Is it libel?

I texted my boss I was sick due to lack of sleep on Monday morning. This has happened before, txt permitted instead of phone call. My boss txted back and was upset "On clean up day!!!" I LOL'd and said I was not likely to show up to the offices too which I do not reside to clean up someone else's mess. He said it was expected by all in the department regardless of seating location. I sent him a "thumbs up" emoji. Tuesday I came in to this email. Apparently, another co-worker called in/out for the day do to car trouble. Neither of us are known as "duckers" or gave a pattern of avoiding work. The email was sent on our official, not personal email accounts. Thank you for reading and opinionating.


I wanted to address your absence for the J2 cleanup. I hope that your
absences where not planned and that your intent was to be at work to help
clean up the zones. I have concerns that this was not the case based on a
couple things said, I hope this is not the case. Regardless of who made the
mess we are tackling this as a team. As a reminder we are a team and in the
future I expect that I will see you in attendance.

If you have questions or concerns please come see me on Monday"

0 answers  |  asked Apr 2, 2019 3:10 PM [EST]  |  applies to Virginia

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