Okay so I worked 16 hours on New Year's so that would have been time and a half but also that week I work a total of 56 hours so I should have gotten overtime pay and Holiday if they were on separate days correct

I Feel like they are just shorting me on my pay because they don't really want to pay it holiday and overtime

1 answer  |  asked Jan 10, 2019 02:46 AM [EST]  |  applies to Pennsylvania

Answers (1)

Scott Leah
The answer to this question depends on what your company's policy is regarding holiday pay.

Under the law, you do not get paid any premium pay for working on a holiday, or for working more than 8 hours in a day. So working 16 hours on New Year's Day would be, under the law, all at straight time.

However, many employers have policies whereby they pay a premium rate for employees who work on a holiday. If so, then you should get that premium rate for the holiday hours.

Regardless of whether you receive premium pay for the holiday, it would have no effect on the 16 overtime hours you worked that week. You are entitled to be paid time and a half for those overtime hours as all time over 40 hours in a work week must be paid at the overtime premium rate.

posted by Scott Leah  |  Jan 10, 2019 06:20 AM [EST]

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