I live in nebraska my son is 5months old and my day care provider says they will no longer be able to do sundays can I use my fmla for care of a new born on the sundays I have to work because I dont have child car?

I live in omaha nebraska and need to know if I can use my fmla for care of a new born on the days I dont have child care. I do have intermittent leave for care of a newborn

1 answer  |  asked Jul 27, 2019 10:21 PM [EST]  |  applies to Nebraska

Answers (1)

Neil Klingshirn
The only requirement for leave for the birth of a child is the birth of a child. You can take leave just to be with your infant. Basically, the law assumes that infants require care and you are therefore eligible for leave just because you are the parent.

However, your employer has to be covered by the FMLA, and you need to be eligible for it, in order to take it.

Your employer is covered if it employed 50 or more people for 20 or more weeks in this or the last calendar year. You are eligible if you worked for at least a year, more than 1,250 hours in the last year, and the place where you work has 50 or more employees (or there are 50 who work within a 25 mile radius.

posted by Neil Klingshirn  |  Jul 28, 2019 09:21 AM [EST]

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