My employer says I didn't log in after lunch so they docked me three hours pay. They never spoke to me about this after it happened. I didn't know I had done this until I got my paycheck which was short three hours pay at time and a half. Is this legal?

We have to log out and log back in for lunch. One day last week I logged out, but not back in. I did finish working the full day. No one from management brought this error to my attention last week. I found out when I got my paycheck this week and my pay was three hours short, which is the amount of time from when I eat lunch till my quitting time. Is this legal? Am I forced to work for no compensation because I forgot to log back in? They know I was there working, no one claimed that I wasn't; they just didn't pay me.

0 answers  |  asked May 5, 2017 12:28 AM [EST]  |  applies to Ohio

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