I worked for a company and was written up for being late but I and 2 other employees all walked in late together and they never were wrote up and one was on there final write up. The same person wrote me up multiple times for being 10-15 minutes late whil

I worked for Aramark at Chillicothe Correctional Institution. I was always harassed due to the fact I didn’t want to de-humanize the inmates. Everyone comes in late and they never get wrote up and I have never called off and always came in on days off if asked and stayed later if asked. I was never late because I’m irresponsible I had reasons such as my daughter was raped. Was doing all I could do as a single mother to get off of assistance and out of metropolitan housing and also dealing with bedbugs my neighbor in the metropolitan duplex we lived in had them very badly and metro never treated my side and my shifts are 16 hour shifts and I had at least 5 hours of work to do to allow us to remain as safe as we could / running stuff thru the dryer, vacuuming, spraying etc and then finally moved into a non metropolitan apartment and all be Daggon if this place didn’t have them as well 🤬🤬 I had been making it to work on time and most managers understood my situation my final write up was due to the generator going out and my electric was off so my cell phone was dead and my alarm was unable to work without electricity. My boss fired me. No body else is ever held accountable for being late or calling off 3 out of 5 days. I’ve even walked in late with 2 other employees and was the only one written up. My boss failed to ever do termination paperwork and then when he did he falsified 3 dates 2 of which I never even worked on those days and he said my final day was 10/20/19 when In fact it was 11/24/19 that’s what he submitted to corporate and my signature is on that paperwork as well. I never signed that. And he isn’t allowing me to have my paperwork and has changed the codes and locks so other managers can’t get it for me. I have 3 witnesses who heard one manager say her (me) signature was forged.

0 answers  |  asked Jan 11, 2020 4:38 PM [EST]  |  applies to Ohio

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