I recently told my employer that I will have to have a surgery soon that will have me off of work, per dr's orders, for a min. of 4 weeks. They have asked me to sign a form that states that I understand that my job / my position may or may not be availabl

I recently told my employer that I will have to have a surgery soon that will have me off of work, per dr's orders, for a min. of 4 weeks. They have asked me to sign a form that states that I understand that my job / my position may or may not be available when I am released from medical care. This is a new form that has never been used with any other employees before. Is this legal? Can they legally replace or fire me after being out on Medical leave. The company/home office has a total of 159 employees The particular division I work for has 51 employees at the current time. My immediate supervisor is really intimidating me and causing me to decide not to have this surgery that two dr's have clearly said that I HAVE to have. He says that I should not expect them to hold my position for me if I am to be out more than a week. Does this not go against the FMLA? Is there certain forms that I would need to fill out for a FMLA to give to HR or is my company not included because of only 159 total employees?

0 answers  |  asked Mar 17, 2016 08:53 AM [EST]  |  applies to Mississippi

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