is this harassment?

I work in Radiology, my 2nd in command boss retired two years ago, 6 people tried for her job..including myself. A lady (Deborah) got her job only b/c she is over the radiology school; therefore, they stipend-ed her for both jobs instead of paying a full salary. Every since then she has taken away jobs I usually did for the other boss (just little things in order to get a raise). So my raise was taken away since I don't do those things anymore. In the last year, she has targeted me, followed me on exams, came into my rooms during exams, and downright spied on me to try to get me in trouble. I have documentation, witnesses etc, I went to my head boss and HR 3 weeks ago about it. She then in turn told them I was a liar and they half way sided with her. Since that meeting I have laid low, kept my mouth shut and did my job and went home. I thought it was getting better, I even enjoyed going to work again. Until today. She walked over to the school today and told the second year students to put their pencils down (bc they were taking a practice test) that she had an issue she has been meaning to address... She then stated. "that everyone knows that Courtney Childers or Dean whatever her name is now doesn't like me and I don't particularly care for her either and if she fell off the face of the earth tomorrow I would only feel sorry for her son! and that she has been trying to get me out of my position, but I am untouchable, and she doesn't care if they go back and tell me everything she said." SO my question is.... can a boss come out and blatantly tell others that she doesn't like an employee? Is that harassment? I know its highly unprofessional! Do I have something on her?

0 answers  |  asked Apr 26, 2013 4:41 PM [EST]  |  applies to Texas

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