Do I have grounds to stand on to get my job back?

I had a two alcohol drinks during lunch a few hours before work, evidently someone told on me and when I arrived to work I was escorted to the medical facility for tests. 1 test was negative and the other test came out to me blowing a .01. I was told I had to attend 6 substance abuse classes. I was also told I had to be enrolled into some type of substance abuse program before a certain date. I ended up going through the VA (veterans) with in the next two weeks after this incident. I got a letter saying I had attended a session to update my medication and for substance abuse. Due to the area I live in its hard to locate a place that does just 6 substance abuse classes. This is why I went to the VA. I contacted my case manger and told her my situation. I was then told that she would have to get back to me because I didn't fulfill the obligation in a timely matter. I told her yes I did and she told me that she would talk to my company and go from there. A week later I was fired for not attending the classes in a timely matter. Do I have grounds to stand on to get my job back?

0 answers  |  asked Oct 19, 2015 8:07 PM [EST]  |  applies to Michigan

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