Employer holding final pay, Unused Vacation pay , and expenses. They agreed to pay these

I was let go by my employer offically on June 19th, they post-dated my termination date to June 2, 2001 but agreed to the following email from HR:

XXXX, Inc will compensate you (me)
through June 19, 2001. Your (My) salary will be pro-rated to reflect the two days that you worked in the week of the 18th. Additionally, XXXX Inc. will
pay you for any earned but unused vacation.

Mr XXXXX (CEO) has requested that you send directly to him at XXX@calendarclub.com any/all work product that you produced after your
relocation to Wisconsin and a brief
written summary/narrative of the working relationship, as you understood it, that existed with Gary/Christmas Corner upon your relocation to Wisconsin. We will need to receive this information prior to the release
of ANY funds.

It has been 4 days since I provided the requested information and still they haven't sent payment. I have nothing to live on unemployment takes three to four weeks (I applied for Unemployment the date they gave me my notice June 19th). Can they keep holding on to the money owed to me? what can I do to push this process along?

1 answer  |  asked Jun 27, 2001 5:24 PM [EST]  |  applies to Wisconsin

Answers (1)

Sally Stix
Labor Standards Bureau

Try calling the Labor Standards Bureau of the Dept. of Workforce Development 608 266-6860. that is the number for the Equal Rights Division. The Labor Standards Bureau is part of ERD.

posted by Sally Stix  |  Jun 29, 2001 3:49 PM [EST]

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