Do I Have A Case For Court?

For that past year I have had to deal with mental harassment from my boss. He will make snide comments to me, when I ask a question he will not give a direct answer, but for other employees he will, he will give me instructions to do something, i do it, then he yells at me saying I did the wrong thing (even though I followed his instructions exactly as he stated them.) He tells me I need to make decisions on my own, and when I do, he yells at me saying I should have consulted him first. He does not do this with any other employee. I am the youngest employee at my job site, and believe my boss may look negatively at my age.

Recently, I filed a grievance against a female employee with my boss. That same day I was ordered to drive around an electric cart at night. Just before I pulled the cart out of the bay I received a call from my boss asking where I was. I told him I was about to take the cart out per his instructions. The last thing he said was "I'll be seeing you soon," then hung up. Very shortly afterward I was knocked off the back of the cart and had to be taken to the hospital. When I called my boss to tell him what had happened he did not seem surprised at all. He also showed up at the hospital to get my statement of what had happened and he was dressed in all black/dark clothing.

When I returned to work I was told by another employee that the day before my accident, my boss had asked him if he wanted my shift hours and position, and made the statement "I'll have to see how a certain scenario plays out first."

Am I wrong to believe my boss may have intentionally been harassing me to quit, and when I would not he attempted to cause me injury forcing me to quit? Do I have a legal case?

0 answers  |  asked Nov 21, 2010 2:26 PM [EST]  |  applies to Florida

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