What is my rights as an employee who works 40 hours per week 80 hours every two weeks and I'm denied Vacation by my company is that legal in the state of Wisconsin

If I'm a full-time employee do my employer have the right to deny me vacation I work for the same company but they said one company is in the union work in the city of Milwaukee, but I work in the city of Wauwatosa I'm not allowed vacation but I work for the same parent company then I went back and ask them what sense does that make because I work for the same company up under the same name they said it's supposed to be up under subcontractor but in March they got rid of the subcontractor and we went back up under the parent company so my question is am I entitled to a week vacation if I'm full time employee from my employer.

0 answers  |  asked Jul 14, 2018 08:34 AM [EST]  |  applies to Wisconsin

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