salary holiday pay and time clocks

the company i work for is a salary and hourly based employer. for our holidays they require us to work the day before and the day after to be paid for the holiday. i understand the hourly employees, but the salary based emplyees salary is based on 40 hours a week 52 weeks per year. is it lawfull for them to deduct time from us if we leave early the day after, the same amount of time from the holiday. is it lawfull for them to reguire that the salary based employees punch the time clock?

1 answer  |  asked Jul 5, 2006 4:53 PM [EST]  |  applies to California

Answers (1)

Janet M. Koehn
good practice

not only is it lawful for salaried employees to punch the clock, but it is good employer practice. many laws require information about employees' time, such as qualification for family leave, time taken for rerquired rest and meal breaks, and other such information. an employer is remiss if it does not require good time records of all its employees.
your employer has the right to deny you holiday pay, even if you are a salaried employee, if you do not work the required other days. holiday pay is not required by law. it is a matter of company policy. by the same token, the company can have certain prerequisites before it pays for a day off.

posted by Janet M. Koehn  |  Jul 6, 2006 12:42 AM [EST]

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