Toxic members

First case:

Few members in the institute I work for have been working hard to defame me and spread rumors about me amongst people of my community, those rumors are very toxic rumors & the reason is they are plotting to get rid of me and end my contract, the community stood up in solidarity and defend me, after several sitting those rumors were cleared & turn out to be baseless. I have suffered a great deal of anxiety, emotional distress, stress & insecurity I am father or two kids and I feel damaged due what they have put me through, it got to the point that my wife received a threatening call saying that they will destroy me! What should I do, I feel insecure in my job and these people are determine on getting rid of me I am lost and confused. Do I turn to police or court system I am not sure what to do at this point. I have been heavily discriminated against please advise me on what is the righteous thing to do?

Both are related and at the same work place.

Second case:

I have been put on forced leave of absence without pay, and the basis of the leave of absence as it written on the letter is that due to the trip I help planning and advocating, an agency was supposed to take people in the trip, after collecting the money from the clients the agency failed to deliver and paid back 75% of the fees to the clients. Our attorney was pursuing the agency to remit the remaining balance.

0 answers  |  asked May 11, 2016 12:45 PM [EST]  |  applies to Ohio

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