fired for false accusation

i was accused of using racial language at work by a "customer" who reported it to the company. i was immediately suspended, then fired about 2 weeks later. The claims are untrue, and the investigation by the company was faulty and incomplete. what can i legally do to defend against this when it is clearly a case of" he-said vs she-said"

1 answer  |  asked Aug 25, 2013 1:19 PM [EST]  |  applies to Pennsylvania

Answers (1)

Doris Dabrowski
I assume that you are a private sector, rather than a government employee. Unless you have an employment contract or work under a collective bargaining agreement, you are an employee at will. At-will employees may be terminated at any time for any reason which does not violate the law.

You may wish to discuss with a lawyer disparities in the severity of the discipline imposed on you in contrast to the discipline imposed on comparable employees of other races. If a third party made a false accusation to your employer, a lawyer may analyze evidence of a possible defamation or interference with contract claim against the individual(s) who falsely accused you.

You may qualify for unemployment compensation if wilful misconduct is not proven.

This response can only provide general information about issues which you should discuss with a lawyer. It does not constitute legal advice on which you may rely in your particular situation.

posted by Doris Dabrowski  |  Aug 26, 2013 2:17 PM [EST]

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