self employed subcontractor?
Self employed flooring contractor, subcontracted work from a flooring shop and hes withholding taxes, medical, and social security. Yet im not being paid overtime, or getting any company benefits! applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Employment termanation due to Court Summons
My husbands received a court summon and now his employer is trying to hold that missed day of work for grounds to fire him. Is that legal? We were under the understanding that a summons is like a supe... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can my boss contact me on my days off?
I am off on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. My boss is always texting me work questions on Monday and some Saturdays Is this legal? Also, he gave out my personal cell phone number, without my permission,... applies to California  ·  1 answer

do i have a opportunity to win my unemployment case?
i quit my job and they denied my unemployment benefits. i have a hearing soon and i want to be prepare,this job was very stressful,they want me to work sunday they change my position without telling m... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I was working for a guy who was supposed to be a friend.
He purchased a motorcycle for me in which we agreed i would repay on a timely manner. However, he decided to just take whatever amount out of my paychecks every week and hold my money until he felt li... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

Can I be denied overtime because I have a work comp injury in Missouri?
I recently had surgery on my elbow and it is through worker comp. My company is denying me any overtime due to my injury although I'm working regular time. Can they deny me overtime hours? applies to Missouri  ·  1 answer

Can city govt. hire less qualified workers over more qualified.
I'm over 50 (w/m) with 30 years in govt. pertaining to posted job. Both other candidates (w/f) less than 30 years old with no experience. We all work for same govt. applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

In Arkansas when you don't make minimum wage when is employer required to make it up
A mechanic who works by the job and doesn't get enough work to make minimum wage. applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

non-compete is the geographic region to large?
I signed a non-compete with a former employer that fired me for theft. I did not steal anything but I did upgrade a clients equipment at no charge making sure there was well over 60% profit in the dea... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

civil suit for forced retirment, slander and loss of employment and pension.
I worked for a large well known company for over 5 and half years, for 4 plus years I was one of the top agents, and always made the goals they set to us in order to keep our income from decreasing. t... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I was fired while being admitted to the hospital is that legal
I was fired on medical leave cause I left work and was admitted to the hospital applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Employer regularly discussed professional and personal life issues of each employee with other employees depending on who his favorite of the day is. This includes unsubstantiated claims of drug use, standards of work not measuring up with out proof, etc.
A small company. Boss is very controlling if even wages. Doesn't want to pay but force employees to tell what bills need paid applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I need your help because I can't seem to find an answer anywhere. So, I was suspended from work without pay for one week. No investigation needed because I owned up to a mistake I made. Keep in mind I've been with the company 19 years and my record is vir
I need your help because I can't seem to find an answer anywhere. So, I was suspended from work without pay for one week. No investigation needed because I owned up to a mistake I made. Keep in mind I... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I live in NJ, worked for a digitial services company that focused on only the law firm vertical who are based in MN. My territory covered PA to WV. I was laid off when my entire department was restructured and received a severance. There was no cause for
Severed without cause (at will employee) Mass restructuring of my entire department Not looking to work for a named competitor 1year non compete applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

I worked at a restaurant chain that closed down right after i was injured. I was told i had to go to their insurance companys doctors and i went and their the ones who gave me 40% disabled as result of the manager of the franchise. First the said you can
The franchise was Fresh Choice and i am trying to get someone to help me get our agreement of 100K and pay for my education to get into a new field of work which could be room and board tuition and th... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can I sue my ex-employer for using drugs and indecent exposure?
I worked with a tax attorney who did nothing but charge clients for work he did not do, smoke marijuanna and crack in front of me, and walk around in his underwear. He was verbally and mentally abusiv... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Can a company that you currently work for refuse to allow you to take vacation already earned?
My husband works for a privately held company in Wisconsin. He has been there 23 years, and has earned 4 weeks of vacation per year. They are now telling everyone that you may take one week only and i... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Requested FMLA-am I on it?
I requested FMLA verbally upon emergency hospitalization. I assume it was granted. However i did not receive any paperwork from employer indicating I was granted FMLA or what my rights and responsibil... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I signed non compete in 2003 then in 2010 resigned new paperwork when fired after 13 years they send me one from 2003 not one in 2010 I think 2010 is most up to date but not sure and if it's not valid after a year an a half not receiving right one what do
I need to go to work an I feel this wouldn't holdup cause it's been more than a year an a day applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

Non profit organization.
Our employer pays on a 40 hour work week Monday through Friday. If an employee uses benefit hours for a day off, for instance sick, personal or vacation hours and works and additional 8 hours on Satur... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

If An Ex Sends A Dirty Photo To My Place Of Work After Repeatedly Documented Threats To Do So Can I Have Her Arrested?
an ex has repeatedly threatened to send an explicit photo of me to my job multiple times and she has sent harassing texts over the span of 3 months. if she follows through with the threat what can I d... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

Had surgery do i qualify
I just recently had sholder surgury and i was released to light dutie ,but my employer does not have any light dutie work .they said that they would let me draw unemployment .My question is would i qu... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

My husband was supposed to be paid for an hourly job but had to do a 1099 for employment. He was supposed to be paid on Friday and ask about check and his boss said it will be Saturday well it got here abd he said after 5pm then we call he said your fired
I'm in Texas and just started working for him . I worked 80 hrs for his company but had to do a 1099. He said he is not paying me for my work. ???????help!!!!! applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Can my job terminate me if doctor refuses to cover absences?
My wife is pregnant, and I missed some days from work, but called it in with FMLA, then her OBGYN wouldn’t approve time I missed for illness. They said they can only approve 3 hours per absence, for... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Hello, I work for a company that one of their benefits offered to Full Time employees is PTO. I recently requested and filled out the PTO request forms for a few days in Sept. 2017 and also for this month (Nov) for 2 days. The other day i received my payc
Worked for this company since 2013 applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

16 yr old working 5pm-5am Mon-Thurs
My 16 year old daughter who is home schooled is working at a large chain fast food restaurant from 5pm to 5am on school days. Her paycheck is always short and I believe it's because the managers are t... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

My job was eliminated. I was never talk to just pushed to other departments. I haven't had a review in 3yrs. What are my options.
Because of covid our department was shut down. Some people were laid off permanently others were moved to other departments. I am a sales person now stuck behind a desk which I have never done doing c... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Can my Employer call for an Attendance Investigation after each Intermittent FMLA day I take?
Hello and thank you in advance for your help. I have been with the same company for over 21 years now. My attendance has never been exemplary. However, I am a good employee. My performance evals are a... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can a part of a non-compete void the whole agreement?
My non-compete with former employer contained three pages and I signed all three. On page two there was a paragraph which stated "can't work for anyone in this field, two years" I crossed it, I wrote ... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Relocated at my expense at company sugestion, now being laid off.
I was pushed into relocating to Jackson,MS at my own expense because my company said they had more work and better buisness there. That was in Oct 2000. I have worked a total of 6 weeks since I have b... applies to Louisiana  ·  1 answer

Non-compete clause validity
I work as a H1-B employee for a small to medium sized software consulting firm based out of New York. This company has a contract to provide profesisonal services to another organisation in Rockville,... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

What is a reasonable geographical area?
My non-compete clause states that I cannot compete within 60 miles as a crow flies of my company. That means that I would have to move to another city to be able to work for myself. Is that a reasonab... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Retroactive over-time payment - Livi-in caregiver
I work as a live-in caregiver, my employer refused to pay overtime during my first two months (around 3 overtime hours 3 days per week), and is already 7 month now. We didn't sign a contract, How can ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

i have been wrongfully accused of sexual harassment by an employee upset because i would not keep taking her to work. she claimed i cut her hours because she would not offer sexual favors. Her hours were cut because she got into 2 car accidents and had no
i have text messages regarding me asking bout transportation and offering her hours applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

What is a reasonable geographical area?
My non-compete clause states that I cannot compete within 60 miles as a crow flies of my company. That means that I would have to move to another city to be able to work for myself. Is that a reasonab... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

My FMLA is exhausted so can i get fired before my doctor release me back to work?
I am still on maternity leave now and i was scheduled for Tubal Ligation but my doctor changed the date. My FMLA has ended so could my job fire me before my doctor release me if i stay out until i get... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

A coworker of mine has been telling other coworkers and customers that I was caught shooting up heroin outside in our break area? I have admitted to previously having a heroin addiction but I am not currently using and I have never used or been caught usi
I am a recovering addict but I didn't really want to admit that especially to customers. I have not used or been caught using drugs at work. applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

My FMLA is exhausted so can i get fired before my doctor release me back to work?
I am still on maternity leave now and i was scheduled for Tubal Ligation but my doctor changed the date. My FMLA has ended so could my job fire me before my doctor release me if i stay out until i get... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

I was denied a vacation,then again denied a emergency vacation,i the went to a doctor got a note and called off,i received 30 days off discipline,my griever negotiated it down to 4 days,now I have to make a decision either take the four days or risk it al
Work at US Steel,member of united steelworkers union applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Hello I work for the VA and felt deceived. our quality standards have changed, I was offered a position (unofficially)for a GS position equal to mine however, due to the quality standards changing it should have been a higher GS position. I refused and th
grading scale for VA heath care systems applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

I feel like I'm being targeted at work. Someone told my supervisor that I smoke pot they discussed it among the supervisors and HR for two months it circulated around the office before finally being told to go take a
Also they told me they were going to be testing me for marijuana. I submitted my drug test today. My employer requested I be tested for 11 things, based solely on the accusations of a coworker who the... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I was forced into a fitness for duty exam by my municipal employer based on a lie that i was suicida
I will be allowed back to work with some restrictions based on the evaluation I was forced into on the false information. I am 61 and 2 years from retirement. Do I have any recourse? I am a supervisor... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

What is the reasonable geographical distance from your current employer to a new employer is allowed
Working in st. louis, missouri. Two other companies doing similar work with some of the same clients has interest in my employment. Companies are located in tulsa, oklahoma and chicago, il. Will a non... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

My employer is unfairly targeting me.
I work in law enforcement and was accused of a crime. I was cleared criminally and now the admin are continuing to go after me while in the past if people were cleared they left them alone. I feel lik... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Exemption with timecards?
I am a salaried worker making 35k per year as a marketing writer. They recently enforced a new rule for ALL employees (Salary and hourly) that you must clock in and out every day. They said if I leave... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I work at a Wisconsin Food production facility with corporate offices in Ohio. I have never even been to the corporate office. I signed a non compete, non disclosure when hired. Recently, I asked to see it as I am considering leaving the company. I discov
I am a quality manager. The prohibited activity that I am concerned about is “employment at a similar company that competes directly or indirectly.” applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Without a non compete clause can I solicit customers of former employer
Store I worked for on a part time basis, has ended our relationship. Business claims I am an independent contractor. However I meet most the parameters of the IRS ( 20 Pts )which qualify me as an empl... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

When you go on vacation, upon returning can the employer change your work load without prior notification?
Worked for small company for 5 years, new co-worker of 5 months informed me she was now doing part of my job. Later she and the Contoller changed it saying it was discussed before I left, which it was... applies to California  ·  0 answers

When you go on vacation, upon returning can the employer change your work load without prior notification?
Worked for small company for 5 years, new co-worker of 5 months informed me she was now doing part of my job. Later she and the Contoller changed it saying it was discussed before I left, which it was... applies to California  ·  1 answer

can ex-employer withold pay for minor contract changes.
I worked for a small consulting firm which sent me to work for the client for abt 5 weeks, the employment letter had one sided clauses. I made the foll. changes to them before signing: 1)employer can ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

can earned vacation time be taken away from an employee in new York state
works for a bank in Delaware county new York. what happened the bank added more work details to meet a deadline and the bank decided that in order to meet deadlines all vacations will be eliminated! applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Hi. I was recently let go from my job after putting in my two weeks notice. Is this grounds for unemployment benefits?
I was at work 8/18/2017 and after my boss yelled at me and degraded me for the last time I put my two weeks notice in. They let me go that same day. Is it impossible to file for unemployment as to the... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I was working as a cook in a small restaurant and my boss brought me a payroll check for $691 and then it bounced on me and I didn't find out for 9 months until a bill collector called me at work and told me that not too much longer after that my boss pas
Payroll check from a ex boss that died applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Can I get unemployment after being laid off if I haven't been there 3 months?
I worked all year and paid into social security over $9000 from 3 different jobs, I quit all the jobs and started working for a landscaping company, I was laid off for the season due to lack of work b... applies to Nebraska  ·  0 answers

how do i respond to the alligation of conduct/ sleeping on the job to the board of register nursing
last year, a nursing assistant took a picture of me dozing off at my work station. she then forward it to my manager who gave me a verbal warning. She told several coworkers that it was a retaliation ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Sign or be fired
I work as a night auditor at a hotel. My employer wants me to sign a paper giving them permission to deduct from my wages any amount applicable for errors that might occur when handling customer payme... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

resignation - lack of
What rights does an employee have when an employer replaces them before they have given notice? An employee talked about going into the daycare business b/c she was having problems with babysitters. O... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

When factoring the difference when not making the min. wage as a tipped employee is this done daily?
For example: you work as a bartender and in the course of a shift you do not make, with tips, what amounts to to Ohio minimum wage and are being paid half the min. wage. Is the employer responsible fo... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Mel is it legal to force Exempt Emp. to take Vacation or dock pay for a friday following a holiday
This is the E mail that was sent out, and I would like to know if this is legal to force an employee to take a vacation on a Friday or dock their pay. It is the company that decided to close the facil... applies to Michigan  ·  1 answer

Mel is it legal to force Exempt Emp. to take Vacation or dock pay for a friday following a holiday
This is the E mail that was sent out, and I would like to know if this is legal to force an employee to take a vacation on a Friday or dock their pay. It is the company that decided to close the facil... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

I handed my resignation 2 weeks in advance and was told I can stay and work it out. 10 days before my resignation date I was asked to leave and that I would be paid in lieu. No benefits were discussed or final pay given (which they had done for others). I
I handed my resignation 2 weeks in advance and was told I can stay and work it out. 10 days before my resignation date I was asked to leave and that I would be paid in lieu. No benefits were discussed... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Work for a public school district as an EA IV. Being laid off and because I have seniority, I can bump. Before obtaining the EA IV position, I was an EA II, but was told my position was going to reclassify to an EA III & it did. However, I promoted to an
Public school district lay offs & bumping. applies to California  ·  0 answers

I work at a title & payday loan company in mobile, Al. I was told by the district manager to market our loan products on Facebook. I have emails of her asking me to do so. Several of my FB friends inquire and got a loan. Many of which went bad. Because th
Payday & title loan applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

Califorina stay home order and workplaces
As far as everything going on with the COVID-19 and Califorina issues the stay at home order. My job Is telling us we have to work and if we don't we wont get paid. Our business is non essential. Is t... applies to California  ·  5 answers

I had given a 30 day notice with my last day of 8/29. Today I walk into work and I’m told I am terminated without a reason. I asked why and my administrator said he was just moving on. I asked if I had done something wrong and he said no just moving on
Can he terminate me without a reason and not pay me for the rest of my time? applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Can you get unemployed if you had to sign a severance agreement to get your payout of 4 weeks?
I was fired while on my approved vacation time because i didn't answer an email while off work. Made me sign separation agreement to get 4 weeks payout applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

The Doctor (our employer) in the office pays us PTO however insists we have to use a PTO day for all recognized Holidays! The office is closed and we are not allowed to work, but he makes us use our PTO for even Christmas! Is this ok? I'm use to earning t
PTO vrs Holidays applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Employer compliance with personnel policies
Does an employee have any recourse when the employer is violating it's own personnel policies? Specifically, not providing performance evaluations and not providing the necessary tools and information... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

my wife was sick and unable to call off of work, so I did it for her
My wife was vomiting and unable to text her employer her medical note. I texted the note to her employer and let them know she was ill. Now they are writing her up for improper protocol. Is that OK? applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I am a self-employed, sometimes i have 2 or 3 employees temporarily.. if they quit or i have not enough job for them. I need pay them unemployment?
I am work for my own, a contractors give me jobs and i hire somepeople , but sometime the job is not enough , the look for another jobs or they quit, i want to know if by law , they can complain and a... applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

i was suspended for sexual harassment before even being talked to about it
I went to work and after working an hour i was suspended due to sexual harassment. No explanation, had not talked to Human resources, what are my rights and what is the proper procedure for these alle... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Fired for email use without any policy against it.
Can I be terminated from my job for e-mail. There was no policy ever reviewed or access to a policy sight given. A policy was given the day of termination. Also, received email at home from work a wee... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

In NYS is there a statute of limitations for filing for unemployment if you left your job due to lack of work?
If an employee left our company 2 years ago can they still file for unemployment from us? Is there a statute of limitations for this type of thing? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My employer scheduled my after my two week notic end date. Am I liable to attend these shifts?
I signed and date my two week notice to be October 27. We, the manager and I, both agreed my last day to be the 27. However, I am scheduled to work October 28 and 29. Is this illegal? applies to California  ·  0 answers

What if my HR doesn't keep conversations private when asked to do so?
A girl at work went to HR with a problem a Co worker was having and she asked HR not to tell who had told her about this problem. Then, later that day, HR had all the employees involved in her office ... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

forced on call
I have asked this question and did not get an answer yet. Can a nursing home single out one shift to be on call? The home I work at has done this to 7-3 and no other shift and at least 5 CNA don't hav... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

My work truck was broken into and a little over a thousand dollars worth the product was stolen. The company was aware that I didnt have locks for the truck months before the theft. Now they are docki... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Is it illegal for my employer to make me clock out for a 15 minute break?
I work at tj maxx andthey require me to clock out for my 15 minute breaks because i am a minor. Is this illegal? Every source I find tells me that I should be paid for a break if it is less than 30 mi... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Forced to leave because of a hostile environment - do I have cause for a suit?
I was recently forced to leave my job due to the incredibly hostile environment at work. My employer was well aware of the situation , ( caused by another employee ) and I am wondering if I have cause... applies to California  ·  2 answers

worked for family for a few years was very difficult. i finally left. i got another job in which i kept for 2 months n now they have closed down, wil i be able to recieve unemployement and if so who will it draw from>?
will i be able to collect after only working my last job 2 months? even though the job before that i did work 3 years, however i did quit that job applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

I was contacted by my employer over the phone while speaking to her about work related information when a parent calls her phone and says that
I was contacted by my employer from her own personal cell phone on the company's phone at the time of the conversation. applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

We me an my wife work together we where making 2900 a month salary so on sunday the boss call an said we working for 9 dollar a hour
2900 to 9 dollar a hour so we said if we dont take the 9 we fired so we fired applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Employees forced to attend seminar
I work for a technology consulting firm. Recently my employer has envoked a policy wherein it is mandatory to attend certain company-led training seminars. If we fail to attend we will be charged $50.... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

My company is based out of Wisconsin but I am in Minnesota laborers union and most of our work is in Minnesota, what state do I file unemployment?
Minnesota or Wisconsin unemployment? applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Is this a case
my name is Liz and this is a thing that happened to me. I was walking towards the door getting ready to go to lunch counting my money to see if i had enough money to see if i had enough money for a ha... applies to West Virginia  ·  0 answers

Legal action for a boss who violated a confidential conversation and has now created a very host
I am in management... A department head at a retirement village and I had an employee come to me with the concern / complaint regarding 2 other department heads... 1 of these is my counter-part at wor... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Is this discrimination?
I have a question. So me, my mom, and my sister all applied at the same place. One boss said it was okay and the other said it wasnt. He said that he wouldn't allow it because if something were to hap... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Can my manager require me to make copie during my lunch break, without pay, in Ohio?
My manager stopped allowing employees to make copies while on the clock last week. She now says they must be made on our lunch break. I work for a daycare and preschool. applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

lump sum payment
i received a lump sum payment when my plant closed. It was not a pension and not severance. my paperwork even stated so. It was stated as such on my paper work. Is this deductible on a weekly basis or... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is it unlawful to fire someone who is following doctors orders, they can go to work but are limited due to injury.
My husband was fired today because a doctor put him on light duty and then when his boss insisted that he go my husband said he couldn’t due to his doctor orders applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Michigan hairsalon paying commission and being 1099 is this legal we buy own supplies
Can you be paid commission in hair salon and be 1099 buy are own supplies but work scheduled hours in state of mi we signed contract agreeing to this applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

indentured servitude?
I recently left a franchised ballroom dance studio for several reasons; poor pay, little training, poor working conditions with the employer, labor law violations, general feeling of discomfort with b... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Conflict Of Interest Fraud & Harrassment
I am an IT contract worker doing work for a public company that has $390 billion in assets. My employer is the staffing agency that has a relationship with the public company as a vendor, seems to me ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

FMLA rights in Hostile work enviroment
I have had issues with a new Manager on Many occurrences I have taken, on average 1 day a week off because my Fibromyalgia is majorly effected. Been to HR 3 times because my manager reacts with angry ... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

FMLA rights in Hostile work enviroment
I have had issues with a new Manager on Many occurrences I have taken, on average 1 day a week off because my Fibromyalgia is majorly effected. Been to HR 3 times because my manager reacts with angry ... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

my job was eliminated, my employer now wants me to train someone else what can I do?
I have until the end of the year to finish the reports that are due to close out this year. My employer now wants me to train the individual that will be doing the work that I had been doing. I am a p... applies to Alaska  ·  0 answers


Fabricated document
My current boss threatened to fire me and had said that if i tried to claim unemployment he would fabricate a document that stated that i had missed a large number of work days and also had come in la... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Are there circumstances in which an employer is required to layoff his/her employee?
My husband is currently working for someone who will not lay him off. His boss only calls him approximately one time a week to work. He has been trying to find other employment but has had no luck. Is... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

bad body odor a disablity or what?
Is bad body odor caused by a genetic disorder called Trimethylaminuria also known as Stale-Fish Syndrome be considered a disability when it affects an employee's daily interactions with her co-workers... applies to Hawaii  ·  1 answer

I work for the public sector;, State service. My salary net is the same as 10 plus years ago. I have 17 years in. My overall salary is 45% less than Golden Gate Bridge; owned by City and county of SF. all being the same job trade; Structural Steel Painter
Cost of living Wages Job duties as required And more.... applies to California  ·  0 answers

2 months ago a group of guys at work were standing talking and we're kidding about sexual innuendos and a comment of cross dressing and seeing a pic came up. Someone said something to another employee and they turned the person in. The person it was said
Fired today over comments that aren't completely true2 months ago. Just investigated this week applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I was injured at work and received Workmen’s Comp. But after I was released from the doctor. My employer told me the couldn’t accommodate my restrictions. Which were no over the shoulder or no lifting over 15 pounds with my left arm. Is this legal in
I was a housekeeper and we had to put a king size bed back in a room. I injured my left shoulder doing so. applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Pressured To Work "Off the Clock"
I was offered a position in a school district. The hours are 7:30 to 4:00. After quitting my previous job and starting the new one, I began to see that everybody works 10-20 hours overtime "off the cl... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Can employer take away point for attendance when you have a doctor note?
Everyone at my job gets five attendance points start out most have uses them due to excessive work hours and have gotten doctor excuses only for the employer to still take a point applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Heart attack
I was admitted to the hospital because of a heart attack and missed 8 days of work. the company used my last vaction day for one days pay. but still said I was out on fmla for 8 days shouldn't it only... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

my sister works partime for YMCA but they close due the covid 19 can she fill unemployee
if you work part time for YMCA but due to the COVID 19 can she fill unemployed.. applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

I need some help please
I was wondering if you could tell me if I should pursue a case against my ex-employers. I walked into an office with no staff manager etc....I was hired as the administrative assistant...hired in all ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can return to secondary part-time job affect main part-time job’s disability payments?
Prior to starting short-term disability due to a sudden medical event, I was working the same 2 part-time non-sedentary jobs concurrently for several years. The STD payments are through Job A and base... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

fired for no reason
i work part time as a bartender. I showed up for my shift and was told that I had been replaced. I was told they wanted someone more full time which turned out to be a lie. I have been there over a ye... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

How can I receive my final paycheck?
I recently left a company and I have yet to get my final paycheck. Their 1st excuse was since I did not go through my exit interview that it would be delayed 2 weeks.Well the 2 weeks have come and gon... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Am I still held by a no-compete clause I signed?
I started working for my employer 4 years ago, however, since then 4 former employees have either been terminated or have quit and went to work for different companies that were in the non-compete cla... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

The gm of my company came to me yelling and cussing at me first thing this morning, i clocked out and went outside to calm down and avoid a hostile work environment. He then came out and said i quit when i clocked out, i said that i never quit and he cann
Was told i quit when i didnt, when i said that i didnt quit i was threatened to be escorted by police off premises applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

I live in new york and I work for the biggest environmental job agency. I have a serious illness so i used my fmla. Without notice they not only lowp me but they awoled me as well. Can they do that within the guidelines of my FMLA & the ada?
I was retaliated once before for using my fmla and my employer got deployed for it and now that I used my FMLA because my employer told me to use it and not only did they lwop me but they awoled as we... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I just wanted to know what is the right way to terminate an employee on probation? Be cause I was told by the supervisor during my probation that was almost up on the 1st they decided not to keep me and I only had 1 evaluation and no termination forms
Was I supposed to have termination forms and a 2nd evaluation before they just let me go and no other supervisors were aware. Because I was still on the board to work the next day and all next week? applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Due to the covid-19 virus, all hourly non exempt employees were taken off the schedule. The salaried managers are performing all tasks required to operate the restaurant. Is this legal?
Salaried managers only allowed to work, performing all hourly position requirements. applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

I am a chef in Las Vegas. I just started running a new kitchen for a new bar/restaurant. I am 55 and been in business as a chef 34:+years. All was fine 50 hr work weeks until today the gm young gal asks why did I eat 5 hotdogs for lunch. I am 220 lbs and
All I want to know if I am fired for no reason which there is no reason. What can I take to labor board and how far can I go with this. I am very upset. I have a family to support . applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

A non qualified elective deferral was not withheld and deposited.
I elected to have some of my compensation deferred though a nonqualified Benefit Equalization plan. The large Pharma company I work neglected to defer my compensation and now wants a big check to corr... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

I would deeply appreciate if an Attorney would call me @ (808) 306-5384 re: paycheck not received ?!
1) Paycheck NOT received after former Employer said it was in the mail ! 2) Verbal abuse from Supervisor on many occasions 3) Manager unavailable/ unwilling to speak with her 4)Work breaks subjected t... applies to Hawaii  ·  0 answers

Reimbursement for out of pocket expenses, after leaving job.
My ex-employer is in NY and I live in NJ. In order to run the department, I used my own money. I wound up quitting the job and afterwards, realized that there were two receipts that I did not submit. ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

A non qualified elective deferral was not withheld and deposited.
I elected to have some of my compensation deferred though a nonqualified Benefit Equalization plan. The large Pharma company I work neglected to defer my compensation and now wants a big check to corr... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

I made a mistake at work and the employer made me pay 181dollars then wrote me up
We were slammed as usual and I was working when two rotors were brought in . I returned the wrong thing on the ticket by accident and the manager had me pay the diffrence. Amounting in 181 dollars tha... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

i Asked hypothetical questions to people at work. The next day I come in and I am told by a coworker that they were being questioned about conversations from the previous day and they denied them. If the questions had a sexual part as a second outcome, is
The questions were: If you had to sleep with a family member to keep a loved one alive, who would it be? Would you receive anal sex in exchange for a million dollars cash? applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Do I qualify for Edd?
I had a domestic violence incident with my bf where I was arrested, not charged I obviously had to explain this to my employer, because it did cause me to miss days of work unfortunately she disclosed... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Do I qualify for Edd?
I had a domestic violence incident with my bf where I was arrested, not charged I obviously had to explain this to my employer, because it did cause me to miss days of work unfortunately she disclosed... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Do I qualify for Edd?
I had a domestic violence incident with my bf where I was arrested, not charged I obviously had to explain this to my employer, because it did cause me to miss days of work unfortunately she disclosed... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can an employer offer you a severance package but say if you have a job not give it to you?
My company has offered a severance package if I stay until 1/31/11 but told some of the other employees that if they start to work for the company that's is taking over the plant 2/1/11 that they will... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

Can my employer require disclosure of volunteer 'work'?
Can my employer require me to disclose and get pre-approval for volunteering at a different organization in my off time? Can my union contract require this? I do not believe I should have to tell my e... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Do I have any legal rights?
I was on medical leave, as ordered by my physician, and I was terminated with no reason given. I understand Oklahoma is a right to work state and termination can occur with no reason, however, can the... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

Harrassed by a co-worker, what can I do?
Okay - Here is the skinny (site lost my original post). I have worked with Dave for over 5 years. He has made life miserable by making sexually oriented comments, rude remarks, & mean remarks that wer... applies to California  ·  1 answer

i was fired because i returned the wrong memory a customer returned to me he was dishonest!
i work in the returns dept a customer returned somthing that was not the right item he glued the package with a different one inside which was cheaper he was dishonest customer applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can an employer take away your already earned vacation
Hi I earned 3 weeks of vacation on December 5, 2010, it shows on my check stub that I have 120 vacation hours available, can my employer take that from me since it was earned due to expense cutting? I... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Paid non-compete and unemployment benefits
Hi I am getting a severance package of 2 weeks from my employer in NJ. However I also have a non-compete for 1 year. They are going to pay me during the 1 year non-compete and preventing me to work at... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I was on short term disability due to a cancer. My short term disability ended in February and I was put on long term disability not able to return to work yet. I will be 58 in August. I have worked for this company for 14 yrs. I think they have retired m
Is this discrimination? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

USERRA and contractor job
I work for a civilian contractor that is contracted out to various deployed locations. I also work for the California Air National Guard. My guard unit has been flexible about letting me make up misse... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I want to know which avenue to pursue. I currently have a problem with a Co-worker that has been tagging (l writing, carving, scratching etc.) on everything and anything he can in my work area and the restroom stalls and walls about me. He tags calling me
Its been going on for months now. I believe that it would fall under sexual harassment. I work for an industrial plant as a steelworker with nothing but men. I have an ex-coworker that was fixated on ... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

My question is regarding medical leave. I was suspended without pay by my employer who is a Union Employer, for my absences. It was put in writing that the date of incident was the day I was placed on... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I work for a cell phone company. When a customer signs up for our cell service, my employer is forcing me to automatically in our system, create a username, and password on the customers account. We are then instructed to write the password, and username
I believe my employer is having me break the law applies to California  ·  0 answers

Need someone to answer question about hourly versus by unit pay
I started working for a company that pays by unit, I thought I was being paid hourly. Each job can take 4 plus hours, but I'm only making 50- per job no matter how many hours I work. Is this legal? I ... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Noncompete agreemtn valdity
My present employer is selling the division in which I work to a competitor. If I am not offered employment with the new owner, is my non-compete agreement still valid? If I am offered employment with... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Can a employer dock your pay for a no-call no-show
I work with this guy for a month I quit because I was only getting about 2 days a week and once I quit he told me that he was holding my check for 30 days after the 30th day I asked for my chick and h... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Took medical leave for tkr boss wont let me come back what can i do?
Boss said she expected me back by Oct 16 that's only 5 weeks to heal from major surgery! I don't know why she expected me back then there were no plans of returning until I am released by my doc she s... applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

My sister and I have worked for the same brand of resteraunt for ten years she wants to become a manager which in turn will no longer allow me to work there because of Nepotism. Am I entitled to a severence package and how much if so is reasonable?
Both worked for same company and same brand. She wants to be a manager which will force me out of a job. Am I eligible for a severance package? applies to New Mexico  ·  0 answers

forced to carry pager when off duty with no compensation
i work as a line leader for first energy we are required to carry pager and respond 100% of time or will be disciplined we get no compensation to carry pager can they do this? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I was fired 20 years ago and they did not give me my last paycheck and I falsely accused and never charged ,found out almost 20 years later that another co-worker told me that he did it but it kept my last check am I entitled to my last paycheck and them
Yeah I work at 7 up as a driver and another driver and making me 20 years later that he actually did it but they kept my final paycheck applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

I live in Pennsylvania. I work based on only Commission. When I don't have clients my boss wants me to stay but I don't get paid. Help
I am told I need to stay and I don't get paid if I don't have a client. How is this possible? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can a teacher be denied summer pay if terminated at end of school year?
We work 10 out of 12 months. I finished 10 months and was terminated. They are refusing summer pay. applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Are residency requirements legal for a non-competitive job?
Can a employer mandate where you live when it is a non-competitive and non-elective job ? I am a county worker and live outside of the county I work in. Thank you. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I just got hired for a really great job and I'm pregnant I really need it but I'm due in 5months could I be fired because of this
I just got a call saying that I got the job to work at the va hospital in Cleveland but I'm pregnant and due in 5 months could I be fired applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

who do we contact are we protected
Employees of a 501c corporation are being harassed in the work place by incompetent and perhaps dishonest management. The organization has at least one contract with the city of Miami and does busines... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

fired on comp or filing for comp
I was fired from at will employment after I returned to work and asked for more medical. I was having back issues from a herniated disc. I asked to see a Dr again and was told I was fired. I'm under t... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

2018 Florida Unemployment Insurance. How does it work regarding severance?
I received a lump sum severance on 11/1/2018. May I apply to collect unemployment starting the next week Sunday 11/4/2018 since I will have no income coming in? Plus the owner put 33% to the IRS for w... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

No notice of termination - Severance Pay?
Hello. I hope that you can answer my question? I was informed at 4.45pm on a Monday 07/25 that I had to be "let go" because finances were tight and they could no longer afford to pay me. I was given n... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Settlement Amount
I've sued the county due to sexual harassment and a hostile work environment. The lawsuit was filed in federal court by my ex-attorney. I am now without counsel and the county has scheduled a settleme... applies to California  ·  4 answers

What are my unemployment compensation rights?
My employer is dividing and selling the business as 2 businesses. i am a salaried worker and he says that the only way that i will continue with one of the halves is to become a contract laborer for t... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

I am an 89 day hire. I am being accuse of hostile work enironment. Can I sue the 3rd party?
When the top boss gave a questionaire to all the employees in the office if they feel they are in an hostile environment, all replies came back no, where the employees signed it. This third party is a... applies to Hawaii  ·  0 answers

I broke my leg and ankle at home. I filed for fmla and std on january 26, my fmla ends march 14. I filed a request for leave since my job said i cant return to work on restriction from dr but dr wont release me to non restriction until june 1st. They said
Can i be terminated or do i have a case for wrongful termination under ada as i am currently disabled. applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Company reneged on verbal promise for offer in writing.
On Monday, I was flown to NY for a final interview, spoke with the CEO on the following Weds., told I would be made an offer, that I should decline my other offer; but after 7 weeks of waiting and ema... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Who do I report unlawful termination to and what can I do to get compensation for my hardships?
Area lead lied about me to boss and got me terminated while I was in the process of filing intermittent fmla. One of my shifts that I for sure worked is now showing up in my termination letter as an u... applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

I worked in sales for a moving company. My first day of work, they had me sign a non-compete. I never knew anything about it beforehand. I have since been laid off and am trying to get other employmen... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Do we conciliate, or take them to court and sue them?
My fiance worked for a fortune 500 company as a field service technician several years ago. He, almost immediately became what they called a "Remote Tech", which basically meant he worked remotely fro... applies to New Mexico  ·  0 answers

Does the executive director have a right to know who has accused them of discrimination
My board just wrote me up for creating a hostile work environment and won't tell me who the accuser is. They only interviewed 1 of the remaining 2 employees. One of the 'corroborators' is a former emp... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

My employer uses a point system of absent and late occurrences. We get 1 point for an absence and 1/2 a point for lateness. We get terminated after we accumulate 7 points in a 12 month period. Can my boss give me a point if I have a doctor's note for my a
I want to know if i can be disciplined for missing a day of work even if I have a doctor's note. Please and thank you. applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

My employer is closing his business but would like me to continue this business from home including storage.. Am I entitled to regular salary and do I charge him for storage?
I work for the insurance company so I need to hold the records for several years. I will be taking computers and servers in case the insurance needs records from me. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

What is the required length of time for notice before being given a pay cut?
My company decided to give pay cuts and they told us that we were getting it last Thurs. and the cut went in effect on Friday. The check we were getting paid for was for the week of work prior. I do n... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

What is a typical severance package for a staff position?
I work for a university. We are under a year-to-year contract. My contract was not renewed after almost 14 years of employment. I was a director for the university with good evaluations. There is no s... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Can a employeer require you to get a different note Because they don't like how the doctors note was written
I went to quick care on a Sunday and my doctor wrote me a note excusing me for work till my symptoms clear for 24hrs. Can my employer require me to get a different note excusing the week I was in bed ... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Is there anything I can legally do to get my job back??
I've missed several days of work due to my children being sick, (2 surgeries and sone terrible accidents) and I've been summons to court multiple times, I also was granted custody of a foster child wh... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Does an illness count as good cause?
I left my job in January due to medical reasons. I have asthma and COPD and the commercial cleaners I used as part of the job we’re causing frequent exacerbations. I was waiting on a decision for SS... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Details of a non compete
I have signed a non compete when I sold my business and went to work for the buyer. We are having a wage dispute and I will probably retire. I understand the basic non compete, but If I give advice to... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

My contract states I am a full-time 40-hour per week employee. My employer has cut my hours down to 30 on three different occasions for months at a time due to profit loss from the business. Is this legal?
I am a Non-Appropriated Funds (NA-08) employee, full time, at Vandenberg AFB. I am a Union member through work as well. applies to California  ·  0 answers

thnaks will i be able to take them to court?
i worked for an employer for 7 years and left and went to another employer same business auto field then previous employer sked me to come back to work for them and i agreed even though i had left a g... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Will this disqualify an unemployment claim?
OK I have recently just been approved for unemployment, and I took a job with a temp agency, after a couple hours at the assignment I realized the job wasn't going to work out and quit (dizziness lead... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Is a Non-compete valid if I am still in my probationary period?
I resigned my job to accept this position. I was not informed of NCA until say I started. I was not paid what they told me I would make, I quit after 45 days. I was still in prob. period. they were to... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

What can I do if I am working in a Hostile enviorment and am being targeted by my assistant manager?
I have been working for a property managment company. I have some question's about Hostile work enviorment. I have been working with my company for about 2 months now, and am now faced with a assistan... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

part-time employee rights
Is it legal for a classified part-time employee to repeatedly work fulltime hours without being given fulltime benefits? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I was out for 2 weeks and when I returned he cut my pay down a dollar is that legal
My employer reduced my pay down a dollar due to I was off work For 2 weeks even though I called in. Is that legal applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

If schools closed due to covid and I can't work but boss continues to pay partial hours is the pay considered special pay or severance pay
Unemployment defines special pay as money given that no services were performed for and it does not go against unemployment in Maryland applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Company making employees pay for shortages
I work in a cash advance place in Ohio. We deal with large amounts of money and are sometimes short at the end of the day balance. Our company makes us pay with our personal money to make up shortages... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I was denied unemployment because of my lump sem severance package
I was laid of in February from my full time job because of lack of work, My severance was based on my pay and the number of years that I worked for the Company, the Company did not fight, but Ohio une... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Where can I find an attorney if I believe I have been wrongfully demoted?
Worked for four years at a company. Recieved compliments on my work in many areas other than one. They are demoting releasing me from one position and offering me another. I don't want to take the oth... applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

If I'm exempt and I work 40 hours in four days and take off one day, can my employer charge me a personal day for the one day missed
Can I be docked 8 hours if I worked 40 hours in four days and bang out on the fifth? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can my supervisor or my HR department deny my FMLA certification?
I have had FMLA certification for the past 3 years and now my supervisor is giving me a hard time when I have to take FMLA for chronic migraines. Yesterday when I handed in my new certification- she t... applies to South Dakota  ·  0 answers

UI taxes taken out of my severance. Can I file a new claim?
My severance package was paid by out over 6 months as a payroll check and had UI insurance taxes taken. My question is: Considering that my initial claim for UI benefits was based on prior work and si... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Overtime & Comp Time
Should I be considered a salaried employee or hourly? When I was hired at my current place of employment I was hired as a salaried employee. I have a written agreement for a salary amount. When my pay... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Retaliation For Filling A Partial Unemployment Claim. Is This Case Lawsuit Worthy?
I came back from vacation and had my hours cut from 32+ to 8 hours a week with less than a week's notice along with a two month notice of termination of health insurance all this when I was 4 months p... applies to California  ·  0 answers

my boss became my lienholder and harassed me nonstop about personal issues on the job
my boss became my lienholder and for four months he and his wife would make me clock out and come into their offices to harass me about the lienholder agreement - they told me my son could not live wi... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

I have being harassed for almost 11 months since my new manager took over from my old manager head Domino's PizzaI collect disability because of my foot back and I have ADHD since his manager took over he has been harassing me at a daily basis at the job
I work for Domino's Pizza or didI quit yesterdayI was hired on by Edward Blair who became area supervisor of the franchise ownerswhen he became area supervisor Patrick Flanagan became a store managerI... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Is this a Wrongful Termination Case? Or Retaliation Case?
May 2010 - Was assigned to a new Manager, within 1st week he gave me verbal warning for attendance based on "his" approval policy (which, after a week of working with him, was never given "his" attend... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

I work as an independent contractor. In March I completed a 3 week contract for SAP Italy. I agreed to a 30 net to avoid exchange fees. SAP Italy and the client Ferragamo had a contractual disagreement. SAP Italy finally resolved and told me I would be pa
I have tried getting answers via email as its too expensive to call Italy. applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I work as an independent contractor. In March I completed a 3 week contract for SAP Italy. I agreed to a 30 net to avoid exchange fees. SAP Italy and the client Ferragamo had a contractual disagreement. SAP Italy finally resolved and told me I would be pa
I have tried getting answers via email as its too expensive to call Italy. applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I was told to take some time off until my boss got back from vacation because. I was told lack of work I said ok ill file unemployment now they told employment that I was on suspension and they want me to pay it back don't I have to have a signed paper of
I've been electrician for 38 years never have I been accused of illegal activity this has caused me a job because a rumor I stole from the job applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Does she have any legal recourse for the sexual pressure her new boss was putting on her?
A friend of mine has been the target of sexual harassment at work by her new boss. Let me provide a little background: Her husband passed away a couple months before, and she was unemployed. Needing m... applies to California  ·  2 answers

I work in a local pizza place with dine in, carry out and delivery options offered. Servers get their tips, drivers get their tips I'm just looking for answers related to the tips left on carry out orders. Is the business owner obligated to those or are t
My boss plans to donate them to charity to use as a tax write off. None of the employees agreed it was a sudden descision. applies to North Dakota  ·  0 answers

Our employee handbook for 2017, regarding PTO, isn't being honored by the deot of my company that I work for and their policy hasn't changed. Who can I contact to complain? Is there an agency that covers this?
Handbook states PTO is recorded in 4 hour increments, but they are rejecting time cards that follow this requirement in the handbook. This wasn't the case before, and no new policies have been announc... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Hi, MEL, I applied for a better paying job working for the county where I work. I got an interview and was subsequently offered the job after I was initially sent a rejection letter. I countered because the letter stated I didn't meet the minimum requirem
I feel as though they hired yes due in part that I do have the experience but also because I was intent on filing a complaint with the EEOC. I'm African American and female. applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

income tax not filed
Dear Sir: My name is Jo-anne Serra and I used to work in a japanese lounge for 5 months. Now, I called them for my w-2 forms and the manager said he doesn't know anything. Everytime they give me wages... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Retaliated against for being a victim. 1st was denial of promotion. 2nd was term. while getting help
I was a 14 year employee of UPS. Served 13 years as a supervisor. In March of 2001 I was assaulted by a manager. I was taken of work by my Dr. due to the trauma. While out under Dr.s care my emploment... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Am I wrongly accused
I had sexual relations with an employee once, her boyfriend found out and made her call and accuse me of sexual harassment, I am on suspension now , my work is waiting on a statement from her ,she was... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Will I have to pay back relocation?
My contract states that if I voluntarily leave or am terminated, I will repay my relocation benefit. I have felt overwhelmed with my work load and not being treated fairly as an employee. I feel it is... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

Firing upon coming off of Doctor recommended leave
My husband was hired for a non-union company that employs over 500 people on 3/10/03. Here are the facts: 3/10/03--Hired as JR. Paint Process Engineer 8/25/03--received 2 letters of recognition for ou... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I would like to demote myself from management and go back to a cashier position I'm not being treated fairly can I take my management pay
It is a private owned company a liquor store no benefits no holiday pay and I work too hard so for what he's paying me I rather just be a cashier there are cashiers there that make a dollar less than ... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

I signed a non-compete upon hire as an internal recruiter of a staffing agency. After three days I was told that I have to work weekends and that presented a schedule conflict so I no longer worked for company. I am a recruiter and want to ask if a non-co
Florida Office Professional Staffing Agency vs skill trade Staffing Agency applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

I have fmla for my bipolar. Im allotted 2 consecutive days off in a row twice a month(4 days total). I usually don't use that much. Bi polar effects me genetically but environmentally too ( a chemical response vs an environmental trigger). I've been going
I have fmla for my bipolar. Im allotted 2 consecutive days off in a row twice a month(4 days total). I usually don't use that much. Bi polar effects me genetically but environmentally too ( a chemical... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Retroactive FMLA Application
My wife missed work due to our 5-month old son's admittance to the emergency room with a diagnosis of pneumonia. She notified her employer that she would be out following normal call out procedures du... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

i work in Texas where you can audio record without consent. In a meeting with HR, my manager stated they said something that was a lie, which was audio recorded, in which they said
Manager lied about what was stated in our 1-on-1's. I recorded both instances and the result of the differences of what was stated resulted in my termination. Do I have any recourse? applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Okay so I worked 16 hours on New Year's so that would have been time and a half but also that week I work a total of 56 hours so I should have gotten overtime pay and Holiday if they were on separate days correct
I Feel like they are just shorting me on my pay because they don't really want to pay it holiday and overtime applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I was replaced at my job by another person so I have been unemployed for 3 weeks. Now my boss has finally found me another job do I have to take the position I don't want to continue working for this company anymore. If I refuse the job will my unemployme
What should I do don't want to work for this company anymore. applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

i got suspended from work pending investigation. im a server and i pool the tip s with my co-worker. that night i did not use my micros card so all the tips goes to my co-worker. We both got suspended but my name dont show on the check in question. is thi
Suspended pending investigation applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

per diem pay or shift pay?
I work as a waitress in a restaurant in New York City. We receive a set shift pay, based on the per diem wage x the hours the shift 'should' be. Usually the shift is longer than that and we don't get ... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Can I collect CA unemployment if I live and work in CA but the employer said I was a TX resident?
I have always lived and worked in CA. My last employer put me on the payroll as a TX resident to avoid paying CA taxes. They fired me after several months. Can I file for unemployment in CA or do I ha... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can I reopen an unemployment claim after doing contract work?
I claimed unemployment in May after getting laid off. After only several weeks of benefits, I accepted a contract (1099) position with a firm. My contract has expired, and the new one they are offerin... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I have a Dr excuse for work. They told me I am now fired. Is that legal
I was given a Dr excuse for being off yesterday through the 20th of August. I called and talked to the plant manager and she told me to just bring in the excuse today. Now they say I pointed out and I... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Afraid I may lose my job when I return to work later this month. How can i protect myself, or am I in the wrong? My situation.. I been working retail for 6yrs for the 2nd largest wireless provider in ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Unfair treatment and layoff
Hi I was recently fired from my company for the reason of breaking company policy. What occured was that i had a relationship with an employee. The girl was my assistant manager and i was the store ma... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

How May I return to work or supplement my income when Safety Manager is retaliating?.
Safety Manager is retaliating because I reported him to H.R. for falsifying a previous worker’s injury report. Safety Manager had me take a D.O.T. drug test as a non-CDL. And now he also, put a Safe... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can an employer take any legal action against me if I use all my PTO and never go back?
I'm moving out of state so I won't be able to work at my current job in Florida, and my job won't pay PTO after termination if you haven't been there a year. I would like to use my PTO and never come ... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Sister entitled to intermittent fmla
I have a friend who's sister is in a coma ( She had a brain aneurysm burst) She is the only living member of her sister, other than her brother in law. Why isn't she eligible for an intermittent leave... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

I have ongoing high anxiety and panic attacks along with depression that keeps me from working up to 3 weeks at a time. Recently (a week ago) I went to a Drs appt and discovered my Dr had quit and a LPN was now my Dr. She refused to sign my off work paper
Was fired because new Dr. Would not give me a Dr slip for my ongoing anxiety and depression. FMLA is pending. The hr is saying it's for missed days. applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I started a job as a front office business assistant in January in the dental field for a corporate practice. I had so many duties that you would've thought I was hired to manage the practice...all of which I was not informed of until after I started. The
I started a job in January as a front office business assistant for a corporate dental office! After being hired I found out that the girl that would be working with me & training me was pregnant and ... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

I have surgery scheduled in 2 weeks. Am I eligible for unemployment until then?
Surgery is scheduled in 17 days. I have been collecting unemployment and searching for jobs for 2 weeks and wonder if I can continue knowing that in 2 1/2 weeks I will be unable to work for a period o... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Can I be forced to use PTO if I dont work on a Saturday?
My company is closing for a half day due to hurricane weather. They have now decided to open on Saturday for a half day. We normally operate Monday through Friday. I have been told Saturday is mandato... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Can my employer deny me the right to attend a work meeting while on FMLA (maternity leave)?
I am a teacher six weeks into maternity leave. My principal emailed our team asking if one of us was willing to represent our school at a school fair. I responded that I would be happy to attend, but ... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

Financial help during maternity leave
The company I work for has unpaid maternity leave up to 12 weeks. Is there any supplement help within the State of Ohio (temporary disability, ect). I would like to take advantage of spending the time... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I've been employed with a company for almost two years and recently had a knee injury leaving me out of work and needing surgery. My employer has asked me to put in my two weeks notice as a result of such time needed off.. is this legal?
I requested time off at the beginning of the year and they are using that as the reason why I need to put in my two weeks. The time off was already approved by management. but somehow it is now an iss... applies to New Mexico  ·  0 answers

Can a person be penalized for missing mandatory overtime if it occurs during their vacaton?
He has an excellent work record for 7 years. He works in a meat plant on the production line. They decided the week of that the sat of the week and after the 2nd week will be mandatory overtime. They ... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Hi I live in Texas and have worked for the same company for over 16 years. I put in a vacation request for 1 week in April and I am being told they can only approve 2 days not the full week because are collections are down. Can they do this when I have ea
I work for a collection agency and because the company is struggling financially they will not allow me to take a full week off. The office has enough staff for the business we have to handle any empl... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Wrongful dismissal
Working as a contractor at two different sites, I was "dismissed" from the assignment based on false allegations and no follow up to my rebuttal pertaining to the allegations. I have now been out of w... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

he fired me because he cant yet fire my huband?
my husband is the manager where we work,3 weeks ago we got a new gm.he caame to the shop with the owners and in the office he told me that he was the body gaurd.he denied it when i told my applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

wrongful termination
I was termintated from my employer after 5 years of exceptional work history for missing deadlines from a female supervisor. Prior to her promotion I never recieved any type of disicplinary action fro... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Why are they doing an internal investigation over my termination?
I was notified via phone call that "We are going to find out were you really are in the disciplinary process and we will get back to you with the results." Prior to the mentioned phone call I was fire... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Why are they doing an internal investigation over my termination?
I was notified via phone call that "We are going to find out were you really are in the disciplinary process and we will get back to you with the results." Prior to the mentioned phone call I was fire... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Out of state non compete agreement
My previous employer from another state is suing me using a non-disclosure/non-compete agreement I signed when I joined. The statement says I cannot work with any clent/customer in US and overseas. It... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

I resigned my position am I entitled to unemployment compensation.
Am I entitled to Texas unemployment compensation if I quit my job in an office after over 10 years? I am almost to retirement age with several health problems. Due to stress and repeated demands to wo... applies to Texas  ·  3 answers

Compensation for PTO when laid off.
I worked at a store in PA for a company that is headquartered in FL. The store closed, and I was offered Severance. The agreement states: "PTO is prorated from the beginning of the PTO year through th... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

With a non compete, can my employer find me in violation if my wife works for a competitor.
In the agreement it states that I can not be "employed by, connected with, participate in, consult or otherwise associate with any other business similar to or competitor of employer. My wife was offe... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

employee didn't call or show up for work for 2 days
I had an employee who was a no call, no show for 2 days. Still haven't heard anything from them. Is this job abandonment? applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

can an employer make you work 6 days a week and not pay overtime if they keep hours below 40?
employer is working us 6 days a week, but only 5-6 hours a day applies to California  ·  0 answers

What are the specifics in indiana when you are an LLC'd tattoo artist subcontracting at a shop paying 50% of his earnings and they want a non compete
I work at a tattoo shop. I also just got LLC'D under my tattoo name and have a website. They are asking for a non compete suddenly. I need to know what to expect applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

My son was at work when a supervisor, sexy harassing him,and a another lady saw it,I reported it to the head OFFICE,they had my son to write a statement and got another statement for the lady that saw him,they investigate it and call my son to the office
Can he sue? applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

National origion discrimination
Hello, I Have been employed for state for past 6 years. on march 2009 I was fired and my wife asked to resign for a reason stating " Unacceptable personal conduct" the conduct was I was making a perso... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Oeo search personal browser
Can oeo use my personal on/off hours browser history from my phone? Its linked to my chrome browser so I can work remotely. It was never discussed that they would be snooping in my personal life and p... applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

60 day notice
I am under written contract at my current job. I have to give 60 days notice to leave. I have another job offer I want to take. I have a vacation approved, planned and paid for during that 60 days. Ca... applies to West Virginia  ·  0 answers

Demoted with no legitimate reason
I was recently demoted from a manager to a regular employee. In 5 years of working there, I have NO corrective actions against me. Since I was demoted, they have also not been scheduling me to work. I... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

offer rescinded due to pre-employment test. Any options?
I had an offer of employment rescinded based on the results of a pre-employment lumbosacral roentgenograph. I am asymptomatic, have no history of back trouble, and currently have done and am able to d... applies to California  ·  1 answer

My Employer claims I wasn't doing my job correctly and wants to cut my pay from 13/an hour to 9/
My employer has explained to me that I have been doing many things wrong for quit some time now, she has hired someone else as well to work in the office with me, who is i am assuming taking over what... applies to New Jersey  ·  1 answer

This took place during normal business hours on/at my personal work station, involved over 10 employee's/co-workers/mgmt/HR all discriminated against me with throwing objects at me, forcing me to resi... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

is it disparate impact when employer places conditions on intermittent leave to care for disabled
One of the circumstances is that the employer had placed conditions on the use of intermittent leave (FMLA/CFRA)that required employees to provide doctor notes to certify each and every time intermitt... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Does anyone take on wrongful termination claims and unemployment appeals on a contingency basis?
I was wrongfully discharged for no cause, they held my last two checks for 4 months, and when they paid them they changed my W9 without my knowledge or signature. They appealed unemployments decision ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I was terminated from my job after unknowingly letting my FMLA expire...I was told that 2 certified letters where sent to me, one stating my due date back to work and the next for my termination.I nev... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Related coworkers in supervisory roles
Hello. I work for a large HMO, where written policy clearly states no employee shall hold a supervisory position over a relative. However, that situation exists in my office and the higher ups continu... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

My husband was fired. Now they are refusing to pay final check.
My husband was talking with his employer this week about a raise he was promised. My husband went into work this morning and his boss told him, "I am accepting your resignation." When my husband said ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I worked for Verizon about five years ago and was hurt on the job. My injuries to my knee required surgery. During my recovery, Verizon sent me a Return back to Work full duty lettter. I was unable to walk , and had not started physical therapy yet. I was
I recieved money for my knee .But, i wanted to keep my job. My union reps were a joke and didn't help applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Unions and mergers
I work as a RN in a local community hospital.In Jan 2002 a merger was completed with another local hospital. Now the CEO is telling us that we are part of their exisiting Union.Despite protest from th... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Unpaid commissions
Ok I work for a cingular agent owned store. We are paid commissions monthly. When I first started we were paid commissions every 2 months but now it is december and we are just now recieveing our augu... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Retaliation after employer received resignation notice
I've had a very difficult work situation for years that eventually resulted in me turning in my resignation paperwork. I gave approximately 2.5 weeks notice. A day after I submitted the paperwork my s... applies to Alaska  ·  0 answers

I work for a major coffee co. in so calif that is closing and moving to texas. I am under a 3 year union contract and have been given a final date of termination and we have more than a year left on our 3 year agreement. do we have any grounds to sue the
breech of a 3 year union contract and miss representation by local union. applies to California  ·  0 answers

How long is my job protected?
How long is my employer required by law to "protect" my job? I was out on FMLA for 12 weeks (due to cancer) and have been on short term disability for apx 6 months. Is my employer required to give me ... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

do i have a case?
i informed my boss of several safety violation in the work place. he still did not fix them. i reported him to osha and osha told him to fix them. he took certain pics and led them to believe that he ... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

Hi my Name is Joe the job I worked at don't tell you what you need to keep working their Geogroup does a back ground check and the ice does one months later hr doesn't tell you what you need for a ice background check
wrongful termination I was let go because I didn't turn in paper work for a background to ice in time hr didn't tell me what I needed applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Is it legal to force someone to work directly with the person they filed a sexual harrassment claim against?
I filed a complainant 2 years ago and the person was removed from my location and placed in another office. One person has now been brought back to my office and sits 2 feet from me. Is this legal? Th... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

can an employer charge your fmla time if you are out on a workmen comp claim?
I was hurt on the job, (My back and Knee) and the were charging my fmla hours, i went back to work and was not ready yet and went back on Wc and they denied my disability and said i'm out of FMLA, now... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Wrongful termination
I worked for a bio-tech company in NY, which relocated to MA. Some of us were offered to relocate and given moving expense money and a cost of living increase in pay. The relocation occured in April. ... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Can I work for the same client under non-competition in California
I am an employee of CXX under H1 visa and working for client X in California. I want to know if taking up employment with a competitor named CYY to work for the same client X is illegal and my current... applies to California  ·  0 answers

-Ohio- Found newly installed cameras with audio recording in our bay.
It's in our vehicle wash bay - where myself and 4 others do a majority of our work. Nobody was informed. No signs posted. The cameras are connected via an unsecured public wifi channel. The model seem... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

State of mo, I am a house manager at a home health agencie and my staff are payed overtime pay for hours worked over 40 but the employer stated house managers only get straight pay for more than 40 hours worked, I'm on call 7days a week for 365 days a yea
I work with dmh clients applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Why am I hourly and not salary like the other AP person in my department?
I have been at my company for about 12 years and have always been a salary employee. I have the same responsibilities as the other A/P person in my department. I have recently changed by hours (start ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Do I apply to NJ or KS? Do I apply on 4/1/2016 instead of mid-Aug when my severance runs out?
My last day of work will be 3/31/2016. I will be provided severance based on agreeing not to sue for a period of 19 weeks via normal payroll, monthly. I worked the entire base year of 1/1-12/31/2015, ... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

No compete in Texas automotive field
I am a corvette technician,24 years expirience working for the same company for three years and now they want a no compete singed or im terminated. This is all I do and I paid for my training and scho... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Can I refuse to be sold to a franchise?
I work for a corporate store that is being sold to a franchise. Can I refuse to be sold as part of the deal and continue working for the corporation? Is the corporation essentially firing me? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Quitting job and cobra eligibility?
I left the company I had worked for six years and started working at another company. Five weeks into the job, I have realized it isnt the right fit and i would like to quit. My only concern is now he... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Quitting job and cobra eligibility?
I left the company I had worked for six years and started working at another company. Five weeks into the job, I have realized it isnt the right fit and i would like to quit. My only concern is now he... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Co-worker who was hired for 2nd shift is
The company I work for started running 3 shifts on July first. I was hired as a Lab Tech floater, I was informed a week before that my schedule would be 6 pm- 4am Monday through Thursday. All other sh... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

I'm recently had my 3rd surgery 2 on my back 1 on my neck I am on FLMA right now but my 12 weeks are about to run out. I have been in a back brace for going on 12 weeks I am going back to the doctor on the 20th of April my problem is I am still having pro
Can I be fired if my FLMA runs out. I have to get mylong term disability insurance money because I could be out of work for a full year. This is because I have had 3 surgeries working for this company... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

is it against the law to have a fellow employee let everyone I work with I was in jail
a fellow employee showed all my fellow employees a picture of me in jail applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Do you get paid if you work the day before and the day after a holiday
Worked day before and after holiday. Wondered if by law I got paid extra applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Can my employer tell other employees what I say?
I turned in employees for stealing and my employer told the employees I told on them. Now we have a seriously hostile work environment. What can I do, if anything. applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

is this wrongful termination?
upon interviewing for an insurance company they asked which of the two positions open i preferred. i advised i would let them choose where they think i fit. i advised i have no experience so i was lea... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

unpaid situation
I have a situation where my client not paid about 39 K for my software development work. Recently I got a letter from them saying that they don't have money and they can offer 20 % of the money the ow... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Apply for unemploymet after receiving severance package
The department I work for will be lying off 75-80% percent of its workforce tentatively speaking by October 2003. All who will be laid off will be given a severance package. Please explain to me how l... applies to Colorado  ·  1 answer

possible wronful termination
I was terminated from a very a large healthcare provider in pittsburgh. I was off for medical reasons (documented by doctor)and was fired for "not using the proper call off procedure" I left my superv... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Demoted at work
I was demoted today for failing to display "a leadership quality" that I was not trained for at any point in time. I only found out after I got in trouble that this was an issue. I have not been writt... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Can they reduce salaries as well as lay off employees?
My employer (located in New York State) is having some financial difficulties. As a result the company is now reducing all salaried employees' pay by 18% for the next 7 weeks as well as shutting down ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Comp Time- vs- Over Time
I am a non-exempt employee. My Employer has told me they will no longer pay overtime for ovetime worked but said I can take the time off at a later date. They are calling it "Comp Time". But I do not ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Am I entitled to overtime?
I work for an auction company through an agency. Last week I worked 8 hours on Monday, 9 hours on Tuesday, 10 hours on Wednesday, 14 on Thursday and 10 on Friday. I was paid for 8 hours regular and 1 ... applies to California  ·  2 answers

After work drinks, is it harassment?
We recently had our Xmas party from 12 to 5pm. The Xmas party officially ended however most employees attended a bar for drinks. I grabbed a male co-workers bottom, it was not meant to be sexual but p... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

After work drinks, is it harassment?
We recently had our Xmas party from 12 to 5pm. The Xmas party officially ended however most employees attended a bar for drinks. I grabbed a male co-workers bottom, it was not meant to be sexual but p... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

My friend was terminated for harassment of an employee who conducts the same behavior, is this legal
My friend (Joe) was just hired at a new job on August 8th. Over the course of four days of training he was subjected to listen to a particular employee (Jane) curse and make offensive comments regardi... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Employer has no funds topay salary for next pay period. Can I reopen a previous claim?
can i open up claims for remaining unemployement left i have 15,ooo dollars left never collected in 40 yrs working i cant fiancially take achance no salry we are colllection agency i would be colllect... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

My m as anger has been making my job uncomfortable and harder on purpose even to the point of physical pain not allowing me the right euippment to make it easier. He's extremely condescending and has made me cry many times sh I wing favorites to everyone
I used to love my job and I loved going to work. But my confidence and my own self esteem has been affected and I no longer feel comfortable there and I feel I can't go to my manager to ask a question... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

My boss is a methadone addict and supplies to his employees when they can't find prescription pills and one being my husband. They all use at work (a machine/welding shop). I confronted my boss/ owner over a situation concerning my husband. He demanded I
I was paid under the table and only paid $40 a day. Sometimes 10-12 hr days and 7 days a week and also most holidays. No extra bonus or overtime. applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

altered document
I have altered a document for a client of my financial planning firm's without obtaining the necessary signature from the client due to time constraints. My company now faces a $5-10K fine for the off... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

need a lawyer expert in medical contracts
I am a cardiologist who is planning to leave my group and work with a local hospital..I have bee with my group for 2 and1/2 original contract ended in september, 2002.we never signed a renewa... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can I collect unemployment?
I have been with the company for 20yrs. I was hired on with the office i am at now at within the corporation about 2yrs ago, working a MON-THurs 8-4:30p shift. The needs of the office have changed and... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

In Minnesota, if I have an unemployment account balance of $2,760, which is a set figure because they know when I will be resuming work, can I just request that and cash it out all at once instead of getting portions of it every week?
I am in dire need of cash today! My roommate had an unfortunate/unforeseen issue and is no longer living with me. I am now stuck with all of March's rent payment. So therefore my request for some of o... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Is a Non-Compete agreement in Texas enforceable industry wide?
The company I work for was purchased. During the purchase, I was told I had to sign both non-compete and employment agreements with less than 24 hours notice in order to keep my job. This was in Octob... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I work in a nursing home. My suprervisor intentionally hides medications on me to check to see if I sign out that I gave meds when I actually didn't this legal
My supervisor will take residents creams an lotions and keep them in her office. She will then check my medication records to see if I marked that I gave these medications when she actually had them..... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Is this considered worked time and payable by employer?
My employer has fixed rules for the use of vehicles. We are not allowed to go to resturants or stores during meal periods or breaks unless in passing during the scheduled meal period. The employer tel... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Do I need to appeal
I was denied benefits for severe misconduct at company X. After being fired from X I got work at Co Y but only lasted 3 weeks until they let me go for no license. However, they knew that at time of hi... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

I have FMLA and I was mandated to work another 8 hour shift and I couldn't so I used my FMLA can I asked to bring in a doctor's note with my FMLA?
My FMLA states that if I have to use FMLA to leave while mandated I can do so. It's written in bold. I also was mandated 9 minutes before it my shift was done. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Being denied severance
I have been issued a official lay off letter from Company A, and have been offered a severance package upon departure. The whole department has been outsourced to Company B. Company B wants to hire me... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Non-Competition Contract under old company name.
When hired I was asked to sign a Non-Competition contract. When reviewing it I noticed it had the name of the company 3 buyers ago. I asked about the name stating I didn't work for Company X - I was w... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

the Corporation that I work for changed the classification of my position from salaried/exempt to hourly/non-exempt. Can I quit and collect unemployment? Do I have any options to fight this?
My position duties or expectations did not change. but they are changing the classification from salaried to hourly. applies to California  ·  1 answer

I work for a non profit co. My supervisor gave me a warning #1 write for sending an email on Yom Kippur and falsified the document by saying I sent it anyway.
Is it legal for supervisors of a non profit, non-sectarian co. to write up an employee for sending an email on Yom Yippur? applies to New York  ·  0 answers

I just got fired they said I could not work there cause I worked there before but I made it very clear I worked there I worked for 7 days I feel it's because I'm gay
They fired me because of previous employment they claim I believe it to be because I'm gay they knew I previously worked there I told the army interview seven days later they fire me? applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Can an employer deny paying PTO if you called in during your last day of work? I had an emergency.
I put in my two weeks notice. My last two days I called in. I had an emergency and I do have the proof of the doctor visit. Can an employee deny payment of PTO for those days? applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Everyone received a raise except me.
I work for a big international oil company. Everyone in the office was granted a pay raise though we are on pay/hiring freeze EXCEPT me. I am a non exempt employee and other non exempt workers receive... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

I had a stroke..and I was fired
I wanna know if, it was right for my employer to fire me....I had a "stroke back in Jan.28, 2001...The last day I worked was Jan.26, 2001..I am still under doctor's care for the stroke..I was out of w... applies to Georgia  ·  1 answer

Do I have grounds to file a lawsuit?
I called my HR department and left a message to inform them my doctor told me to take a week off of work to heal up. I have psoriatic arthritis. Three hours after I left the message, my company laid m... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

My wife was diagnosed with a uterine fibroids tumor. The only work she has missed were dr excuses days, she was never disciplined, or talked to about absences. She had gotten pre approval to receive surgery for it. The dr wrote her off for 2 more days tha
My wife has to have a full hysterectomy coming up so she is looking at more days off coming soon, but I can't see how that justifies them firing her after having spent a year of good service with no c... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

friend lost potential job because current employer revealed that she has depression and is seeing psychiatrist (and was still employed)but manager volunteered they were not sure she was safe to work. My friend is an RN. This seems to vioLate MANY LAWS????
ADDITIONALLY another RN (practicing under her own license) gave an injection that could have been harmful, My friend is NOT her supervisor and does not monitor or is employed to monitor this RN, but t... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

I work for a company in Illinois that has been dissolved per the Secretary of State of Illinois on 08-10-2018 can they enforce a non compete?
I am a former employee of a company the dissolved in Illinois and is still doing business can they enforce non competes. applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Can an employer in a nursing company tell you that you can only take 16 hours of vacation time
Employer said I can only take 16 hours at a time. I work 12hour shifts and I'm taking a week vacation but they only want to pay 16 at a time. Can they do that applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

My father work in civil court as deriver but eight year before he demoted as pion what salary he will get of pion or deriver
My father was geted civil cout job as deriver applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Am I required to use Family Medical Leave?
I have 8 months of accumulated sick leave. I have minor surgery scheduled and will only be out of work 1-2 weeks. Am I required to use Family Medical Leave? applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Pay Cut
The company I work for restructured the management system in all of the stores throughout the country. In the case of my store we are going from three salaried positions to two and three hourly manage... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

I was fired on the spit when I told my manager I was calling HR on him. Can I sue for retaliation?
My new manager has been falsely accusing me of not doing my job correctly. I was on vacation and it was someone else who did the work. He kept harassing me and when I told him I was emailing his boss ... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

While off on fmla do I have to attend manfatory meetings
Do I have to attend mandatory meetings at work while off on FMLA? applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Re: Dion Cassata--Equal Pay
Dion Cassata responded earlier concerning equal pay. I resigned as supervisor of security at my job because the management would not support me as supervisor, or the company's written policies concern... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Job interview question regarding potential conflicts of interest.
I work for a county court. Is it permissible to ask job applicants during the interview process if they currently or have ever had any cases or matters before this same court to identify any conflicts... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

My company takes 40 hours away from us to cover us for Christmas holiday is that legal
I work for ocps, the school system is closed for Christmas. During the year they take 40 hours off your paycheck to cover your paycheck for the time they are shut down. Is this legal? applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

If a company doesn’t have enough work for their employee can they force you to use your vacation time for their low census?
Surgery center has no patients for an 8 hour day and you are given low census can they force you to use your vacation time to cover those hours. applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

I work for federal government as a journeyman employee and a high level manager is having an affair with my wife. This has led to divorce proceedings. Can I sue?
I have good proof a high level manager has been having an affair with my wife. applies to Maine  ·  0 answers

I worked for a companyfor 8 years as their sales person. I was not paid any wages from (approx) June 2001 to Dec 2002. I continued to work with them, even travelling overseas on assignments. I was alw... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I routinely work more than 40 hours a week. However, my employer is not paying me overtime as they are claiming that they hours in excess of 40 are considered
This overtime is required. Usually there will be a staff meeting on Monday, for which we are all clocked in under "training." The hours worked in excess of 40 usually happen on Friday because by then ... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Can your employer revoke your ability to travel when using FMLA for an off the job injury?
I will be requiring knee surgery for an off the job injury. I will be using FMLA to get the time off I need for recovery. My employer states that not only can I not return to work until fully healed b... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I am a service engineer who has been based out of my home for a company that I have been employed by for 23 years. I was told that I can only charge for overtime on billable jobs and for non billable jobs I would be paid just straight time and not time an
I am based out of my house in Quakertown Pa and work for a company in Geneva IL applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I work for a landscaping business who is going to close it's doors on January 10th. Many of the customers still want me to service there homes. I signed a noncompete for 2 years. Does this closing void contracts and clause?
The company is closing its doors. Does this void my noncompete, and customer contracts. applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Another employee may have interfered with me moving onto another job.
I am a cook and the other employee is a cook. We work in an isolated location and my leaving for another employment opportunity means he would have to stay. I am leaving whether or not I get a job, bu... applies to Alaska  ·  0 answers

Can I make her responsible for lost employment and wages??
I recently quit a postion as Manager of a Self Storage facility with a 90day notice. I had problems with the owners daughter-in-law which she left in charge with her threat management. Iam now looking... applies to California  ·  2 answers

I would like to reopen a investigation done by the Merit Systems Protection Board
The case for wrongful termination was not addressed and I was forced to resign by signature to receive my paycheck. I was never allowed to sit at my desk. I did not know the rules. So they said I neve... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

I was suspended for three days because the manager of my department walked in to the liquor store I was at on my lunch break . I was purchasing lotto tickets and ended up grabbing a a four pack of wine for after work. I saw it was on sale so I grabbed it.
I had no clue about the other bottles. They are popular. They never asked to see them they were bagged in my trunk and they never sent me to get tested. If they wanted to know my intentions I would ha... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Intermittent fmla family member. Employer not providing correct forms yet.
I have requested fmla papers from my employer regarding intermittent leave for the occasional care of my parent suffering with dementia. I was informed by the dr after I dropped off the papers that th... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I currently have a supervisor talking outside the office with another person in the department and a district attorney about my
A previous leader of the company I work for called me at home and told me that Sr. Management and a local DA where at his home talking about me. He told me information that I didn't even know. Is this... applies to New Mexico  ·  0 answers

docked hrs
iam a hvac service tech i work for a hvac co. i had to make a return trip to a service call due to a mistake that happened on the job it took me 45mins to make it right the bossman docked me for 2hrs ... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

If away from home for work, how is compensable time calculated for non-exempt employees?
I will be administering a conference (non-exempt employee) and will be away from home for three days and two nights. Does my employer only need to pay for actual time worked during the conference? Is ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I have two questions; the first is. The company that I'm working for promised one week of vacation and when I asked if I could take it they said we don't have vacation here? I'm a salaried employee but I'm docked a day of pay if I don't show up to work an
I was hired with promised vacation only two recently find out that I don't have any. They are now saying that they don't offer vacation (California)? applies to California  ·  0 answers

I was on salary at this company in the state of ohio and they changed me back to hourly for already worked hours with out informing me that they were doing so.
I was put on salary at my work place and then they came to me and said they were changing my wages back to hourly but xome to find out they changed my wages two weeks befor consulting me that they wer... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

If employer promises increase in wage
Is it leagal for an employer to promise an increase in pay because of a new position, and then not give the increase and advise employees that they will now be doing the work of what it used to take 3... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

moved from CA with over 400 PTO hrs to AZ same company does my company owe me that money on resigning?
We starting to work at home, we could live anywhere we wanted I moved to AZ from CA with over 400 PTO hrs on the books my choice applies to California  ·  0 answers

Travel Policy
If an employer has a travel policy that states: "All travel time is to be paid at straight time." and defines travel time as: "Time in excess of your 40-hour work week." are they violating the overtim... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

My workers comp has ended my job terminated me about 2 weeks after my injury, and I'm disabled.
I was hired for a truck driving position in Texas by a company headquartered in N. Carolina. I filed and received workers comp, which is now depleted now. Two years and counting now workers comp says ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Want to move from MI to TN, but have a non-compete agreement in MI. How does this affect getting a job in the same field in TN?
I have a non-compete agreement in MI and want to move to TN, but I'm concerned I won't be able to work in the same field. Can I or can't I? applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

I am a vendor can I be fired for for being hospitalized for a week
I was hospitalized for a week kidney disease can I be fired I am a vendor I worked for a year at my work applies to California  ·  0 answers


I work for the largest bank in the world. I am currently on FMLA with my newborn daughter. My employer is calling me on leave wanting to conuct formal performance evaluation stating that if I wish to ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

No Braids policy in workplace
I am a female who recently put braids in my hair because i work p/t in a healthspa. The humidity and steam from the jacuzzi/pool/sauna was causing my natural hair to become frizzy and difficult to mai... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

Is it legal to have to wait 30 days to recieve overtime pay?
If I work ot in dec 09 it will not be seen unitl jan 2010 is that legal I am a state empolyee and we are paid on the 1st and the 16th unless its a holiday or weekend. Suppose I worked ot on Dec 16 sin... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Severance Pay
I was told about a month ago, that my position will be eliminiated. I keep asking for my lay-off date but they keep dodging me. I work for a non-profit agency and I have seen no literature on serveran... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

When traveling as a work group in California, using a company bus, to an out of town location overnight what are the wage laws?
We traveled out of town in a company van at 8 am then then camped with personal equipment overnight with no avail. transport, or water at the camping location. We ended our workday the following day a... applies to California  ·  0 answers

what is considered an acceptable amount in cut in pay what your current position is eliminated
I work in retail and they are testing a news program eliminating my position was told I would have to take a 5%cut only to find out that it is 5% per level which would be 10% cut I have worked for the... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

I am constantly witnessing discrimination from my boss, is there anything I can do as a witness?
While at work when people submit applications and resumes I have witnessed my boss numerous times throw them away after the person walks out, making comments like "that was an old lady", or "hell no I... applies to California  ·  3 answers

Can I receive unemployment during my non compete period?
Was working at a company for a while and decided I wanted to be closer to family. Accepted a position at another company, but it is a direct competitor of my previous employer. I signed a non compete ... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

So if there is no seniority system in place where I work and someone newer than me is getting more hours is there anything I can do about it? If the manager favors a certain employee is there anything I can do?
I have been at this job longer than another employee that is getting more hours than me. At one point I was told by managers that someone could have a certain shift because they have been here longer ... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

I am a State employee not vested in plan. Our retirement plan is being changed to distribution plan will i lose my employer contributions
I've work a Kentucky state university for just over 3 years in june legislation is voting on changing our plan to direct distribution. Will i lose my matched monies. applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

I live in Arkansas and now have 2 paychecks that i can not cash due to my employers account having NSF. They have given me every excuse you can think of. Is there anything legal i can do?
I now have 2 paychecks from my employer that i can not cash due to NSF. They have given me all kind of excuses but not made it good. I am 19 and love my job but can not afford to work for free. Is the... applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

Can I file a lawsuit and recieve monatary gain for ongoing sexual harassment?
My husband is being sexually harassed by a group of men that he works with. He has reported to management the harassment but it continues to happen. He is to the point where he wants to quit but he ca... applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

I have been turned down fore everything on my job. I am not offered any opportunists. I have good attenctance, work ethic. I had an while back with a young man that was gay. . The matter did get resolved, but I have not been able to move. Now I have a new
I feel that I am being treated unfairly. Every time I offered to ASSIST. I AM TURNED DOWN. there are now people that have been with the company months, are assisting and have been assisted in the assi... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

reduction in pay to meet OT requirements w/o increasing costs
The employee is non-exempt and works approximately 10 hours per week in OT. This has been occuring regularly for several years. In a sudden effort to reduce costs, the company wants to cut the employe... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I was let go from a job (no fault of my own) on 1/27/20 but my employer wrote in an email that they will pay me through 2/15 as a form of severance. I was informed a check would be cut and mailed on 2/15/20 and as of 2/21 I still have not received a check
I am in financial straits due to the fact that I only worked for the company 4 months and have no cushion built from my unemployment prior to this job. I did good work for them and even got a letter o... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I am told I can not work light duty but others are.....
I am in need of a surgery on my had do to arthritis and will be out 4 weeks. I am told by my employer there are no light duty positions and once my sick time is used up I will be terminated. My issue ... applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

If I can not return to my position full time(5 days 40 hrs) and can return 4 days 32hrs
does my company have the option to turn down I work 32hrs instead of 40 if I can achieve the same results in that amount of time? If yes can I file for unemployment since I can not return fulltime and... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I submitted my resignation and was released from work 5 days prior to official resignation date. Am I eligible for unemployment compensation for those five days?
I submitted my resignation on 1/17/2016 for my last day to be 1/29/2016. My manager then informed my that my services would not be needed after 1/24/2016. applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I recently injued my knee. My Dr. put me in a brace and on crutches. After my two week follow up (during wich I took all of my vacation time) he allowed me back to work with the only requirement of non weightbearing as much as possible. I am a land survey
I have medical diagnosis of necrosis of my femor. Course of action is bracing for 4-8 weeks until april 26th when I have my next follow up. This began march 8th. Surgery has not been ruled out. That w... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

Terminated for “Restructuring” job to low cost country
I’m 58 and diagnosed with bi-lateral Charcot Foot and sever neuropathy. Returned from STD aug 2016 with accomadations then harassed and recently forced to take a new role last year. Now the Position... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Do I have a Case.
About six months ago I emailed my resume over to a manager at a wireless store. Well it wasnt an hour and we set up an interveiw after the interveiw the next day she sent me an email this is what it r... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

I'm being slandered bullied and harrased at work I've brought this to my supervisors and HR and nothing has been done! A co-worker claims to say I told her I said a man has tried to rape me and told other co worker's this lie so a supervisor calls a meeti
Calls a meeting and I confront her and ask her why she telling ppl I said a co-worker tried to rape me she said because that's what you said I told her no I never said anything like that and nothing h... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

My Daughter was accused by one of her co-workers, of harassment. HR people talk to her but they don't believe her she say that she don't even talk to that person. Then that person goes to work with bruses and scratches they ask him what happen to you he t
Can my daughter do something about false harassment accusation applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

That company has now been acquired, is this agreements till enforceable?
company is based in CO, I work from FL. I signed an agreement to return a sign on bonus With Company A if I left within 12 months. Company A has now been acquired, is this agreement still enforceable?... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

I work five days but only get paid for four days per diem is this legal?
Employer stopped paying for lodging and meals. Now employer pays daily per diem and employees are responsible for lodging and meals. applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

Non-compete-still binding?
I work for an advertising agency where I signed a non-compete agreement. That company was sold to a competitor. I would like to take a position with a client to start an internal ad agency. Is my non-... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Fired for not working mutiple weekends in a row.
Can a company fire an employee for not working on the weekend, if that employee is hourly and signed no contract stating that they would work weekends. Reason for not working the weekend was due to ex... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can my employer dock holiday pay from my salary?
Employee handbook says if you call off the day before or after a holiday, you will not receive holiday pay. Does this only apply to hourly employees and not to a salaried employee? I am paid salary an... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Can you be re-hired by a company that has paid you a severance package?
My husband received a severance package from a company that closed the plant that he worked at for 32 years. Now, a year later, they called and asked if he would be willing to come back to work for th... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Is my contract restriction too broad?
I was terminated today and was told that my non-compete is in effect for a year. I am a nurse practitioner and worked in a specialty clinic. My contract says I cannot work as an NP in any capacity for... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Non-compete release or compensation
Non-compete. If I am offered a job by another company in the Phoenix area that is "covered" by a non-compete and the job offers a better living situation than present, is there a law that either requi... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

I walked out of my job and quit, can my employer cut my pay to minimum wage! I did not give notice!
I was having issues at work with my pay and receiving bonus that was due to me! I left my job without a notice. I spoke to manager and told her I was leaving. Went to get my check and it's down to min... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Was told they dont rehire but just rehires a girl they fired
I gave a two week notice to a former employer then left and that new job didn't work out so i went back and ask could I come back and was told it was company policy they don't re hire anyone tobfind o... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

If my boss calls me a Bitch, in front of the whole 20 people work crew, and laid me off because I called the owner/ my friend an explained to him what was going wrong with the job!! What does that fall under( im losing out on $41ph!!
I was simply called a Bitch in front of a whe crew 20+ asbestos worker, and laid off until further notice!!?? applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Is it unlawful termination if you were terminated because the person whom you were replacing rescinded their resignation?
In interview with PVE, i was asked about my knowledge on excel, specifically pivot tables and i told them i didn't but could easily learn since i was familiar with the software. I was offered the posi... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Mom fired while on medical leave
My mom has been out on medical leave since around July 2002. She is currently receiving long term disability payments, but recently recieved a letter from her employer stating that she had been termin... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Is a non-compete valid if I am a contracted business and not an employee?
I have signed a non-compete not knowing what I was signing. I sell and project manage roofing projects but I am a sub-contractor and not an employee. I operate my own business but the company that sub... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

is there really no expiration date on a non compete contract?
I live in nj and have a small business. I hired 4 employees with no knowledge of them having contracts. I posted promotions on my business social media as well as purchased direct mailing to get my ne... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Overtime for 13 consecutive days
I know that you get overtime pay on the 7th consecutive day but, I can not find anything about the days after that. Does it continue on the each consecutive day after that or does it reset for a new w... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Exempt Employee hours and timesheets
If you are an exempt employee how many hours can an employer require you to work? Do non-profit agencies have different exempt laws then for profit businesses? applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

Am I at risk if I take a job with a competitor in another state?
I work in a field that requires highly specialized training, where people with my skill-set and knowledge are very rare. I am being recruited by a company that is not a direct competitor with my curre... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

What are my chances of winning a UC appeal, and can I sue in civil court for lost wages?
A sole practice attorney hired me to be her paralegal/administrative assistant and asked me to start by assisting her on two evenings the week prior to starting full-time days. On my first evening, I ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

I am considering leaving my current employment and starting my own consultancy .
I am considering leaving my current employment and starting my own consulting business, however I need to know if my non-compete agreement is enforceable since I will not be employed by anyone one. i ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I signed an NDA and NON compete with the former owners of the business where I work. Can the new owners enforce those two agreements after they bought the business?
I signed the two docs 8 years ago with the former owners. Can those agreements be enforced with the new owners? applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Can a company in Georgia cut my pay if I tell them I do not want to travel to a location 2 hours away to work
I had told my employer I did not want to travel to go to a location 2 hours away and she cut my pay and threatened to fire me is this legal applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Is worker comp time counted as FMLA time
I was injured and required surgery with 60 days recovery. I have a critically ill child and have had to take time off.I now need to have another surgery and was told I was out of FMLA time. After look... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Because my FMLA was used up because of multiple surgeries and rehab, my position as RN on a unit was posted and filled. When I did return to work it was as a greeter in a hospital waiting area for about half my former salary. Shortly thereafter I was aske
Currently I spend about 15 hours per week on these calls. The last refusal alluded to the fact that these calls were not included in my greeter's job description. It would require 2 job titles for me ... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

are chiropractors exempt from overtime, in Indiana?
I worked for a chiropractor for 2.5, he is bad at keeping his equipement in good working condition, and do to his lack of concern I could have broke a patients neck. I have told him on many occasions ... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

im forced to work 5 minutes overtime everyday and i dont get paid for it overtime it adds up do i have a case?
they have a clock that is slow the pos system will say 3:05 the clock will say 3:02 or 3:00 and everyday that tell me i have to stay until their person clock hits 3:00. hr told me to come in to file a... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Do I have legal recourse?
Upon return to work from FMLA for back surgery, my second day back I was presented with a 30day performance improvement request. The items mentioned in this request also included and stated absenteism... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I signed a contract with a home health care agency that says if I hire any of their
This aide is someone I've known for 18 months. She started working for this company in March. When I needed an aide in May, I contacted the agency and asked for her. Now she wants to leave the agency ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Ilegal interview questions
I recently had an interview and the employer asked me how old I am and asked if I plan to have children soon. She asked what my husband does for work and how long we have been married. When I told her... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Does receiving a severance package effect Oklahoma U.I.?
A reduction of work force after six years, I was laid off. The company offered me a Severance package. What is the law as far as getting my unemployment Insurance? I had filed on the day that I was la... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

I recently just took a vacation with two days of pto and I put my notice in, my last day is tomorrow (12/14/18) and they just told me today I cannot have my pto now. I live in Minnesota how does this work?
My vacation was Dec 1st-4th. I requested my PTO months In advance, I just put my notice in after I got back from my trip. And now they’re telling me I won’t be paid because I’m quitting applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

I am a part-time employee and missed a shift due to a schedule change. This was fully my fault as it is my responsibility to check my work schedule. Despite having a three year perfect attendance. My manager has suspended me without pay for three days. Ye
Yet does not give similar suspensions to others. Ideas? I questioned his penalty and was advised they do this to everyone, which is not true. He is not the manager who hired me and I sense he is looki... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Are contractors entitled to severance?
We recently released an independent contractor from our business, who was working without a formal contract. Due to the sensitive nature of the work they were performing, we were unable to give notice... applies to Washington  ·  1 answer

do i have any legal recourse against the university for emotional distress?
I work at a University as a housekeeper in an apartment complex. I am THE housekeeper in a 112 apartment unit. I recently reported suspicious activity to my supervisor who reported it to the campus po... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

I fired an employee at work on a Sunday by Monday she call the owner and compliant about me of stealing hours from her by Tuesday morning she put a complaint online saying I change her hours and sexually hartaste her and another co worker owner fired me s
I being fired without an investigation why the employee who I fired acuseed me of this after she got fired applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Is this non compete enforcable?
My employer is offering to move me into an office position after 11 yrs. I have been working in the office here and there for about 2 yrs now. Now they are offering to train me in sales. In order to m... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Training count as hours worked?
I am an hourly factory employee. My employer is forcing me to go school for further traiing on my days off or after normal work hours. I have 2 questions. 1.Do they have to pay my hourly rate for the ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I was diagnosed with torn minus in my knee the state took 7 months to schedule my surgery. Is there some kind of compensation I should be trying to get for the delay.
While working i injured my knee. I went to the doctor and they sent me to have a MRI. With in 30 days they said i had two mins cuss tares and needed surgery. 6 months later I was finely approved for s... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I worked 13 hours of OT and now my employer wants me to leave work early, 2 hours per day, to cover the 13 hours of OT rather than pay me. If I already worked the 13 hours of OT, doesn't my boss have ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Can I lose my company paid health insurance while on medical leave?
I was hospitalized for 4 days and am currently under Dr care and my return date is not known at this time. My employer sent me a certified letter stating that I left my employment on my last day of wo... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Is nepotism allowed in Local Government Agencies
I am employed by a local government entity. The hiring process is quite embarrassing, everyone who gets promoted is either a good friend, family member, neighbors, or own a motorcycle so they can all ... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

How would i file a report on co workers?
I worked at this place since Aug. and it seems like they over working me and you can see how the people there mistreat you, by making you clean the dirtiest thing there and laugh about it and how some... applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

Can I lose my company paid health insurance while on medical leave?
I was hospitalized for 4 days and am currently under Dr care and my return date is not known at this time. My employer sent me a certified letter stating that I left my employment on my last day of wo... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I was recently fired by an employor who accused me of being high or on something as the acting manager says the entire the staff today believes your on something...the following morning a different manager who wasn't even working the evening before called
I was never written up or warned throughout my employment. There were 2 times I never made it to work and called to explain what had happened and was okayed to continue working there and no issues aft... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

My employer pays me a “stipend” for seasonal summer work. They pay me every two weeks. On my pay check is says I am an hourly employee. Is this a legal structure for employment? I am not an apprentice or intern and the job regularly requires me to wor
Can I be compensated only with a stipend as a legal means of employment for a job that does not benefit me and provide skills training or academic credit etc applies to Maine  ·  0 answers

Can a government employer insist that i sign a medical leave document and apply for SDI after missing 7 days of work when i have enough sick time to cover the absence
18 years with company, I have plenty of sick time available, HR is insisting that I sign documents to indicate that i want SDI. Why can't i use my sick time? It seems as if I'm being coerced into doin... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Do I have a valid case for constructive discharge?
I was placed on 90 days performance probation or be subject to termination during which time the work environment became hostile and it became clear that my employer was not acting in good faith. As a... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Is a non-compete valid if executed basically under duress?
I am a commercial insurance agent. 2 years ago after working in insurance for 14 years with the same agency in Pennsylvania where I was born and raised, my wife and I made a decision to move from Pa t... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

employer broke contract after work was done
I have a written contract with my employer for $1600 month salary.I worked my first complete pay period and on payday managment said that they have changed their minds and would not honor the contract... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can my employer's husband harass and belittle me?
My employer is an owner of an insurance agency and her husband, whom assumes he's an owner as well, simply because he's married to the owner, has been belittling and harassing the employees, me includ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Is this right
I lived and work in FL the company i worked for in 2012 went out of business in 2/2012 i filled for unemployment got a job in 9/2012 i stop claiming unemployemt. Now in 2016 i live in NM and i got a l... applies to New Mexico  ·  0 answers

Can my employer deduct payment for insurance coverage I did not have?
I was laid off in January for about 3 weeks. I lost my health benefits at that time. When they called me back to work (full-time)they never re-instated my insurance. Whenever I asked about it they gav... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is it legal to fire an employee for not attending a meeting after HR request to be their but they couldn’t? This was days after asked for 2 days off relating to PTSD and having a RAM.
I just don’t know my rights or if it’s totally legal. Never once was written up or verbal warning. 2 days before terminated they took my title and my work from me so I had about 5% workload. I onl... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

I have been out of work for two years and have been told by potential employees that my former employer is black balling. They tout all my accomplishments then say I'm not to be trusted and that I undermine my supervisors. What can I do?
My job was eliminated, I was told that I did my job well but the new Superintendent didn't want me on her team. I didn't think any thing of it, until another Superintendent informed me that I was bein... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

My boss sent an email to multiple staff suggesting that whomever stole items from another coworkers desk while we were at work, is that okay? I feel accused.
someone apparently swiped someting from a guy's desk upstairs who was having his last day luncheon downstairs. the boss sent an email to multiple staff askeing it to be returned. Isn't that the same a... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

I'm entitled to a full years severance pay after 30 yrs of civil service. Union contract specifies no time frame for payment only the amount. I work in New York , member of the steel workers union and NY State retirement system. HR tells me they can pay m
Civil service employee of 30 yrs applies to New York  ·  0 answers

HR is talking about my sex life?
I made a comment at a work event about going over to the boss’ sons house who lives a block away from me. Someone took that as “hooking up” and reported it to the HR rep. The HR rep then started... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Florida non-compete for only working there 45 days- was still in prob. period
I resigned my job to accept this position. I was not informed of NCA until say I started. I was not paid what they told me I would make, I quit after 45 days. I was still in prob. period. they were to... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can they cut my pay?
i work for a company that contracted me out to another company. I get paid 20hr and they are trying to cut me 8%, saying that they had absorbed the cost, due to ObamaCare. I have never received any be... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

Overpaied by employer
Since the beginning of the year my commision checks were overpaid. This was questioned by myself and others from the sales department and we were told not to worry everything was all right.In may we w... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Using PTO and taking away OT without permission
If a MA (non-profit) company hires you for a shift that totals 30-35 hours a week and they only schedule you for 25 of those hours, is it legal for them to take your PTO to make up the extra 5 hours w... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

salary and hourly employees
I work in a department with four other employess. Each of us perform the same job duties, however, three of us have different job titles and are paid salary, while the other two employees are paid hou... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Are initial severance pay offers typically what employers expect to pay?
My employer has offered me a severance package to resolve a dispute at work. It wasn't negotiated, they simply made an offer. Do companies normally expect to pay more than their initial offer? applies to California  ·  2 answers

Can you be forced to use vacation time for being sent home early from work?
My company just instituted the rule that when we are not busy, employees will be sent home and their vacation time will be used to pay for the time off. I feel this is illegal, not to mention unethica... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Hi. I have a question about my working hours. I'm a nurse and I start my shift at 6pm. We clock in about 5-7 minutes before 6pm because we need to be ready getting report by 6pm, but we are not getting paid for those extra 5-7 minutes HR rounds it up to 6
If I come in 5 minutes before my scheduled work time and I legally leave 5 minutes before my scheduled time out? applies to California  ·  0 answers

Employer is trying to dock a salaried exempt employee for being late but does not keep records of clock in out
I am on salary in an exempt profession. Employer is trying to dock my pay for being tardy but does not keep records of clock in clock out times and I work from home after hours every day to keep caugh... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Signing a contract to not get unemployment benefit !!
I am losing my job soon , as the business I work for ( an independent jewelry store) is going out of business. They want me to sign a contract that I will not apply for unemployment benifits if I exce... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I was previously on intermittent FMLA leave and had multiple surgeries in 2013. In 2014 I was hospitalized with a collapsed lung and a tuberculosis diagnosis and was out of work until mid May. I was fired because I had exhausted leave but am currently sti
I was on intermittent FMLA for my heart condition. In the year 2013 I had different surgeries for non related conditions endometriosis and I had an oral surgery from a wisdom tooth. In January 2014 I ... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Does a company have to represent you, if you no longer work for that company?
If you file a complaint respondent superior, and later someone else file a similar complaint against the same company. If the place where the incident happened close and 2 defendants are not longer wo... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Equal Pay Discrimination Yes or No?
Me: Work for a niche management consulting firm that concentrates solely on specific industry segment (architecture/engineering firms). Have MBA, PMP, relevant industry experience and prior consulting... applies to Illinois  ·  4 answers

Sons hours cut in half employer told him if you go to unemployment you will be fired
Sons was hired for full time now hours cut down to like 24 hours due to company only got outside work. When he asked his boss if he should go to unemployment he said no. Fired one guy who did. applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Does my ex employers non compete agreement apply to the offerings of a newly acquired company?
I was laid off 3 weeks ago. I know that the company I worked for is potentially going to purchase another company with a differing but complementary offering. As I am looking for work, do I now need t... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

If I just had surgery and have a physical ability to lift a certain amount of pounds. can the employee tell the employer that they can't do certain duties even know they're going through rehab and reconditioning? The employee has a doctors note that has s
The company is making me not do some duties, saying that im a liability but I am able to. Preform even though there are limitations on a doctors note. Can the employer tell the employee that they cant... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Will I be paid my back end residual commission?
I am in sales at a technology company and am about to resign my position. My commission plan is largely centered on a back end residual (for the first 6 months of any account that I bring on). Is the ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can I file for harassment based on an employer consistently using profainity toward me?
We work in a family owned business; son & daughter-in-law. For some time now, we have been harrassed by our daughter-in-law after we had a difference of opinion. The majority of her emails all contain... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

do I have any rights to, at least, find out a reason why I was discharged?
I have no verbal warnings, no written warnings, etc. I came to work on Tuesday, Feb. 5, and about an hour after I arrived was told that my services were no longer required and to leave the premisis. I... applies to West Virginia  ·  0 answers

What to do if my new boss is trying to fire me because of a personal grudge?
He got angry when I refused to have a relationship with him over 2 years ago, sent me a message that scared me at the time. He has only been my supervisor a couple of months and has tried to have me f... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Can a employer decline a dmv receipt as proof of identity and not hire you due to this?
I applied at Nordstrom in Los Angeles, CA and went through the interview process. I Got the job but while speaking to hr I told her I didn’t have my i.d and if she could accept my dmv receipt and sh... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Employer or Agency?
I'm often faced with potential employers who only want my work done as "freelance". The gist of the arrangement is "I'll pay you after I (the employer) get paid". I am aware of the pitfalls of this wi... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Do we have a leg to stand on with PTSD and medication fail?
My husband has ptsd, recently his medication was changed and it did not agree with him. He had a melt down and had to be taken to the hospital for evaluation, Of course he missed work and his boss wou... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

severance null due to operation/disability???
Severance contract states I must be working on a specific date just been informed by GYN I will be needing a hysterectomy with a normal 2 mos lay up I may NOT be able to BE @ work that specific day. W... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I work in a union shop I'm in the union a bid went up for a better position can I lose the bid to non union employee
I lost a bid to non union employee forklift operator applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

I work in the Texas area for a company based out of Kansas. I am being fired for supposedly talking down on employees, cursing at employees, supposed horseplay, and direct unsafe acts. I am a foreman for my company and have never received a safety write u
Working in Texas by a company based out of Kansas. applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Can an employer charge for a loss of a company cell phone
So I lost a company phone (during work hours) when I informed my employer of the loss, he told me I would be forced to pay the full replacement cost of the phone, or face termination. I told Him that ... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

told manager about problem i had last year that was personal and said to him not to say anything and today found out he told 4 employees
my general manager told my employees about a person problem i had last year . now i feel its hard to work with coworkers with them knowing my buisness . applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

If the company I work for is bought out and I am being offered a contract by the new company, do they have the right to give me a contract one day at 2:30 pm and demand that I sign it the same day by 5:00 pm, without having the opportunity to have it look
I have been offered an employment contract that I'm expected to sign in a few hours under duress, with no legL advice. applies to California  ·  0 answers

relocation question
I work for a company that asked me to relocate a year and a half ago. I relocated, but my family stayed in the original city, so I commute home on the weekends. I do not charge my employer for any com... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Is this legal termination?
Requested 2 week leave of absence, possibly becoming medical for panic attacks and stress. Was granted leave by manager. 7 days later received personal belongings from work UPS. Received a text messag... applies to California  ·  3 answers

Should I blow the whistle?
I work for a small company that is charging consumers and making them wait sometimes months for their orders. When someone places their order, they are told it will be 2 weeks before they receive, it ... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

My employer has several times threatened me and other salaried employees with termination because we do not work over 40 hours a week. We are salaried and as part of our salary we do get a monthly and yearly bonus based on sales. My employer states that t
Salary employee administrative position not entitled to overtime pay employer wants to mandate extra hours to compensate for short staff applies to New York  ·  1 answer

wrongfully terminated
I told another employee that I would kick her ass if she didnt stop spreading rumours about me so she got in my face and said lets go so I Pushed her away from me because she was so close to me that s... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

should I sue or take the money and run
I work for a large corporation and have worked for them for 22 years, I am 52 years old. Rumor has it some of us may be terminated soon, the company offers severance of 2 weeks per year but you must s... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Is it possible to discriminate against male nurses?
A male nurse in a psychiatric hospital has complained that he has been forced by supervisors to take on a heavier case load AND has been assigned patients under the guise of, "You should take this pat... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

I recently hired and signed a contract with an employment lawyer to handle my discrimination claim. Before hiring him I on my own went through the process with the Eeoc and the company wants to settle with me through mediation. My question is. Do I still
I did all the work, research, forms, paperwork etc... and got myself an offer from the company to mediate a settlement. But I just hired a lawyer so now I don’t know if I owe him 33% of my mediation... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

I had been working as an administrative professional for 15 months. I was hired as an employee and then last minute they changed me to a contract employee. 10-11 months in the company split into two groups and I was added to payroll. Am I eligible for une
Am I eligible for unemployment and how with this affect my benefits. As I understand it from the business' new accountant I should have been on the payroll the whole time. I was hired in 11/14 and jus... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Can a no compete agreement extend beyond the employee to immediate family members?
My grandfather is retiring from a company he owns 49% of and is selling his shares to his partner. His partner is trying to impose upon him a no compete agreement that would extend to his immediate fa... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  3 answers

Is this discrimination?
I called off sick from work and was suspended 3 days. Another employee who calls off pretty regularly called of sick and was only given a written warning. I have never used a sick day and we are given... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I'm a type 1 diabetic iron worker. During the month of april. I was diagnosed with the flu and bronchitis. Later on in the week I came down with pnuemonia from the prior two complications. On the second day of becoming ill. I knew I would be in too poor o
at my work we use filing cabinets. these filing cabinets have anywhere from 20-40 in and out of these throughout the day.i watch people bend over and cough in them periodically throughout the day. i h... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

I've been off work cause of chronic neck pain,after 3 months they cut off my STD I was told yesterday I better win my final appeal or lose my job. I've been off over 5 months and have just been scheduled to see surgeon
I've had ever test under the sun, they find something ever time, degenerative disc disease, arthritis,bone Spurs but they said it was all mild so they closed my case. I appealed became the only relief... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I live in WI. Does my employer have to pay earned vacation when someone leaves?
I work in WI, my employer offers vacation to full time employees. There are no written policies. Someone recently left the company and that was when I found out that my employer does not intend to pay... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

loss of severance pay if I accept a position at another place
The preschool that I work for is closing down. They have offered severance pay in writing. The preschool up the street that has agreed to take our children & some of our teachers. It was stated verbal... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Today is my last day. I am in AZ. i have 2 weeks of vac. in the books. am I going to loose them or does the compay have to pay me
I work for a company in Az. I gave 2 weeks notice. today is my last day. I have 2 weeks of vacation on the books, are the reguired by law to pay me applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

i came back to work after being off due to being diagnosed with cancer. up on my return there was not job for me so they had to create one. I have been back for two yrs in the same job. and just now another union member wants to file a grievance to get my
another union member has filed to take my job I have held now for two yrs. applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Can my current employer sue my for taking business away from them?
I am a Sales Executive and I am looking to leave my company to work for another company similar in business. I plan on taking my accounts with me; can my current company sue me? I never signed a non-c... applies to California  ·  3 answers

My employer wants me to work in a bathroom. What can I do?
My employer recently moved to a smaller location. I had a small office in the old location. In the new location, my boss got the idea of converting a bathroom into an office. Problem is, he says he co... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Is there a case here
My wife was terminated from her job at a nursing home. The circumstances where as follows: On her regular rounds she charted that another nurse had removed a bed alarm from a patients bed. Prior to th... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

can an employer advertise a position if it is not available
I worked for Marriott before the storms in the Virgin Islands, I am on a list to be called back to work. I saw my position advertised online, called the GM and he stated there was no position availabl... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Is this enforeceable
Hi I signed a non-compete agremment with an OH company that in pertinent part states that: I 'shall not provide the same or similar services as those he/she provides to OH COMPANY to any other person ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete agreement to not to offer services for any of Companys client's
Hello, I used to work for a software consulting company 'X' which contracted to client 'Y'. Now I got a full time job offer from some other company 'A'. But my non-compete clause with consulting compa... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

I am eligible for FMLA from my employer. I verbally indicated that I was not planning on returned back to work after my 12 weeks of leave. Can they deny my request?
I will be using FMLA for the birth of my child. I am a contract employee and my contract is renewed annually. My leave would start at the beginning of the next contract. I am worried my employer might... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

What union rights do I have as a "casual" employee?
I am a "casual" employee for the New York Times Newspaper. I am a driver and work in their union shop. I have been working at least 40 hrs a week for them for over 8 years. At this time I am not affor... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Old non compete agreement
I have a non compete as a sales rep with a company that operates under a new name because of a merger. I signed the agreement for a position I didn't hold when I left and they never had me sign anothe... applies to Maryland  ·  1 answer

Am I eligible for unemployment benefits if I refuse to sign a non-compete?
My company just got bought out and the new owner has asked us to sign a non-compete. The contract states that failure to sign could lead up to termination. I work in the state of Georgia. Will my term... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

What is it we can do to protect ourselves & the kids since our company has failed to do so?
I work with kids & have been kicked twice and called names by one kid. Other employees have had the same issues. We all feel like our company isn't doing anything about it considering our safety & the... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

Meal Breaks Replay from Employee.
I just asked a question regarding meal breaks and compensation. The response was that the employer must grant a meal break. Due to the nature of our work (monitoring satellite signals) doesn't allow u... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Are seasonal employees entitled to a severance package when the company goes out of business?
My employer went out of business effective 12/31/2019. It offered employees it considers full-time a severance package, but not employees like me, who are considered seasonal (even though, in my case,... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Vacation Pay After Layoff in Indiana
I was told on December 10, 2015 that I was being laid off and that my last day would be January 31, 2016. I will continue to work until that time. Our vacation pay is per calendar year. I live in the ... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

My previous employer underpaid me with a post dated check for 3 months away when it is agreed get I get paid weekly. He won't rewrite a valid check and cancel the previous. What do I do?
I work for commission for a tree company. I know for a fact that i wasn't fully paid on my commission. Regardless of the amount of the check, the check was also invalid. What are my rights on getting ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

My company rights
2 employees left our business to go on to competitor in our no compete states no work for 1 year and a 25 mile rad. we feel company is poaching are people. I had an attorney send letters to employees ... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Pregnancy Discrimination
I have been offered a job after interview on 01/31/2009. They ask me to join today at 9:30 AM, when I went there the Director call me in room (while I was filling paper work like W2 etc). She ask me I... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Can I be terminated because of a scam that happened to me at work
I was working at another location not my usual one and a phone call came in and I answered the phone saying that they was one of the district managers and that someone had cam in earlier that day and ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Hello my assistant director at my job has been using verbal abuse towards me causing a hostile work environment told the corporate that I pushed her which I have recordings and text etc and proof I don't well they told me not to come in they will call me
The corporate keeps pushing dates to solve issue but I don't think it's fair for them to handle this like this by ignoring my calls and not handling the situation allowing the director to cause so muc... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Transfer Request
Can your boss hold your transfer request for four days, then give it back to you with a "Performance Improvement Plan"? My past work history is excellant, there are no prior indications of improvement... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete Validity
Hi, In 1998 I got an offer letter from CompA. I accepted it. When I showed up for work , I was made to sign an Employement Aggrement which included the non-compete clause. The company was sold in 2001... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I live in Florida and work a commission based job, my employer wants to deduct 5% of the commission for paperwork being done improperly and put you on probation. This would be for a 2 week period. Is this legal?
The commission is 50%. If you make a mistake on your paperwork like missing a receipt deduction or credit card fees they are planning on reducing your commission to 45% for 2 weeks and put you on a pr... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I recently got into an argument with my manager and in the heat of argument resigned. My employer knows that I have a mental illness and suffer from depression and also have ADHD. I returned to work next morning to resolve the issue but was not allowed to
I was a 15+ year employee with known mental illness and ADHD. Not one blemish in my personal files. Worked 14 hours a day and from home another 2-3 hrs a day applies to California  ·  0 answers

no commission detail provided by employer
my employer a cable company pays flat plus commission. when we get our weekly commision reports there is no detail of what orders the commission came from there is no way i can check if i'm actually b... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can a company rehire laid-off workers whose jobs have been sent overseas?
Several jobs were eliminated, due to work being sent to China. Can my company rehire laid-off workers who are under the TA agreement? Thank you applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

Is it legal to make an exempt employee use benefit
As a exempt employee if you take a day off in the work week but still have over 40 hours can an employer make you use benefit time for that day off? applies to New York  ·  0 answers


Can an employer make you use vacation time for Dr.s appts. for a child?
I work for a small practice pediatric office. My employer did away with our sick leave which is fine. Now my employer is making us use our vacation time for a requested day off even if its to take our... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

non-compete question
I recently went to work for a pet sitter and signed a non-compete agreement. Things have not worked out between us and she sent me an email stating "I've decided I need everything from you that belong... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

I have been a permatemp for 7 years, is this legal?
hi, I have been working for an appliance company in Los Angeles, CA. for 7 years. They have me filed as a temporary employee. My pay check from the company says A&S temp. Which is a company owned by t... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Non-compete before work begins
I am a physician who signed a non-compete in exchange for $10,000 bonus. I have not started working for the hospital yet. The contract states that either party has to give 180 days notice to break the... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

wrongful termination
I work for 2 different companies in a local dept. store. First for the salon and for the maintenance company the store hired to clean. I was told if I left the salon that I would have to give up maint... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Wrongfully Fired
My situation is I was laid off 2 weeks ago because of "Lack of work". This week, I was called back in and they had a meeting and told me that they suggest that I move. So I went home and told my landl... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

What can I do to fight for my benefit?
My employer gives a retirement benefit that you are eligible for full-time employees after 2 years of service and 1000 hours of work per year. I have worked here since 2015-Dec. and I still have not s... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Is this protected conduct, bogus explanation, and what is time limit?
I worked for Census Bureau temp employee. Complained to my crew leader & then to his supervisor about no follow up being done by my supervisor on employees who were not properly collecting Census data... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Is this protected conduct, bogus explanation, and what is time limit?
I worked for Census Bureau temp employee. Complained to my crew leader & then to his supervisor about no follow up being done by my supervisor on employees who were not properly collecting Census data... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

I have my full time job , but they will be close for 2 months , in the off season. During this summer time past 2.5 months , I had another job ( part time), I have decide not to work anymore at that job. ( I'll have my regular job for winter season). My q
. applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

vehicle camera policy
Good Morning. I work for a company that allows me to have a company vehicle to take home. It has a camera and is monitored constantly. There are other members of my company that also have take home ve... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I signed a non-compete in Illinois, that stated I cannot work in my field for five years within 25 miles of the company. The company has now gone into an Involuntary Dissolution. Is that non-compete still valid? They will probably register the name again.
I want to know if the non-compete is still valid since the LLC has gone into Involuntary Dissolution. applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Can my employer make me test the returned Durable Medical Equipment (DME) on myself?
I work for a company that rents out DME. When the equipment is returned, they are requiring me to test the equipment on myself to make sure it is functioning properly. applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Do I have a case for harassment and wrongful termination?
I was offered and accepted a position with Colonial Penn / Bankers Life and started work Aug 31, 2017. On Oct 20th, over 6 weeks after I was hired and produced several Medicare supplement policies, my... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

How soon can an employer pay unemployment insurance on a reduced pay package after implementing it?
I am facing a reduction of pay on Dec 1st of 50% or annually. If I accept the offer my fear is that my employer is looking to then fire me and only pay reduced unemployment insurance. Is this possible... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I was out for FML. I gave my sup my return to work slip. 2 sups were heard discussing it by my teamm
Supervisors were overheard discussing my FML and promotion in an unprofessional manner by my colleagues. They were overheard wondering how I got the promotion and stating that My health problems at le... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Problem with my private employer
Hi, I am currently having a problem with my employer. I work for a private construction crew that is run by 3 people in the same family. I am owed payments that date from as far back to 10/04/06 to 11... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Non Compete injurious...?
I joined a company as sales manager 2-1/2 years ago. I have been in sales and marketing in my industry for more than 30 years... nationwide. This week the whole sales force and sales management were g... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Do I have to pay former employer the money they overpaid me?
I put in my two weeks notice at my former job and they asked me to leave and not come back at the end of the day. I got my last paycheck and they say I was overpaid. They will not show me my pay stub ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Suspended without pay..placed on steps for same occurrance when ask about paperwork placed on performance notice after a few days meeting held with mngr stating i was meeting expectations so i ask why did you place me on performance notice all i got from
Need help retailation in the work place.. a few unethical behavior by mngrs leaving me suspended without pay. applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I was a consultant for a hospital for close to two years. When they were bought out by a larger organization, they hired myself and one other consultant at the higher hourly rate we were making and with benefits. Now they want to cut back on the pay. But
I am the loser here being terminated, not because of any wrong doing but to save money, and being asked to stay on but be employed by another firm knowingly aware that this is a way to pay me less tha... applies to Maine  ·  0 answers

Am I being black balled?
I am a 35 year old single full time mother and full time student. I was a Corrections officer for eight years and was wrongfully terminated. Arbritration and appeals to no avail. I have been unemploye... applies to Maine  ·  0 answers

paid day of pain
My boyfriend cut his thumb and the nerve in his thumb on the job. They stitched it up and he has to go to a specialist to see if the nerve can be repaired. The hospital stated he could go back to work... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can I Dock Their Pay?
An employee is scheduled to start at 8:00 AM. They arrive at 8:10 AM Can I require them to come back to work at 8:30 AM and dock their pay one-half hour? They have accrued vacation time to cover the h... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

if a emplloyer man puts his hands on a 20yrsworking there employee woman..and still removes her as a supervisor ...and constantly blaming her for so many things...
this woman has been working at this company for 20yrs ..she was a supervisor .but was put to a regular worker...alwas getting blame for thigs ....and got written up twice ..and was grab by her wrist v... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Do I have a case?
I worked for a company in Staten Island from 2002-2005 and was treated unfairly. The employer, knowingly, treated me as an independent contractor from the start to avoid in paying necessary taxes and ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Refuse to pay back-pay
I work for a major entertainment company here in LA as a computer analyst. Recently several of us have been re-classified as non-exempt due to a mis-classification. Since we have been working 45 hours... applies to California  ·  2 answers

I have a one year non-compete agreement that ends 12/31/18. I have a former client that is putting out an RFP to start 1/1/19. Am I violating my non-compete by submitting an RFP bid before 1/1/19 even though the work won't begin until 1/1/19?
I didn't reach out to the former client, with which I was the account lead with my former employer. It contacted me and asked if I'd like to bid on the RFP for services to be performed in calendar yea... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

I'm being wrongfully accused of seeing a co worker breast feed in her office while just trying to take care of an issue she reported. I work at a state college and have union representation
I am being wrongfully accused of seeing a women breatfeed that I was taking care of an issue reported in her area, she accuses me of seeing her do this and I swear I can take a lie detection test stat... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

How can I get a release from a Non Compete
The company changed the my job description from salery with commission to and hourly with commission if I meet my goals. I had to quite becasue I co not afford to travel and earn a living. I ave a com... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

independent contractor held to non compete agreement
I am an independent contractor in a hair salon. I sign a lease annually. There is a non compete clause in this lease, stating that I cannot work within a 10 mile radius for a period of 3 years. I have... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

My employer accused me of stealing from the company, i resigned and he now is paying me for my commission check
I work on commission and hourly, and my employer is accusing me if stealing from the company on my commission sheet. He is supposed to check this each month and now he is stating i got paid for false ... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Attorney fees
I am going to talk to an attorney today. He said he would take my case because he is familiar with the public employer where i work as a public employee. He told me the fee would be $3500 for the civi... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Switching from flat vacation days to PTO in Arizona.
I have worked for my employer for five years and according to company policy am entitled to 10 days of paid vacation per year. Arizona state law recently changed to force employers to offer five days ... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

If I quit my job located in Texas-where my commisions are based on accounts receivable, when I quit what happens to outstanding potential commissions?
Paid salary plus accounts receivable & work as a medical sales rep. Only get commission on accounts receivable. If I quit do I only get what has been received or should pending receivables from my cur... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I work for a police dept. a coworker went to Internal Affairs and accused me of making harassing cal
She thought I keyed her car years ago, she told coworkers I did, she never filed a complaint. She called me a swear passing me in a hallway, I never reported it officially, but told a friend an office... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

If I am taking a weeks vacation, and they decide to work on Saturday (overtime), can they force me to take 6 days vacation instead of just 5?
I have requested and got approved for vacation for the week of 4th of July. I have just been informed that we will be working on the Saturday prior and that if I want that day off I will need to reque... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Withdrawn offer
I received and accepted a written job offer for a Florida sales position for a company based in NC. One week after receiving and accepting the offer, and after giving notice to my current employer, th... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I work as a caregiver
I work as a caregiver in Sept 2010 I took a case from 5pm-9pm. Almost as soon as I took the case the daughter of the patient on contuniously basis would say abusive things to me. I called my office an... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Was I discrimated because I requested Health Insurance?
I was terminated today for unknown reasons; I worked as a Director of HR for a family owed Footwear Company in NYC for almost 1 1/2 years as a permanent P/T employee working 24 hrs per wk. I was told ... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Fired, slandered and no money.
I was terminated today and was given the reason that I did not show up for work on Saturday May 27 and Monday May 29 2006 and did not even call in. However, I informed my boss on Thursday the 25th tha... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

exempt employee & snow days
I am an exempt employee who is required to work 45 hours a week. Recently I called out during a snow storm. I worked 52 hours this week and was still required to use an 8 hour PTO day. Is this legal? applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

My husband and I have a massage business/partnership business but he doesn't work there, his name is only on the paperwork. He doesn't even have a massage therapy license. He is getting laid off from his job, can he still get unemployment if his name is o
He is getting laid off next month and we need to know if we need to take his name off the business partnership. applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I have FMLA for my mom I certified 5/31/17 1-2 days 2times per m was approved then in sept took Mom to Dr I'm a flight attendant missed 1flt day before 2flts day of 1 flt (in from overnight) but worked rest of day now FH solutions group wants me to recert
I work for an airline company who outsources FMLA to a company called FHsolutions group applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I was denied for unemployment but here's my concern. I worked one job for the government for 9yrs and another job for only 3 months. My doctor put me on restrictions due to being pregnant but my 9yr job didn't have any work for me at the moment. The job I
Can I reapply for unemployment and not add both jobs just the job I was at for 9yrs verses 3 months. Tried the appeal but did not fall through because the 3 month job lied extremely to much. applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

I am an IT professional in Pennsylvania. I signed a non-compete agreement 3 months after i started working at my previous company, XYZ. The agreement says that i cannot work with any of XYZ's clients ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I was denied for unemployment but here's my concern. I worked one job for the government for 9yrs and another job for only 3 months. My doctor put me on restrictions due to being pregnant but my 9yr job didn't have any work for me at the moment. The job I
Can I reapply for unemployment and not add both jobs just the job I was at for 9yrs verses 3 months. Tried the appeal but did not fall through because the 3 month job lied extremely to much. applies to Virginia  ·  1 answer

I started work May 15, I resigned after my 12 hour shift on June 25. I worked 12 hour shifts 7a-7p..clocked in accordingly everyday I worked. I have not been paid for my last two days..24 hours...I called my former employer spoke to payroll, they said the
I am a RN, worked at a rehab&long term care facility. High turnover mismanagement is why I left. I just want paid for the 2-12 hour shifts I worked. applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

I work with a company that we will say is small as far as the affordable act laws are concerned. This company is all over the map would it be a large company as far as those laws are concerned?
This concerns giving my medical insurance after ninty days then turning around saying they don't have to because of some laws changing with the affordable care act applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

I was injured, HRsaid it was workers comp but havnt given me any paperwork. I am now using m y FMLA
I was injured, HR said 8 weeks later it was Workers comp, she gave me a list if doctors, but nothing else. I cannot work due to severe repetitive trauma and having to use FMLA. IS HR suppose to give m... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

can workman's comp in tn stop my claim payments cause i became pregnant?
I have been on workman's comp since july 20, 2014. I work as a correctional officer in the state of tn. My dr has been doin these nerve blocks on me and seem to help with the pain but my wrist continu... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Can my employer hold my PTO after I resign?
I was feeling that my employee wanted to fire me and in the middle of the work I left the office and never returned. They asked for a letter of resignation in order to give my last paycheck. I didn't ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Overtime in a 80 hour week
This an hourly question. We get paid every other Friday,(bi-weekly)for the previous 2 weeks of work. Is it possible for the company to take any hours over the 40 from one of the two weeks that has ove... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can an independent contractors pay be changed retroactively? I know this is illegal in the case of an employee and employer, but what rights does an independent contractor have?
I am an independent contractor and have been told that my contract is going to be amended and the rate of pay will be deceasing on work that has already been done. Is is legal for a business to change... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Is it legal to be required to take conference calls for work at home on your phone and not be paid?
My wife is a non salary, hourley paid employee as a teller at a bank. She has been told she must take a weekly conference call at home on her phone without being paid for her time or phone minutes. I ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Our practice has less than 50 employees so I don't think we fall under the FMLA rules. With this in mind, is it legal for us to bring an employee back to work at part-time status rather than the current full time status?
Employee is currently full time however we are looking at doing some restructuring which would change her position to part time when she returns from maternity leave. applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

If an HR policy exists stating "ineligible for rehire" will not given out but they are..
I recently discovered my previous employer with whom I did not leave on good terms with is providing the information that I am "ineligible for rehire" which is keeping me from finding work. I also rec... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can two groups who work under the same employer be payed differently?
We have unit staff and officers and for unit staff anything over 40 hours in a week is overtime. For officers anything over 80 hours in two weeks is considered overtime but officers have to hit 80 hou... applies to West Virginia  ·  0 answers

PTO after resignation
I just turned in my resignation and gave a 2wk notice. However, I requested the last three days of my 2wks as vacation days, to use my 24hrs of PTO. They made a schedule the day after I turned in my r... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Does a company have a legal duty to enforce their written policies ?
I am an exempt employee in a large engineering corporation. Several months ago I contacted the HR dept. to ask about the company's "open door policy" and in particular, to verify that I would be prote... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Can I collect unemployment over the summer, as a private school teacher with a 10 month contract?
I have a contract as a salaried employee for 10 months. During the summer, our enrollment decreases and less teachers are needed. I volunteered to work but was not one of the teachers offered employme... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

Can I collect unemployment over the summer, as a private school teacher with a 10 month contract?
I have a contract as a salaried employee for 10 months. During the summer, our enrollment decreases and less teachers are needed. I volunteered to work but was not one of the teachers offered employme... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

please help me !!!!!!!
I am a consultant for a company in maryland and I live in florida. I am owed $ 16,000.00 in wages and expences. I sued the company and now they claim they owe me nothing. I have a contract and bank re... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Need help to get justice, think U.A. was tamped
The U.A. took to long for results,I was lied to about couple during that period .Had doctor app. on Monday for back pain meds like ever month,took U.A. like always was clean I think I can prove with a... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Do I Have a Provable Case of Retaliation
I was hired at a youth drug rehab center as a treatment assistant in Oregon. I worked there for 6 months and never had any write-ups, never called in sick, and had one complaint (but ended up getting ... applies to Oregon  ·  1 answer

Employment discrimination based on criminal record
My son is planning on moving to Kentucky to look for work. He was recently released from prison and therefore has a felony conviction. He is under the impression that the laws of Kentucky "favor" the ... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

How much detail is needed about health condition for FMLA?
Requested block FMLA. Doctor wrote that a prescription was given and listed what job functions I was unable to perform but did not include a list of symptoms or a diagnosis. Employer denied the FMLA s... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

If I was collecting unemployment benefits after being let go from a 12 year long job. I took a job with a 60 mile commute one way on rural county roads. It was winter when I started and with the winter weather. And road conditionsthe week I started ibeing
What time frame or length of employment does an employee have to work that the employer assumes responsibility for unemployment. What is the minimum or maximum mileage that unemployment requires applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Is my non-compete valid when I had my pay cut and benifits cut ?
I signed a non-compete with my employer after I got another job offer and gave my two weeks notice. The next day my boss called me in and offered me more money to stay,so I did. A few days later they ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

If I was collecting unemployment benefits after being let go from a 12 year long job. I took a job with a 60 mile commute one way on rural county roads. It was winter when I started and with the winter weather. And road conditionsthe week I started ibeing
What time frame or length of employment does an employee have to work that the employer assumes responsibility for unemployment. What is the minimum or maximum mileage that unemployment requires applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Co. fails to pay vendors & sls mgr loses commission due work not done. Void non-compete?
Ohio company, non-Ohio-based employee. Industrial repair and maintenance service company. Company presumed to have lost a recent lawsuit with ex-employees and subsequently issued a new 5-page non-comp... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

wrongful termination threat
Hello, I am 18.5 weeks pregnant. I have been out for pregnancy related illness for 24 hours total since June. I have also used 12.5 hours of my FMLA time to go to the doctor and other appointments. To... applies to California  ·  1 answer

day off denied proved costly!
Last July, I had a an appointment for a mammogram on my day off. I was called at home by my manager saying "my head would roll" unless I canceled the appt. and went into work. I complied. I later foun... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Can I be kept from gaining employment with a new company because of a no solicitation agreement if I
I work in a retirement community as a physical therapist where the therapy is run by a contracted company. The community has decided to switch contracts to another company and the new company wants to... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can they not pay me my PTO
Hello, I work for a local hospital and was hired in July 2010 when the PTO Policy was set at 6 months to receive a 50% payout if you leave the company. They changed the policy in November 2010 and now... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Comp time - legal issue or company policy?
I am an exempt employee working four days per week by agreement with my non-profit employer. If I work a fifth day in any given week, can my employer legally offer me comp time off? If so, am I requir... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Is reverse age discrimination Legal
The company I work for changed the pension calculation to be different for those over the age of 50 on 1/1/14 versus those under the age of 50 on 1/1/14. Those over 50 as of 1/1/14 were grandfathered ... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

What can I expect after filing a formal complain to the Human Resources against Spa Director?
I want to lodge a formal complaint against my Spa Director to the Human Resources because of unfair treatment at work. What can I expect? Can I lose my job? applies to California  ·  0 answers

Is time off on approved worker's comp claim counted as FMLA time as well?
I am being told by my employer that even tho I am off work on an approved worker's comp injury that they are also counting this time off against the FMLA time off provisions. Is this proper? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I work for an Ohio based company that serves 35 states within the United States. Several years ago another separate legal business was started in another state that serves the other 15 states within the United States. These companies are separate legal
applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Someone got into my Facebook and posted my picture and bad words saying I was mad at work. I did not post this and now Im being investigated for that post that I didn't post. My phone was left unattended in the staff room. How do I go about defending myse
How can I prove I didn't post something on Facebook? I was framed or set up with a fake Facebook post. I didn't do it and now there is a investigation by my employer. Can I fight this and defend mysel... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I went out on short term disability after working about 90 days at company. I had a very advanced type of knee replacement. Upon my return, since I had a short history at company, I was promised to be retrained. Upon return no attempt was made to retrain
Do I have a valid case for discrimination because of using cane upon my return to work with knee replacement surgery. Plus the false accusations about me making threats. applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Minimum Amount of time at job to get Cobra coverage
I left the company I had worked for six years and started working at another company. Five weeks into the job, I have realized it isnt the right fit and i would like to quit. My only concern is now he... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Can I get my pay cut due to oversight?
I've worked for my company for about 8 years and during the first 4 I was hired on for a swing shift. During the 5th year I agreed to move to first shift fully understanding that I would lose my swing... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Is a non-compete still valid if the terms of original contract are changed and I refuse to sign new
I am a subcontractor and signed a contract to do some work for a certain compensation. The company wanted to change that compensation and sent a new contract to do so. I refused to sign the new contra... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

I filed an internal grievance and a charge of gender discrimination with EEOC against the state agency that I work for. I am in the process of trying to find another job and I recently found out that ... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

I was demoted from my supervisor job when I went in to tell them I was going to have to have my 3rd hernia surgery. My boss wanted to do it right then but human resource said they would pay me supervisor pay until I come back then I have to go back to flo
Prudential our short and long term disability. My company was being bought out while I was out. My human resource called on a Tuesday and said they had to have all the doctors notes from my doctors be... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Can I collect unemployment from a lost full time job if I am part owner of a partnership LLC? If I take out money for personal reasons, will this be considered income?
I am the president of an LLC company. I do office administration work and my husband all the labor. I had a full time night position, but was down sized. I make with drawls and transfer money for my h... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I work in Washington state. My employer wants me to sign a paper stating that i will not file for unemployment. Can they do this?
Can a employer ask me to sign a paper saying i won't file for unemployment? applies to Washington  ·  1 answer

State of Ohio Laws regarding maternity leave
I work for a company with less than 50 employees so we are not covered by FMLA. Does the State of Ohio have any laws regarding maternity leave? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

wanted to see if i have a case or am i just being naive?
okay. I put my two weeks notice in and the following week was drop to only 14 hours for the week! I had no misconducts. even offered to stay longer than the notice (by a few days) if they needed the h... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

with a company buyout am I eligible to draw unemployment?
My employer just sold the company to an individual. It is a private company, no stock involved in the sale, assets only. The new owner has offered me a job, same position at the same rate of pay, but ... applies to Kansas  ·  1 answer

I have been demoted at my job. I was told by a friend tat once you reach a certain bracket in pay that can'y take it away from you, but am unsure if that's true. My question is can my employer cut my pay to go along with this demotion?
I work at Walmart. I am going from an hourly supervisor position to a regular associate. They haven't told me if there will be a pay cut but i assume there will be. I was told by a friend that they ca... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

smoking policy results ONLY in termination
my employer at lucy's diner in booneville ar. has started a no smoking policy at work that the only result of an infraction is termination, no write up, no suspension. he used to allow smoking in the ... applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

smoking policy results ONLY in termination
my employer at lucy's diner in booneville ar. has started a no smoking policy at work that the only result of an infraction is termination, no write up, no suspension. he used to allow smoking in the ... applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

denial of benefits, other
Recently placed on medical due to injury to right arm requiring surgery, not work related. I was informed by my company's HR department that during my leave, I would not be allowed to use the facility... applies to New Hampshire  ·  1 answer

My son works for a company that offered severance pay for voluntary lay offs…..a once and done offer they had to take by a certain date. He did not take it, then later gave his 2 week notice when he found another job.(he saw the handwriting on the wall)
My son tried to revoke his resignation the next week after hearing from other employees that they would get severance and be able to collect unemployment if they did not opt to work a different shift... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

What can I do for being falsely accused of sexual harassment?
Hello , I am a female employee and I was recently called into the office at work by my Male store manager and Male manager. They told me to have a seat and closed the door behind them . One manager sa... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Disparate Impact // Request for Counsel or referalls
My question is about disparate impact. Regarding my circumstances, I was an employee of very large corporation. As a protected employee engaging in a protected activity, namely intermittent FMLA, I pr... applies to California  ·  0 answers

my fmla expired while being treated for breast employer now wants me to resign as i still have an open wound that i pack daily and due to the nature of my work (nursing) , i cannot return until the wound is closed...what are my options?
i am getting better now and the wound is small ...i would guess in 3 weeks it should be closed but i cant say for sure...employer wants me to resign and reapply in 3 months...i know they will not hire... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Is a layoff the same as a termination?
When I became a minority shareholder in my comapny, I entered into an employment contract. Due to the downturn in business, our company has downsized and may have to downsize further. I found out the ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Severance packages effect on work comp benefits?
I am curently collecting workers compensation for a herniated disk. My employer has decided to permanemtly outsource my job due to the uncertainty of my return, or ability to perform upon return. A se... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can i get paid for working 3 days at a job?
My husband worked for a company for 3 days then quit to work somewhere else. this company does not want to pay for those 3 days b/c they claim they had to pay more to hire him than what he is owed. Sh... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

i am a 1099 dog groomer petvalu says i cant groom for 6 months after i leave with in a 5 mile radius can this be enforced
i am a 1099 dog groomer can petvalu enforce the non compete with in 5 mile radius they are a pa contract i work in md applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Sexual Harassment?
I'm a dept supervisor at a national retail store. Last week I was eating lunch in the break room, reading the sports page, when three(women) co-workers came in and sat next to me. I then put the paper... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

If laid off, do I have to return the retention bonus I was given when hired?
In Dec 2010 I was hired as a engineer and give a 10K retention bonus provided that I worked at least 18 months for the company, but last Friday they laid me off, and they want their retention bonus ba... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Contract says Loyalty Bonus, but it is being taken away with benefits being offered
I work for a remote company. We are all on contracts. Item 4 of my contracts states I will receive a monthly Loyalty Bonus for performing my duties. Today we were told insurance was being offered, but... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Suspect of getting laid off while on Maternity leave
I'm 34 weeks pregnant. I was put on bed rest by my doctor last week, 12/3. I missed work starting 12/4. My company/department is in the middle of laying off people by March. I found out they lay off a... applies to California  ·  1 answer

My boss granted me vacation time but has not given me hours after I returned, do I have rights here?
I asked for vacation with 2-3 months notice, it was granted. Now my boss will not answer my phone calls and is leaving my texts on read. I work for a health store in vitamin sales, deli, and stocking ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can a factory job no hire if you have a neglect charge
A factory job said I can work there cause I have a neglect charge from 2013 applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

I was threatend by a supvisor and had my hours cut.Do I have a case?
In Feburary2003 A shift supervisor were I worked had been treating me very badly at the start of my shift; she was insulting my intelligence, insinuating that I was a thief, all in front of the custom... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

I called in sick for three days due to a illness/disability covered by ADA. I decided that I needed to find a different job since my employer was not acomdating. I worked there for almost a year and a half and it dawned on me that I was discriminated mult
I am hard of hearing/ almost deaf and the stress and lack of support increased my anxiety that triggered to depression. I was in danger to myself and didn't trust myself to go to work since it was fro... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Does contract breach void contract and fee me of a non-compete
I signed a non-compete with a firm in Florida. I was terminated and can now not work in my field. The employer is in breach of the employment contract for failing to provide me health insurance as wri... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can I collect unemployment if my position is eliminated?
Company being bought out by a larger company. My position is being eliminated. New company told me no work at this location but "could try to find me something at another location. I was honest and to... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

Do I have to pay my exempt employees during my company's shutdown between Christmas and New Years?
Our business is closing between Christmas and New Years. We have exempt and non-exempt employees, (salaried and hourly). I've read that exempt employees have to be paid for the week but other articles... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

I am currently working at a Plainview, NY location, my company filed bankruptcy and the company that took over is moving us to their Great Neck location. I am a paraplegic and my 81 yr old mother drives me to work and it would be too much for her to drive
As I mentioned I can not go to the Great Neck office because my mother drives me since I am disabled and can not take me to that location and get to her job in time. I want to know if I can get unempl... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I have worked for the same co for 35 years earning 5 weeks vacation. I was told i was grandfathered in for these 5 weeks after they changed the co policy to 4 weeks max. They asked me if I wanted to work 32 hours a week with no loss in benefits. I said ye
9 vacation days taken away after they offered me 32 hours per week with no loss in benefits just because I now have every Friday off. applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Denial of severance pay
My company announced their plan to close our facility and pay severance; however it now appears they will instead sell the facility to a third party logistics company who may hire some of the employee... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Does a non compete agreement also protect the employee?
After leaving a company that I have a non competition agreement with, I opened my own business doing the same thing as my previous employer outside the geographic restriction. The previous employer is... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

If an employee signed a non compete and then the company stopped paying them when they ran out of money, can the employee then accept work with a competitor that they sought out? What is the limitation on preventing that employee from making a living?
Non compete and trade secret agreement signed with a company that is out of money for payroll. Limits to the agreement? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I signed a NCA for 1YR. My Co just sold ALL their Brands & are under NCA, does this nullify my NCA?
this is a consumer product company in Texas. they sold ALL their brands to a company on the east coast. Since the company cannot compete in those areas, or even present to retailers or use any of the ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

are you required to apply for shifts other than your preferred shift while on unemployment?
Illinois job link is recommending jobs not in the time shift or in the area I would preferred to work in (30+ miles away from home, second and third shift jobs). Am I required to apply for positions s... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I worked Christmas Day & got x2 time but my job took my pto w/o me knowing. Is that legal?
So I was forced to work thanksgiving and Christmas this year and got paid time and a half on thanksgiving and double time on Christmas but my employer took my PTO time for working those days without p... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

Am I protected from retaliation for blowing the whistle on a violation of company policy?
If I called the company "hotline" to report a company policy violation, and then was retaliated against by management, do I have a case? The posted notices at work that solicit employees to report the... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Non-Exempt Overtime while travelling on company business
Non-exempt employees who travel to conferences and who will be working more than 8 hours a day- Can we pay our employees a travel wage instead of their work wage when they travel? IF so, can you give ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can an employer take away accrued vacation time in Wisconsin without any notice to employees?
I have a question about accrued vacation time in Wisconsin. The company I work at has approximately 25 employees, all but two full-time. We receive a certain number of paid vacation days on the annive... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Can my employer deny FMLA because I was out for less than 14 days?
I had my doctors fill out two separate FMLA forms on two unrelated medical conditions. My work as denied the FMLA due to it being less than 14 days. This happened in October 2016, and Jan 2017. I rece... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Exempt employee travelling WAY too much.
Hi. I am an exempt employee in sourthern CA that works at a software company. My job title is Support Specialist, although I am more of a travelling technician. I know that an employer can make you wo... applies to California  ·  3 answers

My company had a reduction in force and my position was eliminated. I have been offered, and I accepted a severance package that will provide 20 weeks of pay if I remain in my position until an agreed upon date. A week after agreeing to the severance pack
The acquiring company closes on the sale prior to my last day with my employer. My concern is that the acquiring company will simply not honor the agreement since they now have controlling interest in... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

I feel like I'm being targeted at work by my supervisor.
I have been working at this job for a couple of months now and already am on the verge of being fired. I have been written up 2 times already for doing things the way I was trained to do. On top of th... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Is an employer allowed to continually give bad references?
I was let go from a job and have been unable to find work since. There is no reason I should still be unemployed I am good at my job. I left a previous job to go to the one I was let go from and shoul... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Contract invalid? Please help!!
I am an independant contractor working customer service and signed something very short for a contract that simply said "I understand and agree to service for a minimum of one year. If I choose to ter... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Driving 60 miles to work everyday
My employer for the past 3 years wanted me to cultivate the sales territory around my home. I became their leading sales rep for a number of years. Recently they shut off my ROC - Remote office Connec... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I was recently suspended without pay because of my tardiness i didnt sign any paperwork on why i was suspended the day of but received a paper in the mail days later of reasons why. The day i was suspended the plant manager told me to gather my things and
Feel that my plant manager handled my suspension illegally with letting whole plant know one of reasons was personal stuff going on out of work. applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

I work for a company in MI where the headquarters is in WI, does the new Michigan Sick Leave Law apply to my office?
My company is based out of Wisconsin but has offices all over the US. Michigan recently passed a Sick Time Law that required employers to give employees 1 hour of sick leave per every 35-40 hours work... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Can FMLA be used one day per week to take my wife to the doctor appointments?
I am the primary care giver for my wife. She has schizophrenia and is pregnant. I am the only one who can get her to go to a doctor so it's vital I have time to take her, but I also need to work at le... applies to Alabama  ·  1 answer

In NC can a restaurant owner require employees to pay them a $30 cash payment if the employee cannot come to work
My granddaughter works in a restaurant. The owners wife is very high strung and inconsistent with policies on a daily basis. Today a memo was sent stating that any employee not able to show up for the... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Can my employer pay me with my vacation time on a day that I was at work?
Our office was being relocated and our computers were down to clock in and out for a couple days and our manager would take care of the time sheets, well a few weeks later I had noticed some of my vac... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

As a commission-only employee of a salon, can I be forced to stay at work if I don't have clients?
When there are no clients on my book, I do not get paid. If I don't have anyone on the books, for instance, in the afternoon sometimes I would like to leave early but management forces us to stay even... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I had surgery and was off work on short term disability. My doctor did not release me due to complications. My employer never offered me FMLA until the doctor did not release me, now they are trying to backdate. Is this allowed?
FMLA was never offered, I was always told not enough employees and now they initiated it and want to backdate to surgery release date applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

My employer is delaying accommodation after FMLA. They also
Was suppose to return to my charge nurse position after FMLA. Employer just informed me that they have reclassified my position to a floor nurse. My doctor has given me restrictions, but employer is d... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

I gave my two weeks notice, was asked to leave a few days prior to my last day. According to HR, my last day to work was 9/30/04 instead of 9/18/04. Is my employer supposed to pay me for the full two ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Can a comapany require it's hourly employee to be on call without on-call pay?
I am a Respiratory Therapist working in a home he alth company. I am on call 7 days a week. I receive no compensation for my time,unless I have to go out to go out to visit a patient after working hou... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Severance Shortfall
My father was just recently laid off after 10 years of service as an Engineer with a large multinational engineering firm. After, just completing a project which kept him on the road for a year straig... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Large company caugt cheating me out of pay
I was off work at financial sevices company. LOA rules in company say must help my clients while off on leave. Instead the managers poached my insurance policies and other business. Refused to correct... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I took on an additional 40 hr job while still doing mine with no extra pay increase
Recently the other office girl quit and I was assigned her complete job title along with mine. No extra payment compensation was given so I now do 80 hours of work in a 40 hour workweek. I also am not... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Regardless of being an at-will employee. Can a company use aggressive or harassment to force someone to quit, to avoid paying severence?
It seems to me that Bank of American and HP colluded to force employees to quit. First by setting unreal expectation on a team that was designed to fail. Second whether true or not, stating that there... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Vacation pay
I have written before concerning this and received some very helpful information I have another question. Summarize My boyfriend worked for his company for 19 years was labeled an Executive manager pa... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can being denied promotions or superior ratings be classified as continued retaliation?
In 2016, I filed a discrimination complaint with my employer and EEOC. As a result of the complaint, I was still receiving backlash as a result of filing and filed a retaliation complaint as a result ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

commission employee, change to pay plan that is after month has started that is retro active. we had a signed agreement that our plans could be changed without notice. applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Is it legal for a state agency to require employees to supervise the work of other equal rank employ
We are required to perform peer reviews on co-workers who are of same rank or class as ourselves, and your score on the performance evaluation is affected by these peer reviews. Other state agencies I... applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

Procedure or Precedence for Re-opening a Dismissed Case?
I filed a Cause of Action in the U.S. District Court, Northern District of Texas , Pro Se, against my former employer, NASD, in 2006, based on Discrimination, Hostile Work Environment, and Retaliation... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Sub-contractor or not
I went to work as a subcontractor for a family member with the promise of a guaranteed wage. Now after a few months the guaranteed wage was withdrawn and now is only commission based. They have contro... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Non complete agreement signed in China
I signed a employment non-complete agreement in China, restricting me to work for a competitor for 6 months. Is the agreement signed in China enforcable in NYC? Thanks Charles applies to New York  ·  2 answers

I have been working for the same company for over 6 years now (In California) now all of a sudden have to clock in and out and was told I have to take my lunch at 12:30 everyday I am the only one they are telling to do this ? not a happy lady thank you
I have been at the same company for over six years now having to clock in and out ? was told I have to go to lunch at 12:30 pm I work 8:00am-5:00pm apparently I am the only one being told what time I ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

if i am the backup supervisor does my employer have to pay me when the supervisor is off work?
I am the backup supervisor for our department. does my employer have to pay me when the regular supervisor is off or out of the office? people will come to me when the supervisor is out and my employe... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Bounced Payroll Check, Company Out of Business
My former employer laid off the entire company and closed the company office on 10/9/01. The company also filed for bankruptcy. My employer promised to pay me for my wages for the work I did on Octobe... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

i had a balance left over in my unemployment but before I could claim it I went to prison for a period of 2 year's, is it possible for me to claim this money still or is it lost.
I had an unemployment claim that I was getting paid out of but got locked up before the balance was complete and was sent to prison for 2 years, I went to the work force and it had the remaining balan... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

Is it illegal for my daughter she is at 30% discount on her time not on work time withmy bank card or friends bank card or anything like that it all is that legal from her job big lots
Wondering if my daughter has a case regarding wrongful termination due to use of her 30% discount employee discount on her break or on her time off with anybody else's card but hers applies to West Virginia  ·  0 answers

Do I have legal recourse against an employer that didn't fire me, but involuntarily transferred me?
In July, I was working for AECOM at Denver International Airport and had been with them for approximately three and a half years. I was hired in March of 2006 as an inspector for AECOM and assigned to... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

The company I work for was “acquired” by another company. Is my non-compete contract still valid? I have no wording in my contract about transferability. In my contract it only lists the old companies name. The name has changed over completely to the
The company contracts with other businesses for services. If I were offered a direct hire by a business, would I be legally able to accept? We have not been given new non-compete contracts to sign. We... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Retroactive pay reduction
Can an employer state in their handbook, if an employee quits, or doesn’t show up for work, the employer will reduce their last paycheck to minimum wage? I know an employer can reduce an employee,ou... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can an employeer not pay owed sick time?
My husband recently had to call in sick for more then the normal amount of time. He did have enough time in his "sick account" for paid time off. His employeer is now telling him that they will not pa... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Is it legal for my employer to make me train another employee with out pay?
I am a licensed esthetician working for a day spa. I work for commission plus tips. My employer requires us to attend meetings and training that we are not paid for. I have also been required to train... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Do I qualify for overtime pay as a subcontractor?
I am employed by a recruiting company (The Precisionists) that has a contract with another company (Vertex Inc.) that I currently am working for. I believe that makes me a subcontractor, but I am not ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Is there a statute of limitations on tuition reimbursement requests?
If I left a company 15 months ago, and they are now asking me to pay back a tuition repayment agreement - is that enforceable? They paid an amount per year to me, I signed a repayment agreement, but w... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

If my employer witnessed the majority of his workers breaking a rule but chose only 3 to fire...
If my employer witnessed the majority of his workers breaking a rule but chose only 3 to fire could we sue for retaliation? For the past 6 months I've been working in a restaurant/bar. It was a great ... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

Non-compete clause after 8 years of employment? Can they make me sign?
In regard to non-compete clauses - my employer of 8 years is NOW asking me to sign a non-compete that would not allow me to work for ANY vendor of laboratory equipment that they may consider a competi... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

We are union and we have a contract ...But
The Union will not uphold the contract. The Contract states,"The schedule cannot be changed w/o the employees' permission. Our company is changing schedules, policy, such as time-off, and hours. We al... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

I have put in for fmla due to my own serious condition sept 3 2015 I received the papers me immediately brought them to my dr during the time the dr secretary misplaced the fmla papers and I had to resubmit them to them when I do that the papers were inco
I am up for removal because of the days that I called out fmla and the doctor filled out paper work wrong twice but the third time it was correct my fmla was approved but it only started from the day ... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Salary or Hourly??????
I am paid on a salary basis. I do not get over time if I work over 40 hours. I was informed recently that my boss does not pay for sick or holiday time. However, he did not let that be known until he ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can my non Compete be hold up after I am laid off?
I was laid off from my job and took another job with a company slimiar to our. I was told that I could work for another trainin company, but my old company could sue them if I contacted their current ... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

I work with out of Troy Michigan and from home for their client which is. Major Client company.
I work with job out of Troy Michigan and from home for their client which is. Major company. The job is a technical advisor thru chat services, I was hired in April of 2017 started in june 2017 end of... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Collecting unemployment while on maternity leave if already collecting benefits before leave
Question Currently collecting unemployment due to losing 1 of my two jobs. I will be going on maternity leave in a couple months will I still be granted unemployment benefits even if I am still active... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Can i sue for wrongful termination
I was recently terminated for supposedly violating a saftey policy for threatening the the work place. I made a joke to my manager after a one on one that if i didn't get my bonus I would blow the pla... applies to Rhode Island  ·  0 answers

unlawfully terminated?
On Friday I was told my by my employer that I was being "let go", because the company was restructuring. My employer sited "personality conflicts" and my inability to do certain tasks (none of which w... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Is it retaliation if I reported harrassment against a manager & now he is trying to get me fired?
One of the managers, on 2 occasions, verbally went off on me with insults and extremely rude name calling. He told me I need to be on meds & ridiculed my single status saying it was due to me being a ... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Bounced Payroll and Late Payroll
I work in a small recruitment firm of 3 people. 2 Partners and I am the Sr Associate. Payroll has been repeatedly late and the June 15th Paycheck bounced (a previous payroll check bounced in 2009)caus... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

i can't even buy groceries right now-must less pay for a consultation
can the company you work for call you in the office on friday after you have worked all week and get your check on monday and tell you that your check will be half of what it was the week before. you ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

say for example I signed something under an old employer that that employer has not paid to the contracted company. can said company legaly ask me for the money? I share no ownership in the business of my previous employer
I was employed by a restaurant as a manager. I signed a contract on behalf of the company I worked for to get supplies. I now no longer work for them. Now the company has sent a certified letter for m... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I was on a 90 day contract for calling out after working there for 6 month but they fire me for calling off on Saturday but I work that sunday in Monday for them can they fire me on Tuesday for calling out on saturday?
Getting fire for calling out while on a contract. applies to Delaware  ·  0 answers

Can I have someone review my severance package?
I was furloughed in April and now our organization has had a group layoff this week. They have offered a Severance Package of 4 weeks for me. It was based on years of service. I am 67 years old and wa... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Hi. General question about severance. I work part time but now my employer has said I now have to be full time starting 8/1 or leave. Would this be eligible for severance pay?
I was hired in as a part time employee. My employer has now said they need me full time and will not offer part time employment. The position hasn't changed and the job would be the same-just 40 hours... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

My husband was fired from his job because another employee told the boss he was smoking marijuana at work. No proof at all and my husband also offered to take a drug test. What can I do?
Some lady that didn't like my husband from the first day he started his job got him fired be cause she said he was smoking marijuana on the job. Witch my husband does not smoke. It is hear say and jus... applies to West Virginia  ·  0 answers

Is Employee Overtime exempt if there is a contract between employer and employee for 50 hours instead of 40?
An employee would like to be salaried an allowed to work more than 40 hours a week. I try to keep overtime to a minimum but they want the flexibility. They are a manager of shop and don't make enough ... applies to Colorado  ·  1 answer

Is there any legal recourse against a union that is causing loss of work for its own members?
The local Musicians union is threatening to put a part-time, local orchestra on its "unfair list" for various grievances that are being filed by a minority of employees. Those grievances include late ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Can my employer with hold money from my checkes because of a mistake that they made?
I work at a hospital for may years now. Recently the hospital changed computer systems. They are now stating that they over paid me and a few of my co workers and that they are going to garnish our wa... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Am I protected from retaliation for blowing the whistle on a violation of company policy?
If I called the company "hotline" to report a company policy violation, and then was retaliated against by management, do I have a case? The posted notices at work that solicit employees to report the... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Transfer denials
I work for a very large company that has multiple contracted accounts. I keep applying to job openings for these new accounts that pay more money. Im originally told I have the position, but then I ge... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Is a Mn employer (less than 50 emp) required to hold a job for an employee who left to have a baby?
We are a MN private family who employs PCAs (personal care attendants) to help care for our child with disabilities. We have less than 20 employees. One of our PCAs is pregnant. Are we required to pro... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

As a prerequisite to employment, I was scheduled to take a language test as I work in translation and other language related fields. I have ample evidence of my proficiency and 20 plus years experience in the field. This testing company does not give me a
Can a testing company refuse discussing one's test results even if you present ample evidence of your qualifications at the native level at the language in question? applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Can an employer hold me back from a promotion due to me taking time off for medical leave
I am an employee of 10 years. I was out for 7 weeks for back surgery. I returned to work, full time without limitations, in Feb. A position is coming open but I am being told that due to my time off I... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I am in the Information Systems field and I will be layed off by my employer due to lack of clients. I signed a non-compete clause. I am considering joining one of the clients due to the following rea... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Termed after almost 10 years in a comapny after a new boss on board and additional duties assigned
Hi...I was employed for 91/2 years with the ame company, always got great appraisals, etc. About 8 months ago I got a new boss along with new duties and during the traing time of the new duties I brok... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Work dates vs. Payroll check date question
Ohio's new minimum wage must be paid beginning January 1, 2007. Our first payroll will be dated January 8, 2007 but it will cover days worked 12/17/06 - 12/30/06. Should the new minimum wage be applie... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

non-compete agreement binding??
I am currently working for a healthcare company where I have signed a non-compete / confidentiality agreement. I have a job offer from another healthcare company but I am worried about the non-compete... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

workman's comp / termination / personal injury
While at work, I injured my shoulder during physical training, which 1 hour each shift is required by my employer. My employer is trying to terminate me for another matter, am I still eligible for wor... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

I'm 23 weeks pregnant with gestational diabetes some of the medicine I take makes me really sick wich prevents me from working my std was denied because they said my blood sugars were under control can I get fired if I still have notes from Doctor not to
I'm 23 weeks pregnant and got denied std can I get fired even though I have notes from Doctor not to return to work applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

I work for a franchise and my boss has never carried unemployment insurance and she has fired me can I apply for benefits and can she get legal action taken against her
I have worked for a private franchise owner for 3 years and paid by a check but no taxes are taken out and she has not ever had unemployment benefits she has fired another employee that has worked 28 ... applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

I'm 23 weeks pregnant with gestational diabetes some of the medicine I take makes me really sick wich prevents me from working my std was denied because they said my blood sugars were under control can I get fired if I still have notes from Doctor not to
I'm 23 weeks pregnant and got denied std can I get fired even though I have notes from Doctor not to return to work applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

FML running concurrently with short term disability
I work for a large company. I am currently out on short term disability, a benefit provided in part by my employer and in part my my own state disability payroll deductions. Can my employer require me... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Is it okay for a past employer send u a email to go in for a interview and it was a lie
Hi, is it okay for a past employer send me a email to go in for a interview when I arrive to the interview I talk to personal and he tells me I called u in because I wanted to meet u myself because on... applies to California  ·  0 answers

my husband is a disabled veteran and i had to get an FMLA at work to help take care of him and protect my job, I was told today that this is why i cant change shifts or move up and they are constantly talking about me i have been with this compant 15 yrs
I have an FMLA on my husband who is a disabled veteran and i was told i could not move up or change positions because of this and several others things, can they do this really need some information o... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

is a non compete agreement valid in mississippi after i been employed there for 4 years
i was given a non compete agreement to sign and i told my employer that i was getting my attorney to look over it before i signed it and not to come back to work until i signed it. ive been employed t... applies to Mississippi  ·  0 answers

I bought the business I was working for when the owner retired. We signed his contract which included and non compete on his end for 5 years or until I paid off the business. He is now coming out of retirement and is starting up another company doing one
The contract I signed for the sale of the business that his attorney wrote up clearly states he can not compete against me in any fields of service we provide. He is getting a divorce and has to retur... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

FMLA Violations
I know I have a FMLA case, with proof them falisfying hours as FML in order to fulfill their FML obligation, and "for my best interest, released me of any obligation to return to work." What is the FM... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Forced to start FMLA early
I am 33 weeks pregnant, and have been "forced" by my employer to start my FMLA early. Their reasoning is because I can't fulfill the requirements of my job description. When I asked to see a job descr... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I have been with my job for two years, Friday the main boss kicked a table at me and made aggressive body movements . This stemmed from a week long talk about the horrible manager who has been caught by me stealing hours from our servers instead of her te
I have never had an employer treat me like we were in a street fight I didn't know how to react so I said nothing and finished my shift and haven't returned partly due to anxiety and partly distress o... applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

No break given in ten hours results in hospital stay.
I have been made to work by my employer for up to ten hours with no break given. Two weeks ago this resulted in my ending up in the hospital with severe asthmatic bronchitis that was going into pneumo... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Overtime Exemption Qualifications
I recently read about a class action suit in California against Siebel Systems filed by a former Software Engineer: It seems quite odd to me ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Is it legal in MN to impose a Mandatory 15% Commission Hold Back
I work for a privately held MN company who's policy is to withhold 15% of earned commissions due its worldwide salesforce with balance paid on final year end check, with no interest. Its stated that i... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Hey there, what can I do about a conpany trying to fire me for speaking up about local laws that are in place but they continue to break them? And trying to force me to break the law?
My boss has continuously made us flyer in the san marcos area without a permit, along with scheduling us for super late night shifts to flyer competitors. We work for an appartment management company.... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

severance pay and age discriminations
5 employees were laid off for budget cuts not for work performance. All are 58 years and older. It appears may subcontract our positions to younger employees. No one was let go for cause. Also it ther... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Legally is there anything I can do when a fellow employee is giving work information to my ex?
My ex moved a woman he met twice into our home as my kids and I were moving out. We are 29months into a divorce. His girlfriend has 36 criminal charges in her home state over 11 years. She has been ca... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

not sure how to handle this situation.
A total misunderstanding at work took place when an hourly manager reported that I disrespected her, but I did no such thing, she then convinced a salaried manager that I did though, and this led to t... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

I work at a state of NJ institution in a medical practice. This institution has decided to no longer fund the practice and our employment will soon end ( no date as yet announced) a local hospital will be taking over the practice. We have been told “eve
Medical Practice being turned over to hospital told we have to accept jobs and unemployment will be denied if we don’t accept. applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Is this something I can sue for?
My boss accused me of stealing money from work last night and come to find out the money that was missing from my drawer was found in my managers pocket. My boss and one of the shift leaders were both... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Daughter was hired at a assisted living place at 16. Let go three days later stating policy is 18 and the system didn’t catch it.
She called me today and said I was let go. Picked her up talked to HR and they said flag was not working right in system so they didn’t catch it. Interviewer was told she was still in high school. T... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

I am an approved user of FMLA since November 2015 - I had a mental break at work and informed my boss that I had to leave under FMLA - now she is charging me with an AWOL day and that will lead to a letter of discipline in my file - can she do this.
My Boss is attempting to force me to mark a day as being AWOL on my federal time sheet when I clearly told her I was going to have to leave under FMLA - I went to see my union Rep - and they also sent... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

If I quit my job and return two days later will my benefits be reinstated as if I never left.
I worked for my current employer for 8 years. At which point I accepted an offer from another company which didn't work out. Two days after I left my current employer I returned. My previous vacation ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I was given a letter of release from my non compete giving me permission to seek employment even from competitors but now I'm being told that I'm in violation of said compete clause because I contacted a previous client. What gives
I signed a non compete and was recently fired. I was given a written release allowing me to work even with a competitor. Now my previous employer says that I'm in violation of such agreement because I... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

How negotiable is severance during massive layoffs? I am 6 months along in pregnancy.
I work for a very multi-billion dollar international organization. We are going through a 50% cut in my division and although I have an excellent performance record I may be laid off. Is there any his... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Fired for refusing a longer commute?
I would rather be laid off than fired due to the resulting benifits. If my company moves and creates a 30 minute longer commute for me (each way) can I be fired for refusing to work at the new locatio... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

i work in Rhode Island. If I get called in on my day off to give an insulin shot, does my employer have to pay me
I am a LPN. I was called in on my day off to give aninsulin shot. Does my employer have to pay me for my time? Also, can I be mandated to stay for an additional shift if the next shift calls out? applies to Rhode Island  ·  1 answer

Maternity leave extended
I have been on maternity leave for the past eight weeks. I was due to return back to work on August 22, 2005. I am not experiencing heart problems and I have Bells Palsy. My doctor sent documentation ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I am a Registered Nurse living and working in Michigan. I am employed by a nursing agency. This nursing agency offers full time benefits for employees working at least 36 hours a week (which I receive and pay into weekly) I am pre-scheduled for 3 days a w
All of the nurses in their homecare setting is being forced to work unscheduled wrk days without breaks or lunches uninterrupted away from the patient home. As much as 25 hours in one shift. applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

My Job was eliminated, but I'm not a superviror anymore and have the proof.
I was told today the my job as supervisor will be eliminated at the end of this month. I was taken of as supervisor last December. I went in my records on the company web site and it shows this to be ... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers


If there are 8 employees that were asked to stay with the company until a given date,
is it legal to give only 7 of the employees a retention bonus. My company is scheduled to close on 4/15 and I was the only employee not offered a retention bonus. In my opinion, I should have received... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can I get my job back?
I was terminated from an employer due to a recommendation from an EAP counselor, saying I was "non-compliant" with they had set up for me at my employer's request. What made me " non-compliant" to thi... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Can I file for unemployment if I was an independent contractor?
I was an independent contractor for a property management company in VA, but also do appraisals for my own company, but was just laid off for no reason other than they want to hire their son full time... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Being retaliated against due to sexual harassment claim
A few months ago I went to HR to discuss a situation with a co worker for sexual harassment. After they talked to the employee he went around telling my coworkers to watch themselves because I was aft... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Loss of vacation and holiday time from employer
I had previously earned 2 weeks paid vacation + 3 paid holidays from my employer. The store I work in was sold to another company and now I am told I no longer have any vacation time or holiday time b... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

I have not signed a non compete agreement
I am working near chicago, Illinois. I recently applied for a position in Indianapolis, Indiana. The company I applied to informed me that they have a non-compete agreement with the company I work for... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Is a non compete clause enforceable if I helped get the company in the specific business?
I have been in the business of selling to the federal govt. for 26 years. The company I currently work for just got into this business 3 years ago after I joined the company. I provided them with my b... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Is an offer letter legally binding?
I recently resigned from a company in MS after approx 9 months. In my offer letter at time of hire it stated I would forfeit unused vacation time if I work less than 1 year. Is that offer letter legal... applies to Mississippi  ·  0 answers

My son was working for a company when a job closer to home was hiring. The position would allow him to move up and weld (he went to school to weld) however he got laid off after two months on the new job. Will he be able to collect unemployment in PA
Worked in a mill for 6 months took job closer to home with possible work in his field then laid off after two months with 5 other guys applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

My son was working for a company when a job closer to home was hiring. The position would allow him to move up and weld (he went to school to weld) however he got laid off after two months on the new job. Will he be able to collect unemployment in PA
Worked in a mill for 6 months took job closer to home with possible work in his field then laid off after two months with 5 other guys applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

When I went to work 55 was the cutoff age for call. My department did't even have call. Our manager decided that we have to take call for her home department, and many of us are 60 or older. We don't feel safe driving at two in the morning, especially if
On call age was 55 when I signed on. I worked 11 years of straight nights and felt like I earned the right to have a day job. We are now being forced to take call for another department and many of us... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Should I sue?
I worked on a construction job site. I was told I would get paid 10/hr. and would be paid hourly. I worked a 28/32 hours in a week and had called my boss to let him know that I was snowed in two diffe... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

we have an employee who is on short term disability, can we lay him off? He has had excessive absenteeism in the past with no dr. excuse.
employee has been reprimanded numerous times in writing about excessive absenteeism. He now has filed for short term disability (not work related). Can we lay him off, we are an at will employer. applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Commission deduction
I work full commission. Product X carries a 6% commission rate. Product Y carries a 20% commission rate. My employer is saying if we don't sell a minimum number of Product X, they are deducting the co... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

Can an independent contractor be held to a non compete agreement?
I started working as an independent contractor for a house watch service. Over a year later the owner ask me to sign a non-compete form and did not give me a copy. I would like to work for another hom... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

i've been at my job for over two years, the only policy my employer ever advised me of regarding vacation time/pay was i had to accrue the time (1 week a year, after 1 year's work) prior to being able to take vacation time. Over the past year, I have take
in the past he has allowed me to use vacation time as needed, i.e. advise him when i called in that i needed to take the day off. applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

My employer caught me leaving work, and falsifying my timcard for hours worked. Can they dock my pay from previous paycheck where i falsified my time card?
I am wait to get my final check. They caught me working 18 hours and i reported 80 on my time card. Can they do that even if its true and they have it on camera? They are also telling me they are not ... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

Will a non-compete agreement be valid after one year of employment?
I have been employed with this company for over a year and I have been instructed to sign a non-compete agreement. What are my rights and will it still be considered valid in Texas? The spa owner also... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

My employer caught me leaving work, and falsifying my timcard for hours worked. Can they dock my pay from previous paycheck where i falsified my time card?
I am wait to get my final check. They caught me working 18 hours and i reported 80 on my time card. Can they do that even if its true and they have it on camera? They are also telling me they are not ... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

My boss is going through a manic episode. Do I have any legal recourse to stop the abuse?
My boss is going through a manic episode - I think she has bi-polar disease. She is abusive and tells our customers that I, as the office assistant, am making mistakes when anything goes wrong. Most m... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

My employer erased my PTO
I live in Illinois but work for an online institution put of California. My employer merged with another and gave us two options. Either have our PTO roll over to this year with the new company, or ha... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Vacation time & demotion
When I hit my year my at my job, I earned 1 week of vacation time. Over the past few weeks, I had to miss work on a couple occasions because of illness. Due to the missed hours, my employer decided to... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Can a former employer hold me to a non compete
I worked for former empoyer for 2 1/2 years prior to that i worked in the same industry for 18 years. I was a salaried employee in production. They gave me a 15 % paycut near the end of my employement... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

buisiness advice, terminating unfair hire legally
An employee (manager/bookkeeper) that's worked for me for about three years now just recently quit, but before she did she hired a new girl w/ a gauranteed 40+ hours a week overtime $15 an hour. I hav... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Under the current DOT drug testing guidelines , is it it illegal for the MRO(medical review officer) to demand you to stop taking your Rx medicine?
I was told by the MRO " I can't clear your drug screen until I have a letter from your Dr. that states you will no longer Rx narcotics , and I (the employee) will no longer take any Rx medication pres... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Non-compete agreement for moonlighting employees
We have several managers and staff employees that perform the same work for us as they do when they "moonlight" for our competitors(ie, bartend, banquet server, or waiter). Can we limit this moonlight... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Abuse at work.
Recently, due to the actions of a slick office politician, my employer laid me off two months ago. This individual made inspiring speeches to the staff about how everyone was going have a role in the ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My employer is requiring me to fill out a W-9 in order to receive installments of severance pay as a result of employee separation. Which box do I fill out on Line 3 -
I was separated from my company due to lack of work. I was asked to sign a General Release in exchange for consideration in the form of severance pay to be paid in 4 equal installments over a prescrib... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

TOA (Time Off Accrued) for Part Time Employee
I live in California and I work part time and my paycheck I accrued 120 hours of TOA (Time Off Accrued). I asked my employer if I could use it and she said it was a mistake and should have not gotten ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

If compnay not registered in IL, can they enforce Non compete?
My question involves employment and labor law for the state of: IL and NJ I Work in IL at a client place through a vendor from IL since June 2008. I am employee of a company based in NJ. this company ... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

I am a current supervisor at my job I gave my employer a two week notice and since then they're telling me that they're going to demote me and cut my pay for my two week notice is this legal and do I have any recourse to fight this
I work at a mail distribution center for UPS I am a shift supervisorI gave a two week notice and the very next day I was demoted and my pay was cut I would like to know if this is legal and if not wha... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

FMLA issues
My wife was on FMLA leave and was set to come back. She called before her leave was over and was told her job was no longer available. The only thing she could come back to was something in a differen... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Vehicle use for employment
I have a maintenance job that involves travel. The company I work for provides a vehicle but, there are rumors that they may be getting rid of these vehicles. When I applied for this job 6 years ago, ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

arbitration agreements
Hi I am Employed at a major Electronics company. I have been working here for about a 1 1/2 years and on Thursday June 20th 2002 at 11:56am I was called into my managers office at the City of Industry... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Salary /Overtime?
I work for a national franchie restaurants as a salary manager. The operations guidelines call for a min 45 and a max of 55 hours per week,but I have been working 60 to 70 hours per week. I don't thin... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Compensation For Declining Healthcare Plan
The company I work for compensates several male employees who do not choose to participate in the medical insurance plan at a rate of $2 per hour (they are covered under their spouse's plans). I and a... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I complained to hr in regards to feeling racially descriminated but had alsomput in my 2 weeks. I informed them I would take my two weeks back if things were resolved and they declined. I still speak to other employees and have been informed that another
since i no longer work there is my accusation invalid or has it been proven right due to these other employees being allowed to stay? My supervisor also wrote a email to hr begging them to keep me due... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

How do I get my vacation pay out after termination if there is a discrepancy?
At my job, I get a vacation check for 3 weeks of vacation payed out to me at the end of each year. When I asked, my boss said if I left the company before my anniversary date that I would get my vacat... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

My employer is relocating more than an hour from my house. I need to be home at a certain time for my kids. Can i collect unemployment? I would not have taken a job thatvfar away.
I live in commack, ny and currently commute to plainview. The company i work for went bankrupt and was taken over. The new company is moving my current office over an hour from my house. I noe comkute... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can a company decide to stop paying out accrued vacation time?
This was a benefit when I was hired but the company is going to stop paying out in two months. They have not publicly announced this change yet, so there will be no time to use accrued vacation. The n... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I am given 5 points to use as PTO. Yet if i deplete those 5 within a year I am fired. Isnt this double jeopardy? The points are not annual they renew as of the date you used them.
I was given 5 points when I was hired in at my employer. I am not given new points annually nor are they renewed annually. When the date I was off of work ex: 12/3/18, comes around the point I used wi... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

What recourse does an emp with maxed PTO accrual have when the company will not grant PTO requests?
I work in Nevada and have maxed out my PTO accrual, and my company has said they will not approve any PTO requests for the next 60 days, I will lose approx. 30 hours of accruals, what is my recourse? applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Can an employer make me sign an employee hand book agreement after 6 months on the job and make it retroactive?
My boss produced an employee handbook after she had me get licensed and work 6 months. She is now demanding that I sign her handbook. In the handbook, it stipulates that employees reimburse her for al... applies to West Virginia  ·  0 answers

I signed up for and have used employers tuition reimbursement program for a year and a half. When reviewing the contract it states that leaving prior to two years after last payment requires tuition to be paid back in accordance with Wisconsin laws. If I
I signed a form that called out Wisconsin laws for tuition reimbursement. I work at a facility in Illinois. Does Wisconsin law still apply? Company is based out of Wisconsin, applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Can I sue a company posting job ads discriminating by age? Ie: looking for a software developer under 30 years of age
I recently fell on a job posting that seemed perfect. An employer offering a decent salary and work position. The only hiccup, is that they claim to be looking for a person under 30 years of age (for ... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Lay-off and 2 year non-compete agreement
I work for a large chemical company and signed a non-compete clause which forbids me from working for ANY other company in any business in which my current company does business/sells product for 2 ye... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

after drawing unemployment, took job for one week. Can I still continue my unemployment that i had.
I was drawing unemployment after being laid off oilfield job. My wife and I just took a job (joint- husband/wife job as apt manager) but she can not handle it emotionally. So I must terminate my emplo... applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

Sexual Discrimation, Retaliation, Emotion Distress
Good Morning, I work for a Fortune 500 Company located in Menlo Park, California. Last September I transferred into our R&D organization to define a strategy for a fledging market. My boss, what I cal... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Kentucky Non Solicitation enforcement between contractor and subcontractor
Contractor A had a contract to provide services to Customer B. I do work with Contractor A as a sub contractor. Contractor A has lost contract with Customer B do to no fault of mine. Since Contractor ... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

Hi i recently about a month ago filed a EEO on my supervisor for harrassment in the workplace. Thats been about a month and a half ago, now She's retaliating against me by placing me in heavier work areas and she recently changed my shift to a conflicting
Im in the process of filing a 2nd EEO on my supervisor. She's also tampering with my hours by now giving me my annual leave hours that the MDO manager requested for her to do. Its bad and i feel like ... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Baby Bonding in South Carolina
If I have not taken the full 12 weeks of FMLA, can I use the remaining weeks for "care for a newborn" all at once at a later date if it's within the first 12 months following birth? For example, I too... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

is it legal for my employer to stalk me when i reported sexual harassment?
I reported verbal and sexual harassment and i think they targeted me for retaliation. I have gone places and someone will randomly ask if i was at certain places. I think they have employed people to ... applies to Kentucky  ·  1 answer

Exempt employee wondering if I should have been non-exempt?
I was a insurance sales manager for the Auto Club of Southern California for 2 years. We were exempt employees, but we were required to do non-exempt employee work such as selling policies, servicing ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Do I have to move because of a non-compete
3yrs ago I partnered with an individual and we created a company together. Since then, I've decided to go on my own. Our shareholders agreement contains a non-compete agreement that states that I cann... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Forfeiture agreement in California
I signed a forfeiture agreement that accelerated my stock vesting and required me to stay with the company for a couple of years. My family is sick and because of COVID 19 we can't hire a baby sitter ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

i was recorded at work without my knowledge my boss shows the video to my colleagues
video of me was taken without my knowledge doing something embarrassing. I found out my boss shows the video to my colleagues and laughs about it. applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

No information on my fmla time before they "vollentarily" resigned me
I was never informed how my company calculated my fmla leave until now when I had to take it due to a bulging disc and a tumor in my head. They tried to tell me I vollentarily resigned because I was n... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

How can they tell me no matter where I work and get laid off for the next year I can
I took the buyout Jan. 1 2007 Since then I have been employed with company and worked over 7 months and was laid off..I applied for Unemployment and was paid for 4 weeks and now Unemployment is saying... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

was injured on the job, now old employer is telling potential employers i left on bad terms
I was injured on the job and required surgery, after four years and legal battles i am finally able to return to work. I have been trying to get a job for over three months and have had several interv... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Is a job change legal when an employee is out on short term medical leave
I was out on medical leave for 6 weeks(legionelle pneumonia). Coming back to work I am told that all accounts and people who reported to me have all been removed. only explanation is they did not want... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Is claiming to work when you did not in Oregon unemployment fraud
A person claims to have been self-employed for a certain amount of time. The person was not. The person claimed to be an independent contractor that worked for a company but did not. The company has n... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Can my husband be fired for taking me to my doctor appointments?
I am 36 weeks pregnant and so far my husband has taken four seperate days off from work to take me to my appointments as I have no one else to take me and I can't drive. I have four more appointments ... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Can my company change the term of my non-compete without any benefit or consideration
I work as a radio DJ in Alabama and I have a non-compete clause in my contract of 4 months. Recently my employer contacted me and told me that the corporate office has decided that all contracts for "... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

Wrongful termination
I was terminated from my position as an Instalaltion Manager on 9/5/06. This was upon return from a scheduled vacation. Seven days prior to my vacation, I had an extreme anxiety attack at work brought... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

CA employment law: coworker was allowed to clean up my cluttered desk with manager approval.
Admittedly, my desk was horrendously cluttered [but not a health, life, and safety violation]. It does not directly affect any other coworker desks or affect my productivity. In fact, my desk situatio... applies to California  ·  0 answers

What recourse to I have; been falsely accused of theft.
Work as a Home Health aide. Saw patient on Friday, following Thursday, patient reported that I stole her prescriptions. In the intervening time, several other Aides visited the patient, as did nurses,... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Is this an example of discrimination?
I was hired by a company November 1 2010. Everything was going well until April when the company conducted it's annual audio gram. Upon seeing the results of it they referred me to my doctor who regul... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

FMLA retaliation/perceived disability/hostile work environment/intentional infliction of emot stress
Hi! I have an ongoing problem w/ my employer, a medium-sized city in northeast Ohio. I have been using FMLA every once in a while for the last few years due to a depression condition. All of my abscen... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Current company being purchased - have to go through re-hire
I have worked for the same company for 16 years - the company is being purchased by a larger company - we are technically promised to have a job there - each one has to go through the re-hire process.... applies to California  ·  2 answers

My employer reduced my hours which breaches my employment agreement
My employer notified me that they could no longer pay me for full time work effective immediately, which breaches my employment agreement. They offered a significantly reduced hour option. If I do not... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Do I have a case?
I recently had surgery at the hospital I work for. A nurse in the room taking care of me apparently called my job and started talking to the office nurse about my case. When I brought up the privacy l... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Withholding 100% of my pay!
Employer over paid me by $29,000 gross this year. They have stated that I either pay 100% of net amount in 7 days or they will withhold 100% of my pay util they recoup the gross amount. Is it legal fo... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

Is there anyway to get a cash out for accrued sick time when leaving a big company in Florida?
I work for a top insurance company I’m Florida. I am leaving to go to another company. Is there anyway to get compensated for my sick time that I accrue? They already have a policy to compensate for... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

I'm on Major Medical Leave. Can my employer contact my provider and ask personal questions about my condition?
I"m on major medical leave due to work-related stress. Can my boss contact my provider and ask personal questions about my treatment? applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

I work for a non profit organization as an at will employee- We earn Paid Time Off and its put in a bank.. now ed is trying to take my almost 400 hours and say only 80 will roll over next year.. i dont get to use this time because im always told its not a
I am going to loose my paid time off bank of almost 400 hours because ed said just about two weeks ago that begin of year we will only be able to carry 80 hours of unused time can she do this?? applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

my employer recently told me that if I make a mistake in my paperwork I will be charged $50. Is that leagal?
I work for a car dealership and recently they told us for every mistake we make in our paperwork we would be charged $50. applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

A co worker of mine told me today she overheard 3 managers discussing my FMLA and a Dr's note on the floor today, loud enough that my co worker now knows I'm on FMLA
I was off work today I am on FMLA for intermittent use due to back problems associated with neurological problems. My co worker txt me today and said "I heard your name, fmla and something about a Dr'... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

my company not releasing me even after 3 months of notice served
Hi, I work for a Indian company Wipro Technologies. When I came to US they asked me to sign in a bond for employement in India that I will come back to India and will serve 6 months notice in india be... applies to California  ·  0 answers

My xemployer sent out accusations by phone and emails and now I cannot find a job in our area and the community has turned their back on me and my family. I have confronted people about what I am being accused of and no one will tell. Do I have a right to
my xemployer took away all my clients at work and when I asked what I am being accused of they denied any accusations. But when I told him that I knew about the accusations he wanted to know who told ... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

I was suspended pending judicial verdict i entitled to all my back pay ?
Work fof state of illinois ..suspended without pay pending judicial verdict ...cade dropped i get back pay applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

If an employer sends an employee to training are they required to pay for travel time
I was required to go to training in Denver which is 55 miles from my normal work station is my employer required to pay travel time. applies to Colorado  ·  2 answers

Does the sale of a company continue the non-compete agreement?
I work as an independent contractor for a company. I signed a non-compete agreement with the owner. The company has now been sold to another LLC. Is the agreement still valid or will the new owner hav... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I was let go due to lack of work during this virus issue. I was given 80 PTO at time of hire, I did not earn these hours. I have 67 hrs left, Is that supposed to be paid out to me?
I was hired on Feb 17th and recently was l hours at time of hire. My first week I was very sick and used 13 hrs. I have 67 left. Am I supposed to be paid out for that time? Thanks applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

What do I do if a previous employer is refusing to give me my CPR certification card?
I work in childcare and my previous employer provided my CPR certification class with the stipulation that it if you quit it comes out of your paycheck. They are now refusing to give me my card, even ... applies to Alaska  ·  0 answers

Can I get FMLA for my three month old son?
My one year at my job is coming up in March so my eligibility for FMLA is up.I had my now three month old son in November so I wasn't eligible for fmla. Now that my one year is coming up can I still a... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can I get FMLA for my three month old son?
My one year at my job is coming up in March so my eligibility for FMLA is up.I had my now three month old son in November so I wasn't eligible for fmla. Now that my one year is coming up can I still a... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Can my boss make me work against doctors orders? Can he fire me but not others for the same reasons?
I have been working where I'm working for 5 years, with CVS Pharmacy. I've transferred twice, making 3 stores that I've worked at. I'm a shift supervisor. I have two kids. Just recently, I've been hav... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Clarification on employment contract regarding terms of notice.
I am employed by a company in Massachusetts. Upon being hired, I had to sign a contract obligating me to give 4 weeks of notice before my date of resignation. I have two questions based off of this ag... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Can a person be justly fired after being defamated by their supervisor?
I worked for a healthcare facility for three years, and was loved for my work by the residents in my care as well as my peers. Unfortunately, my supervisor didn't like me and continued to spread false... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Hello I have worked at a company for 7 years which has a union. The company gives out 10 vacation days for 1,000 of work per year, one of those vacation days is called an emergency vacation day. I had to use mine per doctors request the other day and now
I saw the doctor the day I used my emergency call off vacation and am scheduled for a stress test the following week. But they say I need a doctors excuse and I don't have one applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

Would I need to pay back relocation assistance if I give notice before the end of contract?
I received relocation assistance from my current company. The contract states I will work 18 months from start date. I would like to leave as soon as my 18 months is up. Is it considered quitting befo... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I found out i am currently being investigated by HR for an incident that was brought up, from a coworker, 5 years ago, while they were being questioned for a while seperate issue. Is there restrictions on how far back they can investigate an issue, and es
I work for Clark County, and I was called in about a month ago, about a current harassing issue that is going on. During the investigation, my other coworkers were brought in for questioning as well. ... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

I work in Florida, been with the company 13 years and my annual pto including sick time is now 248 hours. Can my employer cut back my pto allowance starting next year? Is there any minimum they cannot go below?
Employed full time in Florida. Pto allowance has been determined by company handbook policy for the 13 years I've worked for this employer. applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Can you be denied overtime working for two related companies.
I work for a catering company that recently partially split in to a catering division and a hotel catering division. The owner of the hotel catering side is a part owner of the main division, the staf... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I put in a 2-week resignation and after leaving the principal- manager claimed that there were computer charger cords missing (2) and some paperwork which she admitted that I manage paperwork very well. The principal is very disappointed that I resigned,
Left charter school to work at public school. I gave 2 week notice. On the last day, I left at dismissal time and didn't meet with the principal because I knew she was upset that I was leaving and was... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

My employer recently asked me to sign a revised non-compete clause. It changed from 'not working for a competitor' to 'not working for any firm that provides marketing services' within the industry I'... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

In live in colorado, is it legal for my employer to take me off the schedule without firing me or a formal suspension of sum sort?
I came in to work and was sent home for being late. The next day I was taken off the schedule. I asked my manager why and was told I needed to speak to the GM who is out of town for 2 weeks. He said I... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Can you be demotion without any written or verbal warning?
I've been harrased and out in a to stop environment because I've complained about bugs crawling in a bathroom. I've also been told who I can and can't talk name was slandered by adminst... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I been accused of Sexual Harassment but didn't do it. What kind of rights do i have. I have been made to sign this paper basically saying i did it but i didn't just trying to keep my job and digitty.
I was accused of harassment in the work place but i never harassed any one sexually or other wise but i have been accused and force to sign i paper basically saying i did without been notified ahead t... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Can my employer make me pay back my used PTO.
I work for a company that has a policy, if you leave before a year you have to pay back any used PTO. Since we dont get holidays I will have to pay back the PTO I used for the jewish holidays etc. I a... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

I've worked for the same company for years. Last few years my paychecks keep bouncing and aren't made right for a week. If I quit would I be eligible for unemployment
Long term employment with a family owned furniture factory. I'm one of their best workers. When I stayed home for three days to care for my wife, I was given a 3 dollar raise immediately because the w... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Forcing a non-compete
Hello, I currently work for a Technical Staffing Firm which I joined in February 2004. At the time I started with them I signed a one-page non-compete. Just last week (April 2008, 4 years later) I hav... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Will somebody help file an Unfair Labor Practice with the Ohio State Employees Relations Board?
Please Respond Privately. Last month my Union distributed our new contract. The terms and conditions surrounding work hours are significantly different than what the Union Membership voted on. I am no... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I start working Aug. 30 the people there received there check Aug. 28 I didn't get my first check until Sept. 27 and she only paid me for a week. That is 3 days from a whole month. My boss keep blaming it on the system that she uses. When I went to talk t
This is her mother helping her write this. And she also stated that if she feel like this job is to hard for her she just need to fine somewhere else to go. She just wanted to get paid what she work. ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Constant stress in the workplace caused by manager who won't manage
I work for a large University in Michigan as a non-union, at will employee. Very long story short, my immediate supervisor is a manager who doesn't usually manage. He appears to put a desire to be lik... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

I work for a company that is based out of Texas. I was told in August 2019 that my job was being elimated do to going overseas. We were given a severance letters with details. I have since found out that this company filed CH 11 two weeks prior to getting
If a company filed chapter 11 and offers you severance is their a recourse if that company choses not to pay your severance to you? If I don't get my severance do I have any legal recourse to have the... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

Can an employer revoke vacation time after it has been earned?
My mother-inlaw works in Mesa, AZ as a nurse practitioner for a family practice medical office. She has been employed there for 17 years. She has been earning vacation time the same way and at the sam... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

My co workers husband was diagnosed with Colon cancer. She was on FMLA. She sent emails to our manager, supervisor and GM. Our manager told her she could not reapply and she needed her here at work. Can she reapply for FMLA?
My coworker has been out since july with her own illness and at the same time her husband got sick and was placed in the hospital for a couple of months. He was later diagnosed with stage 3 colon canc... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I have a signed contract from my employer to pay six months severance pay. They are now refusing to honor the contract. What can I do
I have a signed contract stating that "If ********* changes ownership or ceases to do operate you will receive six months severance." Effective today he laid off myself (Service Manager) and 3 of my T... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Got in scooter accident on way to work last week...just entering parking access road..Sterring malfunction and tire lost all air, plus it was raining out and I had had tire issues all week I had just tried fixing myself...I hadnt clocked in was outside lo
Forced to submit to drug test after having scooter accident in parking lot d/t steering malfunction and tire leaking air.. applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

i am a temp employee, i was put in a job that i enjoy that i am good at and i have a lot of people including the management have went to bat in my behalf to try to help me keep my job, but they are ending my assignment and i cannot get hired on no matter
i am a felon. i have been dealing with this since 2009 and the question was if i have been convicted in last 5 years. i said no and honestly i meant no because i was sure it had been longer than that.... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

I just found out that I am "ineligible for rehire" after an industrial leave. What are my options?
Hi. I was employed with a national Health Care Organization for over 13 years, before sustaining an industrial injury. My leave ran out before I was able to return to work, thus my employment with the... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can a non-compete be enforced if I have been demoted?
I originally signed a non-compete when I was involved in the Engineering department and had almost daily contact with customers and was very involved with development of pricing strategy and process d... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

What to do? I quite left last day was the 16th nobody said nothing. Wrote notice same day handed it in and made it my last day now weeks later there coming back and saying I’m terminated. My job wanted to meet with me but I quite my job handed in notice
I quite handed notice/badges in filled out clearance sheet now weeks later there turning around saying I’m terminated but I don’t work there I quite. applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

the business that i have worked with for nearly ten years is selling to new owners who do not want to keep management (me). Can i collect unemployment now or do i wait till they lay me off?
i have been a manager at the hotel i work at for 9 years. they owners are selling and the new owners said they do not want to keep management because they are bringing in their own. Can i collect now?... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

The small medical office I work for is being bought by a larger hospital system and we will become employees of the hospital. The hospital has informed us that although we will keep our same jobs at the office with the same providers, they are considering
Can hospital system who bought out our medical office make us new employees and take away our seniority and extra vacation time? Many of us have been here for 10 + years. applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

I am a teacher at a tribal school. I gave my thirty day notice and my school said they will hold me to my contract which has a clause that says they can hold me past my thirty day notice until they find a suitable replacement for my position. Can they do
I work for a tribal grant school as a certified teacher applies to New Mexico  ·  0 answers

Back in March of 2016 I was demoted from a general manager to a shift lead. I called my boss to inform her my grandmother had passed away. I asked her how does this work? Do I need to take vacation? She responded no you don't need to take vacation. You ha
March 2016 I was denoted from a general manager to shift lead. Grandmother passed away. I called my boss to inform her. I asked her if I needed to take vacation, how does this work? She said no you do... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Sales Goals
I work for a hotel that transitioned management companies within the last year. The best the mid-size hotel has ever performed in a given year was $8 million. The goals this year are based on booking ... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

I am a contractor assigned to work at an investment firm. Can the investment firm demand that I give them my personal information about my IRA?
I am working as a contractor at an investment firm. I am paid by another company. They are requesting information regarding my personal investments (My account and current statement) for an IRA that t... applies to New Mexico  ·  0 answers

Can my employer force me to leave early to get rid of overtime hours?
I start early and work late. My boss makes me leave early to get rid of my overtime hours. So instead of 5 hours of overtime, I'll end up with my regular 40 hours and maybe an hour or 2 of OT applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

must I claim sales from a website I created on umenployment?
I live in Colorado and opend an on-line LLC retail store as I continue looking for permanent work. I used $12,000 from personal savings to buy inventory for the store. If I make a sale, must I report ... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

terminated with a lie
I was recently fired and given a reason (I now have a supporting email that is my proof) that was a lie. Exactly a week before this happened, I was subjected to a formal talking to that I felt was unf... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My employer gave me a check for the hours I worked&severance pay,then canceled it .Can they do that?
I was asked to leave the company and I was told I would be given my last check, plus 2 weeks severance pay. Once I left and received the check, they canceled the check without reason (It had regular w... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

in march of 2015 i tore my miniscus at work and my employer paid for my surgery through workmans comp and made me a settlement offer which i have not yet accepted. Now i have hurt my knee again and am currently going to the nurses office of a morning befo
1st injury 2015, not come to a settlement with employer yet New injury Feb 2016 same knee and same kind of injury, torn miniscus can i settle the first injury case now or will it become one with the n... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

The company i work for offered raise in liue of perdeim but wage raise is actually a pay cut also when they do pay perdeim its only for days wkd i live in ohio and so far this yr have wkd in north and south dakota iowa and minn is not paying perdeim legal
I wk out of state i live in yr round is company supposed to pay perdeim for every day away from home due to wk? applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I am on intermittent FMLA. I have had great reviews and never a problem at work. I was written up by my boss for petty things he's requiring me to copy him in all emails I'm not being treated as I was prior to FMLA. My 30 day performance write up has pass
Needed to go on FMLA due to anxiety and depression. Had to wait because my boss removed all of my job responsibilities so I no longer had a job description. This caused trouble for my manager for doin... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

If the company is under new ownership, is the non-compete agreement signed previously still valid?
I signed a non-compete agreementand the ownership changed 4 years later. The previous owner is still the acting President but not the majority owner. Work conditions have changed, the business is decl... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

1 week after layoff, still not allowed to come for personal property
The company site in California went through massive layoff a week ago, and we were given little time to pack up. I was told to come back for the rest of my property, and an off-site HR person tries to... applies to California  ·  0 answers

non compete as an independent contractor
dear mel, I had an agreement with a autoglass replacement co. in az, not as an employee but i was an independent contractor or as they called it a licensee. in the agrement we had there was a non comp... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Can an employer lower wages for work already performed?
I am paid on the last day of the month. On January 31, 2009, I was told that my check for that month would be 10% less, due to the company's poor sales. I had already worked the full month expecting t... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

I was accused of using drugs there was a bad conflicting test result so re took test and passed.... I've been suspended for two weeks and all my co workers at work knows what is going on before I do... Do I have a defamatory case here
A coworker went to hr said I was on drugs I got pulled up front took to hospital given a urine test then blood test... They said some leakage occurred and specimen wasn't usable so I took another test... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

My company is forcing me to do unethical things, can I quit and receive unemployment benefits.
I work for a school. They have been accepting federal student loans for students. Instead of returning the overage, they have been paying employee's and bills and then bouncing the stipend checks writ... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Can I not be hired back if I got unemployment and was eligible for rehire
I was fired because of another co worker that I begged my manager not to put on my shift because she didn't like to work they let the hole third shift go I had no write ups, violations or customer com... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

I am a nurse in the state of Va. I work full time in a local hospital. I am also an hourly employee. Can my hours be cut on a weekly basis without notice?
Can my hours be cut without notice as an hourly employee (full time)? applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

I am on SDI but my employer is stating they have to approve my SDI, but I have been off work since January 27, 2016 and I am receiving SDI. I'm not sure what it is they need to approve
If I am approved for SDI and my doctor has me off what is that my employer needs to approve? I have been asking for Company Policy of the Company letterhead but nothing is stating what they need to ap... applies to California  ·  0 answers

If you are working for a company and you use your vacation day do they have to pay you for it? It is paid vacation days.
I work for a company and I have earned my paid vacation time. They are trying to stop overtime. They told me if I get overtime they will not pay me when I use my vacation time. Is that legal? applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Do you have to pay all exempt employees overtime?
Most of the employees at my work are considered "exempt" from overtime. If some of the exempt employees are paid overtime, while the rest of us are not paid overtime, is there a law that prevents the ... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Can a pay cut invalidate relocation repayment agreement?
The company I work for is in financial trouble. I was paid relocation when I took the position with a 24 month prorated payback period. SInce i started the company has cut my compensation. Can this co... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

I relocated from Texas to Oregon 1300 miles to work at a hospital. I was completing my 90 day probation period when i was terminated. I have 2 questions:1. Can I claim unemployment even though I was terminated? 2. Is it true that employer should have paye
Is it true that since i had relocated 1300 miles away from home and was terminated 3 days before my 90 day probationary period, employee should have payed me for 6 months after termination due to relo... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Lunch break and timecards
I am a nurse in a assisted living. I am told not to clock out at lunch. I have to carry a walkie talkie and answer questions at lunch. My time sheets are attached to my check and I can't get it until ... applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

Can they refuse intermitent leave because they have no part time jobs?
My daughter has developed pregnancy anemia in her seventh month of pregnancy. Her doctor prescribed a reduced work day "no more than six hours per day. She is under FMLA for her doctors visits already... applies to Michigan  ·  1 answer

Can a daycare require its employees to work overtime for straight pay weekly?
I'm not sure of what the annual gross for the company is and I know a little about the labor laws. The owners do not pay any of their hourly employees overtime for hours over 40 hours. Is this legal f... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Can they refuse intermitent leave because they have no part time jobs?
My daughter has developed pregnancy anemia in her seventh month of pregnancy. Her doctor prescribed a reduced work day "no more than six hours per day. She is under FMLA for her doctors visits already... applies to Michigan  ·  1 answer

Enforcing a Non-Compete Agreement
My previous employer (Job 'A') is a distributor of building materials where I worked as a sales representative. I am planning on going to work for one of my customers (Job 'B') who are licensed contra... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Afraid to stand up in fear of losing my job.
Hi, I have a situation. I'm a non exempt salary employee. The owner of the company in my opinion is discriminating. He is allowing an hourly person to make up lost hours before during lunch and after ... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

what is wrongful discharge? and what happens when a union wont fight it?
since when is it contractually legal for a companY that is bound by a union contract to punish employees for breaking minor rules that lead up to and including termination, while letting others get aw... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

If my drug screen results are negative does my employer have to pay for the forced time off?
Im the sole provider for a family of five and I was forced to take time off from work by my employer until results came back from a drug screen. Im not being paid for the time off which substantially ... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

maternity leave
I am pregnant and beginning to plan for my maternity leave. I was planning to use all my sick time. My employer is saying that they have a policy saying you can only use 5 days of sick time for childb... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

my employer just demoted due to me because I can't fulfill one of the job duties due to medication. They also gave me a pay cut, can the employer do this? State of Florida Resident
I was out on FMLA and returned back to work and I provided doctor notes that stated I could not be oncall due to the medication and the side affects today my employer came in and told me that I would ... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

do i have a case?
August 11, 2018 -  After purchasing a snack from the Buffeteria due to not being allowed enough time for a 30 minute break, I witnessed two employees from our organization sitting in the Buffeteria. ... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Is a verbal agreement between a CEO and an employee of the company binding?
I am on an international training that will benefit the company. I discussed it with my CEO severally and he agreed to pay me a portion of my salary and for me to work part time. Also, he asked me to ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I was recently informed that my position was eliminated and was offered severance pay. I requested for money to be put into my 401k for which my employer said they would not. Are they legally required to do so in ca if employee requests.
I work for a hospital. My position has been eliminated and i was offered severance which will be paid lump sum. I have worked here for 27 years I asked for some of the money to be putinto 401k to redu... applies to California  ·  1 answer

How do I report a illegal timesheet edit without disclosing my identity?
Due to the fact my shift ends during lunch time, I never get off on time however, I've recently noticed that my time sheets have been edited to show that I'm clocking out on time. When management was ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I am a housekeeping supervisor at a mall in georgia i have been working here since i was 16 now i am 31. June 1st we went under a new contract i was 4 1/2 months pregnant. I am now 6 months pregnant with twins and my manager says he is demoting me and cut
My new manager states that he is demoting me and taking my pay from $11hr to $9 and cutting my hours and only 4 me 2 work 4 hours a day just to clean the offices and go home. I am a supervisor in hous... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Grounds to sue
Privately held company Case Description I was fired due to violating attendance policy.. Employer used dates that I was at work...used dates I was out with a doctor's note, in my point total...altered... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

can an employer dock your pay for a no call no show in New York?
I told my employer that I couldn't not show up to work two weeks prior to the day I could not show up...on the day in questioning, they kept trying to convince me to come in, but I told them I couldn'... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Am i a case of Discr
My former employer is a privately owned convenience store with 5 (going on 6) Gast stations+A tire shop+ A Comfort Inn; all of which have different business licensing but are ultimately the same compa... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Points system woes
We work under the points system at my job (15 points and you're fired). The company has a policy not to disclose to anyone the number of points they have accumulated until they recieve a write-up for ... applies to Alabama  ·  1 answer

How can I determine that my new employer is truly a competitor of my old employer?
There is only one product offered by my old employer that could be considered a competitive product. Both use the same sales channels. However, I have worked for my old employer on two separate occasi... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I was WFRd from a large company. Can they legally bar me from an open Agency Contractor req?
I was part of a large WFR at a fortune 50 company. Because I'm over 50 it was 'automatically' coded as early retirement. Someone I used to work for has a need for an agency contractor in an entirely d... applies to Idaho  ·  0 answers

Severance Pay
My company is relocating to California and my job has been eliminated. I have been employed by this company for 12 1/2 years and have been offered 1 month severance pay. For this I have to train my bo... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Can your supervisor announce your termination to all staff before you are notified even if the emplo
You are transferred from one office to the other to clean up mess. The job is performed above satisfaction and you have received exceptional performance reviews. Then directors are re-assigned. New on... applies to District of Columbia  ·  0 answers

i was falsly accused of a no call no show. i was never given a write up or waning or a discharge paper to sign with any reason at all i recieved information from unemployment that they where sent a letter from my employer that said i was fired for no call
the months before covid where really hard for this on the border location they cut every ones hours and we had to fight for customers to be sat at our tables as the 3 males servers that had senority w... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Duties removed and deemed unqualified
I work for a large accounting firm in Maryland. I started in March of 2004. Less than 60 days ago I received a wonderful review, salary increase and a large bonus for all the work I had done over the ... applies to Maryland  ·  1 answer

Accountant forced my employer to replace me with his own person
I have had apart time bookkeeping job for the past 2 1/2 years. I have never had any complaints about my job perforamce. Even yesterday as my Boss explained to me that his Accountant will not do his T... applies to Wisconsin  ·  2 answers

can an employer take earned vacation away if they over paid on personal days the year before.
I work for a pharmacy and my employer told me that i had personal time left last year so i took it at the end of the year, then in may of this year he said he overpaid us for personal time. So he took... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Hello, I currently live in Las Vegas, NV. My daughter is currently working Hollister part-time approximately 30 hours a week and going to college fulltime. she has some scheduled days and she has call in days. She must call in 1 hour prior to a tentative
Can an employer make an employee be on call 1 hour prior to work. Scheduled times on call multiple times a week. applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Can my employer write me up, or fire me for not doing mandatory overtime?
My employer is making it mandatory to work three Saturdays a month, a long with 5, 10 hr days. Can they write me up, take my PTO or fire me for not showing up on mandatory overtime on Saturdays? Becau... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can a employer withhold or not pay me my vacation pay if i quit on the last day of my vacation?
I have 1 week vacation saved. I want to take my vacation before quiting to go work else where. Can the employer not pay me if i take my vacation, with permission, and then quit on the last day of my v... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Severance Contract Never Paid
I entered into a Severance Agmt in 2003, requiring me to work thru a date, etc. I fulfilled all my promises in the contract and it was never filled. Under fear of retribution, I waited until now to co... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Exempt Status in Jeopardy
Dear Mel; I have been working in my position as Fiscal Manager since June 2003, and have been consider an 'exempt' employee by both myself and my employer, and rightly so. However, I have had hours de... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Do I have a case if terminated almost 3 years ago?
I have worked for a retail company for 15 years as a front end manager. I was pregnant in 2009 and went on FMLA in August 2009 until October 2009. Upon my return, I was given lots of papers to sign wh... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Non-compete agreement re: inability to "bid"
My husband works in a very specialized field as a consultant. There are only 3-4 other companies who operate in this field. He signed a non-compete agreement 9 years ago which says he cannot "bid" aga... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Is this legal ?
The company I work for penalizes us with POINTS for taking our earned PTO unscheduled (say for an emergency,unexpected illness). When we reach a certain amount of points we are given a warning with re... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

I am a cna that was wrongfully accused of smelling of alcohol at work I was sent home theyvwerevto conduct investigation it's been 1 weeks and still have heard nothing they do not return my calls in illinois
Cna accused of smelling of alcohol and sent home 2 weeks still no news never terminated and administration will not return my calls what are myvrights applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I was released from my job as No Fault Release, lack of work. I had 52 qualifying weeks. My 26 weeks is getting ready to run out and I am still unemployed. Can I draw again if not employed by end of benefit year?
I have 52 qualifying weeks and my 26 weeks is coming to an end. If I am still unemployed at the end of benefit year can I still get additional 26 weeks? applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Request by former employer for me to send them money for their mistake.
I was working for a retail company as the store manager, not salaried but as an hourly person at $20 an hour. I informed them I wanted to step down as Store manager and work at a different store withi... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Stop Payment on a Paycheck
I work for a recruiting firm that the owner of the company was getting evicted from his building is very derogatory to all his employees and leads by intimidation. As of Monday everyone in the office ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can an employer with hold pay for vacation days taken in Jan if I quit in March?
Started work in March 2015 and received a salary. My letter of offer says, 10 days of paid vacation. I took 7 days of vacation in January 2016. I recently found a new job and I gave notice to leave Ma... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Is my company required to pay me accrued vacation time upon leaving?
Hi, I work for a small, privately owned business. I recently put in my 2 weeks notice and was asked to leave at the end of that first week. Does my employer have to pay me for my unused days? I have a... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

How do I get compisated for being in hospital then let go with no other position
Hi. In the past 3 weeks I was hospitalized for a week and sent home on bed rest for the next 2 weeks. I immediately told my manager when I was in the hospital sent him a Dr note and a release note whe... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

A bad break to my wrist in an accident(off the job) happened on Nov 1st. My FMLA is expiring on Jan 28, my therapist and I are unsure of my returning at this time to full duties. What will happen to my job if I fail to return?
I badly broke my wrist in an accident-not work related-my FMLA is about to expire. At this time I am unable to perform my duties, even though I have been working with a therapist. What happens to my j... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

While on FMLA and short tem disability, can I be laid off?
I am a Union member that within our contract we have a 45 day period starting the day we are notified of the lay offs, instead of being laid off the same day. I was wondering if while on short term di... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

termination form positive drug test results in loss of new job
My husband was terminated for failing a drug test after an injury at work. Can another employer rescind a job offer after finding out about this reason for termination even though my husband passed th... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

I want to seek justice from those that had a direct impact on my current finanicl condition.
False reference by an supervisor Do I have a case? My division was being terminated due to consolidation. Therefore, we were false to seek employment in other areas of the bank. As a result, I and oth... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Do I have a lawsuit for being let go due to kidney disease?
I was a clinical liaison for almost one year with a LTAC hospital. I was triple what my goal was in my last month. Never missed work and even worked after hours from home. First I was cut down to half... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

If I am accused of sexual harassment, do I have the right to know specifically who made the claim and can I see what evidence was provided to back up the claim against me?
I received a Final Written Warning based on a claim of sexual harassment from a co-worker. The alleged incident occurred over four years ago. We have continued to work together for the past four years... applies to New Hampshire  ·  0 answers

Does my employer have to make me aware of fmla?
I recently had knee surgery and have now been off work for 8 weeks. My doctor recently reported that I should be off for 6 more weeks. My employer is not very happy and just informed me today that my ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Non competitve agreement when selling a business
I signed a non competitve agreement when I sold my business stating that I would not work in a 100 mile radius Ft. Walton Beach, FL for 5 years. The new owner of the business is not pursuing the adver... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

hostal workplace
My wife who has a disabily, and is working on then process to get SSD. She has seveal medical issues that have become much worse over the last year whan a new supervisor was put in charge of her group... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

My employer wants to bind me under non-compete without any benefits from their side. It is simply one sided which let them free me with 2 weeks notice, 3 years non compete after I resign or they decide to leave me, no compensation during non compete perio
I am with the company since one year on their USA payroll as I immigrated to USA. Before that, I was on their UAE company payroll for more than 7 years. Recently, I am asked to sign a non compete wher... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Severance pay due if outsourced
I am employeed by CSC and work at a client site in Horsham PA. I was notified on Oct 31st that my position is being outsourced to a company named CC-OPS with my last day to be Nov 10th. I am promised ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer


Here is the short version of this situation. I am a mortgage broker in Columbus Ohio and have been for the past 7 years. I have recently left an employer on bad terms due to me holding a funding check... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I was laid off over 2 months ago and received servance pay. The company is offering me a position now. Will I have to return all the servance pay?
I was laidoff over 2 months ago and recieved servance pay. The company has made me a verbal office to return to work. Do I have to pay servance money back? applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

Lunch break time
I work in Florida and have 30 min lunch break every day. Sometimes my lunch takes 25min or 2-3 minutes less than 30min. My boss constantly rounds it to 30 min in my ADP. I wonder if my lunch can last ... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Olympic steel. Fired me two weeks from my 7yr anniversary date. Then I will get like 20 days vacation time I could use for the next anniversary date. Will Olympic steel have to pay me the vacation time that I would have be able to use in two weeks
I was fired for something I didn't do. And I know it was retaliation for missing work. Caring for my wife using fmla applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

I work for company five yrs. Which . after 3 I get 2 wks paid vacation .which days have to filled out a vaction schedule paid time off. My 2 wks already planned out I fill out proper papers for all 10 of my vacation days. Now my boss acknowledged I have t
Pre scheduled paid vacation days off acknowledged and signed by boss. Then terminated .I get the checks because was agreed ment those days were mine. applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Wrongful Termination
I was terminated from my previous job for the reason, as indicated by the person who fired me, "I don't think she can handle it." Although this company has an "at will" policy, I was not informed that... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Wrongful Termination
I was terminated from my previous job for the reason, as indicated by the person who fired me, "I don't think she can handle it." Although this company has an "at will" policy, I was not informed that... applies to California  ·  1 answer

How long is "temporary lay off" ?
Eight months ago the company I worked for 22 years put me in "temporary layoff". How long can "temporary layoff" last? By not laying me off permanently they avoided paying me severence pay as well as ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

is it unlawful to pay an employer to offer a job and hire someone?
I am afraid that the job offer I've rec'd and accepted is actually someone who has offered to pay this employer (an annual salary amount) to hire me. No proof, and can't really ask the prospective emp... applies to New Mexico  ·  0 answers

Laid off while on employer's short term disability. What are my unemployment benefit options?
I am pregnant and on shorterm disability through my employer. My FMLA period ended already, but I was still receiving Accident and Sickness insurance for the pregnancy through my employer. They did ma... applies to West Virginia  ·  0 answers

Our GM was recently terminated, and now the Director of Administration, who is also the HR Manager, is acting GM, how is this legal? There is no one to go to if you have an issue with this person isn't this a serious conflict of interest?
I am a 60 year old female and work for a government water district. GM was terminated and now the HR Manager/ Director of Administration is in complete control of everything and everyone. Isn't this a... applies to California  ·  0 answers

how do i go about being sexually harrass by a customer at my workplace
i was sexually assaulted by a customer at my workplace no police report was filed an incident report was filed till the next day because it was suggested they didnt know how to deal with my situation ... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

We are being outsourced to India. We were told about it back in August I think and received an email that we would be receiving the 60 day notice at the appropriate time and given an approximate end date of Dec 11. We are not over a week past the time we
I think I gave the details above. I just want to be sure that we can hold them to the 60 day notice and either work up until that time when we finally receive this notice or they will have to pay us f... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I gave my two weeks notice and was told I didn't need to come back to fulfill my two weeks due to a conflict of interest with my new job. Will I receive pay for the two weeks?
Since I was willing to fulfill the transition of my duties at my investment firm job (I didn't sign a non-compete) I was told that my new role was a conflict and that I should go home immediately. Add... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Forced to resign due to pregnancy complications
I was placed on bedrest due to pregnancy at 28 weeks. My 12 weeks FMLA exhausted on 8/25/2017 when my child was only 2 weeks old. My employer terminated me on 8/25/2017; however, is saying I resigned ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Which non-compete should I honor?
I signed a non-compete agreement five years ago which stated I would not compete against the company for 2 years. Within the past three years I was asked on an annual basis to sign a personnel manual ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Who can I call to get my money owed and have my boss retract himself to the company clients?
Hello, I have an issue with my boss who sent an email to clients and my supervisor stating that i was being terminated due to fraud. I did not commit fraud and there is no reason for him to terminate ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can I file a suit for my company failing to take action against my former supervisor?
When one of my managers started at my former place of employment, sexual harassment quickly began and was brought to my former General Manager's attention. After having a conversation with human resou... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

my work has just informed us in a meeting that if we had called off sick PTO time was used to cover even it if it wasnt req by the employee- it has not been a full year for me and i have only called out 2 times, but i have no PTO time now and am unable to
after a meeting and being told any time anyone called out sick and didnt have sick time they applied PTO time without asking- applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Laid off due to being in the hospital with his wife and son.
My nephew was just laid off after being in the hospital with his son and his wife having surgery. He had called to let them know he had to go pick up his son from the hospital and also, had informed t... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

freelancing while you have a full-time job
I work for a national trade magazine and freelance for local papers and magazines as a second job (since magazine editors don't pay much to start with). I've been doing it for more than five years. Re... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can reducing my salary in half be seen as constructive discharge
I currently work for a less than 8 employee privately held company based in GA. I am in sales, and they have just told me my salary is immediately cut in half from 40k to 20k due to the state of the b... applies to California  ·  1 answer

If I accept a position with salary based on 47 hours/wk what are my rights?
When offered the position, the offer was in writing with salary based on 47 hours per week. From what I've read, I would be considered exempt. However, with the offer in writing do I have any rights w... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

i have been working for the same company for 7 years. Just recently a new company came in and bought them out, and is demanding that I sign a non-compete. My old employer never had me sign one. If I refuse to sign and they say that I must or I can't work
see above.....working for same company for 7 company buys them out and demands a non-compete. If I refuse and they let me go, can I claim unemployment? applies to Florida  ·  3 answers

If you work for two separate agency one agency loses a client and wants you to take the client on can they get you for non-compete when the client wasn't the first workplace it belong to the second
I was working for an agency for two years my daughter got her own agency and I was working for her part time my daughter lost her client and the client's family asked me and another lady if we would t... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Does my employer have to pay me the day after Thanksgiving?
We work in a small office. There are two hourly employees and the doctor here. We are forced to take the day after Thanksgiving as she closes the office. I was told at another employeers office that w... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Is it legal to refuse giving vacation & sick time for giving 10 months advance notice of retiring
I work for a lawyer. I gave 10 months notice of retiring. My anniversary is May and now won't get vacation or sick time because leaving in October. Is it legal? applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I was promised an retention bonus to be paid at the end of first service year. They want me to stay, I am a physician in a underserved area and already on the roster through january. The new manager is not paying it as she stated
I work for an Indian Nation. The hospital severed most, but not all, relation with the Indian Health Service (government) before I started. I have an email from previous Director who outlined and prom... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

What is the best advice for handling non-compete clause in my context below?
I have not signed a contract. I will be required to work under supervision for approximately 1.5-2 years as an independent marriage/family therapist contractor. A non-compete agreement stipulates, if ... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Bad reference, no clinical reference permitted
Trying to get endorsed as a PTA in NV, My only employer in that profession would not provide me any clinical references for the required application process. I believe they told a member of the board ... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Can my employer switch my job position after set schedule for last two years now I am making less
I have been at restaurant for 8 years went from server to bartender and had a set shift schedule due to pay and availability. After almost two years with same schedule they one day switched it on me w... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

No compete POLICY
I am a systems engineer, and was hired by a company to start as a network admin in a 5 day notice. I was told We had a contract with this comapny, and if it ran out we would move to another company we... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Broken employer agreement
I was recently laid off from a job i was at for about 5 months. At 3 months I was given a positive evaluation and a raise. I was "laid off" due to lack of work in the area recently while 2 newer emplo... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

No last Paycheck until exit interview
My employer refuses to give me my last paycheck until I do an exit interview. This can only be done Mon-Fri from 8am -4pm. The problem is I work Mon-Fri 8am-5pm. I live in ga where there is no laws es... applies to Georgia  ·  1 answer

breaking "policies and procedures" when there isn't any in place, can i be released from my job?
I live in texas, if I was released from my work, for "not following policies and procedures" but there isn't any policies and procedures in place, or signed documentation for the actions they released... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

What if the sexual harassment if from the employee to the employer. There was a sexual relationship and the employer has tried to end it but the employee keep threatening him. She will keep sending text messages and not leave him alone at work or after wo
Employee and employer had a sexual relationship. Employer wants the sexual relationship over, NOT fire her, but she will not let it go applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

If my company closes due to underperformance, can i get unemployment benefits after my maternity lea
i will stop working 4 weeks before my due date (I have a long drive to work) my office has 3 employees; another location in GA has about 20 employees. it appears as though my office will close while I... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

I signed a non compete as an employee, but I am now an independant contractor, is that still valid?
I was hired as an employee stylist at a salon. After a few years of working there the owner decided to have us all sign a non compete agreement so that we dont work at another salon with in 25 mile ra... applies to New Hampshire  ·  0 answers

contract not renewed because medication side effects
Is there any case where the employment contract was not renewed because the employee had an inappropriate interaction with other people at work - raised his voice inappropriately according with other ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

My boss cut my hours. Can I quit and apply UI?
My boss cut my hours about 3 weeks ago. And he said that he still has some jobs for me but he does not know when he gets the jobs. So, whenever he gets more jobs he would call me. After 2 weeks withou... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I live in the state of Texas. A large group of us were laid off today. Is it legal for the employer to take our earned vacation time. Vacation is accrued after a year of employment.
A group of us were laid off from work today. Employer stated that we won't be receiving our vacation time that we earn each year on our hire date anniversary. Is this legal? applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I live in the state of Texas. A large group of us were laid off today. Is it legal for the employer to take our earned vacation time. Vacation is accrued after a year of employment.
A group of us were laid off from work today. Employer stated that we won't be receiving our vacation time that we earn each year on our hire date anniversary. Is this legal? applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

How long can an employer tell you you are not allowed to use your vacation time due to staffing issues?
I have a weekend agreement with my company stating that if I work every weekend I get paid $2 more an hour and that I can only take one weekend off every 8 weeks with a request for time off being plac... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Justification for Employee Lay Off
If a person is laid off with the explanation being RIF, and there are two people with the same job title and only one is laid off, is justification needed on why one person was laid off and not the ot... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Can my employer change a signed 1 year contract after only 5 months?
My husband accepted a new job in Michigan after working for 25 years for another. The new company gave him a 1 year contract with dollar amount goal for bringing in new business. After 5 months they s... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Will I be allowed to take my accrued PTO if my current employer sells the company?
My employer recently sold the company i work for and i had approved PTO. As per my new employer i am not allowed the PTO because i am considered a new hire. is this allowed? is my previous employer re... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I am in negotiations with my employer. He has restricted my hours to 16/week, yet states that my loyalties (financially) are to his company only. How am I to make enough money?
I have not had a current contract since mine expired in 2014. In 2015 I took a very part time job at a medspa to be their medical director and some injection work. I had a previous contract that said ... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

fired vs quit
I recently lost my job. My former employer told me that he could no longer afford to pay me and that my position was being eliminated effective immediately and that he would pay me 1 month severance O... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Can I get fired if I sue to get my commission?
Currently my employment contract is both salary and commissioned based. I am in a situation where the commission side of my contract is not being paid. I have submitted in writing demands for payment.... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Non-compete employment issue
After working for my company for roughly 1 year I was forced to sign a non-compete. In brief the non-compete said I can not work in the internet related field for 1 year within a 100 mile radius. Howe... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Enforcement of original Non-compete clause after multiple promotions
I was hired by a company five years ago as junior level manager for a specific project. The project expired after a year, but I was kept on and promoted multiple times over the years in to a vice pres... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Can a coworker speculate about my health to a third party?
I found out a coworker was emailing my mom behind my back about my health. I have a chronic illness that I try very hard to hide. This coworker and I do not get along, so I try to hide my symptoms fro... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Are employers allowed to limit the amount of hours an employee works in a season?
I am a seasonal employee for the City of Highland Heights. I have worked as a lifeguard for six years and a swim coach for four years. This summer when I received my contract for coaching it stated th... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

repayment of severence pay if i get another job with ANY employer
my employer wants me to sign a severance agreement that states "you are entitled to X weeks severance pay, but you must not get another job within X weeks or the severance pay must be repaid". This is... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I am on intermittent FMLA, my employer wants to move me into a position that will cause me stress and aggravation to my health conditions. What are my options? I think it is a punishment for calling off because of my health issues. I think they want me to
I have fibromyalgia, spinal stenosis and arthritis. I'm on intermittent FMLA. My employer is putting me in a position that will cause Stress and aggravation to my health issues and will cause me to mi... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

wrongful termination pursuant to public policy
For your review, if you can please assist me with this case or refer me to someone. On June 6, 2007 ; I filed a complaint with the IRS about the city of Crescent City not paying employment taxes and n... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Position elimination by conference call and no written information is given.
When an employer is eliminating a position are they required to give a written notice of some kind? I'm in Ohio, the company I work for is in another state. We had a conference call in September that ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Can Intermittent leave be authorized for an individual who has to frequently leave work and pick his son up after being put out of extended care due to his son's outburst related to his autism?
An educational environment. A parent is often called to pick his son up from the school extended day program when the son becomes unruly. Parent attributes the behavior to his son's diagnosis of autis... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Dear Mel: Is it legal for an employer or company to dock an employee a half a day for being 1 minute late?
My wife and I showed up to my work place 10 minutes early, but couldn't get through the gate because someone in front of us lost his identification card and had to get buzzed in by security which took... applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

Can I terminate a probationary employee who is out from injury indefinitely?
I have an employee who is still within his probationary period. He injured himself on a weekend, not at work, and his doctor has put him on indefinite leave. My company cannot be without this particul... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

Do I have a Case??
In a previously submitted complaint form that was filed with the EEOC against my former employer, The Hilton Charlotte Center City Hotel. I am filing a lawsuit against the manager of security, Ms. Mar... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Was I wrongfully terminated?
My husband was arrested for theft at work. His employer just happened to be a vendor to my company. After charges were filed his employers wife decided to call my job and say that I was involved in th... applies to North Dakota  ·  0 answers

Is it legal to not pay your employees after filing chapter 11?
My company has filed chapter 11 bankruptcy and told us on our pay day 10/19/18 that they did so and we would not get paid for a week(10/26/18 when we would be paid) but then after that the pay periods... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Non compete signed under duress
I'm a consultant. I worked for a tech company that went bankrupt. We were bought by a new comapny that forced us to sign a non-compete,- if we did not sign it you were fired. We have had layoffs, no b... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Some Companies Don't like Ethical Questions
Hello, I was recently terminated from a company in what I think was the end of a retaliatory process. It started with my requesting an ombudsman or arbitrator, after I had not been able to resolve som... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Some Companies Don't like Ethical Questions
Hello, I was recently terminated from a company in what I think was the end of a retaliatory process. It started with my requesting an ombudsman or arbitrator, after I had not been able to resolve som... applies to California  ·  1 answer

wrongfully terminated by united steel workers steel factory because of possible discriminationbipo
Terminated by employer of 15 years 4 months. Possibly over mental health issues, bipolar,. Misrepresentation by union usw, negligent to advise me of all availabe options. Under Family Doctor and VA Py... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I have really bad asthma I'm in and out of the emegancy room I missed work 3 times in the last month the last two I have a doctors note for can my job fire me for this I'm in Wisconsin
I have severe asthma I'm in and out or the Emergancy room every week I called in 3 times in the past month i only been there 2 months the first time was like a month ago and didnt have a doctors note ... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

I work at Family Dollars as a assistant manager but I want to go back down to stock but they saying they could take my pay is that right I want to demote myself because I wasn't trained right
I was assistant manager at Family Dollars but I want to go to stock they told me by demote myself my pay can go down can they do that applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I want tubal ligation. Can my employer deny my request to use sick time for that and recovery?
I'm 44 and am ready to have a tubal ligation. My OB/GYN said I can have the procedure performed basically whenever I'm ready. I'm concerned my employer will deny my request. First, I don't know if tha... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

I was told by a manager that the General Manager wanted to fire me . That created a hostile environment. I told the owner about it n confronted my General Manager which she denied saying that. Witness willing to testify.
The day after I was told about statements being made about firing me I notified the owner about the situation and also that I was not going to work that day . Due to hostile environment. The following... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can a company make an employee stay and take a demotion and work that job while every person in that eliminated position receives 3 months severance pay?
My company was bought by a company with a different model. All eliminated positions are receiving 3 months of severance pay. I am being made to perform a position that is a demotion and therefore not ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

How can i get my manager to pay me for my pdo's my manager gave me?
I put in my two weeks at my job and my manager suggested for me to use the rest of my pdo's(paid days off) to work out my week because of my commute. So i agreed to it believing that my manager should... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Can my employer force me to sign a non compete agreement, after being employed for almost 6 years?
I am a dog groomer. I work for commission. I have been with my employer for 5 years, 10 months. They have come up with a new " confidentiality, non-competition, non-solicitation and ownership rights a... applies to Michigan  ·  1 answer

Can I be held to a non-compete I signed if my employer will not give me raises?
I signed a non-compete agreement prior to my employment with my company. I got one raise within the first year of employment. Since then, I have only received the 2 or 3 percent cost of living raises ... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

yes i've got a question and it's hard for me to find the answer to .i'm been force to become a dishwasher and i've got 19 years as waitress and i'm been told that i'm not server material and now i can... applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

final wages
I work on h1b visa ..recently i moved to new company and my previous employer stopped paying my salary for last 2 months ..I sent him couple of emails and left couple of voice messages but no response... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

age discimination; retaliation; sexual harassment
I filed 5 EEOC complaints against the agency I work for: (1) age discrimination and failure to promote; (2) two retaliation complaints; and (3) two sexual harassment complaints. After filing the first... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Breech of Oral Contract
Recently, I applied for a change of position within my current employer. At the interview, I was told that there were individuals that were more qualified than I was, but that if I transfered into the... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

non-compete / lawsuit
My husband 35 years old had a heart attack on the job due to stress he was not allowed by his boss to collect workman's comp. I opened the same type of business as my husbands former employer of 14 ye... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

i got approved for a vacation 1 month earlier (have documentations)now my employer is stating i can't take my vacation. Is this legal in Alabama ?
I put in PTO in early Nov. At the beginning of Dec there was a meeting & it was stated that all is required to work 12hrs 24-Dec-16 & 26-Dec-2016. My PTO time covered those time . I' going out if town... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

Position eliminated while on disability
During the time I was on short-term medical leave my salaried position was eliminated. For the first six weeks I was receiving full compensation. Now I'm receiving 70% of pay since it is now considere... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Rights to require the company to honor my hiring offer/agreement despite a policy change?
I am an Ohio resident and approximately eight years ago I was hired as an out-of-state full-time telework employee. The only difference, between my hiring and that of my coworkers, is that I work out ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Working many hours over salaried agreement
My husband was a salaried employee with the agreement being 50 hours a week for $35,000 per year. He consistently worked 7 days a week upwards of 60-70 hrs per week and on occasion even more hours. He... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Alegation of use of acohol at lunch.
came back from lunch to work for one hour before taking the rest of the day off on personal time off. I had arraignments to meet a friend at my house to move a couch and love set to my rental house wi... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Alegation of use of acohol at lunch.
came back from lunch to work for one hour before taking the rest of the day off on personal time off. I had arraignments to meet a friend at my house to move a couch and love set to my rental house wi... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I live in Florida, My boss is selling his Dental practice and the Dentist that is purchasing his practice I don't care to work for. Can I file for unemployment? This happened suddenly with no warning.
My boss is selling his Dental practice suddenly, No notice given to the employees, Can the employees that are left there as the new Dr comes in file for unemployment? applies to Florida  ·  0 answers


Was a full time employee, cut to two days per week in Aug. Our vaca is given at the beginning of each year...are we entitled to paid vaca we take after Aug?
No written policies other than vacation is earned the year before and available to use Jan 1 following year. So our assumption is that whether we work two days per week or 5...we should still get our ... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Enforceable non compete?
I'm currently starting up a business here in Florida. I'm looking to hire someone as an employee to work from his home in New Jersey. My candidate is unsure about working for me because he currently h... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

overtime and benifets
My boy friend has worked for the same company for 19 years. It was at one time a family business but was sold about 8 or 9 years ago. The main office is up north and where my boyfriend works there are... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I work at a construction company and i was suspended for making a mistake by not buying cement on time which led to idle time on site which is basically a loss to the company. I had been given a warning before for not performing tasks. Can this lead to di
We are using a new system which i learnt 12 months ago. Normally if the order is urgent they would specify that it's urgent on the request for requisitions. This time there was no notification. I howe... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Has the statute of limitations run out?
I was with Wal-Mart retail for at least 3 years as an overnight Stocker. During that time I became stressed out from the way the manager's ran our crew. I was doing the scheduled task time for a somet... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can your boss force you to miss doctors appointments?
My wife works at a pre-school, and they told her that she cannot take off in 3 weeks for her maternity appointment. She actually had 2 appointments that she managed to schedule in the same day. They t... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

I've been driver for Dominic in Tucson car broke down asked for inshore hours denied how did I get my pot she refused that also district management
I'm a delivery person at dominoes pizza in Tucson my car broke down so I can't deliver I asked to work in store she said no this is the manager at dominoes I asked for my pot she denied me that to eve... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Can I be terminated if I tried to call in sick no answer so I texted it went to er my Forman reported I quit that was not the case
I took off Friday to handle some important paperwork I became sick over the weekend by Monday morning I was worse I tried calling my Forman no answer so I texted him to let him know if I’m wasn’t ... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

In the state of Kansas by law can my boss which is the owner not allow me to work my shift BC she thinks I have a additude over a text message conversation?
I told my boss I was going to be late over text. Her responds was what's new.? My response was then hopefully my pay check being accurate and my unpaid wages from last pay period being compensated, ho... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

Company owner sexually harasses and discriminates
I work for a small company where the owner sexually harasses the females in the office by staring, touching, etc. No one that is currently employed there will bring anything to his attention for fear ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can consensual relationships create a hostile work environment?
I was in a consensual relationship with my supervisor. She initiated the relationship and broke it off. Then she started to harass me with threats, undesireable job assignments, unwarranted written re... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

is it legal to take a person off the schedul and not tell them beforehand or talk to them after the
I was taken off the schedule at my work and not told ahead of time so i had go in on my scheduled day and when i wanted to talk to the manager she said i don't want to talk to you so i have called the... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Is my employer held accountable for not paying me on time?
It's been almost a week after I was supposed to receive my paycheck from my employer, I was supposed to receive a check in the mail, because we had switched pay cards. I was told I would receive the c... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Do I have to pay back relocation?
I will officially resign from my current employment March 2nd 2018. I joined March 20th 2017. There is a clause that states I would have to pay back relocation if I resign "prior to the one year anniv... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

What is the optimal timing to resign from my current job given my relocation repay agreement?
I am under a relocation agreement that reads: Employees are obligated to repay and the Company will seek reimbursement of all monies spent or incurred for the following benefit if the employee termina... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Is it legal for my employeer to dock my pay?
I was told on Jan 10, 2012 that I was being docked 30 minutes of pay dated back to Dec 23, 2011 (I am an hourly employee). I was never told of any schedule modifications, but the office manager states... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

What are my rights to keep false statements out of my personnel file?
My manager at work has attempted to issue me a written warning that will become part of my permanent personnel file. The document states that she monitored a telephone conversation between myself and ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Promised promotion that was processed but not delivered
I work for an organization that is non-governmental and non-union with an "at will" employment policy. I was given a promotion by the head of the agency who processed the paperwork for my promotion sh... applies to California  ·  1 answer

What is redundancy pay and making someone redundant? What are the qualifications?
My friends employer told him to come in Monday to receive pay and the company would be closing down, due to corona virus. His employer has not "titled" the pay as severance or otherwise. They also hav... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

What are the laws in Arizona if an individual signs a contract of two years with a company 960 a week and the company now decides they're going to pay whatever they want after the fat does that company have to honor the contract my work is not a question
What are the contract laws with company which is employer and employee for a 2 year contract what does the company have to honor at a set rate of 9 64 week plus a 175 per week in per diem for the next... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

fired for false accusation
I worked for Stuart Anderson's Black Angus as a server/bartender for about a year and a half with no problems. In my last month of employment, a new general manager was hiired and started changing eve... applies to California  ·  1 answer

what constitutes discrimination based on sexual orientation in IL
I quit my job due to my boss threatening to withhold my pay and made threatening comments my sexual orientation, threatening to have me on my hands and knees to get it back. Does this constitute discr... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I am on H1 b visa and currently working as an employee of a consulting company based in Michigan (M). M supplied me to a preferred vendor (V) and V provided me to client C based in Arizona. C told me in interview that it's a contract to hire job and if of
My employment agreement clearly says that I cannot directly or indirectly Compete with my employer and there is an addendum which says I cannot directly or indirectly work with V and C. I did not read... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

the owner of the restaurant I work for said he wanted to knock me out!!!!
He said this during a managers meeting that I was not present at because I am not a manager but have had 4 different employees tell me this happened, and I think it more of a personal vendetta. Can I ... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

I have worked at the same company for 20 years and my position was eliminated. I also own a small business. can I collect unemployment?
I have work at the same real estate company 20 years. out of the blue I was told my position would be eliminated. I also co-own a small business with my husband. Can I collect unemployment? applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Severance Policey - Descrimination or not?
I work in IT that will probably be outsourced. I would like to know if this is descrimination. I had been employed there for 21 years and due to my pay scale I will receive 1 weeks pay X 16 weeks. Ano... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Does an agricultural worker have rights to a retirement or severance package after 30 years of work?
30+ years as a tax paying legal agricultural worker on the same farm. Owner sold farm and now worker has been told to vacate home and to be gone by October 1. Any rights to retirement or a severance p... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Hi, I live in FLORIDA and I work as a consultant for my employer who is based out of GA. My recent contract was in CA. My employer has received payment for my hours worked and has been reimbursed for my travel expenses. I confirmed with the payee that all
-I live in FL -Employer based in GA -8 weeks unpaid = 12k plus of unpaid wages & expenses. -2 bad checks written of 7k total -employer still asking for me to continue traveling. This ensures he collec... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

As an employer_ what frequency is required for wage payment for EXEMPT
Hello I am hoping to have a clear understanding on Wage Payment for EXEMPT NYC employees. What is the Frequency required for wage payment of Exempt employees and how many days after work is performed.... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

if I was offered a severance package, but now they offered me a position in another area, can I still take the severance package, or do I need to accept the new offer ( although it is not in writing )
I was offered a severance package due to my bank closing the branch I work in. Now they say that they have a position for me. Can I still take the severance. Nothing pertaining to the new position is ... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Non-Compete vs. unethical business practices
Hi, I am a Consultant and signed a non compete agreement with a former employer. I recently accepted an offer at a new employer, which was a former client of my previous employer. The agreement states... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Is non compete invalid if I was never paid for employment?
I need some advice regarding a non-compete contract that I recently signed. I took a job with a company on April 21st and had to sign a non compete contract with them. They made me some intial promise... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I was placed on leave pending a Fitness for Duty evaluation. Although I was cleared to continue employment by a number of Doctors; I was fired from my job. Do I have the right to sue?
Placed on leave 3/11. Sent a letter on 3/17 to complete Fitness for Duty evaluation. Deemed disabled on 4/28. Cleared for return to work after completing Fitness for Duty examination on 5/18. Was fire... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Working without contract
I was recently hired on a contract basis by Sotheby's for no more than "6 months" and/or "1,000 hours". My contract time ended and so did my hours and still reported to work without a contract. I ende... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

1099 employee with business half way complete for company falling apart!? what do I do?
I am a 1099 commission paid sales rep for a construction company. The company is owned by 2 owners the majority owner and the minority owner. Both owners the Majority lives in Texas and I have had no ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Distance radius from which office?
my Home base office has been at location "A" (Kalamazoo) for 2 years. Then my supervisor transferred me to location "B" (Grand Rapids) against my strong preference about 3 months ago. (its an hour com... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Can a employer withhold or not pay me my vacation pay if i quit on the last day of my vacation?
I have 1 week vacation saved. I want to take my vacation before quiting to go work else where. Can the employer not pay me my vacation pay if i take my vacation, with permission, and then quit on the ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can I collect unemployment if I just received a lump sum severance package?
The company I work for just merged with another company and approximately 80% of the employees are being laid off, including myself. The severance packages are from 3 months to 6 months payout dependi... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

On disability since Dec 14 2010. Can employer deduct vac pay while on disability
Vacation schedule in place in 2010 for cruise in Feb 2011. Dec 14 had rotator cuff repair and was placed on disability until March 2 when I returned to work on restriction. Employer deducted vac pay f... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I found out that my job is being eliminated after 31 years (same job). I do not want to except if offered, will I still get severence pay?
I also found out they are renaming my job something else, with more responsibility and less pay and including working nights and weekends. I currently work Monday through Friday with no weekends as st... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Do I have grounds for action?
I am leaving my current company due to a better job opportunity and lack of opportunity for growth in my company. However about a year ago I took a voluntary demotion and wonder if I have any grounds.... applies to North Dakota  ·  0 answers

enforceable geography
Can an employer enforce a non-compete in their entire coverage area even if the individual employee never worked in the territory they are seeking to work in now? That is to say that the employer is a... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Can a public employee who is briefly incarcerated be compensated vacation time while incarcerated?
A Ohio public employeee was arrested and held in jail for domestic violence. He was incarcerated for a brief time that he was scheduled to work. He wants to receive vacation time for the day he spent ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

HR/Supervisor conduct
I have missed several days work for debilitating migraines for which I am seeing 3 doctors. (and I have that documentation) I took it upon myself to hand my neuroligist an FMLA document to complete be... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

I live in Mississippi and have excepted a new job with an employer that will not be ready to begin work for 2 weeks. When I put in my 2 week notice with my current employer he terminated me on the spot living me unemployed for the next 2 weeks. What if an
I have been with my employer for over 2 years. I just excepted a new job offer that I can't start for 2 weeks when I put in my 2 weeks notice with my current employer he text me an hour after I called... applies to Mississippi  ·  0 answers

Unemployment and Forced Resignation
I'm an hourly employee at a large corporation and received a negative review for "poor judgment". Whether fair or not, I have been given the option of 1) signing a voluntary termination agreement waiv... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I have worked for my employer for 16 years no write up great work habits this month out of no where I was falsely accused of things i didn't do so my employer decided to push me to 3rd shift which I can not do since I am not at this location they are slan
I have worked there for 16 years the manager at the salon accused my of things I did not do an my boss is trying to push me to a shift I can't do I ask her to fire me an she won't since I'm not at thi... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

There were 4 promotions on my team. I had been doing the work and received an exceeds expectations on my last review. I thought I would get the promotion based on merit but was told I had to apply. When I went to the interview, the first thing the Sr. Man
The only additional thing I have is my boss also said I didn't have certain experience, yet I told him I did and told him what I did in my current position working for him. He said, "you should have s... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Medical disabilty then laid off
I was laid off one day after i returned from a 2 1/2 month medical disabilty (torn achilles non work related) all the paperwork was done and i recieved disabilty benefits throughout that time. Is this... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can I sue if I got laid-off whithout notification of any kind while on maternity leave?
I was laid-off while on maternity (mid January) but was never notified by my boss by letter, email, nor phone call. I was told by an employee that they weren't bringing me back. I was notified of this... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Only one not to receive severance
Due to a loss of several major customers our company had to release 38 of the 40 employees in the area. My classification was different from the other 37, but many work responsibilities were shared. W... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

How does unemployment compensation and severance payments work?
I will be receiving a 6 month severance package to be paid out every two weeks (company relocated and I did not). Do I need to file for unemployment starting that first week I am unemployed but collec... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

If I put my notice in to quit am I still entitled to my vacation pay. I work in Missouri.
If I put my notice in to quit my job am I still entitled to my vacation pay. applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

I work at Lowe's on Maui, and was wondering if a dispute about age discrimination would have to go to binding arbitration, or could I file in state district court ?
May pre-employment contracts in Hawaii mandate binding arbitration in lieu of a filing in state district court for age discrimination ? Concerning Lowe's Maui ? applies to Hawaii  ·  1 answer

New owner of company not paying unemployment taxes. Can I draw from previous years of employment?
I have worked for my company for 21 years. The past 2 years the new owner has not paid unemployment taxes. If the company closes or I get a lay-off can I still collect unemployment until I find a job ... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Will I get unemployment if I refuse to sign a non-compete agreement?
I work in Oregon. I am being forced to sign a non-compete agreement to be advanced and retain my job. The contract meets all of oregon state law for a non-compete agreement except it does not meet ore... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Can an exempt on-call employee be forced to take vacation when a business is closed for a holiday?
I am an exempt employee and am required to be in an on-call rotation. Recently my employer has switched from paid holidays to us taking paid time off. If I am on-call during a holiday and technically ... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

I was laid off and once received shares in the company. I've re-read that the pay out to my shares is tied to a non-compete clause. I did not actively seek to leave the company or work for a competitor. If I accept a new position within my specialty (mini
Laid off Owed Stock pay-out seeking new employment with competitors only because I was laid off There's a non-compete clause tied to the stock pay-out applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Can I receive unemployment if I had worked for a company for almost 15 years then the owner brought in a new President to take my place and then contacted with me for 9 months?
Owner brought new President of his company and contracted with me for 9 months. Can I collect unemployment? He also stated in the agreement I cannot work in the same field for 2 years. I have been in ... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Took new job and got laid off in 2 weeks. I am denied benefits, how can I appeal this?
Worked a job for over 2 years, and left to take a better paying job. Worked 7 12s for 2 weeks and got laid off due to lack of work. My benefits are denied because I wasn't at my new job for over 3 wee... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Does my employer have to pay me retroactive pay (in IL) after I signed a pay raise contract months ago and I haven't seen the raise yet?
My employer offered me a pay raise for increased responsibility at work. I agreed and signed a contract for the increase but have not seen any increase on my check or my hourly wage. Am I entitled to ... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

how log does a employer have to furnish access to paystubs
I worked at a place. They use direct deposit. I didn't receive paystubs for most of the year because they didn't have time or "couldn't " fix it. I asked employer and was told they would have office m... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

I developed diabetes after being over worked, what type of evidence is required?
I was demoted after I complained of safety and possibly attemped murder by the customers empliyee and discrimination. I was punished. Overworked then I got sicker and developed diabetes. My manager ca... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

My boss just told me 3 days ago that I should have been receiving 80 hours of vacation time every year instead of 40; that an employee who has been there many years less than me gets 80 per year. Then, this morning, I came into work to find an email from
11 years of employment; received 40 hours per year vacation; fellow employee worked fewer years, receives more vacation time. Am I owed for all the years of vacation time I was not given? applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Can my company make me reapply for FMLA after it has already been approved?
I recently had a baby and had to take FMLA at work. I received paperwork confirming that FMLA was approved and also from their insurance company for my short term disability. It has now been 4 weeks s... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I work in a small company (10-12) employees. My boss is in the process of selling the business. Our contract of employment was just an email to me offering an hourly wage, which has been honored. Also in the email he offered to pay $165/month as a health
My boss has a history of promising a raise at your annual evaluation. One, he doesn't do any evaluation and if your lucky enough to get one, a raise is discussed but never finalized with the promise t... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Benefits Unreasonably Denied
My wife has worked for a fortune 500 company for 9 years. We had our second child about 7 weeks ago. Before going on leave she contacted HR to make sure she had all the paperwork in order, including t... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Not getting payed overtime and threatend by manager not to contact state
About 6 months ago I started a job with a handshake stating at 30 days I would recieve a $3 raise and assistant manager status. After 3 weeks I became assistant manager but 6 months has passed without... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My boss told two other co-worker that I am on LSD and Acid. I am the office manager for his office. Do I have a claim?
I work for a small Chiropractic office. I am the office manager in charge of 2 other staff members. As of late the owner (Chiropractor) has been making very insensitive statements to the other staff m... applies to California  ·  1 answer

my boss is offering me a mutual agreement of speration with severance. There is another employee that accused me of discrimination and setting her up to fail. this is the second time she has does this. This time they are saying that the outcome will not b
She accused me of this last year and they did not find any evidence to back her up. She was on the verge of losing her job again this year and once again pointed the finger at me and another guy at wo... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

May Ienter a partnership with a customer I previously serviced under my active non-compete agrmt?
I have a non-compete with a company based in Arkansas. I now work for their competitor, which is in Tennessee where I live. I have an opportunity to invest into a business that I serviced under the pr... applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

Overtime with my employer is only calculated in .25 increments. So If my starting time is 8:30 and I start at 8:16, becasue I came in a little early, I will not be paid for the 14 minutes, as they only pay in 15 minute increments. Overtime is always ok as
We work overtime everyday...but if it's 24 minutes, instead of 15 minute increment, you don't get paid for the time. so you have the option to sit there and wait until the clock tick 8:30AM, and then ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can an employer deny you vacation time?
I planned to go to Florida for a week the First week of October and put it on the calendar the last week of June I have only two days of vacation left due to my Motherin law had to have surgery so i t... applies to Kentucky  ·  1 answer

Can my employee withhold a pay raise from me while giving other employees a raise becasue I am going on a non-medical leave of absence for 90 days?
I am going to take a leave of absence from my job in Texas with a thrift shop (non-profit) and go to to work for the IRS for 90 days. Can my employer withhold a raise I am promised (along with other e... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Can I file a retaliation claim if I haven't been fired yet
I work at a factory and I feel that I am being retaliated against because I file a complaint against my supervisor at the next day I was moved to another end of our line and that end is very fast pace... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

I don't want false and damaging statements in my file.
My manager at work has attempted to issue me a written warning that will become part of my permanent personnel file. The document states that she monitored a telephone conversation between myself and ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

An allegation has been made against me but my employer won’t tell me what it is. This was a week ago now and I’ve still heard nothing. They are investigating it. What rights do I have? Thanks
My employer has told me a serious allegation has been made about me. She asked me many vague questions before she told me this to which I didn’t understand or know the answers to. It’s been a week... applies to South Dakota  ·  0 answers

Can an Ohio employer work you for one day without signing a contract and not pay you
Worked for a company called Metro PCS for one day they told me they were going to hire me in the next day they called me let me go and refused to pay me I contacted the US Department of Labor Clevelan... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

what should i do?
My boss went and asked another employee to come and work the same shift as me. the employee stated he would only transfer if he had the shift lead position. I have held this position for nearly a year... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

My boss just accused me of faking illness to get out of having to do an observation. I am highly offended at that accusation. And, she said it in front of another assistant principal. Isn't that illegal? I'm in GA.
I have FMLA, however I was at work today. I wasn't feeling well, and told my department chair that I would be leaving early. My principal call me to her office as I prepared to leave and accused me of... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Can my employer take a dollar from employees paychecks for every minute they're late?
Dear MEL, I have a question. I work for a small company in Texas - maybe somewhere around 50 employees. I am payed hourly. My employer is enacting a new policy that for every minute an employee is lat... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I have been on my job for 18 years. My work required limited travel - 1 to 2 times per year - for the first 16 years. I now have a new manager and the travel schedule is grueling now. I have autoimmune disease and was always treated with kindness and comp
If my job labels a business trip as "essential", can they fire me if I fall ill on or before a trip? Most of these trips have never been deemed essential before now. I have been functioning profession... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

I received a written reprimand for complaining to HR about being bullied & Harrassed by a coworker
Question .... I work for a company as a salesperson and have been bullied & harassed in the workplace for several years by a co-worker. I have gone to HR after he continually put my safety at risk by ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I was laid off from work back in 2014. I was allowed to collect unemployment but now two years later the company is now stating that I am not eligible for the unemployment. Why now are they allowed to fight it ,isn't it too late for them to appeal it ?
I was laid-off from a union, construction job, I file For unemployment And was granted Compensation now 2 years late The company is arguing that I am not entitled to it and are asking me to repay it b... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Legally tied to my employers tuition retention agreement if they are sold?
My current employer paid for my MBA, and with that, I signed a tuition refund retention agreement for four years after the last tuition paid. I work in Ohio, but, the contract I signed stated "This Ag... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

how do i go about suing my current employer?
I work for a DVD company that recently suspended me due to rentals on my account that they were never able to collect on due to a closed bank account. I was advised I would be placed on a unpaid suspe... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Have I been misclassified as an independant contractor?
I'm a licenced cosmetologist in MA. I'm paid 55% commission on the services I perform. I am expected to promote myself on the salon's facebook page and website. My clients book appointments with me us... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Do I have any legal action against an employer for call and stating a company could not hire me.
I work for a skilled nursing facility. I applied with a company that is contracted with my building for services. Nothing in the company handbook against this. It was for an opportunity they can not p... applies to California  ·  0 answers

My last scheduled day was November 5th, I entitled to the Final Wages payout law?
I put in my resignation letter with the final date of November 12th. My manager let me know that they do not need me the last week, so my last scheduled day is November 5th. Am I supposed to be paid i... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can a non compete be enforced if your former employer is in a lawsuit for its own breach?
You work for company X which has locations all over the country. You sign a non compete. Some top level members feel things need to change and break off and form company Y (taking all things learned w... applies to Washington  ·  1 answer

Can a large fast food chain, cut a p/t employees hrs to avoid family members from working together?
A part time college students hours were cut due to his mother being an evening shift manager. (Evenings being most available to the student.) The regional manager stated, not in writing, that its the ... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

I work for a bank and became a salaried employee when I became one of the managers in the branch. I have never had any employee report to me, and my job description is sales, non-commissioned. I am re... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Exempt salary employee has been laid off due to lack of work
I am an exempt salary employee and was just informed I was being laid off. I get paid on a bi-weekly basis. Is the company required to pay me my full bi-weekly salary amount if I worked part of one we... applies to Michigan  ·  1 answer

47 years with the Hilton have Life Ins on SDI passed away does wife still get Death Benifits of $10,000?
47 yrs with the Oakland Hilton got ill on 3/28/16 getting SDI was to return to work but passed away on April,42017 still on SDI and employed with the Hilton. Have life insurance death benifits is my w... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Is non-compete agreement enforceable if I work for another company with the same client?
I am hired by a Canadian company and working for their client in the US on TN visa status. I signed a non-compete agreement with the Canadian company. Now I want to switch to another Canadian company ... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Physical Harassment -
Dear Mel, I work on a construction site as a Superintendent. Our owner has been and continues to be physically violent with all of the male staff. I have witnessed him punching and pushing our General... applies to California  ·  2 answers

am I entitled to unused vacation pay?
I am a police officer who was injured on duty. I have been off work for the last year and thanks to a village ordinance, have been receiving full wages and benefits while I have been off. Unfortunatel... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can my employer require me to bring in cash to make change for customers. I work in a restaurant
I'm a server in a fine dining restaurant. Management just told us that part of our uniform will be $50 cash, to make change for customers. We receive our credit card tips in paycheck form, every 2 wee... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Can an employer demote me and cut my pay but keep me performing the same job duties i was doing on salary
Company changed my pay from salary to 100% commission and after 1 month has demoted me and put me back at $12 per hour which is what I made 2 years ago when I started. Company still has me performing ... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Can employers require employees to use of personal devices & internet for work duties?
Employer requires using personal cell phone and internet to perform after hours support. Employees are required to provide 24X7 support on a planned schedule. They do not offer to provide tools to han... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

I have fmla and my doctor filled out the forms required in ny and out the estaments of intermediated leave as 2 times per week for 1 day, my company uses sedwick and now that 3 of my 6 days I used fmla are a Monday they are saying I need to provide more p
I work for Pepsi co and there insurence company sedwick handles there leave, my doctor said I have all 6 months and am totally protected , but with my history of harassment (not fmla related,but paper... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

I have fmla and my doctor filled out the forms required in ny and out the estaments of intermediated leave as 2 times per week for 1 day, my company uses sedwick and now that 3 of my 6 days I used fmla are a Monday they are saying I need to provide more p
I work for Pepsi co and there insurence company sedwick handles there leave, my doctor said I have all 6 months and am totally protected , but with my history of harassment (not fmla related,but paper... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Please Help Me :(
I've worked at a temporary company for the last 4 years. The new year just started, as did our vacation days (I didn't have any left from last year). The first week of the new year I took vacation bec... applies to Georgia  ·  1 answer

If my employer chose to shut down for COVID reasons (not a forced shutdown) then paid us during the shutdown (in anticipation of getting the PPP loan), while informing us not to apply for unemployment (no furloughs) can they retroactively use our sick tim
We were specifically told not to file for unemployment and told we would be paid through the period of shutdown (about 2 and a half weeks) because the employer would get reimbursed through the PPP loa... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Can a non comp agreement signed with a TN or OH company be enforced in FL?
I am employed by a company based in TN, soley owned by an Ohio company. I am an inside salesman who works from his home office in FL. Customers from many different states call. I do not have a specifi... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Recently fired for being absent while my son with special needs was hospitalized!
I was recently fired for “excessive absences”? (My 7 year old special needs child was hospitalized for a chronic illness) Eligible for unemployment benefits? Discrimination case? I happened to be ... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Laid off 5 days before starting date after relocation to CA
I declined two other offers after I accepted the offer from a California company. They agreeed to pay for my relocation after I start working. I shipped my car and furniture from TX to CA, bought a pl... applies to California  ·  3 answers

113 people laid-off: no notice
Recently laid-off: No notice lay-off; Reduction-in-force. Came to work told to gather up personal belongings and leave premises immediatly. Denighed access to personal computer and email account. Laid... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Wage discrepancies based on Education & Experience
We work at a hospital & we recently found out that an employee in our department, who does not meet the educational requirements for the Technologist position (Bachelors Degree + experience), was hire... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Forced to work for free to collect owed bonus
Myself as VP, another VP and the CEO negotiated a bonus plan that pays a % of profit quarterly. When we made profits it was decided by the CEO that we had insufficent cash flow to pay it so book it fo... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Isn’t firing me for sting I feel discriminated against and that I’m reportung it to EEOC illegal?
I worked for a company owned by two brother since June 2017. I resigned for another opportunity 10/18..on 10/20 I was asked to return by ONE of the owners with promises of a promotion soon. I accepted... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

I work for a cable tv company in a telemarketing position where we autodial out to customers to acquire new and/or reacquire past customers on a pool money commision structure including salary. There is inbound calling as well to a minimum. Is it legal fo
This is a strictly outbound telemarketing sales, leads are loaded into an autodialer and occasionaly we get inbound callbacks from customers which are not routed by extensions, we have to rely on reps... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can my employer make me sign a no compete agreement that breaches the terms of my contract
My contract specifically states that within the first three years of my employment I can not work with some of the employers customers. After I left my previous job to join this employer, he made all ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

If I earn 40 hours of vacation after one year of service do I have that vacation time available at the end of June when my year is completed or will it not be available to use until after January 1st? And if it is available at the end of June can I use th
Can I use vacation time in my two weeks notice? Give my 2 weeks notice stating I will work the first week and my vacation pay will be used for the second week? applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Do i have a case against my employer?
Here’s the situation. I’ve been at my job for 4 1/2 years. In the last 2 years I have been treated very differently from other employees. I got 2 raises in 4 1/2 years and employees who were hired... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Do i have a case against my employer?
Here’s the situation. I’ve been at my job for 4 1/2 years. In the last 2 years I have been treated very differently from other employees. I got 2 raises in 4 1/2 years and employees who were hired... applies to California  ·  0 answers

My company is looking to sell and have said if they don't we will recieving a severance package. Can i deny to work for the new company and collect my severance package?
Company is looking to sell a division of the company to another owner. The company has said they are going to pay severance to employees but didn't make it clear if that's only if we didn't get sold. ... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Can you be paid for full time employment by one company then use the time you are supposed to to be working for that employer to work another job?
My wifes boss is being paid full time to perform duties as boss. He is there 1-2 days per week. When he is supposed to be at this job he is actually working anther job on the days he is absent. Is thi... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

I lost a day of vacation due to my time off for fmla.I usually start the year out with 2 weeks vacation but they only gave me 4 and said I can earn up to 5 more but I lost one because of time off for fmla. . Is this legal
I work 40 hrs. a week and was suppose to start the year with 10 vacation days. I was given 4 and said I have to earn the other 6 but not until after June 28 (Start date)will i get them. Is this legal?... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Employee handbooks are they contracts?
Does an employee handbook constitute a contract? When a hanbook details actions and/or steps that will be taken before termination and known of those steps were taken is that a violation of a contract... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

It hurts me to pursue my case against the School District, but it is the principal of the matter involved Racism. I’m crying out for help! Race Discrimination Hurts….I’m writing to you to seek a... applies to California  ·  1 answer

salary cut to hire new employees?
Hello Mel I have been working for a Travel Agency close to three years now. My Salary has been cut 3 times since then. I was advised in advance but I did not give written permission. Despite this pay ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I live in nebraska my son is 5months old and my day care provider says they will no longer be able to do sundays can I use my fmla for care of a new born on the sundays I have to work because I dont have child car?
I live in omaha nebraska and need to know if I can use my fmla for care of a new born on the days I dont have child care. I do have intermittent leave for care of a newborn applies to Nebraska  ·  1 answer

Do I have to be apart of questioning?
I posted yesterday. The axe is to fall tomarrow, and the HR Manager just called me at home and left a message. She needs me to help prove the office manager is committing theft in office. Which I don'... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Can a company make me pay back relocation expenses if I have not signed a contract
I have been working at my present job for almost 2.5 years. The company has a good relocation package, and another that is even better for existing employees transferring to another company location. ... applies to Mississippi  ·  0 answers

Can a non compete agreement signed with a middle vendor (in a long chain of vendors) be enforceable?
I need advice on a Non Compete Agreement I signed with a Middle Vendor. I am on H1B and here is the arrangement: Client -> Preferred Vendor -> Middle Vendor -> Employer -> Poor Old Me. So being the ha... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

Retaliation for filing complaint?
I have worked at a company since April of 2017. Since then I have now reported to 4 different managers. Up until November of 2017 I had no complaints or write ups or negative performance reviews again... applies to California  ·  0 answers

time off without pay
i have several medical issues, myemployers knows this and i get severe migraines, i missed work a lot but have always taken it without pay--this time my employers gave me 3 days off without pay and i ... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Can I use FMLA for the six weeks I will be off after plastic surgery. My claim for FMLA was denied. WHY??
Having plastic surgery. FMLA has denied my request for the 6 weeks required to be out of work after surgery. Why? applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

Non-compete: Who is the client?
I consult for company A. They contracted me to Company B, their client. Company B contracted me to one of their clients Company C. Company C is not a client of company A. My non-compete with company A... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

need help what do I need to do?
My daughter was assaulted at work tonight by the owner /boss of her place of employment. She was talked to like she was trash she had her leg slammed in the front door and she never even got paid. We ... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

I had a Secretary which was a coworker of mine, take a faxadressed prrivate and cconfidential to my supervisor. Read it outloud to others and then went to other staff and read it to them. She did this because my doctor said that I would need time off that
A coworker read a fax from the fax machine to my coworkers about my need to be absent from work. This was a medical leave which was covered under FMLA. She also read it to other staff. She was mad bec... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

I had a Secretary which was a coworker of mine, take a faxadressed prrivate and cconfidential to my supervisor. Read it outloud to others and then went to other staff and read it to them. She did this because my doctor said that I would need time off that
A coworker read a fax from the fax machine to my coworkers about my need to be absent from work. This was a medical leave which was covered under FMLA. She also read it to other staff. She was mad bec... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

I had a Secretary which was a coworker of mine, take a faxadressed prrivate and cconfidential to my supervisor. Read it outloud to others and then went to other staff and read it to them. She did this because my doctor said that I would need time off that
A coworker read a fax from the fax machine to my coworkers about my need to be absent from work. This was a medical leave which was covered under FMLA. She also read it to other staff. She was mad bec... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

Can an employer force employees to take accrued PTO for a plant shutdown on short notice?
I have just been informed today June 6th, that I must take off the 1st week in July and the 1st week in August off for a plant shutdown due to a slow down in production. I work in the purchasing depar... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Being on call 24/7, should i be getting compensation or bonuses?
I work at an emergency flood damage company where one week per month I am required to be on call 24/7. The company does not provide a phone or a vehicle to take home for being on call. They also do no... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

do i have any legal rights to sue my employer or union
ok after reading all of your answers i understand that hostile work enviroment dosent actually cover a verbally abusive rude disrespectful supervisor but my question is this i filed a complaint with h... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Do I have a case
I am the only African American on a management team with a 24 X 7 network operations repair center. I work on the 3rd shift or graveyards and I have not been included or CC'd on any management meeting... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Employee or Contractor? Right or Wrong?
I'm a 1099 sub contractor for a company yet I have the position title Vice President. I recently did some work on a Saturday after hours and the President found out about it. My paycheck hasn't cleare... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Is it legal for an employer to send an email to all other staff members that another employee will not be working a specific day because they broke a tooth and had emergency dental appointment.
I was off work due to having an emergency dental appointment. I called my boss and told her I would not be there because I broke a tooth and had to go to the dentist. She sent an email to all other st... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

I was hired for a job almost a year ago that advertised a signing bonus and relocation expenses. During my first interview I was told if I accepted the money I would have to work with the company for ... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

I recently had an verbal altercation with a fellow employee. Shortly after, she told our boss that we had a fight and that I had smacked her, which I didn't. She is going as far as saying she is going to file a police report. Yes, we had a verbal argument
We had an argument about her not finishing her job. We work in an adult group home. I had called my boss for help in getting her to just leave but our boss wouldn't answer the phone. Anyhow, later tha... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Employer shuts down; won't pay workers what is owed.
On Jan 13, 2006, my father along with his co-workers were told they had 30 min to gather their belongings and vacate the premises - the plant was closing. None of those employees, my father included, ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can a short term disability employee sponsored program request my mental health records for a medical issue, such as a injured elbow or Lupus?
I recently became sick and subsequently diagnosed with Lupus and I had been out of work for 6 wks and now I have been asked by the Standard short term disability company for my mental health records a... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Problem getting employed after being fired
I was the victim of a false claim of sexual harassment case in October 2015 and our legal counsel proved that it was erroneous and subsequently asked the employee to leave. I was kept on as the Genera... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Problem getting employed after being fired
I was the victim of a false claim of sexual harassment case in October 2015 and our legal counsel proved that it was erroneous and subsequently asked the employee to leave. I was kept on as the Genera... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I work for black angus and they recently started cutting back our shifts because we are not selling one gift card per shift. Is my employer allowed to do that?
With the holidays approching the management team is under pressure to sell gift cards to their guests. However, recently they started cutting back on serving shifts if we do not sell at least one gift... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I am currently on a leave, due to having surgery. My employer may not hold my job for me. I'm not protected under FMLA because I only worked there 4 months. Can I apply for unemployment when I have recuperated?
My employer stated they may not be able to hold my job for me. I only worked there 4 months, and needed surgery. So, can I receive benefits when I recuperate, thus able to work? Apparently, I was told... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I work for black angus and they recently started cutting back our shifts because we are not selling one gift card per shift. Is my employer allowed to do that?
With the holidays approching the management team is under pressure to sell gift cards to their guests. However, recently they started cutting back on serving shifts if we do not sell at least one gift... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I work as an operations manager for a family owned business my employer laid off 5 production workers to save cost and now I am learning he wants to layoff my position and promote my sales manager. This I suspect is happening because his son and I had a d
Current operations manager have only answered to and for owner. Son and I have a disagreement. Now they want to lay me off and replace with my sales manager. Not qualified without further training fro... applies to California  ·  0 answers

ohio pregnancy leave laws?
Mel, I work in a small anenethesia group (6 people) and recently my husband and I got pregnant. There was not specific maternity language in our contract,so my boss had the lawyers make one up at that... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Unemployment question- New York
Hello- I had a touch base with my boss a few weeks ago because she was leaving the company. I let her know I did not think the position I was in was a good fit for me and asked if I could use her as a... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My husband worked for a property management company for 30 years. The son took over for the last 9 years and recently sold as of January 2015. The new management company took over and hired all employees and just cut 24 hours of ny husbands work in one of
Looking for clarification as to whether you can collect unemployment whe you worked for a company for 30 years and they sell it and after 3 months the new company reduces your job and hours to 16 a we... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

My husband worked for a property management company for 30 years. The son took over for the last 9 years and recently sold as of January 2015. The new management company took over and hired all employees and just cut 24 hours of ny husbands work in one of
Looking for clarification as to whether you can collect unemployment whe you worked for a company for 30 years and they sell it and after 3 months the new company reduces your job and hours to 16 a we... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

What is the statue of limitations to file a suit based on retaliation?
I believe I was fired due to two possible reasons: 1. reporting unhealthy/unsafe conditions in my classroom....water leaking in...wet slippery carpet...potential mold...this report was ignored. 2. A c... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Can employer hold back commision from a base pay?
I am paid a base pay plus commision. My contract reads I will recieve a base pay of $500.00 plus commision. When I sell something and process the paper work I get all the commision in my next pay cycl... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Can my employer make a retroactive reduction in commission?
I have a position in which I make a base salary and commission from sales. I was informed today (April 23rd) that they would be reducing the commission for sales made, retroactively to April 1st. I li... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

Don't understand non compete I signed
I signed a non compete and I don't understand what some of the categories means such as: Own, manage, be employed by or otherwise affiliated with, any person, corporation, firm or other business entit... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

I've been notified by my former employer (a Fortune 50 company) that they made a mistake (in my favor) and are asking me to return the money. Am I obligated to return the over payment. What legal recourse do they have to collect it?
I was offered early retirement which I didn't take. Two weeks after the deadline I was part of a Work Force Reduction (layoff) but since I was over 55 and met all of the retirement criteria I was auto... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Are restrictive covenants enforceable two years after the expiration of contract?
I am a dental associate without any stake in profit sharing or ownership within the practice. My most recent employment contract included a restrictive covenant to not compete within a ten mile radius... applies to Connecticut  ·  1 answer

What to do if let go and feel like employer has not followed procedure?
Hi MEL, I am on an H-1B visa and in March 2016, I was let go from my job where I had been employed, for almost three and a half years. Firstly, the company informed me they would not be renewing my vi... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Is it legal for 2 company's that share employees to make their employees clock out at one place?
Is it legal for two major companies (Toyota and Chevy) that share employees to make the employees clock out at one place once they have reached max hours before overtime kicks in and clock in at the o... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Due to my pregnancy my Dr put me on overtime restriction. Since overtime is mandatory it takes away from my FMLA. Where I'm confused is most overtime is on an as needed basis to cover if someone calls in on another shift. If no one volunteers then someone
I'm not allowed to work overtime for the duration of my pregnancy. I'm using FMLA to cover the overtime that's mandated. Mandated overtime is on an as needed basis. And majority is covering when someo... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Non-compete sales related
I think I signed a non-compete with my employer. I work in sales and have held (3) different territory positions North East Chicago, Northern IN and Southwest MI, and 11 key accounts in MI,IL, NY, PA,... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Majority of my question is in the details section. Thank you.
Hi. A Dallas, TX area Client ended business with a contracting company A, who in turn terminated my contract with them (contracting company A). The Client hired a contracting company B, who is trying ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

wrongfull/illegal termination
I used to work in San Diego at Leaptek( as an Office Manager. In April of this year, I was told that there was no more money from Shanghai headquarters to pay me and I was let go, with no ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

overtime pay for more than a eight hour day
I have two questions about overtime. First, if i,m a hourly employee and work more than a eight hour day am I intitled to overtime pay of time and a half. Which I am not recieving from my employer.Sec... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Getting laid off while still on maternity leave due to team relocation.
Based in Santa Clara, California. While I was on maternity leave, all my team members left the company. The company headquarters are based in Texas. In the meantime, they hired consultants (also based... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Forced to sign non-compete after starting employment...
When my husband was interviewing with a consulting company, he specifically asked if there was a non-compete agreement. He was told there was not. The first day at the company was supposed to be orien... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Can my employer change my schedule for intermittent FMLA (chronic condition)?
I have a chronic coniditon that will cause me to miss work during flare ups and I've been approved for an intermittent FMLA. I'm an hourly supervisor and my managers are trying to adjust my schedule f... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can your boss turn the music off on your personal cell phone?
I work in a meat cooler at Walmart I have been listing to music on the Bose Sound link to my cell phone. The music can't be heard from the sales floor. My supervisor and other managers have no issue w... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Is this Retaliation?
Would it be retaliation if I was terminated for taking a company mandated break whilst taking a phone call regarding testifying under oath about unemployment case that involves my place of employment ... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Is this non-competition contract legal?
I have worked for this company for less than a month. I have provided all my own supplies and knowledge. the owner is making me loose money by restricting what I can do but did not do so before the co... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

A couple of months ago I was promoted to supervisor over a department in our plant. A couple weeks later we got a new plant manager, he doesn't like me and has singled me out from the beginning, I, now just wanna step down. This company hires daily, but t
The new plant manager has never done this type of work. He doesn't thoroughly know the job. He came in with the " beating on the chest" attitude. " I am the boss. I'm in control." Ok I have no problem... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

Can your boss turn the music off on your personal cell phone?
I work in a meat cooler at Walmart I have been listing to music on the Bose Sound link to my cell phone. The music can't be heard from the sales floor. My supervisor and other managers have no issue w... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

A couple of months ago I was promoted to supervisor over a department in our plant. A couple weeks later we got a new plant manager, he doesn't like me and has singled me out from the beginning, I, now just wanna step down. This company hires daily, but t
The new plant manager has never done this type of work. He doesn't thoroughly know the job. He came in with the " beating on the chest" attitude. " I am the boss. I'm in control." Ok I have no problem... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

What to do if the offer for a job was withdrawn after you resigned from existing job?
I got a job offer and I accepted the offer and they had given me a start date. After that I gave my resignation letter to my existing job and after the last day of work at my current office, the new c... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Can an employer deduct from a final paycheck (salary) for the personal debt?
My boyfriend's employer is claiming we owe her $300+ for personal things she picked up for us at the store, completely not work related. She says that we owe it to the ranch (where he works) because s... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

employer out of business, fails to pay
Hi, I worked for an employer from August 1999 to 2000 and was never officially released, but told I could go from salary to contract. The employer went out of business, and never paid me. I took this ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can an employee who is just picking up her check not in uniform and not on the time clock be confronted to talk to her boss on her own time, then have hours cut because the boss did not like the answer or way it went
I was picking up my paycheck on Friday Oct. 23rd. My co worker said the boss wanted to see me, she (my boss) then attempted to discipline me for something someone said I did (someone being a co worker... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I was employed full time for the last 20 years at my job. They eliminated my position so they did not have to pay me benefits and wanted me to do my same job and responsibilities for 25 hours a week instead of the 40 I have always been paid for. Is this l
I work at a school that is losing money. They wanted me to do my same job and responsibilities for part time money with no benefits or insurance to save money. I worked full time 20 years there. applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I am suspended from work but my job is telling my patients, in order to; make sure they do not leave the practice, that I'm out on medical leave . I am getting calls from patients of mine who are worried about me and it's causing me extra stress on top of
I am suspended supposedly for one day and I have not been able to get in touch with anyone to let me know what's going on but now, I'm receiving texts & phone calls from patients who were told that I'... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Do i have a Retaliation case?
I had reported my Supervisor to the Site Manager 1 week before I took PTO for trying to make me change my Temp Agency Timesheet to show less hours. which is theft in my opinion. I had applied for Paid... applies to Idaho  ·  0 answers

My doctor wants write a request that I have a sit down position due to the neuropathy in my feet from chemo. We don't have any sitting position in the factory except for office positions so I'm worried they will fire me if I turn the written request in to
I had cancer in August of 2014 and have developed neuropathy in my feet from it. Since there's no cure for it my doctor wants to write a letter to my work requesting that I have a sit down job. My con... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Which state laws will my employer have to
I work in Missouri but my Corporate Office is in Tennessee. I gave two weeks notice and then the following day [which was coincidental into being the first day of a new pay period And right before Tha... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

How to receive back pay.
My son was fired from his place of employment for being 2 hours late. He was employed there for 3.5 years. He's a Volunteer firefighter for the Timberakes Volunteer Fire Dept. and was performing high ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Can I be fired by filling out Injury reports?
I am a blue collar worker at a Fortune 500 paper company. Like many companies they have down sized. First the boss came to the machine forcing up run time. Then, where there were 3 people per machine,... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

short term medical/payout of EIB earned
Hospital I work 4/just anounced the outsourcing of our jobs-very next day the outsource company met with us & offered us our jobs on a probationary period upon termination by the hospital-haspital has... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Can I refuse to sign a non-compete agreement because the "competition" is undefined?
The employer is in a fairly niche segment of a broader field, but defines itself (in other official documents) as being in competition with the much broader field, which isn't necessarily accurate. Th... applies to South Dakota  ·  0 answers

I work for a law firm and i asked our office administrator can i see my personnel files and she told me i couldn't see it. That is baffling me because any other firm I have worked at you can see your ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Severance versus accrued (reset 1/1) vacation pay
My company is closing in late January 2017 and I have been employed about 6 years. My vacation time resets on January 1st every year and I was requested to stay on until the day the doors actually clo... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Reducation in bonus rate on the contract after the year is complete.
I work on salary with commission. We have been using a company setup commission plan that requires a spreadsheet to determine commission amount for over two year now. In 2010 I ended up way above goal... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

No pay for non-billables
I work for an IT consulting company. Recently, the company changed its policy on compensation. It stated that any time that is not billable will not be compensated. This is tantamount to a huge pay cu... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

demoted from salary to hourly and employer won't tell me my new wage? can I not report until I am?
I was demoted from a salary position to an hourly position and will be given a hefty pay cut. My new position has started but no one will tell me my new hourly wage. Payroll says they havent been told... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can my manager change my start time, without calling me to let me, can he discipline me for it?
The other night around 11:30 pm, before setting my alarm clock for the next day, I checked my work schedule, it said 11:30 am start time. I took a screenshot (my manager does this often) of my schedul... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Is it Non compete if do same job but not competing? Also company sold to new company.
I work as a MSDS author for a company that authors MSDS for many companys. I signed an agreement with my company (Comany X) that says I will not compete against them or there best interest. If I went ... applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

I was terminated for
I was called on the phone by the CEO and VP FInance and told they were terminating me, e"ffective today, "because the situation at (client) has made you a liablility to the company. I have never even ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

My position will be eliminated before year end. Can my employer hold my severance until January 1?
I work in middle management for a large corporation. My position will be eliminated in Q3 next year. I would like my employer to hold my severance check until January 1st for tax purposes. Might they ... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

they didn't rehire ex employees but just rehired a girl they fired!! Can i sue them?
I put in my two weeks notice and quit my job. New job didn't work out so i ask for my old job back was told company policy they didn't rehire ex employees but just rehired a girl they fired!! Can i su... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Can I collect Vacation hours while collecting Disability insurance while on maternity leave in California?
I collected 80 hours of vacation time while on maternity leave and collecting disability pay, My work says you cant do that and is now taking my next pay check... is that right? I was under the unders... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can I use FMLA for my father's knee surgery in another country?
I work and live in Maryland. I would like to take FMLA leave for my father's knee surgery. He lives in a different country. Am I eligible to take FMLA leave for care of father out of country? Is docto... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

I am a commission paid employee. My employer recently started taking my earned pto time for time I took off work without my permission. Is this legal? Since I'm paid commission my 2 week pay is 100 plus hours. Can my employer take my pto time even though
I've worked for Camping World since 2003. Recently (past 6 months) the company started taking my pto time if I missed a day without me requesting it. This is something new their doing and didn't infor... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

I am required to be on-call every week from 5:30 pm -1am?
I am to answer calls coming in for different mental health facilities, answer questions, obtain insurance information, and send out emails. On average I spend between 2-4 hrs answering calls, and take... applies to New Mexico  ·  0 answers

Do I have to pay taxes on the emotional disterss portion of my out of court settlement?
I was terminated after returning from FMLA leave for treatment of Hepatitis C and informed my employer the treatment did not work. I was harassed and blamed for my position falling apart due to my ill... applies to Iowa  ·  1 answer

Jurisdiction in a non-compete
Hi. I just got blindsided by a company I reped for for 14 years. They basically just sent out a mass email to everyone saying I was terminated and not to talk to me anymore. That's the first I heard. ... applies to Georgia  ·  1 answer

When laid off, what is the process of being contacted to return
Was laid off and want to know the process in which I’ll be contacted to return to work, applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Appplebee's health problem
While working at Applebee's as a manager I began developing health problems with my pancreas, and high triglycerides. Doctor said I was eatig food with too much fat. The reason I was eating this fatty... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Is it a wrongful termination if my employer fired me after she receive garnishment judgement for me and fired me stating poor work performance?
My employer received a garnishment judgement for me and she was given 20 days to answer it,but before the 20 days passed she let me go accusing me of poor performance. Before she fired me she keep on ... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

what evidence I need to prove that I wa discriminated by my Supervisor.
I was treated unfairly by my Supervisor for a long time, he embarassed me, he yeld at me, he accused of lying and he's being very rude to me. my co-workers come in late, leave early he doesn't care wh... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Can a per diem employee be required to request time off..
I am a RN working for a home care agency in Florida. I am a per diem employee. I make my own schedule and work as many or as few hours as I chose based on personal preference and the needs of the agen... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Negative PTO and Unemployment
Negative PTO and Unemployment Negative PTO and severance Pay. I was required to go into negative PTO because the company did not have any work. Soon after I was dismissed with a severance pay of two w... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I was called I only the h office and was accused of talking to a staff member about another staff member who interviewed to work I. Our department do I legally have the right to know who accused me. If I ask Hr to let me know who accused me do they have t
I was called into the Hr office and they informed me that I had discussed private information about a staff member to another staff member. Do I legally have the write to no who accused me. And does H... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

do i have a case if I was fired for missing a call on the on call phone while driving.
Four weeks ago I put in a formal complaint about verbal and physical harrassment from a co-worker. This co-worker is a favorite of the president of the company and did nothing when I put in the compla... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Is this wrongful termination in eyes of law?
We were required to take a "random" drug test that made the whole company on site participate...My husband left before his was completed because our son got bit by a scorpion but I stayed and willing ... applies to Mississippi  ·  0 answers

My boss rejected my PTO request even though I have maxed out on my PTO hours.
Hi, I work in California and accrue PTO hours. My PTO maxes out at 300 hours. If I don't take time off, I will stop accruing. I requested time off to avoid this issue, however, my boss rejected my req... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Since june 1 I have been out on injury and I filed for fmla, I haven't received no pto or sick pay, I recently recontacted my employer hr department which said they was checking into it no one ever called, now its July and they won't let me borrow against
I broke my ankle June 1st, and unable to work for 3 months, I was on bed rest, I notified my employer and my doctor faxed paperwork, I applied for fmla, but I haven't received no pto or sick pay and t... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

workers comp office in Cambridge ohio lost paperwork
I lost part of a finger at work on September 8, 2008. I am going to have the pins removed this month with a 3rd surgery. In November I submitted completed forms with all backup to our Cambridge office... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Do I have any rights regarding a false accusation?
About 2 months ago it was brought to my attention that someone had accused me of making a sexually offensive remark to a woman that I work with. An investigation was conducted by our CEO and found the... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Can an employer be sued for malicious prosecution; their lawyers sanctioned for abuse of process, ,
I reported prohibited practices and illegal activity that warrant criminal penalties, and my refusal to participate (wire fraud, forgery, bank fraud, embezzlement, discrimination in the workplace, phy... applies to Mississippi  ·  0 answers

I signed a non-compete clause with my company who contract with hospitals to provide sleep labs. Since I signed that contract under one title the compnay has since changed my title without a new contr... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can they refuse to give me sick pay? Im desperate, need to know.
I work at a place here in california. We have 3 days sick pay each year. the issue is, when we are sick even with doctors note, they do not give us sick pay for that day. instead they only pay us once... applies to California  ·  0 answers

does fmla cover absentism due to sick baby
Ever since I have returned to work from my maternity leave, I have missed a number of days & have been late a lot due to having to tend to my son. He has been sick a lot(nothing terribly serious) sinc... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I am a Sergeant in a local police department. I have been written up several times because my Corporal consistently has a poor work performance and he will not listen to anything that I have tried to retrain him on. I have an officer who I have written up
Unlawful demotion because of someone else's wrongdoings.. I have constantly been written up because my officers behaviour after they have been properly trained by myself and others. Been accused of sl... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers


My employer lied to me during the interview about getting health insurance.
During my interview my company in Santa Cruz, CA told me that health insurance would be included in my compensation package. After I started work they told me that they were changing companies and I w... applies to California  ·  0 answers

My employer lied to me during the interview about getting health insurance.
During my interview my company in Santa Cruz, CA told me that health insurance would be included in my compensation package. After I started work they told me that they were changing companies and I w... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can an employer withhold wages, if I refuse to sign a contractor agreement?
After being laid off, I worked for my former employer as an independent contractor. As an independent contractor, I provided consulting services to a customer of my former employer. The contract was f... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

I have an employee who is pregnant and will be giving birth in a few months. She turned in her FMLA paperwork today, and I'm not sure if I should make her actively on FMLA at this point or wait until she gives birth.
I have an employee who is about 4 months pregnant, but wanted to get her FMLA paperwork filled out ahead of time so she has everything completed when it is time to give birth. Should I put her on FMLA... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

My company was bought out by another
I am a master automotive technician was working for Dollar rent a car. Hertz rent a car bought Dollar. I was invited to stay. Hertz transferred me too the hertz garage. Hertz recognized my seniority. ... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

19 year old without any work exp. was hired as assistant manager because mother is manger at another location( Dollar Tree Store) is this legal?
The Daughter of a Dollar Tree Store Manager was hired at our location as a cashier, after 3 months she was promoted to assistant manager, she had the least exp. of all the employees at that location .... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

In Nevada. A teacher at a private catholic elementary school. Do I have the right to see a complaint in writing before I respond to the accusations?
A fellow employee of mine has complained that I have bullied and harassed her during work on at least 4 occasions. My supervisor brought this to my attention but refuses to supply me with a copy of th... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

CA Unemployment & Spouse Relocation
We currently live near Los Angeles, where my husband and myself both live together. I got offered a new job, up north, over 3 hours away. My husband wants to be able to do his job from home (soon to b... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I have been employed for almost 12 yrs at a med clinic, which I love. Our office has accepted a new Practice Site Administrator that has made it clear to all employees that she is "boss". We are not a... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

I was accused of drug use with out cause a made to go to hospital to I have a lawsuit
I went to nursing Dept related from a fainting episode where I hit my head. I had suffered an accident years ago where a lab found I had metal in my face resulting at times where I have blemishes wher... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

What penalties could my employer face for breaking federal temp laws?
My employer in PA considers me a temporary worker, but I have worked here for more than two years consecutively, which violates federal temp laws. What would the penalties be for them violating this? ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

I got demoted, which came with a pay cut. Now my employer wants me to do my old job without giving me my raise back. Is there anything I can do?
I work at Walmart and they demoted me which came with a pay cut. They had me as a back up for my old job but I went in and told them I could no longer be a back up for that position without getting pa... applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

Do they owe me accrued vacation pay
My company is based out of Virginia, hired me to work in Philly, and reside in Philly. I paid all PA and Philly taxes and thus receive unemployment from the state of PA. The state of Virginia does not... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

I was out 1 Monday I was sick, the following MOnday because my mom was in the hospital. my supervisor wants to see something showing that my mom was in the hospital, otherwise she will give me 2 days off without paying. is this Legal? she does it to every
on 04/17 Monday, I was sick I did called in, on 04/24/17 I called in because my mom was in the hospital, my supervisor asked me to bring a note stating that my mom was ill, otherwise I will be sent ho... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I have recently quit my job and have not received my paycheck, what should I do?
I quit my job recently and my last day was Sept. 2, 2016. I had given a two week notice and have not received my last paycheck. The most recent payroll was Sept. 9, 2016 a week from my last day and to... applies to California  ·  1 answer

In NYC can on employer diny accrued vacation pay after Cov-19 State Shot down?
Our policy is after 5 years of employment we are intitle of 4 weeks vacation. Due to Cov 19 State shot down and be considered not essential worker, I stay home 3 month with pay. Once back to work I as... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Hello, I live in Arizona and my husband worked for a casino in the their food and beverage department. He was fired and now that he was moved on to another job and it has been weeks since he has worked there, his references are getting harassing phone cal
He was hired as an Assistant sou chef to a restaurant that was not open in the casino yet. Was thrown around with no direction from management and tried to clarify with management before he was fired.... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Does my employer have to hold my job when out on Maternity Leave?
Due to complications during pregnancy I was put out of work by my doctor 6 weeks before my actual delivery. I delievered by C-Section, and therefore am entitled to 8 weeks disability after delivery. I... applies to New Jersey  ·  2 answers

I was terminate do in Georgia for absenteeism no call no show for 3 days but I did call the company number that has an answering machine for employees to call when there going to be out because I went to work @ 6 am so most time management isn't there but
I never been warned are wrote up for absenteeism but the supervisor said I was a no calls no show for 3 days while I was hospitalize for at least 4 days and I have the doctors excuse and hospitals adm... applies to Georgia  ·  1 answer

Can a employer dock my pay for having a personal issue/accident on self ? Less than 20hrs for The week 6/8hrs in the shift
went to the doctor got excused for the day because of stomach problems and nausea came back the next day as I was allowed to informed my bosses that I had some personal issues and needed to be close t... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

What should be the rule when a company has locations in different states and accrued vacation
is in question? I work for a company headquarter based in Cincinatti, Ohio and I worked out of Baltimore, Maryland. They refused to pay me vacation pay but have admitted that accrude vacation was paye... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

I was told after requesting to start FMLA that I would lose my exempt employee status and be put on hourly. HR has since changed her mind. Do I have a claim?
I'm a salaried employee. I recently had a picc line put in. I turned in a man for sexual harassment last summer 2016. Since I have had work taken from me and when I asked about FMLA I was told by our ... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

I am a RCA with the USPS and have 76 hours in 6 weeks of work. I have never driven and cased the full route that i was going to be assigned to. My PM told me that i was to either resign or be fired because my time is too slow. I dont know what my time wou
Worked in 6 weeks 76 hrs. have not driving the full route to deliver mail told i am too slow not supposed to case mail left handed Told that I will have to resign or be fired by PM Hire date 12/11/21 ... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

I get 2 weeks vacation in May, If i quit before that date, do I get any of that vacation I have coming to me.
My 3 year anniversary at work is on May 18th. I will be getting 2 weeks vacation on that day to use throughout the year. If i quit before May 18th, will i get any of that vacation I would have had com... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Put in 2 weeks notice of job due to my health but PRN can I get unemployment?
Had put in 2 weeks notice but work PRN due to my health would I be able to apply for unemployment ? applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Payroll lost check, someone cashed it
I work in IL for a company based out of WI. I went to pick up a check dated 12/26, and was told that the check was not there. Over a week later, after I had send in a request for a stop payment, I was... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

What to do when a supervisor takes an employee's Bible and put it in a waist can full of water?
My father-in-law takes his bible everywhere and even keeps it with him at work. His supervisor saw the bible sitting in the semi-truck and called him to tell him that he cannot have the bible in the t... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Travel pay policy
My company requires me to travel from VA to NJ every three months. The company is located in NJ, and I work from home in VA for the company. For the last three years, when I traveled in March, my flig... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Can I put a lien on the project in which my commission was based?
Currently my employment contract is both salary and commissioned based. I am in a situation where the commission side of my contract is not being paid. I have submitted in writing demands for payment.... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Hi Mel , I have a quick question, I worked as an independent contractor before getting hired as an employee (dispatcher) , after 2 months being hired I signed a non compete agreement , I am resigning and planning to work for our competitor as an independe
I will be leaving my existing job (dispatcher) and will be working for our competitor as an independent contractor for higher pay I need to know since I signed the non compete agreement can my employe... applies to Hawaii  ·  0 answers

Missed payroll in CA
Hello, I work for a small company (40 employees) The boss did not pay wages to any of the employees last pay period due to lack of funds. We also have collection agencies calling at all hours and have... applies to California  ·  1 answer

not sure what to do about a former employer bad mouthing me
my former employer let me go last month. i have been contacted by former clients telling me he is calling them threatening if they help me find another position ( not within their companies, just a ge... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can an acquiring company hold back a severance package?
The company I work for is being acquired by another. A severance package is promised to employees that are not retained after the merger. The buying company needs many of the employees to stay on for ... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

If an employee works their scheduled hours and doesn't make the required time at the end of the week can the employer force them to use their personal time or vacation time?
Our workers have been required to make at least 35 hours a week, but we work in an environment where that is not always possible. If they don't get their required 35 hours the employer forces them to ... applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

Do non-competes hold a dollar value in California?
Of seven children I am the only child to work at my father's company. I have worked as an at-will employee for 13 years. I was in Sales for 4 yrs and was GM/CFO from 1995 'til fired. He died several m... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Is it illegal for a potential employer to run a background check without permission?
I applied for a position by submitting my resume (basic info: work and school history). I had two interviews, neither of which I signed or filled out any paperwork giving them permission to run a back... applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

Is this be Family leave retaliation?
I work in the state of California. I recently took three weeks off to care for my wife as she is having a very troublesome pregnancy. Her doctor completed the standard fmla certification form that I w... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can my employer force vendors not in direct competition with them not to hire me?
I work at a mid-sized retailer's corporate office. Upon being hired I was asked to sign a non-compete agreement that barred me from being employed at direct retail competitors. My employer is now forc... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Can I reopen an unemployment claim after doing contract work?
I was laid off in April. I opened an unemployment claim, within weeks accepted a sales job at a firm HQ in GA. While is was to be a regular employee position, they have only paid me via straight check... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Changes to Employment Agreement
I was employed with a company that had me sign a employment agreement. It was typical non compete non solicate ... my question they did yearly evaluation and asked to resign new agreement. in December... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Employed by a outsourcing Project Manager company XYZ to work for widget company ABC, can a non compete keep me from being hired into a different position at ABC?
XYZ outsources PMs to many different companies, i was sent to ABC who makes widgets. A XYZ non compete states i cannot solicit or be hired into any outsourced company i worked for for a year after ter... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

I haven't been at Amazon for two months, and I know I had to relocate for the job I had to pay an early buyout on my lease and now Amazon is asking for their bonus pack I don't have the money I was there for 4 months
I was offered a job at Amazon that I took. I was also offered a bonus I relocated and recently paid off an early buyout on my lease because the job did not work out they had me working 18 hour days no... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I work in a tipping position. 6/25/2015, I was told that my coworker was telling the customers and my coworkers the reason I have been gone for 3and a half weeks is because I have been lock up and I got my ankle broken in jail. This has been really upsett
This happened on the job Thursday I was told she told like 8 customers this that she was serving from another employee, as I was doing my job I had someone from management say to me I know why you bee... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

I was employed at a college that is now closing. Our Director told us to start looking for work because of the closure and they had no idea of an exact date, it would be soon. I did start looking for job and spoke with the Regional director about making a
College is closing, and we were told to look for another job. I put in a two week notice because I did and was potentially hired at another college, but the job fell through. They hired someone one el... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

Hello, I am was hired for a job here in Hawaii. I was relocated from California to Hawaii. I have worked here since in October but now my supervisor is saying that I don't have the background to work in this position and is constantly asking me what I am
Help! I feel stuck. My supervisor told me that I don't have the background to stay in this position after hiring and relocating me. I now want to leave because I am bored and not challenged. I also fo... applies to Hawaii  ·  0 answers

Made-up Rule
Question: Can a new rule (law) be made up on a whim when supervisors want to remove a person from their current position? My last employer stated that all secretaries had to support at least 2 doctors... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Took medical leave for surgery, dr wouldn't release me to return, said I would never work again, company fired me once fmla was exhausted, they refused to pay me vacation time or any severance. When I questioned it, I was told they don't do severance anym
I'm in my 40s, female, wasn't released from dr care before fmla exhausted, was fired and denied vacation pay or severance, close to a year afterward, my boss, Male in 40s was fired and got vacation pa... applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

Pre-Startup Question
I have been working for a pre startup company with a memo of understanding that I will be compensated for all my work if the company ever gets funded. My concern is, if this company is funded, there i... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

If I am laid off prior to earning my retention bonus, am I elgible for both retention and severance?
I am an at will employee for a company back east. The company is closing down Phoenix, AZ operations. At the announcement of the operations closing I was asked to stay on through the closing process a... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

I want to take a vacation. i'm told that since i already took one this year i have to have my spouse, fiance or parent write a request on my this legal?
I already took a vacation this year but i want to take another one but the company i work for says that i have to have my fiance, parent or spouse write a request on my behalf applies to California  ·  0 answers

Unfair treatment and termination
Let me start from the beginning, My husband and I worked for the same company, he was there for 13 years and I was there for 12 years, we helped to buld the company, nobody else there has been there f... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

can an employer take money out of my paycheck because a credit card declined at the bank?
can an employer take money out of my paycheck because a credit card declined at the bank? I work as a front desk clerk on a 10-99 contract, and I recently was told im getting up to 300$ taken out of m... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Is an employer required to pay employees if they are not allowed to finish time after r
I work for a company that requires 30 days notice (to be paid for unused time, for one thing). There is a lot of turnover, and in recent months, employees who have resigned have not been allowed to fi... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

I was hired full time with the understanding I would work days and that 2xs a week I have a court ordered class that I have to attend. They now have changed my shift and taken those 2 afternoons when i have class away so I am now a part time employee. Is
I was hired full time days by the administrator who recently passed away. The new manager has changed me to 2nd shift and taken away the days I have my classes. I am now a part time employee. Is that ... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

Laid Off to Discover Employer Rehired the Guy I Replaced After He Got Fired From His New Job
I was recently laid off from a part time position during my six month review for a position that I had been working for during the past eight months. The Executive Director, who personally sought me o... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Docked half day's pay for going home early due to MSG poisoning from catered food at work.
I am allergic to MSG and will suffer migraine attacks. The caterers normally accommodate people with allergies and those ingredients are posted by the food. There was no posting of MSG as an ingredien... applies to California  ·  1 answer

with 10 years of management experience in the industry in which I work in. I applied for a position within my organization a day after it closed. I inquired with the hiring director if she would accep... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

FMLA - does employer impose it on pregnant employee from time her DBL begins.
My employee is pregnant, due any day. Her last day was 7/15 and she's going out on NYS DBL. Does the company "force" FMLA on her at the same time as she collects her DBL -- or let's say after four wee... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I want to know if I have a case for Discrimination I am disabled vet with a sick wife?
I work for the Federal Government, I am service connected disabled veteran with chronic severe migraines. My wife is completely disabled and on Social security disability. I miss work to take care of ... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Is there any law that gives salaried employees some flexibility without using PTO?
I manage a group of salaried traveling marketing managers in a company that typically has had mostly hourly employees. Their salaries are in line with industry for their jobs but it seems that Senior ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Am I mistreated because of discrimination?
I was diagnosed with advanced cancer after I joined the company for about 5 months. I had to take two 6-week leaves for very hard treatments. I told my manager in details regarding my illness and trea... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

My wife was put on suspension because she had an argument with a black co worker but she was not and she put her hands on my wife first is that discrimination
We work in a chicken processing plant and my wife and a couple other co workers were playing around throwing pieces of chicken at people everybody does it all the time but yesterday a black girl got m... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

My employer is demoting me from a salaried position to an hourly position. But they are taking my position away to create a new similar position and didn't offer or gave me a chance to apply for the new position here in California. Is this a type of wrong
I work for a nationwide company in Oakland, CA. My employer has notified to me that my position will be gone by the beginning of next year (2016). They are telling me that I will be demoted from being... applies to California  ·  0 answers


Can I be asked to relocate before coming back from maternity leave under FMLA?
I am due back at work in 2 weeks after taking leave, all paperwork was filed, in August for the birth of my child. My employer called me stating that my position was moved out of state, they state no ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Is a non compete valid in my particular case as a contracted financial rep in Texas?
I am a former Allstate Financial Registered Representative that was on contract. Since leaving Allstate, I have had several former clients (friends and relatives) who have contacted me to ask about mo... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Question regarding retaliation after a colleague is terminated?
I helped a friend gain employment within the organization I work. Recently, this friend was terminated after he reported retaliation from the department manager. This friend has filed a complaint with... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

If my employer didn't renew my 1 year contract, can I receive unemployment benefits?
I was given the option to resign 2 months early or finish out my contract as they were eliminating the position, but the HR Director and subsequent work environment was so hostile, I felt pushed out. ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Does an employer have the right to use my personal property as a condition of employment?
My employer is requiring me to park my personal vehicle at a gas pump island where I work as a condition of employment. 1. It is my vehicle. 2. They will not allow me to park it off site. I must park ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

My company took away our accrued PTO without any warning. Is this legal? I had been saving it up for a vacation with my kids this summer and now it is suddenly gone.
I work for a delivery company. I have been there 19 months. I wasn't allowed to use vacation time during the first 12 months as I was "accruing it". I had banked over 100 hours of PTO and was saving i... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

work as employee paid as contractor 1099
Hello, I've been working on a 1099 non-employee status and stated im a employee but no an employee. i am claimed as being a wiener & complainer on travel expense paying out of my pocket & with trying ... applies to Kansas  ·  1 answer

Non-compete After Employment Agreement Expires
Mel, I signed an Employment Agreement in 1/1/01. The "Employment Period" was defined as two years and expired in 1/1/03. I still work for the company, but I have not signed another Employment Agreemen... applies to Massachusetts  ·  2 answers

How long is unemployment aloowed to answer a case request?
I am in the mortgage industry and am required to go to the office full-time weekly. I have done this work for 12+ years and am W-2 but paid by the employer on a percentage basis. Because of the market... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

They fired him and they still want him to do work...
My co-worker is being "bullied" with threats of criminal charges of extortion if he does not produce paperwork on a laundry list of categories -- none of which currently exists in a written form. Once... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete Question
I have a non compete for 1 year and within 100 miles from my primary office location. I cannot solicit the compan’s clients or customers and I cannot BECOME employed by a competitor or an individual... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I live in Arlington Va. I have an offer letter that I accepted and started work with a new company. After two weeks of working for them they are now stating that my start date is tomorrow and my billable hours will start from that date. If my start date o
I live in Arlington Va. Job is for a contractor supporting the State Department, company is called Allied Mission Group, I left my old job for this job, I have an offer letter from another company tha... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

I was recently involved in a racial discrimination investgation. A supervisor told me that her suborinate was "riding me" (harrasing me) because of the color of my skin. The company launched an intern... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Hours cut in half would not accepting new terms be a quit or termination?
I work for a single doctor office as a medical biller/coder. I have been informed my hours will be cut in half. If I inform him that this is not acceptable, and he says there are no options, would thi... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

I have been a bartender at a ski resort for 6 years. Usually they just send me an email at the beginning of the season. This year I never received an email so I contacted my supervisor by text and he replied we don't have any open spots. So after I spoke
Bartender who was not hired back after 6 years with no write ups, at seasonal job because I was told by hiring supervisor, I'm too good of a bartender to work for them again, and my open availability ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Is it a breach of contract by hiring someone as an independent contractor that is under non-compete
Our company has a Settlement Agreement for 10 years, non-compete with our competitor which states upon termination or resignation, you may not work for the competitor for 2 years. The ten year agreeme... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

can my employer force me to interview for new company?
I work for a hospital in NJ in mental health care. The hospital lost their state contract to a community agency after an RFP process. The hospital is only awarding severance to those employees who hav... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can the workers do anything legally?
I work in an Union (UAW) factory. Our contract expired on November 16, 2012. It contains a 30 day extension clause. On February 2, 2013 the International Union (UAW) sent the company a letter stating ... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

What remedy is there for false accusations that defame your character?
I have been wrongly accused as retaliating against a new manager, as well as discrimination of his race and "ageism". I could not retaliate against someone who I didn't know had filed accusations agai... applies to California  ·  1 answer

How does it work when you have a warn letter and employment goes past the date on this letter?
The first warn letter we were given stated employment would end at the end of this month. I was given another warn letter extending the employment out until the end of June. There was nothing signed, ... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

I was terminated from my job yesterday for bad attitude and poor work. I was told everyday that I was improving and making progress (I always wanted to know how I was doing and what I could do better) . No complaints from guests or employees. I asked 2 of
My supervisors knew that I was aware that they weren't following rules stated by the law of ohio. when I asked for a handbook I was terminated within hours. I was still in my 90 day period. No proof o... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

required meetings without pay
I am a college student and I work as a waitress to pay my bills as I further my education. My employer requires that everyone attend one or two meetings twice a month on a Saturday afternoon when the ... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

I am a male 38 years old and have worked for a local government for 18 years. My wife and I recently have decided back in March to have a child and finding out in April we were pregnant. I put in for ... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

can I collect a $32K Commission owed to me from a former employer?
In 2004 I worked for a company as a sales rep in St Petersburg, Fl. On my way out the door to work for a competing company in California I closed a deal where my commission was over $30,000. The depos... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

International Non-compete
Hi, I worked for an IT company in New York for 2 years and got transferred to a sister company in The Netherlands. My first contract in New York had a non-compete of 3 years. My new contract in The Ne... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Employer dumping the taxes on employees.
hello mel, My mom used to work for a nail salon that is a franchise of many. when she started working there about 5-6 years ago, she had received a W2, what ever she made 40% goes to the shop, a year ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Former employer will not pay - judgement awarded
My former employer (Aug 1999-Feb2000) never officially let me go (company went under), they said they wanted to take me from salary to contract/per hour work; they said they would forward me the paper... applies to California  ·  1 answer

FMLA question - reinstatement to an equivalent position
I am currently on family leave after the birth of my baby. I was told that: 1) The part-time position I held since April 2000 will be eliminated at the end of my family leave, and 2) I must work full-... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Non-compete clause
I signed a non-compete in around 2004 (Sales position) and was just fired for job performance issues in May 2009. By 2009 the company went through a major merger and they did not ask me to sign anothe... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

disciplined for not prearranging an absence (even death)
I earn Personal Time Off (PTO) for every 40 hours worked to use for vacation, sick, or personal time off. My company has just changed its PTO policy. If I call in sick or have a family emergency or ev... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I worked for the company for six months and I earned 5 PTO days which I suppose to use in December, but I decided to leave company and I put two week notice, but day refuse to pay to me my PTO days, what are my rights
I started to work on May 11th 2016 and I worked until November 16, I did two week notice. I earned 5 PTO days and company refuse to pay this to me. applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Multiple non-compete questions
There are many questions involved in my non-compete issues and I do plan on seeking the advice of an attorney. However, I would like some general information to determine if I have a strong case. My o... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

How should I proceed with employer's retaliation & false theft claim?
My employer put me on a 2 week unpaid suspension, claiming I mishandled $1,800 3 months ago, while they investigate! The week prior, I had disputed their assessment that my employees would not get a b... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

In Virginia, can you company make you take your vacation time when you are sick rather than you vacation time?
Can my company make me use my vacation time rather than my sick time for when I am sick or go to the doctor? What can I do if I ask my employee to call me regarding this issue and they refuse call me ... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Will I have to pay out of my non compete agreement
operations out of virginia, but I am employed in Alabama, in the non compete it states 10% of salary, if employed in same duties for 6 months after, AND if employed by a follow on contract. Government... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

commission to hourly
I am a tow truck driver in CA. My employer has decided to change numerous policies without notice: 1 - we work for commission when we are on call (weekends & night hours), he is changing us to hourly.... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Who is responsible for ensuring a "satellite" office is following state laws?
The company I work for is headquartered in a different state and does not have an HR department (they use a 3rd party company to manage the benefits program and payroll). Our small "satellite/annex" o... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Bankrupt employer - can I keep my laptop to secure unpaid wages?
My former employer, fell two weeks behind in payroll, on Jan 3rd after taking two weeks of vaction, I gave him notice that until he got me current on my pay and expense's, I would no longer be returni... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Am I still available to get severance
I recently was told my service as a route sales representative is no longer needed at my job on January 6 2017. My manager said that I will be done running my own route on February 13th of that year. ... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

My non-compete agreement from a previous company expires in a few months. I currently have a job in a different industry. I would like to get a job in the industry I worked in the past. My question - does a non-compete agreement prevent you from searching
Non-compete agreement expires in approximately 3 months. I currently work in a non-related field. I would like to know if a non-compete agreement prevents me from interviewing with a competitor of my ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

My employer is harassing me every few days about being out for intermittant FMLA.
My employer is harassing me every few days because I have extreme pain daily in the A.M. That makes it difficult for me to get to work. I am late most days, usually about 10-30 minutes. I do contact t... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Does a former colleague's non-soliciation clause keep me from working at his new company?
I have an at-will employment agreement with company A with a 60-day mutual termination notice. After company A closed our local facility (though I remain as a remote employee), I was planning to accep... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Retaliation/Harassment, Do I have a case?
I am an American Airlines Maintenance Technician. I reprimanded a Supervisor for illegally signing off paperwork on an aircraft for work said to be completed but never was. The following day I was pul... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Can an employer just withold any amount of wages?
I am over 18 and I work for a well established landscaping company. The company operates in a legal fashion and is very well known. A few weeks ago I was working for the company at a residential accou... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I have been clean from illicit substances for 5 years now but am on a stable dosage of methadone from the clinic I attend. I was told this might prevent me from working in the Oil Fields in PA. Do you have any insight into this?
I have been clean from illicit substances but am currently under treatment at a methadone clinic and have been for 5 years now. I was looking to get back into working in the oil fields but told by var... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

On September 5th I will earn 3 weeks vacation. I will be resigning from my job on the 6th. Will I be entitled to the vacation days after I put in my two weeks notice?
Sept 5 will be 17 yr Anniversary at work and will earn 3 weeks vacation. I will be giving my two week notice on the 6th. Will I be paid the vacation after my two weeks notice or will I not be entitled... applies to Hawaii  ·  0 answers

wrongfull termination/does Texas employment Law protect people from this
My wife worked at a company were her duties not limited to answering 7 phone line for three companies and various administrative duties. She was called into the HRO reps. office and told that the owne... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

How to know if your a victim of retaliation.
A few months ago, my manager hired his friend to work for the company. As an Assistant, I asked how hiring this person was beneficial to the corporation because he had no qualifications. Since then, h... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I was let go after 18 years with a company
I have many questions and not really sure how to go about asking, I was initially fired for harassment,(verbally)I was not the person that was harassing, but was verbally harassed in front of many emp... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I am facing a lawsuit b/c I went to work for a competitor, after I got fired, and I had signed a Non-Compete Clause at my prior job. I am not sure how enforceable those are in TX. I did not take any c... applies to Texas  ·  5 answers

I quit my job after 23 years with company . didn't give notice. is company responsible to pay accrued vacation time?
I was working anywhere from 12 to 16 hours a day for months. I asked management for help, but was denied. It was too much work and was effecting my health . Quit job with out giving 2 weeks notice , I... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Non payment of Services
I am an H1B software engineer. I work as a consultant for companies on projects for a limited duration. the placement agencies is the middleman i.e they are paid by the company and then i am paid by t... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

extended injury & provided dr note & employer wants more detail
5/8/11 tore acl, surgery 6/22/11. 7/3/11 cracked kneecap, 7/21/11 broke kneecap in half due to slip & fall. Need surgery again on 8/4/11. Provided dr's notes for all absenses as required. Now employer... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

severance & retention bonuses when company is sold
I work for a company, in NC, that announced it would be winding-down their operations over the next 4 years. This company A is a wholly owned subsidiary (LLC.) of company B. I am technically an employ... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Here's my situation I was required to take a random drug screen and I failed anyway I was terminated but while I was terminated my manager went and told the office manager at a warehouse that I work at that I failed a drug test for a specific reason and t
Long story short I took a random drug test failed and my manager went around and told everybody what my results were and what I failed for and that I was fired well now I got hired back at the same si... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

COVID-19 - Salary Exempt employees pay cut by 20%
My company put all Exempt Salary employees on a mandatory 32 hour work week and reduced our salary by a related 20% during the COVID-19 Pandemic. This lasted for two months. During that time our expec... applies to Mississippi  ·  0 answers

do i have a good case
The director allow my standard of conduct to be violated forcing me to work in a hostile enviroment I been falsely acussed by 1 coworker and was written up. The same coworker was allowed by director t... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

do i have a good case
The director allow my standard of conduct to be violated forcing me to work in a hostile enviroment I been falsely acussed by 1 coworker and was written up. The same coworker was allowed by director t... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

do i have a good case
The director allow my standard of conduct to be violated forcing me to work in a hostile enviroment I been falsely acussed by 1 coworker and was written up. The same coworker was allowed by director t... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

do i have a good case
The director allow my standard of conduct to be violated forcing me to work in a hostile enviroment I been falsely acussed by 1 coworker and was written up. The same coworker was allowed by director t... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

do i have a good case
The director allow my standard of conduct to be violated forcing me to work in a hostile enviroment I been falsely acussed by 1 coworker and was written up. The same coworker was allowed by director t... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

do i have a good case
The director allow my standard of conduct to be violated forcing me to work in a hostile enviroment I been falsely acussed by 1 coworker and was written up. The same coworker was allowed by director t... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

do i have a good case
The director allow my standard of conduct to be violated forcing me to work in a hostile enviroment I been falsely acussed by 1 coworker and was written up. The same coworker was allowed by director t... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

do i have a good case
The director allow my standard of conduct to be violated forcing me to work in a hostile enviroment I been falsely acussed by 1 coworker and was written up. The same coworker was allowed by director t... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

do i have a good case
The director allow my standard of conduct to be violated forcing me to work in a hostile enviroment I been falsely acussed by 1 coworker and was written up. The same coworker was allowed by director t... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

do i have a good case
The director allow my standard of conduct to be violated forcing me to work in a hostile enviroment I been falsely acussed by 1 coworker and was written up. The same coworker was allowed by director t... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

do i have a good case
The director allow my standard of conduct to be violated forcing me to work in a hostile enviroment I been falsely acussed by 1 coworker and was written up. The same coworker was allowed by director t... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

do i have a good case
The director allow my standard of conduct to be violated forcing me to work in a hostile enviroment I been falsely acussed by 1 coworker and was written up. The same coworker was allowed by director t... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

do i have a good case
The director allow my standard of conduct to be violated forcing me to work in a hostile enviroment I been falsely acussed by 1 coworker and was written up. The same coworker was allowed by director t... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

do i have a good case
The director allow my standard of conduct to be violated forcing me to work in a hostile enviroment I been falsely acussed by 1 coworker and was written up. The same coworker was allowed by director t... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

do i have a good case
The director allow my standard of conduct to be violated forcing me to work in a hostile enviroment I been falsely acussed by 1 coworker and was written up. The same coworker was allowed by director t... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

do i have a good case
The director allow my standard of conduct to be violated forcing me to work in a hostile enviroment I been falsely acussed by 1 coworker and was written up. The same coworker was allowed by director t... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

do i have a good case
The director allow my standard of conduct to be violated forcing me to work in a hostile enviroment I been falsely acussed by 1 coworker and was written up. The same coworker was allowed by director t... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

do i have a good case
The director allow my standard of conduct to be violated forcing me to work in a hostile enviroment I been falsely acussed by 1 coworker and was written up. The same coworker was allowed by director t... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

do i have a good case
The director allow my standard of conduct to be violated forcing me to work in a hostile enviroment I been falsely acussed by 1 coworker and was written up. The same coworker was allowed by director t... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

do i have a good case
The director allow my standard of conduct to be violated forcing me to work in a hostile enviroment I been falsely acussed by 1 coworker and was written up. The same coworker was allowed by director t... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

do i have a good case
The director allow my standard of conduct to be violated forcing me to work in a hostile enviroment I been falsely acussed by 1 coworker and was written up. The same coworker was allowed by director t... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I was working for a company, and I quit,and I know a manager that works for the company at a different location that I was at. Then when the manager found out that i was no longer working for the comp... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I had 52 hours of PTO saved up, was informed my status was changed from temp to perm. and that I was under a new policy
I am a contractor, I work in Hawaii but rotated to Afghanistan for 1 year, I decided to extend for 6 months before returning to Hawaii. I was informed by HR that since I am here past 1 year that I wil... applies to Hawaii  ·  0 answers

What is the base rate used in calculating severance
Prior to separation through a "Work force Reduction" the salaried employees took a mandatory 5% salary reduction. Upon signing the severance agreement outlining the numbers of weeks for vacation and s... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Can my case fall under the whistleblower act
My employer clocked me out for 4 hours saying I was smoking when in fact I have proof that I was servicing clients during that time period. I reported this matter to the regional manager that I was fo... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Wrongful termination? Slander? Based on rumors...
I work in a restaurant and was recently suspended. Evidently the rumor mill in town is saying I was involved in an assault on another female at a local bar one night. Because some how my name was brou... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

Can my management decide to call anything they want an "essential function" of my job?
I have worked with my company for 18 years no. For the first 16 years my employment was stellar. 2 years ago I got two new managers. I was attending a 4 day seminar in Phoenix and there were only two ... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

I am prn and I had an appointment to go to. My employer is asking me for a doctor's note. Being that I am prn am I obligated to bring one.
I am prn at a home health agency and I had an appointment to go to. My employer asked me to bring in a doctor's note. Am I obligated to do so. They said that I am prn but I am to work a 40hr shift. I ... applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

My fiance is being demoted out of nowhere and they are decreasing his salary. Can they do this?
My fiance is the manager of a jewelry store for about a year and a half. He has done an amazing job and won many awards within his company for doing so well and improving this store from the year befo... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

Can my employer throw my personal belongings away?
My supervisor grabbed everything from my cubicle and put a sign that said trash and the cleaning crew threw it away. I noticed several days later (I don't work in the office every day) noticed things ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I paid for my own lie detector test to prove I did not use cocaine,how can I retain my federal company job
I was fired from a nuclear company for failing a 2nd test for cocaine in 9 years,I was asked if I did drugs,I said no and appealed their decision to fire me . I went and had a polygraph test from a fo... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

Signed non compete and was fired 6 months later -
I was hired as an independent contractor last October to work for an insurance brokerage. I signed an employment contract which included a non compete clause. I misplaced the agreement and have reques... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Severance package and agreement release
Hello . I was laid off due to lack of work. My employer gave me a package containing the choice to receive a lump sum equivalent to 8 weeks of pay if I gave up my rights to sue and so on. I did not lo... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I am an hourly employee. The auto dealership I work for has a policy, which I have never seen, stating that all overtime must be approved by your department's manager. I'm not sure if that policy is l... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is there any law against unequal treatment of exempt employees?
I am an exempt employee & have worked for the same employer for over 10 years. My supervisor manages 8 exempt employees. A few months ago, five of the 8 employees were requested to badge in, in the mo... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

quit job with just cause. but only worked 1 week
I worked for a company for over 7 years. I left this job for other employment. I started the new job and only worked for this company for 1 week. I quit this company after one week because they did no... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Lazy Lawyers
Is it common that lawyers accept your case, and "decide" they can't help you after a simple demand letter doesn't work. This has happened to me twice, and has wasted a year and a half of a two year fi... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Should I consult with a lawyer
I work at a title & payday loan company in mobile, Al. I was told by the district manager to market our loan products on Facebook. I have emails of her asking me to do so. Several of my FB friends inq... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

I signed what is titled as "key employee agreement" with a non-compete clause stating I will not w/o company's consent engage in any employment, consulting or other business other than for the company... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can my temporary staffing agency refuse to pay my sick time?
I worked for a temporary staffing agency that offered sick and vacation time if you worked enough hours. I had met the requirement prior to being hired permanently by my assignment. However, when I we... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Do I have to explain what I do with my days off?
My salon ran a charity food drive on a recent Sunday. I work Tuesday through Saturday and am unavailable on Sundays. I have kids and my husband works Sundays, hence my non availability. The owners wer... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Can my employer reduce my pay when I decide to give up a supervisor role?
I currently work as a supervisor for my employer. When given the supervisor role I never received a pay increase. I have decided that I no longer would like the supervisor role but when talking to my ... applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

Follow up visits covered under FMLA ?
In August I had surgery and was off work for 4 weeks to have a hernia repaired and two benign growths removed from my abdomen. I developed infection at one of the sites, which required several follow ... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

If I was suspended Friday pending review of the situation, and I turn in my resignation Monday morning , effective immediately, can my employer tell a potential future employer, I was terminated (I work in MN)
Professional in healthcare - salaried at 150k per year . Supervisor has said it could still take a week or so to get things sorted. If they find I was at fault , and suspension is warranted , they wil... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

commisisoned sales rep.
In short, I am a commissioned software sales rep. I get a base + 6% of the accounts I close. I have an employment contract. My boss, the VP of sales, and I get along great and he tells me he is very h... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Mileage and traveling
I live in Texas in a large medical office corporation. I travel between two sites 45 mins away from each other. They let me get mileage starting from my home to the further office only. I do not get p... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Mileage and traveling
I live in Texas in a large medical office corporation. I travel between two sites 45 mins away from each other. They let me get mileage starting from my home to the further office only. I do not get p... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Nexus between Arizona telecommuting to Nevada company
I reside 90% of the time in Nevada and work for a Nevada company. I would like to move back to Arizona and telecommute from Arizona to a Nevada company. Does telecommuting from Arizona to Nevada const... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

I was terminated by my employer on april 19th. My supervisor and I had numerous issues over my 51/2 year tenure, but management refused each time to get involved or resolve any issues. Some of these i... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Fired for asking about background check?
I work for a temp agency with a long term contract with a medical lab. I started with them Oct 7 and have a contract that specifies At Will employment. Last week they called the lab manager and told h... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can an emplyer rightfully lay off an employee 10 days before starting maternity leave?
I am 8 months and 3 weeks pregnant. All of my paper work is set up to start disability on the 29th of this month. I am having a scheduled C-section delivery on the 29th of this month. My employer info... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Company owner sexually harasses and discriminates
I work for a small company where the owner sexually harasses the females in the office by staring, touching, etc. No one that is currently employed there will bring anything to his attention for fear ... applies to California  ·  4 answers

wont send me my check after being threatened(physically)
I was threatened by another employee at work which nothing was done about it..I decided to walk out an quit...tired of the harrassment.Anyhow the company sent me a letter stating they stopped my direc... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Was I fired or not?
Hello my name is Ron D. I worked for be shell gas station speedee mart. I Been there 5 years I have never called in, and I was the only one who would cover everyone else's shifts or coming in on my da... applies to Nebraska  ·  0 answers

Need to know if I can take any action about my termination...that happened during psychiatric treatm
I have worked at the same job for 16 years. This past July I had a breakdown. My boss set me up for short term disability and Family medical leave (both at the same time). I have been seeing two docto... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Employee rights when caught or accused of stealing
Ok at my work place recently have been a string of thefts.Money from purses,a pair of shoes... I narrowed it down to a time frame.Weekends and around times school kids worked. There are no cameras in ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Where do I turn for recourse?
I recently quit my position as Director of Finance and Operations of a nonprofit in Alabama after working in that capacity there for nearly 8 years. I work directly under the Executive Director (gover... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

Can employer force me to sign befor i can read the employee hand book
i work for this company for almost 2 years and never signed or seen a employee hand book. now they have one. and they have it on one paper all bunched up together saying that so and so will recieve an... applies to New Mexico  ·  0 answers

Am I an exempt employee or a retail slave?
I am an assistant retail manager in Indiana. According to my employer, I am paid on a salaried basis with half-time supplemental pay for every hour worked over 40. I punch in and out and only recieve ... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

i had to quit due to being replaced and offered lower paying position
I quit a job of 6 years after employer "reorganized" and made all staff reapply for positions they previously held. I did not qualify for my position after reorganization due to educational requiremen... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Non compete contractor (non employee) situation
I have been working as a 1099 contractor for a guy (company "A") who has placed me as a contractor via another company (copmany "B") to a big firm (Company "C"). Company "C" allows contractors from on... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

company paid holidays
My Husband has worked for his employer for over 12 years. They aren't a corporation but a small company. He gets 6 paid holidays a year. These are the Federal recognized holidays. He works a Monday - ... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

I just got laid off from my company after being there 15 yrs .my last day was September 30 .so I apply for unemployment on October 7 and I start working for amazon 12th and I quit amazon on October 20 because they put me to do forklift and I never did tha
I work for bbraun medical for 15yrs I got laid off September 30.i applied for unemployment on October 7 and I start working for amazon on October 12 but I quit today October 20 because I don't and nev... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer


How is not providing an employee or agent of a company benefits and paid time off legal if the hours are full time? I work in property management. I accepted a position as a part time assistant property manager working 18 hours a week. I accepted the part
I am working 40 hours a week between different properties but I am not receiving any perks of being full time (pto, benefits, sick days). I need to know if this is legal. applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I am a exempt employee who gave my 30 day resignation. Abruptly, I was given one day notice that the following day would be my last. When I received my last pay check, I had on been paid for one week, when I still had another 2 weeks that I was scheduled
Was an exempt employee that have my employer 30 day resignation. Abruptly, I was emailed and told that they were waiving my resignation period and that my last day was the next day. Upon receiving my ... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Non-dsicretionary bonus for attrited employees
The company I work for has a non-discretionary bonus program for nonexempt staff - a performance based set of calculations to determine the bonus. The company is 6+ months behind in payments even thou... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

I am employed as a security guard and was replaced. I would like to know if it is legal
I am a security card with a current guard card. Am currently employed with a local security agency (though am not collecting any wages). Was assigned a particular shopping center with a contract. My e... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

I work in the state of Pennsylvania. I am getting documented and having two days of suspension without pay, three months of probation, and my bonus is being taken away. This is all because of a situation which is not even a policy. My boss has agreed with
I can not go into much details about the situation online. I would love to talk to a lawyer. However I am getting two days suspension, three months probation and my bonus taken away for the whole year... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

holiday and vacation pay benefits vary inner office
I understand there is no law stating employers must offer vacation, holiday and sick day benefits in the state of Illinois. But what if some employees with less weekly hours receive these benefits, wh... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Gender Discrimination - Pay Rates
I was hired in July, 2002 by a company out of LA. I'm a 22 year old female college graduate w/ 4 yrs experience. My pay rate is $11/hour. A 20 year old male with no college degree and 2 years experien... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I am getting ready to give my 2 week notice. I have approx. 48 hours of accrued PTO that I am wanting to be paid for. I am in Florida. How do I ask for this? I know that they have paid PTO to someone else a couple of years ago that had given 2 week notice
I work for a large automotive group and I am getting ready to give my 2 week notice. I have approximately 48 hours of accrued PTO, that I expect to be paid in my final check. How do I ask for this and... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

i need to get my severance pay
I was fired I was told I get 21 weeks I had lawyer and the lawyer told me to take it I did and my lawyer suppose to tell carefusion lawyer I want the pay. well it went on and off I called my lawyer wa... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Threatening not to pay me if I don't sign
I have worked for this company almost 2 years and they are now coming to me demanding that i sign a Confidentiality Agreement. I have looked this over and find the following flaws with it. 1) it has n... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I have a company email address. Can my company share my personal email with everyone?
We have company email addresses for work use - as it should be. Our company has my personal email because they needed to email our direct deposit notice. They just emailed everyone a company directory... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Hiring employees after leaving company
I am employed in Maryland. A colleague and a friend of mine has left that company (A). While talking to him about the kind of work he's doing I asked if he needs help. Consequently, I was offered a jo... applies to District of Columbia  ·  1 answer

If I am still with the company after being taken over by new employer. Is non compete still valid?
The company i work for is a hose cleaning company. That hires self-employed people. And they take a % out for themselves. Well when i started with this company. It was giving to a relative and then af... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Am I owed earned wages?
I was cheated out of my Holiday pay despite the fact that I followed all of the requirements in our employee manual(EM). I was not paid holiday pay because I called off Sunday which was my overtime. A... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

assault at work
Hello, I am one of two managers who was struck in the back by our District Manager while he was ranting about low sales from the previous day at a meeting that was taking place in our store. He hit th... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

If an employee has been absent for several weeks, and applied for FMLA but had it denied, can they be held accountable to the attendance policy in place for the time missed?
Employee has been out for several weeks due to an illness of his girlfriend's daughter. He has exhausted his sick time and applied for FMLA. His FMLA has been denied. There is a company attendance pol... applies to New Mexico  ·  1 answer

Can RMO be shielded by subordinate supervisor saying he made decision?
I work for the Postal Service. I filed an eeo retaliation complaint against the Plant Mgr for a letter of warning I received. At the pre-hearing the EEOC judge strongly suggested that mgt remove the l... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Hi there, my question is pretty simple. I was formerly a freight broker, i was working for a truck company as well as a dispatcher. I was fired from the brokerage for
Was a freight broker who deals with direct customers and contracts trucks to perform jobs. SIgned onto a truck company to be a dispatcher(no direct customer relation as that is illegal) Was laid off a... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Can my employer change my contract from 10 month to 12 month? Can I find out what other salaries wer
My new boss has handed down to a few of us that we are 12 month employees now, yet my research/flier states that I was a 10 month employee. There looks to be a mix up after I was hired with Human reso... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Asked to stay longer after term date given in writing. Unemployment effects?
My wife was told she is being terminated because the medical office she works for needs someone with Medical Assistant qualifications, which she does not have, to fill her role. She was able to get a ... applies to Maine  ·  0 answers

I was asked to leave early and now they don’t want to pay my PTO days.
I currently put my two weeks at work but I was asked by mysupervisor to leave a week early. I was also informed that I had 5 PTO days un use. However, the company doesn’t want to pay me back for my ... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

I recently submitted my two week resignation letter & my employer is not wanting to pay me for accumulated Extended Illness Benefits & Paid Annual Leave. They are denying the pay out due to me being on disciplinary action with probation. This write up is
If a write up against me was NOT issued in good faith and based on some lies, can my employer now not pay me for my accumulated EIB and PAL due to me being on disciplinary probation from this illegiti... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

False Accusations froma boss and proof they are false
My wife just got Counseling Review, basically part the companys procedure to fire her. Within the Counseling Review is a list of the allegations. My wife kept a submarine folder and we when throu... applies to California  ·  1 answer

501c3 and FLSA 2020
I work for a 501c3 church, I am a salary employee, and make a set fee regardless of hours worked. I do not receive overtime since I am salary, and not hourly. I have a master’s degree and do graphic... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Does the CA Warn Act employee count include those who work out of state even if the company is in CA
A company headquartered in California but has other remote locations in the United States had a mass layoff of 160 employees. The do not meet the Federal Warn Act requirements since they only let go o... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Non Compete/Child Care Center
I was employed by a private day care center. As condition of my continued employment I was asked (as well as all employees) to sign a Non Compete contract after being employed for 1 month. The Day car... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

I'm suppose 2 go 2 an unemployment hearing 2morrow with my boss against a now ex employee but I don't want 2, i want 2 call off but I know if I do, my boss will get pissed off & then she'll come after me next .... Can she fire me 4 not going ????
I work at a transportation co. & 1 day my boss was on her way home & saw this employee at a motorcycle place, she called the office where I was & asked me if I would ask him what was he doing there, l... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Amendments of non compete
My wife worked with Company X from 2012-2016. She signed a non compete there. She started looking for another job in January of 2016 and received and offer. This job was at another training facility. ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I currently work for a LLC in MN. One owner, Joe owns 25% and another partner ownes 75% of this company. Joe has recently decided that he doesnt want to stay in this company anymore and today they are... applies to Minnesota  ·  1 answer

Are lead employees allowed to discuss the conduct of their subordinate to a 3rd party that is family? The family member of the lead has had a friendship with employee that ended badly. For the past year the ex friend has repeatedly spoken back and forth w
The Dept Lead ( in this case a step above supervisor) has openly discussed ,with his daughter, the conduct of his subordinate. The daughter and subordinate has a long friendship that ended poorly. The... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

About Unemployment
our company just took over where I work, I am asst Food Service director, because I have medical restrictions on lifting over 20 pounds, I had to have a conference call, they clarified on paper as a a... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

We accrue vacation time based on hours worked, do I get paid for it?
I work in the state of Florida. I accrue vacation time based on hours worked. When I took the job, the vacation time was part of the sales pitch, Now I have 6 weeks of vacation accrued and no way to t... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Payout of accrued vacation (PTO) time
I gave my employer 2 weeks notice prior to voluntarily leaving the company, but they are saying that they will not payout my accrued PTO time since their policy states that PTO time will be paid out a... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can I get wages back?
At my current public company, I am being investigated by HR for falsifying expense reports. They believe there were some personal expenses that I charged to the company, which I admitted were a mistak... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Was hired in augurs 2018. 30 days later was told all employees would be let go due to being bought out in 60 days. Stayed working to help out due to people finding other employment and quitting to hopefully find work. Was called into office telling me the
Got job in auguest 30 days later told that everyone loses jobs in 60 days Stayed to help out and hopefully find employment Told to go to bosses office to be falsely accused. Management change how keys... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Can my employer take money from my paycheck ?
Hi, I work in indiana in the hotel industry. I checked in a guest last week and upon check out her credit card was declined. The computer did nothing to notify me when I checked her in and now my empl... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Conflict of interest (working for 2 employers of same industry)
Emp(a) at co(a) accepted a position at co(b). Co(b) needed an admin & asked an ex co-worker to take the job. That person has not received an offer letter nor have they signed any documents stating the... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Can an employer hire a personal friend without interviewing any other applicants?
Our recently hired department head hired her friend as an engineering manager. This person has no prior managerial experience, yet no other applicants were interviewed for the job. In addition, the en... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I signed an A.E.A. with a former employer with a Non-compete clause. Want to know my rights.
I have worked in the same industry for 25 years. I signed an A.E.A. with an employer that recently let me go,not in any breach of the signed agreement. The non-compete clause in the A.E.A. outlines th... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Would I quality for unemployment to due to unethical behavior on my employer's behalf?
I work for a home health agency. On serveral occasions I have been witness to unethical and what may be illegal behavior. On seperate occasions during a state audit, the COO told my boss to print out ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Is it okay if you feel bullied and harassed by an employee and management continues to tell you to go back into that environment?
I am an assistant to a teacher that continues to speak to me as though I was one of the children, following me around the room or outside the classroom. Stating things such as be quit, do you hear me ... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Is being promoted to a position and then terminated for not being the right fit legal?
I was hired as a Fleet Supervisor by my previouse employer but when I started I was told I was going to be the Office Manager and then I was moved to another position without a title. Then he hired a ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

It's very possible in the very near future after 7 and a 1/2 years with the Boeing company Union 751 I'm going to be medically laid off. My restrictions are so harsh that commendation services cannot accommodate me. This was a personal injury & not work r
Commendation services cannot accommodate at the Boeing company I am Union local 751 and I'm about to get medically laid off for a next an injury to my head on my own personal time period I'm just wond... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Can a employer terminate with providing accomendatiom after misleading me to return to work prematurely from Sdi due to lack of requested documents by doctors I have seen but provided legal requested from pcp who submitted my Sdi?
My employment was terminated after numerous attempts Harrasment and retaliation while suffering health disbilty lead me to go on unprotected Sdi due exhausting my time that year from PFL bonding and c... applies to California  ·  0 answers

False termination and hostile work environment?
Under The Direction of the Regional Manager/District Manager, If An Employee Didn't Clock Out For Lunch, the General Manager was directed to clock them out for that 30 minute lunch break. I only clock... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Unlawful Termination?
Hi! I am a professional who had a career as a Cash Manager. I have an accounting degree as well. During my personal time, I enjoy modeling for my "adult" website. I was fired from my position after be... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Employer didn't follow U.I. Code § 1089 in California
I work in California and my freelance contract (I'm not a independent contractor as I have a W2) was not extended into Q3 nor was it offered. I asked multiple times for a change in employee relationsh... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I was laid off from Inn On The Park last Dec 15th and was expected to be called back but later found out that I was not needed after 35 years of faithful work. Am I entitled to Severance Pay by the employer?
I was employed by Inn On The Park Hotel and laid off last December 15th and found out a few days ago that the hotel no longer needed me. Am I entitled to Severance pay? I waited and waited and my supe... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Is my employer required to pay residual commission while on FMLA leave?
I am compensated by a salary and residual commission. I am taking FMLA and will be returning back to work. I understand my employer is not required to pay my salary, but what about my residual commiss... applies to Washington  ·  1 answer

Can you sue for harassment from my employer while I'm still employed?
I've taken my boss to HR twice in the past 2 years. However, she continues to be nasty to me. Recent act of retaliation was that she told me I was getting a raise at work and when I got me evaluation ... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Does telecommuting from Arkansas to TX office obligate the employer to register inAR and pay AR tax?
I am an employee who relocated to Arkansas and telecommutes to the Texas office daily. I use no corporate equipment (only my personal computer) and I work from home (no office in Arkansas). I do not s... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I signed a non-compete in my employment agreement in 2003, but it isn't in my personnel file. Can I break that agreement knowing this signed document no longer exists?
I am currently looking for employment in the industry I've been employed in for the last 12 years. I originally signed an employment agreement that should have had the non-compete language in it, but ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I just started working at CVS as an Operations Manager. I was assured by hiring manager, that I would be working 40 hrs each week. I have a text from the hiring manager, confirming that. My 2nd week of employment, my store mgr. cut my hours to 30. He said
I gave up unemployment + another job offer to work at CVS. It was made clear to me during interview, and through a text message that I would be schedule for 40 hours per week. I wouldn't have taken th... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Is it legal to take away vacation time for not completing ridiculous mandatory overtime requirements?
My wife is with a company that has mandatory overtime requirements of 8-10 hours per week on a consistent basis. It seems to me they are just avoiding investing in more employees to cover the work the... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

2 week notice overlappting 1 year job offer agreement and it's impact to a bonus repayment
My employment offer letter(signed)states that the hiring bonus provided is contingent on a minimum of 1 years continuous employment. That year is almost up and the position is not as expected. I am in... applies to Vermont  ·  0 answers

I was a truck driver for a company hauling steel. I was hit by the steel the customers were unloading causing a head injury on February 28, 2018. I returned to work on September 25, 2018. I was denied the chance to drive again and given an office job. The
On February 28, 2018 while being unloaded I was hit by a piece of steel. I was knocked down and hit my head and my left leg was broken also. They told me they could not get the video from the customer... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Do I have a case against my employer because I was demoted due to challenging illegal practices?
I was demoted at my job I believe for 2 reasons: 1 was that I was challenging illegal practices occuring; 2: I went on a medical leave. For the past 6 months my immediate supervisor and I have had sev... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Can employer withhold 401k &/or social security benefits because of unpaid health insurance payments while i was on FMLA?
My doctor gave me work restrictions & my employer put me on FMLA while trying to place me to another job which they did not so now i have been layed off. I did not keep up my health insurance payments... applies to Mississippi  ·  0 answers

Is major depression covered under the Amerians with Disabilities Act
Met life denied my STD claim for stress/depression. The deaths of two close relatives within 30 days of each other (preceeded by multiply stressful life events in the last year) caused my depression s... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

is a Non-compete contract required in AZ?
I am a health care provider looking to resign my employment at a subspecialty firm, to work for a hospital-based group that is not related to that subspecialty or its type of care provided. My contrac... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

my director changed my hours on several of my timesheets
I am salaried, so while this didn't affect my pay,the director did charge my PTO balance for several pay weeks because I was waiting for IT to reset a password, which took them 8 or 9 days. I complain... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Working from Home for my disability
I was basically forced into working part-time from full time against my will because of my disability around a year ago. I was unaware of my rights under FMLA and my employer also did not offer any in... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Black male fired because a white female coworker claimed someone called her a f#&:;ng bi!/h. He was asked if it was him. After stating that it wasn't he was told it was fine. When he returned to work the next morning he was terminated.
He'd been with this company for several months having received numerous raises. He recently was transferred to a sister store and received another raise at this time. A young lady wasn't sure who said... applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

Can I waive my FLSA right to overtime
I am full-time 911 dispatcher and a part-time police officer for the same city, and when i work as a police officer i am payed overtime because even though i am working in a diffrent departmet it is f... applies to Massachusetts  ·  2 answers

Am I entitled to accrued PTO hours Payout?
I live and work in Michigan. I was laid off on 12/16/2019 and was not paid my accrued PTO Payout because the employer stated I was not terminated, just laid off and they hoped to recall me in 2020. On... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

i live in new york state. Charter bought Time Warner. The purchase took place May 18, 2016. My position is being eliminated 1/8/17. Since it is under 1 year, am I entitled to severance?
I live in New York State. Time Warner was sold to Charter on May18, 2016. My position as a work at home ends 1/8/17. I am over 50 miles from a call center. I believe that by law I am entitled to sever... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can my employer demote me because I have an FMLA approved disability?
I have become partially disabled with a chronic autoimmune condition (which isn’t visible) and had to take FMLA (specifically intermittent leave) to assist me. My condition and subsequent absences a... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Vacation pay taken out of final pay check
After 3 months of employment, I became very ill, had emergency surgery and was back to work after missing 3 weeks. When I was given my paycheck (distributed while I was absent) I was told the employer... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Does an employee get an extra week of vacation?
I work for a small company in Nevada and have an employee that has been with the company about 5 years doing payroll and other accounting functions. When she was hired she negotiate 3 weeks of vacatio... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Can FMLA be used retroactively???
I work with 2 individuals who were on the verge of being terminated due to the company's attendance policy. One individual just had their FMLA approved by their Dr. within the last two weeks,however h... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Can an employer adjust your date of employment after taking FMLA?
I requested 4 weeks FMLA from my employer and they approved it after I completed the Federal Medical Certification form but they also required me to spend 4 weeks accrued vacation time. So I was force... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Hi Neil - My company of 20 years is eliminating my position. I work in the office and the only other job available is on the factory floor which I cannot physically do. I am meeting with them today to discuss my options. If I receive a lump sum severance
My job is being eliminated and I am having a meeting today to discuss my options. I have been with my company for 20 years. If my company gives me a lump sum severance package, am I able to collect un... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

can i claim unemployment benefits in arizona if i move to wisconsin?
The place where i work in Arizona is closing in september and i will be unemployed. I plan on moving from Arizona to Wisconsin. Can I still claim unemployment benefits in arizona if I move. Or could i... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Can I sue my employer for violating my privacy and harassment?
My boss read a message on my personal cell phone when I was away from my desk regarding me having been diagnosed with a communicable disease. I work in a Head Start office so I am around children alth... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

Opening and stealing employees mail??!!
I was just informed that a fellow employee was going through the company mail and found a letter that was addressed to me and he opened it. Showed it around to fellow employees and then kept the lette... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete IT Consulting -> New Firm
The IT Firm I am currently working for is probably going to lose one of their clients (A). I know pretty much for sure that the new company coming into the current client (A) wants to hire all the con... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

If I give notice and it is accepted, can I be let go before the agreed date?
I gave a longer than normal notice for a job I am leaving. My boss knew it was coming and asked me to give more time because the holidays were coming and there were concerns we would not get it all do... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Fmla now having to resign but still ill should I go back?
I started with intermittent FMLA due to figuring out what was going on with me. I then recieved a few scans of my brain and there was fluid. I had a Lumbar puncture that did not go well and i was diag... applies to New Mexico  ·  0 answers

Do I have a case for wrongful demotion?
I have been employed at the company for 5 years as a manager. (I am no disclosing the specific management title). I have an exemplary background with personnel reviews for back up. About a year ago I ... applies to California  ·  3 answers

I will be taking FMLA for paternity leave. My employer wants to force me to take vacation before I'm eligible for FMLA so that they can have a set start date for a temp worker. Can they force me out early since I don't know what day my child will be born?
I will be training a temp worker in the weeks before my wife's due date. My employer wants me to use vacation days before the due date because the temp agency won't allow intermittent employment while... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Should I sue for what I feel is retaliation?
I am a nurse that works a skilled floor. Two weeks ago my ADON asked me to change a skin assessment I did more than a month ago. This would be considered Medicare fraud and is illegal, besides the fac... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I usually end up losing around 1-2 weeks vacation a year and it doesn't bother me but I am being told this year they are forcing me to use it all. Are they allow to force me to use it all if I don't want to?
I guess you could call me a person that doesn't care to work all the time. I get 3 weeks vacation a year and can carry 1 year over each year and lose the rest. I usually lose 1-2 weeks a year and this... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

If an announcement is made to close down 2 departments in the upcoming months and all affected employees will receive severance, can the employer force one of the departments to change jobs to do the work of the other department, prior to the closing date
The employer announced to 2 departments that they would be closing. One department will be relocated and the affected employees will be forced into working in the other department until the closure da... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

If I resigned from my job of 15 years because of retaliation and harassment from my boss, which I know would have ended in me getting fired. Will I be able to draw unemployment?
I wrote up a new Sous Chef we got in our dept in Nov of 2015, for cursing at me, every since then I have been written up about 8 to 10 times, he took my day shit and week ends away put me on graveyard... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Can I do anything if my employer does not compensate me for wages?
Time and time again during the three years i have worked for this company the same issue keeps comming up. My employer fails to pay me on time and never can give reasoning for the event. Most recent, ... applies to Arkansas  ·  0 answers

Do I have grounds for a lawsuit for harassment, intimidation, hostile workplace,bullying?
I'm a new med tech at a SNF in Springfield, Mo. who has noticed clear violations of regulation, policies and procedures that have caused resident injury. I took these issues to my supervisor, then the... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

My husband was informed today that there was a glitch in the system and everyone was overpaid for the holiday last week. They will be deducting the money from his next check, which should have overtime on it. Is this legal, as it will reduce his hours and
He worked 25 hours and had 16 hours of holiday pay. His check was for 40 hrs plus 16 holiday hours. His employer states to "enjoy this check because I will be taking it out of next week's hours worked... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Was told after resigning I would have to pay back salary previously earned.
employed as an aide, Five months ago was convited of a mistomeanor - Class 1. Told in four months ago by Dept of Education that I was not eligible for a newly required license until the conviction is ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is it illegal to pay different for exact same job based solely on cost of living differences?
The company I work for was recently bought out by Xerox. All of a sudden, the employees in my city got a big boost in pay. I found out through a supervisor that the reason was that employees in anothe... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

can I collect unemployment if I was let go because of down sizing. and I did collect for 12 weeks then they call me back and I worked for 2 months and then they fired me?
I was let go from my job because of down sizing, I did collect unemployment . Now they called me back to work at the same job, I worked there for 2 months and now they fired me. can I still collect ag... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Use Non-Comptete contract to get here way.
I have a very serious situation with my employer. My current client is offering me to join as a permanent employee and i am facing the problem: My H1B emplyer and a middle layer have a non-comptete co... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

can my employer resend the offer of severance pay once it has been offered?
my boss had the corporate attorney draw up a severance agreement for me to sign. the terms were not such that i could/would agree to so i altered the agreement to a more resonable agreement. one parag... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Non-interference in Employment Agreement
I am an IT consultant residing and working in Phoenix, AZ whereas my former employer is Massachussetts. He made me sign Non-interference clause in the employment agreement to not work with his clients... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

if a supervisor gives you alcohol before your shift are they responsible for your actions?
i went to a supervisors house to look at a bike she had for sale. it 15 minutes before our shift. 5 minutes in the apt she asked me to drink a beverage. i asked her what is it? she said do not worry a... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

applied and accepted a position and they gave me a lower position
I applied for a job in PA as a Senior Test Analyst. I went for the interview and got a call that I was accepted for the position. We got down to negotiating and I asked for more than they offered (the... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Signing Under Duress
I am a member of a union. The company, which I work for has been forcing us to sign off on their new policies. and procedures. We've been told to write: "My signature denotes receipt and all right res... applies to New Jersey  ·  1 answer

am i being set up for termination and what can i do about it
i work in the medical field and have held my current position for 15 yrs. two years ago I acquired a new boss and it is quite obvious she does not like me. in the first 13 yrs of employment with this ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can an employer withhold a final paycheck for refusal to sign a termination document in IL?
I was recently let-go from my job due to under-performance of the establishment. I am still owed a final paycheck due to work performed. I received a "termination letter" (a converted severance letter... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Discipline for FMLA related absences (later certified)
I work for the Postal Service. I've received my certifications for FMLA issues, (4 in all), only AFTER receiving discipline for unscheduled absences. (Postmaster never informed me of need to use FMLA ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

What if you are suspended until further investigation for stealing something and while you are suspended, they don't contact you at all, and when you contact them they say that you Quit and You DIDN'T. Can anything be done about that?
I was suspended from work because of allegation of theft. I was asked to sign a document stating that I would pay the money back for the products that where stolen, but I wouldn't because I had not to... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Will a cancelled contract constitute a violation of non-compete?
I signed a non_compete agreement with my employer, but also have some clients of my own. A prospective client contacted my employer by mistake to engage my services, however cancelled the contract bef... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I was wrongfully terminated from employment with Palm Beach County Building, zoning and planning department for having a website on the internet and for doing my job as hired to do so?
While working for Palm Beach County Planning, Zoning and Building department I was terminated from employment for having a website on internet? I advised supervisors in writing prior to start of posit... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

I was fired due to low stats
After working one day at my job I was fired. The reason I was fired was due to low stats. My job was a Receptionist. I called people to come in for interviews to work at the company. Then they let me ... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Making a Salaried + bonused employee pay for the deductible of an at fault accident
I work for a company that distributes pop. At our company our sales team get a salary and bonuses if they hit certain goals. Our sales rep’s place orders, drive the truck, and deliver the product. M... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Cannot get over death at work
On Oct. 13, this year an employee that works with my wife had a heart attack and fell in the floor. No supervisor was there and the office was locked. there is no address on the building. My wife call... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Possible Retaliation?
I was recently terminated from a facility after less than a year from my hire date. I had many issues during my orientation in which I was told I was "arrogant" and "alienating other staff members", a... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Was I wrongfully terminated? What should I do?
During the course of my employment a new supervisor was hired. She was still training during my 1 year review, which went excellent and had no negative marks on it. Shortly after her training was fini... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Fired for filing a workers compensation claim
I was recently fired from my job after having a doctor's note and submitting an email letting my boss know I was taking some of my 240 hours of accrued sick time off due to an acute back problem exace... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Severance Pay for Part Time employees
With the closing of our plant, we were told we would receive severance pay, one week for each year of service. I started my employment here full time. After the birth of my son, I accepted a part time... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I work for a GI practice and I have been with the same doctor for almost 35 years. I earned a lot of vacation,personal, and sick leave while in his employment. Because of the economy, in sept 2012 we joined a multispecialty group with the stipulation that
as described in question, I have worked for a the same dr. for almost 35 years. we joined a multispecialty group in 2012 with the stipulation that my earned vacation and sick leave carryover with them... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Employer can't meet payroll obligations
I am a salaried professional in a small (less than 10 employees) company (LLC). My employer could only meet 1/2 of the payroll obligations last month (for 2 pay periods) and 0 of the obligation thus f... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

No compensation or employer signature on our forced non-compete, is it valid?
6 months after full time employment began, I was provided a non-compete agreement, forced to sign it, there was no signature by the employer and no compensation provided to sign. 2 months later I was ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Was I wrongfully terminated, or do I have a case?
Description: Employer found out that my roommate and I were living together, and told us that either she had to move out, one of us had to transfer, Quit, or be fired. It was not possible for either o... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

my fmla for disabled mom was 7/2016-7/2017 was injured in july 2016 on the job returned to work april 2017 tried to use fmla may 2016 is was revoked I want to appeal that usps should have made some sort of arraingements want to have my tacs report changed
usps employee out on owcp covered by fmla for my disabled mom from 7/2016 thru7/2017 after returning from my injury 4/2017 found out that my fmla was not covered any longer may 2017 because I don't ha... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Government Contractor revising own policy
I work for a gov't contractor, we are under the SCA and are to receive an X amount of vacation time on our 1st anniversary date and ea aniver date there after My employer chose upfront to have their o... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

My Boss is untouchable?
I am one of two managers that work under the GM of a restaurant. My GM is crossing the line many times. Workers used to tell me that he was verbally abusive, perverted and vindictive. I didn't see it ... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

I believe I was forced out of my job and wrongfully terminated in addition to being emotionally degraded by my former employer, whom I have learned that 4 other women quit prior to my employment because of this employer's treatment of them. In addition th
When my employer hired me to work at his financial consulting retirement planning office, he told me that although I didn't have the experience, I had great potential and that he believed I'd do very ... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

When to file for Florida benefits when I have a severance agreement
I have a question about the timing of when to file for unemployment benefits in Florida. I have a severance agreement that will pay me an equivalent of eight weeks of work. Currently, currently Florid... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Pay for accrued leave when you are denied using it during final 2 weeks?
I recently, voluntarily left a job for a better one. I gave my employer 2 weeks written notice, and requested to use a week of accrued PTO. My employer denied my leave request, and told me that the ba... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Maternity leave and vacation.
I have recently returned back to work from maternity leave. I resigned shortly after my return as I was offered a new position with a new employer. Upon my resignation I was faced with harsh treatment... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Am I entitled to receive more than a week since I quit my job for this job?
I received an offer letter, accepted the offer, was given a start date, gave notice to current employer, started on given start date, midway on 1st day was walked out due to background check was not p... applies to California  ·  0 answers

violation of equal pay laws? (woman making more than men)
for the last 8 months I have worked at an assited living home where I am one of three male certified nurses assistants I have recently discovered that ALL certified female CNAs are making $8.00/hour w... applies to Idaho  ·  2 answers

Charged filed with EEOC/Resigned after
Below is the letter I sent to EEOC dated 8/4/13. I have not received a response from EEOC to date. However, I was told by a former employee that EEOC sent a letter to my previous employer on 8/20 for ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Is a Change of Position while on FMLA legal if it changes benefits?
My employer changed my position while I was actively on FMLA (did not wait until I returned) and as a result, my benefits changed. I am on FMLA for a spinal issue, but my anxiety is making it impossib... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I was fired for dishonesty, I have fmla . I picked up extra work and had to call In sick for it . I provided doctors notes , the findings that I indeed had a staph infection and also daycare documentation. They said that they are not questioning my illnes
I was terminated for dishonesty , I have fmla , I picked up additional flying . I had to call out sick for . I provided doctors notes and also the finding of my illness which was a staph infection. I ... applies to Idaho  ·  0 answers

My company is based out of St . Louis but it am a local driver in California and don't get paid overtime until after 55 hours. Do they have to pay over time after 40 hours or is this ok
Local class a truck driver in California but my company is based out of St Louis. If work about 50-55 hours a week but get paid straight time. Do they have to pay over time applies to California  ·  0 answers

Announcing COVID testing recipients over my school's PA system
I work in a public school system, which has started weekly testing for COVID19. During the first week's test at my school, the names of staff and students (about 30 in all) were called over the PA sys... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Whats the best way to handle a boss saying you're an independent contractor when you're an employee?
My friend was hired as in independent contractor. He fills out a 1099 and signed a contract saying he was an independent contractor & won't sue for injury. They bought him insurance, supplies, set his... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

My new supervisor wrote me up for a first and last(meaning termination for the next issue) for leaving early when she accidentally scheduled another person and I at the same time, again. She waited 2 hours after I got there to show up to tell me that for
The supervisor came from a sister facility and brought her self proclaimed "Pets" with her. They are lazy and sit around on their phones for hours but are treated like they are the best workers. I am ... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Do you accrue fmla time like you would vacation or sick time? Or is it 12 weeks available at once?
I have been on fmla due to my son having leukemia for a year now. I went over the 12 weeks allotted the first year. Now the second year was supposed to start over on November 11th which is my hire dat... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

In PA., as an exempt employee, can my employer use my PTO if I leave early 2 hours one day, even though I've already worked 45 hours in the week?
I generally work between 42 and 46 hours per week as an exempt employee. (manager) I recently had to leave 2 hours early one day and my supervisor took 2 hours of PTO out of my PTO bank to cover it ev... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

My pay stub shows I have 40+ hours of vacation and sick time. I am being told that since I haven't worked a full year with company, that I can't be paid for that time showing on my paystub. Is this legal?
I was forced to quit my job, due to the fact that management refused to acknowledge the hostile work environment. After giving my two weeks notice, I found another job. However, that fell through so I... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Have I been sexual discriminated against?
Recently my position as a Coordinator(non-exempt) was reclassified as an Assist. Manager (exempt). I had to again interview for my position and now I've been deemed no longer qualified. Employer is st... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Can I be forced to work evenings if my wife's doctor has filled out an FMLA form stating I must be with her in the evenings?
My wife has multiple autoimmune conditions that debilitate her at times, and cause many sleep issues. She is often incapable of driving or preparing meals for herself. Her doctor filled out an FMLA fo... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Legaility of severance contract conditions
I have been employed at the same bank for 15 years and due to a recent merger which would force me to travel much further, I have declined the new position offered and accepted a severance package whi... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Can i be in trouble for my company's system error?
Ok, I have FMLA on my job had it about 3 years now for my medical condition, so at my job we can either call our FMLA time in or put our FMLA time in on the computer, so I do that with no problems, ch... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can i be in trouble for my company's system error?
Ok, I have FMLA on my job had it about 3 years now for my medical condition, so at my job we can either call our FMLA time in or put our FMLA time in on the computer, so I do that with no problems, ch... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Can i be in trouble for my company's system error?
Ok, I have FMLA on my job had it about 3 years now for my medical condition, so at my job we can either call our FMLA time in or put our FMLA time in on the computer, so I do that with no problems, ch... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Non profit grant funded program not refunded, can they force me to resign?
The grant funded program that I work with was not refunded. My boss informed me that my job would be terminated due to the program ending May 31st. About a week or so later she offered me another job ... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

I'm a nurse at a local facility and I wrote up an aide for some major things that were witnessed and I'm return she first told everyone at work that I abused a resident. Then waited 2 days after supposed abuse to report to DON. Then a week later at 9pm I
I am a nurse supervisor and wrote up an aide for neglect non care of several residents which were witnessed by other supervisors and families. Now she has claimed I abused another resident that I'm no... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Soliciting former employer's clients...
I work for a registered investment advisory firm in California, and I'm looking to either go to another firm or start my own firm. Here are the facts: 1) There is NO non-compete or employment agreemen... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Wrongful Termination
My husband was recently fired from a company were we both worked. I am still employed with them. I know that in the State of Florida the Employer does not need an excuse to fire you. If they still pro... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I've been working a set part time schedule for the past 6 months with my employer of the last 2 years. All of a sudden they changed that schedule with out notifying me. I just wanted to know my options as it will result in drastically lower income that I
I've worked a set section on a brunch serving shift for the past 6 months and have been a model employee over that time. the new year started and I lost my static position and had it turn into a rotat... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Can I sue for being unpaid or sue if they fire me?
This girl at work said someone sent her husband a Facebook message saying she cheated on him. She accused me or my co workers of doing it. She received my phone number from my babies father without my... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Age discrimination by UW in lay off
I was laid off May 1, 2018, from my IT job at UW Madison and I thought age discrimination was a factor. I was age 51 and had worked there 21 years. Since my layoff I have applied for over 200 jobs at ... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Are these pay and overtime errors legal?
While preparing for taxes this year I found out that somehow I have been withheld for 4 dependents. This is incorrect because I only have 1. A few days later on payday my check was short over $50 in o... applies to Alabama  ·  1 answer

How does newyork state work with whistle bower protection law and falsy accusing a nurse of a good
Two weeks ago I write the New York State Dept of health on my Employer for a cold condition issue at my Job. The dept of health fined the Nursing home because of this issue. when I wrote them and When... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

arizona gun laws and defemation
Can I receive compensation if a employee accuses me of insubordination to my hr which I lost 3 days wages but have physical evidance to the contrary. Also I was told by hr I can not keep a gun in my c... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Non-Compete - Unemployeed for 6 months.
I signed a one-year non-compete agreement with an IT consulting firm. The client I was working for swithed to a different consulting firm and I was let go. That was 6 months ago. I am still unemployed... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My job position was recently eliminated and my boss has offered me new position but the pay is 23% less than what I am getting paid. If I do not accept this new position can I still collect unemployment?
I work at a banquet facility/corporate center that has recently eliminated my position of Banquet Captain. They have offered me a new position in the cafeteria with a 23% pay cut. I wanted to know if ... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

My job position was recently eliminated and my boss has offered me new position but the pay is 23% less than what I am getting paid. If I do not accept this new position can I still collect unemployment?
I work at a banquet facility/corporate center that has recently eliminated my position of Banquet Captain. They have offered me a new position in the cafeteria with a 23% pay cut. I wanted to know if ... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

If you are still working with a company and you were sick for a day or had an emergency --- you however do not want to get paid for PTO for the day you missed. Can they (A) Force you to take the PTO hours, (B) Take the PTO hours that without paying you? T
Working in Florida and the company I work for has decided that if you should miss a day for any reason, even though you have decided that you are ok with getting paid for just the 4 days you have work... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can I sue corporation or VP?
I had to hound my regional VP to get after hours pay for months. Right after this he informed me that there had been hostile work environment claims made against me and an investigator would contact m... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

I left my company after 18 years to work for another company. The company I left had a vacation policy that states that they pay all vacation for the full year when a person quits as long as they have been with the company over 10 years and are over 50 ye
Been with company 18 years. Left for new job. Old policy states that they pay vacation when you terminate employment if you have been with company over 10 years and are over 50 years old. I am 52. I w... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Do I have a case. I was demoted for poor work performance due to an accident on the job I am African American 4 Caucasian employees were involved as well but only I suffered a 10 day suspension as well as a demotion from senior position to entry level pos
Working on a job with several employees one was injured as a result the company took action and suspension resulted for all parties involved except my punishment was more harsh in addition to suspyIbw... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Final pay issues.
My wife is an interior designer who left a firm abruptly after a conflict with the owner. The owner is now refusing to pay her salary for the final week of employment plus all outstanding commisions o... applies to Texas  ·  3 answers

Rests and Meal periods
So just out of curiosity, my employer states that by law all employees MUST take a 30 minute meal period, honestly I'm ok with being a forced meal period but is it truly illegal? I know minors have to... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Draw vested pension with backpay
I would like to know if my seniority date was terminated by an Employee Buyout on the 19th Day of March 1991,and my Social Security Disability determined me as unable to perform gainfull work begining... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Overtime payback requested by employer
Hello, I have searched through the forums below with no luck to my current situation, I am hoping someone can shed some light on this. I work for a IT consulting firm as a hourly project manager that ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I was collecting unemployment back in 2009 through 2010 when I had no work I got a job and I continue to collect for a few more months knowing it wasn't the right thing to do so I do owe unemployment money however I just got laid off 3 weeks ago and apply
I pretty much said everything in my first statement I'm just wishing this all goes through because like I said I got the paperwork that I normally should have gotten and a filing date which I filed ye... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Is there a law in Illinois regarding what jobs can be salary or hourly?
I was offered a new position with my employer. I was told that I would be paid salary. Before I started my new position, my boss told me that I was not allowed to be paid salary because of Illinois la... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Can an Accussed person who was cleared of all charges sue for retaliation?
Can an Accussed person who was cleared of all charges sue for retaliation? A person was accussed for sexual Harassment and after being suspended and then cleared of all charges comes back to work BUT ... applies to Kansas  ·  1 answer

Non Complete Agreement w/non disclosure of important information
Director had all employees sign a non compete agreement just before a company was sold (Director knew about the sale, employees did not). Result is that employees cannot work for the new owner because... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Demotion enough to avoid non-compete?
I previously worked for a home improvement company and upon employment was asked to sign a non-compete agreement. At the time my salary was $1250 a week plus commissions. Because I was in the military... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

if notice is accepted and you are released immediately paying you for the 2 week period and final check in handed to you. can they set your termination date at the end of your 2 week noticed even though all ties are done. thus preventing you from filing f
I gave notice due to unsafe work enviroment. I later offered to move to another branch but was denied and sent on my way. they paid out my 2 week notice but informed me i was termed. they set my term ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

If one co worker has a dispute against another co worker due to he said she said talk, is it ok for them to confront / discuss the issue in a lunch room filled with other co workers even if the dispute is about possible legal actions?
Co worker 1 = the co worker disputing the issue. Co worker 2 is the co worker being disputed and complained too. So co worker 1 heard rumors from other co workers that co worker 2 said co worker 1 gra... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

I reported my manager for a negative extreme change in his behavior and memory loss that resulted in major information technology risks. I was fired 8 hours after reporting him. Do I a right to sue for wrongful discharge?
My manager started behaving strange and being very manic and forgetful. It resulted in him deleting my work and computer code I had written off the server, breaking servers and breaking code I had wri... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can an attorney negotiate a severance package if I would like to resign(from current job)?
I felt as if I was discriminated against for the company I currently work for. I written a complaint only for it not to be investigated by the company. After that the problem still some what exist and... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Unpaid wages and bounced payroll check
I worked for four weeks for my previous employer. He hired 4 other employees at the same time as myself. To my knowledge, none of us have been paid with a 'good' check. We all, at this point, have pap... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Do I have legal grounds to appeal the LTD discontinuation/denial? If yes, how?
I am currently receiving workers comp benefits from my company in New York and not working for 1 year now. Three months ago an Independent Medical Exam determined that I'm 25% disabled. My company acc... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I think my manager fired me as retaliation because I complained on her about something.
I have worked at my job for the past year and a half with no verbal warning or write ups for any misconduct. A few months ago my manager got upset with me and started making it harder to be at work be... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

my wife is on FMLA and her supervisor everyday is texting her
my wife is on FMLA and her supervisor everyday is texting her and saying how others can't take off because she's "not at work". She's continued to ask when she'll be back and she's needing her back as... applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

If CBA states that all employees are entitled to progressive discipline system without exception, can the employer still fire an employee for the first misconduct? SO is it means that regardless of the seriousness of the misconduct (CBA DOES NOT EXCLUDE G
The employer seeks termination of an employee for watching pornography at work , CBA under employee protection states that all employees are entitled to progressive discipline system without any excep... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

wrongly fired
I was just fired from my job, the resaon was "selling company product for cash". But the company has a product life cycle policy that states you may eleminate the product once it reaches the last phas... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can I seek legal advice for being discharged for being sick?
I was discharged at my job of 10+ years for going home sick. I work as a paramedic, and did not feel right about being around sick patients whose immune systems are already compromised while I was sic... applies to New Hampshire  ·  1 answer

Fired before 90 days probationary period for medical condition
There is an employee whom before completing the 90 days probationary period informed the company of a treatable medical conditions unrelated to the work he performs. He will have to be absent from the... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Employer did not follow up on my grandson's physical assault complaint
Grandson was serving on bar when father of the bride came and requested a certain kind of rum. My grandson apologized saying he did not have that brand, but maybe the other bar could have it. The man ... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Trying to recover unused vacation
I recently quit my job to work for another company. I gave my former employer a formal two-weeks notice and they sent me home for the remainder of the two weeks. They have paid me for wages earned but... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

my fmla was denied because my doctor didn't get the paper work done in time now I might lose my job what can I do it was only 2 days late and I called the leave center asking for more time but no one responded
called leave center every other day for a week before it was due to tell them I was not seeing the dr in time. she don't fill out the papers without an appointment. case manager never even called me. ... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

do I have grounds for a case? Do I need a lawyer to do it?
I work for Lowes part time and applied for a full time job in which I have 7 yrs experience. I'm 44 yrs old & take medication for attention deficit. When I applied for job the Human Resource (HR) aske... applies to Hawaii  ·  1 answer

Is it illegal?
I recently was put in a very upsetting situation by employer not only for my job but my personal life as well, I just need to know if the actions being made legal and if i have any case based on sland... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Physician Charges $15 to Complete FMLA Papers
One of our employees recently had an experience at a local surgeons office. The employee is in need of surgery and would need to be off work for 3-5 days. We provided FMLA paperwork for the employee t... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Fired for something a co-worker did -- any remedies?
I live in Houston, Texas and work in a restaurant as a bartender. (formally worked in a restaurant.) I was recently accepted another position outside the service industry which caused me to go from fu... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

1099 - employer doesn't want to pay commissions
I had entered into a contract a a 1099 employee dated 2013 - 2014. I still worked with this company after the contract ended and received my commission when I asked for it I recently requested to pick... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Assistance is needed
I'd like to find an attorney to deal with an unwarranted demotion. I have a stellar record as a manager. All of my evaluations have been very high. I've received monetary compensation for having such ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

should non-competes be identical for identical workers?
my non-compete with my employer restricts me from working in 2 counties. The same non-compete with similar workers (seniority job description, work performed, territory, pay, access to confidential in... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I work in the billing department at a small private Physician's Office. We have a very large amount of patients that have credits on their accounts from overpaying back to 2016 and we were told we are not allowed to send letters out notifying them of thei
We think our supervisor is "Shady," because we aren't allowed to send letters out notifying these patients that they have credits. I was also told about 6 years ago, this supervisor had another lady i... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Layoff end coronavirus
I have been informed my layoff is over but I will not be returning to my regular position. Pay will be figured on a historical basis. As a tipped employee how does this work? I have not been given dut... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

what if there are fewer than 15 employees?
I have been subjected to various forms of discrimination over the course of my employment from my boss and finally decided to give my written notice to him, in which I stated that unless I received so... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Had my annual evaluation on paper it was written that I will receive a one time check of a 4% increase. So I will not receive a raise, due to me meeting the maximum amount I can make at the position I work. My manager calls me 2 weeks later and say I will
I am paid an X amount of dollars per hour. I have met the maximum amount I can receive at my position. So I am given a one time check per year for my evaluation. I signed my evaluation to receive a 4%... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

Had my annual evaluation on paper it was written that I will receive a one time check of a 4% increase. So I will not receive a raise, due to me meeting the maximum amount I can make at the position I work. My manager calls me 2 weeks later and say I will
I am paid an X amount of dollars per hour. I have met the maximum amount I can receive at my position. So I am given a one time check per year for my evaluation. I signed my evaluation to receive a 4%... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

Is my boss required to pay anytime I worked before I quit (not including 2-week notice time)?
He told me that he does not have to pay me the 2 weeks before this week if I plan to quit today. Is this legal? On my last day, do I get my final paycheck with everything that he owes me or do I have ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

How do you overturn a hearing determination?
Unemployment was granted. Worked briefly for an agency that acted in bad faith. This agency filed an appeal stating that I refused work. Unemploymnet ruled in my favor two times stating it was not a b... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Tuition Reimbursement
Hello My company has a tuition reimbursement policy that states that if an employee leaves the company within 12 months of any tuition reimbursement, the employee must pay the company back in full. Ho... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Unfairly Treated?
I worked as Acting Housing Program Manager and saved the program from being shut down. For four months I asked for more money, no compensation. After working 50-60 hours a week and literally working m... applies to California  ·  1 answer

What do I do?
Today, I was accused of conducting myself in an unethical manner in the workplace. Two women made a complaint about me sometime over the past week or two. I have worked along side both of these employ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I am a mother to a 4 year old with Down Syndrome dealing with discrimination at my job. In 2013 after a friendly manager warned that upper management was complaining about my time out of the office, I requested FMLA. I have worked at my company for over 1
I have worked for my company for over 18 years with no issues or bad review. Now I have a child born with a lifetime disability and I qualify for intermittent FMLA and now they are saying I am not doi... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  3 answers

Can a federal agency force you to resign career status if both agencies are within DHS, but different series of federal law enforcement?
I was suspended after it was alleged I threatened management. I was promoted the following month while on paid leave. I was cleared to return to work, but then I was told I was being let go the day be... applies to District of Columbia  ·  0 answers

If I was fired from a job in Florida for stealing, with no proof! Is my former employer allowed to disclose the reason for firing me to prospective employers?
tender in Florida. When I showed up for work last week I was approached at my vehicle by the owner handed a check for two weeks and asked to give the key back. I asked what was wrong I was given no ex... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can employer withhold pay for previous vacation taken?
My work handbook states that I receive 3 weeks vacation at completion of 5 years, and my supervisor advised me of my 3 weeks available this spring. I had 5 years empolyed on May 31st. I took my 3 week... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Is Non-compete Agreement enforceable if the employer has no more business with the client
I was laid off from the current employer (Say, X) because they don't have any clients and its hard to keep all the consultants. I signed a non-compete agreement with X when I joined them 2 years ago. ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

i was on leave because i was in the hopsital and my doctor gave me a note to give to my work. i asked if i could use my personal hours because i knew i didnt have enough sick hours. they had told me yes that was okay. but when it came to pay day i wasnt p
i had a doctors note saying i had to stay home for a couple of days because i was in the hospital. my eyes were swollen shut. i feel like i got lied to from my manager because i asked to use my person... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I was an employee for the Florida Department of Corrections. I have recently been terminated ..
I was an employee for the Florida Department of Corrections. I have recently been terminated on the accusation of a crime not pertaining to work. At this time I am just being accused of this crime, I ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

What do I do after quitting one company for another upon their request and I havent worked since?
I worked for a company, found a better job. The company I was going to told me that I couldn't put in a two week notice because they needed me to start the next week. I quit the job and have worked tw... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Could this be retaliation?
I work for a summer camp/retreat center. Last summer I was onsite part of the time (in the role of assist. director), the rest of the time in the office. While onsite I witnessed my boss (the director... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Hi, I recently settled with my employer, however I recently went for another job and the interviewer had done some background checks (as they do) and they have managed to un cover reasons I settled. He has given me 2 sources, of which both still work from
settled with. Is there a way of proving breach of contract? We came to an agreement as the company found me in breach of Competition law...In short there was a no of emails which I was unfortunately C... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Requested to Sign Non-Compete Agreement Upon Quitting
My husband's current employer is a licensed C-7 contractor. My husband recently became a licensed C-7 contractor and has given his employer 2 weeks notice that he is quiting to start his own business.... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Have I been defamed?
APRN at an academic medical center. I have had some issues with work flow in my unit and I complained about it to the manager several times with no help. One employee falsely told a manager that I cal... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Is my employer required to honor promises made in writing on job offer letters?
My job offer letter indicated that I was supposed to receive a review on July 17th, 2008. It is now August 3rd, 2009 and I have yet to receive my review despite my attempts at reminding my employer of... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Can an employer discriminate in severance situation for being a great employee?
A voluntary severance opportunity has become available where I work, and once I heard it was coming I decided I wanted to apply for it. However, upon receiving the HR letter that was broadly distribut... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Unwelcome Contact by Boss
I work for a large retail pharmacy chain that seems to breed harassers. I don't think I have been approached by one member of management that has not made some kind of sexual comment to me. I'm somewh... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

Being Forced to sign Non- Compete after being employed over a yr.
Hi, I work for a nail salon for over a year and a half and was told if I didn't sign the same day I will lose my job. Several red flags I felt was wrong was the document in question has white out on a... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Can an employer by pass employment contract and pay some differently?
I work for a company who requires all sales people to sign an Employment contract. IF I find that the employer is paying some differently than the other sales people who signed at the same time and th... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Non-compete for C2C enforceable
I currently work for contracting company (ABC) who has a corp to corp relationship with consulting company (DEF) who placed me at client company (GHI). I only have a signed employment agreement with A... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Work for a home health industry in california as a full time salaried marketing. They converted me to full time to independent contractor but they havent given me my paycheck yet? What is the time line for me to get my check since I am not a refular emplo
Worked full time salaried in a home health industry as a marketing. Employer just decided to change my status to full time to a independent contractor as of feb.1 what's the time line for my last chec... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Work for a home health industry in california as a full time salaried marketing. They converted me to full time to independent contractor but they havent given me my paycheck yet? What is the time line for me to get my check since I am not a refular emplo
Worked full time salaried in a home health industry as a marketing. Employer just decided to change my status to full time to a independent contractor as of feb.1 what's the time line for my last chec... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Questio about seeking reimbursment
My company had me on furlough for several months.....before that things were slow and when i was working it was mostly out of state that they kept sending me. (I do constuction So recently they put me... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Looking for severance advice, what should I expect?
My employer has offered a currently undefined severance, I have been put on an improvement plan for goals reasons and my position is not being eliminated. I had a medical issue in the middle of the im... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can employer make me do job if it's been eliminated?
Ive been a Pricing Coordinator at Lowes for the past 4 yrs. I was told my job would be eliminated at the end of the month. I was to transfer to the overnight stocking/receiving team. I’ve been worki... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Sexual Harrassment, Retaliation, Hositle working environment
About a year ago, I accepted an opportunity within my company to move into another role within the Finance Department. (Mar 03) The Sr. Finance Analyst was a man who at the time was not my direct boss... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

I am in Illinois, can my employer force me to go negative in my sick and vacation balance?
This is related to the Covid 19 pandemic. I had previously worked 40 hours a week. After being told to work from home for a few weeks full time, a month ago my hours were cut to 10 hours a week and I ... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Do I have a case for age and/or medical discrimination?
Hello, I was recently terminated from a salaried position in Tennessee. This came shortly after the hiring of a new General Manager, he started January 2018. Until the new GM started I had never had a... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

I have a cba and am contracted as a operating engineer, my cab states that i can receive separation pay if i am laid off, I have been outsourced to another contracting company, am I eligible for separation pay even though I still work at the same site at
contracted by a company for 4 years, company is not renewing their contract and are being replace by another company. We were laid off by the first company and offered jobs by the new company. Can we ... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Is an employer forced unpaid leave of absence Legal
Worked for an employer, based out of San Diego, CA since 08/19, as a full time employee, providing Quality assurance duties assisting a Federal government team, managing a contract at Wake Island, Pac... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Since November 2007 I have been the store manager for a local skate/snowboard shop. The owner of the business hired me on to run the store for her. However, she was constantly talking down to me and t... applies to Washington  ·  1 answer

Can my employer fire me after I give my two weeks notice?
I am 18 and have worked in a law office for the past 3 and a half years. One week ago today I put in my two weeks notice to my employer. Today (due to circumstances out of my control), I was significa... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I own a small business in Florida. I hav 2 employees that no longer work for us who did not sign their time cards before walking off the job. One of these employees never even returned their hiring paperwork so I have no information for them. Do I pay the
2 employees walked off job. 1 employee damaged a piece of equipment prior to walking off the other has only worked for 2 days on a trail basis and has not returned his hiring packet for HR. Plus neith... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I was fired for checking time on my phone.
I work const. and we were told we could check time w/ phone but no communications. I was checking time when site superintendant walked up to me and asked how I was doing. I responded good, how are you... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Is there anything I can do?
I have been with this company from 1997 to 2000. I had a break of service and came back in 2003. I was also the whistle blower. I had to do it to protect myself since I had been the personal assistant... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I requested 8 hours PTO which was approved. I happen to work 9 hours the day before my approved time off. My employer only paid me for 7 hours PTO . Is this legal
I had approved time off for 8 hours. The day before my scheduled day off, my meeting ran over by an hour. My employer only paid me for 7 hours of PTO. is it legal applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

I requested 8 hours PTO which was approved. I happen to work 9 hours the day before my approved time off. My employer only paid me for 7 hours PTO . Is this legal
I had approved time off for 8 hours. The day before my scheduled day off, my meeting ran over by an hour. My employer only paid me for 7 hours of PTO. is it legal applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

Pregnant and Work
I am currently 9 months pregnant and expecting to have my baby any day now. Im currently working for a company that has just filed for chapter 11. I received a letter in the mail from my HR and Payro... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Can employer withhold vacation pay for only giving two weeks notice??
My company was sold and my job said it was not guarantee that we will get another job with the new one, i went on interviews and got the another job however they needed me to start within two weeks (i... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can employer withhold vacation pay for only giving two weeks notice??
My company was sold and my job said it was not guarantee that we will get another job with the new one, i went on interviews and got the another job however they needed me to start within two weeks (i... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Can employer withhold vacation pay for only giving two weeks notice??
My company was sold and my job said it was not guarantee that we will get another job with the new one, i went on interviews and got the another job however they needed me to start within two weeks (i... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Can an employer withhold a weeks salary when you first begin a job and then not pay you for that week if you don't give a 2 weeks notice in VA? They have this clause in their employee handbook
My former employee wont pay out a week of withheld salary because I did not give 2 weeks notice. There is a statement in the employee handbook but I did not realize they won't pay if you don't give 2 ... applies to Virginia  ·  1 answer

How should I go about receiving unpaid wages from an employer?
I have been working freelance for a company for the past 4+ years. I stopped seeing paychecks in March, and was constantly assured that payment is coming, just wait another week. I continued working w... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Parent corporation non compete agreement
I am currently working in a drafting position for a company which is owned by a large parent corporation. I have been there for less than a year and have not had any client contact. I signed a non com... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Do i need a lawyer
Hi,I'm trying to contact you about a problem I'm facing due to becoming unemployed. Immediately after becoming unemployed I filed my unemployment claim only to find out I am unable to claim what I'm e... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

My supervisor keeps calling, texting and emailing me while I'm on continuous fmla for my daughter and moms serious health condition, approved by my company. My boss demands that I go to her office at work and meet face to face? Is this legal, I'm hourly a
On serious fmla leave 8 weeks for my daughter and mom, approved by my company. My boss has called texted 4 times that I have to meet her face to face and details the time and dates for me to meet her.... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

If offered a lower wage, or work 2 more months to find different job at same pay, if I don't find a different job in 2 months, will I be eligible for unemployment benefits?
Boss hired me on at a decent wage to lure me from my previous job. After 10 months he's decided I'm not doing my jobs up to his standards, so wants me to look for a different job and he'd pay me for 2... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Can I be replaced by replaced by an INS sponsored employee?
I was recently let go for reasons of re-organization and downsize. The position in this area will be filled by a foreigner who is being sponsored by the employer for a work visa. I also have vacation ... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

What recourse is available? Is it possible to request early retirement? can he get
My aon: 45 yrs old. 24+yrs in Steel Co. Worked as laborer on up to office mgmt, inspector, Training Officer, etc. Wife diagnosed with incurable cancer, used leave and LWOP over 2 years before she pass... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

Can an employer give away employee services, without compensating them?
If I am an personal trainer at a large gym and I get paid per client (at a rate individually decided by ourselves), can my employer give away training sessions without compensating me? My gym continua... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

How to answer question on background investigation form
My wife was written up for two performance issues a couple of years ago. She found new work before any action was taken and when she went to resign, was given a severance package (she had been with th... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

My ex employer is suing me for a non compete agreement issue that does not exist.
I was hired in 2002 in Dallas area, 6 months later was told I needs to sign a "Non Compete Agreement". I did sign it but did to keep my emolument. In 2005 I was fired because he heard I went on a job ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Am i a case of Discrimination ans/Wrongful Termination?
My former employer is a privately owned convenience store with 5 (going on 6) Gast stations+A tire shop+ A Comfort Inn; all of which have different business licensing but are ultimately the same compa... applies to Nevada  ·  1 answer

greedy again
Thanks for such a quick response, I sensed trouble with miss piggy so I have already made copies of the phony documents and have made a package documenting details on each frauded loan, I also have al... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Relocation Agreement
Upon accepting my last job I signed a re-lo agreement that has pay back terms if I leave within 24 months. If they terminate me, there is no pay back. The situation is wihin the first 9 months we have... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

see above
I separated employment from the state of Tx banking my sick time hrs of 483 in June of 2007. My plans were to return to work in a TX State position within a yr, which I did, assuring not to loose my s... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Vacation rules and employee handbook
I negotiated and accepted a position with a new employer 7 months ago. My contract states I am eligible for 2 weeks paid vacation after Jan. 1st of this year. After starting work I was given an employ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Limit me directly or indirectly own, manage, operate, invest, or financial assist a restaurant?
I am a restuarant manager of a Chinese restaurant, my family is opening a Thai restaurant in town but my intention is to continue to work as I am but invest in the family business. My employer is aski... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

I excepted one type of job but once starting the employer was forcing me into a different job
I excepted a job for packing in a warehouse , there was nothing at any point that indicated it could change or that I would need to get on a forklift. I accepted my position based on knowing I could d... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Is an employment contract valid that offers the independent contractor no consideration?
Hi, and thanks in advance, A good friend of mine is a tattoo artist and showed me his contract which included a non-compete clause. The contract stated all the restrictions/conditions of employment fo... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

The company I worked quit paying me (a 1099 contractor). Am I still locked in the non-compete clause
I was the regional manager for a restoration company for 1 1/2 years. We stated the insurance claim for home owners for storm damaged roofs and did the repairs. I was an independent contractor (1099) ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

My mom was demoted from salary to $11 dollars a hour on her 90 day probation period for having pneumonia with a doctors note. She kept going to work but kept getting more sick. Doctor wanted her to stay home for 5 days .Is this legal??
My mom was demoted from being a goodwill manager on salary to working nights for $11 a hour. She has pneumonia and also has a doctors note for 5 days. She’s also on her 90 day probation period. They... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

My mom was demoted from salary to $11 dollars a hour on her 90 day probation period for having pneumonia with a doctors note. She kept going to work but kept getting more sick. Doctor wanted her to stay home for 5 days .Is this legal??
My mom was demoted from being a goodwill manager on salary to working nights for $11 a hour. She has pneumonia and also has a doctors note for 5 days. She’s also on her 90 day probation period. They... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

South Carolina. Do I qualify for unemployment benefits if I cannot work for my employer for a period of 6 weeks because of Carpal Tunnel surgery. My employer doesn't have FMLA and isn't firing me but isn't paying me.
I have had elective surgery for Carpal Tunnel syndrome (although I probably could not continue to do my job unless I had it) in South Carolina. My employer does not offer FMLA (less than 50 employees)... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

If an employer claims I have broken something and gives police false information to where I live and I have a warrant out of the situation and she threatens the jobs other employees to side with her but the downfall if she's on the Chamber of Commerce and
I have hurt my back at work I called her to let her know she said the hospital you quit replay you're going to fire me cuz I go to the hospital she replied no you quit if you go to the hospital I coul... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Is there any resolution for a large company repeatedly bouncing most or all checks?
I work for a shipping company in Arlington, TX. The company has bounced checks for all of its staff on numerous occasions. While the money was eventually paid after pressure from the employees, it has... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Wrongful term/retaliation/harrassment
Is it legal/retaliation/harassment I recently gave my boss a step down from one position to another with a date and was told the regional manager accepted it that he even fought to keep me in the posi... applies to Delaware  ·  0 answers

Is it discrimination if an employer avoids scheduling higher pay scale employees on Sunday?
Employees that have been with the company for a substantial amount of time are "grandfathered in" to be paid time and a half on Sundays. Newer employees are paid their hourly rate plus a dollar when w... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

I have two jobs. If I lose my part-time job, will I be eligible for unemployment benefits?
I work full time. I have also worked part-time for roughly 14 years at Borders books and music. They're on the ropes and are likely to declare bankruptcy. If they close my store, and can't find me emp... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Can companies set requirements to withhold servence pay from older workers
Recently my company sold our business contracts and is in the process of shutting down operating units within the plant. One area of the plant will remain running and they have decided to staff that a... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

New teacher they want to fire for budget shortfalls. Should I sign the paperwork?
Hello, I am a first year teacher in Florida. I just found out that the school district is having budgeting problems and my school is going to be “pink slipping” (a.k.a letting go) of all new teach... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

overtime pay/ harassment
I have been working as a General Mgr for a fast food Rest.For about a year. I have many weeks that I worked more than the 55-60 hours I was told I I needed to work. I an paid a flat salary. I really w... applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

Can an employer require an hourly associate to be 'on call'?
I work for Office Depot and have several concerns regarding their policies. I am an hourly associate (department manager). One of the requirements is being 'on call'. If there is a call from the secur... applies to New Jersey  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete Confidentiality Agreement
My position as a Personal Assistant was recently eliminated by ABC. I have been approached about the same type of position with another company XYZ. XYZ is a client of my former company. ABC provides ... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Having it both ways....
I am a teacher for a local community college vocational school. I am salaried, and exempt. I rarely work less than 55 hours per week, and some weeks have worked in excess of 70 hours. My employer has ... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Leave of Absense and Worker's Comp
My husband got injured at work. His assistant manager was there when it happened. The next day when the store manager came in they told him about it. He told my husband that he should not come in the ... applies to Wyoming  ·  0 answers

a co-worker sent an email to my boss stating I had responded to another co-worker negatively and aggressively. my boss asked me about it the next week and I could not recall the situation. My boss also asked the other co-work to whom I had supposedly repl
a co-worker herd the conversation between myself and another co-worker and thought I was impatient and negative with the other co-worker. she sent an email to my boss and my boss questioned me about t... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

I am an auto technician who gets paid flat rate. My employer is requiring me to pay half of my trainee's weekly pay. Is that legal?
Auto technician at a dealership. I have a trainee/apprentice that works with me that I train. I get paid a flat rate for the hours I turn, not for the hours I am there. So if there is no work, I don't... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Can I carry over accrued sick time if I used 40 hours last year, but still had some accrued?
am confused about how carrying over my accrued sick time is supposed to work. At the end of 2018 I had 23 hours of accrued sick time I did not use that then carried over to 2019. In 2019 I accrued an ... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

I was hired as a contract cabin attendant for a charter company, but they refuse to use me and are even looking to bring someone else in from over sea's do I have any recourse?
My husband is a pilot for this company. They were in need of Cabin Attendants and I have previous airline experience. I was interviewed and hired. I filled out all the company paper work and tax forms... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Can an employer stop paying health benefits because they have decided that you are part time without notice and deduct the full amount from your check without authorization?
My employer decided that my work from would no longer keep my full time status. This was probably over a month ago. I was told to get my hours up to get my benefits back but my health insurance was st... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Severance package accepted but employer wants to deny unemployment benefits can they do this?
My employer has offered a severance due to closing their facility. I work for a union shop and the first agreement is to offer a severance package and not to contest unemployment benefits. That was ag... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

I gave my 30 days notice per my contract. My employer announced that she is giving a hazard pay bonus for hours worked from March 2020 up to the current date. She stated that I will not be receiving this bonus because I gave notice. I will still be employ
I am currently employed but gave my 30 days notice. There isnt anything in my contract regarding bonuses or hazard pay. I will still be an employee when these bonuses are disbursed. The hazard pay bon... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Need more frequent breaks due to Psychiatric Disability...
Is requesting a 15-minute break every 2 hours (instead of the usual 3 hours) a "reasonable accommodation" for me as a cashier with medically documented Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Attention Defic... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

No OT if making more than double minimum wage? CAlifornia
Hello, I am a manager at a fruit packing business in California. All managers here get paid hourly but they do not get paid overtime for hours worked over 8, instead they get the hours paid as regular... applies to California  ·  2 answers

manager gave employee cocaine
My girlfriend's manager offered her cocaine and she accepted. Over the next couple of months she became heavily involved in cocaine use as 2 managers for this company suppliedsoldgave her it. When I f... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

30 Hour Work Week Health Care Benefits
I'm moving from a 40 hour/week job in Texas, to a 30-hour/week job in Florida. Here in Texas I get health benifits but in Florida I will not be provided with the company health insurance plan. The Hum... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete Agreement
In my fourth year working for a company, I was asked to sign a non-compete agreement. Every year, our company gives a Christmas bonus. The agreement was tied to receiving this year's bonus as the comp... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer


My former employer contacted my current employer to set up a meeting, the two employers discussed my employment, stated that I was overall a good employee, but are concerned about confidentiality. The conversation was not during a reference call, but in a
I was terminated, in an at - will state (kansas). I was only marked as exemplary and outstanding on all of my evaluations, I implemented a policy to cover confidentiality, which they did not want to a... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

Is my old non compete non executable?
I'm in a sales role. Back in 2011 I signed a non compete agreement, but my CEO NEVER signed it. It had 36 months non compete/non solicitation & NO geographic territory. In 2016 company sold. I was ask... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

My actual job duties include more than 20% non-exempt tasks. What... needed to demonstrate that they are "not an essential part of and necessarily incident to" my exempt duties. My non-exepmt tasks include: repair, maintenance, calibration, and cleaning of equipm... applies to Illinois  ·  3 answers

Do i have a legal lawsuit
I was fired because i reported harassment on the job i went back and forth through my chain of commands still nothing was done i was continully harassed i wasn't getting anywhere through my employers ... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

Forfiture of commissions upon voluntary termination
In Texas, is an employment agreement provision calling for the forfiture of earned but unpaid sales commissions upon voluntary termination of employment legal? Specifics: Texas work-from-home rep of C... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

I have recently been off work since April and have used all my FMLA leave due to cancer. I have recently finished radiation and my employer stated if I did not return by Nov 23rd my position would not be available. My doctor has released me to full time d
Used my entire FMLA leave for cancer treatment. Treatment is now finished and my doctor released me to full time without any restrictions per my job description. My employer is stating that I need to ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

illegal action voids non compete?
A few weeks ago, my company began withholding checks from me. This has gone on for the last three weeks due to collection issues with some of my clients. I am a commision only employee. since that tim... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

My wife's company has had a PTO policy that allowed them to carry over 140 hours every year. She has been with the company for over 20 years and because she is a manager and has to be at work, she has accumulated the maximum. The company recently changed
Previous agreement to accumulate 140 hours PTO per year suddenly changed to 40 and they are saying they will take any PTO not used by year end. Job as manager does not allow my wife to take off 3 1/2 ... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Is an employer obligated to pay an employee vacation pay when they give two week notice?
An employee gave two week notice and then did not show up for work the last week. Is the employer obligated to pay the employee for the vacation time they had? This employee was a part-time employee n... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

Previous Co-worker spread false comments about me to a prospective employer, ruined my reputation
I recently applied at a company and coincidentally knew an individual that worked there, who gave me an initial recommendation. However an individual at my PREVIOUS employer knew the hiring manager th... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I am receiving severance from a company in PA. I took a contract job, but realized on day one that the job had been misrepresented and I decided to leave. Does this impact my ability to collect unemployment once my severance runs out?
I am collecting severance until December 21. I took a contract job (W2 through an agency) and realized on day 1 that this job was misrepresented and that I did not have the skillset to do the work. Do... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

A supervisor at work told another co worker I smelled of marijuana and he thinks I'm high all the time. I don't use marijuana. I was never told to take a drug test or anything. The supervisor has never approached me to discuss the situation. I was told by
A supervisor told another employee or co worker he smelled marijuana on my clothes and said he thinks I'm high all the time. I found out from another employee not the one the supervisor spoke to. Now ... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

I need to know if I'm being wrongfully suspended from work due to my past convictions after I've already been hired and I was honest about my convictions and everything
I was hired at the Dollar General store after passing my federal background check today I was offered the position of assistant manager 2 hours later my manager had to come to me and tell me that HR s... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

is it my responsibility to inform the employment agency if the company the send me to has me doing a different job/position than I was sent to do.
I was sent on an assignment to be an inspector/packer for a company. About 1 week into my assignment I was asked if I would like to do a utility/material handling position, that I had previous experie... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

What can be done when you know you were set up in being fired, but have difficulty proving it?
A new GM was assigned to my store while I was in training. On his first day of work, he displayed outright hostility towards me. I was treated as unequal. He had me doing things that were everything b... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Do I get 14 weeks unemployment payment or full 26 weeks after my 12 weeks of severance?
I work in Rhode Island. My location is closing Dec 31st and I will be getting a severance package of 12 weeks paid. It will be paid each week like my normal check. They have said to apply for unemploy... applies to Rhode Island  ·  0 answers

One employee is excused & the other employee is not excused
Lets say that employee #1 is excussed from being on the "on call duty list at night" because of taking a medication. Employee #2 (on FML) is taking the exact medication but yet employee #2 is required... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

My job refuses to make me permanent and keeps switching my role
I started working for this HHA company in May 2018 as a temp in a hot and dusty file room. It has no working vents, no sprinklers. Just a camera and wall to wall file cabinets. Within the first two we... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

subsidiary severance smaller than parent corporation severance
I work in California for a subsidiary (LLC) of a large corporation located in Michigan. There have been many layoffs at the Michigan corporate offices and there was a press release stating the nice se... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Is there anything I can do about a false positive on a drug test?
The company I work for was just bought out, so all existing employees had to re-apply. A drug test was done and I tested positive for opiates. I tried to explain that it was possible that the positive... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Is this retaliation
The administrative staff asked for a meeting with two owners to voice our concerns of needing help. We were down two people in our dept due to downsizing and couldn't keep up the pace. We also asked w... applies to Vermont  ·  1 answer

Do I still have a chance?
I was bullied for three years at one job I worked at and finally had enough. The store manager was well aware of what was going on. I handed my written resignation to my hiring manager who replied ver... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

Pregnancy related complications - is leave available?
I am 24 weeks pregnant and have a medical history of pre-term labor with my previous child. I have been experiencing pre-term labor symptoms with this pregnancy and have been ordered bed rest for the ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Sexual harassment question
A few girls came to me and asked me some sexual questions, I replied to stop, it went on for a few weeks. When I told my Union about it 6 months later her encouraged me to file and EEO. I didn't repor... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Employer changes terms non-compete contract. Still Enforcable?
I am currently in my first year at a large financial services firm in Phoenix. My firm has decided to change its training and compensation program mid-stream, which has eliminated the possibility of a... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Can leave be based on hours worked?
The company that I work for in VA has updated their employee handbook. They state that if no hours are worked during the week (whether that be out on vacation or on FMLA leave) then the employee will ... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Can I be fired for being a witness for my friend in an unemployment hearing? I need help immediatly!
I got my friend a job with me and Wendy's and she worked there for about 6 months and all of a sudden they had a problem with her. They said she needed to work on her performance and she did. The mana... applies to Georgia  ·  2 answers

If I give a two week notice to use my vacation time (which is company policy). Can my employer deny to give me that time off (after approving) and threaten to fire me if I take the time off that they approved, if there is mandatory training that I was not
I gave more than two weeks notice to use my vacation time and it was approved. The company I work for had some changes and forced the employees to change there schedules and we now have what they are ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Docking Pay for Not Providing Doctor's Note
Is it legal to dock an exempt employee's pay for a day that they missed for being "sick"? This employee refuses to provide a doctor's note. Usually we require a doctor's note after 3 days, but he has ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Do I have recourse if laid off upon returning from WC claim?
Our Company filed for bankruptcy in Feb 09 and I went out on a WC claim in Mar 09, currently still on leave. During hard financial times company has not laid anyone off even when it made financial sen... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Employees are required to give Management a two week written notice when they are leaving a position. Management and salaried positions must give a four week written termination notice. Holidays and s... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Freind and Sexual Harrasment
Im the president of a small corporation. I have a female mananager That I knew personally (freinds) before I hired her. She always gave me personal advice on my relationship for example Your girlfrein... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Hello, I fractured my arm after accidentally falling at work and would like to know if I qualify for short term disabilty since workman's comp only pays a fraction of the money I would be making if I were working full time. Monica
I fractured my left humerus after tripping over a cord while working on a trauma code one. My head hit the wall and my arm hit the crash cart. They are offering to pay me workman's comp, max is $750 p... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Why do I get paid minimum on my final check when I had put in my 2 weeks notice?
I was making $11/hr and was looking for another job and found a better opportunity with another company. So I put in my 2 weeks notice on paper and gave it to my supervisor. 2-3 days later at work I w... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Am I tied by Non Compete/solicitation agreement
Iam providing contract software services at client 'C' thru Vendor 'B' and a layer 'A' where my employer is 'V'. Here is the structure (V -> A -> B -> C) B was willing to work directly with my employe... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Am i eligable to draw a vested pension while on Social Security Disability
I would like to know if my seniority date was terminated by an Employee Buyout on the 19th Day of March 1991,and my Social Security Disability determined me as unable to perform gainfull work begining... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

If I have written proof from a manager that my company will pay me my used PTO during my 2 week notice will that over turn their policy stating they dont pay PTO during your final 2 weeks. I had communication from management for almost a year working on w
I used 50 hours of PTO during my final 2 weeks of work and had a written agreement from a manager I would get paid for it. During almost the span of a year I had various management working on getting ... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Signed a non compete under duress
I came from digital imaging sales, FOunf a firm in Indiana who offers some of the products in my field. They hired me in June. They did a DMV and credit check prior to starting. Then said you will fil... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

non-compete VS firm offering illegal services
I am a drafter/CAD operator. I started with a new company, although I had a non-compete clause with my former employer, an engineering/surveying firm which stated I could not work for a competing firm... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

can you demote a female 3 weeks from having her baby when she is a top performer?
I am 3 weeks from my due date and about to go on maternity leave. I am a medical sales rep and I received a call from my director offering me 6 weeks severance pay or a huge demotion (About 80-100k). ... applies to Michigan  ·  1 answer

I need to know how to get out/ fight a non compete clause
I was let go from my job Friday morning. I have already found another job but it is at a competitor (Im a florist). When i started employment in 2006, my former employers had me sign a non compete cla... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

If my Company is aquired by another, but my paycheck still reads the same as always for 6 months after the acquisition, who do i legally work for? My original Company? Or the one who did the acquiring?
I worked for Guardsmark, and it was bought by a company called Universal Protection. Universal Protection officially bought Guardsmark in July of 2015. However, my paycheck stubs still read Guardsmark... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Definite Period Job Contract Reneged
I have a question regarding breach of employment contract. I was an at will employee in IL, but when my job was eliminated, I was given 2 option in a meeting with the manager and HR. Option 1 was to w... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Sign this or get terminated...
Recently, my employer is requiring a portion of the staff to sign a "code of ethics" agreement. While I find the contents agreeable for the most part, there seems to be a good portion of the contract ... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Can a company enforce a noncompete that I was never aware of?
Can a company legally enforce a non compete contract without my knowledge or signature of such an agreement? I still work for the original company but I lost an opportunity at a competitor's business ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Why do I have to get a doctors note when I only have my asthma going on right now?
So I work at Chipotle and this is my second time calling off because of asthma. Asthma is a condition that will never take off. It just simply pauses within time. I get worse when the weather changes ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Need split shifts due to anxiety
Is requesting a 15-minute break every 2 hours (instead of the usual 3 hours) a "reasonable accommodation" for me as a cashier with medically documented Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Attention Defic... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Unemployment Benefits
I told my boss on a monday i was unhappy with my work situation and was thinking about resigning.She told me that she wanted me to stay with the company I was a great worker,etc.On Wed I was told we'v... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Co-worker w/same title makes a lot more money
I am an Oracle Database Administrator just hired (2 months ago) by a large company in my area. I was hired at 90K/yr. Another DBA was hired on the same day. Although we have the same title, we are "ex... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Is it legal in this state to just fire someone w/o any real explaination after 10yrs of employment?
I was employed for 10 yrs at a company that just recently fired me without warning. My attendance and workmenship is like no other in the entire company. I was the top salesman in the entire company f... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I worked on a Saturday for 8 hrs I took two vacation days the following week my boss made me take my over time as a regular time and didn't use my vacation day is that legal if not what can I do?
I worked for 8hrs on a Saturday for some overtime then I had a family emergency and I took two days of vacation pay I show up to work to find out they took my over time and only paying me regular time... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

Can my current vendor enforce Non Competition actions against me?
I am a IT consultant working on corp. to corp. basis through vendor at the client. My contract agreement dated back in 2006 for my first Purchase Order restricted me for working for the same client fo... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

Mis-classified employee?
Last August 2000 I switched from a 40hr. to a 32hr. work week with a matching reduction in pay. I was a "salaried,non-exempt employee & earned OT pay. I received a 3% merit increase in December 2000 d... applies to California  ·  2 answers

I was terminated for sexual harassment allegations by an employee. Other employees on my shift all knows it’s not true and that the accuser was actually doing the harrassing. He got angry when I put him on opposite shifts from my own and retaliated by g
Other employees that worked along side myself and the accuser were willing to testify to clear me of these allegations but neither they nor I had a chance to speak to anyone regarding the matter. I ju... applies to Hawaii  ·  0 answers

working 10 days straight, no overtime pay?
my friend works as a pharmacy technician in a retail pharmacy. the employer considers a workweek as friday through the following thursday. she's often scheduled to start work from sunday through tuesd... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I employed by a public company in Texas. I was named acting general manager over 90 days ago, but not being paid that salary. Am I entitled to the general manager salary
I work for a public company in Texas and was named the acting general manager over 90 days ago. Am I entitled to the higher pay rate since it's been over 90 days applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

What can I do to get comensated for vacation time accrued and discrimination charges agaist my forme
. Thank You.I was terminated in Az. I was employed 15 years same grocery store. .I then felt like my front end managers and store director assumed I was a liability at this point. Even when I had the ... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

My position was eliminated last year and to get my severance package I had to say I wouldn't sue the company. Eight months later, they promoted one of my younger subordinates to my position. I'm 61 and she's late 30's. Seems pretty convenient to me. I've
I had had decent reviews and had been made company spokesperson in July of 2018, had two surgeries but was back at work within 2 weeks of each. turned 60 in Jan 2019 and had my position eliminated alo... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

As a 1099 employee who works off 100% commission. Can my employer take 15% of my check for escrow?
I work for a marketing company as a 1099 employee and I make 100% commission for Construction Sales that are from insurance claims. In other words I am fronted on my commission until we know if the cl... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

the company my wife and I work for waited until after my wife went on maternity leave to tell her th
My wife signed up for FMLA 7 months before the baby was born and was told she would get 12 weeks of FMLA and that since she qualified for short term disablity benefits that she would get 60% of her pa... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Non-compete for an out of state employer
I am working for a Georgia based software consulting company in New Jersey for its client. I am working for their client’s customer and I am planning to leave the Job. I was offered a job by another... applies to New Jersey  ·  1 answer

Company Buyout
On friday January 9th, 2009 I cam to work and was working a normal day, all was thought to be going good for my company. I came in on Monday January 12th, 2009, to find out that on Saturday January 10... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can my boss cut my hours to 2 as an on-site manager of 46 units, that's not even enough to cover the rent her charges me?
I am an on-site apartment manager of 46 apartments. I am paid for only 4 hours of my day. There were some items stolen from my office and I am being accused of it, saying it's was an inside job. I hav... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Freind and Sextual harrasment
Im the president of a small corporation. I have a female mananager That I knew personally (freinds) before I hired her. She always gave me personaladive on my relationship for example Your girlfreind ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Non Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreements
I worked for "Company A" and was contracted to work for "Company B". Company B wanted to hire me as a full time employee and informed Company A of their intent. After receiving the offer letter from C... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

how long can an employer schedule some-one full-time hours before they pay them full-time wages and benefits?
i am working full-time hours but am still classified as part-time. How long can my employer schedule and work me full-time hours(hourly non-exempt) be fore they must pay me full-time hours and full-ti... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

My wife has been sexually harassed at work but is scared to file a complaint. what can I do as her husband?
My wife works for a very large company who employs 500 people in Indiana and is owned by the Chinese. She has been sexually harassed in her job since day one. She ended up falling for the story of the... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Can they take money out of my paycheck?
My place of employment is telling me they are going to take $250 out of my paycheck. A few months ago there was a malfunction at work and one of the computers was not printing drawer change slips. The... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Can a recruitment agency enforce its non-compete clause on previous employer and me if I move to CA?
I was hired by a recruitment/placement agency that placed me with a software company. Originally, I worked as a permanent contractor and was going to be hired full-time with the company, and at that p... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Can I be denied STD as an employee on straight commission?
my husband is being denied STD due t the fact he is paid o straight commission. He receives a W-2 and is an employee not a sub-contractor, but the Ins Co. is citing their requirements listed in the po... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

Need a lawyer that can win retaliation case for this bookkeeper.
I have a 17 years stable, continueous work history with high integrity. Until this year. My Ex-employer denies that they fired me. They are refusing to pay my annual performance based bonus that I ear... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Must an employeer pay you on time?
My employer has neglected to pay the employees on time twice in the past month and a half, and it is wreaking havoc with my credit score and my bank account. We are supposed to be paid every other Wed... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

Can my employer issue paycheck but insist it not be cashed or deposited yet?
My former employer issued four paychecks (biweekly) in a row to me, but insisted that i did not cash them due to insufficent funds. As of October 2009, I got a new job, due to the money problems with ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  3 answers

My son, a nursing home kitchen aid, was fired over false accusations from fellow employees.
My son was fired from his job over accusatios that he threw a "head fit", broke dishes, and threatened fellow employees. Management claims there are four witnesses. My son claims no knowledge of these... applies to Maine  ·  0 answers

Wrongful Termination
Do I have any chance of winning a wrongful or constructive termination case based on the following: Wrongful constructive termination I live in a community in PA. It is a HOA. For the period of 5/05 -... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Can a flat rate technician collect unemployment if his work hours are reduced causing his flat rate pay to drop
Can a flat rate technician collect unemployment if his clock hours are reduced causing his flat rate production to drop applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Is it illegal for my employer to take my PTO without authorization?
Is it illegal for my employer to offer PTO but automatically take it through the payroll system without authorization? let me clarify that there was a new policy put in place that we accrue .98 hours ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Do we have a case?
My husband has worked for a company for just over 2 years and received multiple promotions due to his skills and abilities and work ethic. One day the shop foreman made a comment to him when he had a ... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Full Time to Part Time status is original signed off letter still legally binding?
I relocated to Raleigh to work at a Geotechnical Engineering firm last November. I received a relocation bonus to pay moving expenses and it states in my contract that I would have to repay the bonus ... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Restrict Future Employment w/new Employer
Recently received a severance agreement (which I have not yet signed). Most of it is pretty straight forward. A single portion of the document concerns me. It states that I will forgo any future sever... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Vacation Pay After Giving Notice - No Formal Policy
I work for a very small medical practice. After two years with no paid time off, instead of an offered raise, I negotiated paid time off. This was in January of last year, and the entire pool of two w... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

My employer is closing down the business exactly one week before my anniversary date and is refusing to pay my one week vacation pay. He did promise it to me verbally when I was hired, but I have nothing in writing. Can I still get my vacation pay:?
My employer is closing down the business I work for exactly one week before my anniversary date when I would have earned one week of paid vacation. Am I still entitled to my vacation pay? He has nothi... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Chronic and permanent Illness and Fmla
I have epilepsy... here is whats happened to me with employment in the past 6 months and yes I am seeking a lawyer for civil or any suit if you find any discrepencies. march 4th fmla was sent a certif... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

OT and PTO / Vacation labor regulations
I currently work for an employee who has classified every employee as exempt. We are charged PTO / Vacation time in 1/2 day increments. As exempt employees we are not eligible for OT pay. Most of my c... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can employers deduct vacation time for snow days?
My employer called a snow day last winter and phoned all of the employees telling us to not come in because of the weather. The next day I went to work and was informed that everyone had to put in a t... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

breaking a non-compete
I am a resident in Kansas but worked for an employer in Arizona. I was terminated Dec. 2003 for downsizing/financial reasons. I was forced to sign a proprietary rights and non-compete agreement 19 mon... applies to Kansas  ·  1 answer

Unemployment Compensation after Severence Agreement
I was laid off from my company due to downsizing and have been offered a severence package of 4 weeks pay. To recieve the severence I am required to sign a "Release of Claims" Agreement. If after the ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

i work for na company that believes in 2nd chances and no background check required. after 6 years of employment the manager does a background check on me alone and sees a felony conviction 26 years earlier and fires me out of the blue. there are other em
i was hired 6 years Ago. no background check required. recieved multiple employee of the month and quarter awards and employee of the year award. the owner tells me he gets about 25 letters a year fro... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Can I collect unemployment if my employer repeatedly did not pay me in full on the regular payday?
I have already filed a claim with unemployment in PA after I quit my job. I am waiting to hear their determination. In the questionaire, I cited multiple dates over a four month period of paydays that... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  4 answers

If a contractor in TX accepts a full-time job from a client, did they violate a non-compete clause?
I have been doing contract work in Texas through a recruiting firm for a client for a little over a year and the client is offering me a full-time job in the same role. My recruiting firm put a clause... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

can I be denied a promotions as a police officer because my brother inlaw works for the same Dept?
I am a police officer who has been working for the same agency for over eleven years. During that time, I earned by bachelors, MBA and PhD. At the same time, I have elevated myself to the most recogni... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

non compete with a new business
I work for a company in the Advertising Specialties market. I have been there for the last 2.5 years of my life and have enjoyed the time their. I signed a non-compete offer at the begining of my empl... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

On June 30th, I was laid off from my job of 13 years and quit a job I had for 3 weeks and 30 hours work, will this stop me from getting my unemployment?
worked for one company for 13 years and was laid off due to sale of company. For 3 weeks (about 30 hours), I worked for a 2nd company and realized that this company was not a good fit for me. I quit o... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

I work in the Printed Circuit Board industry in Illinois. I signed a Non-compete agreement. I am now working for another PCB manufacture question is can I call on companies that I brought into former employer that i had previous relationship with at my pr
Last company I worked at I signed non-compete for 1 year. The company before that I had relationships with companies that I brought into last employer. I am now with ne company in same industry. Can I... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

how can i appeal a wilful misconduct decision?
I worked in a doctors office for 4 years. i was asked to go into a meeting with supervisor and manager and was being accused of padding my time card by talking to another medical provider on the clock... applies to Connecticut  ·  1 answer

Non compete contract for Timeshare sales
I am a licensed Real Estate Agent and was working as a Independant contractor, even tho I was required to go to the store M-F 9-5 , I received a bi weekly "salery" plus commissions. I signed a non com... applies to California  ·  1 answer

How can I be a "temporary worker" after nearly 4 years at the same job, same place?
I worked for a security company that has contracts for most of the security for Shaw Industries. Shaw has been replacing their own security guards (who are fully benefited, well compensated employees)... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

If an employer misrepresented job, do I have to pay back moving costs?
I recently took a job as a sr. manager with promise of being promoted to Dir. with in 6 months to a year. When I showed up at work the person who hired me was fired. They placed me under another perso... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Have I been discriminated for pregnancy? I was "laid off" the day before I was to return.
Do I have a case for Pregnancy Discrimination? I was employed by the company for 4 years. I recently had a baby and was due to come back to work on May 22, 01. My position was Customer Service Trainer... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Do I have a case?
I was recently demoted from shop lead to a standard worker without any explanation in front of two of my workers that I had been the lead for. The Manager called all three of us into his office and to... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I am an employee of a nanny agency. They are responsible for paying me to be their nanny. Should I still get over time pay for anything over 40 hours even if it's with multiple families? The nanny agency schedules me and pays me but only pays overtime if
I am an employee of a nanny agency and they schedule me with multiple families. One family is full time and the other family is part time. Because I am an employee of the agency shouldn't I be paid ov... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Employment condition changed=loss of all accrued vacation time?
I work for a small human services agency. Our Board of Directors recently voted to dissolve the agency, so I am now on app. 3 months notice. I have almost 100 hours of unused vacation time accumulated... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Do reporting staf misconduct in the workplace constitute whistleblowing if you were removed from job
On June 26, I received a letter stating that I was on Prn status/ and that my rate of pay dropped at my job becauseit was reported to the CEO of the company that I and several other employees reported... applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

Wrongfull Termination
I have been working for this employer for the better part of two and a half years. Having no sick days available points were collected as a consequence of calling off or coming late. This was a new po... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

I use to work for a trucking company and this company is now blocking me from receiving unemployment and is reporting false information to other trucking companies I apply for. Can they do this to me?
I had an incident in 2018 where my truck slid down a dock on ice while park, then another incident in June 2019 where I backed up in a dock and scrapped the side of my truck and reported to claims. I ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

offered severance, resigned, rehired and denied severance
I was told in 2014 that our company would be closing by the end of 2015 and I was offered a severance package to stay until closing. In June of 2016, the company was still planing to close but the end... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

FMLA leave and use of own sick days
Dera Mel, I am a Northeast Ohio school teacher. I recently gave birth to a son four weeks early on July 18. My intentions were to use 30 days sick leave and 6 weeks of upaid FMLA and return to work No... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can a county agency take away earned vacation time?
I work for a county agency. I had earned 441 hours of vacation under a previous sheriff, he allowed us to accumulate extra vacation. By state statute I can only carry 360 hours. Early this year we (de... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Not notified of policies now stuck in the middle
I was notified today that my Aetna medical insurance was terminated on 03/31/08. I have been out on short-term disability as well as FMA since 01/05/08. I have not received any notification of my insu... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Subcontractor Questions
I am a subcontractor with a company here in MD, i've been working for the company at their client's site for the last 5 weeks now, even though the client pays every week for the services i render, the... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Unpaid Commissions
I assume there is not much I can do here, but I work for a company headquartered in Atlanta with an office in VA and live in MD. I was recently contacted about a job from a former boss making more mon... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

My employer has not paid me the correct hourly wage after being released from light duty. This is the 2nd incorrect paycheck. Are they allowed to keep making me wait until the next pay period to correct their mistake?
I was injured at work at put on light duty at a reduced hourly wage. I was released by my doctor back to regular duty after just 3 days. I returned to working my regular job requirements, but my emplo... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

how can my boss assume i quick my job?
I came into work as usual on a monday, when i came in someone from the other office was there in my seat, then clinic supervisor came up and took me in his office. he stated you took your pictures hom... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can my job stop the 26 weeks i am allowed for Disability and fire me once my DI and FMLA time is use
I am on Disability and my FMLA just began. I have used all of my sick and vacation time, and my job began my State Disability at the end of July. Every time i submit my physician statements and have t... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Company Restructure/Severance Pay
The company I work for has recently restructured and as a result, my position was eliminated. I have been offered a different position with no reduction in pay but a different role with more obligatio... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Discrimination - Making me do a manager's job, but paying me as a supervisor.
Is it considered discrimination if I am singled out to retain a job that the department has eliminated? I work in a technology project management organization. All employees are exempt. In April, they... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Is there any recourse for experiencing a huge pay cut from changing job description?
I am an hourly Assistant Manager of a retail establishment. I have worked for this company for over 6 years. In duties section of the ASM job description it states that I am required to work a minimum... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

I resigned my position as manager to open a new business. I recommended the reorganization of staffing so the branch could function without a manager. My business deal was terminated and I was unable To purchase the business. Because there was technically
I recommended the credit union branch function with out a manager on site. I work with the four person team and recommended two promotions for daily operations. Promotions were approved. I submitted m... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I had a boss that was told i was being sexually harassed daily by a co-worker thats sets next to me, my boss came in and blame me for fudging #'s that i call which is impossible to do and I am the top Lead Generator with 25 sales and the other lead genera
My co-worker has been sexually harassing me, my boss found out by the recep, and when he did he try to pick on me about my work prefomance which is at the top, we had gotten into it and he tld me to l... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I was a contractor at a government agency for over five years. I suffered daily abuse from a coworker. I finally reported the person to a manager who suggested that I contact Labor relations. They posted my job two weeks after I reported my co-worker and
The terrible treatment started the 2nd week I got there. I just put up with it. It got worse and worse and I heard from several people that my co-worker started a lot of rumors about me. There was an ... applies to Michigan  ·  1 answer

If my employer made false statement about me then discharge me he is trying to get back at me because I have 3workers comp cases against him what do I do I need my job and what my employer said I did I really didn't do
I was hurt on a school bus 3diffrent times back to back I was off work for 4months I return 9/15/2016 when I return he started harassing me /created a hostile environment for me /retaliation and discr... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I made a comment about my manager writing that she came to my desk and told my co-worker that she was assigning him to a committee because he is her favorite. Is this defensible? She is now retailing against me by not allowing to work on projects and doub
Manager came to speak to my co-worker who was standing by my desk. She informed him that she was going to put him on a committee because he was her favorite. I completed a employee survey and mentione... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

My boss offered to pay me vacation days and then rescinded. What should I do?
My Director of Operations terminated me and agreed to pay my vacation days. I received an email from her confirming that I would be paid through the days I worked plus be paid 5vacation days. I receiv... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Erratic Schedule and Pay Errors
I have two questions. The first pertains to having a set schedule, and the second pertains to correcting wage errors. My mother works in the activities department of a nursing home for little more tha... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Possible Class Action.
Possible Class Action. Company might have a policy of isolating individuals on medical leave to force them to quit. I'm a nurse for a local hospital network, and they said you had to be 100% non-disab... applies to Illinois  ·  3 answers

Is this justifiable?
I called in on my day off, was told by boss that we should be filling out the check for EVERY (loan) customer reminded her that she has worked in that store and was aware that we do not fill out the c... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Hidden Non-solicitation Clause
I was recently terminated from a sales management position and have since accepted a similar position with another company in the same industry. Upon leaving, my former employer brought to my attentio... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Do I have a lawsuit against my employer for lost wages and emotional damage?
In April I found out I had a brain tumor, and had emergency surgery. I went on disability and FMLA. When the FMLA expired I was not recovered from my ordeal. The HR dept. for my employer sent me paper... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Can my employer refuse to pay me for the last week I worked?
My Indiana employer paid me salary, and I have a signed contract. On my paystub it shows an hourly rate times number of hours. When I quit my supervisor only paid me 40 hours instead of the regular 80... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

I was laid off on Nov 8th due to lack of work. I filed for unemployment, got 7 weeks of back pay. My former employer said he terminated me on Nov 8th for failing a drug test I took on August 21st. My unemployment was stopped. I filed an appeal because why
Drug test , August 21st 2019 Laid off Nov 8th 2019 Employer said I was terminated for drug policy violation but why wait almost 3 months to do so ?? Filed an appeal for unemployment because he lies. applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

CEO accused me of having an alcohol problem and depression amongst other thing. Can I sue for this?
The CEO of the company that I hat got fired from (I had never even been written up before in the year and a half I worked there) called me into a random meeting with 2 witnesses, neither of which were... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

What is this considered?
Start by saying I work in retail for a corporation. Myself and another co-worker had been robbed at gunpoint. Normally the district manager is suppose to come out to the scene that did not happen when... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

My company gave employees a Searvance packrage. And I never received one I worked there 15 years and should have gotten around 15 thousand I would really appreciate help getting it
I was employed at Johnson controls for 17 years I got coral tubal and they could not acomidate I was making 50 thousand . I got works man comp. Till I reached mmi. I never received nothing but social ... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

In regards to PTO my company has a policy that is mandatory certain paid holidays to use PTO. ..
As I stated in the question. In regards to PTO my company has a policy that is mandatory certain paid holidays to use PTO so, Christmas, New Year's, 4th of July, and some other observed holidays are r... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

My employer gave me the incorrect paperwork, was given FMLA instead of disability form,. Physician filled out FMLA and submitted, employer call to say they were terminating me, finally faxed the correct form to physician, but said it was too late. I have
I have been out of work for over 4wks due to severe Meniere's disease. My employer provided me with paperwork for my doctor and then contacted me to tell me they were going to terminate me. I spoke wi... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can my employer deny me vacation accural,for wrongfully changing my contract to a lesser scale 25 years ago. It was just discovered last month that this had happened.
I work for a union out of washing DC, I was laid off in January of 1994, but worked for the company through out the year while being laid off. the company when they brought me back, rehired me and put... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

I work as a crematory operator in CA. I have. Crematory managers license, which my employer wants to use with the cemetery & funeral bureau. However my title will remain as an operator, not a manager, even though I will be the responsible party if anythin
I am currently employed as a crematory operator. My manager was fired in May, and my employer wants to have my crematory manager license on file with the cemetery and funeral bureau. This means I will... applies to California  ·  0 answers

employee and employer dates and signatures on a non compete contract
I worked for a company which was bought out. All employees were asked to have their non competes returned by 15 June 2009. I signed and returned mine on the 19th of June. Reason being, my father was a... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

I work for a public hospital in the state of Oregon. They have had a policy in place for many years which allows an employee to elect to cash out PTO time and have always paid the cash out at the employee's regular rate of pay. They recently announced tha
I am a union-represented employee at this public hospital. Our collective bargaining agreement states that PTO cash out will be "in accordance with the Hospital's established PTO cash out policy in ex... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

I was wrongfully suspended from my job and other team members were aware before me, I’ve been told to just “get over it” what can my next steps be
I work at a restaurant and due to a ride situation I was rushing to leave and left a table with glasses on it and they “suspended” me for it. I complained that I had no write ups or anything on my... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Can I be legally be fired for choosing to no longer speak spanish at work?
I've worked retail for 3years and I'm bilingual. I had no problem dealing with Spanish only customer service until they restructured our sales goals. Taking the time to do Spanish customer service tak... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Should I accept or decline
I worked at a big retail company in Ohio for two years. On March 19th, 2006 I was injured on the job and I had to go to the hospital (standard procedure according to this retail company) to have the b... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer


My employer sent me to a doctor for an examination. They paid for it and they are now refusing to release my medical record of that examination. Can they do this? They are flat out refusing to release my medical record and when I went to HR to view my emp
I was off for one year with a medical condition, severe tinnitus accompanied by debilitating headaches. I was to return to work in September 2014 but my employer waited until a few days before my retu... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Do I have recourse for not accepting comparable job?
I just found out my position is being outsourced to a third party company. We will be offered positions to work for this company and given a few days to accept, and if we decline, we will be out of a ... applies to Rhode Island  ·  0 answers

Can a franchise Agreement non-compete prevent you from working in a general field?
If a franchisee sells their marine-towing franchise and signed a non-compete, can the franchise corporation prevent him from making a living on the water in a commercial capacity as long as the person... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

I work in Pa. I receive monthly bonuses based upon performance. My employer overpaid 1 month bonus.
I receive monthly bonuses based upon performance. My employer overpaid 1 month bonus. They have requested the repayment and was advised that I will have to pay the taxes back that were also taken. Sin... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I have been employed with USPS as RCA for 9yrs part time, non union member. I have had two kidney surgeries in the last month and my kidneys are still full of stones so my problem has not been resolved. I have had my FMLA paper work filled out along with
I have been employed with USPS as an RCA part time non union member for 9 yrs. I have Kidney stones really bad and worked for 6months in pain before finding out it was my kidneys to the point it was s... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Reduction in pay for employee who never schedule back
We are a very small business. Here’s my situation: I hired a new employee. One of my tenured employees came in on a weekend (I did pay them both)to help her get comfortable/train, etc before her sta... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Hello, I am new to this site. I am in Alaska. I run a marine supply store. I am the only one employed over her. I have been asked to work 8-5 7 days a week for the length of the summer. My pay rate is $23 per hr. Am I entitled to overtime pay?
I have been working for this outfit for 5 years.I am the only employee that puts in extra hours but does not receive the benefit of overtime pay. I am administrative. I am and have been in relationshi... applies to Alaska  ·  0 answers

Was my wife wrongfully discharged?
My wife was hired at a dental clinic. She worked for 2 days and had a minor injury. She reported the injury as she was told to do, but didn't expect anything. The supervisor asked her if she wanted a ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

My Boyfriend who works for the one of the largest parking garages in NYC and is part of Local 272 was recently transferred to another Garage with no warning and no reason. He has worked there for 18 years and never had a bad review and his customers love
When he reported to work last Thursday there was a private letter addressed to him that was opened up and posted on the company office wall of his transfer to a different Garage. Nobody spoke to him, ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can I be forced out of my position if it’s not based on job performance?
I work for a local grocery store chain in Maryland. I have been in the position of Assistant General Manager for about 2 years. When I was offered the position, I was not given any job description, jo... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Does a non-compete carry over if I transfer to a new position within the same company?
I signed a non compete agreement when I hired on in a particular division with my current medical sales company. About one year ago, I was granted a transfer to a different division that sells differe... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

After the fact union charges
Hello, I recently was fired from my job at AT&T, on 12/14/2012, during my employment there was a 2-day strike by the CWA union, I exercised my NLRA right and chose not to participate in the strike, I ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I was recently put on a PIP, which I stated, before it was written to the HR rep, that the goals were unattainable. They gave me the goals any way. In the PIP, my employer states,
I was involved last year in a dispute regarding my new contract, which also involved a PIP, and a reduction in pay. The year before I had been involved in a case to have my manager investigated by HR ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can my employer cut my wages 1/2 if I do not agree & what about my accrued Paid Time Off?
Our office is downsizing. They are talking of cutting our wages in half. Is this legal? This is an "at will" work office in Georgia with head office in Universal City, TX. Also, I have accrued over 15... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Salary employee isn't getting paid for days the company decides to close the office
I'm a salary paid network administrator for a company in IL. My company requires all employees to use a vacation day if they want to get paid when the company decides to close for a day, for example w... applies to Illinois  ·  3 answers

Reverse descrimination suit.
Do I have a reverse descrimination suit?My boss and the 2 teachers I worked with are both gay. Both the other teachers have other jobs with substantial pay. I depended on this job as my only source of... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Do I have the right to my preferred name on email and company website?
My new employer uses first initial last name for email address and first name last name as the display name. I am known by my middle name, and have not used my first name personally or professionally ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

What if your medical condition requires a longer absence than the 12 week FMLA allows?
My husband was hospitalized with a heart attack and after doing a heart cath, found that he would require open heart surgery. Because they gave him a blood thinner upon arriving at the hopital, they h... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

If a person was laid off from a job and given a packet that states they are eligible for re-hire after a year, applies for a position that is open with the company and the company says they are not hiring people who were laid off, can they be sued for tha
If a person was laid off from a job and given documents that states they are eligible for re-hire after a year, applies for a position that is open with the company and the company says they are not h... applies to New Mexico  ·  1 answer

Changing commission structure for no reason - legal?
I work for a company in which we get paid commission based on a % of our revenue collected relative to a set revenue goal. The company has established specific revenue goals each year and have set the... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Can I be denied severance pay if I accept a position that is not comparable with my current package?
My company has lost the support contract with the company I have supported for 20 years+. There is another company that has won the contract. My company does have a standard severance package that all... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

my bf was fired due to a drug test that was my fault. i put my medication which is liquid methadone into one of his bottles and he took it to work not realizing it dr told him he has minute amts o methadone in his system but was still fired i didnt look a
i just wrote all clear details i know when he was given test hr lady said shhh we r doing random testing now and dont tell ur boss. my b had no prob going plus not one other person has gone for testin... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

My employer say they pay their employees holiday pay but use the employees PTO.
My employer say they pay their employees holiday pay. Example: Thanksgiving day we are closed but if you work the day before and the day after you get holiday pay. The "holiday pay" they give you is o... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Legal recourse
I have a non-compete with my former Mortgage lending company. In the non-compete, there was no specification on geographic boundary. Recently, when my old company found that i was with a new mortgage ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

the elevator at my job is broken, i called my boss while standing in the lobby and told her i can not go up 12 flights of stairs ( she is fully aware that i am pregnant) and all she said was to go up and take my time.. i cried the whole way up! it took me
the elevator at my job is broken, i called my boss while standing in the lobby and told her i can not go up 12 flights of stairs ( she is fully aware that i am pregnant) and all she said was to go up ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

age discrimination
I (age-53) was terminated from my position on 08/01/08. I was the only employee in my department (Engineering). About four weeks prior to my release, A younger,(age-35) less paid and less experienced ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

retaliation termination
i was employed as a bartender at a private veterans club. our commander fired me, his son who lied about me saying things about my private life called him one night and then the commander said that he... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Unjust, unfair and dishonestly laid off
My employer laid off 1 senior flight attendant using discipline. They laid off 4 pilots and myself, a dispatcher, and said that since we all scored the same on evaluations, they had to use seniority f... applies to New York  ·  1 answer


Can I sgn in for the time I was contacted to report to work for OT?Do I sign in for when I show up?
I am a LPN. There was already 2 nurses on the floor when I arrived to a surgery unit at 11:00am. The floor was short because another LPN called out. The ADN that called me in advised me to sign in for... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Employer Protection from Fraudulent Wage Claims
Under CA law, what protections exist for an employer being fraudulently billed by a telecommuting hourly employee. We have a w-2 employee who agreed in writing that our customer would validate all hou... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I was let go after bereavement for no cause
Hi I was “let go” after returning from bereavement with a “it just wasn’t working out”. The company was just bought out 1 1/2 months after I got hired. I was thrown into the position with ZE... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I was let go after bereavement for no cause
Hi I was “let go” after returning from bereavement with a “it just wasn’t working out”. The company was just bought out 1 1/2 months after I got hired. I was thrown into the position with ZE... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I was let go after bereavement for no cause
Hi I was “let go” after returning from bereavement with a “it just wasn’t working out”. The company was just bought out 1 1/2 months after I got hired. I was thrown into the position with ZE... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Replaced with Younger employee
About 2 months ago my company hired a Field applications Engineer for the west cost . Since this was also my title, I asked my supervisor if he really thought that we needed two FAE''s on the west coa... applies to California  ·  4 answers

False Claim Against Employer Through The State
I work as a supervisor for a security company. Recently, we had an employee who was preparing to go through a gender identity change. He asked, when hired, whether we discriminate for this. He was tol... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

electronic discrimination ,,is there a law that protect individuals that do not want a cell phone or a computer
I know peole that don't want to be online have a cell phone or want anything to do with cable internet,,so case in are then forcing the public to only do online application ,,that's hirin... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Can an employer refuse to pay an "independant contractor" wages for start up business?
I have a question regarding wages owed. My father worked for someone who was trying to start up a business. There was no contract established, but according to the employer he was an "independant cont... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Should I be a non-exempt employee?
Facts: I am employed as a web content developer, which comes down to I fill already structured (programmed) and designed websites with text and a few images (mostly cut & paste) and requires little to... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can an employer require a salaried employee to work almost 100 hours a week without additional compensation? I am a restaurant manager and my assistant recently quit with no notice so I have been working 9AM-12Am for almost 2 weeks straight now, this cant
I am a restaurant manager and my assistant recently quit. My district manager is not providing any help and I have literally been working 9AM-12Am for 2 weeks now, over 100 hours a week with no additi... applies to Virginia  ·  1 answer

4 sentence non-compete. How valid is this?
My non-compete is exactly as follows: "12. Restriction on post employment competition. For a period of (1-1/2) years after the end of employment, the employee shall not control, consult to be employed... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Is there a case when being threaten by an employer if you apply for unemployment after firing you ?
My son was fired a few weeks ago. He was working at a bar/restaurant in which it did not have a problem with give out free drinks, half price for meals etc. On this particular day he was schedule to w... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Im pregnant and my job is trying to force to to take a LOA
I just found out Im pregnant. Per my company handbook I am required to tell my management ASAP due to the physical lbaor I do. (Im an EMT) So I did. I was told I had 7 days to get medical clearance fr... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I was retaliated on because i reported my manager What can i do about this?
I reported my manager to the store manager I was blatently harrased and my hours were cut because of it I then reported harrasment to the company headquater which brought on more harrasment and retali... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Can employer cut my pay 30% after DOL told them to pay back overtime to me?
I contacted DOL and informed them i thought i was a non-exempt employee for the last six years of my employment. They called my employer to request my information. On same day, they called my supervis... applies to Georgia  ·  1 answer

I was fired (not because of my performance but because it wasn't a
I was fired (not because of my performance but because it wasn't a "good fit" from a non profit Neighborhood Works place because I told the people I didn't like the way they were talking about low inc... applies to Idaho  ·  0 answers

Employer terminated the employment contract before the contract was up, what should I do now?
I had started my job with my former employer in the July and we signed a employment contract for 9 months, however, this week my employer told me that they do not need my services in the present capac... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Do I have any legal options available?
My Facebook account was hacked by someone who the police determined was from the "Dark Web", which basically means they covered their trail well. They posted that I was a gay child molester and curren... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

My employer is denying me FMLA for my baby
I took FMLA for the birth of my son. In May 2007 (5 months pregnant) I was put on bedrest due to having preterm labor. I was off on FMLA from May 14 until October 8th 2007. Around August 1st I recieve... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Discrimination and Worker's Compensation
I built a store for a large company five years ago. I am company trainer and Manager. Have a new District Manager. I was injured in August(first time in my life), a six-foot beem came down and hit me ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Being sued for non-compete between states
I worked as a salesperson for a company for 9 months in the printing industry. I was compensated $18,000 in salary. This company is based in Philadelphia. I quit this job and accepted a job in South C... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Severance pay
I work for a Casino boat in Illinois. The company is in the process of replacing the boats with a permanent barge. Seeing as how I am the Captain of the boat, I will be getting laid off. I have a lett... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I asked my employer for FMLA papers I had asked him 3 times finally I got them 3 days before my surgery so I had to miss work get FMLA papers to the doctor on a Thursday because he was out on the Friday had surgery on Monday he turn my FMLA papers in a da
I really didn't have 30 days but as soon as I found out I had to have surgery I asked for FMLA papers the office kept saying they were so busy they couldn't get them ready finally I got them the Thurs... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

What is my rights ?
Had Doctor to fill out FMLA papers , which stated I suffered from copd, cronic sinutitus . I would have flare ups sometimes every month . Example tonsilillitis 4 times this year due to bacterial infec... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Do I qualify for unemployment benefits?
Currently a Flat Rate technician (mechanic) making $18/ flag hour. I have been in this position for 2.5 years. Management informed me 3 days ago that they were moving me to a different department and ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Real Estate Non Compete
I worked for a real estate developer from 10/01 until 02/05 as sales manager, resale coordinator, and builder liaison. I signed a non compete when I started that stated that I would not "work in the r... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Nonpayment of Wages
I'm a non immigrant worker(on H1-B work permit).I worked for a company based in Tampa,Florida.In March 2005,I decided to quit, by giving 2 weeks notice period(as per policy).The company pays wages on... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Please advise, I was fired due to not meeting standard- quota system established 2yrs ago. Would this fall in the category if 'Fired for cause'?. I worked for this company 13yrs and offered nothing.
I was an employee of FCNY for 13yrs up until 11/3/16. I was abruptly terminated in my opinion, a week prior my supervisor informed me in what we call, one on one's that my quota was good, keep up work... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Do I have a retaliation case
I have worked for Costco for almost 5 years. I was recently accepted into the Hearing Aid Dispenser Apprenticeship Program. Life happens, and I asked via email if there were any openings for a hearing... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Can my employer make me give a 30 day notice without any contract stating such?
I gave a verbal resignation notice to my supervisor on Tuesday (9/26/2016) and attempted to give him a letter; however, he stated that he would need to talk to his supervisor and get back to me. I tol... applies to Mississippi  ·  0 answers

Termination for my Non Compete agreement
I signed a non-compete agreement with my former employee and then moved to a competitor. During my interview and after I was hired by my new employee they were aware that I was coming from a competito... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Is it discrimination to passed over for a promotion based on your availability?
I have been passed over twice for a promotion by my employer based on my availability. I am a part-time college student in my Junior year. The only time I cannot work is 12pm-5pm Monday and Wednesday ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I was employed from 08/13/2012 to 11/06/2015 and employment ended due to reduction in force unrelated to my fmla but while on intermittent fmla my boss was constantly harrassing my absences and placing me on action plans due to those absences I spent many
I have been on intermittent fmla since 08/2013 and the harrassment and all my problems with my boss didn't start until my fmla was active and didn't stop until my employment ended 11/06/2015. I was ev... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

Being harassed by manager daily about my past criminal history and my weight, what can I do?
My manager has been continuing to make comments such as, 'didn't they teach you to keep your f****** mouth shut in prison? Well you should reach back to that place and keep your f****** mouth shut.' a... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Do I have any kind of case?
I was terminated from my waitress job for supposed bad comment cards which I never saw or was reprimanded for. I have already filed for unemployment. There are some things too that the employer does t... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Non Compete with No End in Sight
(consultation would have to happen rather quickly, like Monday morning! Job came up very quickly, interviewed quickly, etc). I am a computer profesional that signed a non-compete/confidentiality agree... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Options for being black balled, when their past actions can prove it
Hello four years ago I was laid off from my job cause they said I caused 10000 damages to a pickup that I hadn't drove for four months. The day before they laid me off a guy rolled his company truck a... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

Can an employee abuse the seniority system and bullies the other Employee bec of these senority systems?
I am so confused about this seniority system. I was working night and just come aboard for this company last year and my manager transferred me in the Morning and this is it started. We all making the... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

how enforceable is my non-compete/non-solicitation/confidentiality agreement?
After leaving company A because it was a hostile/toxic workplace, I have been looking for a job for several months. Company B has offered me a position with their company and while what they do overla... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Harassment - Retaliation by Employer
Would this be considered retaliation for not supplying damaging information about another employee. President of company feels performance of an employee on my team is poor. Although he has expressed ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Am I being harassed and discriminated do to my disability?
I work for an employee that requires yearly medical exams. When I was getting hired on, I passed all of the exams and still was sent to the company doctor to get evaluated for my disability (Cerebral ... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I was previously workinbg for a radio company here in town in sales, I worked there for approximetly 5 months and things ended up bad there. The Sales Manager even after signing the Protected Account ... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I live in Florida I am salary and I signed a contract when hired. I gave my two week notice and the next day came in and told me to finish today out then I wouldn’t be needed any longer I asked them if they were firing me and I was told no. I asked if t
I signed a contract when hired I am salary I gave my two week notice the next day I was told to finish my day out then I would not be needed to work the two weeks. I asked if I would be paid for my tw... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

How to proceed with nonpayment of a contract for work performed
I had a consulting job this summer and worked 43 hours. My contract stated I would perform marketing analysis tasks, which were not specified, gave no end date, did not outline specific deliverables, ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

My husband quit his can he still get his accrued vacation and bonuses?
My husband quit his job due to a hostile work environment. It was noted and documented. After 2 and a half years of it. His boss threatened him again, and he had to quit. He gave the owner of the comp... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Fired for something the company cannot prove - wrongful?
According to the plant manager, I was fired because an employee that worked for me, recently filed a complaint and said I was verbally abusive to her. This is in fact not true, I have never had an iss... applies to Michigan  ·  1 answer

Is a non-compete valid if the company backs out of Agreed terms?
I worked for a GA company for 8 yrs an upon returning 14 mths later they wanted me sign a non-compete. We agreed upon expenses,commission an a monthly salary. Expenses to be submitted by 1st of month ... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Contracted Employee Looking for Vacation pay from Former Employer
I am a contract employee working at a medium-sized company. My former employers had suffered severe financial difficulties, including filing Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. The client offered the chance, to my... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Termination for refusing to sign an authorization form.
Can an employee be terminated for not signing a "Combined Disclosure Notice and Authorization Regarding Background Consumer Reports"? The employee has been working for the company for over 6 years, an... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Not Provide An Accomodation
I have stage IV cancer and receive chemotherapy treatments. I'm also a school teacher. I have made several accomodation requests to my employer to move me out of such a high stress position but I eith... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Is this legal?
I have been working for a company for 5 years now. I started out salary, and after 5 years they have decided to move me to hourly. Which when i was working salary I was working like 84 hours a week. A... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is this a hostile work enviroment and am I eligible for unemployment?
Event 1: Boss said I was not doing my job and screamed at me. Event 2:Boss asked me "am I on something". Said I am not doing my job. Blamed me for not 'tattling' on co-worker for not connecting scanne... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I am being falsely accused of harassment, discrimination and retaliation at work.
I am being falsely accused of harassment and discrimination by an employee. What to do? The HR department has not contacted me yet, my boss did talked to both and determined the accusation is false an... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can I quit for good cause and receive unemployment?
I am the practice administrator for a surgical center. Since I started the position, the owner has required me to take on more and more responsibility, without increasing my pay or changing my job des... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

I have been employed by my contracting company for 6 months. The company is taking money from my paycheck for my 401k but it is not showing on the 401k site. Also, they have not been proactive with getting my 401k set up properly. In the meantime, I am mi
I have been employed by my contracting company for 6 months. The company is taking money from my paycheck for my 401k but it is not showing on the 401k site. Also, they have not been proactive with ge... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Manager wants me fired
I have a question concerning a hostile manager. When this person first came to my department two years ago, I was a second shift operations supervisor and had been one for seven years. This man was my... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Bonus/Relocation cost agreements
I was hired 4 and 1/2 months ago by a major financial services company based in PA. I accepted an offer to work at the Scottsdale, AZ office location that included a bonus and relocation expenses. I s... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

What Kind of Lawyer or representation I need to force an ex-employer to pay back wages
I need to find out what kind of Lawyer I need to sue my former employer (small business) to collect back pay. I am owed about $12,000 in back pay plus W2s for about $15,000 in tax (deducted from my pa... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Is this discrimination based seperation of employement? Involving resignation prior to an incident
I live in virginia, and worked part time for a private EMS company. I had just put in a 1 month notice the week prior. We had an incident at work that involved an equipment malfunction. I was on a cre... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Can my company cut my pay rate and give lower level job to me on returning from short term disabilty
I have been working for a company for less than a year when I found out I have breast cancer. I tried to work my job and do chemo but my company said that they would put me from salary to hourly so I ... applies to Michigan  ·  1 answer

I was on my job for 4yrs got hurt at work I was off for 3month and I was terminated in February and I ask about my vacation they said I haven't accumulate no time after I got hurt on job.
I got hurt on my job I was out for 3month and I was terminated in February and I ask about my vacation they said I haven't accumulate no time after I got hurt on job. applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

FMLA/STD surgery scheduled my time will run out
Filed wc denied their IME came back with different results. I asked my doc for a 2nd opinion, he said yes and gave me the referral. At that time my upper extremities were completely shot requiring tes... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Is it legal for my FMLA to state that I applied for FMLA but the employer really did
I missed 6 days of work (not consecutive days) and received a notice stating that I had applied for FMLA on Nov 19,2018 but I didn't, that is one of the days I was out for illness. I have provided 4 d... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

How long does a non-compete contract last between a contractor company and a client company?
I work for a company outsourced to another company, so a contractor. Well they didn't resign with us so our contract expired on 6/30. We have a critical care team staying on till Sept 1st. I would lik... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Can a employment lawyer help me if I was falsely accused
I was falsely accused for some thing I did not do. I saw the person that did the act. The manager falsely accused me of stealing gas from the companies gas card I told them who was taking the gas card... applies to Alabama  ·  1 answer

I was terminated in Az. I was employed 15 years same grocery store. I did not fit in the click. I was being harassed consistently. I had an ulcer on my leg after a knee surgery. I hid the pain and discomfort from my employer in fear of loosing my job. Aft
. Thank You.I was terminated in Az. I was employed 15 years same grocery store. .I then felt like my front end managers and store director assumed I was a liability at this point. Even when I had the ... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

I am being accused of sexual harrassment at work. I have a 34 yr career and I don't remember the incident at question taking place my employer is investigating there are 2 witnesses that say they heard my off handed comments. I feel my rights were violate
I have been training a new male employee since the beginning of January. Approx 6-7 weeks ago he and another employee came to that they broke a spore and had glass and fluid on his hand. They washed t... applies to Montana  ·  0 answers

What can be done when i live in calif and my Alaska employer not making bounced payroll check good?
My nephew worked on a salmon prossesing ship in out of washington that went to alaska. He got 2 checks while on the boat, then tried to cash them when the job was over. By the time he got back to Cali... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Wrongful termination in Kansas/ discrimation due to disability
Hi! I was employed at a call center in Kansas for 2.5 years. After a lengthy battle with my employer, I was finally granted a reasonable accommodation which was to join the work at home team. In addit... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

I have worked for a company for 21 years and they have always had a policy of accruing next years vacation the previous year. So for 2019, I should have 240 hours of vacations from the previous year. Now this year they suddenly changed to a accrual per pa
I have worked for a company for 21 years and they have always had a policy of accruing vacation at beginning of the year. So for 2019, I should have 240 hours of vacation starting January 1. Now this ... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

My company closed down so I was laid off, during the period prior to my termination I took part time work with another company who treated me as a independent contractor, the job did not pan out so we quit on cordial terms. I tried claiming for UI benefit
I worked for the company for 5 years as the sole employee, we had a great relationship but the owners were old and business was slow so they decided to wind the company up. During the winding down per... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Does the owner have to honor my severance agreement made with my boss that is no longer here?
My boss (who hired me, and ran the office I worked in) agreed to a severance package along with some other things I requested when I was hired 5 years ago. All because it was a small company and FMLA/... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

I worked for Boeing in Washington State and was fired while on both company and my doc approved LOA . While I was on leave a got a misdemeanor for a minor charge that had nothing to do with work. Was it legal for Boeing to fire me and the union to not bac
I am also 100% disabled Veteran and Boeing knew that because I had entered it into my Boeing profile on the employee site. As well as I had also been on intermittent FMLA since 2012. Boeing had mailed... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

No compete clause in ultrasound
I currently work for a mobile ultrasound company that provides services in the Youngstown, Warren, Akron/Canton areas as well as some of the other surrounding areas. I have been offered a job at anoth... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I have several permanent conditions ie: Type I Diabetes, OCD and generalized anxiety disorder, on occasion there are flares that require that I call in to work. My employer provided me with the WH 360 E form to be completed by my physician. My physician c
HR department provided me with WH 360 E form, my physician completed form in detail for intermittent leave due to flare up of my illness. Insurance carrier denied my FMLA request as they state I did n... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

A company tutor wishing to go private
I work as an independent contractor/tutor in LA for a tutoring company. The company is headquartered in Wyoming and the local office is in Lancaster. [I tutor in students' homes.] I recently learned t... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can i get my job back or more for being falsely accused for stealing based on the color of my skin?
I worked for a certain company that needs their employees to walk out of the warehouse(floor) through metal detectors on their way out. I was walking on the way to the metal detectors and i was like 1... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

my position was eliminated and I was offered another position at approx. the same pay, but this job is a physical job that I haven't done in over 20 years and have never done for this company, if I refuse this position, and they have nothing else comparab
I left my last job of 29 years to help my new company rebuild a portion of a failing service dept. in a commercial truck dealership, 4 months in they wanted me to take on more responsibility due to my... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Do I have a right to file a employer interference claim?
I was hired in for a job in 2017 that was misrepresented of actual job responsibilities. I was told in the interview my role would be spent 1/3 of the time on one area and 2/3 of the time on what I ap... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Can an employer decide not to let you go after you were told you were being let go? If you were told that if you stayed through most of the transition, you would be eligible for severance and now, after I resigned, they are saying no?
On Feb 16, I was told that my company was doing away with my department. The last day for the Department was April 3, however being the manager, I was not given a final date. My director and I were to... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Splitting hairs on the word
My current employeer of 21 years infomed me in March that I will be downsized as of July 1st and that I should look over the severance policy as I will be offered a severance should I fit the policy. ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I signed a non-compete October 2009, and no longer work there and it expired. Is it enforcable?
I started working for this company in Oct. of 2009 and signed a non-compete that stated that it is forcable for 1 year after my termination. I left the company in May of 2010. Six months later (Novemb... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Disclosure of deceptive pricing to customers - legal risk to me
I have been working for a former employer as an independent rep. for about 8 mos. I have become very uncomfortable with some of their pricing approaches to my customers, primarily claiming a higher co... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I signed a non-compete, then gave 2 weeks notice and was fired. Can they still enforce?
I signed a non-compete, then gave 2 weeks notice one year later due to a dramatic degrease in sales leads and pay. (100% commission sales). The day I gave my 2 weeks, I was told to leave. I feel as th... applies to Delaware  ·  0 answers

Does a non-compete encompass the entire business entity or just the specific position when signed?
Ex-employer "A" had me sign a non-compete. I was working in the health care field in a corporate office for a nurse registry. "A" fired me two weeks ago, and I secured a position with "B" within a few... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

My employer says I didn't log in after lunch so they docked me three hours pay. They never spoke to me about this after it happened. I didn't know I had done this until I got my paycheck which was short three hours pay at time and a half. Is this legal?
We have to log out and log back in for lunch. One day last week I logged out, but not back in. I did finish working the full day. No one from management brought this error to my attention last week. I... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

If my employer made false statement about me then discharge me he is trying to get back at me because I have 3workers comp cases against him what do I do I need my job and what my employer said I did I really didn't do
I was hurt on a school bus 3diffrent times back to back I was off work for 4months I return 9/15/2016 when I return he started harassing me /created a hostile environment for me /retaliation and discr... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Working Full time and Part time benifits denyed after loss of Part time employment. What can be done
For the past three years my gross annual income has been approximately $64,000. It was derived from full time employment annual $ 54,000 and a part time salary of $ 10,000 annually . I took the part t... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

I have been with my employer for nearly 10 years. I am involved with a competitive industry but my position is one in which I have no direct client contact. I am mid-level management in operations for... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

I got terminated from Boeing for failing drug test. It’s been 2 years and now Boeing is doing good, I wonder is there anything in Boeing company policy to allow people to come back when they are clean.
I got terminated for failing drug test. 1st time they gave me a chance to go to rehab and a 3 years probation. I followed everything they required and stayed in the program for 2 years and 7 months. A... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

I work for a company that has approximately 500 employees. Their 401k plan is set up that the employees are eligible the first of quarter following 90 days probationary period. I started in October 20... applies to Kansas  ·  1 answer

Wronfully Terminated and no Union help, Iranian U.S. citizen
My wife is from Iran. She is 47 years old and a U.S. citizen. She was also a Union member. She was fired from her company after two years for using up her occurences alloted for the year. She had been... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Is there a discrimination?
I reported an incident where a co worker spreading rumors about me chasing him for sex and that I also had sex with another co worker. I complaint and it was settled because HR said it was all just ru... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Wouldnt my first set of approved FMLA paperwork cover this and I feel like they are harassing me.
I have cluster migraines that put me down for a day or two each time I have them. Last month I had a several over the course of a few days and had to take 4 days in a row off. My previous fmla paperwo... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

I live in Cook County Illinois and I been employed by a not for profit organization for developmental disabilities. I have been employed by them for 5 years and 9 months full time. I recently started a new job, is currently still employed by my previous j
I am currently an active employee in payroll when they need coverage and I help them out whenever I can. I have been with this company for 5 years and 9 months. I noticed I didn't receive a bonus chec... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Wrongfully termed while in notice. No payment was offered for severance or vacation hours earned..
I was recently termed 2 days after I provided a 30 day written notice to quit per the policy. No severance was offered nor was I offered the vacation hours I earned while I worked. The reason they sta... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Can an employer only pay me 50.8 weeks, put 5 days in arrears as a salaried employee?
So I have a question about exempt salaried employees. My employer is changing payroll from a bi monthly payroll to a biweekly payroll. They plan to implement this on Jan1. In 2019, they are going to p... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

I have been employed for over a year amd my employer belittles and picks at me in front of other staff members. He constantly berates me in staff meetings. He purposely leaves me out of important meetings and lies to other staff members as to why. I have
I have been employed over a year with this organization. The owner on any given day will harass certain employees, but has been fixated on me for months, making it difficult to do my job because I am ... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Do I have rights to reimbursement of relocation expense, or to refuse to move with being terminated?
I work for a sales representative agency in California. I have been with them for 8 years. 4 years were as an independent contractor and 4 as an employee. The current position I hold is as an outside ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Repaying relocation expenses, should I hire an attorney?
About 6 months ago I accepted a new job and moved my family across the country. On my first day, my job was changed (title remains the same) and I was put over a different division without the 6 perso... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Can an employer fight unemployment benefits if they gave the employee a promotion a week before?
Salaried employee was fired from Akron based company after 5+ years of work. At time of firing, Employer gave Employee letter outlining reasons for firing which were minimal infractions at best (e.g. ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

are the actions of my boss discrimination, harassment and retaliation?
I have made complaint about my boss twice in the last six months, the last time a had to ask for external investigation. I haven't received the conclusion of the investigations. The first complaint wa... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

white female choosen over black females?
only white female in shop. took test paseed but not given job. mgmt appointed position to black females who recived training to do appoitned job. Most of appointed jobs held for 10 years or more. I kn... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

white female choosen over black females?
only white female in shop. took test paseed but not given job. mgmt appointed position to black females who recived training to do appoitned job. Most of appointed jobs held for 10 years or more. I kn... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Non-compete/Restricted Activities
Question on non-compete statement below: I am working for company AAA, subcontracted to company BBB, which place me at a state government project. The state government has offered me a job, matching m... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Does an employee get paid for time spent taking a client to lunch?
I work as a designer for a small home construction company. I have recently changed to part time hourly. My employer, who is the owner and sales person, scheduled a meeting for me with a client to sel... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is this a NAFTA situation?
I am a provider for the state of Utah and have done this job for 15 years. My boss and other providers had a meeting with this agency (who we are contracted with). I guess a bunch of them had called a... applies to Utah  ·  0 answers

Upon accepting my new position my first contract had a clause that states "if you voluntarily terminate your employment within one year of employment or within one year of your relocation to your loca... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Is it legal to deny an employee -- a civil servant -- a promotional opportunity based on a false allegation?
Recently, I interviewed for a promotional opportunity. A few days after the interview, I got a phone call from one of the interviewers who told me I didn't get the promotion because, "you dated that t... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I have been harrassed at work for several years always being accused and them disciplined I was suspended for supposedly being rude to a pizza delivery guy, suspended for two weeks. Thr last incident I was accused of listening through a wall to the manage
A co-worker accused me of listening to the office next to me. I wear hearing aids and couldn't hear if I tried this made my job want to fire me. They gave me three choices have a hearing and get fired... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

age discrimination in severance
My company is going through several rounds of cuts in headcount and I'm one of them. I am concerned that there may be some degree of age discrimination or other bias at work in my regard. I am over 40... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I was employed with a healthcare agency, worked hours, participated in educational training, and pu
Recently I was hired by an agency to provide mental health services in a middle school to several children. I worked for the agency one month and was terminated. After termination I sought my wages bu... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Job Elimination / Demotion
Hi, I was employed as an IT Director for a major financial institution. Approximately 2 1/2 years after taking the position a corporate restructuring occurred and they consolidated my division. Becaus... applies to Connecticut  ·  1 answer

How can I get my former employer to waiver my non-compete?
I was layed off in April 2008 by my former employer. In June 2010 I asked them to waiver my non-compete which I would then resign and take employment elsewhere. They declined, claiming that I have tra... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Laid off after telling employer I was going on disability
In July of this year I took ill with a respiratory infection. I had been working on a helpdesk and had been working several weeks while suffering from this infection. Eventually the manager at the fac... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I have a medical condition called Pseudofolliculitis Barbae, i.e., razor bumps and my employer required me to supply them with a note from my doctor stating this fact and exempting me from shaving. I did that and all was well. Now they have change their p
The policy in question is for a private security company. I met their policy guideline with regard to facial hair by providing them with a note from my doctor confirming my medical condition. Now they... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Is my employment contract, namely non-competition clause, still valid?
I am a veterinarian in New York. I have worked for my current employer since February 2005. My employment contract specifies a non-competition clause for a 50 mile radius lasting 3 years from the end ... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Ok for employer to set 2 hour paid limit for completing mandatory online training?
I am a non-exempt employee in healthcare working in a fast-paced patient care area. My employer has quarterly mandatory online education requirements that must be completed by a certain date to mainta... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

45% pay cut and reverse discrimination
My husband is a sales executive for a fairly large company. He has been paid a salary + commission for 4 years. Friday he was told because of a negative canvass of 2% he will no longer receive a salar... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

My former employer just terminated my employment due to a preliminary drug test result before I had the opportunity to advise them of my medications that might make me fail. She then told me I was forbidden on property and that if I contacted and employee
After a preliminary drug test which I tested positive for methamphetamine which one of my depression medications can cause a false positive I was advised of the result through text and told that if I ... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Can a witness be fired in the state of Georgia at an unemployment appeal hearing
I was fired for an altercation with a customer. Im manic depressive bipoar and lost my insurance so therefore i could not afford to go my DR and get my meds. My manager and assistant manager were info... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

My boss said I resigned. I did not resign. Do I have any rights.
I work for Honda of Mentor Ohio (Penske Automotie) for 7 years, did a beyond a good job as a sales manager and was paid well and well liked. The vice president took a dislike to me and wanted me out (... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can my previous employer make me pay for use of a company vehicle?
My previous employer gave me a $5,000/year raise. With that we bought a car for my use. The loan was in the employers name and I made bi-weekly payments from my pay. I paid the loan from my salary for... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

The company I work for is owned by a Trust. The current Trustee is stepping down (retiring) and a new Trust company is taking over. The current Board of Directors voted to offer employees a year of pay as severance pay if the new Trustee lays us off. If t
Company has a history of paying severance pay but the company is gaining a new Trustee and therefore a new Board of Directors will likely be seated/appointed. Before new Trustee or new Board takes ove... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

Can an employer require evening social events/12-hour days at risk of being fired?
I work remotely for an online school. The employer has decided on short notice that we will be required to travel for 4 days to the home office for a "conference." (Travel was not in the original term... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

denied severance
I was terminated because of a reduction in work force from a large company (company "a"). They have a written severance policy. I accepted a job with a different company that purchased one of the comp... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Is my non-competition restrictive covenant enforceable?
I am a residential property manager with a real estate brokerage in Hampton Roads (southside). I am unhappy w/ my current company & am being recruited by another real estate brokerage. I just realized... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Verbally Abusive boss.
So first off let me say, I enjoy my job. I get networking connections that i would not normally get at any other place, which is the reason why i want to stay. However my boss is verbally abusive, so ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can retaliation still be considered after time limit for filing EEOC claim has passed?
I have been with the company for over 4 years, after almost 3 years I was assigned a different job at the same facility, after several months in that job I discovered that another employee with the sa... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

I was working in a warehouse in Las Vegas, NV which didn't adhere to any OSHA standards. Additionally, drugs and alcohol were commonly used by other employees in and around the warehouse...some of these employees operating machinery. Lastly, the warehouse
I was working in a warehouse in Las Vegas, NV which didn't adhere to any OSHA standards. Additionally, drugs and alcohol were commonly used by other employees in and around the warehouse...some of the... applies to Nevada  ·  1 answer

Is there anything thing to protect me legally? May I have legal advice?
I am currently on short-term disability and have been since June 28 for depression and anxiety and a few other health issues. I was recently informed by a co-worker that it was overheard that my manag... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

How do you combat a two-front battle?
I have addressed my concerns in my previous poat. However, I believe that it is better if I further explain my predicament. I am an African-American male flight attendant. In the environment wherein I... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

My employer petitioned my green card. I signed a 3-year contract with an offer of $30/hr(June 2004) I paid $1,000 as bond which was refunded when I arrived in the US. I paid for all my exams and my pl... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I worked for a company for 5 yrs in Minnesota, I started looking for s new job just to do it. I found one and it sounded really good. Then 6 days later my mom had a stroke. I was still at my old job. I thought my mom was going to go into hospice so I told
I worked for a company for 5 yrs in Minnesota, I started looking for s new job just to do it. I found one and it sounded really good. Then 6 days later my mom had a stroke. I was still at my old job. ... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

severance package disguised as a buy-out offer
I work for a newspaper and I found discrepancies in accounting. Several customers (large stores etc.) had credit balances and I was told not to bring it up. I was told another time that if I had any p... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

What can I do about harassment?
I have worked at Albertsons as a service deli dept head for 7 years, my supervisor singles me out of all the other dept heads and screams at me in front of my employees, he has thrown things at me in ... applies to Wyoming  ·  0 answers

Can I request to be back pay for the lost wages from Suspension for 3 weeks with no pay for investigation of theft of bridal bouquet which I was wrongly accused of and original accusation was never discussed or documented - it was dissolved and I I am fou
Can I request to be back pay for the lost wages from Suspension for 3 weeks with no pay for investigation of theft of bridal bouquet which I was wrongly accused of and original accusation was never di... applies to California  ·  1 answer

If I have NO employment contract or NO Non-compete contract can I still be sued?
I live in SC however my employer is in NJ - I have never signed an employment contract, agreement and have never signed a non-compete. If I start a business in the same industry however not directly c... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

I worked for this company and my former GM was leaving going to another store with the same company so I inform resignation, after I resign rumors was going around stating im not eligible for rehire i called the store just to confirm information which was
I worked for this company and my former GM was leaving going to another store with the same company so I inform resignation, after I resign rumors was going around stating im not eligible for rehire i... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Can I be forced to sign a non-compete on my way out of a company?
My employer claims to require all prospective employees to sign a non-compete before commencing employment with the company. I initially refused to sign the non-compete, but my employer put me to work... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

I'm a server and my manager is always bullying his staff, many have quit because of it he has yelled at me multiple times. I finally had it and stood up for myself and told him he was abusing his power as a manager he gave me a write up saying he was aski
I'm a server and my manager is always bullying his staff, many have quit because of it he has yelled at me multiple times. I finally had it and stood up for myself and told him he was abusing his powe... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Salary getting cut in half, benefits taken away, being harassed. Is there anything I can do?
I was sought out by a company that wanted to hire me right away for 80k a year plus benefits. It was more then I was making at the time so I accepted. I did not sign a contract or anything stating wha... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Can I be fired for reporting my supervisor to upper management?
I was previosly contacted from HR in regards to a previous complaint against my manager and I was afraid to speak due to retaliation. It's been some months and now she is coming at me the wrong way, I... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Can benefits be selectively changed for a small group
I work for a large US company, part of a multi-national. The company has US-wide benefits policy for all 20000 employees. The company purchased a small company. My unit with 125 employees was integrat... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Is it legal for them to make me create passwords for a customers account?
I work for a cell phone company. When a customer signs up for our cell service, my employer is forcing me to automatically in our system, create a username, and password on the customers account. We a... applies to California  ·  0 answers

If I ask for short notice leave to care for my special needs child can my employer deny my leave repeatedly without making an effort to determine whether it qualifies as FMLA?
Asked employer for 2 days leave to care for my son whom he is aware is a special needs child. I was immediately and repeatedly denied due to 'short-staffing'. I didn't know about FMLA wasn't told anyt... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Is this treatment unfair and / or discriminatory?
I was in the process of being released from a guaranteed contract that had a strong non compete in it. However the employer is seemingly deliberately stalling this process, in order to victimise and s... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

I was takin off the floor as an essential worker for state funded houses Valley Community services place clients in on a technicality for reporting several covid19 violations and altering of legal documents that I have photos of. For three months I was fi
I've been 10days off the "floor" as retaliation when I was told by he HR Director back in September that it was fine as long as I didn't drive the co. Vehicle which was understood....after exposing th... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Can a store manager refuse my FMLA?
I work for Wal-Mart in Portage, WI. My doctor filled out my FMLA and I turned it in. The store manager told me that the way the doctor worded it that she didn't have a position for me. She gave the FM... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

can I sue the union for failure to fairly represent me?
I was a Flight Engineer for an airline (A) that terminated all it's Flight Engineers. A breach of contract greivance was filed and at arbitration it was determined that the airline was wrong and it wo... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Can my employer sue me over a non-compete agreement
I was hired as a sales manager and signed a non-comptete agreement by my current employer. After 1 year my employer demoted me down to an entry level sales rep with 15 years experience behind me. They... applies to Connecticut  ·  1 answer

Discrimination, retaliation for FMLA or harrassment?
Is this discrimination,retaliation for using FMLA or harrassment? I have several medical conditions that cause me to miss work on an intermittant basis. I have been employed with a local government ag... applies to Nebraska  ·  1 answer

Can I be forced to sign a new contract voiding out my present one?
I signed a one page independent contractor agreement with a home care agency last year. Recently I was handed a new 5 page contract to be signed the following day by Fri 5pm or I could not report to m... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

I reported sexual harassment on 2 different men at my job over a year ago. One of the men was fired another was given a 3 day suspension. They told me I was to be separated from the other employee yet several months later my superintendent put the employe
I reported sexual harassment on 2 different men at my job over a year ago. One of the men was fired another was given a 3 day suspension. They told me I was to be separated from the other employee yet... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

My employer had me train my replacements with false promises of a promotion, what can I do?
I've worked the Credit Department for this company for 7 months, 4 weeks ago, I was told someone else would be doing my job, and that I was going to be in charge of our other warehouses, 2 weeks ago a... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers


It's not that I'm not willing. I'm UNABLE to pay for a consultation.
From: Mr.Anthony Edward Lewis 5812 Thornbriar Lane Fort Wayne, Indiana 46835 Home# = (260) 492-9505 mailto:Anthony-Lewis@JUNO.COM Hello, I want you to review the recent summary of my story and current... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Changing vacation after prerequisite worked/absorbing a year's vacation
The company I work for has in it's employee handbook stated that after working a year and one day of the next, the employee will have so many weeks of vacation available to them (amount dependant apon... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

wage and or sex discrimination
Worked at Harrah's Casino in Shreveport La. Was hired in a pantry position with several yrs. exp. at starting wage of $7.50...after 8 months, I had received an above average review but NO raises, star... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Employment Agreement
I came recently(on 18th Oct2011) to USA on H1B visa, however, i was here in the year 2006,07 and 2008. I went back to India and got transferred my H1B with my current company. While transferring H1B, ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

FLMA Problem
Hello. I requested FLMA leave 1/4/2010 the beginning date of a medically documented back injury(5 days off from work). Aetna( Boeing Rep Company) mailed the medical documents to my home. I didn't rec ... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

In the state of NC can wages be withheld in the event a sign-on bonus was offered for employment?
My contract states the following: 1. Amount of Sign-On Bonus. Upon commencing employment with xxxxxx (defined as arriving for your first day of work), you will be entitled to a Sign- on Bonus, subject... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

I work in SC as a state employee. I have had my pay docked twice for disciplinary reaons. I don't have a problem with that. My problem is that after they punished me for that we were given bonuses (nonperformance) and they took them too. Is it lawful to p
I receive disciplinary action for falling asleep on duty and a no-call no-show. I accept my wrongdoing and the docking of my paycheck. I was dock one day on the no-call no-show and two days on the fal... applies to South Carolina  ·  0 answers

Compete Agreement after 3 years
I live and work in the state of Florida. I have been with my current employer for 3 years. I was recently offered a job working for a client of my current employer. My boss got wind of this and demand... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Do I have ANY chance of retribution?
I was a 2nd tier PERS employee thru the county for 10yrs. During termination process misdirection from lazy steward caused legal charges against me. Shifting the basis of my termination away from orig... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Would it be slander or liable to contact a former coworker's current manager?
A former coworker has stated he took a carbon copy of his work place desktop and at least one database containing client information. His assertation is that he has all of the information a sales rep ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Non-compete relating to prospective customers
I was told I had to sign a new non-compete in 1999 (3 years after original employment)or I would risk being fired. The new non-compete included prospects as covered under the non-compete as well as pr... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Are co workers allowed to do background checks and share information and harrass you?
I have been a stylist with this company for 2 years. Throughout the the first year and a half I kept getting called in by the owner for petty things other stylists made up about me. And they treated m... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

I am a provisional employee in Orange County NY. I received a score of 90 on my civil service exam and after one of the interested 95's declined to interview I became reachable. My employer stated they have no intention to interview me- but are interviewi
I am a provisional employee in Orange County NY. I received a score of 90 on my civil service exam and after one of the interested 95's declined to interview I became reachable. My employer stated the... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Does a doctor have a duty to return an FMLA form?
Employer(Casino) and Employee (the Lady) subject to FMLA. Casino gives form FMLA certification to Lady for delivery to Doctor. Lady delivers same. Doctor does nothing with the form certification, alth... applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

Affirmative Action Responsibility
I turned in an allegation of abuse that happen against a mentally retarded individual in May '01. Starting in June I have documented multiple instances of harassement by 2 of my supervisiors against m... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can i filelawsuit if manager is unfair & starts treating differently
My manager started disliking me after I talked back to him since he had different treatment to other team members vs me. t got worse & then he stopped helping giving directions to me in the project. I... applies to New Jersey  ·  1 answer

Does this void a NON-Compete contract.
I signed a employment contract with an IT firm that says that i shall be paid on a by-weekly bassis no later than 7 days after pay-period ends on the preceeding Friday and in that agreement there is a... applies to Maryland  ·  1 answer

Does my previous employer have to give an explanation since I was given a reason for termination?
I worked for a small town as city recorder for 9 months. I was the 3rd recorder in less than a year. The Mayor created a hostile work environment which is the reason for the previous 2 recorders quitt... applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

If I settle a just cause termination out side of arbitration in the state of CA. Can I still sue my employer for wrongful termination ?
I am a shop steward 10 year employee with no write ups at all on my record or file . My union representatives business agent reported to my company I told him another employee touched me grabbed my bu... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can an employee be demoted after they asked for an accommodation based on their disability?
My mother was recently demoted for "quality" after she requested an accommodation based on her MS. She is a resident manager at a national hotel chain and request a ramp for her apartment door because... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

My bonus fell as a result of my pregnancy. Is that lawful?
I work in the HR/Compensation department for a large corporation. I recently received a bonus that reflected average performance. Being disappointed, I pursued discussions with my management, to find ... applies to California  ·  2 answers

It is RETALIATION, what other proof do I need?
I been at the company almost 5 years as of 9/18/11. It started when I went to upper managment in another state about the treatment the call center employees were getting in my building. Soon after, I ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Can I be terminated for taking legal action to collect on bounced checks?
I work in Jacksonville, for an Orlando based security company. For three weeks I was issued paychecks, one cashed at a grocery store which was later returned NSF that I had to pay back to avoid prosec... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I'm an exempt employee. I've already worked 45 hours for the week and I want to leave 2 hours early on Friday. My HR person says they will take 2 hours off my PTO bank to cover the 2 hours I leave early. Can they do this or can they only take my PTO time
HR has taken time out of my PTO bank because I left early one day. As an exempt employee I understand Federal law says I have to be paid for the full day if I only worked a partial day. They say they ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can my employer limit my vacation accrual for a year based on a carryover amount?
Based on my time with the company I should accrue 200 hours (5 weeks) of vacation a year. The company has a written policy that if you do not use all of your vacation at the end of the year you are al... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Am I entitled to collect unemployment if I resigned for good reasons?
I resigned from my job two weeks ago, I was turned down for a promotion which should have been mine. I worked at this company for two years and have worked my butt off. I was a POS Supervisor incharge... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Is this retaliation?
I recently quit my job as a Director of Sales for a Technology company and never signed an NDA (Non-Compete Agreement). I took a position with a partner of my last employer (with the blessings of the ... applies to California  ·  2 answers

but what about the right to be free from retaliation?
I have a discrimination case against my employer, I already filed that with the ACRD, but this was an unemployment hearing. I gave notice of intent to resign because of the discrimination I was subjec... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Can my employer withhold pay and make me pay back earned wages until I take a drug test?
My employer hired me and told me I would need to pass a drug test along with completing several other training items prior to employment (CPR, bus training, etc.). She hired me last minute and let me ... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

What more do I need to prove Retaliation against me by my employer?
I been at the company almost 5 years as of 9/18/11. It started when I went to upper managment in another state about the treatment the call center employees were getting in my building. Soon after, I ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Do I have cause for a reverse discrimination suit?
I am an alumnus of a small private college in PA, and the son of an employee. The college has a very strong history of hiring alumni, children of alumni and children of employees first. I am both an a... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

My boss holds out first check i started on Sept 23 and i am getting my first check fifteen days later while a guy who just started on a Thursday after my full week is getting his on tje same day as me. How can he get his check in nine and im getting my fi
My boss holds out first check i started on Sept 23 and i am getting my first check fifteen days later while a guy who just started on a Thursday after my full week is getting his on tje same day as me... applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

wages from salarey to hourley employee
Can my employer pay me far less money when going from salary to hourly? I have been on salary for over say 8 years on my check stub it states 1837.51 for 80 hours or two weeks which would bee 22.97 an... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Do I have any grounds for an official complaint or case of any kind?
Hello. I have worked at the same company since April 2010. From April 2010-May 2012, I worked part time as I was working on my degree. When I obtained my degree in May, I transferred to full time in J... applies to California  ·  0 answers

My husband is a retail manager of a small chain location. He had an incident with a couple customers in which the customer accused my husband on social media of cussing at their child which was backed up by the retail clerk on duty to be untrue. Now he is
My husband is a retail manager, one night a couple and their child come into the store. while the parents are shopping the child pulls of a rubber safety ring from a rack and starts swinging it around... applies to West Virginia  ·  0 answers

Can my 2nd employer enforce the non-compete against my 1st employer?
I went to work for TCi in Apr '11 as a Business Development Manager to grow the trailer repair business. I signed a non-compete agreement with them upon acceptance of offer. In December 2011, I was ap... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

i am a day care teacher accused of hitting a child, I was suspended with out pay during the investigation. The investigation was found to be a false claim, my employee fired me anyway, but waited until the investigation was over. Do I have any recourse
I was begged by my employer to come back to work and they would give e a $3 hour raise per hour. My job is being a day care teacher, after being back not even a week I was accused of hitting a child, ... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Can an employer or co-worker touch or remove your personal belongings from your desk ?
My 2 other co-workers were asked to stay after hrs. to rearrange our desks, I was not told about this or ask to stay. In doing this, they removed all my personal and work related things out of my desk... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

sexual harassment.... need to know what i can do
my wife had to file a sexual harassment charge against a co worker around 6 months ago. She has since moved to a different store and the kid that did is still employed at the other location. she had t... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

From July 2014-July 2015 I had an open FMLA in which I missed a total of 2 days. I have had 2 days that were miss handled and one denied that i am still tring to get them to fix. Recently I missed a d... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Hi am GO I have an issue currently in my office and it has to do with demotion both in title and pay check. My company has been new acquired by a new company and the new company without ending the pre... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Am I eligible for unemployment
I was recently told that I needed to improve my performance at my job. I was give 3 weeks unpaid leave to sort out my personal issues. After the 3 weeks I was informed that nature of my work had been ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Is there anything anybody can do for me? I am desperate at this point!
I have been at Blackhawk Network for over a year now. I worked for Anna Lockhart and she was a good boss. Then there was no more need for me to be at that position and I was transferred under Bertha M... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Lifelong disease with approved intermittent FMLA being denied 12 weeks
Over two years ago I was diagnosed with a lifelong disease completed paperwork and was approved intermittent FMLA. Close to my one year anniversary was told we work on a rolling basis and my days woul... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

My employer lied to unemployment about my termination from the company, They told unemployment i quit voluntarily when i have the letter i got from my employer saying why i was terminated. I was terminated for the attendance policy. I did not quit volunta
I called unemployment curious why i haven't received a letter or contact from them regarding my unemployment case. They told me my employer said i quit voluntarily which is BS. I have a termination le... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Paycheck error still not fixed from sept 2016 due to lpr input error.
I move position in the same company but am under a different division so the entity changed. My LPR amount did not get input correctly and my pay checks were wrong basically I didnt get paid for the 1... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Can my employer move me to another position if i am on intermittend leave?
I have fmla intermittend leave and every time i take a day off i provide a doctors note to my supervisor. My leaves caused for my supervisor and HR to move me from position because they said that i wa... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Can my employer move me to another position if i am on intermittend leave?
I have fmla intermittend leave and every time i take a day off i provide a doctors note to my supervisor. My leaves caused for my supervisor and HR to move me from position because they said that i wa... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Can my employer move me to another position if i am on intermittend leave?
I have fmla intermittend leave and every time i take a day off i provide a doctors note to my supervisor. My leaves caused for my supervisor and HR to move me from position because they said that i wa... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I reported employee miscondut and the next day was repremanded greatly with 2 weeks unpaid suspension, 90day probation period, and pto approved for 15 and 16 would not be paid to be. While trying to r... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

what are my options if my company is using me to help with outsourcing
My company is working with an outside company which will provide digital imaging and workflow. This company will receive invoices via e-mail, scan, fax, pdf or mail from out vendors and route them ele... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can I refuse an involuntary re-deployment to a hospital position as a non-clinical employee?
Hello - I am a Medical coder that lives & works in Arizona. I have been working from home since well before the start of the COVID 19 pandemic. My large healthcare employer is asking for corporate emp... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

I have a claim I am sending to my companies ethics website to investigate. Is it best to send the documents of proof? If yes, does this include if it proves wrong doings of members of management? Even having been attempts to cover it up?
Brief explain I am filing a claim with my companies ethics, based from numerous accounts of harassment and targeting. My supervisor had been informed and has even witnessed occasions of this himself. ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

90 day Non-compete. Can I get out of it-I am an independent sales rep
I have worked for a large business magazine for 9 years as an independent advertising sales rep and am not an employee of the firm. I am on a 100% commission compensation. I just resigned and was hire... applies to Connecticut  ·  1 answer

WHEN MANAGERS TAKE THINGS PERSONALLY AND SEEK REVENGE.. I have been employed by a big name grocery store for over 20 years. 1 week ago I punched in for work and 2 managers informed me I was suspended pending further investigation. They claim they did not
20+year veteran, model employee at big name grocery store. Current title Receiver, responsibilities in a nut shell I am the stores checkbook. 3 months ago with the permission of the "Boss" my 19 year ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Non Compete in California
I joined a firm in 2001 and signed their confidentiallity agreement. In Jan 03 I was terminated and signed a termination agreement that included this origional confidentiallity agreement. I went to wo... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Are my rights being violated?
Long story short, i have been granted intermittent fmla by my employer for my son with autism, my 2 previous call outs are being used against me because my supervisor marked them as a no call/no show,... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Change of Payday
Pay day question. Employed 35 yrs for an N E Ohio company that is a union shop. Pay is based on 2 weeks work, payed out historicaly on following Thursday (1 day early)even though 'official' payday is ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Hi I’m a superhero teacher and caregiver; now I need a hero!
Hi from Texas~ I was terminated from a teaching position with a charter mere days, 10, after initiating FMLA dialogue with my buddy in HR (the director). I know there’s no such thing as slam dunk, b... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

100% invested in retirement
I asked for a pre-retirment LOA due to excessive OT effecting my Physical health, it was suppose to be approved by my upper management, the system is set up where it goes through the first level manag... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Should a non-discretionary (pro-rated) bonus, based solely on my performance, be paid upon leaving?
I receive a base salary and an incentive bonus (20% of collections of everything over a set threshold, based solely upon my performance). Some people I work with just receive a percentage of collectio... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

If I am changed from non-exempt to exempt in the middle of a workweek, do I still get OT that directly applies to my time as non-exempt? [Virginia with no daily OT law] For example, I worked Mon-Thurs as a non-exempt person, a total of 43 hours. Then Frid
If I am changed from non-exempt to exempt in the middle of a workweek, do I still get OT that directly applies to my time as non-exempt? [Virginia with no daily OT law] For example, I worked Mon-Thurs... applies to Virginia  ·  1 answer

is my non-compete enforceable
Hello, my company was recently acquired, and I was asked to again sign my non-compete, as the original was supposedly lost. The non-compete carries over to the new company. The specifics of the non-co... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Was I discriminated against?
I work for a school district. I was classified as a teacher aide. I worked in the office area taking care of attendance. Every time a secretary was gone I covered. Then a secretary moved to another po... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

sales contractor non compete
I was subcontracted by a company to perform door-to-door solicitation for newspaper subscriptions. I signed a contract with a non-compete clause stating that for 2 years in PA I cannot work "directly ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Leaving job due to company's questionable future.
I am resigning from a company that I feel is in a downward spiral and I have felt (with valid reason) that I would be one to soon be let go. I need to work at some point but need advice on 3 issues...... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

can a canadian company enforce a non compete in the USA on a independent contractor?
I quit my position as a 1099 contractor with a large Canadian auto dealer sales event company that does business in Canada and the US. I am a US citizen and live in Washington State and do not work in... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

I was terminated from my job about 4 months before my anniversary date, which would've made 5 yrs. should i have been pro-rated for 8 months of vacation pay? I worked 12 months before I was eligible for a vacation when I started the job. That would add up
I was terminated from my job about 4 months before my anniversary date, which would've made 5 yrs. should i have been pro-rated for 8 months of vacation pay? I worked 12 months before I was eligible f... applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

If I am employed for 12 months but have only worked 9 of those months because I was on personal leave, does that meet the 12 month requirement? I worked 1300 hours prior to goin off work.
If I am employed for 12 months but have only worked 9 of those months because I was on personal leave, does that meet the 12 month requirement? I worked 1300 hours prior to going on my personal leave.... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can I enact a non-competition agreement with a 1099 contractor?
I am in the process of getting ready to hire a commission-only salesperson (1099 employee) for my business, but I am having a difficult time understanding whether or not I can enact and enforce a non-... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

In Illinois, is it legal to be forced to sign a letter of resignation while in the throes of an acute PTSD attack for which you have in FMLA protection that specifically prohibits any meaningful self decisions to be made during such an attack while at wor
In Illinois, is it legal to be forced to sign a letter of resignation while in the throes of an acute PTSD attack for which you have in FMLA protection that specifically prohibits any meaningful self ... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

What can be done when a third parties intentional interferes w/ a personal contract
Situation: I am a director of a group of schools that have 7 members on a board Member 1- offers a proposal to the group- the proposal breaks the by-laws but the chair allows member 1 to go forth with... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Wrongfull termination
I believe I was recently wrongfully terminated. I was an assistant store manager for a corp. I made the decision to give 2 of my employees and myself gratis (free items that vendors provide the compan... applies to Arizona  ·  2 answers

Set up for failure and discarded because of being an older female.
I was hired by a consulting company as a high level validation lead. The circumstances of the job opening up were not shared with me. The young man who had the position before me refused to abide by t... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer


Is there anything I can do?
I gave my store manager documentation from the health department, stating that I had caught my Daughter's head lice, and that it was only a recommendation to send me home for treatment. My store manag... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

Age Discrimination, Harrassment to force resignation
I was hired 7 years ago as Chief Engineer of a large hotel. The position has been management (supervision, delegation, discretionary judgement,etc). My new general manager of 3 weeks told me he wanted... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Do employers own our professional license?
We work as Physical Therapists in a hospital in NY and would like to know if there has been a violation of our rights committed when our Medical Director sent out our resume and PT license to bid for ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can my supervisor pull my time sheet and repremand me about my FMLA time?
Back in June, my new supervisor(but worked here for years) had my co-worker go to personnel and ask for my last six months of timesheets. Then my sup called me into her office, and started showing me ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Not allowed to touch the babies cause we're black
I reported my supervisor for using slang ratial remarks about me and my co-workers. We work in a hospital department of about 16 employees. It is our everyday duties to draw blood on our patients. We ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Can my employer deny me leave for 2 days to attend to the care of my autistic child?
I asked for 2 days off emergently to care for him during a last moment transition to a new school. I informed the employer as soon as we made the decision which was literally 4 days before he was to s... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Removed from current position
I work in management in nursing. My hours went from full time to part time due to restructuring of our schedule. A less senior person got the full time hours. My boss has been on me for a lot of thing... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Wrongful discharge & rejection of litgitimate employment application.
After explaining to my relativly new Community Development & Environmental Health director in March 2011 of the "illegal operation" of a "Tattoo/Body Art" establishment that I as an State Registered E... applies to California  ·  1 answer

If a company pays out severance to other employees and you find youself in the same situation...
I work for a wireless communications company based out of California, but I am employed in a retail store in Oklahoma. Back in 2009 they closed a store in Pryor, Ok and offered everyone positions in T... applies to Oklahoma  ·  0 answers

Can I accept job from employers former client
I am in the IT field and worked for a consulting/staffing company that farms its employees out to other companies. I recenetly left in September 2002 to look for a better employer. When I was hired, I... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

part time to full time
My question is, that i was hired as a part time employee around the end of 8-2008. i recived 40hrs a week for about 2 or so months then my hrs would drop to 20-40 threw january. between jan and mar my... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Are school bus drivers elgible for overtime compensation under Ohio law?
I work at a school as a contract bus driver. Must point out, wer are not a unionized operation. Our base route is approximately 15 hours per week. We have senior drivers who take an additional contrac... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Professional with 20 year career fired for going on a vacation with a female employee
I have been terminated for going on a vacation on days off with another female employee and asking her if I could share her hotel room with her on the last night. She agreed without hesitation, went a... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Claiming racial discrimination reality bad perfomance
I work for a large co, supervising 18. A recent hire interviewed well, resume indicates experience but 3 months later she has not caught on to much of anything. We closely monitor performance via comp... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can a general manager notify you by phone to say they accepted your 2 weeks even though before that you been told to keep your general manager and human resources manager know what's going on and that they will work with you but then in return they don't
I gave 2 weeks' notice however but didn't quit tried the job out 1 day and basically found out it was false advertisement so I did what I was told and finished out the week. I also have written a resi... applies to Delaware  ·  0 answers

Hi, I have a former employer trying to blacklist me I believe. Who can I contact to try and see if I have a case? They spoke to potential employers before my current job and affected me getting the job, and now that I have a job somewhere else, they're as
I was fired from a former employer due to the terrible work environment leading me to try communicate to HR and other people how bad things were. I did some things I'm not proud of, but not illegal...... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

How can I receive unpaid wages from an employer?
I live in Aurora, IL but I worked for a tutoring company as the "site coordinator". The company is based out of Florida. I set up the operation for them in Aurora, IL. I have emails documenting my pay... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

Update to my question... I am in Florida and wondering if I have a chance at winning an appeal?
I am in Florida. I was laid off and given a severance package for 3 months to be paid out biweekly. It has been paid out bi-weekly until 1/15 when the company decided that it would pay out the remaini... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

legally can a employee be fired from management, then rehired 48hrs later for lesser position
Upon promotion to assistant manager by the owner, the manager protested his disapproval. a couple months later under hostile working enviroment and felt discrimination and belittlement by the manager,... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Is it illegal from employer to call u for a meeting and not get paid for it and then fired u
I was having issue my my manger so texted one of the higher person and told me i needed to have a meeting with him i didnt get a text back i was my boss about some stuff about lack of commucation with... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Is there any way to get around this non-compete problem...????
I was recently terminated from a home health company in Illinois. It was my first job as a nurse. I thought I was very careful about reading everything before i signed it. apparently not. I got a new ... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Is there any way to get around this non-compete problem...????
I was recently terminated from a home health company in Illinois. It was my first job as a nurse. I thought I was very careful about reading everything before i signed it. apparently not. I got a new ... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Do I have a case?
I work with a mentally handicap man at his house and over the winter I was made to shovel our driveway 5 times in a 30 day span. We have people who are suppose to plow on a regular basis or if we info... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

No-hire provision; not a non-compete situation.
Hello, I have read through many of your Non-compete questions, but my question is a bit different.I have been working for a Contract Research Organization in the pharmaceutical industrey for about a y... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can one employee in a department of 25 be held to a different attendance policy then everyone else?
I am a non-exempt employee who works in a department where everyone else is exempt. I have been here for 5 years. I have adult ADHD, which affects my time management and organization on a daily basis.... applies to Maryland  ·  1 answer

Can my company recover funds from me for using paid leave for FMLA when the rule requires to exhaust
I'm a Railroad Union member who was granted FMLA approval for a family member with a serious medical condition. Though my company's FMLA rule states I must exhaust all paid leave before taking the FML... applies to California  ·  0 answers

My current contract expired as of business yesterday, 9/6/13. Do I report my next scheduled workday?
I am an employed physician at a local hospital. My current 3-yr contract expired as of the end of business yesterday. Do I show up to work as scheduled my next scheduled day--Tue, 9/10? I have dragged... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

equal pay for equal but more work
I am security guard 3rd shift for ywca homeless shelter.. Recent admin change now pays 10-12 for all shifts. I was hired as a lone security guard for 3rd shift @ 9 dollars an hr. New hires are paid mo... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

My employer contacted me on Monday, 2 days after completing my previous pay period. They laid me off that Monday and reduced my salary pay from $3500 to minimum wage. And sent me a check for $208 for the pay period that I worked prior to being laid off...
My bi weekly pay period ended on 10/21/2017 in which I would have received my paycheck on 10/27/2017....on 10/23/2017 (two days after my pay period ended) my employer called me and informed me that du... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

is this ok for him todo
I had symptoms of coronavirus I was directed by my Dr. to take the test I was placed on quarantine for 2 weeks I provided documentation I notified my coworker I was called by my employer and lectured ... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

employment at will when the employee quits
Most questions about at-will employment talk about firing people. My question is about quitting. I just quit my job this morning. In the contract I signed last spring, it states that I have to give on... applies to Vermont  ·  2 answers

Can my current employer block my entry into working for others by telling them not to hire
Facts: I am currently employed by a large corporation in Vermont and I have applied for jobs with another newly formed (competitor & partner) corporation locating in New York. Last week I received pho... applies to Vermont  ·  0 answers

If I was laid off because of the pandemic, am I required to return to work if I don’t feel like it’s safe returning? I have two parents with pre-existing health conditions that I’m home with and a nephew I have been caring for since his parents are
I live in the state of Texas and my employer (dental office) laid everyone off due to the pandemic. Now that our governor is opening things back up slowly, my employer wants to open back up but I don... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

If I was laid off because of the pandemic, am I required to return to work if I don’t feel like it’s safe returning? I have two parents with pre-existing health conditions that I’m home with and a nephew I have been caring for since his parents are
I live in the state of Texas and my employer (dental office) laid everyone off due to the pandemic. Now that our governor is opening things back up slowly, my employer wants to open back up but I don... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

If I was laid off because of the pandemic, am I required to return to work if I don’t feel like it’s safe returning? I have two parents with pre-existing health conditions that I’m home with and a nephew I have been caring for since his parents are
I live in the state of Texas and my employer (dental office) laid everyone off due to the pandemic. Now that our governor is opening things back up slowly, my employer wants to open back up but I don... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Fmla leave violation?
I asked a question previously, with less facts, so I'll ask again; I am currently out on fmla leave for carpal tunnel surgery for both wrists, I have had surgery on one, and only have 3 more weeks off... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

discriminated and retaliated?
I got fired with an excused that is pretextual because There is no proof of what this customer Complaint about me, instead got fired Because I complaint to one of the Service managers about the hostil... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Sexual Discrimination/Retaliation
Sexual Discrimination/Retaliation After having consulted a couple of different attorney's I am getting conflicting advice on how to proceed with my case. After complaining about inappropriate requests... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

What can an underage female do about sexual, physical, and verbal harassment by adults?
I am a 17 year old girl who has just recently gotten a job as a waitress. In the 6 weeks that I have been working, I have been physically, sexually, and verbally harassed. In the first days that I wor... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Non-competition Case
I've worked with company A as sales person. President made me sign non-disclosure/non-competition agreement after I've started working for a week. I was badly treated and sexually harassed at occasion... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Non-compete, same client, two temp agencies
I worked for a temporary agency in NY for the same federal client for 5 years. I moved to AZ and found an identical position here with the same federal client, only represented by a different temporar... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

My husband is a long distance driver for a moving companyand has recently sought employment at a different moving company. He was informed today that he signed a non compete contract, which he doesnt remember ever signing, and that he cant work for a comp
Specifically mentions "employee upon termination shall not directly or indirectly compete with the company in the business of moving, storage, commercial warehousing, relocation and/or international s... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Would the following situations be considered discrimination: 1. I have no set position in my company and have been promised one numerous times and it seems each time I am being told next week to shut ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can Consulting Company Keep Me from Job?
I am 4 months into a consulting job with the biggest employer of people in my position, probably in the entire down-state area. I found recently after talking to co-workers that I am getting paid half... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I Was fired for thc in my system 2 days after i reported my co worker stealing time. Everyone at my job and around town knows this. Is this illegal? Was this retaliation with whistle blowing?
For 2 years, I reported to my supervisor that there was methamphetamine use and stealing time by my co worker. I had asked to speak to my boss/plant manager regarding my multiple complaints because my... applies to Alaska  ·  0 answers

Wrongfully terminated without progressive discipline
I was terminated without notice today, without any form of progressive discipline, for what I consider to be an error in judgement while executing my retail job duties for The Bombay Co. Recently I co... applies to District of Columbia  ·  1 answer

I recently took 12 weeks of FMLA, my employer called me and said that I needed to return my things that I had self terminated. My FMLA was not over with at this time. I spoke to an attorney who wrote a letter that I presented to my employer. The company's
I recently took 12 weeks of FMLA, my employer called me and said that I needed to return my things that I had self terminated. My FMLA was not over with at this time. I spoke to an attorney who wrote ... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

Enforcibility of non-compete
Hello, I am educated in a very small, unique, highly specialized allied health field that relies on referrals from doctor's and therapists. I was recently forced to resign, and signed a non-compete as... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Variable Comission without prior notice
Hi, I joined my company 3 yrs back with base pay at 15% was a fairly new company and i was the first sales manager too. In span of 3 yrs, every year our revenue has ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Can your nursing license be revoked due to a breach of non-compete/ non-solicitation clause?
I am a Licensed Practical Nurse doing in-home nursing for an agency. When hired, I was told about a clause in which you could not work for a client for six months after leaving the company, otherwise ... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Is my manager scheduling me on less productive days on purpose?
Hey! I have a quick question. I started a new serving job about 4 months ago. I have loved working there for the most part & I havent had any problems except for with three of the five managers. The G... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Just want to leave peacefully!
I moved from Washington State for a job and have been employed with a proprietary school for several months. My contract included a non-compete clause that outlined the following: 1. no direct or indi... applies to Colorado  ·  1 answer

Job discrimination
My employer has been calling me into the HR for the past 3 weeks. The first week, she complained that I don't communicate effectively when I go to a doctor's appointment (email is not enough); so I co... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I just recently (Sept 2015) accepted a position in a long term care setting. Since my hire I have increased collections up to 20% in all four buildings that I covered. I received a nice xmas bonus for my efforts. Just recently we had to write off uncollec
I just recently (Sept 2015) accepted a position in a long term care setting. Since my hire I have increased collections up to 20% in all four buildings that I covered. I received a nice xmas bonus for... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

I signed a noncompete for employment with a kentucky based corporation. They do not have offices in Texas. I worked from home in texas. Can the noncompete be inforced If i take a job with a competitor here in Texas?
i signed a noncompete letter with a Kentucky based corporation as a condition of employment. When i was terminated, i was given a one month severance. I've heard rumblings about them being non-enforce... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I had worked 2 part time jobs for 1 year, one turned into fulltime, I then had quit other part time job because I now had full time job.A few months later the full time position had been eliminated. I did stay on part time and unemployment is denying me u
Worked 2 part time jobs, one turned into fulltime. I then quit the other part time because I had a now full time position. Then after, the full time position was eliminated company wide. I decided to ... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Can an employer replace you because they think you are leaving before you have formally resigned?
In April 2010 I spoke with my direct supervisor about what my options would be if I started an internship in August 2010. Around May 2010 I was informed that they wouldn't be able to work with me. I i... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

I was recently suspended without pay due to a safety infraction of one of the people reporting to me (I’m a production supervisor in Illinois). I was told the corporate office has to review. If I win the appeal, I was told I would get back pay. It has a
I was recently suspended without pay due to a safety infraction of one of the people reporting to me (I’m a production supervisor in Illinois). I was told the corporate office has to review. If I wi... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

No assistance regarding incorrect payment of City Taxes
I work for company A. They contract company B for human resources and payroll. Company B has forwarded in error city taxes since employment. I thought this was correct until they removed the tax at th... applies to Delaware  ·  0 answers

Did I sign a Non-Compete?
My offer letter from my current work contained this: "This offer of employment is contingent upon your execution of a non-competition, non- solicitation and confidentiality agreement, prior to commenc... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I signed an agrmt not to sue in exchange for severance - can I still sue?
I signed an agreement not to sue in exchange for a severance package after being terminated for a very "fluffy" cause. My employer is playing games with my final paycheck saying they are going to with... applies to South Dakota  ·  0 answers

How can you protect yourself from being falsely accused of breach of confidentiality
Over the past 2 years I have documented hostile and discriminate behavior against me in my workplace. It got so bad that one-day the Director exploded in an anger and rage against me in front of the e... applies to California  ·  1 answer

In Massachusetts, if I already have FMLA for a seriously ill spouse, and now I need FMLA because I have been diagnosed with a serious illness myself and must take treatments, is it legal for the employer to combine the FMLA for TWO seperate patients? Also
I am actually asking for my husband. I am fully disabled with Multiple sclerosis and another serious illness called Churg Strauss Syndrome...and some really horrible side effects because of treatment ... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

I am working with an international organization for more than 3 years(Close to 3 years 6 months) where 2 years and 5 months were in India and rest is in Mexico. Now our team has been laid off and we are asked to leave. I got to know that severance pay wil
I am working with an international organization for more than 3 years(Close to 3 years 6 months) where 2 years and 5 months were in India and rest is in Mexico. Now our team has been laid off and we a... applies to Rhode Island  ·  0 answers

I feel that I was unfairly layed off and not giving proper pager work, and was age discrimation.
On Feb. 7, 2010 at 3 p.m. my boss came into my area and said he needed to speak to me. I worked for a local newspaper in the pre-press department since 1984. Besides scheduling jobs, doing layout, sen... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

This applies to NJ unemployment laws. My employer in bringing in an outside company to run it's kitchen and I was offered a job for less hours, 1/3 less pay and 1/2 the benefits. I would make the same amount collecting unemployment. They also want me to s
This applies to NJ unemployment laws. My employer in bringing in an outside company to run it's kitchen and I was offered a job for less hours, 1/3 less pay and 1/2 the benefits. I would make the same... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Salary requirements for Law Enforcement presonnel (Texas)
I have read that there is an overtime exemption for law enforcement departments with less than 5 employees. Is the employer required to at least pay regular time after 40 hours or comp time after 40??... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Unpaid contract fees from a NYC client
Hi, I work for a GA based company (who holds my H1 visa) and was doing a contract assignment for a client in New York City. The NYC client has $40,000+ in unpaid balances towards my company for the se... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Are these actions dicriminatory per the ADA?
Ok, mine's a little complex, so bare with me. I have an ADA disability, and ended up in the hospital for 2 1/2 weeks. My disability is one that is episodic and chronic, with frequent flare ups that le... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Can An Employer Legally Dock A Salaried Employee's Vacation Time For Being Late? If we are 1 minute late at my job, we are docked for 15 minutes of paid time off. I work in NC.
Can An Employer Legally Dock A Salaried Employee's Vacation Time For Being Late? If we are 1 minute late at my job, we are docked for 15 minutes of paid time off. I am a salaried employee. applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Retroactive pay decrease & OT back pay
My husband's co. recently had the IDOL come in, and now they have to pay out OT. He is getting back pay, but only at half pay, and they told him today that they are lowering his hourly rate by $3.50, ... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Legal Actions by Employer?
I have a friend who doesn't speak English who signed an agreement entitled "Independent Contractor, Non-Competition and Confidentiality Agreement." She works for a cleaning service and is not at all a... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

Is this discrimination?
I was hired for a job that makes me a "mandated reporter." Anytime I believe a child is in danger I am required, by law to report it. In asking a question as to if I was liable to report a person I kn... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Potentially fired for telling people they could be potentiallyfired.
I've been sent home pending a decision as to whether I should be fired for telling people in a meeting that they could be fired for falsifying medical device manufacturing information. (I do Quality A... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

My husband earned commission on items he purchased for inventory for sale. The amount of commission was a percentage of the profit determined when it was sold (buy low, sell for higher amount). He did not sell items, just purchased them and then collected
My husband was a purchaser of inventory. His job was to get a good deal for the inventory, and then when someone else in the company sold that particular item, he earned a commission on the percentage... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Severence rehired and fired
i worked for ABC Sliced Bread in S.F. Ca. I am a member of Teamsters Union. About 5 weeks ago the plant i worked in closed. On the last day we were given all the pay we had coming except the severence... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I complain to human resources how about a write-up for my manager he then started to micromanage me
I'm a truck driver. I went to a company to pick up a load the shipping clerk called me the n-word I told her supervisor put it in writing she admitted calling me the n-word and her supervisor sign my ... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Husband wrongfully denied FMLA due to wife's pregnancy?
My husband was on FMLA due to me being pregnant with our son. The first set of FMLA certification was filled out on April 15th and it was approved. He used FMLA whenever we had a doctors appointment. ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

WHAT IS THE STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS ON UNPAID OVERTIME? My employer asked me to start skipping my lunchbreak to help get caught up on deliveries until company hired more drivers. I worked 30min/day ove... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is a noncompete valid if a nursing agency is getting rid of home care case to keep nurses away?
My mom is very ill (has ALS). We have had the same nursing agency for around 7 years (provides nursing care 16 hours a day). We had a recent disagreement with them as we wanted rid of one of the nurse... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can I sue righttime care or the doctor who refused to fill out my paperwork for leave?
I was diagnosed with bells palsy by the doctor i had scheduled an appointment with at righttime(knowing that they dont schedule appointments for urgent care i schedule an appointment so that it wasnt)... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

Violation of my rights under FMLA
On June 13 of this year, I returned to work from FMLA. Before I took FMLA, I trained another employee on my job. When I returned, my manager said she wanted to keep my co-worker in my former position.... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Fraud and Age Dscrimination
I was recently hired by a roofing company as an offer manager. I applied for the job through a online job board. I was contacted by the roofing company�s HR department, negotiated my starting wage, ... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

Misrepresentation on hire?
I was hired on to my current position as a store manager in waiting. During the interviews with the recruiter and district manager I was told I would be guaranteed 40 hours a week until I was placed i... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Employer is transferring management of non-profit company in one month. I have 105 hours of vacation banked and they have denied a payout of vacation time. Requested vacation time and have received no response from HR Director or CEO. All is documented. W
Employer is transferring management of non-profit company in one month. I have 105 hours of vacation banked and they have denied a payout of vacation time. Requested vacation time and have received no... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

What is my recourse if my employer did not allow me to defend myself?
My fiance was just removed from a jobsite in Louisiana. He is a resident of Louisiana. He was removed from the jobsite based on an accident that took place while he was employed with a Texas based con... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Can I be demoted and then replaced with a new hire that my boss likes better?
I have worked as a manager for a company for 2 years. There are 3 managers (including me) in my department. The company recently went through some restructuring due to growth and additional employees ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I live in nevada which has both a +40hr weekly plus a +8hr daily overtime pay law unless exempt which from what ive researched i am not (stylist/cosmetologist at a franchise paid hourly) but one law i... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Florida Non-Compete
I signed a comprehensive non-compete agreement with company XXX in FL when XXX acquired a company I was working for. XXX is in the field of higher education administration software and I worked there ... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Breachment, Non-Compete Agreement
My Husband is s Sofware Programmer.His status is H1B.He came to usa in newjersey based consultant company..and my husband was placed by a middle company to work in a Client Company which is in Newyork... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I received an email offer from a company I am looking to work for
I received an email offer from the mortgage manager looking to get me on board as a new hire offering me a non recoverable draw and he sent me the email response from corporate: Below is the offer fro... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Salary vs. Hourly
A few days ago I inquired about a salary vs. hourly question and received a very informative answer. I approached the controller in our company and she agreed completely with your reply but stated the... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Male Same Sex Sexual Harassment Guidance
I'm male and I have a situation where another male is attempting to file sexual harassment against me because he is saying that I said he was going to hell for being gay. First: this male has made sex... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Male Same Sex Sexual Harassment Guidance
I'm male and I have a situation where another male is attempting to file sexual harassment against me because he is saying that I said he was going to hell for being gay. First: this male has made sex... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Do I have an argument for any kind of retribution?
I was hired as a senior manager for a consulting firm of 50 people. The company consists of 47 woman and 3 men. I was subordinate to only the CEO. Everyone in the company has a signed employment at wi... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Breach of Severance Agreement
My employer terminated my employment without cause 90 days after I started work. The two-year contract clearly precluded termination except for specified causes (mostly violations of law)for at least ... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Is this legal or should I speak legal advice??
Hi! I have a question. My boyfriend was on his way to work and was hit at a red light. He was on short term disability and is currently on long term disability as of may/June When he went to long term... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Do I have a sexual harassment case even though I resigned ?
I resigned from my job as a Loan Officer about a month ago. I had developed a very unique loan program from scratch and once it became successful (after over 3 years) my employer took control of it an... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Discriminatory decision based on non supporting evidence
I worked for a data center (we'll call Biz "A")that has many other companies inside its facility. The data center provides cooling, power and security. Biz "A" was purchased by another company (Biz "B... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Is this harassment can she keep treating me like this
I feel that my boss is targeting me she always has a problem with everything I do she told me that if I continue to be tardy from this point on she was going to write me up so I made a point not to be... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Is this harassment can she keep treating me like this
I feel that my boss is targeting me she always has a problem with everything I do she told me that if I continue to be tardy from this point on she was going to write me up so I made a point not to be... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Unjust Termination - Legal Action?
I recently accepted a management position in Huntsville AL (an at-will employment state); it required that I move from Colorado Springs, CO. I moved to Huntsville 5 months ago and have been working ha... applies to Alabama  ·  1 answer

Am I entitled to back pay in a salaried position?
Here is the scenario, I would like to know what my options are. Team of 3, 1 boss, 2 equal co-workers reporting to him working on a large scale software implementation. Dec' 2007 My boss leaves the co... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

I was offered a job with a written offer, based on passing criminal baackground check. my report was deivered to employer on 26th, that same day my potential employer called me and said it had cleared and he was sending me my training scheduke on monday.
I was offered a job with a written offer, based on passing criminal baackground check. my report was deivered to employer on 26th, that same day my potential employer called me and said it had cleared... applies to Idaho  ·  0 answers

No Salary Employee Bonus for 1/2 year Employment?
I recently left a position as a "civil designer," the equivalent of a non-licensed civil engineer, to pursue a JD degree. I was hired to produce drawings and to coordinate land development issues betw... applies to Maryland  ·  1 answer

I am a home health care assistant working for an agency in PBC. I am very clearly an At-Will employee, as spelled out in every employment agreement I have. My first E.A. included a non-compete that specified, proprietary information, existing clients and
I am a home health care assistant working for an agency in PBC. I am very clearly an At-Will employee, as spelled out in every employment agreement I have. My first E.A. included a non-compete that sp... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Can a teacher sue a school for permitting sexual harassment by students?
Until recently I was a new teacher at a MA school. I reported to my supervisors repeatedly throughout the year about daily offensive conduct by students in one all-male class (examples: multiple stude... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

In AZ can an employer require an independent contractor sign a non compete without​ an expiration
I have been a pet groomer for over 30+years always working as an employee where we filed the standard w-2 tax papers. This year I began helping a friend who recently opened her own grooming shop and w... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Is blocking security access which lead to loss of employment on fasle accusations worth court?
I worked for a data center (we'll call Biz "A")that has many other companies inside its facility. The data center provides cooling, power and security. Biz "A" was purchased by another company (Biz "B... applies to California  ·  0 answers

On 17th of may the mayor of New York laid off thousands of city workers (95% minoroties). Isn't this ILLEGAL under WARN act a federal law? In other words, if we can prove that had his decision to lay ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can I be fired after given 2 week notice
Just returned back to work after off for 4 months due to illness, was given my evaluation, Was told that I don't follow orders, when ask for an example, she was unable to provide. Ask if I could retur... applies to Louisiana  ·  0 answers

Can I Receive Unemployment Benefits If Fired For 1 No call No Show
There was high demand for vendor pick ups fat my job. I do logistics coordinating. Not enough time during the day to get everything done so I would work at night to finish and cover everything for the... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

non compete
I currently work (in NY) for an IL company that has recently lost its "primary client". All employees of this IL company have been notified that as of year's end, when our employment agreements expire... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

Can a teacher sue a school district for permitting sexual harassment by students?
Until recently I was a new teacher at a MA school. I reported to my supervisors repeatedly throughout the year about daily offensive conduct by students in one all-male class (examples: multiple stude... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Is it an at-will termination or retaliation based on a possible pretext?
I was recently terminated after 11 yrs w/ the company. My supervisor (of one year) sited job performance and punctuality as the reason. I was handed my negative performance eval. and told I was fired ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Employer holding final pay, Unused Vacation pay , and expenses. They agreed to pay these
I was let go by my employer offically on June 19th, they post-dated my termination date to June 2, 2001 but agreed to the following email from HR: XXXX, Inc will compensate you (me) through June 19, 2... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

Is it too late to file a disability discrimination after accepting a lateral move?
I have epilepsy but I hadn't had a seizure in almost 3 years. In the past, my employer provided someone to drive me for the 6 months that I was without a drivers license. After a seizure at work, HR t... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

I just started collected unemployment in PA. However, I was lucky and started a new job on February 13, 2017. Can I still claim my unemployment benefits for the week prior, before I started my job? Only the one week, not the week I started my new job.
I just started collecting unemployment in PA. However, I was lucky and started a new job on February 13, 2017. Can I still claim my unemployment benefits for the week prior, before I started my job, w... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Can employer withhold severance if I do not sign new compete. Is an old unsigned non-compete valid ?
Hi I have worked with a company selling technical solutions to large retailers across the US. Due to restructuring, I will be laid off. I asked whether the company has any non-compete which I may have... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Can my employer require a physician's statement stating the reason for absence?
I have had to use more sick leave more than usual since August 2011 (14 sick days, 9 vacation days). Family issues with a family member's drug use, my daughter's separation from her husband in which s... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

What can I do to stop malice rumours
My nephew works where I work. I have heard rumours about him. First it was comments about his sexual orientation they do not refer to him by his name, but call him "the lazy gay guy". I went to our ad... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

Does an employers breach of contract invalidate a non-compete?
I previously worked for an insurance agency and signed a non-solicitation agreement at the start of my employment. I have since left this agency and started my own agency. My non-solicitation agreemen... applies to Minnesota  ·  0 answers

Can I get in legal trouble for being paid an exempt status salary as a full-time live-out nanny?
I'm a licensed elementary school teacher who has been working as a full-time live-out nanny for 3 years. Last year we renegotiated my salary from non-exempt hourly pay to exempt salary. I found out in... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

"Letter of Reprimand" damaging
I was pending a divorce with my ex-wife when allegations of assault and trespass were made. The Assault was dismissed and I'm on a 12 month SOC with the trespass. My agency had me on admin leave for 6... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Question regarding severance pay in Nebraska.
Hello, I have a question regarding severance pay in Nebraska. I was recently laid off from my company. On Wednesday, February 14, 2018 I was given a letter from my company that stated due to current b... applies to Nebraska  ·  0 answers

I started a working in a company A Feb 20, 2016 it was job full time overnight most like on weekends. Soon after I found another job company B on March 23 2016, full time during daytime, related to my... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I turned in a memo on a supervisor for threats and harrasment.. but it was lost. what do I do
I turned in a memo to my head supervisor (I am a federal employee)about basically taking the last straw. On many occassions the supervisor belittled me. Then on one occasion over the radio for all sta... applies to West Virginia  ·  0 answers

Hello, My sister and I were working for the same company in the same position as of July 16. It's an office setting and we sit at a desk for the day. My sister is six months pregnant and was also working part time as a receptionist at a cafe with her sche
Hello, My sister and I were working for the same company in the same position as of July 16. It's an office setting and we sit at a desk for the day. My sister is six months pregnant and was also work... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Discrimination based on retaliation
I work for this company for 3.5 years. Earlier this year, I came to HR and questioned about why I was not being considered for a promotion while everyone else who is less qualify and less seniority is... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Retaliation after questioning payroll deductions? Cut hours and rumors of terminating me.
I heard rumors through colleagues that the company deducts pay out of paycheck for loss or shortages. This happened to other employees, and it happened to me. When it happened to me I refused to conse... applies to New Mexico  ·  0 answers

Hostile Environment
I took a legal assignment. The firm had a strange name and I had to answer the phones. I was not advised by the agency that I was to do the phones. I am a legal secretary. The main boss called in and ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I am a 1099 employee at an insurance agency in Michigan. I am treated differently and asked to do administrative tasks which the male agents are not required to do. Male agents with less experience and lower sales history are often given privileges I am n
I am a female insurance agent in Michigan. The agency I work for has all 1099 agents. I am one of two women agents. The agency requires attendees at the main office two days per week. Male agents do n... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

I was working or a prvate land owner when on 7/1 I had an accident on my bike. It didn't stop me from working but limited my productivity to about 80%. On the second he was helping me out in the field with irrigation when he asked me to move ol blue a tru
I was work for a prvate land owner when on 7/1 I had an accident on my bike. It didn't stop me from working but limited my productivity to about 80%. On the second he was helping me out in the field w... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

non- compete and stipulated damages v. injunctive relief
I have an employment contract that has a non-compete clause as follows: "During the term of employment, and for two (2) years thereafter, employee shall not directly compete with employer within a fiv... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Are Non-Compete agreements between companies legal?
I work as an engineer for a global telecom company and recently my manager announced that he is has several job openings for additional engineers, but is having difficulty filling these spots. He expl... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

FMLA discrimination?
I’m not sure if I am being discriminated against for being on FMLA. I am working a reduced schedule (32 hours instead of 42 hours), due to my mental health and have been doing so for the last 6 mont... applies to Maine  ·  0 answers

About 6 months ago I joined an insurance brokerage firm whose home office is in CA but the office which hired me is in TX. I am considered to be an employee of the TX office but work remotely from my home in FL. When joining the company I was required to
Not sure how much bearing this has on my situation but I have worked in the insurance industry for almost 40 years. Prior to joining my current company I had been employed at a similar company in TX f... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

In fl can employer take more then 3quters of last pay check after the let u go for loab repaynent u never signed anything or told them they could .and i would like to know wen they call u in fir meeting nd things dont go well part for that day on terms of
Me my girl worked with each other im head painter she was helper . she was dumoing cat food in bowl owner walked in she git un troble so i clocked her out 45 min made her sweep for punishment 4 hours ... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Scope of geographic limits in non-compete
I recently left a sales position due to my position being eliminated and moved into a vp position (sales & marketing) at another company roughly 100 miles away in a similar business (security services... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

My boss got in my (a minors) face, what can I do?
I recently had an incident with my boss where my manager came up to me and told me my acrylics were too long. To that I then replied I can't do anything about that right now. Not at all being disrespe... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Falsely accused for hit a teammate drug tested sent home 2hour after it happened
This happened at a cross walk that the person was not in they was tat the pole I made a turn from a stopped position to park my order picker body and cage cart was almost all the way through and I was... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

As a commission based hairstylist, can my employer force me to stay at work without pay?
I am a commission based hairstylist at a salon where I only get paid for the services I do. My question is- If we don’t have any more clients and would rather go home early, does our employer have t... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

I have a tenure related question. My company offers attractive healthcare and stock option benefits to employers with 25 years tenure or above. Benefits include a reduced employee cost to maintain healthcare after retirement and instant vesting on stock o
I think was concise above but would add that I work for a Fortune 500 I have a tenure related question. My company offers attractive healthcare and stock option benefits to employers with 25 years ten... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I signed an employment contract that had a non compete clause. My employer has failed to pay me according to the contract guidelines they created. Because they breached this clause in the agreement can this render the non compete clause null and void sinc
I signed an employment agreement that included the transfer of certain assets of my business to the new employer. The asset value was a mutually agreed upon value but there was no compensation for the... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Let go by corporation after 20 years (realigning the department) but 22 staff pressed out of service. Severance package was a a benefit but was not offered. Much mischief ensued in last weeks of job by OOT managers. Received unemployment but wonder if I s
Corporate Realignment, 22 staff left due to ethics concerns, (whistleblower has a court date), state licensing boards say corporate was unethical but not asking staff to do any thing illegal. This sta... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Non-compete with job offer - does it restrict me working for a customer
I have a job offer with a non-compete clause attached. The job is working for an overseas manufacturer who supplies mechanical components to manufacturing companies worldwide. Company US headquarters ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I want to know if I am engaged in a case of Constructive Discharge
I was hired as a Maintenance Manager. Two years ago I was told by my manager that they had hired a new Maintenance Manager. It turns out this is a friend of my manager and they had been trying to get ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

signed Non-compete while doing a school internship.
I went to school to become a medical transcriptionist and part of my required course was to to do an internship. My school adviser set me up with a transcription service to do 144 hours of transcripti... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Can my boss take discounts for clients out of my Commission
I am a licensed Hairstylist in Honolulu Hawaii I work on strictly commission base I have no benefits at all I left my job and I am in a labor dispute with the labor board regarding this Here it is I w... applies to Hawaii  ·  1 answer

Restrictive covenants - Independent Contractors- Employee Misclassification?
I've been working at a dance studio as an instructor for 8 years now. At the time of my hiring I was made to sign a contract that stated I was an Independent Contractor but could not work elsewhere in... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Can a hospital enforce a policy they have to restrict former employees from coming back as a vendor for a certain amount of time? Not a non compete because nothing was signed it was just a policy added and was supposedly verbally told to all employees. Al
I accepted a job with a company and my prime responsibility was to be taking care of a certain surgeon at the hospital I currently work. I searched the employee handbook and everywhere for any reason ... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

My boss bullied me into resigning. Is this constructive discharge or wrongful termination?
Six weeks ago I made the mistake of going into my boss's office when I was upset about a perceived miscommunication (she always gave the impression that her staff was welcome to do so) and made the ev... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

If my employer lays me off and then I start collecting he calls in and says I got discharged to unemployment for willful misconduct stated that I search threatening text to the superintendent and I wouldn't stay on my piece of heavy equipment unemployment
I was laid off I was collecting my first claim ran out I started a new claim and I get a letter from unemployment investigating that I was fired from a job for willful misconduct the owner of the comp... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Non-Compete, company paid me inappropriately, can they enforce it?
I had been employed at a local mortgage company for approximately two years. I was terminated four months ago. From the day I started I was a W2 employee and wasn't paid a single dollar for minimum wa... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

What am I entitled to if I was fired after my boss found out I filed a claim about overtime?
I was terminated after two months of employment today. My employer made an announcement last week that everyone was being changed from hourly pay to salary with no overtime pay, and also no vacation, ... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

COBRA being indirectly avoided
I was laid off due to lack of work at the end of April. I was notified of cobra coverage, which I elected. It was done through a 3rd party, and I have sent in two payments so far. I paid my first prem... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Legitimate Business Interest?
I work for a consulting business. Before I started working for them, I signed a noncompete saying that I would not open a competing practice within 18 months of leaving them. The reason stated on the ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Do I have a valid case with or without the Right to Sue Notice
Hello. My name is Paul Hollins. I recently received a 90-day Right-To-Sue Notice from the EEOC Commission. I am trying to obtain an attorney who will accept my case on a contingency basis. I am willin... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Retroactive pay without signed agreement
I accepted a position in MA in May 2008 based on opportunity for growth. As I work in sales, I signed an employment agreement with my employer laying out my base salary and commission structure. In ea... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

How can I receive fair representation from a union that does not practice impartiality?
Looking for EMPLOYMENT or LABOR Law help. I work in a school district where the majority of employees are related to each other. This has left me without fair union representation for a meeting that m... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

I have a coworker who has made false damaging accusations against. what can I do?
I work for a no profit private school in Texas. I have been verbally assaulted in two very public instances by a co worker who is also a parent to one of my students. Both times were in front of stude... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I work for a large company and I've recently been provided with the option of taking a lesser paid position or severance. On 1/12/09 they made the offer via email, not a formal agreement. I followed u... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Interactive process
I asked for reasonable accommodations through a letter to my boss from my doctor. (My disability is not visually seen, I’m HIV+) The next day I was sent a letter requiring me to submit to a fitness ... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Can my employer make me sign the employee handbook without giving time to review it?
I am working in a dental practice that has been open one year. We were recently given an employee handbook, which had a lot of grammatical errors and very vague descriptions of what is expected, mostl... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

My colleagues and I have worked with the Lee County School district I have been with the district 12 years, my other colleagues have over 20 years experiences and no of us has been remanded or written up. Every one of us have been effective teachers and h
My colleagues and I have worked with the Lee County School district I have been with the district 12 years, my other colleagues have over 20 years experiences and no of us has been remanded or written... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Can a company change their procedures for annual employee goals ?
I work for as an insurance underwriter In 12/01 I will be there 5 years. Our company guidelines in our employee handbook indicate that an employee is to get an annual review each year. Each year the e... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I recently quit my job of 2 yrs at Panera in Cary due to hours being reduced. This was done via text with my store gm. A few weeks after I spoke to a former co worker that said a shift manager named Josh at my former job told him that I was fired for fill
I recently quit my job of 2 yrs at Panera in Cary due to hours being reduced. This was done via text with my store gm. A few weeks after I spoke to a former co worker that said a shift manager named J... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Is this wrongful demotion?
I was asked to put in for a job by the manager of that specific job, when I got the job. They had given the job I bid on to another person, leaving me with a large number of machines. I was not traine... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Do I have a case?
My husband and I have worked at the same job for 30 years as groundskeepers doing mowing, equipment maintenance, painting, cleaning, and such miscellaneous jobs; however, my husband passed away in Sep... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

How can I protect myself against untrue written warning of unacceptable performance?
I have received a written final corrective to improve performance. I have been working very diligently to meet their expectations however the rules seem to change to ensure that I will never be able t... applies to North Dakota  ·  0 answers

Any recourse against my employer who is forcing me to choose between my health and my job?
I was out of state for a business meeting and asked to leave the final meeting early to enable me to catch the first of only two flights home that day. Leaving 40 minutes early would save me 6 hours. ... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

No non-compete, CA employer, NY client... ?
I have been working as a full-time employee of an IT consulting firm based out of Southern California, however I live in New York City. I did not sign a non-compete clause specifically, but I did have... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Do I Have A Case For Court?
For that past year I have had to deal with mental harassment from my boss. He will make snide comments to me, when I ask a question he will not give a direct answer, but for other employees he will, h... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Will South Carolina non-compete laws hold up in the state of Colorado?
I am a salesman for a tire manufacturer based out of South Carolina. I cannot remember signing a non compete and do not have the paperwork but in my original offer letter it states "Your agreement to ... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Do I have a chance to sue even after signing waiver (under duress)?
Hello, Worked for two years for a company. in mid-town New York City. Last year around March became ill with what was then an unknown issue. Had stents put into my heart, but still had issues where I ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

The owner of the company I work for just demoted me and will be hiring his nephew as the President because,
The owner of my company just demoted me because his nephew is a man, "and it is a known fact that men are better sales people than women." I guess he noticed the look of horror on my face when he said... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

I was suspended from work without pay due to being under investigation outside of the facility. The employer could not give me a reason other then state made her suspend me! I need help finding out why I am suspended and find out if I will get my job back
I have never been in trouble with the law! I have no idea what or why there would be an investigation against me. Unless, it has to do with my 11 year old son who got sick over the summer. He has been... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Ex-Employer wants to sue me for starting my own buisness
I worked for a company for about 3 years. I filled out normal employment application and a Confidentiality agreement. That agreement was basically to ensure all company secrets remained company secret... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Not paying back sign-on bonus due to employer breaching contract
I received a signing bonus after completing 3 months of work with my employer of $10K and then I get another $10K at 12 months. Contract states that if I leave before 15 months I have to repay the bon... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

they asked me if I told the boss why i had resigned, i said no... cause i didnot trust him, either
My reason for recently resigning from my job was do to Harrassment by my coworkers and I believe ... reverse discrimination of my employer/boss. I had noticed sept. 9 that certain employees had begun ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Company reloacted, offered severance unless employee agreed to relocate. Agreed but resigned later.
As a result of a merger, in September 2002, my company offered a severance package for those that did not wish to relocate in the town that the company was moving everyone which was 1200 miles away. E... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

I was laid off for a mass layoff/buyout due to covid 19 and entered the 2000180 code into the Ohio Job and Family Services Claim. My employer recently paid me for my unused vacation time for three weeks and will also give me a lump sum severance based off
I was laid off for a mass layoff/buyout due to covid 19 and entered the 2000180 code into the the Ohio Job and Family Services Claim. My employer recently paid me for my unused vacation time for three... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can I receive unemployment if I quit, due to the job not being what I was told at hire?
The company that I work for recently laid off many hundreds of people, including me (the company lost a big contract). I was given 3 weeks notice. A week before my last day, they offered me a temporar... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Can my employer track "comp time"?
It has been a past policy for my employer to keep track of "comp time" rather than pay overtime for its salaried employees. Comp time was also banked as single hour instead of time and a half. It was ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

What can I do about a jelous female customer who is trying to get me fired by making false claims and sending others to make false claims against me so my boss will fire me? Elmira NY
I work at a convenient store for a year now. Shortly after I started the job a yr ago a jealous woman customer has been causing me trouble by throwing tantrums about anything just to cause me trouble.... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I'm sorry there is no way to sum this up in 100 characters or less
I joined a start up company 3 months ago, was put in charge as a creative director, and had employees under me. 6 months prior to my employment the company was shaky, had bad client relationships etc.... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  3 answers

I have been accused of abusing a client that is untrue
*(The incident in question) TC and I went to the back porch to smoke. TC was standing at the door as I went out to supervise. I asked TC to move so I could come outside. TC then flat handedly pushed m... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Can I go before a judge myself to Blue pencil an agreement?
I was employed for 17 years with a Construction Labor Leasing Company. I was recruited by their largest national competitor. After 5 months of employment, I was terminated due to a FALSE annonymous "w... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Non-Compete possible lawsuit
Short Description: ---------------------- My question is, can a non-compete lawsuit be filed against me under the conditions: 1) That, I work for company C without signing any contract. 2) Company ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can I be terminated for side effects of Prednisone for R.A
I have been employed for a little over a year at a company that is 'number oriented' If you do not make your numbers each month you can be written up and fired. I struggled the first few months but th... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Can I be terminated for side effects of Prednisone for R.A
I have been employed for a little over a year at a company that is 'number oriented' If you do not make your numbers each month you can be written up and fired. I struggled the first few months but th... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Severance Agreement accepted on both sides, employee signs, can the employer rescind?
I worked for an organization for more than 24 years. I progressed through various roles, increasing responsibilities, and was considered the top performer in my executive position. My child was experi... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Can an employer with hold info and prevent you from filing a grievance?
Hi, i work as a forklift driver for a warehouse with a union. I am a young female, ever since i got the forklift position i have had managers who were once really nice to me, start to act differently.... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

Employer Retaliation
On Nov. 17, 2010; I failed an Inspection 70%. My district manager was notified of the results. On Dec 1, 2010 she wrote me up for shift control. Then, she turnt around and wrote me for being tardy. I ... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Exempt if only 2 employees?
I have been working for a medical practice for a year. My title is office Manager however I only supervise 1 person, the receptionist. Most of my time is spent helping patients with physical therapy, ... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Is my employer to pay me if I put a 90 day notice in and they want to let me go before
I have been working for a big bank for 3 years now. This bank has a harassment policy which includes sexual orientation. I have had a couple of issues with employees making comments that I have report... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

When to bring claim of
Please look at my information. I have been in a family business for 12-14 years. The majority stockholder has used a variety of intimidation and actions to keep control of every aspect of the business... applies to Ohio  ·  3 answers

Unlawful termination after being on FMLA
I worked at a retirement home for almost 2 years. A new person was hired and I trained her to cover my maternity leave. I left on FMLA 6/1/06 and was released 7/1/06. They did not have a job slot for ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Working with client in CA, Employer in PA,signed Non Compete 7 Years back in MI
I joined a company A which is software consulting firm located in pittsburgh,PA in 2004.I signed a non compete agreement(that time i was living in MI state), before i join to a client of the company A... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Unpaid Wages
I am a Computer Developer. I worked for a (contracting company) employee leasing company here in Atlanta for a total of 10 months. For the last three months of this assignment, the recipient compan... applies to Georgia  ·  1 answer

Selective Policy Enforcement, Employer who fails to follow own policy
I am wondering what my legal options are, if any. I was terminated for "Poor Attendance" based on a progressive disciplinary plan. Per policy my occurences were to be reviewed on a said date, which di... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

I was injured at work, but they had me submit FMLA papers. Have I forfeited my WC claim?
Closed head injury at work on 8/30, a Thurs, but didn't realize had grade 2 concussion (although I did report it to my supervisor-just didn't realize it was quite so serious). After holiday weekend fu... applies to Virginia  ·  1 answer

Denied union support after employer retaliation.
A recognized union member bids on a new job. Is benied. The 2 new job bids are given to 2 less senior male non-union member employees both are not qualified by employer hiring requirements. Employee t... applies to North Dakota  ·  0 answers

My employer (GYN Stuart, FL) was caught by FBI for fraudulent Medicare billing,etc. her office was being shut down, I feel I was let go for a ridiculous incident as an excuse to let me go. Is there a provision for my losing a job after 9 years (never call
I personally feel the GYN Dr I worked for for 9 years used an opportunity to let me go, knowing her office was about to close due to her being caught by FBI for Medicare fraudulent billing, among othe... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

After joining the company - my designation/title was downgraded
I have been hired by a Fortune 500 Company for a senior manager position via hiring agency. After 9 months - I was told that they hired me at a higher salary grade and i need to work at the lower desi... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

An employee said I hit them with my equipment I know I didnt. It was a near miss. Management says the team member immediately reported it. That's false to because I hung around for a fue even had to tell to get team member to come back and they laughed it
This happened at a cross walk that the person was not in they was tat the pole I made a turn from a stopped position to park my order picker body and cage cart was almost all the way through and I was... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Fired from my position while a customer
I had been an employee for four years. Was moved to Bar Manager two years ago. Recently the owners daughter (who was also married into the same family I was) came on board to work part time in the lou... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Contract change loss of commisions due for work prior to managment change
I have been working a contract amendment which increased my base pay and also included a new clause entitling me to a commission based on my support of our dealers.Our ex president never signed the co... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Can an former employer dissuade another employer from hiring an employee that has resigned?
I have reason to believe and evidence to support the theory that my former employer ("Past") is attempting to dissuade an interested employer ("Prospective") from hiring me. The relationship between t... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

validity of non-compete when employer initiates termination
Hey MEL. Basic question: What are my odds of beating a non-compete agreement with an employer that terminated me due to economic downsizing? Points of interest: * Employee Agreement states that intent... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Restriction on Postemployment Competition.
A clause in my contract states: ------------------- For three years after termination the employee shall not, within a 200 mile radius of the Company's metropolitan marketing areas and/or present plac... applies to West Virginia  ·  1 answer

Can a lawyer assist in this situation of possible hostile environment or discrimination at work?
I was on vacation from September 19, 2017 until October 3, 2017. When I returned, I was told by my manager that I will be working in a different position immediately. I asked why this was not discusse... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Can we terminate an employee who lied about threats from other coworkers?
Employer here. A depressed, mentally unstable employee (confirmed medically) recently yelled at another employee over a disagreement regarding politics and religion. The second employee yelled back. T... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

Non-compete across multiple state lines?
I signed a non-compete agreement upon joining Company A in late 2001. Company A's HQ are in TX, though I signed the non-compete in CA upon joining a division of Company A that was based in CA. I left ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Did I unfairly recieve a layoff notice?
I recently recieved a layoff notice that I feel is unfair. I have 15 years experience in management with the company I work for. I also have 13 years of experience working on the products our company ... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Hello. I’ve worked for FedEx freight for the past 13 years. Recently as of 2 months ago, I applied for a transfer down south and after talking to the local manager there, he assured me that everyone is working 5 days a week, even the lowest seniority fo
Hello. I’ve worked for FedEx freight for the past 13 years. Recently as of 2 months ago, I applied for a transfer down south and after talking to the local manager there, he assured me that everyone... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Can a noncompete be valid if you begin working in a neighboring state?
I am a hairstylist and upon employement at company A I had to agree to a non-compete which covers a 2 mile radius for one year. I know most courts find this reasonable but I believe I have extenuating... applies to Iowa  ·  0 answers

Sales & Non-Competes
Mel: I signed what my company refers to as a "Key Employee Agreement". I have contacted a local $200 an hour attorney who tells me that it is enforceable, but too broad. I work for an organization (he... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

What is the proto call if an administrator playfully hits a person on the head with an object (french bread) stick, the one you buy in the store? and the employee was working with their back turned unaware & surprised. They were still in shock, told the N
The administrator came into the office after getting lunch caring groceries (the employee's desk is in front of a window, and a little walkway is behind the employee) The Administrator hit the employe... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

I am disabled now and had to leave my place if employment in Sept 2015. They terminated me March 2016. I was there for almost 19yrs. I live in PA and when I worked there in 2014 I had a boss who one day took me in his office and said very rudely.....DO YO
I am disabled now and had to leave my place if employment in Sept 2015. They terminated me March 2016. I was there for almost 19yrs. I live in PA and when I worked there in 2014 I had a boss who one d... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

we had received an overpayment on our severance package (we thought it was because they filed it in such a way that they took out 37% of the whole amount for taxes instead of 25%), as a result they withheld the last bonus check we were supposed to get. Th
As a result of the overpayment, they withheld the last bonus check we were supposed to receive and told us to pay them back before the end of the month (which was like 2 weeks from then), but they did... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

FMLA ?'s
My wife has recently returned to work after a leave of 9 weeks due to the birth of our third child. Upon returning she was not returned to the same position and hours she held for the previous 3 or 4 ... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

An employee, Christi, in my department was recently promoted to my position after my departure. Christi has another female employee under her supervision, Tammy that is having an affair with another m... applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

Breach of employment contract by employer-not honoring designation/title mentioned in offer letter
I have been hired by a Fortune 500 Company for a senior manager position via hiring agency. After 9 months - I was told that they hired me at a higher salary grade and i need to work at the lower desi... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Filed for unemployment while briefly out of country
I'm a NY state resident / US citizen. I tried to claim unemployment benefits for a week during which, for 5 days, I was in the US applying for jobs; for the last two days of the week I was in Europe. ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

18 months in temp position, promised permanent but always denied. Any recourse?
My wife has been employed, through an employment agency, with the same company for the past 18 months. She was hired to fill a newly created position on a temp to hire basis. She has survived several ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Benefits, pay increase given to male colleagues only
My boss has decided after 23 years of impeccable service that I am a poor employee due to complaints from my male colleagues that it isn't right that I make more money than them. Since I started this ... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

Are my paid time off hours considered accrued if they're written in a bank on my paystub?
I recently quit my part time job. I had 20 vacation hours, 25 optional week hours, and 4 optional day hours. Those other hours are treated exactly as vacation, except during the optional week we can c... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Can I go before a court without an attorney to blue pencil a Non-Compete Agreement?
NOTE: I AM WILLING TO PAY A SMALL FEE FOR GOOD, USEABLE INFORMATION. I was employed for 17 years with a Construction Labor Leasing Company. I was recruited by their largest national competitor. After ... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

can you legally be terminated for refusing to sign an "exclusive right to represent" document?
three weeks ago I was terminated from my job as a sub-contractor working on a PA state project. The project and many others are currently up for re-bid under one large state request for proposal. The ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

how long is the time frame to quit when a employer changes your work conditions and pay over an extended period of time
I was promised 600/week salary, living quarters on employers property and use of a car. For the first 12 weeks i was paid only $400/week, aprtm. and car. Finally after 2 and a half months employer beg... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

I need help! The Director of my program is reassigning me to a new part time site location on the brink of her hiring a white male, (I'm a Arican American female) for this location because she does no... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

The Grass Isn't Always Greener
Three years ago I was hired by the L.A. County Office of Education as a secretary. After receiving FBI and DOJ clearance I went to work for a supervisor who was also new. She is very motivated and set... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Need job, but former employment contract keeping me from being employed with another company.
I had gone to a company sponsored truck driving school, and signed an employment contract stating that I had to work for the company for eight months and they would pay for the cost of the school. Thi... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Can employer prevent me from making a living by working other place.
I am an on-call/as needed sign language interpreter at a local agency. I am also a student at a local community college. In the past the college had contracted with the agency to provide interpreter s... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

What exactly is severance pay?
My husband overheard a conversation in December in which his boss was offering his job to another employee. When confronted his boss told him yes he was planning on laying him off. My husband asked hi... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Internal auditor fired for internal audit findings, being disabled, and being on FMLA.
I was an internal auditor at a non profit receiving federal funds. I believe I was fired as a result of defamatory remarks conveyed to sponsors by a staff member regarding my performance as a result o... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

I work for a CA state agency, have been employed for state for over 25 years and have been at my current agency almost 9 years. Shortly after starting here a co-worker started bullying me and turning the manager and other staff against me. It escalated fr
My reputation at this department has been ruined by jealous, bullying co-worker and manager. They have both since left and I have a new manager, but the damage has been done. I have been on 8 intervie... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Non Compete in Georgia
My current work location is Alpharetta, GA. I have a non compete agreement from 2013. I am currently working on EVC Model (i.e. employer vendor client model) and the arrangement is as under: Me (consu... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

please see details
I am a machine builder, more specifically building custom automation, working on the electrical side, or as an electrician. I have worked 11 yrs in the field of building/wiring the machines, and the p... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

workers comp retaliation
Hello, My name is Omar I would like some information. I have been retaliated against by my workers compensation adjuster and she has been making my life a hell. I have gone on two separate occasions w... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Emotional Distress
Suing for emotional distress has been suggested to me by some family members and this is why I email you today. My employer provides an onsite daycare. I'm a young (26)single parent of a 3 yr old boy ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Was my reason for getting fired a criminal act and do I have a case?
I along with another employee chose to prank call our site director and his wife (the company medical coordinator). The prank was computer generated and recorded on a personal account on a prank web p... applies to Kentucky  ·  0 answers

I was fired for sexual harassment and need some answers to my questions please.
I was recently fired due to a sexual harassment claim by a coworker. The reason I was fired was because my coworker and I were texting inappropriate messages to each other. My question pertains to the... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Do I have any legal rights?
I am a School Psychologist Associate who has worked with an Ohio ESC for 7 years, contracted for 6. Up until this year, I have been an exemplary employee with several high remarks from districts and v... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Where I work, there is a nepotism policy that states: (A) No relative of a trustee may be considered for appointment to any position at the College until all other sources of candidates have been expl... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can an employer not pay commision on a 100% commision job after you quit?
I recently quit a 100% commission job. An employee gets paid when a job gets installed, not when payment is collected. I quit before several large deals went in the ground (I had to), but contracts we... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

My boss and co-workers are acting like high school kids
I need someone's help... I started working for a pet stoe back in January of this year. Everything was going fine for a while and my job was great. I was basically allowed to do what I wanted and beca... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Never Received Salary Promised/Company Sold
I went to work for a new small business company in NYS as Director of Technical Services.I was promised that the first 3 months that I would receive my monthly pay equivalent as stock in the company a... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Do I have legal rights against a verbally and psychologically abusive boss?
I've been working for an internet-based home office company since January of this year. Over the past 4 months, my boss has become both verbally and psychologically abusive to me. He had always had em... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Can I file unemployment without retaliation?
I was terminated for comping a guest's tab/check of a guest that frequent the establishment. The guests know the owners and have done business with them. One of the other managers and/or server told t... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Do I have a Valid Claim? Sexual harrassment & dicrmination
I have been employed with my company 10yrs and have maintained an excellent record. I was placed on suspension for 4months due to cobc mis-use of company time( walked into break room and asked an empl... applies to Missouri  ·  0 answers

no non-compete
I recently ended my 2 1/2 year employment with a title abstracting company. I have been working with a real estate settlement company part-time for the past 5 months as well. I have never signed and h... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

I was asked about my son and the person I currently live with if he was the father?
My interview started out very well with the owner. I then had a second interview with his wife and she asked questions like... Question: So I see there is a gap in your resume from2003 – 2005? Why i... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can I quit and receive unemployment?
I have worked for a company for a couple of years and have undergone many troubles: temporary pay cuts, temporary and involuntary pay deferrals that remain unpaid, broken agreements, and doing more th... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Enforceability of Non Compete contract
I have worked in the retail automotive industry for twenty five years, two years ago and out of desperation due to the economy, I took a job in "middle management" at a local dealership. The duties an... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

What is indirect competition?
Until recently, I had worked as a practitioner for the same employer for a period of ten years. Shortly after my original hire date, I did sign a non-compete agreement which prohibited both "direct an... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  3 answers

A demotion without cause? How is this legal?
I have been in a salaried position, with the title "Assistant to the Dept Director", with benefits, since 2006 with my current employer. My record is exemplary. I have no written disciplinary actions,... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Is non-compete valid in different industry?
I have a non-compete where the first clause that i question is: 1)"The Employee shall not, at any times during the period hereof, and for ,2 years from the date of termination of this Agreement. direc... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Are the following statements enforceable in my case?
I signed the following non-compete agreement(NCA), while accepting employment. I had been out of work for 11 months, so I had to accept this. • Can my employer include "customer" in the NCA? • Als... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Retaliation for report to Internal Audit
I have recently been fired for very trivial reasons, after a period of two months of hostility from my boss, which started very shortly after I reported an issue relating to his management of a projec... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Was terminated.. Have questions on it.
Hello, In September of 2004 I was terminated for buying cigarettes for a minor. It was an honest mistake, I was outside and the kid was crying, saying that his dad had beat him up. He didn't want to g... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Denied a promotion.
I have been employed at a major aerospace company since 1979 -- 21+ years. For 15+ of those years I have worked in its public relations office for the manager of Community Relations, along with a staf... applies to California  ·  1 answer

How to respond to incorrect use of policy
I Have worked for this company for 4+ years now and have only had one "disiplinary action" Due to absences within my first year falling short of FMLA leave requirements. I didn't fight it because it w... applies to Idaho  ·  0 answers

Is my employer required to make accomodations should i fail my Fitness for Duty exam?
I am an Occupational therapy assistant who has been off 11 weeks from skilled nursing facility. When I brought in 25# weight lift restriction I was asked to consider FMLA and toold I could not work wi... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Dear Mel, I have recently been fired from my job. I am a sales rep and feel that I have been not only discriminated by but also harassed by my old boss. There are several things that don't add up and ... applies to Oregon  ·  1 answer

Do I have a case for discrimination or hostile work environment?
My supervisor has declined to pursue disciplinary action towards two older males in my department. One of whom tried to unhook my bra twice at the Town Hall Christmas Party and took a photo of my butt... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

was this a discrimination? was this a racial discrimination?
My immediate manager(team leader)is a very sharp and smart person, but he also treats people very unequally. A few months ago he asked me to conduct technical interview with 2 people - one at a time. ... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

how do I prove wrongful termination for title 9 in Michigan?
Hey Mel, So far I've been told that I don't have a case. Im hoping you can point me in the right direction. I worked for non-profit private university in Michigan for 5 years where I was a top admissi... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

alcohol smell on breath
I am a securty officer and i was accused by my sit suprvisor of having the smell of alcohol on my breath. told him that i had drank half maybe a beer and a half of a 32oz beer at around 7pm the day be... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Ohio IT non-compete
I accepted a position as a Help Desk/Support technician. I put in my 2 week notice and started work the Monday following my final day at the previous position. 1 week after starting at the new positio... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

How can I get a Do Not Hire tag on my employment record removed?
I want KBR to remove the "Do Not Hire" tag on my personnel records. I learned yesterday from a recruiter for Halliburton that my employment record was tagged as DNR or Do Not Rehire. I had been told t... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Discrimination/Retaliation/Harassment - pick one......
I have experienced a discriminative hostile work environment on a daily basis by my immediate supervisor. As a result, Ive been diagnosed with severe depression; panic attacks, as well as high anxiet... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Outsourced to an India-based IT consulting company; then told I would be severed.
Hello, I was employed for 3 years at a global IT company. Last May, company went through a heavy US layoff (3 months ago) all in one day. I was not affected at that time. Two weeks after that, I was t... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Am I eligible for unemployment?
I am a certified nursing assistant and was working for a nursing home I've been an aide for 5 years now and was the lowest paid aide in the facility so I asked for a raise and they told me they would ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Do I have to disclose a dimissed charge of battery to a CA governing licensure board?
I was charged with battery. The result of my case was a plea in which I received pretrial diversion. I have completed my pretrial diversion and my case has been dismissed. However, due to the nature o... applies to California  ·  1 answer

My Employer Refuse To Pay
I worked at a Steak House restaurant here in Cleveland, Ohio as a sever/batender/supervisor. I started with them Nov 11, 2008. I was supposed to receive a $1 increase when working on weekends as a sev... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Clarify separation agreement with confidentiality clause in terms of unemployment interview.
If I signed a separation agreement as part of a severance package that includes a confidentiality clause can I answer questions in my unemployment interview without violating the agreement and losing ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Wrongfully discharged?
I have been in Sales and Sales Management my entire career and have recently found myself unemployed from what I believe to be unfair practices. I was working in the Cleveland area and had been recrui... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Discrimination based on national origin
To make the story short, I am a female, who borned in Hong Kong. I was hired as System Analyst in Sept 06 at Texas State Agency. My boss is also a female who is from mainland China. Another girl in my... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Employer asking for a less accurate invoice?
Hello MEL: I am a yoga teacher in CA. There have been some changes in the rules for yoga studios regarding teachers in the last year. At most studios we are considered "employees" so that our taxes ar... applies to California  ·  0 answers

my job is on the line because I do not want to partake in unethical behavior.
This is Retaliation for "squealing" on the GM(and other employees) for Theft, harrassement(1,2,3), nepotism, Majority of unethical behavior. Current GM was promoted, from Bartender, after Termination ... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

Would this be consitered a hostile work enviroment
Forced to change shifts because of Manager Evaluation Form History: I was hired at Verstgroup, a 3PL warehousing company, on Dec. 14, 2009. I'm in charge of the inventory. That is counting and adjusti... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Possible wrongful termination case?
Hello, thank you for your time reading this very long sequence of events. I am a board certified Nurse Practitioner. was let go from my position back in September. I was told, over the phone, that my ... applies to Wisconsin  ·  0 answers

Contract Employee Fired, Texas
Here Goes. I signed an employment contract to manage a mortgage broker office in texas 12 months ago. The contract was for 3 years and the pay was 8k per month with a bonus paid each quarter based upo... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

What recourse do I have against a former employer who is contacting my current employer about me?
I worked for a medical practice that was run in an enethical and unjust manner. An employee was fired for seking reimbursement for being clocked out for lunches she was unable to take. The remaining f... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I am interested in working for a competitor but I want to know if I can after signing the non-compet
I signed an "Employee Confidentiality Invention Assignment and Restrictive Covenant Agreement" before I started work. I am interested in working for a competitor but I want to know if I can. I was onl... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Thank you. Our company recently changed employment policy regarding vacation pay. Previously vacation time was earned monthly and able to accrue for 24 months. There was not a hard stop date, but eligibility was determined as of Jan. 1. Now the new policy
Previous personnel policy stated "Vacation allowance is based upon years of service with xxx. Annual vacation eligbility is deterrmined as of Jan. 1. Full time exeomp staff 20 vacation days or 1 2/3/ ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Retaliation and nepotism.
I have a question about the problem that I have experianced at the place of my employment. I have been employed by the local school district for the past three years. I am fully certified teacher who ... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Non-Compete Agreements for non-sales or executive employees
Question about non-sales or executive non-compete agreements: My position is as a Senior Manager (non-department head and not considered part of the company management team) of Human Resources. The in... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Gender discrimination and retaliation?
I worked as a department supervisor for a large retail company for 8 years. I worked very hard earning excellent reviews. I became a procedural specialist and was asked by district managers to help ot... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Legally tied to my employers tuition retention agreement if they are sold?
My current employer paid for my MBA, and with that, I signed a tuition refund retention agreement for four years after the last tuition paid. The question that I have is if I am contractually obligate... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Did I experience institutional discrimination at my place of work resulting in constructive discharge? I had worked for A Company between April 2011 and March 2015. During my employment I experienced promotions into newly created positions as I continued
I had worked for A Company between April 2011 and March 2015 in Silver Spring, MD. During my employment I experienced promotions into newly created positions as I continued to take on more and more re... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Do questionable practices of a firm negate a non compete?
At the firm I work for all staff are hired as independant contractors for the tax and liability bennefit of the LLC which is owned by an individual. There is a strong case that this is a misclassifica... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Please give me some advice on how to get what is owed to me ???
I had worked for a company for a total of 12 years during that period of time I became a manager of that specific office with that being said I had the full package Salary,company truck ,gas card comm... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Refusal to pay wages, overtime and in timely fashion
I recently took the position of "Assistant Manager" with an hourly rate of $10/hr at a new Restaurant/Sports Bar/Ale House in the NW suburbs of Chicago on November 8th. I kept record of the hours work... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Is my employment agreement enforceable or am I employed at-will?
I am a medical provider in Oregon. In 2016, I signed an employment agreement that stated my employment could be terminated without cause by any party with 90-day notice. I signed, but have confirmatio... applies to Oregon  ·  1 answer

I am stressed, and uncomfortable in my workplace. I feel I need some legal advice
The first one happened in 2011 and the second one just happened Friday. Hr Director has not degree in HR and I am stressed about the work ethics I have to endure because I am scared to be out of work.... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

Signed under duress, conditions not met
I work at a hotel that uses an outside company to conduct "mystery shopper" calls. The hotel agents are required to follow a script while the callers are to call and make reservations. During this cal... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

How do I take care of a hostile employer?
I work at a coffee shop, and many things have happened there that were very hostile and abusive towards me. I would like to know what I can do to solve this problem. For example, a lady came through t... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

How do I make it stop?
I am a 40+ yrs. old African-American male flight attendant for a domestic airline. I have been employed for several years. Throughout the duration of my employment as a flight attendant, I have repeat... applies to Illinois  ·  4 answers

Terminated and Pay Shorted Without Reason Calls Not Returned What recourse do I have
I was recently terminated AFTER attending a required 8AM to10am conf call for what I believe to be a form of retaliation after filing an ethics complaint against my HR Specialist My employer then shor... applies to New Mexico  ·  0 answers

Sexual Harassment/Cybersecurity
I am posting this in an attempt to assist a friend who is a male employee (I will refer to him as “George” for the remainder of this post). George worked on a regular basis with an individual, who... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

Employer is appealing the initial determination that I was discharged without just cause, What now?
I was laid off from a job that I had worked 8+ years on 2/28. Since I had been warned of the layoff I was able to secure a new job that began in March. The description I was given of the job duties ch... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can an employer in FL withhold a weeks severance pay for items that believe that I possess?
I was let go on 11/16. My boss told me I would get paid for the next two weeks, one of those weeks was the week I worked, the next week was not worked, but, nonetheless he told me that I would receive... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Can I be fired (without notification) while on maternity leave?
I had my son 8/24/12, I was not due until 9/15/12. I had sent in all required FMLA paperwork, even had my Mother fax it to ensure it was there a monthy ahead of due date. While I was off I recieve a l... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

What are the consequences?
Hi Mel, Great site you have here - thanks! In the process of being considered for one position, I received an offer for a different position with a different company. I informed the first company of t... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Am I at risk of violating my non-compete agreement?
I was recently contacted by a retained search firm about an excellent career advancement opportunity. Upon completing the selection process, I was offered the job. I am concerned however that my curre... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Am I eligible for PUA
I have a family member who lost their job at the end of last year, December 31, due to the company going out of business. She was denied regular UI at the time, as she didn't make enough during the ba... applies to Ohio  ·  0 answers

Retaliation? Please help...
I will try to be brief. I was fired after eight years of service. I had an excellent attendance and performance record. Several months prior to being terminated, I filed a sexual harassment claim agai... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Am I Approved or Have I Been Denied?
Hello, I requested unemployment benefits on 8/14/2016 after realizing just how horrendous this company was. I was employed for 32 days, including weekends and holidays (yeah, it was that bad) and rece... applies to Colorado  ·  0 answers

No Compete Agreement
Here is my situation. A and B are two sister concern companies managed by single owner located at same address. When I joined company, I signed non-compete employement contract pertaining to company A... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I quit my job, due to office relocation, travel time. I haven't filed for unemployment, since I didn't think I would get it anyway. However, shortly after leaving, my co. offered me a severance agreement/separation agreement. did they do something wrong,
Due to a conflict w/ another employee at work, my Pres. advised that I needed to move to another location, since the 2 of use couldn't get a long. I then relocated to the Devon Pa office over 1 1/2 ho... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Should I Pursue A Retaliation Claim ?
I had been complaining to my manager and the owner for about three months about several violations they were routinely committing, including OSHA standards, Overtime pay, Child Labor issues, health in... applies to Hawaii  ·  2 answers

Can I sue an employer that lied to me during an interview to get me to accept the job?
My entire 12 successful career was with a company that ranked number 5 in the Fortune 500. I had worked in several deferent businesses this company owned and was a valued employee. In order to get the... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Race based harassment with intentional infliction of distress
I am being harassed at work by two members of management. I am constantly being watched, circled, and reprimanded either verbally or in writing for actions that my fellow white co-workers get away wit... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

What does my company mean by Prove that I am not a safety risk? What are my rights? Can I get fired
I was in a very minor truck accident at a car dealership service bay. I was driving a company service truck that was higher in the back than in the front. There are no labels on the vehicle stating wh... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Unpaid overtime, overpaid taxes and constructive termination.
I was trained to be a serviceman for a vending company in Texas in January of 2002. I was paid an hourly wage of $10.00, that went to $12.00/hr in January of 2003, after being rehired (I worked for an... applies to Kansas  ·  1 answer

Can I file for unemployment if I go ahead and walk
I have complained on numerous occasions asking for help loads of hob duties that have been dumped on me in the process of a change over to another company that bought out. I have since talked to HR ab... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

wrongful termination
Last week I was terminated from my position at a very large corporation. It started about a month ago when I was demoted from a supervisor position to a lead operator without any cause or reason. I in... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I am a former police officer who loved his job. One day asked to do something that wasn't right I refuse . Three years later still can't get job bc I have been blacklisted . I want damage paid to me cause it was more then job I love it and I have been bla
like every time I contacted you . Just give me the run around. But truth matter is I was a good cop that got terminated because I wouldn't play politics. Then I get blacklisted from getting anther job... applies to Virginia  ·  0 answers

unpaid wages-contract work
I have consulted for an X company in NYC for few weeks and I terminated my contract with them. According to the contract terms I have submitted all invoices and related termination letters to the COO ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Non Compete along with Commission Dispute (Michigan)
Let me start by saying that I am evaluating the move to a direct competitor (in general) and looking for some advice on my non-compete. In 2012, when I was an Account Manager, my company did not want ... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

I have a ton of questions
I read that you helped someone with Verizon Wireless and I was hoping that maybe you would be willing to help me too. I filled out a complaint with the EEOC already, but I am hoping to find someone th... applies to Illinois  ·  0 answers

Questions about Terminations & Non-Compete Agreements
My daughter was recently fired from her job as an account manager for a business forms company. 1. She took 2 individual sick days to interview with other companies. When she returned to work on Monda... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can I be compensated for all the time I worked?
I have a question about the unpaid overtime. I have heard the ads on television and I am curious. I used to be an assistant district manager for a very large Tax Preparation Firm. My duties were to as... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is this considered discrimination
I am a recently retired Chief Warrant Officer 4 maintenance officer. I was hired by a defense contractor 18 months ago. The person I was hired to replace was promoted above me. This person is born and... applies to Alabama  ·  0 answers

Is it legal for company to force debit payroll card in Hawaii under law section 388-2(a)?
I was issued a payroll debit card from Sears. The problem happen when I lost the card. I reported the card lost and closed the account. Ten days later my paycheck was deposit in the account. They told... applies to Hawaii  ·  0 answers

Non Compete Agreement- Unrealistic
I am in the investment industry referring potential clients to a specific company and are to receive a fee for the referral once successful transactions fund. I had upfront signed a NCND for a 3 year ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I applied to an open position with a large company. They set in motion the steps to get into next training class, and when I was on the last step they quit on me. I have clear background everything, but no excuse no answer nothing on reason, not email or
I applied for an open position, was informed on the steps needed before I can go to training class, and I did the steps in that week. When I went to the office for the last form, the manager set a tim... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

Can a company change the method of severance payout if it was agreed to of a condition of a merger?
The publicly traded telecommunications company that I currently work for was merged (purchased by) another company nearly a year ago. As part of the conditions of approval of the deal by the FCC and/o... applies to California  ·  0 answers

Illegal Discrimination or not?
I am a 47 years old male "person of color". I have worked as a technical manager for the past 7 years for a large public utility company in an office located in a "at will" state. Last year my company... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Question about a Non-Compete and Harassment from former employer
Hi and thanks for any help. I filed this under Contracts, but it kind of combines a non-compete and harassment in one big issue. In 2005 my wife signed (against my advice not to) a non-compete which s... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Is this Wrongful Discharge
I worked as Call-Center Team Lead here in Cleveland, Ohio. Several weeks ago my Director brought to my attention a letter that someone sent anonymously to the CEO stating that our new director was rac... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Am I entitled to unemployment while seeking an attorney to represent me in wrongful termination
I started with Carbonair Environmental Systems in June 2016 and effective January 01, 2017 Carbonair was Purchased by Proact Services Corporation. My position was Controller/Administrator for the Sout... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

How do I fight unemployment disqualification if it was a voluntary quit?
I worked for employer for 2 1/2 yrs. Began as 1099, then salaried, then the company started suffering financial difficulties & required me to take an Independent Contractor status. I went from a salar... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Has a small LLC trying to help the disenfranchised people in my neighborhood find myself at times with individuals that she'll have a habit of taking things and doing things without your presence like showing up at your house and working when you're not t
I heard a young man to do some yard work and put up a greenhouse in my backyard and I noticed something different when I asked him to put it in a spot and he moved it around cut up some of the carpets... applies to Arizona  ·  0 answers

pregnancy discrimination in a medical spa setting
I am a highly educated nurse practitioner in nyc. I have a BS and an MA. I am licensed as an RN and also as an NP-C in New York. I was hired to work for a cosmetic dermatology "medi-spa" to learn and ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

What rights and potential remedies are available when an retaliated against due to FMLA
I was approved for FMLA leave to care for a serious health condition of my spouse. I was terminated by my employer due to a no-fault absence policy, but this termination was reversed after some of the... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Can I be denied leave to care for my special needs child during a difficult transition to new school
My then 8 year old son has an autism spectrum disorder and ADD. His former special education school told us on August 28th that he would not have a position there starting the new school year in early... applies to New York  ·  0 answers

Can I sue someone for defemation of character and loss of wages if I lost my job because of false accusations of sexual harassment?
I was working at the Salvation Army and had worked there for seven years, and loved my job! We became under new management, and I enjoyed working with the assistant manager as he had a good sense of h... applies to Michigan  ·  0 answers

Fired for not wanting to be assaulted on the job
I worked for a local pizza shop back in 2000. I had quit and walked out on my job there and was blackballed for 2 years. During that two years, I decided to go and seek help for anything I may have be... applies to West Virginia  ·  1 answer

Is this wrongful discharge or retaliation?
Two days ago my shift began like this- I was finishing a conversation with my wife on the phone in the parking lot when my regional manager whistled loudly at me in a demeaning manner in front of othe... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

WRONGFUL TERMINATION IN NYS. I am looking for a bit of advise on what to do. I worked for a LLC and loved it. Just recently my employer had her secretary call me. When I called back and spoke with the owner she told me that I was fired for supposely sayin
WRONGFUL TERMINATION IN NYS. I am looking for a bit of advise on what to do. I worked for a LLC and loved it. Just recently my employer had her secretary call me. When I called back and spoke with the... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

employer discriminated against me during pregnancy and terminated me without just cause
In the early part of 2001 I informed my employer that I was pregnant and due in November. Almost immediatly afterword I suddenly found myself being witten up and placed on warning after warning. All o... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Hello I have been a branch manager for this company for 8 years and they recently had me and some others across the state take a demotion and pay cut they told us it was because they were eliminating all operations in all areas / branch managers. However
So when I was an operations a few years back the guy who I answered to was my boss had unexpectedly passed away and they had me doing the job of an operations manager and an area manager and leading m... applies to Washington  ·  0 answers

Do I have a wrongful termination case?
I am an independent contractor who was being used as an employee, violating IRS employment laws. Also my employment contract was fraudulent. The number of current members that I was to manage was stat... applies to New Mexico  ·  0 answers

Do I have a case or what are my options?A
Hello, I and a co worker took a break and as we walked down stairs there is a bar in our building. My co worker asked If I wanted to grab a drink ..knowing better I said no but proceeded with him to t... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

w2 supplemental severance/settlement taxing rate and writing off expenses
I worked on a year-to-year basis at a major cultural institution for 11+ years as a restorer. My first bad performance review came ten years at the job, followed by the loss of job at age 51 nine mont... applies to Connecticut  ·  0 answers

CALIFORNIA NDA / NON DISCLOSURE agreement signed under duress in 2015.. Legal? Enforceable?
Mel, I signed an NDA/ non competition clause under duress last year in Aug 2015. The company i accepted an offer letter for the job w/o any mention of said NDA and then they sprung it on me the first ... applies to California  ·  0 answers

I have worked in corrections for the past 14 years. Early this year I had an incident where I was handed a written reprimand for not performing my duties as a nurse in evaluating a patient which is what the Physician Assistant instructed to me. Now I was
Early this year I received a written reprimand for failing to evaluate a patient and meeting my nursing obligation. The Physician Assistant (PA) asked me to accompany him to visit the inmate in the ho... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

In Georgia, can you be fired (a) while in a coma (b) can health insurance be cancelled effective the day of termination without the ability to even pay the premium to continue through the month, (c) is a company with maximum of around 12 employees subject
I am asking this question on behalf of a friend. She worked for a company, a small LLC in Georgia that has max of about 12 employees. She was there when the company started and worked for this employe... applies to Georgia  ·  0 answers

Terminated, was not paid for last day
I had been unemployed for over a year, but working part time in a job I loved. However, making ends meet was extremely hard. My 'profession' is real estate management/maintenance construction. I final... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Confused on how my notice turned into what seems to be some kind of retaliation
After bullying during senior staff meetings (I am the only female), constant snickers about me and my job across the table, verbal remarks about my shirt and buttons popping off due to my breasts and ... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

workplace favortism
I work in a family-owned textile mill which employs about 2,200 people. My question about favoritism. I am a white woman age 36 and am bilingual in Spanish. I have 6 1/2 years seniority on my job. A c... applies to Alabama  ·  1 answer

Do I have a case of job retaliation, wrongful termination, and/or harassment? Feels like all of the above...
I was promoted to assistant manager, never trained for it but they needed someone because previous managers were steeling. I made a mistake and the write up they wanted me to sign said they would "ret... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

do you practice law in mass?
I had been harrassed by a coworker for about a year and then one day she had really pushed me over the edge with making an extremely demeaning comment to me infront of a employee from another company ... applies to Massachusetts  ·  0 answers

I think my boss is targeting me because of intermittent FMLA use. Can I do anything about this?
I think my boss is targeting me because of FMLA use. I work for the post office, and I was awarded intermittent FMLA in October (it is now January) to provide care for my disabled spouse. At the end o... applies to Oregon  ·  0 answers

Need help.. terminated after giving 2 week notice so my employer could get out of paying unused vacation time
On April 15th I submitted a written 2 week notice. After submitting my noticed I reviewed our company handbook which we were required to sign. In the handbook it stated if an employee provides a 2 wee... applies to New Jersey  ·  0 answers

I was promoted to assistant manager, never trained for it but they needed someone because previous managers were steeling. I made a mistake and the write up they wanted me to sign said
I was promoted to assistant manager, never trained for it but they needed someone because previous managers were steeling. I made a mistake and the write up they wanted me to sign said they would "ret... applies to Nevada  ·  0 answers

My company closed my home office while I was away on an expat assignment. Now they are pressuring me
My company closed my home office while I was away on an expat assignment. Now they are pressuring me to accept a change to my assignment and a new agreement that is less favorable to me. I am an Ameri... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I feel as though I am being retaliated against because I took an FMLA leave
On 7/2/09 I took a maternity LOA. On 8/4/09, I became eligible for FMLA. After some resistance and push back from my employer, my leave was finally designated as FMLA. My vacation pay was taken, but I... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  0 answers

Brief as I could be, Help me in Texas.
I've worked for my last boss for 5 yrs, the first 3yrs with no problems, promotions, annual increases, etc. When my company migrated all the business ofc's to one central location, he brought me over ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

What recourse does he have against false accusations of child porn and theft?
My husband worked for almost 5 years inside customers' homes all day, every day. After completing a 3.5 hour job during which he was in the attic and nearly every room, the customer accused him of ste... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

truth in hiring
On January 22, 2010 I was interviewed by a nursing supervisor of a homehealth agency I had applied to online just days before. I am an LPN. In 2003 my license was revolked due to a prescription drug c... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

Unpaid commission wages (employment contract breach), employee in Texas, employer in California
I live in Texas, but work for a California employer (public company). I am an executive with salary and commission structure as part of my compensation agreement, among other benefits. When repeatedly... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

What's the fml process for 2nd review of doctor verification?
On June 29 of last year I forgot to have another employee finish off 2 hours of my shift. I set out to travel stby and had a severe UC episode turned out laterto be severe hypokalemia so I returned ho... applies to Texas  ·  0 answers

Re: Discrimination - Am I too late? Is Union culpable, too?
I am a 44 year old professional female, a Union member, working for a major well-known corporation. I work in a male dominated field and women are outnumbered by men 4 to 1 at my location. There are 1... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Do I have legal recourse for breach of hiring contract
On January 22, 2010 I was interviewed by a nursing supervisor of a homehealth agency I had applied to online just days before. I am an LPN. In 2003 my license was revolked due to a prescription drug c... applies to Tennessee  ·  0 answers

I believe this company that hired me is fake and have been having me print illegal checks! Now they owe me half a month's wages and are refusing to pay up! This in turn caused me to do research of my own, thus leaving me to believe the whole thing is some
I applied to a job listing through indeed, and was contacted back by a woman named Rhonda Auciello. She asked me a series of questions regarding the position and my ability to do the job. After the se... applies to Maryland  ·  0 answers

change in conditions of employment case law
Company relocated causing employee of 17+ years to resign. Changes in the conditions of employment were pervasive and untenable for the following reasons: Distance to and from employer location increa... applies to Kansas  ·  0 answers

What can I expect from my ex-employer's unemployment appeal?
I was fired from my job on January 26th of this year. It was during an audit that my district manager fired me because as a cashier my drawer was turning up short quite a bit that month but I know for... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I was accused of sexual harassment against a female employee. I am a female. A happily married straight female.
I had worked for a major company up to April 9th. I am female accused of sexual harassment against another female. Everything was good. I was training in a certain location. The day before I was fired... applies to Indiana  ·  0 answers

Discrimination by district manager about driver's license
I began my job in April 2015 as a part-time sales associate. In September 2015 I was promoted by the store manager to a management position known as part-time Lead Sales Associate. At that time my dis... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Competition/trade secret issues
Dear Mel, Your site has proved to be most informative and I thank you for that. I'd like to map out my situation for you as succinctly as possible in hopes that you can provide me with some general ad... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I live in NC. I think I have a case of discrimination due to disability
I live in NC. I am on intermittent FMLA.  Right now I use crutches/wheelchair. My job title is being eliminated. I cant prove it, but most likely to rid them of those of us disabled in the position ... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Cal Labor Law Dispute Questions
Hi. An employee who I fired in September of 2002 filed a complaint with the California Labor Board for back over time pay and for 92.38 per day for 30 days in penalties. The employees name is Jody. Sh... applies to California  ·  1 answer

My former employer (one satellite office of a national non-profit corporation) has had me arrested for collaborating with the company controller to take forged paychecks. This is completely baseless. ... applies to Georgia  ·  1 answer

Age Discrimination
My name is Grady Lollis, I am 56 years old. I have work for a Company a total of 32 years. 17 of those years, I have worked at two of their overseas locations (Panama, and Cyprus), as a Field Engineer... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Do I have a valid case of employment discrimination?
I have been employed at a Healthcare Billing company for over 1 year. At the time of my hire, I was told by the Hiring Supervisor that there was much room for growth for a person with the level of exp... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Want to know the limits of companies I can accept offers with given a non-compete clause.
I was never given a copy, but got one from a laid off employee. The non-compete says for 18 months I can't become an employee of any business in competition with or similar to my company (software dev... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Discrimination, Wrongful Termination and Wage Dispute
My husband was terminated from ******* as a result of absences resulting from my ADA covered illness and hospitalization. Unfortunately, I was diagnosed with Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy Type 1 in 2005... applies to North Carolina  ·  0 answers

Non compete agreement
I am considering a job opportunity and my future employer is asking me to sign the following non-compete agreement. My question is can you review the agreement and let know how strong is the agreement... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I need to find an attorney to file a suit against my former employer who ganged up with my family in harassment, slander, retaliation and firing me over these lies related to a family members suicide. Now I suffer mental health issues and I'm currently ho
This innocent happened a while back. I had to work out what was done behind my back by myself and the slander was recently reinforced again. Slanderous lies continue to this day. Now I m homeless, bro... applies to Florida  ·  0 answers

Telling perspective employers that I threatened to kill my supervisor
Can a former employer tell a perspective employer that you made threats against other employees. I was terminated from a job after 5 years. I was given an exit interview at HR. Shortly after that I wa... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Release of harmful information
I have a situation I hope someone can advise me on. This is as brief as I could be. There are a lot of details. Earlier in the year, I was fired from a private company for what they decided was gross ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Did a co-worker defame me?
I was recently accused by a co-worker of harrassment and that she felt physically threatened by me. She went to human resources who found that her "proof" was not either. But do I have the right to sa... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

Recently I was an employee for a company. I gave my two week notice and went to a job that I thought was a better offer. I had been with the previous company for three years. They asked me to return s... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Can an employer send an email to an entire agency accusing a employee of making a statement when there are witnesses that the accused did not make the statement and calling the employee
During video conference call, some one call someone rude. No one is confessing but people assumed it was anew manager. That assumption was spread without confirmation and she responded in an agency wi... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Fired for a crime I didn't commit, for which they haven't a shred of proof.
I'm a server in an upscale restaurant who was recently fired for closing a check out in the wrong amount. My employer alleges this was intentional and fraudulent, even though it would've only been a n... applies to California  ·  1 answer

retaliation/harrassment for whistleblowing-county protected
in july i turned in friend of Administration and "one of their own" into fraud hotline for suspected theft,gross abuse/personal gain of baby supplies costing thousands of dollars to county. The person... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Young, dumb and fired/layedoff I'm not even sure they know
I've started talks with another lawyer just as advice (she's a friend; finding someone to handle my case). However I figured i'd give this a shot and maybe someone would be interested. I worked for Fu... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

What can an employer reveal about their employee to a possible new employer?
Before I begin, I would like to thank anyone who reads/answers my question for your time.I am unable to pay for a consultation, my husband and I live week to week-but I understand completely if you do... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Bad Referal
I have recently applied for a new job, listing my current job as a reference. When the new job called my place of employment, the manager falsely accused me of stealing from the company and being a ba... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Having a hard time finding a job.
What can a past employer say about you. When some one calls to varifies your dates of employment there? A past employer is giving more then dates and a yes or no if asked if he would hire me back. applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Rights in Ohio to your Personnel File after leaving.
Myself and others worked for a horrible person. She cannot keep any employees, she defames, pays people incorrectly, etc... Anyways, we are having a hard time finding jobs and we are getting phone cal... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can I sue for being falsely represented/quoted on Board Meeting Records?
There are records proving that my former employer falsely made me part of a Board of Directors and falsely quoted me on multiple Board Meeting Records without my knowledge. My former employer made it ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

This question is in regards to my father. He worked for an IT consulting company that assigned him to a large company where he worked for a couple of years. Last week they told him that a cleaning lad... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

unable to find new employment due to possible slander
my employer called me to his office in front of one of the executive manamgers and asked me if i was dumb with regard to a sales transaction i told him i dont know from dumb he asked the same question... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

mistreated and misjudged
is it legal for an employer to set up a video camera and not only tape the video,but also the audio without your permission? also, i was terminated because the father of my daughter did not want to pa... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

An employee terminated for just cause is accusing me of age and race discrimination
What can I do if I have be wrongfully accused of age and race discrimination? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Is there any action I am able to take for a client making a false statement about me to my employer?
Hello, I have worked on and off for for a large staffing agency for approximately 4 years. Most recently I had the opportunity to become a full time employee for the staffing agency. I began working f... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Review on Internet
Is posting a employment review on the Internet for the public to see illegal? applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

I have been working for a company for 2 years now. There is this 1 women who has just not liked me from the beginning and has made statements in meetings that I have illegal drugs in my locker and that they should search it, stating that she could smell m
Supervisor using power to attack and defame me. applies to Vermont  ·  1 answer

How can I stop my previous emplyer from changing the reasons I was terminated ?
I worked for a Gov't contractor and was terminated after 11 busniess days, the claim was I showed a pronographic photo to a coworker on my iphone, and I had a negitive attitude, and touch a contractor... applies to Virginia  ·  1 answer

Sexual Harassment - Gray area?
I was terminated by my large company (50,000 employees) two weeks ago because of a sexual harassment claim filed against me. I was a professional person with 19 years experience. an unblemished record... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Family members of the accused - retaliation
My question is simply this: What protections does a Whistleblower have against the accused's family members? The father of an accused wrongdoer is taking revenge for exposing his son's malicious behav... applies to California  ·  1 answer

former employer getting scary
I hope you dont mind. I have a question/problem... I was permanently laid-off by my employer om 3/1 She told me her husband wanted her to do the bkpg and didnt want to hire me in the first place. She ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I was looking for a new job and my employer found out about it brought me into a public forum in the kitchen bringing every employee in to the fray about 25 to 30 employees clapping her hands she being the owner of a to restaurant operation clapping her h
This is a fine dining restaurant in Clearwater Beach Florida that was opened in 1948 owned by a family they think they're very powerful and which they are and they treat employees like hell saying the... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

My employer is telling other employees that I talked about them in a text sent to another employee can they do this
My hr department is telling other coworkers that i sent texts to another employee that i was talking about them and trying to get them to wright statements against me can they do that? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I was recently terminated from my job due to a sexual harrassment claim.
I am trying to find out what my rights are as the accused. I was never made aware of any such accusation against me prior to being terminated and was only made aware of it on the day of termination, a... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  3 answers

Ex-employer telling others not to hire me.
I was recently laid-off from my job. There are many other employees that are below me as far as seniority and they are still employed with the company. Is there a law on the order that employers shoul... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Former employer making disparaging remarks and trying to impose non-compete after the fact
I resigned from my previous employer to accept a new position. In accepting the new position, I did NOT sign a non-compete agreement. Despite a strong and exceptional track record in my position, I wa... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

false statements that cause me to be fired
coworkers made false statements to cover there own mistakes. Now I'm being fired for abuse when I had nothing to do with the statements that are being said about me. The resident has made numerous fal... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

My former employers employees and upper management are falsely stating I was fired. Is this defaming
I chose to leave the largest insurance carrier in Florida after 3 years in order to open my own agency. I put in a 2 weeks notice and left on perfect terms. Never once was I written up, on the contrar... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

My co worker called me gay, do I have a lawsuit against him?
My co worker called me gay to another co worker, when I'm not. That co worker alerted me, and I alerted management. Can I sue him over it? I have already alerted management, and they wrote him up. applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Is this type of action considered deflamation
I was fired from my job in Aug. 2009, after being falsely accused of falsifying vehicle mileage reports. I have substantial proof my former employer is not being truthful (statement from accounts visi... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Hi MEL, 2 years ago I was laid off from company ABC. Now company XYZ, is a vendor for company ABC. XYZ hired me and notified ABC of this in August. My start day with XYZ was Oct 10. On Oct 13, ABC let... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Am I being blackballed?
I was recently at an interview where the interviewer called my previous employer and asked the question: "Why was he terminated?" She replied, "He had an attendance problem." --I heard her voice with ... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Wrongful termination, discrimination and retaliation
I have been recently denied employment because of information provided by preious employers. I have found that there are conflicting stories between background investigations done by two separate pote... applies to California  ·  2 answers

A Pickle
I am a systems engineer with my firm. My company recently tested their employees product knowledge with a series of exams. The first exam was for systems engineers, about 40 people. During this exam o... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Can A Previous Employer Make Extraordinary Attempts To Prevent Someone From Obtaining New Job?
I was fired from a job last March. Reasons given were completely false. Employer attempted to fight unemployment. When confronted that he lied, he backed down, allowed the unemployment. Now, when I am... applies to Colorado  ·  1 answer

How do I protect my professional reputation before I am "set up" to be fired??
I am the director of a PA nonprofit organziation. I have done a fine job going above and beyond my job description throughout my 1 year of employement despite an apathetic and unaccountable board of d... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  3 answers

I have proof they are giving negative comments from the job I hired to prove their negat
I have been a very good employee for a very good friend of mine for the past 10 years. I don't have medical/dental benefits. I began a job search, my employer (friend knew of this, I had nothing to hi... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Post Employment Harassment
Hi, I am writing this on behalf of my mom. She worked for a very small company for about 13-14 years as an office manager. She was in-charge of most financial related items including receiving cash fr... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Is Ohio a Neutral Reference State?
I am trying to find out if Ohio law permits Neutral References for past employment. I understand that this means that only dates of employment and last position held is the only information that will ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

If a coworker talks or test about another is that deformation of character
I'm a new store manager to a company I start here about a month ago. And I recently found out that one of the associates is texting the manager that was there before me. this associate texts my everym... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Expungement of disciplinary records of past employers
Is it legal for me to have disciplinary records expunged from past employers? If so, how do I go about doing it? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can my employer not give me my last paycheck and vacation time?
I was laid off due to a position elimination two weeks ago. My old employer has asked me to complete some files which I have agreed to. I do not have access to a printer so I can not print the forms t... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Employer Smoking Ban
My employer is implementing a no smoking policy everywhere on the premises including outside the building and the parking lot. Can they legally implement if the property is not owned by the company, i... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I was cleared of charges that I harassed a co-worker. The case was cleared by our HR, board members and Hr consulting firm. But knowing this worker she most likely will not let it go. What are my rights. I really don't want to be on pins and needles for t
A worker told staff on her way out the door "don't forget I'm not here tomorrow." She in fact did not tell her co-workers of the day off. As assistant director I sent out an email to all staff to remi... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can an employer force a transfer w/o compensation?
I was hired in Plant A as a non exempt employee. When times are tough in Plant A, the company requires a couple employees to transfer to Plant B indefinitely(usually a few months but some people have ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can I sue for my employer leaking information?
My employment was terminated approximately 1 year ago. I have always heard that it was illegal for an employer to discuss terms and reasons for termination with other employees, however, I recently me... applies to California  ·  2 answers

my employer told another employee that i was committing fraud to unemployment insurance
A fellow employee told me our boss told her in a private meeting that I was attempting to perpetrate unemployment insurance fraud. This is a falsehood. Is this slander? When I confronted my boss and t... applies to Washington  ·  1 answer

Wrrongful termination
I was fired for " misappropriating company funds" which I did not do. I was accussed of stealing money. I have worked with this company for 4 years. I feel I was actually fired because I was 5 months ... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Bad Language
Could you tell me where to find information on your webiste regarding fowl language? (A supervisor cursing at an employee.) Thank you for your time. applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Forced overtime
I am an "at will" employee who's schedule is 7:30 - 4:30 m-f. I have been told that I am required to be at my desk with my voice mails listened to and my emails read and ready to take a call at 7:30. ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Terminated and Defamed
The plant that I had worked for for 29+ years was in serious trouble. I went to the Personnel Manager. I expressed my concerns about the current Plant Managers' ethics and abilities. I gave examples a... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Disparaging/False Statements in Performance Review
Hello, Recently, I received a 6 month performance review which stated that I had met all of my performance standards on the form part and went on to state very disparaging and false things in the narr... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

In my company handbook it states we frequently post open positions. I have been with the company foe almost 4 years. There is someone who was promoted 2 times-they did not post the job opening and give anyone who is qualified the opportunity to apply for
Can I sue my employer for not posting an open position and giving me the opportunity to apply for it. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Harassment and now disparaging remarks by the CFO
I live in NorthWest Tennessee. I was harassed in my job as H. R. Director by the CFO for approximately 6 weeks until I finally spoke up to her on Aug. 16, 2000. She yelled at me to get my stuff and le... applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

Harassment and now disparaging remarks by the CFO
I live in NorthWest Tennessee. I was harassed in my job as H. R. Director by the CFO for approximately 6 weeks until I finally spoke up to her on Aug. 16, 2000. She yelled at me to get my stuff and le... applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

Resignation or Severance Pay
my job role/ responsibilites have recently changed for the worse, and my question is: if my employer proposes a new position within the company (lateral move), and i choose not to accept the position,... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I was working under a W2 on a 6 month contract. When the contract ended I took another position on a night shift. After 2 weeks I can no longer continue working these hours, can I still claim unemployment from my previous employer?
Both positions were on W2's and I would be leaving the second job of my own accord. applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can an employer refuse to give you unpaid days off and use the excuse that you do not have enough PTO to take off?
I have an employer that will not give me time off that was already approved at 1point saying now I no longer have enough PTO. applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

I am full time hourly plus commission employee.i am going to be offered part time hourly or straight commission which I cannot survive on. Can I file for unemployment in either case
I am a full time hourly plus commission employee. I am being cut to part time or straight commission. I cannot survive on that 2 children. Can I file for uemployment. applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Property stolen from workplace
I was asked by my employer to use my personal notebook computer in my office because of their lack of equipment. It was locked in my office each night with my boss and I having the only key. After 2 m... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Now if they take PTO for mandatory overtime on Saturdays, do they have to pay that time and a half?
Okay so they have the right to do that, but how can they use PTO for mandatory overtime? When PTO is for straight time. Would they have to pay it time and a half? applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Do you have to qualify for 1250 hours twice if you have 2 conditions?
I have more than one fmla condition on file, and have used both conditions in the past. Now my attendance manger is saying that i have to have 1250 hours for both conditions in order to use them both.... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

I am seriously thinking of retiring at the end of this FY which is June 30th. If I give this notice today what might my employer do? If I am let go earlier could I collect unemployment?
I know it will be difficult to replace me in 30 days and I do like my manager and want to give them enough time to fill the position and transition - I expect I will give notice at the end of March gi... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I was fired from my job. And i was expecting my check they hold back at the beginning. It never came. 2 weeks later, they hired me back. But i was still expecting the held back check because they said they had terminated me. I never got it, so if i happen
This is a state ran facility. And my mistake made the owner have to be investigated by the state. He didn't like that. Supposedly state said i should be suspended, but he fired me then. While waiting ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Reversal of Bonus on Last Paycheck
My final paycheck dated 10/16/2003 reflected $1.00 and included the following note from the owner/employer: As you know you were paid in good faith 2 bonuses for August. Your individual bonus was real... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Can my supervisor get maintenance to unlock my desk and go through my papers as well as take all my mail and go through it without me present. Also did not return my mail
In new your under federal position applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Doctors recommendation not sufficient
Turned in FMLA paperwork to HR director who told me it was not sufficient taking 12 weeks off after delivery as doctor stated. Told me I need a medical excuse for taking 12 weeks. Correct me if I'm wr... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Is there a federal law that allows management to remove nonexempt employees from federal service for taking overtime and all exempt employees to remain employed when they take overtime?
I was the timekeeper technician that input timesheets into the DISA system for federal employees, but there were 18 supervisors that gave me the timesheets for employees they supervised as well as the... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

This job was a non union position.
After 13 years and 11 months of service,my supervisory position was eliminated in March of 2003,and filled by a younger employee making less money as a team leader. At the time of being let go I was 4... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

What am i required to pay someone who works for commisssion after they leave
i have just been given notice that my construction manager is leaving. he is paid a base salary plus commission. the commission is pad at the end of the job, after completion and customer is satisfied... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

If a employee in the state of Texas, still in their 90 day probation period is a no call no show, can the employer revert their final paycheck to minimum wage?
State of Texas, employee was a no call no show after about 3 weeks of employment, still in probation period. Can employer revert last paycheck to minimum wage due to employee no call no show so compan... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Would I be eligable under both situations employer is making me choose?
I am full time and my company is going through a merger where we were bought out by an out if state company. My supervisor is asking each member of my team to chose hour reduction (Full Time to Part T... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Do sales commissions figure into minimum wage?
I get paid a monthly salary of $1100 for 40 hrs per week. I receive commissions every month for new sales. Do the commissions count as part of the minimum wage obligation of my employer? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Salaried time requirements
Is there a limitation to the hours that can be required of a salaried employee? Is it governed by level of pay and responsibilities of the job? If so, where would I find this information? applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Can Employer insist on 45 hrs for non exempt?
I am Non exempt (Net Admin) but My employer demands 45 Plus hours a week even if the job does not require it. He makes a point that slary increases are withheld if hours are not over 45 average per we... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

How to obtain a release for non-complete agreement
My potential new job has a contingency on obtaining a release of their companies name from my present employers non-compete agreement. New position will be in a completely different market (Aerospace)... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

can an employer demad an exept employe o wrk 150 hours in 10 days
as a salaried computer programmer was told today 2 das before vacation that I woul be required twrk 150 in next three weeks. Then reminded them of the vacation time about to start that they had forgot... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

fired due to two ins companys fighting who going to pay
i have two ins companys fighting over my claim. they keep stalling on who is going to take the blame.its been 1 1/2 years now. just the other day my company fired me for too much time missed. what are... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Changing Attorneys
I am currently represented by an attorney on a contingency basis on an employment law case; however, I want to use a different attorney. This subject is not addressed in the signed agreement. Can I ad... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

I am due to have heart surgery on 9/3. Short term disability doesn’t pay but $170 weekly. Can my employer lay me off so I can collect unemployment during this time? I’d that legal?
I am having heart surgery on 9/3 and will be on short term disability. Is it possible for my employer to lay me off do as I may collect unemployment during this time as well? Is it legal for them to d... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I was discharged from my managment position and offered a minimum wage job. How do I not accept the
I was an assistant Marketing Director. I was discharged and a man was hired and started the next day. I was given no reason. I asked if I was fired and my boss said no we have a minimum wage position ... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

My employers are trying to terminate me from my position, due to the fact that I have END Stage renal disease.
My employers are trying to terminate me from my position, due to the fact that I have END Stage renal disease. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I worked 7 days straight 8 hours a day i also worked on the 8th day start of new pay period do i get pd over time for my 8th day also?
My pay period is from sunday- Saturday i worked straight from sunday through sunday 8 hour days do i get pd overtime for my 8th day also? even if it starts a new pay period? applies to Minnesota  ·  1 answer

Can an employer prevent a part-time employee from working at an additional job?
Our company just instituted a new employee ethics policy that prohibits full and part time employees from working at any other employer without prior senior management approval. As the workforce is 80... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

if i settled a discrimination lawsuit and a portion was done as wages and balance was considered the pain and suffering would I be rightfully listed as 'self employed contractor' and required to pay all taxes even the employer portion ?
I had a settlement paid out to me and had two different checks one of which the employer did pay check as if back pay and the second portion was considered I believe the pain and suffering (can't reme... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Changing Attorneys
I am currently represented by an attorney on a contingency basis on an employment law case; however, I want to use a different attorney. This subject is not addressed in the signed agreement. Can I ad... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer


my employer hasnt paid me a raise in two years is this legal?
see above applies to California  ·  1 answer


Can I not take the job and still collect unemployment while I continue looking for another job?
My employer laid me off. I have been on unemployment now for 2 weeks. They have now called and offered me a different position with a smaller pay. The new job requires me to be on my legs for 8 hours ... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

Non-compete as part of termination/severance agreement
I was a Vice President at a small company and was recently terminated from my position (not for cause...part of a business restructuring). The company is paying me severance, but in order to receive t... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

grounds for relief
I was told that I would be given a job in DEC98. I did not start working with them until JUN98. During the first week I was given a no compete contract and compelled to sign it. I was unable to have a... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

My boss has been upset with me for a couple of months basically doing anything he can to get under my skin. He knows that I am the only one in the family working so I took on a part time job which in ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

My son works construction in ky he works 50 to 80 hours a week he tried talking to his employer telling them he couldn't keep up with being a full time online student and ask for help arranging hours or not working so many they told him education wasn't a
His employer won't even speak to him about it and he works hard pouring concrete every day six and seven days a week sometimes 80 plus hours a week. applies to Kentucky  ·  1 answer

I'm not certified but I run shifts but myself I'm not getting manger pay
Is this against the law applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

promises, promises,promises = SNAKES
I worked with a residential home builder. After my 90 day probation, my immediate supervisor called me on a Friday afternoon to tell me what a great job I was doing,and to make my weekend a better wee... applies to Nevada  ·  1 answer

Temp employee discrimination complaint
I was employed through a temporary agency with a large telecommunications industry as a temporary employee. Do I have the right to file a discrimination complaint with EEO against that company even th... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

deducting taken paid vacation from wages
I understand I am an "at will" employee. This is my second year working for the company. My manager has told me consistently throughout this year that I have two weeks of paid vacation. He has showed ... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

I recently failed probation for the Ca State.i am on UI. On appeal,employer wants letter of resignation. Will this result in payback to UI?
State of Ca. I appealed and received UI. Would I have to payback UI I have collected? applies to California  ·  1 answer

can a skelly hearing be scheduled 2 days after receiving notice?
I received notice of proposed dismissal on June 2, 2015 and am told my skelly hearing is this afternoon, June 4th. Is this legal? shouldn't I get at least a few days to prepare? applies to California  ·  1 answer

Employer breaking signed contract
I moved from California to Ohio to take a job with a local car dealership as a mechanic. I had a signed 1 year contract with the service manager stating that they would pay for my specific training wi... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Former employer giving info to 3rd party
I am a loan officer in AZ and recently left one company to go to another. My previous employer has called an appraiser that we have both worked with, and told him many personal lies: What my gross inc... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

I am being asked to resign or be terminated. What are my rights?
I have been working at my job for 5 months and my boss has told me that she does not think I am the right fit for this position. I spoke with HR and he said I can resign with 4 weeks notice and get my... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can employers put requirements on FMLA maternity
I am 5 months pregnant, I am due to have my baby in November. At that time will only be employed at my employer for 9 months. They have told me that in order for me to qualify through them for FMLA I ... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Can my employer open up an FMLA claim for me without my approval after an on the job injury?
As a flight attendant my friend had an on the job injury, and after a few weeks found out that her airline opened an fmla claim on her behalf instead of workmans comp. Please advise. applies to New York  ·  2 answers

Non-compete issue
My wife worked as a sales rep for one year with a local radio station. After she began with the radio station she was asked to sign a contract that included a non-compete amongst several other things.... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Additional Duties not within Job Description with No Additional Compensation
Can an employer force their employee to take on additional duties NOT in their job description without compensating them? If not, can they eliminate the employee's current position and lay them off, i... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Is it legal to accept a position in client's office, after signing a non-compete?
My husband signed a non-compete statement at the beginning of his employment. He as recently been offered an in-house position by a client. The client will no longer use his current company regardless... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Can an employment lawyer help me with issues like health benefits and 401k package ?
I have been employed for this company for almost 13 years. I have been paying for medical/dental benefits and into a 401k package. A couple years ago I filed a Workers Comp case (which still hasn't se... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Company closure over Holidays
If an employer closes their buisiness for two days over a holiday, are they required to pay their saleried employees for both days? Can they require the employees to use vacation or sick time in order... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I was laid off in Nov 2016 with a call back date in april 2017. Will i still get my vacation days coming, March 28th, of 2 weeks or did i lose that because i was laid off but remained on schuele. Thanxs! Note: upon return(s) after layoffs, other employyee
See above applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Disciplined for telling cubemates I felt excluded when they speak Spanish?
There are 3 of us working in cubicles in close proximity. My 2 coworkers are both bilingual, English and Spanish. I only speak English. I have been friends with one for more than 3 years, even attendi... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can a past RMO recieve unemployment compensation
Hello, I recently disassociated myself from a construction company in which I was the RMO (Responsible managing Officer of the corporation). I was given this title about 4 months ago, but the people I... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Unpaid wages from temp agency
This is a tricky one. I have gone to mediation and the small claim is going to trial. I worked for a temp agency that placed me at a trash company from 12/06-7/08. I was requested to keep my own times... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Does bankruptcy mean I lose severance?
I was laid off from an IPO start up company on Dec 18, 2000 during this time I signed an agreement stating I would be paid for my remaining vacation time and 2 weeks severance pay. The company filed C... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Does bankruptcy mean I lose severance?
I was laid off from an IPO start up company on Dec 18, 2000 during this time I signed an agreement stating I would be paid for my remaining vacation time and 2 weeks severance pay. The company filed C... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

Is a non-compete still valid if one isn't a W-2 by competitor, but a 1099?
I have a non-compete through August of 2017. A competitor is looking to hire me, although via a 1099, not as a W-2 employee. Does that make any difference in the non-compete? applies to Virginia  ·  1 answer

Can I be fired for poor performance on a job that I wasn't hired to do?
Can I be fired for poor performance on a job that I wasn't hired to do? My company went through a re-structure last year and our job responsibilities and titles changed. This change required that I ex... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I was approved for my FMLA, now my employer is requesting me to release my medical records. Can they do this? In New York.
I have cronhs and have been approved for my FMLA, now they told me to sign a medical release form. Do I have to? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My girlfriend has had a series of unfortunate events occur- unexpected surgery, auto repair issues, and threatening weather issues. The employer has tried to take shifts and write her up for some of these even though she had given immediate notification t
Most recently on her day off she tried to repair her car through an appointment but the mechanic had a heart attack and had to reschedule, due to the state of her car when she went in for a quick repa... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Contract got cancelled in 1 week when I signed an initial contract for 4 months
Hello, I was offered a contract position at ABC Corp and I started working there. After a week when I submitted my timesheet, my manager told me that my contract wasnt fully approved. He thought it wa... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can I fight this evening if I'm in CA. with a new employer?
Worked as Manager for co. that relocate to CO. in May from CA. Did go to CO. for two monthes was informed about relocation cost would be covered if stayed for a year or given credit for every month st... applies to California  ·  1 answer

paycheck stubs handled outside of human resources
I was recently laid off with severance as my position was eliminated from the company's organizational structure. Working in Information Technology, it is normal procedure to remove an employee on the... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

If I subcontract labor can I perform the same type of job as the contracted labor?
I need to hire contract labor to take up overflow that I cannot get to. In doing so I was told, under federal law, I cannot perform the same task anymore. True? applies to California  ·  1 answer

I'm going out on FMLA for possibly 2 reasons...can I do that?
I am a male nurse (the only one on my are female..the other male left too for same reason) and since the arrival of my new, also female (never an issue w prev boss) manager I have been cons... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Can my employer obligate me to pay tuition for a required class upfront?
My employer is asking me to pay upfront for tuition for a class that was a job requirement, and then submit the cost of the class for reimbursement. The payment has to be made to the school (which is ... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

I was hired and worked for two weeks and was let go will I still get paid for those two weeks
they felt I wasn't pickig up quickly enough applies to New Jersey  ·  1 answer

Terminated for having baby
During the last week of my maternity leave, my boss called me at home to inform me that he was going to have to "let me go" because " with the baby we don't feel that you'll be able to give us everyth... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can my employer change my position from part time to full time
I have been working at my company for 10 years. The last 5 of those years have been part time (24 hrs per week). I was told on Monday that they no longer want part timers and that I can come full time... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

can an employer force you to do the job you did before you got hurt on the job
what if i told that i cant do the job i did before i got hurt and cant lift heavy applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I have a bully director and i'm leaving at the end of June. Can I submit a complaint to HR about him the day I leave? Thanks
Same applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can my employer change my rate of pay?
When I first hired I was given paperwork saying my company would pay be $40,000 per year. After my sixth month review (Note I was hired in Jan., and my 6 month review was done in Oct), they said they ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

company that I was enployed for just finished buy out process. New ownership has eliminated my position and offerd me a different job which I have refused. I do have a letter from previous employer that states I've been terminated. Can I qualify for unemp
Was terminanted from my privious employer because they sold it. New owners have eliminated my position and have offer me a position that is not suitable on what I was doing before, so I turned down. L... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Commission Deduction
Can an employer 3 days before a pay period tell the employee that they are going to take a certain amount off on each commission deal simply because they dont want to pay that high of commission on ea... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Is it an Equal Pay violation to pay a bonus to one employee and not the other in the same position?
I was hired 2 1/2 years ago in a management position. There are two of us at the location that share the same management title and we have the same job description. When I was hired, I was paid 20% le... applies to Kentucky  ·  1 answer

Time clock hours don't count
Our company has a policy of rounding all time clock entries by 10 minutes in their favor. So, all of us could be donating as much as 20 minutes each day to the company. It really becomes a problem whe... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Mandatory Overtime for Straight Time Pay
Can an employer require MANDATORY overtime without paying overtime pay (time and a half) because an employee does not have the minimum of 40 hours regular time due to PTO or vacation days in that week... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Am I eligible for unemployment?
I was offered a job at a distant location for less pay and part-time. I was full-time. They also offered a severance for 9 weeks pay. They informed me that my position was eliminated a week after havi... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Exempt Status
Hello, If you ask your employer what your status is, exempt or Non-exempt are they required to tell you? If they are what can you do if your employer refuses to tell you? Because it will raise questio... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

I was hired by a company and have been employeed for 6 months. When I was hired I was under the assumption that it was permanent late on I find out that I must meet all metrics before being considered for certification the pressure for excellence is makin
Same as above applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I worked in homecare, the client is now deceased. Prior, i wanted to leave for another job but my employer asked me to stay on. He died in September and i was given a bonus and later applied for unemployment but unemployment do not want to pay me. We are
My client died and i was given a bonus payment, i later filed for unemployment and was denied. Prior, i was going to leave and my employer promised to give me this bonus so im shocked now that unemplo... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Unlawful layoff
I was layed off from a start-up company 3 months ago. The reason for the lay-off was a reduction of force due to economic downturn. But, in fact they hired another engineer to take my place approx. 1 ... applies to California  ·  3 answers

Unemployment benfits for quitting
I have worked for for same company 15 yrs. As a Quality Manager. 2 years ago we were bought by large corp. The turnover has been trememndous. I am doing mutiple jobs, working 12-14 hrs a day. We have ... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

I'm in Florida and have been told that my job ends on 6/30; they are offering us severance in a lump sum, following the 60 day WARN period which begins July 1. If I find employment between 7/1 and 8/31 (the WARN period), will it invalidate my right to a s
Job is being relocated, not discontinued, but the company is offering a lump sum payout, following a 60 day WARN period, which will begin 7/1/15. If I accept a position during this 60 days, are they s... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Concialiation in a discrimination case
Hi, I recentely received a "reasonable cause letter" from the EEOC, the agency found that it is more likely than not that my employer discriminated and retaliated against me, it states the reasons for... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Promotion with a promised raise after 3 months
I was prompted to a supervisor and was promised a raise after 3 months in position. An email was sent out to the organization announcing my promotion , I have emailed HR, and have escalated this to up... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Rape and retaliation for reporting it in the Army - Please help.
I was in the army as of yesterday .I have had a rough way to go with the service . My first sergent raped me and when I came forward i was punished and suffered many reprisals . i need an attorney the... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

If I get a severance package and reach my severance date and then get a different job in the same company do I have to pay back the severance pay
The new job is one I got by applying and interviewing it was not part of or discussed at severance. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Ohios min wage law
I am a sales manager at an automobile dealership. With the new Ohio minumum wage laws our dealer says we all must now punch a time card to have accurate dealings with the law. I read the law as saying... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

TWC files lien for employees back wages
My employer owes me back wages of approx. 6k. I filed with TWC who found in my favor and TWC has filed a lien on the company for my wages. TWC says there is nothing else that can be done other than pu... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Standards for timeliness (tardiness)
Can an employer in NC require there employees to come in early (unpaid) in order not to be late. For example I would have to come in early 10 minutes every day in order to account for the day unpredic... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

After resignation, can I still utilize an intermittent FMLA benefit?
After resigning almost 4 weeks ago, I have had to use intermittent sick time for a previously approved FMLA of which I qualified for, was approved and also have a certification of healthcare provider ... applies to Connecticut  ·  1 answer


Did my supervisor violate my privacy under Hipaa and FMLA?
In confidence I shared my medical condition with my manager who in turn googled this and told co-workers based on her "research" I was capable of working - no testing was available to diagnosis. My FM... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Do I qualify for unemployment benefits?
I receive a pension from the State Teachers Retirement System. For the past 5 and 1/2 years I have worked parttime for a non-profit organization. We have been told our division is closing down by late... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

With less than 12 mos. employed am I entitled to FMLA for newborn if I wait until 12 mos. w/company?
Since the entitlement to take FMLA for the birth of a baby expires 12 months after the birth of the baby, can I take a leave under FMLA to care for my newborn, if I do not attain 12 months of employme... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can I contact my employee's doctor if he is exhibiting unacceptable behavior?
The company in question is very small (6 employees), and all employees are friendly and open about personal issues. One employee is on medication for an anxiety disorder. When he doesn't take his medi... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Employer's right to medical information
Approximately 8 months ago my employer sent a form to each employee for the employee to itemize what prescription drugs they were using, including dosages and times. Supposedly, every time an employee... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

Hello, Can you please answer a question for me. I have worked for a company for 3 years. Another company recently acquired us on 6/27. We will be on their payroll starting 7/24. They gave us an offer letter that basically says our role will not be continu
Hello, If we sign this offer letter(which we have really no choice) are we still able to collect unemployment in PA after 12/27? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can a employer after you have been working hourly change it to salary? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Long Term Disability
I have been on Long Term Disability from my employer since 11/21/00. I no longer have a gurantee job status and my LTD ends 11/21/02. Can I ask for servance pay ? I have been employed for 20 years at ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

disparate impact?
After a co-worker quit his job we started dating (we worked together). My boss found out we were dating and fired me. There is no rule discouraging this behavior and other co-workers are dating. Is th... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

California: If I was in the middle of my probationary period and quit before the end of my probationary period, am I still entitled to my pay?
California: If I was in the middle of my probationary period and quit before the end of my probationary period, am I still entitled to my pay? I get paid biweekly, and I was wondering if I should give... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can I be denied FMLA if I go over the amount of days stated on the form? Also do I have to resubmit
I was approved for FMLA for a duration of one year. The doctor stated the FREQUENCY 1-3 times per month and the DURATION 8 hours per episode. Can I be denied FMLA if I go over the amount of days state... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Salary and Hourly Differences
What is the difference between salary and hourly? Is it just based on overtime differences? If you leave an hour early when you're a salaried employee, can the employer deduct that hour from your sala... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Denied Unemployment Despite Lack of NEEDED JOB Experience at HIRE.
I was term'd in my first 90 days. I was denied UE benefits because they had "just cause" under Section 4141.29(D)(2)(a), Ohio Revised Code. So stated my appeal and original determinations. I took the ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Breach of contract
i'm in sales, and i signed an offer letter that stated salary plus commission at 3% with no minimum amount. then my employer comes back stating that i have to get 25,000 a month to bonus. I finally do... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Employee Intellectual Property/Confidentiality/Non-Solicitation Agreement
I worked for company "A" for almost seven years in sales when it was sold at the end 2006. When job offers were made by the buyout company we had to sign an "Employee Intellectual Property/Confidentia... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Lay off and relocation of position
Our company is laying off our department with severance (and WARN Act notice). They are relocating the positions to S. California. They recently posted the new positions with a higher job title, grade... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Want to open own tax service as situation has changed drastically.
Have worked for a franchise for 18 years, which was doing business as ****. Feb. 1 of last year, the owner passed away. It was writting that he's sister who had been manager for 28 years was to get th... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Our employer states if we do not sign out at the end of the day, employees will only be paid until lunch. Legal??
We must sign in and out every day. If we do not sign out, we have been notified that we will only be paid until lunch. applies to Texas  ·  4 answers

Do I have a case if I was hired under false pretense and am now being discriminated against?
I have a two-part question: do I have a case if my supervisor recruited me under false pretense and is now discriminating against me as the only black fairly young member of his team? My supervisor re... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Chose not to renew employment contract, am I eligible for unemployment?
in PA company was sold, but I signed a contract w/new owner to help him for two weeks (renewable if agreed by both parties). I chose not to renew, and he never offered. Am I now not eligible for unemp... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Terminated before probation period ended
When a person is terminated during a 9 month probation period, note the probation period does not end until 10/18/00 and termination is to be 10/6/00 because employer states that employee has been una... applies to All States  ·  1 answer

Holding Hostage
I posted a question last week and recieved usefull feedback, but have run into yet another situation with my law firm upon termination..and demand of a resignation letter. I received a voice mail mess... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Do I have a harrassment case?
Dear Mel; I am a top-performing sales exec for an advertising company, with an 11 year track record. I am a 36 year old man, and am single. Lately my sales success has been exceptional. I have a new s... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Previously submitted question.
I submitted a question a week ago (2/21/03), and as of yet, there has been no answer. Is someone going to answer my question? I may be operating under a deadline; I really need an answer. applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

can your boss give you a written counseling for an issue that you came to them about a week prior?
I am a dept. Supervisor in a retail store. We have a night & morning freight crew. I am the night supervisor. Last week I went to my store mgr addressing an issue of the morning crew not finishing up ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Employment related
Dear Sir, It has been couple of months I left my company, but they did not do any final settlement for me. They owe me approx $40k. They discriminated against American employees and salary wise too. T... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Can I be forced to participate in after hours social events?
My boss uses the fact that I won't participate in after hour social events (drinking at bars etc) on my annual reviews which affects my pay. What recourse do I have (if any)? applies to California  ·  1 answer

Each year we have shut down during holiday time. Some times it is four weeks or five and others it could be three weeks depending on business. This year our client is renovating,and some of our employ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

how do you fight a union that says nothing to grieve?
retail grocery-front end manager-in union-8 years-union book says cannot demote without just cause-they tranfered and demoted me- in title -not salary-they say i have nothing to grieve and its not a d... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Release of information
What type of information may we give out to a potential employer seeking for information on a terminated employee in the state of Illinois? I was under the impression that we were only allowed to give... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Can a boss pay employees cash for per deim?
This employer has been paying his employees late (2 wks or more) with cash when payroll checks bounce. Once the payroll checks started bouncing, he started paying per deim in cash. He usually shorts h... applies to California  ·  2 answers

My employer has withheld payment and bounced paychecks. Can I resign immediately?
My employer has bounced 3 paychecks in 12 months and has delayed payment several times as well. The company is in obvious financial distress and I wish to leave. Can I resign immediately without givin... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

At Will Employer
if an employee lives and works in CA but the corporate office is in PA, do PA laws apply, specifically, "At Will" applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

My company pays for overtime but strongly discourages it and prefers their employees to flex. Can my company force me to flex if I want to claim overtime instead?
My boss emailed me that I need to confirm with her about claiming overtime and that I should utilize flex time instead. I usually claim all my overtime and it seems to be an issue as i'ts very discour... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

contracts, Pennsylvania
Reading, PA. I about to sign a contract. Does the following terminology from the termination section of the contract mean that I have to stay the full time even in an "at will" state? 'Termination by ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  5 answers

Got severance, denied unemployment. Can I win?
I am being denied unemployment because the company has stated that I was discharged, but I was told I was laid off. -I worked for a subsidiary company in with 65 employees with a much larger parent co... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Quitting job based on salary misrepresentation, is it "just cause"
I have a job in sales. When I was hired they quoted me an "average" salary I could expect based on commision. In reality I am making less than half of that amount. Is this reason "just cause" to quit ... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

Employee assaulted by Boss on the job
I am a Projects Specialist for the City. On Wednesday Dec. 17 my boss called me into his office upset over an harassment charge I had filed with Human Resources. He called the incident chicken s##t, t... applies to California  ·  2 answers

"insubordination" to an officer of same rank.
I was terminated by a county sheriff for "insubordination" to an officer of the same rank as myself. In our contract with the county it says only a supervisor can give a "lawful" order, and that the c... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Am I eligible?
I have been very recently terminated from my previous full-time employer of 3 years because of an accidental firearm discharge (self-inflicted wound) on company property, NOT during regular business h... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Thank you!
applies to Washington  ·  1 answer

Discrimination/wrongful termination
I have been discriminated against as well as wrongfully terminated. I was recently terminated from my Supervisor position. The reasons stated on the termination letter (which I can prove to be false) ... applies to California  ·  3 answers

lies in job offer
I was hired a little over a year ago by a company and have a copy of the job offer that I signed that stated my pay as hourly amount or commission whichever is greater, starting 5 days prior to my sta... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Foreign state non-compete
During the course of my previous employment, I signed two mid-term non-compete agreements (each on the occasion of round of VC financing). The company I worked for is in Massachussets. I was a residen... applies to California  ·  3 answers

Hi good afternoon. My former employer sent me letter stating that i am subject for dismissal. My concern is, i already gave them my resignation letter last December 28,2019 and my last day was January 28,2020.. The letter was sent today, february 18,2020.
My eployer refuses to give me certificate of employment and clearance because they are blaming me for the lost of their client. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Contract position for 1 year, clause stating may not leave before then
I am thinking about taking a long term temporary position with a staffing company. However, I was told I would have to sign an agreement that I would not leave the position for one year for any other ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

when I apply for unemployment and I've worked for the same place for 1 1/2 yrs but it was sold part way through my employment, how do I enter that in my UI claim forms?
Am I supposed to record the entire time I worked in the same place, or only since the new owners have owned it? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can a company make you self employed?
I was hired as a security guard for a private security company in Texas and have just found out that the company isnt taking the taxes out of the guards checks and is making us file as though we are s... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete Dilema
I am an employee of an IT consulting firm and have been placed at a client site for two years. When I started with the firm, I signed a non-compete stating that I would not go back to this client for ... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

One of my fellow assistant managers checked my phone without permission and cleared a notification while I left it charging. What can I do?
I left my phone locked face down charging and when I came back I was flipped up side and I didn't realize until later that an email notification had been erased from the notification screen. What can ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Employer asking me to violate their own trade secret aggreement.
Two years ago my employer had me sign a non-compete and a trade secrets agreement. However, since then my employer has repeatedly asked me to violate the trade secrets agreement (and possibly the non-... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

job titles and duties
applies to Georgia  ·  1 answer

Should I file my weekly unemployment claims during the four weeks I will get severance pay?
I was laid off end of November 2015 in OHIO. I immediately applied for unemployment. I will also receive 4 weeks of Severance Pay, allocated through December. My weekly severance pay will be greater t... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Regarding non-compete agreement. I would like to join the client as a contractor with the same middle-man company, who currently put me on this project from company C. I had signed non-compete agreeme... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Laid off
Hi, could not find anything related to my cituation. Just got laid off, been employee for 5 years. The reason they gave was elimination of my position as a result of re-org but in the same time I know... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

Non-Compete Length of Service
If I enter into a non-compete agreement with a new employer, is there a typical amount of time that I would need to stay employed by that company in order for it to be binding, enforceable? For instan... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Iam 60 yrs old, employed with same company for 24 yrs as an Exec Admin, . Last 18 mos my position has been HR specialist. Six weeks ago I was told my job was being eliminated. I was informed I had two... applies to California  ·  1 answer

i quit my job i received my final paycheck, but i earned sales commission and did not get paid, is this legal?
I worked for Cintas corp as a service sales rep.I quit my job, i received my final paycheck. during the month of august we had a sales contest in which I added product(commission) to my route also my ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

demanding that severance be returned
My wife was recently laid off. As part of the process she signed a severance aggreement/ contract and recieved her severance. A couple weeks later she was offered another position within the same comp... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Does a revised (not signed) non compete clause void an old (signed) one?
I signed a non compete clause in 2007. In the fall of 2010 they revised their handbook and came out with a new non compete clause. I did not sign that one. I would like to know if that old one is void... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

Contract change
I am employed by a Chicago based IT Consulting company since November 2002. Now, my employer wants me to sign an agreement that if I leave without giving 30 days notice I will have to pay $15,000.00 a... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

Statute of limitations on repayment of signing bonus to former employer
Is there a statute of limitations on how long a former employer has to demand repayment of a signing bonus. I live in Indiana and it has been two years since I left my former employer, who is now aski... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

What is law for between terms for school teachers if laid off from full time job?
applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

No severance offered after position eliminated
My position was eliminated due to budget restructuring. My letter of termination stated it was a company decision and was through no fault of my own. I was told my pay and position effectively ended r... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Typical Length of Time at one client
I have a quick question regarding the testing for independent contractor v. Employee Status. I have reviewed the IRS 20-factor test for determining if an individual can be an independent contractor. A... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Drug testing and consent
My predecessor conducted pre-employment drug screens without notification or a consent form signed. I hired 10-12 people in a very short time and did not test due not having forms in place. I have sin... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

terminated while on fmla and short term disability
I am on fmla leave,while being paid short term disability.when i contacted my employer i was told i know longer have a job.was told that my contact where i worked at wanted to keep the new manager my ... applies to Arkansas  ·  1 answer

should we be paid for all hours operating a dump truck?
our pay does not start until we get to jobsite,which could be anywhere from one half to two and a half hours per day plus the drive home,they do however pay us 1 hour of drive time per day,we drive co... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Hi, I live in NYS and due to a company merger, I was laid off. A severance agreement was signed offering me a month of salary and 3 months health benefits, I would pay the COBRA premium and then the Company would reimburse me. It has been two months now,
Hi, I live in NYS and due to a company merger, I was laid off. A severance agreement was signed offering me a month of salary and 3 months health benefits, I would pay the COBRA premium and then the C... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can a requirement to re-pay a relocation assistance be enforced contractually if the offer letter states none of the letter is to be construed a contract in California
I accepted a job in northern California. In the company's offer letter they offered a relocation assistance. They further required that it be repaid if I left prior to one years employment. The letter... applies to California  ·  2 answers

RE: Asked 3 questions and no responses for months. Anyone out there?
In response to Jim Barna: Can my employer deny my leave which is potentially FMLA qualifying after adequate notice without asking me further questions or for medical certification and not providing ri... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

What personal information can your employer request?
HR has given each employee an employee data sheet to complete. Some of the info requested includes children's names and spouse cell phone number, and personal cell phone number. Am I required to provi... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Any help would be greatly appreciated
If my employer is requiring me to take job related college courses does he 1. Have to pay me? 2. If the class is after I have worked eight hours in one day am I entitled to overtime? 3. Does he have t... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

legality og hiring 10 part time employees rather than 5 full time employees to avoid paying benifits
applies to California  ·  1 answer

Should I fight this
Was fired because I left the job not telling the management after being belittled by my boss in front of other employee's. He used foul language and I got flustered and went home to get my composure b... applies to Iowa  ·  2 answers

clocking in and out
There are 6 employees at my job and we just started 'punching a clock'. Some of us forget to clock in or out from time to time. Our system is not attached to a company, it consists of cards with print... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

pay cut without notice
I have been employed by a company for two months. At a staff meeting held on Feb 26th, it was announced everyone would be taking a 5% pay cut effective retroactive to Feb 16th. The company employs app... applies to Nevada  ·  1 answer

What can I do to protect my commissions once I resign?
I am planning to resign from my present sales job which compensates me with salary and can I be assured that my present company will pay all commissions do on shipped orders, and on ope... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

Can I take pre-approved PTO during my two week notice period?
I gave my two week notice on 9/5/2017, making my last day 9/19/2017. I have preapproved PTO scheduled (a half day this week and a floating holiday next week). My manager told me that if I take this ti... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Is a non-compete contract enforceable in New York State?
I am in sales and I signed a non-compete contract when I started with a company which is not based in New York State. I am considering going to a competitor, but no one will hire me if the contract is... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

How do I know I am a full-time employee?
My employer has me as a part-time employee yet for the past year I have been working forty-hours a week. Yet since I am a part-time employee I do not get the benefits of a full-time employee such as v... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

There's more behind this but no sense in getting into it unless we know the contract can be voided.
Our board of directors is dealing with a founder/CEO who resigned approx. 2 weeks prior to the termination of his contract. He feels he is due a number of things (cash, stock, options) under his contr... applies to California  ·  1 answer

paid holidays
when can an employer start paying holidays . applies to California  ·  1 answer

Employer's late bonus payment might screw up my unemployment benefits!
I was terminated from my job for reduction in workforce. I have applied for unemployment. I am worried that I won't be getting the top amount allowed by unemployment because of something my employer d... applies to Indiana  ·  1 answer

what are my chances of being my contract being upheld?
My former employer could not in time get me transfered somewhere closer to home, i was traveling 175 miles round trip. I got a offer from my current employer who had me sighn a non compete, I have bee... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

I was recently fired. There reason was because i was out on disabilty. I belong to a union. Can they do that?. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Money with held because of loss of client
I was a contract employee, doing web development and design for an employer. I had been working for the company a little less than 3 months. My employer had handed me projects that were months behind ... applies to Tennessee  ·  1 answer

Discrimination Harassment Retaliation
Because an individual is employed by an At Will Employer and basically no explanatin is necessary for an employee's severance fromm service, is it possible to challenge a lay off using Tort Law? Can T... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Two weeks notice
I recently gave my two weeks notice, my employer told me they would let me go at the end of that week, they did not want to pay me for the holiday shut down. My question is, since I gave two weeks are... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Waiting period to rehire?
I was recently terminated from my job. I was told the termination was not based on performance but that the position was eliminated due to a reorganization in the department and my skills did not fit ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Employer denies involuntary leave in layoff with severance choice
I was recently laid off and offered a severance package. There are two options, take a lump sum payment or a weekly payment. If I take the lump, my employer states that they will consider this a volun... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Selective Layoff
My wife got layoff two weeks ago and later she found out the mojority of the layoffs are oriental people and also parents who need to leave early to pick up kids from school even they have put in more... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Is a lump sum settlement for age discrimination taxable. I did get a 1099 for it.
I received a w 2 for half of it. applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Overtime for orientation meeting
If an employee works 37 hours and attends a meeting for 6 hours, are we required to pay him overtime for the 3 hours (40 regular and 3 overtime). All employees had to attend an orientation for 6 hours... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

2 weeks notice mandatory?
Is it wrong to give only a weeks notice? I have to start a new job in a week or so so I am unable to give two weeks notice. I have not signed a contract. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I have been harassed at my workplace, not received my 2 raises I was promised upon hire and have constantly been targeted for any and all
please see original question applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Am I entitled to a severance package if I only worked 1 year?
Can I receive a severance package if I only worked 1 year? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Wrongful Termination
This story is long but is very involved. I was recently fired from my job with a company headquartered in N. Carolina, I worked for them in Ohio. At the time of the discharge the only things close to ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I resigned from my Mortgage position from a bank and on the Compensation agreement, it states that I will get paid for any originated loans that close within 30 days of my exit. Immediately after leaving, my loans were changed to other employees, and they
Resignation of a Mortgage Position from a Bank and not being paid for Commission Pay within 30 days of exiting applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Job Elimination
I have worked for a large corporation in the same department for 12 years. Six months ago, they changed department head and have let people go with severence packages. I'm at the point where my job re... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I was recently let go by the company I had worked for over 19 years. My question is, does the non compete clause become void since they fired me? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Told them my daughter attempted suicide and was told to take whatever time I needed. Fired a month later. Do I have any recourse?
My daughter attempted suicide six weeks ago. I have had to take her to appointments, etc. they hired an interim part time CEO to help lead. I had to reach out to him to speak with me, although he had ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

hiring commision only salesman
I am a small business owner out of Pennsylvania, I am looking to open up a sales department. My plan is to hire commission only salesman, I need to know what my responsibilities are, what am i liable ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  5 answers

Is my non compete agreement enforcable?
It is a part of my employment agreement and there are aspects that seem overly broad like an entire industry and all of the US. applies to Pennsylvania  ·  3 answers

If I was an independent contractor in Sales and was terminated am I still entitled to my last payroll check? Please advise. Thank you.
This question is from New York State. Thank you. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Confidentiality Statement
I signed a confidentiallity agreement with a company that I am working for that states " During employement with X company, employees may be exposed to certain information of a confidential or proprie... applies to California  ·  1 answer

She has worked at Taco-bell for 24 years, and is now a Manager. Taco-bell went from being Corp, to a Franchise this month, they told my wife, they will have to get her to fill out a application to rehire in the new Company, she has a Pension with Taco-bel
Do they have to pay her the pension for the 24 years? applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

If I gained nothing, other than employment and medical bens, is it enforcable?
I have been a dog groomer for 24 1/2 yrs., the last two with a major corporation. I "initialed" a no compete clause that I was not provided a copy of at the time (but I needed a job). I absolutely hat... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

How can my employer take $500 out of my check a week without my permission
How can my employer take $500 out of my check a week without my permission applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Can I get severence if I'm not fired, but ask to leave instead?
My employer is unbearable. He is the worst manager I've ever had. I've reported him to HR on two different occasions, due to his inability to manage in a professional manner. I've been with my current... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can I be fired because I heard my boss yell that I was an f---Btch and I called him on it?
Today I was suppose to meet with a client and my boss told me to reschedule, so I did. I was in my cube working on other issues at hand, when I heard the owner/my boss ask another employee why I left ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

My supervisor informed me by email a month ago, that my job was eliminated.I haven't received any separation papers. What is my recourse?
I've been employed in Phila., Pa, for 34 yrs. at a hospital. Supervisor emailed me a month ago stating that my job was eliminated. At that time, I was working at home. I haven't been notified for an e... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

If I sue my employer for age discrimination, can I be fired?
Does my employer have the right to terminate my employment if I sue them for age discrimination, and if they do, is there any legal remedy for their response? applies to Michigan  ·  1 answer

Can an employer not pay you for time worked because of a failed drug screen?
I got a job with a community action group and was not aware of the drug screen. After I found out, I felt that I would pass since it had been quite a while since my last use so I took the test and hop... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Worried about signing Seperation Agreement
5/10/07 I was told I was "Permanently Laid-Off" and was presented with a "Separation Agreement & General Release" document. Item #1 states "Employee will resign their employment effective May 10, 2007... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is FMLA concurrent with other maternity leave?
I am a public school teacher in the state of California and I am expecting a baby early next year. The district HR department has given me conflicting accounts regarding my maternity leave benefits. T... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Am I allowed to keep my severance package even though I get another position in the same company?
Got the call from HR that my current role is being eleminated. Not based on performance. I was offered a serverance package and allowed to look for other positions in the same company. Question is am ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Final paycheck wage reduced to minimum wage
I was hired at $10 and hour, received 1 paycheck for that amount. I was fired 2 weeks later with no reason given. (I know FLA is a "at will" state) but when I went to get my final check if was for min... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Overpaid After Quitting
I recently quit a job that direct deposited money into my account. The job has now continually paid me two checks into my account past my employment. My assumption is that the company never filed my l... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

my employer wont pay me for a holiday that falls on a weekday if i ask for pto the day before or after, is this legal?
see above applies to California  ·  1 answer

The Union has delayed my grievance process since 4/2012 and we still have not gone to arbitration.
I have been working with my union since 3/12 the Employer has not followed the MOU or the Grievance process the union is also in process for new contract and keeps delaying arbitration even though I h... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I went on leave 6/15/09 and then was fired on 12/15/09. Does my non-compete start when I went on leave or when I was fired? applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

can I ask my HR FMLA for my mom resides full time in nursing home?
Hi there, currently my 90 years old mom is phasing the last stage of her life. she's full time residence in the nursing home. I'm not moving her residence nor her benefits. I just want to be with her ... applies to California  ·  1 answer


Do i qualify for unemployment if my hours got reduced by 90%
I have been working for a dental office for almost 5 years, recently my boss told me that she could not afford me any longer, so she would have me there a few hours a week, do i qualify for unemployme... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Confrontation with employer
Mel, Just recently I was engaged in a confrontation with my employer to the point that we were face to face and raising our voices. Unfortunately, he abused me verbally and I struck him. It was Friday... applies to Wisconsin  ·  2 answers

I was verbally offered a position as an analyst two Thursdays ago from the VP of HR of that company.
My guestion is, do I have a case here? They offered me a job and even though I did not turn them down, without even telling me that they had offered this position to another individual they give it to... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Am I eligible for unemployment?
My employer, Kmart is closing and if you are over 50 yrs of age with 10 yrs of service they are classifying you as "retirement-unit closing" rather than just store closing or unemployed. I have asked ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

out of state employer
My employer is based out of Iowa, do i get minimum wage increase? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Will Non-Compete be enforceable if the employer not paying the salary during the Non-Compete period
Hello: My non-compete says a few month non-compete period, but did not say whether the employer to pay the salary or not during this period. So will they pay during this non-compete period, if not pai... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

Everything changed when i was hired and then when i ask my job was threaten
So I found what I thought would be a cool Job and I had a job that was paying me about $21 an hour to drive Bus with a CDL B. They would pay for my CDL training plus their company traing for $500 a we... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My company has pto that we earn Thur the year for vacation and they give us 4 holadays a year if I take a day off Thur. The week can they make me use a vacation day or holaday even if I ended up with 60+ hrs.
My company has pto that we earn Thur the year for vacation and 4 holadays that they give us for the year can they make me use a vacation day or holaday if I take a day off Thur the week even if I ende... applies to Virginia  ·  1 answer

Medical/Dental Benefit Changes for LTD recepients
I've noticed the many responses to acquiring the Benefit SPD and then in finer print the Plan. The latter is much more informative while the Summary is just that - summary and seldomly touches upon al... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Bonus Entitlement
I worked for a company for over a year. The bonus for that year is distributed in March of the following year. I was released from the company in February. Am I still entitled to my share of the bonus... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

employment agreemnt
My company is based in Dallas, Texas I am based in Ohio. They were purchased on Nov 12 by another company with an HQ in California but is a VA corporation. They have asked me to sign a non-compete. Th... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Non-compete prevents me from returning to old employer
This letter concerns a "non-to-compete" agreement I signed with my employer. I have been at my current employer, 3 months. When I was hired, they asked that I sign the agreement and I did. Now I am be... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

Payment of Accrued Wages
With my consent, during several periods over the past two years, my employer, an Indiana restaurant corporation, accrued a substantial portion of my agreed salary because it had cash flow problems. Th... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

severance pay
Is it legal to have an employee keep working as they "close up shop" and be paid their severance pay during that time? Also, when severance pay is offered, is it usually paid in one lump sum or as the... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

termination prior to end of 90 day probation
I am 2 days away from the end of my 90 day probation period. I have been in detox for 4 days and have been advised to go into inpatient treatment. Can I be terminated if I am in the hospital? applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Commissioned dealer employees: What are the laws?
I was recently terminated as a Finance Director from an automobile dealership. My "effective date of termination" was 12/21/04, with termination paperwork completed on 12/27. I did not receive (what w... applies to California  ·  1 answer

in new york state my boss gives 18 paid days off per calander year. he rquuires a 5 day notice per day requested. do i have to ask for time off when it is earned allready?
do i need to request time off when the time is already earned? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I worked for a factory for 2 years. I found a closer job so I quit and started my new job. My first week there I was fired due to a supposed personal conflict. It was about an altercation that previously happened, over two years ago. I didn't know the per
My employer initially said it was low performance then added how the other employee felt threatened or worried about my presence there. We worked seperate shifts and I never even knew he was there unt... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can my employer withhold pay expenses from 2015?
I found numerous old expenses where I made several business trips and paid out of pocket for hotel and airfare. The expenses date back to 2015. I have receipts and valid client meetings confirming. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

What action can I take against Lowe's for paying my male coworkers more for doing the same exact job
I transferred from one Lowe's to another within the state of NH and was forced to take a pay cut. Now I learned that male coworkers in the same job are being paid more even though I have more skills i... applies to New Hampshire  ·  1 answer

I received a severance package for 26 weeks from my former employer. I took a seasonal job which I no longer have. My severance will end at the end of February along with all my benefits that I had with my former employer. The last day I worked at my form
I live in New York, I worked for the company since 1999. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Layoff regulations
I was layed off after nearly 8 years right before going on maternity leave. I was offered a job with a 3rd party doing the same job for less benefits. Others who were layed off got a severance package... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Employer is eliminating my job. Will I be eligible for unemployment?
In June, I was handed a Performance Improvement Plan which was supposed to be reviewed 30 days later. Now, they are asking me to sign a letter stating that they haven't seen the desired level of impro... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

My boss gave me my paycheck and I cashed it and it bounced now he won't give me my next paycheck because I cashed the one that bounced is that allowed I need my money my bill are over due due to this what should I do
My boss gave me my paycheck and it bounced we have sence received another paycheck and I never received one because I cashed the one that bounced is he allowed to not pay me bacaused my last one bounc... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete Agreement Consultation
Would like to contact former employer who had an attorney send a notification letter of injunction against me for violation of a non-compete contract. I do not have a copy of the non-compete and would... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Who addresses complaints of workplace violence?
I have a question regarding workplace violence: Whose responsibility is it to address a potentially violent worker-a co-worker or the management? My friend works in a nursing home, and one of her co-w... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

desperate to get out of non-compete clause
Regarding my signing of the Fair Competition Covenant; If I have been "written up" twice this year (third meaning termination of employment), do I not have a right to search for another position with ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Can taxes be taken out of severance pay?
I was laid off on 10/3/01. My employer said he would give two months' pay and three months' health benefits, and that he would pay me in the next four paycheck cycles. I have asked for this in writing... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I am entitled to 76 hours of vacation pay, I worked out my two week notice and my former employer will not pay me for these hours. There is nothing in the handbook that states if you resign you will not be paid for vacation days not used? What can I do to
I have my handbook for this former job and no where in it says that I will not be paid for vacation used if I leave my job. I worked out my two week notice and when asked about being paid for the vaca... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can my previous employer put my pay to minimum wage on my las check when i make more than that ?
My employer when i was let go gave me my last check and my pay was down to minimum wage i hope this is illegal. applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

Is it legal to lower the required min quals of jobs for employees vs ext cands
Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. I have the following questions as a Non-Union, Non-Civil Service, New York State Government Employer: Is it legal to lower the required minimum qu... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

My offer letter states that my regular hourly shift is 7.5 hours but I worked 8, is that overtime?
In the past months (2) my boss extended to 8 hours with the promise of make it official soon. Now 2 months later he is coming to us saying that we are going back to 7.5 hours a day. My question is: ho... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

What are the laws in IL for bathroom access in a very small company?
I know it sounds stupid, but what are the laws in IL for bathroom access in a very small company? I'm the office manager of a very small company. I am generally the only person in the office. The offi... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Can a 5 year tuition reimbursement contract be broken?
I signed a 5 year contract in exchange for money to help with graduate education (about $46,000). I want to separate from this employer after one year due to ethical and liabilty reasons (unsafe medic... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

the arbitiration agreement my employer wants me to sign says i waive my right to a jury trial and that i cant sue for punitative damages. Are they allowed to ask me to sign a agreement that makes me g... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

can a employer tell you that you can take two weeks vacation till you earn it.
I will be one year with my company in March, 2017. After that I am entitled to two weeks vacation. my boss told me that I can not take one week or two week in March because I have to earned it. He sai... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I am a full time employee for a non for profit agency . I was placed at an agency office and was receiving a holiday schedule. Without notice I was transferred to a shelter setting and my holiday schedule was revoked without written notice. Is that legal?
Change in Holiday schedule applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can I be forced to take an hour lunch when the policy and all others are made to take 45 minute lunc
We have a 45 minute lunch. Several times I've punched in 43 or 44 minutes. As punishment I was told that I would have to take 1 hour lunches. This means I lose time and this could affect my benefits. ... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Legal Counsel in Austin, TX
Do you have legal counsel in Austin, TX who specilizes in Employment laws? Is he or she certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization? applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

do I need a sick day for a 1 day absences
I contacted my direct supervisor the night before stating I would not be in the following day. My supervisor responded "that it was not a problem" his supervisor then required a dr's note. I was out f... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

No severance because of job offer
The company I worked for was sold. I was on a list of transferred employees and offered a job. The offer said comparable employeement and benefits. They were not comparable the benefits were HMO and I... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Non compete is with another company
My fiancee' executed an employment contract in connection with the services he performs, retail design - when he first started working for them approx. 8 years ago. This particular company is duly inc... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

if you go to court & win who pays for the lawyers
applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

If I take FMLA do I have to disclose information about my surgery to my Corp office?
I'm planning on having surgery which I want to keep private. On one of the forms I have to submit to the doctor its asking what the surgery is for. I find this absurd! and dont want to disclose "what ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Pellegrino v. Robert Half International, Inc.
I have been task with ensuring our current pay practices are in-line with the current FLSA regulations. My organization has notice that there have been some talks lately in regards to how employers pa... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

My employer had been drinking heavily on the day in question. He messed with breakers causing my order not to go through to the kitchen. After 20 mins I asked where it was and the food was never made. My boss gave me two options; I could either pay for th
I repeatedly checked in the kitchen to see if the food was up and I was told that the ticket never came up. Tom had already been drinking and belligerent to other employees at that point.I went to che... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Wrongful Termination - No Explanation
My boyfriend was called in for a meeting Monday morning, to find all his belongings packed and told that "his services were no longer required." ... seemingly for no cause. When asked, "we are not at ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

In Ca is it legal for an employer to secretly record employees conversations?
In an office with less than 50 employees that is privately owned, and in CA, is it legal for the owner/employer to secretly record conversations between employees without the employees being aware? Em... applies to California  ·  2 answers

401k theft
January 11, 2003 To whom it may concern, In 1997-98 my husband and I took out a loan against our 401k. Thereafter, money was taken out of every check to pay back the loan. Recently we found out that t... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Would like to sue and collect commissions on loans I should have closed.
I recently put in three weeks notice to my company where I worked as a loan officer. I made 50% of the commissions on closed loans. My boss then fired me immediately so that he could close the loans a... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

If an employee gives their two weeks notice and then retracts it, do I need to accept it?
I have an employee who gave his two weeks notice by email. My boss spoke with him and asked him to take a day to think about it. If he comes back and says he wants to stay, do we need to accept the re... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

can an employer ask you to click in and out on the exact hour?
Our employer has stated that if we clock in a minute late or early we will be written up. When I was hired 8 years ago I was told I had a 7 minutes grace period so long as we were not getting over tim... applies to California  ·  1 answer

FMLA time
I am currently on intermittent FMLA leave in order to care for my disabled son. My boss is extremely against FMLA to the point of putting a letter in my file for excessive absenteeism. Since I also ha... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

First paycheck "HELD!".
My husband new employer states they will "hold" his first paycheck. It will be payed when he resigns/or is terminated. This is a small technical company....other employees confirm that thier paychecks... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Should I worry about a phone call from HR after I complained?
I cited a grievance against a prospective employer (temp to perm situation). I received a phone call from headquarters HR that I'll be asked to meet with company executives and attorney in the near fu... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

What is an "employment contract"?
Hi Mel, Does a dated letter offering employment (stating the position title, start date, terms of employment and salary, as well as requiring the signature of the employer representative and the emplo... applies to Georgia  ·  1 answer

salary deduction
i know its illegal to deduct an employee's salary paycheck if they are out one day, but is it still illegal if the employee is on a 3 month probabtionary period? If im late, i have to make up the time... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Employer will not accept physician release
My employer has asked me to take a fitness exam after my physician released me back to my job without limitation. I had a partial shoulder replacement on January 26th. I did not ask my employer for me... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Discrimination by nationality? Jobs not published either
OK, I have been working at my company for the second run, after originally being laid off due to them choosing to have me train an H1 visa'd employee to do my job instead of me. For some reasons (perh... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Position eliminated then reopened after taking step down?
I was hired as a manager for a department in healthcare. I worked in this position for a few years and have been with the company for 9+ years. I’ve had meets or exceeds performance appraisals with ... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Can my former employer enforce the non compete agreement?
i had a non compete with a former employer. I'm a Massage therapist so it states I'm not allowed to have any services with anyone i catered to at their location for ten mile radius and for one year. M... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Returned check? Can the employer make you pay if you were the one that accepted it?
My employer has recently instated a new policy on our acceptance of checks. If the employee accepts a check from a client for goods and services and they don't get a driver's license number and the ch... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Can my company pass over me for a promotion when I have 35 years experience for someone who has none
I have been in Display for many years. My store was closed so I transferred to another branch. After a few years, the lead position came open. They hired a man with no Display experience and no manage... applies to Georgia  ·  1 answer

Non-Competition After Hiring
Hello, I have been working for a company for one year now and now I am asked to sign a non-compete. Does Arizona law find such contracts legitimate when I have been working for the company for some ti... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Is this legal?
Hi - Is it legal for a company to pay employees at one subsidiary a different wage than employees at another subsidiary for doing the exact same job? Thank you. applies to Maryland  ·  1 answer

what can i do if my union did not respond to my call after i was fierd
i called my union four days after i was termanated and the union rep did not contact me until it was too late. He then informed me that I had 7days to be represented and by the time he called back the... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Member of mgmt & co is bouncing payroll checks
I am a member of management at an Ohio Company. We have frequent issues with paychecks being returned for NSF. Although I am not aware of the bank account status at any time, I am concerned that I cou... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

non-compete documentation
Former employees where I worked said they signed a non-compete contract and one is currently being pursued for breaking it. I recently quit and don't remember signing one and have no copies of one in ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

How enforceable is this non-compete in PA?
I have been offered a position with a company in PA. They have sent me an offer letter as well as a non-compete they would like me to sign. The non-compete seems to have overly restrictive covenants a... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

I was refused unemployment after being let go for unproffesionalism(complaints of a coworker)
I was called to HR and told I was on investigative leave. The next day they called and let me go. 8 weeks later the unemployment office said that the company said I was fired for unproffesional behavi... applies to Kentucky  ·  1 answer

Disability discrimination and pretext for termination
Looking for advice on a disability discrimination complaint/wrongful termination. As a senior manager, i worked for a large consulting firm in CA (significant federal contracting). I have a long histo... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can i be demoted for my availability changing and can they take my raise?
hi. i was just wondering i have worked at the same place since last august from what i have heard i do really good. they would not let me be promoted because of my availability, which i accepted but n... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I was furloughed during the pandemic after 25 years of service. Ironically the very week I received a raise in pay. They never called me back but never formally fired me. Am I due any compensation?
I tried to sue my employer because they said they eliminated my position but soon hired a former employee for my”eliminated “ position. They claimed that I was not fired but I received no pay and ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I am being let go in Ohio and am going to receive 45 weeks of "severance"
It is my understanding that the "severance" will be paid in a lump sum. Am I correct in assuming that I can apply and receive unemployment compensation after declaring this lump sum on the first week ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Employer Agreement
I have signed up 18 agreement with my employer which says" In the event Employee : 1) fails to report for training, or assignment; 2) terminates Employee's relationship or services with XXX during the... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

My employer did not win bid, contract ends, they state they do not have to pat accrued pto time
New contractor will be taking over on May 21st. Our contractor states they will not pay our pto time that we have already accrued. Is this legal? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

I was recently informed by my manager that I am being demoted from my management position to that of staff. He emphasized that the action is not performance related, nor due to budget pressures, and m... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I am a single female with cancer,I been employed at the same company for 9 years. I was diagnosed with cancer 4 years ago. My employer has been playing games the whole time. Getting good reviews but n... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can my employer make me resign?
I had a simular question but this one is slightly diffrent. I am employed and have been empoled for 10 years, in a company of 20 employees. In december i had to use my my disability insurance for a me... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can an Employer Post date your termination?
Can an Employer Post date your termination? Fact: here is the Email I received from the head of HR on June 19th 2001 XXXX, As per our telephone conversation of June 19, 2001, please consider June 2, 2... applies to Wisconsin  ·  1 answer

K-1 as wage basis for unemployment compensation?
I am a Partner is an LLC, not paying into the State Compensation Fund. The LLC, tied to commercial construction is now defunct. LLC distributioms are my sole source of income. Am I eligible for Unempl... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete Question
I have a question about a non-compete agreement (that I believe would be helpful in your DB). We hired a girl about 3 months ago to help us get a clothing line off the ground. She had a non-compete (t... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I worked for a major company for 13 years. I quit my job so that my fiance' could get a higher paying job at the same company in human resources, because I was a union worker and was told it would be a conflict of interest. I later applied for a company j
I worked a union job for a major company for 13 years and quit so that my fiance' could get a human resource job at the same company making 6 figures. I applied for a company job and was told that I g... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I am a truck driver from NY. My employee refuses to give me and my coworkers vacation time. I dont really care if it has to be paid or unpaid. I just need 1 week vacation to go visit my family back home. I've asked many times for this and the answer i get
I am a truck driver from NY. My employee refuses to give me and my coworkers vacation time. I dont really care if it has to be paid or unpaid. I just need 1 week vacation to go visit my family back ho... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

Worried to be terminated I used racial harassment instead of racial discrimination.
I was a contract worker for Medical manufacturing company for 6 months. I filed a discrimination case against the company through EEOC. The Medical Company denies my allegations and denies that I was ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can an employer force employee to take leave of abscene without pay?
Can an employer force an employee to take unpaid leave of absence by force without any reason of mistakes ? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

My job is ending in 6 weeks due to site closing, my specific department has been sent to Mexico. Does this make any difference in my unemployment benefits in colorado?
My department is being closed out in the states and being sent 100% to Mexico. there are 4 of us currently employed in the department here in Colorado. The site is being closed March 31st, due to comp... applies to Colorado  ·  1 answer

Hi all- In my companies contract, they have all employees sign a non compete (nationwide) and also require 4 week notice of resignation. They recently put us all on unpaid leave, with the possibility of not having a position to come back to. We just recei
Hi all- In my companies contract, they have all employees sign a non compete (nationwide) and also require 4 week notice of resignation. They recently put us all on unpaid leave, with the possibility ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Do i have to pay under Liquidity Damage penalty?
I moved to USA from Canada on H1B visa. My H1B holding company is in Virginia and i am in NJ. My employment agreement says these claus as a part of agreement. EQUITABLE AND OTHER REMEDIES. Employee ag... applies to Virginia  ·  1 answer

non-compete prior to sale
My employer recently sold his franchise to an out of state owner. Does my non-compete with him carry over to the new owners even if we left before the sale was complete? applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

non-compete agreement
I was employed by a software consulting firm in Southfield, MI and was placed at client in RTP, NC. I had signed the non compete agreement. I worked at client thru my employer for over 5 year. Last ye... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

how can my job (chapel hill transit tell us that we have to give 24 hour notice if we need use FMLA
i have FMLA for myself, yesterday we were called in the office (everyone with FMLA) AND THEY ASKED US TO SIGN A PAPER TELL THEM THAT WE WOULD GIVE A NOTICE IF WE HAVE TO USE FMLA, WE THATS NOT ALWAYS ... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

I was denied a job because I have a Dr's appointment once a month. Can an employer do that?
I received a job offer and excepted the job offer over the phone. I notified employer that I have a Dr's appointment once a month. I would be gone for two hours. I was called back and denied the job. applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

My employer asked me to take a lateral move from Director of Business Development to Director of Admissions. I declined and tendered my resignation with 30 day notice. They have already filled the Director of Bus Dev position so in what capacity do I have
I have been working for a skilled nursing home since October 2014. New administrator brought his own Bus Dev director in. applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

What if my employer does not want to pay me and I am sick with COVID-19 am i covered under ffcra?
I can feeling sick and seeking medical diagnosis for COVID-19. Can my employer refuse to pay me applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Employee Surveillance/ Monitoring
I am a fairly new employee (private company) and I believe that I am being monitored by management as well as other employees on the same level as myself. I have overheard conversations discussing my ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

laid for family emergencie boss told me told me to use my vaction days shortly laid for attandance
can i sue or collect money in this matter applies to California  ·  1 answer

Is there a way for employers to not have to pay unemployment if they comply with Employment-At-Will?
Employment is entered upon "at will." Are there cases where this relationship has held up for unemployment cases - meaning that the employer can terminate the employee for good cause, bad cause, or no... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

eleigible again after 6 months of employment?
Regardiing eligibility. I collected IL unemployment insurance for the full 26 weeks of eligiblity ending in February 2005. I've been employed since December of 2004 and properly reported those earning... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Drastic reduction in compensation - Non compete
I joined my current employer 10 years ago and successfully built an entirely new business segment for them. And yes, I was stupid and signed a non-compete shortly after coming on board. The business s... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

non-compete dispute
I recently left a company which made me sign a non-compete contract. Before being offered and excepting a job with my current company, I showed them this and they didn't think it was valid. Now my old... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Wrongfull termination
Becuase of poor office ergonomics my neck and upper back as well as extremities have developed acute pain. I have been seeing a physical therapist for about 2 months now. I discussed with my managemen... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I have never heard of a pip which stands for performance Improvement plan. About a month-and-a-half ago I was present it the PIP from my supervisor he told me that it was nothing I did wrong and that I wasn't in trouble or anything but that he wanted to t
My supervisor did not introduce the PIP which is performance Improvement plan to me in the seriousness that it was. I never even had a write-up or a verbal warning and got demoted. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can a predetermined outcome be used as pretext?
Would employer requesting an employee(this employee has an active complaint he filed 2 weeks prior) to clean out his/her desk and locker for a suspension pending an outcome of an investigation look li... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

domestic violence situation - wrongful termination
am in a domestic violence situation. i have an order of protection against my soon to be ex husband whom i left his house. he then retaliated and wrote a unanimous letter to my company. my company sus... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Breach of Contract?
Let me start by saying that I posted once already and was responded to very helpfully, thank you. I think we've reasonably established that I have not signed a non-compete form. So my new question is,... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  3 answers

Is this Harassment?
I am accused of saying a coworker dressed like "a crack ho" 3 weeks ago to another coworker. I do not remember saying it but someone told her I said it and she has gone to HR and is pressing the issue... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

Breaking 1yr contract on 1099
I am on 1099 and i worked for a XXX company for few months signing 1 yr contract that i will not join client for a yr. I joined the client on 1099 after three months. Is that contract would be valid. ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

After calling in sick for three days, I'm being forced to resign or sign a new offer letter with a significant pay cut by being put on unpaid admin leave?? Is this legal especially when I have 165 hours of pto saved up?
After calling in sick for three days, I'm being forced to resign or sign a new offer letter with a significant pay cut by being put on unpaid admin leave?? I am an exempt employee and I have 165 hrs o... applies to California  ·  1 answer

can my company be held liable for my continued harassment?
I have worked for the company for two years and suffer from continued harassment on many levels to the point where I don't know how much longer I can go on, with no help from the human resources dept.... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

I was laid off on October 28, 2016 and HPE direct deposit my benefits check twice.
I received my benefits warn check via direct deposit, 3 days later I got a second direct deposit in the same amount. I spoke with someone else that was let go and they too had received a second check.... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can my employer give my job away while I'm on FMLA?
Is it legal for an employer to demote an employee who is on an FMLA-covered short-term-disability? applies to Oregon  ·  1 answer

I was fired when I complained to a board member and also to my supervisor about payroll being inconsistant and even with non - negotionabe funds on a few occasions applies to California  ·  2 answers

Being demoted from Director to Manager or laid off after maternity leave.
As a director of my company I intended to return from Maternity leave on November 5th. My company has delayed my return until November 19th and has offered me a manager position with the same benefits... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

I have been caring for my wife after cancer surgery. I was placed on unpaiid leave after my PFL ran out. The company has since reorganized and now wants to bring me back as a part time employee. Previously I was a fulltime salaried employee. Can they do t
I have been caring for my wife after cancer surgery. I was placed on unpaid leave after my PFL ran out. The company has since reorganized and now wants to bring me back as a part time employee. Previo... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Severance pay, Vacation time pay
Three months ago we were told our division in the company would be put up for sale. Shortly thereafter we met individually with HR and were given documentation on what our severance qualifications wou... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

I was offered servant pay after 13 1/2 years working for Walmart will I still be able to collect from my un employment is it a good idea to sign the package
Help applies to California  ·  1 answer

I was recently given severance pay for 12 weeks. The agreement stated if I get a job I must notify them. I will be doing substitute teaching. Is this considered a job?
I was recently offered 12 weeks of severance pay. My job has been eliminated. Agreement stated if I get another job I have to let them know. I have recently been offered a short term 8 week substitute... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Is it unlawful to retaliate/fire employee who blewwhistle w/o knowledge of companywrogdoing
I was terminated from position on Nov 4th/10 for "not being a goodfit", not understanding my job responsibilities and for telling a Manager ( whom my company has a contract with) that a procedure for ... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Are they liable to pay me for entire length of resignation?
I gave a written 1 month resignation, they accelerated termination. Are they liable to pay me until resignation date? Even though Colorado is at will employment? applies to Colorado  ·  1 answer

I told the manager that in addition to my internal complaint (previous question) that I would be filing a formal complaint with the state. I filed a complaint with the AG's office alledging sex gender... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Hello, my name is Elizabeth, I am a Licensed Massage Therapist in Michigan. Was recently let go from position as an independent contractor(I paid my own taxes). I believe I signed a non compete. I can not get a hold of my file. If I did sign, is it enforc
Is non compete enforceable for massage therapist as independent contractor in Michigan? applies to Michigan  ·  1 answer

Reductuton in wages anytime and selectively
Can they reduce salaries at any time and raise it to what is in contract anytime. Question: My employer (located in Atlanta, GA) reduces pay of some employees selectively coz they are not at the clien... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I resigned from my current job and my last day was November 29, 2004. I then requested a delay of r
Is this legal? "fault" for being unemployed, and Can I collect unemployment? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I was approved for FML in May for my pregnancy (due in DEC)
I was approved for FML in May for my pregnancy (Due in DEC) and i have taken several days off. I recently inquired how many hours i had available to me, at this time, i was instructed I have taken too... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

contractor not paid
My husband worked as a contractor for a new e-business that is still in business, for about 2 years. He stopped working for them because he was not getting paid on a regular basis. He has not worked f... applies to Colorado  ·  1 answer

Pay while voting
Does a employer have to pay a employee while that employee is voting in a general election? Does this effect both Salary and Non-Salaried employees? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I live in Illinois, we are now
We are sheltering in place in Illinois. We have two new hires starting 3/30/30 and 4/6/20. We would like to move their start date to 4/8/20 due to sheltering in place. Their offer letter said "We are ... applies to Illinois  ·  2 answers

How can I go to HR about my manager without her retaliating?
I went to the HR manager about my manager’s lack of leadership, fairness in job distribution and exclusion in discussion regarding my job. Now my manger has completely excluded me from the departmen... applies to California  ·  3 answers

FMLA once laid off
I am pregnant which my employer is aware of. If I am laid off while pregnant (prior to going on leave), does my employer have to still provide me with my leave benefits once I give birth (short term d... applies to New Jersey  ·  1 answer

Without an employee handbook or formal policy can an employer refuse to pay vacation time.
When accepting employment I negotiated two weeks paid vacation upon start and on the offer letter had the employer remove the wording after 12 months of employment. The letter states the following and... applies to Illinois  ·  3 answers

Can I be written up for not calling off 30 minutes before my shift if I have ups that occur anytime?
My department policy is to call off 30 minutes prior to my shift, however I have intermittent FMLA for flare ups that can happen at anytime and I let them know as soon as I am able to but I recently r... applies to West Virginia  ·  1 answer

Consultancy company threatening to sue after I left. Demanding $5K as training costs.
I joined a Consultancy company in New York and they made me sign a document stating I need to pay $5000 as training and lodging costs if I leave them during the training period and up until I get plac... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

should i reply to a cease and desist letter
I was laid off and received a severance package. the package did not contain a non compete requirement. I recently received a letter from my former employer warning me that they feel i may have breech... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Is it an Ohio Law to have a section in your policy and procedure manual about sexual harrassment?
I am an HR person for a large company. I have presented my boss with a policy on sexual harrassment and she does not want to enforce it. I am afraid I am going to liable for any sexual harrassment tha... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Witness collaborate sex harrassment but HR says they didn't.
What are my rights if the HR person investigating my sexual harrassment complaint lies and tells me that none of the witnesses collaborated my story, when infact they did?? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Can my employer reduce my salary if I have a contract
I have been working for this company for nearly a year. In the last month he has hired two new office personnell (we only now have 5 employees other than the owner) and he told me that he would be cut... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

job title and pay
Is it legal for an employer to pay a long term employee with a good employment record 20-30 percent less than others with the same job title, responsibilities, and equivalent time in the same type of ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I was offered a retention bonus to stay on after my company was acquired. If I don't want to stay on, am I still entitle to a severance package? What circumstances would make me entitled to decline the retention and ask for the severance package?
I was offered a retention bonus of 6 months salary if i stay on for 1 year after the close. i am not interested in staying on in the new organization. Though my title has not changed, i am certain tha... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Is sick leave the same as FMLA?
I was out sick for 5 days with Flu and Strep Throat. My employee benefits include short term disablity benefits with full pay. My employer sent FMLA forms home for me to fill out. They indicated I has... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

bounced paychecks
Would you please inform me what punishments there are on the state or federal level for an employer bouncing paychecks. I recieved about 7 myself, but there was about 19 in all. Also how long can an e... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Unemployment compensation after severance expired
I was laid off on 1oth December 2008 and my employer paid 2weeks of severance and 1 weeks of vacation for me in 2 installments. I received my last cheque from the employer on 29the December. I claimed... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Supervisors employing off duty staff
I am a member of a Park District Board of commissioners. Two of the other commissioners are personaly employing off duty park district employees. I am very concerned that this relationship can potenti... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

fired while on workers comp.
while on workers comp my job fired me saying they eliminated my position, i have worked there for 15 years and my position cannot be eliminated, impossible, someone else is doing my job right now, is ... applies to California  ·  2 answers

Is an Employee Agreement a Contract?
My current employer is now asking me to sign an "Associate Agreement" that covers agreements such as confidentiality and non-compete topics if I leave. It also asks me to agree that "nothing contained... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Wrongful termination
I was fired from my job yesterday because they said that I was not meeting their expectations. They actually fired me b/c of a mistake that occured on Monday night but it had nothing to do with me! Th... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Will I qualify for unemployment benefits?
I was discharged on 8/12. I filed immediately for unemployment. I was told that I could put whatever I want about the seperation from the company on any application moving forward. HR Told me I could ... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Owed severance of two months. Company HR person will not respond.
What are my options if I'm owed severance pay after a signed contract and the company HR person will not respond? applies to New York  ·  2 answers

Wrongful Termination
Recently I discovered that my employer was underpaying me by $492 a month for 18 months. My check is direct deposit and I file the pay stubs without opening the envelope. I notified the owner and the ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

demotion due to medical leave and absences
i wanted to inquire as to whether or not i should obtain an attorney. i hold a supervisor position at a major retail corporation and have had several health problems this year. i am a breast cancer su... applies to West Virginia  ·  1 answer

Is it legal for a county government to pay a worker less after a promotion ?
Is it legal or standard fair labor practice for a County government to promote a unionized employee to a non union management position and dictate that the employee take a pay cut from the previous po... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can a company get away with not honoring severance agreement
My employer offered to pay my Cobra for 6 months as part of a severance agreement. The employer offered no specific language or guidance on the procedure for honoring payment. I filled out Cobra paper... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Compensation for 24 hour coverage?
Does my company have the authority to enforce 24 hour coverage without any compensation. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can my employer use a sick day as an unexcused absence if I have PTO to cover it?
A new policy at my workplace is as follows: If an employee calls out because they are sick, that call out is listed as an "Absence", even if the employee has time-off to draw from. After 6 "absences" ... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer


2 Weeks Notice - company terminated me
This morning, I gave 2 weeks notice to my employer as requested through the company handbook. My manager called to let me know that today would be my last day and that I would not be paid beyond today... applies to Connecticut  ·  2 answers

Non Compete in Mass
I was recently terminated from my position w/ my company. I was forced to sign a non compete as part of my employment agreement. I have included the 2 most relevant sections of my Key Employment Agree... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

non-compete clause - promotions
Can my employer make a promotion (into management) contingent on me signing a non-compete clause? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Is it legal for my employer to change commision structure without telling sales people?
I worked as a car salesman at a local dealer for 9 years. Over the last 3 years i noticed my commisions were going down. I was told by an office employee that our "pack" was raised, when i asked for a... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Severance pay and Ohio Unemployment
I received a lump sum severance where it states it is the cash equivalent of 6 months of my gross base pay. ODJS is stating I cannot collect unemployment until after the 6 month period since the sever... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

statue of ohio's non-compete clause for prof. employment
I am trying to find either the (specific) place online to look up the Ohio codes or information on non-compete clauses in employment contracts for professionals (veterinarian). I know that 5 states, (... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

im a high school student at british coloumbia
hello Mel: how are you? My question is what courses do you need to take while you are in high school and you want to become a lawyer and what is the minimum monthly income.and approximatley how many y... applies to California  ·  1 answer

can you be in trouble with a non compete
if you signed it but never worked a day for them? I am not sure if she even has the papers for it since I never filled out all the paperwork. I am starting a business in the same field a year and a ha... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Missing last paycheck from a law office
My last paycheck from my employer was witheld for some unknown reason. When my boss fired me on 10/3 he told me that 10/5 would be my last day of employment. My wages for that week were never paid. Wh... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

2-week notice Pay
I gave my employer a 2-week notice, stating the concern that upon giving the 2-week notice they would walk me. The last day of the pay period they walked me. I still had 6 days left before my final re... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Okay for an employer to purposely schedule all shifts 5-15 minutes short of a 6 hour mandated break?
It may seem a little picky but it just sounds very odd to me that it'd be okay for an employer to purposely schedule people sometimes even 5 minutes short of the 6 hour so the employee cannot take a s... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

non-solicitation enforcement
I signed a non-soliciataion agreement in Jan 1996. I resigned from the company in May 2005 after commisions ad territories were cut. The Non-solicitation agreement came to several sales employees seve... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

What qualifies as tardy in NC, and what disciplinary action is allowable?
Hourly worker, verbally notified that they would be "written up" for their next tardy. Said employee was 2 minutes late. What qualifies as tardy, 2 minutes, 5, is there a "grace" amount for NC? applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Is overtime pay a matter of policy or law?
In the Matter of At Will Employment,over-time pay and working longer than 6 days per week. Are this issues law or are they a matter policy, and if a company doesn't have any written policy in regards ... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Can An Employer Stop Paying Health Benefits Because They Have Decided That You Are Part Time Without Notice?
Worked for 20 years for same bank. Paid based on production. applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I never received my raise from my promotion
I applied for a new position with my company, and negotiated for a raise from 56,100 to 67,000 to accompany the promotion. I received a letter stating my new salary and position and also confirming th... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

Forced to sign non-compete or lose year end bonus
My employer has just sent out a very broad non compete (2 years, globally) to limit me from working for a like company. The email states that my 2004 bonus and 2004 options will be witheld unless I si... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Getting a NonCompete Waived
Hello, I was recently asked to leave my employer. I am a year out of college and initially signed a non-compete agreement. The noncompete agreement is overly broad: covers a duration of 1 year as well... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can I use vacation and personal time that is unrelated to my FMLA within the same 12 month period?
Hello. I have about 3 months vacation time saved up and 4 months sick time. I plan to take 12 weeks FMLA leave at the end of this year. I want to take a vacation this spring and have more than enough ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Lump sum severage payment promised on last day not received. Told 6 wks. Unemployment?
Hello Mel: I did look at your severance FAQ section but I don't believe the unemployment question was addressed. I worked nearly 5 years as a full-time employee for a major company here in Phoenix. I ... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

possible legal proceedings
I was recently fired from United states Post Office for what I believe retaliation for Sexual Harassment suit that I consequently won. I was injured on the job, and they used my out sick absences to r... applies to New York  ·  1 answer


My employer is trying to force me to resign through extreme micro-management
I was hired as a mid-level Manager. I was then subsequently given the responsibilites of my previous Director without a promotion or pay increase; i.e. the scope of my responsibilities changed dramati... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

I have been given a "notice of proposed termination" from the department head. The skelly hearing would be with the same department head (seems unfair) The only option I have been giving by my hr offi... applies to California  ·  2 answers

I was recently fired for a few violations, one being retaliation. My question is, in order to have retaliation, do you have to have an act, or is making a comment such as "what comes around, goes arou... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

Undeliverable Legal notice
My former employer has recently come to know that I am still working for his client (via another vendor) and has been sending emails that he wishes to aggressively enforce the non compete copying his ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

What is the minimum salary to be paid to an employee?
I was working in the restaurant business for a new business and paid a weekly salary of $200. I was working between 70 and 110 hours per week and feel that I was underpaid. When taken to the owner of ... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

Can my employer deny my employer deny vacation time because they had to approve FMLA first?
I requested a two week vacation for August several months ago. About 3 - 4 weeks ago my supervisor told me she did not see a problem approving it she just wasn't allowed to approve it too far in advan... applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Getting out of relocation obligation
My company has a policy requiring employees to repay and relocation expenses if they quit or are fired in less than two years from the date of relocation. After being relocated, the company changed ce... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Company Bought - Does non-compete remain in force ?
Non-Compete ? I joined a IT Company A in 99. I did not sign a non-compete aggement there. In 2001 Comp A was sold to Comp B. We were made to sign an employee aggrement , but it did not include anythin... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Contract language for terminating the agreement
Reading, PA. I about to sign a contract. Does the following terminology from the termination section of the contract mean that I have to stay the full time even in an "at will" state? 'Termination by ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

company closed under warn act but am told that NYS Unemployment benefits won't be paid till my lump sum payout ends. Is that legal?
since I was laid off due to site closing and given a lump sum payment, NY Unemployment denied my claim until after money runs out. I thought payments under warn act did not affect unemployment eligibi... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I have an administrator who has been out for 4 days to care for her husband. She has not submitted any type of documentation from a doctor for this. Our School Board Policy is vague. Is there a certain number before FMLA paper has to be given?
I am a school treasurer. I have a concern about an administrator who is abusing sick leave. applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

What happens if both the accused and accuser conducted in mutual adult oriented conversation and there is a history of it?
A co-worker and I chatted on FB where both parties used adult oriented memes in a jovial banter. Additionally, at one point, she made a racial oriented statement towards me which I found offensive but... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Suing for illegal interview questions
I was asked two questions in a job interview that I believe were illegal. Do I have a family? Am I married? Do I have children, how old. What is his daycare situation? These were the first questions I... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Harrassment during Pregnancy
My daughter-in-law is about to have her first baby. Her employer is harrassing her in hopes that she will quit. The second-in-command admitted to her that the boss has it in for her. What rights does ... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

I resigned, and now my hours are cut to nothing in the final week despite planning events. Rights?
I gave three weeks notice to my employer because I am an Event Coordinator, and had two events in those three weeks. I saw one event through, but a week and a half before my resignation date they told... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Do i have to use up all my sick & vacation time before I can use FMLA time?
I will be caring for my elderly mother after she has surgery at the end of the month. I was told at my workplace that I MUST use all my sick time and all my vacation time before I can use any FMLA hou... applies to Massachusetts  ·  1 answer

Is it discrimination if other people on a 3rd Shift get a shift differential and I don't. I am not black Hispanic or anything else I am a white male mid forties.
Is there anything I can do if I am on 3rd Shift and everyone gets a shift premium except me. I am a white male mid-forties. They say I make too much money per hour. applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

my last emplyer of 45 days reduses to pay me my last weeks salary bc I left
I worked for approx 45-60 days and found a better paying w/benefits job. so I gave an approx weeks notice. but it was very uncomforatble so it ended up being 3 1/2 days. they were mad so they are refu... applies to Florida  ·  1 answer

what can I do ?
I am being told that i am at risk of losing my job oveer another employee, who has had a numbeer of complaint against him from internal & external sources. can this happen? is there anything I can do ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Unjustified demotion
My husband was given a promotion into a managerial position. Recently, he was demoted, though his supervisor will not call it a demotion. All of his managerial responsibilities have been removed and h... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  2 answers

not able to leave facility on a unpaid break
if your employer doesnot pay you for break can the employer stop you from leaving the facility for you 30minute unpaid break. applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Mental and verbal abuse & harassment
I worked for a small company-10 employees in the office svereal hundred in the field. My boss was the owner-I reported to him. A mean, nasty little man who for 11 months bitched at me constantly--I co... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Employer will not pay severance
My offer letter states that " If there is a change in business that requires us to terminate your position with Fathom, you will be entitled to receive a severance package of three (3) months salary o... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I was fired for Sexual harrassment when can I reapply to the company that fired me?
My husband was fired for sexual harrassment 9 years ago. When can he reapply to the company that fired him? Is there a statue of limitations that the company must follow? applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

TX: Can employers require me to use my accrued PTO to cover a an optional team building meeting lasting two days & away from home?
My company takes us all for an off-site event every year. It's at an entertaining city location, and the program spans Thursday - Sunday. It’s optional, but not going is frowned upon. We do team-bui... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

non compete & pay issues
I worked for a company called XXX for 15 years. I left this company to become employed by another company that sold the same type of services.. In 2002 I returned to my former employer XXX & continued... applies to Indiana  ·  2 answers

Can an employer in California take away the remaining vacation as a disiplinary action.
Can my employer take away my remaining 2 weeks of vacation as a disiplinary action applies to California  ·  1 answer

I have worked for my employer over 1 year and now being asked to sign a non compete is this legal?
Private home health care already worked over 1 year have been bullied by owner and other staff and just now being asked to sign non-compete Is this legal? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Liability of new ER in regards to hiring ee with non compete
Does an employer have any liability if they know of a non compete agreement that an applicant has and they hire the applicant anyway. I know it is bad business of course but I am trying to explain wha... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Renegotiate Severance?
After 8 years, I was RIF'ed by my employer in Arizona which is a U.S. wide corporation based in Michigan. As a G.M. with extensive knowledge of the company�s risks, liabilities and legal practices, ... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

When does the new bill granting sick days for Covid-19 school closers take effect
Ok, My plant is Closing is June anyway.. I would of had 4 weeks vacation. Now they are saying I don't have 4 weeks vacation. and all DE schools announced they will be shut down March 16th thru 26, I'm... applies to Delaware  ·  1 answer

If I signed a Non-compete agreement in 1987, and now they want me to sign a revised Non-compete in 2
Is the first non-compete agreement still valid. applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Termination letter vs Employment contract
I'm one of the programmers brought in from overseas on H1B. My employment agreement with my H1B sponsor has a non-compete clause that prohibits me from working with any client company should my employ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I'm a project superintendent for a small construction company I am considered salary exempt making 70000 a yrar, however I now am working 60 plus hours a week am I due overtime is yhere anything I can do
70000 a year salary exempt now working over 60 hours a week am I entitled to overtime applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Said salary job, but feel being treated like hourly?
Had a former employer where my compensatioon was susposed to be a salary yet our checks always stated an hourly rate and as "Regular Pay". Additionally we had only 6 sick days a year afterwhich you wo... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Required to repay relocation if job is different than agreed?
I'm an at will employee of a North Carolina firm, working in St. Louis, MO. When I agreed to join the firm, my employment was contingent upon my signing a contract stating that I would repay the firm ... applies to North Carolina  ·  1 answer

Denied pay
I worked as an assistant wrestling coach & was told I would recieve about $1500 at the end of the season. I turned in a late physical form to the school, when I recieved my paycheck it was 180 dollars... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Stock option with acceleration upon termination
I have a stock incentive plan, 10.5 months in I am terminated. Would be 25% after 1-year. I think the acceleration part of contract accommodates but wording is tricky. Was told by company I vested/get... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Do employers have to pay you before a company observed holiday?
I have a friend who works for a company that will be observing Thanksgiving on both Thursday and Friday. The company will be distributing checks out today, Wednesday, however the checks are postdated ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

What qualifies as
My boss went on vacation for a weekend while I was working. I decided I wanted to quit my job so I WROTE my two weeks notice, put it on her desk along with my things. I only had 2 shifts in the next 2... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

demoted, paycut, unemployment, earned vacation time pay
I have several questions. 1)I began working for my employer in 1994 as hourly (punching a clock) plus commissioned sales, I received no pay for sick or personal time. In 1998, I was placed on straight... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can I be fired due to mental health issues?
Can I be fired from my job due to a mental health issue? If not, I feel that I am being set up to be fired anyway for other fabricated reasons. Do I have any recourse? Also, I recently asked for a cop... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Severance Timeframe
I was laid off in early Dec. My company has sent my final check, but I am still waiting on my severance check. I have called three times and each time they say it is on the way. It has not arrived, it... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Non-compete & severance
I had worked 10 yrs for a insurance broker. 7 yrs into the job the comapny was acquired - the new company required me to sign a non-compete and paid me $3000 to do so. 3 years later my job was elimina... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Man highered at a higher position than an experienced female
I am a female that works for a large bank in Pennsylvania. My job title is a personal banker. There is also a "promoted" title of personal banker sr that you can receive based on experience and years ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can I be forced to take a wage cut?
My employer has told me that they can no longer afford my salary and would like me to take a permanent 20% pay cut. I am the only one in the organization that has been asked to take this cut. Can they... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can my employer hold me responsble for an orverbooking?
Is it legal for my employer to make me pay the difference when a rental is found the is more expensive after a double booking? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

After returning from an uprotected medical leave (not FMLA), do I have to accept a lessor position?
I've been out for 4mo. on unprotected medical leave (not FMLA) and have now been released. However, they could not hold my outside sales position. They do not have a similar position available for me ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Upaid wages and expenses
I was working for a AT&T vendor as a wireless test engineer, for abour 9 months. The company is based at West Monroe,LA. After I resign the position on 10/13, and still they didnt paid me for my last ... applies to Louisiana  ·  2 answers

Back pay/no pay
I was working for a start up company for over 3 years. Money was always tight and we rarley got paid on time. During the end of my employment I went over 2 months without pay, before I left for anothe... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Company says pay raise on signed document is a "mistake."
I signed a letter acknowledging a pay raise of what was verbally expressed as $0.50. However, the document (signed by the executive director and myself) listed my pay increase at what would equate to ... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Walked out of building, badge disabled, phone disconnected - was I terminated?
I was walked out the door of my company by a representative of HR and told not to return until a later date. The reason given was that I was regarded as a physical threat to others. The basis for this... applies to California  ·  1 answer

minor crime removel from permanent record
I have looking for a job and am currently unemployed. Years ago i stupidly jumped a turnstile in the subway and got arrested. This arrest is now comming up on my background checks when i go for jobs a... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

does a change in job dutied void a non-compete?
I signed a non-compete as a Manager of Business Development, which meant my job duties were 100% sales-oriented and my commissions were reflective of my sales efforts. Due to market changes in 2004, m... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Changing Company Holiday Schedule
Our company's employee handbook lists the company paid vacation schedule. On the bottom of the page, there is the disclaimer that the schedule is subject to change. The schedule includes, as paid vaca... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Company wants proof of sortware being deleted, no such prove is available from manufactor..?
I recently ended my employment with a salary positoin. I'm in another section of the state from where the main office is, and we used special software for the job. I recieved an email today saying tha... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Illegal paycut?
I have been working as a third shift waitress for over a year. When I was hired I was told I was getting paid $8 an hour from 10-8am and that I was getting paid this because along with serving I also ... applies to Ohio  ·  2 answers

I put in for a request for FMLA time after I was denied workman's comp. What happens if my employer never gets back to me about the FMLA request within the 5 business days?
Injured on 2/6/15 Workman's comp denied on 2/12/15 Requested FMLA on 2/23/15 applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Retention agreement - what happens if I do not sign?
I have been verbally told my position is being eliminated and sent to another facility (out of the state). I was also verbally told that I will receive 60-days notice of my end date, what the severanc... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

harassment and retroactive pay decrease
im being harassed ever day by my bose about my now current ex fiansee and i say ex because of my boss she has now left me. im being treaten to be fired and thats if i talk to her and all because she i... applies to California  ·  1 answer

treated unfairly?
I signed a non-compete the day before I started. There are many employees that have been there 20+years, are doing the same thing I'm doing, and was not asked to sign a non-compete. They are leaving t... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

abusive boss
increadibly abusive boss wanted to meet alone with him and i said i will only communicate thru our GM and he deleted my email, dismissed me and now is saying if i dont meet him it means i quit should ... applies to California  ·  1 answer

fmla question
can i take 12 weeks of fmla for complications of pregnancy and then an additional 12 weeks of fmla for the care of my child? Since these are two seperate conditions? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

change from commission to salary and territory increase
I signed a non-compete 9 1/2 yrs ago the agreement was mentioned after I was hired and i was paid 25.00 to sign it or i would be terminated. Company recently changed the compensation package from comm... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Not paying employees
Recently resigned employment from Company I've been with for the past two years. Short facts are: Company required direct deposit for semi-monthly pay (payable on 15th & end of month, unless date fell... applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

Accidental Overtime?
Employees punch time card either early or stay and clock out after quitting time. Neither is time worked nor authorized over-time. Because the time is on the card, are they entitled to overtime pay? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Hurt in non-paid, pre-employment training.
I was at a pre-employment training at a home health aide agency. On the training I became injured because as I was practicing a procedure (how to break a fall) on the other trainee, who had to fall on... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

NYS Non-Competion Agreement and Former Employer
I've been working for a tool distributor (Employer A) in NYC as an IT professional for nearly two years and I have decided to change jobs, returning back to a former NYC employer, a cosmetics manufact... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Non-Compete Agreement and Forming Company in Direct Competition
I worked for a company that developed software where I was solely responsible for the design and implementation of one large component of their product. I signed a non-compete agreement mid-employment... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Recording hours worked for a salaried employee in NY
I am a salaried retail manager, the company has me put myself in for 1 hr worked to be paid, yet where and are they required to document an employees time worked. If the claim was I worked 7 days stra... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Severance Package
After 14 years of service, I have been advised that the owner of the PA based company is moving the accounting/office/support to CO. Terminating my job and that of one co-worker. The owner offered me ... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Does every employer need to give grievances? And pay for it?
My brother passed needed the day off thought I would get paid for it. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Which state's laws are applicable in non-compete dispute?
Regarding agreements to not compete across state lines. What state's laws would be applicable, the state of incorporation of the employer's company that wrote the non-compete, or the state where the n... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Is it legal to hire me at a wage promote me next day and demote me 3 day later and pay cut also
I was hired at wage and permoted next day 3 ,days later demoted and pay cut applies to California  ·  1 answer

Does Shingles classify as a serious medical condition for FMLA?
Does Shingles classify as an alowable serious medical condition? applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

I was demoted to align with my salary ith e, do I have a case...
I have been working at my firm for about 8 years, with the same job title but they recently completed a Labor Conditions Alignment analysis and they changed my title or demoted me...I believe that it ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Loan Officers marketing Realtors
Hello! I have searched incessantly over the internet for a clear, concise answer to my question, and have found many conflicting answers. I am a loan officer in Phoenix, AZ and my employer wants me to... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Can my boss keep being rude to me and not being professional ?
Well since she started there she has been very rude and I feel since I wrote that letter to the CEOs she has got worst. For every thing she is on me. applies to California  ·  2 answers

NYS Workers Compensation and termination of job
Does not pertain to me - just a discussion. Can an employee who is out on a job related injury in NYS, collecting Workers Compensation, be terminated? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I have an order of protection on a person who assulted me person went to my job for treatme
Jobs fire me do i have any rights applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Can I be fired by my employer for the following in California? I was put into a role that was previously held by 2 senior managers. I didn't get a promotion or an increase and they put a junior analyst under me. I was never changed in the system to a Mana
Can I get fired by my company if I had said something about my employee (I am not her manager in the system) even though it's factual applies to California  ·  2 answers

Rap Music Played in Office
My boss and I share a very small office and literally sit side-by-side. He is African American and I am White. He insists on playing music from his laptop. However, many of the songs played are rap so... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Can my boss steal my shifts and give them to his son just so he doesnt have to pay me?
I started working for a small business about two months ago. However, lately my boss; the owner of the dog day care had been calling me off. Saying that there is not enough dogs to watch and to not co... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Discrimination, Retaliation?
I am a national Mexican; since I filed a discrimination charge back in 2002, and complained to upper management about lack of advancement and lack of pay increase (June 2003 and December 2003) my empl... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Can an employer request a non-smoker and scent free employee?
Can an employer request that prospective employer be a non-smoker and scent free if the position is working in an controlled enviroment (clean rooms). Or is this something that can not be asked due to... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Gender discrimination, retaliation (wrongful termination)
I am a 52 year old woman who held a highly responsible position for the last two years in a growing company. During this time I averaged a salary 25% below my male counterparts in the same level of ma... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Musical performer employed with restuarant
I'm an independent contractor working as one of four musical performers for a well-known theme restaurant. Our pay has not been equal. For the last year, we two African-American performers have consis... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Possible discrimation- take the severance anyway?
I was recently laid off after 7 years of employment (manager position for 4), I was told my position was being eliminated due to restructure. I was a manager of dept. of 4 employees. I am a 43-year ol... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  1 answer

Ohio revised code 4109
i am 17. I worked at a pizza shop as a driver. At the beginning of august i will of been there two years. A few short months after i was hired as a kitchen worker they had me start delivering. In this... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Abusive it harassment?
I would like to know if the Employment At Will Doctrine is still in effect. I deal with the most difficult boss anyone would wish to have. I remain calm, but eventually the stress is going to get the ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

how to nullify non-compete and do i have the right?
I may be offered a job at a company that has similar clients of my current employment and I signed a non-compete. I should first state that I am not a sales person, simply the Quasimodo behind the sce... applies to Pennsylvania  ·  3 answers

Can a salaried employee be docked vacation time if late?
I am a salaried employee at a hospital. I have been told that if I arrive late now that I will be docked pto time. I am the only one in my departement given this stipulation after being late a few tim... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Pregnancy Discrimination
I am currently in an employment discrimination case with a Fortune 500 company. I worked for them for almost 6 years, was a vested employee, and two days after disclosing my pregnancy they terminated ... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

i have a small company...3 employees total.
my small company, 3 employees had an employee who recently went on maternity. She received disability plus was paid $250 per week for all 4 months she was out. She has since returned and I feel that f... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Fair Pay - Salary vs. Salary (non-exempt) vs. Hourly
Mel, I have a long list of things I'd like to ask about but will focus on overtime here. The company is an AZ for-profit corporation. Approx 4 years ago I was promoted from the support department to o... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

sexual harassment what can I do
Hi I was working for this company for about 9 months this other female kept harassing me and called me names on servale actions I told the boss who is also the owner he did nothing, it happened again ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My boss is making us stay until 4:30pm but let's everybody else leave early for the holidays, just because HR reprimand him for not being fair with us we clock in, others don't, so he even fired HR for defending our rights they never told us we can take 2
Is that relatiation? Since my boss was reprimanded by HR he's treating me very hard he won't let us leave early for the holidays but other's he does. He had a pattern of practice for 29 years until no... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can this be justified as a reason to be written up?
applies to Florida  ·  2 answers

Do I have to prove that my religion is my religion? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My Colorado company is changing the commission structure, is this legal?
My Colorado company is changing the commission structure a week before the quarter ends. The company claims that the commission plan is the same, but through the quarter the sales managers and directo... applies to Colorado  ·  1 answer

can employer deduct med ins payments twice in the same pay period?
I was recently terminated from employment on 10/20/15. I received my final pay on an Aline debt card for my hours worked on 10/18 thru 10/20. I was told the remainder of my pay (10/4-10/17) would be o... applies to California  ·  1 answer

More Time
I filed a gender discrimation complaint with my state as well as the eeoc. The employer has asked for more time to reply to the charge. What does this mean for me? and my case? Is it good or bad? applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Employee rights on company asset sale
My company recently sold some of its assets (not a takeover) and wants to transfer me to the transferee company. I would like to retire and take any severance pay that my company can offer. Will I be ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Do I have a contructive discharge, retaliation, discrimination case?
-Beginning of Oct. new CEO from Dallas, so is not familiar with Houston market -CEO informs all 3 clinical liaisons MUST bring in 20 patients from each territory by end of the month or else... -Never ... applies to Texas  ·  2 answers

Docking a full day's pay from exempt employees
My question is: Can exempt employees be docked a full day's pay? I've taken an employment law class and I understood an exempt employee could not be docked at all or it would erode their salaried stat... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

can I be told not to call in anymore if I have accrued six weeks sick leave?
I recently found out my step mother has throat/ lung cancer and she lives 3 hours away. I called in my sick leave every day consecutively while caring for my step mother. While in Indiana caring for m... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Facing Title / Salary Change
If offered a job title and salary change (lower) and not accepted, is it considered a layoff. Current position being reevaluated. No performance issues exist. applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Non-compete with no copy
I had been working part-time as a coach at a local sports school for 1.5 years and received a promotion. 2 months later, I was forced, under duress, to sign a non-compete contract. The owner did not g... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Children and contracts
My 14 year son is wanting to take a job at our condo community. He will be responsible for keeping the laundry room clean and changing the camera's VCR tape.We, the complex and I, need to know if he c... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Is non compete enforcible even if not offered employment?
I was required to sign a non-compete agreement in order to attend a blackjack dealers training course at a local indian casino. The agreement was to be effective immediately upon signing and would pro... applies to Arizona  ·  1 answer

Two week notice and repay relocation.
I gave my two weeks notice and was walked out of the job that day and not paid for the following two weeks. Since California is a At-Will state am i legally obligated to repay my relocation expense wh... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can a signed separation and settlement agreement be voided if law broken?
I was laid off due to Elimination of Position; however they hired 1 person before I left and within a month later, they hired another person to do my job. I'm 61, and they are both under 40. I feel th... applies to Texas  ·  1 answer

company acquired, non compete
i signed a non compete with company A. Company A has been acquired by company B. Our companies are now called, "company A, a division company B" is the non-compete i signed 8 years ago with Company A,... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Offer withdrawn based on H-1B discrimination
My wife recently got an offer from a private financial management firm in New York which was withdrawn within an hour after she signed it. They had agreed to process her H-1 B VISA. Timeline: Friday a... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

Hey there, i have a case pending now of FCSDNY. I was terminated from my old job once i complain and asked for audited of my time as well because i was transfer to a new department where part of the position included the filling of forged documentation to
Hey there, i have a case pending now of FCSDNY. I was terminated from my old job once i complain and asked for audited of my time as well because i was transfer to a new department where part of the p... applies to New York  ·  2 answers

I had a Skelly for notice of intent to discharge. The offered to reduce to a 30 day suspension of which of accepted. 3 days later they sent a letter of discharge. Can they rescind their off with out telling me?
The allegations are that I assisted a staff take a placement test for her husband. The staff admitted she did it but that I did not help and two other staff stated they saw me help. applies to California  ·  1 answer

Fired for signing a union card.
I signed a union card and two days later I was fired. The company first told me I was fired for something that was okay under company policy, then said it was for something two other employees did wit... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

Employee access to employee file
Do I have a right to see my employee file and to make copies of its contents? applies to Oregon  ·  1 answer

I was forced to resign. I was presented a final paycheck at the time. It bounced and I was charged the fees on top of being issued a bad check. I live in California. If I was forced resign; when is my pay legally required to be provided?
I was allowed to resign in lieu of dismissal last week on Friday. I attempted depositing my check but there were issues at the teller so they had me deposit via ATM. There was a hold and then they ret... applies to California  ·  1 answer

I was accruing PTO since February 2019 and now was just demoted to a position with no PTO. Was said you could not collect even until after a year end of my old status. Am I still owed this even with the demotion. Sad IN California. HELP
Manager accruing PTO. Now demoted with no PTO. Do I get that back or is it gone. applies to California  ·  1 answer

If I'm on approved intermittent FMLA for a year due to my fibromyalgia. Can my boss require me to have my doctor fill out the FMLA paperwork each time I'm out for more than 3 days? Can they also charg... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I'm over 40. Is it age descrimination if a prospective employer won't hire me because I'm "over qualified?" applies to Illinois  ·  1 answer

My daughter gets less hours than other clerks with less seniority. Is this ok?
My daughter works for a grocery store as a courtesy clerk. She has been there for about 18 months - part time. She has a learning disability but performs all functions of her job correctly. They hired... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Can an employer use the defense that they weren't notified that I was terminated for not paying me my final paycheck?
it's not up to me to notify my employer of the laws they should already know the laws regarding final paycheck, nor is it my responsibility to contact the office and let them know that my foreman term... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Unlawful Termination
I was accused, then terminated from employment for violating a WORKPLACE policy OFF the job, on my own time. The company accused me of posting a racially derogatory comment on a PUBLIC Yahoo message b... applies to West Virginia  ·  1 answer

After working for a small computer consulting firm in NY for over 2 years, I signed an employee agreement addendum with broad, new non-compete and non-solicitation clauses. There were no such clauses ... applies to New York  ·  1 answer

I was a account executive doing sales mostly on 60 month contracts paid commision. after contracts come up for renewal I get paid again. after 5 years I was told I could not renew them but i will get a 13 percent residual on each account. so at my 5 and a
I get fired and not paid on my accounts. he kept it all. after waiting over 5 years to get paid. I got nothing. is that legal what he did applies to New York  ·  1 answer

My husband was fired last weekafter 25 years. He was paid his final wages that day but no vacation pay that was still on the books. 7 days according to his payroll person. How can he recover it? His ex boss wont budge.
His payroll person admitted he still has 7 days vacation on the books but one of the owners told her dont pay it because he rejoined carpenters union 5 years ago and the vacation pay theyve been payin... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Equal Pay Discrimination?
I apologize, but I removed the details in case my employer is lingering around these boards. Thank you everyone for responding. applies to California  ·  1 answer

I have purchased a business.
I purchased a business from a family. The son and grandson of the people I purchased my business from have opened an competing business in the same city. The son has contacted several of my customers.... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Which states laws to follow for resignation from an out of state employer?
I worked in California for a company based in New York. I recently gave notice (2 weeks) and served out that time. They did not hand over my final check at that time, and have still not paid out wages... applies to California  ·  1 answer

Company missed payroll.
What can I do to collect wages owed to me? Last week the President of our firm, in a conference call two days before pay day, told all salaried employees of our firm that he was not going to pay us fo... applies to Ohio  ·  1 answer

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