FMLA discrimination?

I’m not sure if I am being discriminated against for being on FMLA. I am working a reduced schedule (32 hours instead of 42 hours), due to my mental health and have been doing so for the last 6 months. My supervisors have often made mention of me not being at work for such and such thing, like a meeting. Ok ...

Two weeks ago, I came down with the flu and had a temperature of 100.5, so I called out. Typically when this occurs, they put “sick” next to our names on the schedule. They put me as “call out”. I have another coworker who has called out for 18 shifts in the last two months for various health and family issues. He was not forced onto FMLA, as I was. They document all of his shifts as “sick” or just out a line through his name. The schedule is public, so it looks to my peers as if I just decided to not show up that day, for no particular reason. I am not calling out of my shifts and leaving them short staffed chronically. My reduced schedule is planned so that they can have adequate staffing. However, my coworker calls out all the time, leaving us short handed at a mental health facility and he has faced no adverse effects. The reason I am so concerned is that my flu has turned into bronchitis. I’m not sure how to handle it because it seems like my employers often single me out as a result of my being on FMLA. The company does have sick day policies, which I always follow.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

0 answers  |  asked May 31, 2019 08:15 AM [EST]  |  applies to Maine

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