I am facing being asked to resign. If I refuse and am terminated, can I still get unemployment?

Hi there!

I am facing being asked to resign because I am unwilling to transfer to another store (which would be a 2+ hour commute plus tolls for a part time job). I've been employed with this company for 5 years, and have been an exemplary employee with no verbal or written warnings. I am in a relationship with a manager in the store who is willing to transfer but there are no openings in the district. Our work responsibilities have been separated in that we no longer work any shifts together, which I was under the assumption to be successfully separating our work responsibilities per the company policy. I do not wish to leave the company, having been there some time would take a significant pay cut doing so. The relationship in question is same sex and I feel as if we are being discriminated against. I have a copy of the company "fraternization" policy available.


1 answer  |  asked Jul 30, 2011 08:11 AM [EST]  |  applies to Florida

Answers (1)

Arthur Schofield
With a 2+ hour commute, the answer is likely yes. Question comes down to whether the job opportunity was reasonable. Driving over 4 hours per day would most likley not be considerd a reasonable offer.

Your question re: discrimination would require more facts to analyze. Let me know if my office can be of asssitance.

posted by Arthur Schofield  |  Aug 1, 2011 06:19 AM [EST]

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