Can u please help me?! I work as a medical livery driver want to know if my pay and hours are legal

I work at a medical livery driver. I work 60hrs a week. I get up at 5am work til 5pm then go back out at 7pm and get home at 10pm. Then wake up at 4am for my next pickup at 5am... I'm tired and falling asleep at the wheel. I told my boss I'm tired and dont want to work at night anymore and he said he would have to fire me. So i work abouf 60hrs a wedj and he has me on salary for 470 a werk. If u divide that its $7/hr!! Im overwork and I don't get paid enough at all. So u know anythj g about this or have any advice? Plus everybody always asks for favors like store a and quick stops.

0 answers  |  asked Jan 4, 2018 5:02 PM [EST]  |  applies to Massachusetts

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