Retaliation/ Defamation/Worngful Discharge

I started with my previous employer on 05/15/10. I was hired as a Staffing Coordinator and in June of 2010 was promoted to a Payroll/Staffing Coordiantor. I received an excellent review after my 90 days which resulted in the above promotion. Since my promotion I have been targeted by my Clinical Mgr making false statements about my performance. In Oct of 2010. I was asked by my Clinical Mgr and Administrator to process payroll for an employee that goes back over a year old so the company can bill Medicare. I did not wont to process the payroll because I didn't wont to be invovled with any medicare inquiry. I informed my Clinical Mgr, HR Mgr and Payroll/Billing Mgr of this. I was told that I had no choice as it was my job to do so our billing dept can go back in bill medicare for visists that were done over a year ago. Right after this my clinical Mgr started to harass me everyday, I file a compliant with our HR Mgr for hostile work envorinment and was told that I was over reacting. I was terminated from my employer on 01/14/11. After, I field another compliant with our Corp HR Dept on 01/13/11. I have filed an unemployment cliam and it was denied. I am currently waiting on a scheudle hearing.

The employer response stated that I never called clients back, employees, did not process payroll, etc. My employer has named clients and I have talked with those clients who stated they have never informed my employer of such. Now, I have my employer making false statements regarding my performance and character.

1 answer  |  asked May 2, 2011 2:57 PM [EST]  |  applies to Ohio

Answers (1)

Bruce Elfvin
While the conduct you describe certainly appears to be motivated by your complaints. The complaints do not appear to be for refusing to do something that was illegal, but rather something that made you uncomfortable. I do not know all of the ins and outs of medical institutions or medicare practices, so I cannot comment on the task itself. It sounds a little fishy but may have a good or bad explanation. It does seem that you were terminated for the convenience of your employer and not for any just cause.

You should talk to an employment attorney near you. You can select one at

posted by Bruce Elfvin  |  May 3, 2011 06:26 AM [EST]  [ Best Answer - selected by asker ]

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