Current company being purchased - have to go through re-hire
I have worked for the same company for 16 years - the company is being purchased by a larger company - we are technically promised to have a job there - each one has to go through the re-hire process. What if I am not hired? can I collect unemployment ? I am 63 yrs old.. how would unemployment work if my current company is no longer around with being purchased. - Could I be declined unemployment benefits? Thank you
2 answers | asked Dec 4, 2016 12:22 AM [EST] | applies to California
Answers (2)

Arkady Itkin
posted by Arkady Itkin | Dec 4, 2016 12:51 PM [EST]

If current employees must be hired by the new company, then evidently your employment with the prior company has ended or will end; most likely you will be laid off. If you are hired by the new company or any other company, you will be working so not eligible for unemployment benefits. If you are not hired by the new company or any other company, you will remain unemployed through no fault of your own and therefore eligible for unemployment benefits as long as you otherwise qualify (see below). With respect to unemployment benefits It does not matter that your prior company is no longer around because it paid into the unemployment insurance fund during your employment (at least it was supposed to).
Generally, a person claiming unemployment benefits (a “claimant”) is eligible for benefits if ALL of the following is true: he or she is (1) unemployed due to no fault of his or her own; (2) physically able to work; (3) actively seeking work; (4) ready to accept work immediately; (5) has received enough wages during the base period to establish a claim; and (6) meets eligibility requirements each week benefits are claimed. An overview of these requirements can be found on the web site of the California Employment Development Department (EDD)
You must look for work when unemployed. Look at Craig's List every day; read the classified ads; register on,, etc. Send out resumes. Make calls. And keep a log of every effort you make because sometimes this becomes an issue.
Be sure to file for unemployment benefits immediately, as soon as your current job ends, because there is a waiting period before benefits kick. Information on filing a claim for unemployment insurance benefits and a link for filing a claim online can be found here:
I hope everything turns out well.
posted by Marilynn Mika Spencer | Dec 4, 2016 04:49 AM [EST] [ Best Answer - selected by asker ]
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