Can I go before a judge myself to Blue pencil an agreement?

I was employed for 17 years with a Construction Labor Leasing Company. I was recruited by their largest national competitor. After 5 months of employment, I was terminated due to a FALSE annonymous "whistle Blower Hotline" charge. I was never given the opportunity to dispute it and still do not know exactly what the actual claims made were! The Employer of 5 months is preventing me from working in the industry with a new start up company by sending threatening letters and even lying about my actions since my termination. I hired an attorney that tried to come to an agreement to protect their current clients, their current employees and they have NO propietary information of use to me. She aruged that a court would blue pencil the agereement to that end anyway, because a non compete agreement to eliminate competition is illegal in Florida. I can no longer afford to fight this with my prior attorney.
I now believe they recruited me to extract the propietary info of my previous employer. I do have proof to this charge. And, I did have a non-compete agreement with that employer which the new employer chose to ignore and hired me and several of my staff anyway.
Can I go before a judge with the agreements, letters from previous council and other documents and get a blue penciled agreement, so I can work. The start up company still wants me and still wants to move forward, but they are not willing to take a chance until an agreement is reached or my one year period is over. Please Advise! Thank You

0 answers  |  asked Jun 15, 2010 06:12 AM [EST]  |  applies to Florida

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