I have a claim I am sending to my companies ethics website to investigate. Is it best to send the documents of proof? If yes, does this include if it proves wrong doings of members of management? Even having been attempts to cover it up?

Brief explain I am filing a claim with my companies ethics, based from numerous accounts of harassment and targeting. My supervisor had been informed and has even witnessed occasions of this himself. He took photos for proof and sent them to management, they ignored every report. Then another employ meets with the plant manager off hours to report what is happening to the employee victim. 2 weeks later both employees are sick during covid-19 and were not allowed to leave without supervisor permission, both employees, whistleblower and victim fired instantly. Other employees that had violated same policy many times with witness never given thid treatment. The next day both employees are called back to work but only with harsh disciplinary actions, unpaid suspension, final warning, points against them. These two employees had paid sick time not used, and this was during the pandemic.

0 answers  |  asked Sep 3, 2020 07:17 AM [EST]  |  applies to Ohio

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