Do I have alternatives for relocation agreement payback and payback amount?

I am employed by a company and have been for exactly one year. Relocating to the new location has not been good. My wife has been unable to find work and my son started college. The net effect is that I have drained the bonuses the company gave me to relocate as well as my own savings. I am forced to look for work in a new location. Thinking I had paid my debt to the company by being employed for one, I took a job with a new employer. My company then said that I was liable to the company for $83,000 because I am leaving within one year from the time that they PAID to me. After looking at the agreement, it does read accordingly to their interpretation. There is no sliding schedule and I am not being given any credit for the year that I did work there. They want all signing bonuses, relocation expenses, temporary living expenses, and grossed up tax money.

Do I have any alternatives?

1 answer  |  asked Jan 31, 2010 04:48 AM [EST]  |  applies to Florida

Answers (1)

Archibald Thomas
Assuming your former employer lived up to its end of the bargain, your best bet is probably to try to negotiate a repayment plan that gives you credit on a pro rata basis for the year and allows you to repay in installments. It probably wouldn't hurt to have a lawyer look over the agreement to see if there are any other issues.

posted by Archibald Thomas  |  Jan 31, 2010 7:08 PM [EST]

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