Can another worker move my things?

I received an email from a coworker (not a manager, just a coworker) who said that either another coworker or myself had to swap desks with a new employee- as it is logical to have him sit next to those he works with. The new employee sat in a room where no one like to sit because the temperature is about 60-65 degrees. I said its too cold for me and when i spoke to my manager, he told me to tell her no. The other employee included in the email said he would swap desks if it was best for the organization. I work in IT and everyone in that room was technical, except for the coworker who sent me the email. About a week later, i was working off site and was told that the employee that sent the email submitted a request that initiated swapping my and the new employees items. The coworker that sent the email sent me another email stating that my manager made the executive decision to have me moved. When i get to work, i see that the coworker that has been sending me the emails sitting where i used to sit and some of my things in a box at the new employees former desk and some of my personal items were missing. Am i wrong to be upset about this and should i approach my manager about this?

0 answers  |  asked Jun 11, 2017 9:37 PM [EST]  |  applies to California

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