If I have a primary job and my part-time job is mandating that we are tested for COVID every 2 weeks but wants me to be late for the primary job is this legal when it can actually jeopardize my primary job?

I have tried my best to work with my part-time job regarding COVID-19 testing, but they are making it mandatory testing every 2 weeks which is a conflict with my primary job because if I come in late I will not be paid. So I have been trying to make appointments to get tested but there are long wait times and testing stops earlier that I get off and yet they have not tried to take responsibility of making it convenient enough that I will not miss hours at my full time job. The latest situation they directed me to a facility where I would have to pay out of pocket because they do not work with health insurance companies. So, I am in need of direction please so that I know my rights.

1 answer  |  asked Jul 29, 2020 12:08 PM [EST]  |  applies to Florida

Answers (1)

Archibald Thomas
In Florida, there is no legal obligation for an employer to accommodate your schedule to enable you to be on time for work with another employer. However, you may be entitled to have the employer requiring the testing to both pay for the test, if not otherwise covered by insurance, and to pay for the time it takes you to travel to and from the testing site and any time waiting for the test to be administered. Although the Department of Labor has issued no specific guidance on this precise issue, previous guidance issued in connection with required drug testing indicates that compensation may be required for Covid testing and any time you spend to comply with the employer's requirement.

posted by Archibald Thomas  |  Jul 29, 2020 12:57 PM [EST]

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