Are these pay and overtime errors legal?
While preparing for taxes this year I found out that somehow I have been withheld for 4 dependents. This is incorrect because I only have 1. A few days later on payday my check was short over $50 in overtime pay. When I asked my boss about this he said that they don't pay time and a half for overtime hours, just regular pay. This is something I never realized in one and a half years because of the light with holdings of 4 dependents on my taxes. Now that my taxes have been corrected it is easy to see the difference that overtime pay would make compared to regular time. I don't work for a huge company, about 8 on the pay roll. Have I been shorted here or is this legal?
Answers (1)

Whether you are entitled to overtime compensation first depends on the size of your employer's business in dollars. Assuming your employer is large enough, the next question is whether you are exempt from the overtime requirements. That depends upon a number of factors, including the type of work you do, the number of persons you supervise, how much you are paid, and how you are paid. You can contact the Department of Labor in Huntsville for answers to questions. You could also provide additional information. The answer to the second question can be straightforward or more complicated, depending upon your situation.
posted by Henry F. (Hank) Sherrod III | Feb 11, 2001 6:13 PM [EST]
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