Unemployment questions

Dear MEL: i recently quit my job working for an egg ranch.I have filed 4 weeks strait and havent recieved a dime.Is this fair i pay there wages and when i need help i take it and dont get squat.Is it because i voluntarily quit? Im vey sure Arizona was a right to work state.

1 answer  |  asked Jan 5, 2009 2:07 PM [EST]  |  applies to Arizona

Answers (1)

Francis Fanning
No unemployment benefits if you quit

I assume from your question that you are talking about not receiving unemployment benefits. You are correct in your assumption that you do not receive benefits if you voluntarily quit your job. But you should have received a notice explaining why the benefits were denied. You are also correct that Arizona is a right-to-work state, but this has nothing to do with unemployment benefits. A right-to-work state is a state that prohibits employers and unions from agreeing that union membership is required for employees working within the union's bargaining unit. Because employees in right-to-work states cannot be forced to join a union, it is much more difficult for unions to have the kind of bargaining power they have in states where union membership can be required.

posted by Francis Fanning  |  Jan 5, 2009 2:50 PM [EST]

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