i am considered a 1099 employee for credit card processing company. I work off of commissions. my employer put out a contract last year that says if you dont bring in a certain volume of new accounts they will deduct the difference from my pay check. Can

I started for the company in 2008 as a regular w2 employee and moved out of state in 2013 and became a 1099 employee for the same company. I work from home calling businesses to switch them over to our credit card processing services. I get paid 50% residual commission on the accounts i close. The contract the put out last year was if i do not bring in $900 in new revenue every quarter my company will deduct the difference each month after that. For instance in the first quarter if i only close 500 in new business they will deduct $400 out of each paycheck going forward. I can never make up the difference. Do they have the right to do this?

0 answers  |  asked Nov 27, 2018 05:25 AM [EST]  |  applies to Tennessee

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