Can an employer force a non-exempt employee to work over their shift and flex off another?

I am police officer with non-exempt status who works a set 12 hour a day, 84 hour bi-weekly schedule. Our schedule is known for the entire year. However, our employer forces us to take off 4 of those hours to make us work 80 hours. Recently, they have said they want us to finish any pending report before leaving work for the day, meaning officers would be forced to stay over their 6a-6p or 6p-6a schedule routinely. In return, they said they will force us to flex off any hours worked by taking it from another shift. Can they do this and not be required to compensate us for staying over our 12 hour set shift?

0 answers  |  asked Feb 8, 2016 10:02 PM [EST]  |  applies to Virginia

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