My former employer contacted my current employer to set up a meeting, the two employers discussed my employment, stated that I was overall a good employee, but are concerned about confidentiality. The conversation was not during a reference call, but in a

I was terminated, in an at - will state (kansas). I was only marked as exemplary and outstanding on all of my evaluations, I implemented a policy to cover confidentiality, which they did not want to approve, nor did they sign, a statement of confidentiality after passing the policy. I was terminated due to a suspension, which I was suspended, for having workers do their work, to which they made policy directly following my suspension. They changed their story of my termination during the unemployment hearings. I believe there be malice behind the actions of a board member, who initiated my suspension and termination. Her actions towards this began after I denied services at the establishment based on policy

0 answers  |  asked Feb 25, 2015 4:52 PM [EST]  |  applies to Kansas

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