wrongful termination pursuant to public policy

For your review, if you can please assist me with this case or refer me to someone.

On June 6, 2007 ; I filed a complaint with the IRS about the city of Crescent City not paying employment taxes and not reporting income paid to its city council members. I issued a 1099 on Mr. Scuvazzo, city council member, for the past three years. I later that month received an e-mail from the IRS in response to my e-mail previously about how the money should be reported and how many years back I needed to go. The IRS said that I needed to go back 4 years and the 1099 need to be corrected and a w-2 needed to be issue since employment taxes needed to be withheld and gave my boss Mr. Naffah a copy of the e-mail. I then gave direction to my staff to go ahead and correct the 1099 and issue the w-2 for the past 4 years. Before my staff could issue the w-2 the City council member yelled at my boss Mr. Naffah, the city manager, and told him that after the budget I was out of there 'gone' and that he did not have to report the income. Mr. Naffah then directed me to issue a memo with the corrected 1099s attach and inform Mr. Scuvazzo that we were going to wait for a repayment plan of the money. Early Sept. Mr. Naffah contacted Elaine, a former contract employee to ask about my attitude, personality, and work performance. Elaine stated I was the best thing that the city had, and she spoke very highly of my work performance and well my personality was with the public and employees. On Sept. 24, 2007 at 3:35 pm I contact the Cities attorney about the illegal activities in regards to the sewer rates and he told me to keep my mouth shut for a few days and that evening was the last budget meeting. On Sept. 25, at 8:20am the next moring, the Mayor and Mr. Naffah were waiting for me to terminate my employment.

1 answer  |  asked Nov 19, 2007 10:33 AM [EST]  |  applies to California

Answers (1)

George Allen
Contact CELA

Your case merits close review by an attorney. I do not know of any experienced employment attorneys in or near your area. I suggest you visit www.celaweb.org to find a geographically appropriate attorney. Good luck.

posted by George Allen  |  Nov 19, 2007 12:03 PM [EST]

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