Sexual Discrimation, Retaliation, Emotion Distress

Good Morning, I work for a Fortune 500 Company located in Menlo Park, California. Last September I transferred into our R&D organization to define a strategy for a fledging market.

My boss, what I called, was smitten with me and would give me compliments all day every day. He would call me 10-15 times a day and tell me how much he loved working with me. We began to travel and he would only travel or attend meetings if I was there.

Then he began asking to visit my place of residence and would I cook him dinner and do a Fashion Show with all my high heel shoes. I told him that the conversation was inappropriate and it should stop immediately. For about 5 days it did...this was last September 2003. When I again asked him to keep his comments professional, he began sending me nasty notes about my work and maybe he would just transfer me to another division.

He also sent short stories which were sexually explicit in nature for me to read "to see how well he wrote". Then asked me if it "turned me on".

In December, after all the emotionaly ups and downs, I had to call my doctor and request medication which I have been on for some time.

I began looking for a position a few months ago, because my first project was about to begin and I felt like I had done what I said I would do for my company.

His conduct became in sexual nature again and I refused to travel with him anymore, he began writing me notes asking me to request him to travel with me "the next time". I did not and refuse to travel with him unless absolutely necessary to customer functions.

He sent flowers to home and I told him it was inappropriate and now he is about to fire me according to sources.

I don't want to ruin his career, however I have done nothing wrong and this isn't the first harrassment complaint that he has against him at this company.

I live in Texas and the harrassment has taken place in California - and on the phone in Texas.

Should I report him and what would be the consequences to me? I definitely fear retaliation. I am a director and have a great reputation.


1 answer  |  asked Jun 26, 2004 12:04 PM [EST]  |  applies to Texas

Answers (1)

Trey Henderson
sexual harassment

You have a predicament. It does sound like there has been actionable sexual harassment and a hostile work environment. If you wish to pursue it, the proper first step is to notify the company. If this dows not stop it, then you would file a charge of discrimination with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. If you are retaliated against for taking either of these actions, you would have a retaliation claim under Title VII.

The predicament you have is that while the company technically cannot retaliate against you, they could do so in a subtle manner to cover themselves. You may hurt your long term future with the company by reporting it.

It might be a good idea to contact a local attorney and sit down for an hour and go over your options. A good place to look for a local attorney is

posted by Trey Henderson  |  Jun 26, 2004 12:23 PM [EST]

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