Alegation of use of acohol at lunch.

came back from lunch to work for one hour before taking the rest of the day off on personal time off. I had arraignments to meet a friend at my house to move a couch and love set to my rental house with his truck. I left the building and forgot my phone at my desk so As I I was walking out a supervisor asked me if I could answer a important question to get parts of of Stock. I told him I was on personal time off and he said I needed me to provide clarification to question before I leave so We stopped in anthor mangers office and was asked a question. I said you guys know the answer but provided clarification. As soon as I answered the question and started to walk out I was told by the supervisor that a individual thought they could smell alcohol on my breath when I came back from lunch and Hr was. Coming from another facility and I had to sign a form and had to go take a urine test and if I had any amount of acohol in my urine I would be fired. The supervisor immediately apologized that he had to lie to me to get me to talk about company business and it didn’t matter that I was no longer on the clock. I felt that my rights were violated and said I think I need to talk to a lawyer to see what my rights were. As I was walking out to my car they said if you leave you will be terminated. I said I had someone waiting for me at my house and left when to my house and told my friend what happen and drove back to work with my girlfriend and said I will take the test to prove im not intoxicated and will go take the test. I went back and told the supervisor that i was willing to go take the test to prove I was clean. He called Hr and I waited in the supervisor office for another hour and was told I was being terminated at will because I left. I was employed for 9 1/2 years and this was the first time the issue of alcohol use was ever brought to my attention. Since california law requires the employer to prove misconduct and I was denied any test will I be denied unemployment bennifits and is there grounds for wrongful termination?

0 answers  |  asked Feb 22, 2020 4:35 PM [EST]  |  applies to California

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