Do I have any legal options available?

My Facebook account was hacked by someone who the police determined was from the "Dark Web", which basically means they covered their trail well. They posted that I was a gay child molester and currently had a 7 year old boy in my home. I am an Independent Distributor. The district manager of the company I work with called the police and decided to add that I was a drug addict. The police arrived and within minutes determined the account was hacked and I was not to blame, but then 5 officers spent 4 hours searching my home for drugs. All the way down to checking my tubs of ice cream. They found absolutely nothing. The DM later went into my best account and told them I was a child molester and drug addict and asked them to remove me for poor performance. Prior to this the store never said a word to me. The story gets much deeper but do I have any legal options available?

0 answers  |  asked Jul 2, 2017 02:12 AM [EST]  |  applies to Arizona

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