Contract got cancelled in 1 week when I signed an initial contract for 4 months

I was offered a contract position at ABC Corp and I started working there. After a week when I submitted my timesheet, my manager told me that my contract wasnt fully approved. He thought it was fully approved but it wasnt. He send me home and told me to wait until the project is approved. After 2 weeks he told me that project got cancelled. Initially I was told that the project was 4 months. Can I sue them?? I also rejected a full time job offer because I thought I would save decent money in these 4 months.

1 answer  |  asked Nov 12, 2008 1:49 PM [EST]  |  applies to California

Answers (1)

Michael Tracy
Claim for wages, but probably not misrepresentation

The law is that the employer must pay you for all work that you performed. The fact that their client did not "approve" a project does not affect your wages. This is a risk the employer runs when they have someone work on a project that they might not get paid for.

In terms of passing up another job, the law is that there generally has to some type of material misrepresentation that you justifiably relied upon. There are special rules when you relocate to take a job, but you did not indicate that you did. The law for misrepresentation of job opportunities is more complex than I am outlining here, but I don't see a case for that based on the facts here. As a general rule, it is extremely difficult to recover for misrepresentation of a job, and it takes a lot more than the job simply turning out to be something different than promised.

posted by Michael Tracy  |  Nov 12, 2008 2:38 PM [EST]

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