I made a comment about my manager writing that she came to my desk and told my co-worker that she was assigning him to a committee because he is her favorite. Is this defensible? She is now retailing against me by not allowing to work on projects and doub

Manager came to speak to my co-worker who was standing by my desk. She informed him that she was going to put him on a committee because he was her favorite. I completed a employee survey and mentioned this incident (not naming people) and how badly it made me feel. I was contacted by HR to see if I wanted to continue with HR investigating it. I said no. I have been denied projects and have had my workload doubled. I told a co-worker that I wasn't be offered any projects which was very disappointing to me. She ask if I had made a statement on a survey and then walked away. Now, I feel that they are retailing against me. They are now looking at my files when I am out of the office and finding superficial-type errors. Are my rights protected at all?

0 answers  |  asked Apr 10, 2016 6:30 PM [EST]  |  applies to Texas

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