Am I Approved or Have I Been Denied?


I requested unemployment benefits on 8/14/2016 after realizing just how horrendous this company was. I was employed for 32 days, including weekends and holidays (yeah, it was that bad) and received the decision today that benefits would be granted.
Insert confusion: Having been with "Company X" for 32 days means my previous employer, "Company Y" will ultimately be the source of paying the unemployment funds. I received the decision from unemployment today that I'm denied benefits from Company Y.

Clearly, the goal for anyone is to have a job before leaving a current job and though there are lots of reasons why I left Company Y (Reasonable accommodations were put in place for me due to the extreme toll this job placed on my health etc) my claim was placed because of the madness that is Company X.

One last piece of information: Company Y is the first company I'd ever said yes to having a 401k with. They contributed to my 401k and in the mania of it all, I plain forgot that I still had this 401k sitting, untouched. It wasn't much, about $2,450 prior to deductions. Once it dawned on me that I have this and could really use the funds, I requested to cash it out. I then called and reported this to unemployment, gave them all the numbers, figures, etc and completed the required form all before ever receiving the 401k money. So, initial claim submitted 8/14/2016, notification of 401k submitted 8/19/2016. I received the decision on the 401k today as well and it states that they're going withhold unemployment pay for certain dates, that my 9/17/2016 payment will be reduced by $57 dollars, and as long as I continue to do what I'm supposed to do, as in request payment and look for work, I'm to be issued the remainder of the benefits.

Three decisions, two say yes you fit the requirements and one that states I don't fit the requirements. The unemployment person I spoke with today said I'm denied and my claim is still pending approval.

What in the world is happening here? Am I approved? Denied? Is my claim closed? I am so very confused by this. Please, please help me understand what is happening and what is likely going to happen assuming of course my claim is indeed open and still being reviewed.

Thank you for any light you shed on this.

0 answers  |  asked Sep 9, 2016 2:12 PM [EST]  |  applies to Colorado

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