victim of workplace violence

I was a victim of assult at work.
The companey took three weeks to do an investigation. They told me I have no legal right to know what actions were taken against the agresser. They have not set up a plan to keep violence from happening again and the agresser still works at the same job. His possition is assistant plant manager. What can I do.

2 answers  |  asked Mar 27, 2002 07:27 AM [EST]  |  applies to California

Answers (2)

Janet M. Koehn
assault at work

you do not disclose your gender or the nature of the assault. if the assault was sexual in nature, or on account of your gender or sexual orientation (or the assailant's), you most certainly have a right to know the results of the investigation and to know the actions taken by the company to protect you in the future. you have rights under various statutes. your company also can get a restraining order on your behalf.
i am concerned that you may be in danger, both off and on your job. please call me for a free telephone consultation. if i cannot help you because of geography, i'll refer you to an attorney experienced in employment law in your area who can help you.
please let me know how you get on.
janet koehn

posted by Janet M. Koehn  |  Mar 27, 2002 3:07 PM [EST]
Richard J. Vaznaugh

"Assault" is illegal at criminal and civil law. If he actually touched you and it caused harm that would be probably be a "battery" as well. If you would like me to determine if this is a viable case, please email me with more detail regarding the incident(s), any harm you suffered, where you work, whether you have filed a police report, etc. . . Sincerely, Richard J. Vaznaugh, Esq.

posted by Richard J. Vaznaugh  |  Mar 27, 2002 12:47 PM [EST]

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