I was recently given severance pay for 12 weeks. The agreement stated if I get a job I must notify them. I will be doing substitute teaching. Is this considered a job?

I was recently offered 12 weeks of severance pay. My job has been eliminated. Agreement stated if I get another job I have to let them know. I have recently been offered a short term 8 week substitute teaching position. Is this considered a job and will it affect my severance package?

1 answer  |  asked Aug 24, 2015 1:48 PM [EST]  |  applies to Illinois

Answers (1)

J. Bryan Wood
Glad to hear you've found a new opportunity. Unfortunately, the answer to your legal question depends on the terms and provisions of your severance agreement, so I would be unable to answer it without reviewing the terms of the agreement. Frequently the obligation to "notify" the former employer paying severance can affect your eligibility for severance payments or other benefits (i.e., you're notifying them so they know they can stop paying). Other times it relates only to non-compete agreements (i.e., you're notifying them so they know whether you went to work for a competitor). Either way, whether you're obligated to notify them depends on the specific terms or your agreement. Many employment lawyers will review your agreement and give you an answer for a fixed fee - the fee varies by lawyer and complexity of agreement. Sorry I can't be of more help without seeing the document.

posted by J. Bryan Wood  |  Aug 24, 2015 6:47 PM [EST]

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