Can my boss make me bring my kid to work when I dont have a babysitter?

Yesterday I called my boss numerous times to tell him I couldn't find a sitter after my original sitter backed out last minute. After talking to him he said that not having a babysitter is not a good enough reason to miss work, and I needed to find a way to come to work even if that meant bringing him with me.
This inst the only time I have felt discriminated against. When I returned to work after maternity leave,I was nursing and needed to pump. I was given a location to do this but it was frequently used. When I asked for a second location i was told to deal with it or use the restroom. As a result since my boss was not taking my concerns seriously, I couldn't always pump at work and had someone walk in on me. I discontinued nursing early because of how inconvenient it was made to pump at work.
Also one of my subordinates was reported making sexist statements towards me. He was reprimanded for his actions but my company has a zero tolerance for those types of statements but he is allowed to continue working. I told my boss I no longer felt comfortable working with him and asked he be transferred to a different shift, he told me I had to deal with it and moving him was not possible.

This has all occurred in a two month period, and as far as the kid situation goes there was a male officer who worked for us once and he called off multiple times because he couldn't find a sitter. I feel I have been discriminated against I feel there is a hostile environment I am forced to work in because my boss knows I cant afford to quite with a new baby, I feel he is taking advantage of his position. It has gotten to the point were it is affecting me both professionally and personally.

0 answers  |  asked Mar 30, 2012 2:15 PM [EST]  |  applies to Oregon

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