Hostile work environment

I am being blackballed by the company I currently work for. Even though they are in the process of hiring new personnel for 7 new locations they are opening, I've been told they have no job listings available. When I inquired with HR, I was told to submit a resume, which I did. When I inquired about a new department they were staffing, which I was more than qualified for, I was told all the positions had been filled. (They've since taken on 2 more people since I asked). When I asked to see my employee file, I found that 15 years of reviews were missing from my file. When I asked about wage increases, as it had been 1.5 years since I received one, I was told by payroll that a list of employees has gotten increases, but I was not on the list. When an opening became available near my home, I put in for a transfer (rather than the 40 minute drive I have now). The position was filled during the 6 weeks I was waiting an answer. Can I do anything about this?

1 answer  |  asked Mar 28, 2007 2:14 PM [EST]  |  applies to Illinois

Answers (1)

Aaron Maduff
Hostile Work Environment

From the information provided, something looks wrong. There may well be a legal violation, but as employment lawyers, we need to know why these things are happening. Who is behind it and why. Before the question can be answered, we would need a great deal more information. You should call us or one of the other fine lawyers listed here at MEL.
Aaron Maduff

posted by Aaron Maduff  |  Mar 29, 2007 09:47 AM [EST]

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