I have been employed as an LVN at a Skilled nursing facility for about 7 years, I act as a Med nurse and a treatment nurse and am required of completing my duties in an 8 hour period, which is virtually impossible. I have been written up for clocking out

I have been employed as an LVN at a Skilled nursing facility for about 7 years, I act as a Med nurse and a treatment nurse and am required of completing my duties in an 8 hour period, which is virtually impossible especially when the census is full. I have been written up for clocking out for my shift beyond 8 hours. And for fear of losing my job I am given an understanding that I must work off the clock to complete my work for if I work beyond 8 hours it will be overtime and that would be considered as stealing from my employer. There are hourly RN's that also have the same problem at my job. Sometimes they tell us to sign an inservice record so the Director of nursing won't get reprimanded for allowing too much overtime as well. We nurses really care about our job and our patients but as a floor nurse I feel we should be afforded more help or allowed more time to complete our job.I want to do something but am scared of retaliation , and I don't want to lose my license because it is something I worked really hard to get. I used to be enthused to be a nurse but now I am not. What should I do I am so confused. I should have looked for employment elsewhere but I know if I leave, the employer would just do this to my replacement.

0 answers  |  asked Mar 18, 2015 12:21 AM [EST]  |  applies to California

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