Switching from flat vacation days to PTO in Arizona.

I have worked for my employer for five years and according to company policy am entitled to 10 days of paid vacation per year. Arizona state law recently changed to force employers to offer five days PTO (for sick days I think was the legislative claim) but my company decided to switch their entire vacation system over to PTO so they wouldn't have to give 10 vacation days and allow people to accrue 5 days PTO which is fine.

The PTO law went into effect July 1 and despite knowing about the impending change since basically November my employer and our payroll company seem to have been taken completely by surprise and we are getting a lot of mixed messages about how the conversion from our old system to our new system will work. I'm confident it will all get worked out but I can't get an answer on something that is deeply concerning to me and I want to know if my employer has any obligation to compensate me for vacation I would have earned under our old system.

Our old system was simple, you work for a year and you get vacation time in a lump sum at the start of your anniversary month. My anniversary month is February and I worked from February 2016 to February 2017 and received my ten days vacation. Now I've worked February 2017 to July 1 when PTO started and seemingly will not receive any vacation for the time worked between my anniversary and our conversion to PTO (this comes out to about 6.6 hours a month or 33 hours total). I wouldn't have been able to use this time until February 2018 under our old system but it was still time earned and under our new PTO system it will be as if the time between February and July 1 never happened.

Should I accept the loss and move on or is it worth trying to recover the lost time for myself and the other employees?

0 answers  |  asked Aug 11, 2017 07:20 AM [EST]  |  applies to Arizona

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