age discrimination in severance

My company is going through several rounds of cuts in headcount and I'm one of them. I am concerned that there may be some degree of age discrimination or other bias at work in my regard.

I am over 40 and when I have approched my HR rep with applications for open positions within the company I've been told there's nothing for me and I should be looking outside the company.

I was not given any time to review the documents they presented me with around my severence, I had to sign right there in the office and was not even given time to read them, the HR rep just "explained" them. I also was not given a copy of what I signed though I have a letter detailing that I am to recieve one month's pay.

My termination date will be barely two months from the date on which my 401K matching funds would be vested. I stand to lose over $6000 in matching funds. It is also less than two weeks from the end of my current college session so I lose the ability to have my tuition reimbursed.

I've asked to be extended through the 401K vesting date, and they have extended, multiple times, some of the other employees being terminated. However they will not extend me.

1 answer  |  asked Aug 8, 2001 12:14 PM [EST]  |  applies to Illinois

Answers (1)

Aaron Maduff
Severance Package and Age Discrimination

You seem to have two different potential claims. One for age discrimination and one for an inappropriate severance agreement. Usually a severance agreement will suggest that you contact an attorney anyway. Take a look at yours and see if it says that. Furthermore, you are usually entitled to revoke within 7 days of signing the agreement. As for the age discrimination claim, one of the major issues is whether you are being treated differently than younger people.

posted by Aaron Maduff  |  Aug 9, 2001 6:58 PM [EST]

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