unable to find new employment due to possible slander

my employer called me to his office in front of one of the executive manamgers and asked me if i was dumb with regard to a sales transaction i told him i dont know from dumb he asked the same question 2 more times to which i did not respond he then fired me. i later learned that he stated through the exec. mngr. that i was fired for threatening him there have been many rumors about my termination that may be preventing me from employment inside my industry could you help?

1 answer  |  asked Sep 27, 2001 4:11 PM [EST]  |  applies to New York

Answers (1)

David M. Lira
Is Your Employer Preventing YOur from Getting New Work

At this point, I can't help you, but here are somethings you can do to get to the point where I might be able to help you.

You might be having trouble getting a new job because, when a possible new employer checks your references, the new employer is getting false information from the old employer. If you believe this is happening, first try asking the new employer what the old employer said. Frankly, this usually doesn't work, but you never know what you'll get if you ask.

If that doesn't work, you need to get someone reliable, and who will be available in the future to check your references. You might get a friend or relative to pose as a potential employer, and have that person call your old employer, saying that he or she is checking your reference. There are also commercial services out their that will document a reference check for you. You should be able to find them on the web. Also get a copy of you credit report. You should be able to get this at little or no cost. Credit reports do often list some employment information.

THe object of this activity is to document what the employer is saying about you. If the employer is saying something false about you, you might have a defamation action against that former employer.

posted by David M. Lira  |  Oct 1, 2001 2:08 PM [EST]

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