Employer terminated the employment contract before the contract was up, what should I do now?

I had started my job with my former employer in the July and we signed a employment contract for 9 months, however, this week my employer told me that they do not need my services in the present capacity and terminated the contract the reason that was given was that the company is going in a new direction and do not need my services however would like me to work as part time. I have been promised $X per hour with minimum of 36 Hours/week, however, on some days the employer will close the business early and would not pay me for the whole 36hours for the week but only for the hours the business was open. I have no idea as to what should I be doing now, since I left a good stable job to start with this employer and 9 month contract kind of offered some stability, what I do not understand is how can they breach a contract without any fear of consequences. I am not good with the labor law and I do not know what course of action to take. If it is at-will state then what is the point of having a contract. I appreciate any and all advise that you might give. Thank you.

1 answer  |  asked Oct 13, 2010 7:42 PM [EST]  |  applies to Texas

Answers (1)

Thad Harkins
You should seek a consultation with a lawyer near you geographically to review the contract, to see what remedies in court you may have for the breach. In Texas, the enforceability of contracts can be difficult (for example, an "offer letter" may not be considered a contract enforceable as such, but may give rise to other common law claims based on the reliance by the employee of the promises in the letter). If you are near San Antonio, feel free to contact my office, 210-527-0900, to meet with either me or my partner, Michael Latimer. There are many fine lawyers throughout Texas listed on the "pulldown" list on top of the MEL webpage, and there is another list on the webpage of the Texas Employment Lawyers Association, www.mytela.org.

posted by Thad Harkins  |  Dec 5, 2010 7:17 PM [EST]

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