I have a Sexual Harassment ?

I quit my job a few months ago because of the work environment. I was in classes at the time to become a manager with better pay.I ended up working for another emplyoyer I'm in disputes with over wages right now because of this. I'm in a terrible situation where I'm on the verge of being homeless due to this situation. I always had a wierd feeling that my former employer was watching me but wasnt 100% sure about it. My boss would make little commits and laugh as if it was just a joke so I never reported it because I wasn't absolutely for sure and I felt that putting someone in a situation and I didn't know without a doubt that this person is being inappropriate isn't right either and would destroy the other person life. Recently I messages from my former employer that are absolutely disgusting. One of the messages my employer was direct and to the point Which confirms the weird feeling I had every time we worked together. One one Occasion It was only my employer, the security officer, and my self working in the restaurant and the security officer was off duty at 10. After the security left it was only he and I. The restaurant next to my restaurant closed early and it was only him and I working left to work in the entire restaurant which has a front counter and well as a drive thru. Our restaurant got swamped we had our regular customers plus the customers who would have went to the restaurant next door to order food so we got there customers as well. Instead of my employer shutting down our restaurant or calling for assistance from another restaurant he let us work that way until he had no other choice but to call help. That threw another red flag up but I thought nothing of it. My boss also approach me and asked me to work on the side for him cleaning his house after receiving those messages I realized he was trying to get me alone Can I sue my ex-employer for sexual harassment.

0 answers  |  asked Oct 5, 2019 11:35 PM [EST]  |  applies to Indiana

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