Are co workers allowed to do background checks and share information and harrass you?

I have been a stylist with this company for 2 years. Throughout the the first year and a half I kept getting called in by the owner for petty things other stylists made up about me. And they treated me disrespectfully. Like giving me bad drawer checks, telling I couldn’t use a product on clients that I sold because of using it, stupid petty things. I have continuously asked to be left alone and it continued and the owner kept reprimanding me and ultimately transferred me to a different salon. I built my clientele at this salon so transferring me and not telling my clients where I was resulted in my pay going down. 2 clients happen to find me at my location and told me. Then one of the mgrs that was the reason for the transfer quit and I asked to return back and take the management position. I was told I’d be trained but not to say anything right away. I had no issues at the salon transferred to and the minute I got back to the salon I immediately had problems from the shift leader that claimed to be acting manager. Her and another stylist who had no mgt position we’re claiming to be managers. When I did say I was interested I was immediately and constantly put in my place and harassed for doing duties I was told to step up and do. I would come in and get yelled at by the acting mgr shift leader for doing her job when she was out and calling the owner on me saying I reacted to her yelling which I did not I simply asked her to stop making me feel uncomfortable. I was talked to and told not I wasn’t allowed to tell employees about a trip I was taking, I wasn’t allowed to help without being asked, and I had to be a robot. Then at a meeting she announced the shift leader and someone she recommended was new shift leader and no manager going to be appointed. The shift leader/ acting manager was now shooting down every suggestion I made, putting requests under other stylists controlling which clients I did, and even allowing another stylist with no manager title who works as paralegal to conduct background checks using her connections in the field. I had done a redo service on her client and the next day I come in to work and the 2 shift leaders were conducting a meeting about me. I announced I was there and quickly took off speaker and shut the door. Then that day I found out that another stylists were doing background checks. The next day that stylist was coming in not on her scheduled shifts and was doing the register that I was supposed to be doing and didn’t clock me in making appear me late. This was the 3 rd time she came in like she was watching me and doing the register for me for no reason. I felt that an incident 13 yrs ago was being talked about and trust issue was created that was not previously there. There were a couple issues that caused me to put my notice in. But once I complained of the background check to the acting mgr and asked them to stop treating me unfairly and stop allowing this stylist to use her connections as a paralegal at work. The next day I was let go even after the other shift leader told our owner that the stylist was performing background checks and the owner dismisses saying she wasn’t that it was searching and that was legal. She asked the shift leader if in her opinion did she think the stylist was doing that and she said yes that the stylist told her she was using her connection and doing background checks on all the stylists. And the owner again dismissed it saying it was legal to search anyone you want. This is true but at work I didn’t think this was allowed without my consent. Then I was let go because I had texted the shift leader the night before. The text sent the night before was just telling the shift leader I felt violated and asked them to please not allow this. I had asked to retract my notice of November 30th be my last day. Because of that text my retraction was rejected and let go Thst day. I feel it’s all retailiation for the redo, because I was interested in the mgr position, I was harassed and then complained about. My commission was taken due to refunding a service that was done 3 weeks prior after the time allowed. I think they knew I needed money because of my trip and purposely making my check smaller. I feel like all these things were done against me and when I spoke up I was let go because of it. Now I leave for my trip in 2 days and have no extra money I counted on making and no job to return to. When I wasn’t supposed to leave for 3 more weeks. Is this allowed?

0 answers  |  asked Nov 14, 2018 07:41 AM [EST]  |  applies to Arizona

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