I work for a CA state agency, have been employed for state for over 25 years and have been at my current agency almost 9 years. Shortly after starting here a co-worker started bullying me and turning the manager and other staff against me. It escalated fr

My reputation at this department has been ruined by jealous, bullying co-worker and manager. They have both since left and I have a new manager, but the damage has been done. I have been on 8 interviews with other divisions at the same department, positions that I have been well qualified for, and have not been given the jobs. Years ago, one of the first bullies, filed a claim via our legal office, stating that I intimidated her and that she had a new car that she thought I would "key". They actually did a full investigation of this. I was questioned and recorded by an attorney from the legal office. They found nothing to be true, and I was told to steer clear of this employee, which I did. The whole situation had me so upset I had to stay home for a week. The bully employee who made this false claim was in fact the one who harassed me, and I always went another direction when I saw her. I had no idea she had a new car and would never, ever, ever destroy anyone's property, it's absolutely ridiculous. I am astounded that they did an investigation of something that hadn't even occurred, causing me great torment. The person who made the claim was very jealous and caused trouble for a lot of people, but I was a main target. It goes on and on, but I know these people have defamed me and ruined my chances of promotion. I have to walk around with my head down. I am a great employee and have always been well thought of and promoted at other places. My current manager is a big flirt/womanizer and I have to endure his attention so that he is nice to me.

1 answer  |  asked Nov 17, 2015 10:11 AM [EST]  |  applies to California

Answers (1)

Marilynn Mika Spencer
I will send you a private response.

posted by Marilynn Mika Spencer  |  Nov 18, 2015 2:33 PM [EST]

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