Vague contract for piecework, scared to sign

I've been asked to sign a contract to obtain work as an independent contractor writing content for online college courses. The contract has no termination date, and it says "neither party shall withdraw from the aggreement without cause without consent of the other party." It goes on to define "cause" as commission of felonies, thefts, etc. Sounds ridiculous, but does this mean I cannot quit (or be fired, for that matter) without the risk of being sued for breach of contract? Also, the company is in Kentucky, but I am in Texas---what state law applies?
Lastly, the contract does not specify a given amount of work that will be required, it just says, "A list of courses that need to be written will be supplied (to me). A timeline and due dates will be agreed upon by the (company and me) for writing the courses." Does this mean I have to accept every assignment they want to give me?
Thanks for any advice...

1 answer  |  asked Jul 31, 2005 1:16 PM [EST]  |  applies to Texas

Answers (1)

Trey Henderson

You need to seek a local attorney to get the contract reviewed. It is impossible to answer your questions without seeing the contract.

posted by Trey Henderson  |  Jul 31, 2005 1:24 PM [EST]

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